def get_obj_auth(oid=None, obj=None): s = SQL() if obj is None: return False res = s.query_value("`authority`", "`" + obj + "`", "`id`=" + oid) if not res or len(res) < 1: return False return json.loads(res[0])
def index(): try: s = SQL() sql = "select * from `user`" return jsonify({"status": "ok", "data": s.query(sql)}) except Exception as e: log.logger.warning(e) return jsonify({"status": "failed", "data": "error:%s" % e})
def get_user_id(access_token="*"): from app.utils import SQL s = SQL() res = s.query_value("`id`", "`login`", "where `access_token` = '%s'" % access_token) if not res or len(res) < 1: return None return res[0]
def get_detail(): try: tid = escape_string(request.args.get("id")) s = SQL() condition = "where id = %s" % tid sql = "select `name`,`homepage`,`header`,`age`,`job`,`edu`,`degree`,`email`,`native`,`pho`,`department`," \ "`intro`,`paper`,`other` from `people` where id = %s;" % tid return jsonify({"status": "ok", "data": s.query(sql)}) except Exception as e: log.logger.warning(e) return jsonify({"status": "failed", "data": "error:%s" % e})
def get_list(): try: page = int(request.args.get('page') or "1") psize = int(request.args.get('psize') or "8") pno = (page - 1) * psize s = SQL() condition = "where 1 = 1" sql = "select `id`,`pub_date`,`tag`,`title`,`type` from (select * from `notice` order by pub_date desc ) " \ "tmp %s limit %d , %d " % (condition, pno, psize) return jsonify({"status": "ok", "data": s.query(sql)}) except Exception as e: log.logger.warning(e) return jsonify({"status": "failed", "data": "error:%s" % e})
def get_mlist(): try: page = int(request.args.get('page') or "1") psize = int(request.args.get('psize') or "8") ntype = escape_string(request.args.get("type") or "news") pno = (page - 1) * psize s = SQL() # 补充查询条件 condition = "where 1 = 1 and `status` = 'valid' and `type` = '%s'" % ntype sql = "select `id`,`title`,`pub_date`,`album`,`author`,`type` from " \ "(select * from `news` order by pub_date desc ) tmp %s limit %d , %d" % (condition, pno, psize) return jsonify({"status": "ok", "data": s.query(sql)}) except Exception as e: log.logger.warning(e) return jsonify({"status": "failed", "data": "error:%s" % e})
def news_review(): try: nid = escape_string(request.args.get("id")) # 验证权限 # 通过验证 s = SQL() sql = "update `news` set status = 'pass' where id = '%s'" % nid s.operator(sql) return jsonify({"status": "ok", "data": "新闻审批通过"}) except Exception as e: log.logger.warning(e) return jsonify({"status": "failed", "data": "error:%s" % e})
def check_mani(mani, obj, oid=None, access_token="*"): s = SQL() # 根据access_token查询用户 user = s.query_value("`id`,`authority`,`identity`", "`user`", "`access_token`=" + access_token) auth_user = json.loads(user[1]) # 发布、上传 if mani == "pub": for iobj in auth_user["pub"]: if iobj == obj: return True # 查询、修改 # 查询访问权限 auth_obj = json.loads(s.query_value("`authority`", "`" + obj + "`", "`id`=" + oid)[0]) # 如果请求的资源为read并且对所有人可见,则可以访问 for index in auth_obj["read"]["identity"]: if index == "everyone" and mani == "read": return True # 用户身份不通过 if user is None: return False # 查询其操作权限 else: # 用户的管理员身份通过 for mani_type in auth_user: # 查询操作权限 if mani_type == mani: # 查询权限是否存在 for iobj in auth_user[mani_type]: if iobj == obj: return True # 用户在obj许可中 # 用户在identity中 for iden in auth_obj[mani]["identity"]: if iden == "public" or int(iden) >= int(user[2]): return True # 用户在users中 for users in auth_obj[mani]["users"]: if users == user[0]: return True # 其他情况 return False
def get_list(): try: page = int(request.args.get('page') or "1") psize = int(request.args.get('psize') or "50") pno = (page - 1) * psize s = SQL() # 按职称分别查询 job = ["教授", "副教授", "讲师", "其他"] res = {} for t in job: condition = "where job = '%s'" % t sql = "select `id`,`name`,`header`,`job` from `people` where `job` = '%s';" % t res[t] = s.query(sql) return jsonify({"status": "ok", "data": res}) except Exception as e: log.logger.warning(e) return jsonify({"status": "failed", "data": "error:%s" % e})
def get_abs(): try: import os from app.config import BASE_DIR f = open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "data/sz.txt"), 'r') text = f.close() s = SQL() sql = "select (select count(id) from `people`) 'total',(select count(id) from `people` where job = '教授') " \ "'pro',(select count(id) from `people` where job = '副教授') 'ass'" res = s.query(sql)[0] print(res) print(text) text = text.replace("{{total}}", str(res["total"])).replace("{{pro}}", str(res["pro"]))\ .replace("{{ass}}", str(res["ass"])) return jsonify({"status": "ok", "data": text}) except Exception as e: log.logger.warning(e) return jsonify({"status": "failed", "data": "error:%s" % e})
def get_detail(): try: nid = escape_string(request.args.get("id")) s = SQL() condition = "where id = %s" % nid sql = "select `id`,`title`,`pub_date`,`tag`,`author`,`type`,`content`,`read` from `notice` %s" % condition # 新闻阅读量+1 sqls = [ "begin work;", "select `read` from `notice` where `id` = '%s' for update;" % nid, "update `notice` set `read` = `read` + 1 where `id` = '%s';" % nid, "commit work;" ] s.operat_many(sqls) return jsonify({"status": "ok", "data": s.query(sql)}) except Exception as e: log.logger.warning(e) return jsonify({"status": "failed", "data": "error:%s" % e})
def create_accesstoken(uid): import datetime import hashlib import random from app.utils import SQL s = SQL() password_hash = s.query_value("`password_hash`", "`user`", "`id`=" + uid)[0] # 获取当前时间并格式化为 日月年时分秒 如10122018151401 time ='%d%m%Y%H%M%S') # 将时间与用户账号连接 并进行一次MD5散列 md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update((time + uid).encode('utf-8')) # 注意转码 crypt1 = md5.hexdigest() # 将crypt1 和 密码的HASH值以及生成的随机数进行一次sha256 random.seed() sha256 = hashlib.sha256() sha256.update( str(str(crypt1) + str(password_hash) + str(random.random())).encode('utf-8')) crypt2 = sha256.hexdigest() return crypt2
def get_user_auth(uid=None, access_token=None): import datetime import json from flask import current_app from app.utils import SQL s = SQL() sql = "" user = None if uid is not None: user = s.query_value("`authority`", "`user`", "`id`=" + uid) # 使用accesstoken 需要验证时效性 elif access_token is not None: # 取用户最近一次操作 log = s.query_value( "`time`,`mani`", "`login`", "access_token = '%s' order by time desc limit 1;" % access_token) # token无效 if not log: print("查询结果为空") return False # 如果是注销 logout 则需要重新登录 # 如果access token过期 df = log[0] + datetime.timedelta( seconds=current_app.config["ACCESSTOKEN_VALID_TIME"]) if log[1] == "logout" or df < print("accesstoken过期") return False user = s.query_value("`authority`", "`user`", "`access_token`='%s'" % access_token) else: return False # 查询不到结果 if not user or len(user) < 1: return False return json.loads(user[0])
def user_login(): import hashlib from datetime import datetime try: uid = escape_string(request.args.get("id")) or None password_hash = escape_string( request.args.get("password_hash")) or None code = escape_string(request.args.get("code") or "") usa = request.user_agent or "hidden" uip = request.remote_addr or "hidden" # md5 = hashlib.md5() # md5.update(password.encode("utf-8")) # password_hash = md5.hexdigest() s = SQL() if password_hash == s.query_value("`password_hash`", "`user`", "`id`='%s'" % uid)[0]: # 验证通过 # 生成token token = user.User.create_accesstoken(uid) # 存入登录记录 lgn = login.Login(uid=uid,, ip=uip, user_agent=usa, access_token=token, mani="login") db.session.add(lgn) db.session.commit() # 更新user表 s = SQL() sql = "update `user` set `latest_time`='%s', `access_token`='%s' where `id`='%s'" % (, token, uid) s.operator(sql) return jsonify({"status": "ok", "data": token}) else: # 密码或账号错误 return jsonify({"status": "failed", "data": "密码或账号错误"}) except Exception as e: log.logger.warning(e) return jsonify({"status": "failed", "data": "error:%s" % e})
def get_file(): try: from .utils import get_obj_auth oid = escape_string(request.args.get("id")) s = SQL() # 文件不存在 file_res = s.query_value("`*`", "`file`", "id='%s'" % oid) if file_res is None or len(file_res) < 1: return jsonify({"status": "failed", "data": {"code": 1, "msg": "文件不存在!"}}) # 文件权限查询 # 查询文件路径 file_path = s.query_value("`path`", "`file`", "`id`='%s'" % oid)[0] file_abpath = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, file_path) # 下载次数 + 1 sqls = [ "begin work;", "select `download` from `file` where `id` = '%s' for update;" % oid, "update `file` set `download` = `download` + 1 where `id` = '%s';" % oid, "commit work;" ] s.operat_many(sqls) # 记录用户操作 print(request.user_agent) print(request.remote_addr) f_dic, fn = os.path.split(file_abpath) return send_from_directory(directory=f_dic, filename=fn, as_attachment=True) except Exception as e: log.logger.warning(e) return jsonify({"status": "failed", "data": "错误请求"})
def rev_file(): try: from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename import datetime from app.extensions import db accesstoken = request.form.get('accesstoken') # 定义返回参数 file_url = "" # 接收部分参数 obj = request.form.get('type') or "None" # 权限控制 user_auth = User.get_user_auth(access_token=accesstoken) print(user_auth) if not user_auth or obj not in user_auth["pub"]: return jsonify({"status": "failed", "data": {"code": 1, "msg": "你无权限上传文件!"}}) # 接收文件 f = request.files["file"] or None if f is None: return jsonify({"status": "failed", "data": {"code": 2, "msg": "未接收到文件!"}}) # 取文件名和后缀 fn, ff = os.path.splitext(secure_filename(f.filename)) # 格式控制 if str.lower(ff) not in current_app.config["ALLOWED_FILE_FORMAT"]: return jsonify({"status": "failed", "data": {"code": 3, "msg": "不允许的文件格式!"}}) # 文件大小 f_size = len( # 重置文件指针, 0) if f_size > current_app.config["MAX_FILE_SIZE"]: return jsonify({"status": "failed", "data": {"code": 4, "msg": "文件过大!"}}) # 文件查重 file_hash = File.cul_file_hash(f) s = SQL() query_res = s.query_value("`path`", "`file`", "`hash`='%s'" % file_hash) uid = s.query_value("`id`", "`user`", "access_token='%s'" % accesstoken)[0] # 文件未收录 if query_res is None or len(query_res) < 1: # 文件名安全性 werzeug basepath = current_app.config["UPLOADED_TMP_DEST"] if obj == "news": basepath = current_app.config["UPLOADED_NEWS_DEST"] file_url = os.path.join(current_app.config["UPLOADED_BASE_DIR"], 'news') elif obj == "notice": basepath = current_app.config["UPLOADED_NOTICE_DEST"] file_url = os.path.join(current_app.config["UPLOADED_BASE_DIR"], 'notice') elif obj == "file": basepath = current_app.config["UPLOADED_FILE_DEST"] file_url = os.path.join(current_app.config["UPLOADED_BASE_DIR"], 'file') elif obj == "person": basepath = current_app.config["UPLOADED_FILE_DEST"] file_url = os.path.join(current_app.config["UPLOADED_BASE_DIR"], 'person') else: basepath = current_app.config["UPLOADED_TMP_DEST"] file_url = os.path.join(current_app.config["UPLOADED_BASE_DIR"], 'tmp') filename = fn + "-" + obj + "-" + file_hash + ff filepath = os.path.join(basepath, filename) # 存入目录 file_url = os.path.join(file_url, filename) # # # 设置文件权限 # 如果不是公开文件,就要设置动态下载 # # 数据库存档 new_file = File(name=filename, type=ff, author=uid,, path=file_url , authority=File.create_obj_ahthority(), hash=file_hash, status="default") db.session.add(new_file) db.session.commit() # 文件已收录,返回文件路径 else: # 返回文件路径 file_url = query_res[0] # 记录用户操作记录 uip = request.remote_addr or "hidden" usa = str(request.user_agent) or "hidden" lgn = Login(uid=uid,, ip=uip, user_agent=usa, access_token=accesstoken, mani="upload file: %s" % file_url) db.session.add(lgn) db.session.commit() return jsonify({"status": "ok", "data": {"url": file_url}}) except Exception as e: log.logger.warning(e) return jsonify({"status": "failed", "data": "错误请求"})
'"CQHC","121341241321","SSE","nointro","nopaper","none");', 'insert into login (`uid`,`time`,`ip`,`user_agent`,`access_token`,`mani`)' 'values("1", "2018-12-10 12:00:12","","CHROME","TOKEN1","signin");', 'insert into login (`uid`,`time`,`ip`,`user_agent`,`access_token`,`mani`)' 'values("1", "2018-12-11 12:00:12","","CHROME","TOKEN1","pub");', 'insert into login (`uid`,`time`,`ip`,`user_agent`,`access_token`,`mani`)' 'values("1", "2018-12-12 12:00:12","","CHROME","TOKEN1","edit");', 'insert into login (`uid`,`time`,`ip`,`user_agent`,`access_token`,`mani`)' 'values("1", "2018-12-12 16:00:12","","CHROME","TOKEN2","logout");', 'insert into login (`uid`,`time`,`ip`,`user_agent`,`access_token`,`mani`)' 'values("2", "2018-12-10 12:40:12","","CHROME","TOKEN3","login");', 'insert into login (`uid`,`time`,`ip`,`user_agent`,`access_token`,`mani`)' 'values("2", "2018-12-10 12:50:12","","CHROME","TOKEN3","pub");', 'insert into login (`uid`,`time`,`ip`,`user_agent`,`access_token`,`mani`)' 'values("2", "2018-12-12 16:10:12","","CHROME","TOKEN3","pub");', 'insert into file (`name`,`type`,`author`,`path`,`authority`,`hash`,`status`)' 'values("filename","png","Aaron","",' '\'{"read":{"identity":["everyone"],"users":[]},"edit":' '{"identity":["everyone"],"users":[]}}\',"hash","valid");' ] s = SQL() for sql in sqls: print(sql) s.operator(sql)