Example #1
async def execute_python(client: Client, message: Message):
    Execute any Python 3 code. Native async code is unsupported,
    so import asyncio and run it manually whenever you need it.
    Note that the client and message are available to use in this command.
    args = get_args(message.text or message.caption, maximum=1)
    if args:
        clear_timeout = 15
        result_type = "Output"
        old_stdout = sys.stdout
        old_stderr = sys.stderr
            sys.stdout = StringIO(
            )  # Replace stdout and stderr to catch prints and unhandled errors
            sys.stderr = StringIO()
            exec(args, globals(), locals())

            raw_output = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip().split(
                "\n") if sys.stdout.getvalue() else None
            if raw_output:
                output = "\n".join(raw_output[:7])  # Limit the output length
                if len(raw_output) > 7:
                    output += "\n..."
            elif sys.stderr.getvalue(
            ):  # In case we have something in our stderr, we treat it as an error
                result_type = "Error log"
                output = sys.stderr.getvalue().strip()
                output = "The script was successful..."

            text = "<b>Input:</b>\n<pre>{}</pre>\n\n<b>{}:</b>\n<pre>{}</pre>".format(
                quote_html(args), result_type, quote_html(output))
        except Exception:
            etype, evalue, _ = sys.exc_info()
            text = "<b>Input:</b>\n<pre>{}</pre>\n\n<b>Error log:</b>\n<pre>{}</pre>".format(
                        etype, evalue)).strip()),  # A short message
        finally:  # Always return to original stdout and stderr
            sys.stdout = old_stdout
            sys.stderr = old_stderr
        clear_timeout = 3.5
        text = "Write the <b>python code</b> to be executed."

    await message.edit_text(text)
    await clean_up(client,
Example #2
async def flood_command(client: Client, message: Message):
    Classic flooder. It's quite dangerous so use it carefully. I'm not responsible for any harm or account losses.
    args = get_args(message.text or message.caption)
    if len(args) != 2 or not args[0].isdigit():  # Not enough arguments
        await message.edit_text(
            "Pass the number of messages and the text that will be repeated.\n\n<code>.flood 3 we are victors!</code>"
        await clean_up(client, message.chat.id, message.message_id)
        text_to_flood = quote_html(args[1])
        await message.edit_text(text_to_flood
                                )  # Edit the message with .flood command.
        for _ in range(int(args[0]) - 1):
                await message.reply_text(text_to_flood,
            except FloodWait as ex:
                logger.error(f"Sleeping for {ex.x} seconds in .flood")
                await asyncio.sleep(ex.x)
            except RPCError as ex:
                logger.error(f"{ex} in .flood, stopping command!")
Example #3
async def flood_command(_, message: Message):
    Send a specified number of messages consecutively. Only for development and testing purposes.
    Using this command in malicious ways may lead to your profile loss,
    I'm not responsible for any damage caused.
    args = message.get_args()
    if len(args) != 2 or not args[0].isdigit():  # Not enough arguments
        await message.edit_text(
            "Pass the number of messages and the text that will be repeated."
            "\n\n<code>.flood 3 we are victors!</code>",
        await message.delete()
        for _ in range(int(args[0])):
                await message.reply_text(
                    quote_html(args[1]), quote=False, disable_web_page_preview=True
            except FloodWait as ex:
                logger.error(f"Sleeping for {ex.x} seconds in .flood")
                await asyncio.sleep(ex.x)
            except RPCError as ex:
                logger.error(f"{ex} in .flood, stopping command!")
async def execute_python(client: Client, message: Message):
    Execute <s>almost</s> any Python 3 code.
    Native async code is unsupported, so import asyncio and run it manually whenever you need it.
    Note that the Client and Message <b>are available</b> for you in here.
    Also, be wary of security threats when using this command, and <b>DO NOT</b> use any suspicious
    code given by other people.
    if args := message.get_args(maximum=1):
        clear_timeout = 20.5
        result_type = "Output"
        old_stdout = sys.stdout
        old_stderr = sys.stderr
            sys.stdout = (
            )  # Replace stdout and stderr to catch prints and unhandled errors
            sys.stderr = StringIO()
            exec(args[0], globals(), locals())

            raw_output = (sys.stdout.getvalue().strip().split("\n")
                          if sys.stdout.getvalue() else None)
            if raw_output:
                output = "\n".join(raw_output[:7])  # Limit the output length
                if len(raw_output) > 7:
                    output += "\n..."
            elif (
            ):  # In case we have something in our stderr, we treat it as an error
                result_type = "Error log"
                output = sys.stderr.getvalue().strip()
                output = "The script was successful..."

            text = "<b>Input:</b>\n<pre>{}</pre>\n\n<b>{}:</b>\n<pre>{}</pre>".format(
                quote_html(args[0]), result_type, quote_html(output))
        except Exception:  # noqa
            etype, evalue, _ = sys.exc_info()
            text = "<b>Input:</b>\n<pre>{}</pre>\n\n<b>Error log:</b>\n<pre>{}</pre>".format(
                        etype, evalue)).strip()),  # A short message
        finally:  # Always return to original stdout and stderr
            sys.stdout = old_stdout
            sys.stderr = old_stderr
Example #5
def get_anime_info(response: dict) -> str:
    Get a ready-to-use info about an anime and return the whole text.

    :param response: JSON response
    japanese_title = quote_html(response["title_romaji"])
    english_title = quote_html(
    ) if response["title_english"] else japanese_title
    episode = response["episode"]
    is_nsfw = "Yes" if response["is_adult"] else "No"

    if japanese_title == english_title:
        title_block = f"<b>Title:</b> <code>{japanese_title}</code>"
        title_block = (
            f"<b>English title:</b> <code>{english_title}</code>\n<b>Japanese title:</b> <code>{japanese_title}</code>"

    if episode:
        minutes, seconds = divmod(int(response["at"]), 60)
        episode = f"\nEpisode <b>{episode}</b>, at <b>~{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}</b>"
        episode = ""

    anilist = ANILIST_URL.format(anime_id=response["anilist_id"])
    if response["mal_id"]:
        myanimelist = MAL_URL.format(anime_id=response["mal_id"])
        link_block = (
            f'<b><a href="{myanimelist}">Watch on MyAnimeList</a>\n<a href="{anilist}">Watch on Anilist</a></b>'
        link_block = f'<b><a href="{anilist}">Watch on Anilist</a></b>'

    accuracy = (Decimal(response["similarity"]) * 100).quantize(Decimal(".01"))
    warn = ", <i>probably wrong</i>" if accuracy < 87 else ""
    full_text = f"{title_block}\n\nNSFW: <b>{is_nsfw}</b>\nAccuracy: <b>{accuracy}%</b>{warn}{episode}\n\n{link_block}"

    return full_text
Example #6
def get_entity_info(entity: Union[User, Chat, ChatPreview]) -> str:
    Build info text according to a specified User or Chat object and return the result.

    :param entity: User/Chat/ChatPreview object of the target
    if isinstance(entity, User):  # It's a User object
        if entity.is_deleted:
            full_text = f"<b>{entity.first_name}</b>\n\nThis profile is deleted."
            dc_name = (f"{entity.dc_id}-{DC_LOCATIONS[entity.dc_id]}"
                       if entity.dc_id else "Unavailable")
            full_text = (
                f"<b>{entity.mention}</b>\n\n<b>ID</b>: "
                f"<code>{entity.id}</code>\nType: <b>user</b>\nIs bot: <b>"
                f"{STATUS[entity.is_bot]}</b>\nIs scam: "
                f"<b>{STATUS[entity.is_scam]}</b>\nData center: <b>{dc_name}</b>"
    elif isinstance(entity, ChatPreview):  # It's a private chat preview
        full_text = (f"<b>{entity.title}</b>\n\nType: "
                     f"<b>{entity.type}</b>\nIs private: <b>Yes</b>\n"
                     f"Members count: <b>{entity.members_count}</b>"
                     f"\n\n<i>Join this {entity.type} to get more info.</i>")
    else:  # It's a Chat object
        dc_name = f"{entity.dc_id}-{DC_LOCATIONS[entity.dc_id]}" if entity.dc_id else "Unavailable"
        description = f"{quote_html(entity.description)}\n\n" if entity.description else ""
        linked_chat = (f"<code>{entity.linked_chat.id}</code>"
                       if entity.linked_chat else "<b>None</b>")
        is_private = not bool(entity.username)

        if entity.username:
            title = f'<a href="https://t.me/{entity.username}">{entity.title}</a>'
            title = quote_html(entity.title)

        full_text = (
            f"<b>{title}</b>\n\n{description}<b>ID</b>: "
            f"<code>{entity.id}</code>\nType: <b>{entity.type}</b>\n"
            f"Linked chat: {linked_chat}\nIs private: <b>{STATUS[is_private]}</b>\n"
            f"Is scam: <b>{STATUS[entity.is_scam]}</b>\nData center: <b>{dc_name}</b>"

    return full_text
Example #7
    def secure_text(cls, v):
        if not v:
            return None

        return quote_html(v)