def saveDocumentAs(self, doc): """ Saves the document, always asking for a name. Returns True if saving succeeded. """ filename = doc.url().toLocalFile() if filename: filetypes = app.filetypes(os.path.splitext(filename)[1]) else: filename = app.basedir() # default directory to save to import documentinfo import ly.lex filetypes = app.filetypes( ly.lex.extensions[documentinfo.mode(doc)]) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Save File")) filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, caption, filename, filetypes) if not filename: return False # cancelled if not util.iswritable(filename): QMessageBox.warning( self, app.caption(_("Error")), _("Can't write to destination:\n\n{url}").format(url=filename)) return False url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(filename) doc.setUrl(url) recentfiles.add(url) return self.saveDocument(doc)
def saveDocument(self, doc): """ Saves the document, asking for a name if necessary. Returns True if saving succeeded. """ if doc.url().isEmpty(): return self.saveDocumentAs(doc) filename = dest = doc.url().toLocalFile() if not filename: dest = doc.url().toString() if not util.iswritable(filename): QMessageBox.warning(self, app.caption(_("Error")), _("Can't write to destination:\n\n{url}").format(url=dest)) return False if QSettings().value("strip_trailing_whitespace", False, bool): import reformat reformat.remove_trailing_whitespace(QTextCursor(doc)) b = backup.backup(filename) success = if not success: QMessageBox.warning(self, app.caption(_("Error")), _("Can't write to destination:\n\n{url}").format(url=filename)) elif b: backup.removeBackup(filename) return success
def changeLanguage(cursor, language): """Changes the language of the pitch names.""" c = lydocument.cursor(cursor, select_all=True) try: with qutil.busyCursor(): changed = ly.pitch.translate.translate(c, language) except ly.pitch.PitchNameNotAvailable: QMessageBox.critical(None, app.caption(_("Pitch Name Language")), _( "Can't perform the requested translation.\n\n" "The music contains quarter-tone alterations, but " "those are not available in the pitch language \"{name}\"." ).format(name=language)) return if changed: return if not cursor.hasSelection(): # there was no selection and no language command, so insert one version = (documentinfo.docinfo(cursor.document()).version() or lilypondinfo.preferred().version()) ly.pitch.translate.insert_language(c.document, language, version) return # there was a selection but no command, user must insert manually. QMessageBox.information(None, app.caption(_("Pitch Name Language")), '<p>{0}</p>' '<p><code>\\include "{1}.ly"</code> {2}</p>' '<p><code>\\language "{1}"</code> {3}</p>'.format( _("The pitch language of the selected text has been " "updated, but you need to manually add the following " "command to your document:"), language, _("(for LilyPond below 2.14), or"), _("(for LilyPond 2.14 and higher.)")))
def exportColoredHtml(self): doc = self.currentDocument() name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(doc.url().path())) if name: if ext.lower() == ".html": name += "_html" name += ".html" dir = os.path.dirname(doc.url().toLocalFile()) if dir: name = os.path.join(dir, name) filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, app.caption(_("Export as HTML")), name, "{0} (*.html)".format("HTML Files")) if not filename: return #cancelled number_lines = QSettings().value("source_export/number_lines", False, bool) inline_style = QSettings().value("source_export/inline_export", False, bool) import highlight2html html = highlight2html.html_document(doc, inline=inline_style, number_lines=number_lines) try: with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(html.encode('utf-8')) except IOError as e: msg = _("{message}\n\n{strerror} ({errno})").format( message = _("Could not write to: {url}").format(url=filename), strerror = e.strerror, errno = e.errno) QMessageBox.critical(self, app.caption(_("Error")), msg)
def validate(self): """Checks if the input is acceptable. If this method returns True, the dialog is accepted when OK is clicked. Otherwise a messagebox could be displayed, and the dialog will remain visible. """ name = if not name: QMessageBox.warning(self, app.caption(_("Warning")), _("Please enter a session name.")) if self._originalName: return False elif name == '-': QMessageBox.warning(self, app.caption(_("Warning")), _("Please do not use the name '{name}'.".format(name="-"))) return False elif self._originalName != name and name in sessions.sessionNames(): box = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, app.caption(_("Warning")), _("Another session with the name {name} already exists.\n\n" "Do you want to overwrite it?").format(name=name), QMessageBox.Discard | QMessageBox.Cancel, self) box.button(QMessageBox.Discard).setText(_("Overwrite")) result = box.exec_() if result != QMessageBox.Discard: return False return True
def changeLanguage(cursor, language): """Changes the language of the pitch names.""" selection = cursor.hasSelection() if selection: start = cursor.selectionStart() cursor.setPosition(cursor.selectionEnd()) cursor.setPosition(0, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) source = tokeniter.Source.selection(cursor) else: source = tokeniter.Source.document(cursor) pitches = PitchIterator(source) tokens = pitches.tokens() writer = ly.pitch.pitchWriter(language) if selection: # consume tokens before the selection, following the language source.consume(tokens, start) changed = False # track change of \language or \include language command with cursortools.compress_undo(cursor): try: with qutil.busyCursor(): with cursortools.Editor() as e: for t in tokens: if isinstance(t, ly.lex.lilypond.Note): # translate the pitch name p = if p: n = writer(*p) if n != t: e.insertText(source.cursor(t), n) elif isinstance(t, LanguageName) and t != language: # change the language name in a command e.insertText(source.cursor(t), language) changed = True except ly.pitch.PitchNameNotAvailable: QMessageBox.critical(None, app.caption(_("Pitch Name Language")), _( "Can't perform the requested translation.\n\n" "The music contains quarter-tone alterations, but " "those are not available in the pitch language \"{name}\"." ).format(name=language)) return if changed: return if not selection: # there was no selection and no language command, so insert one insertLanguage(cursor.document(), language) return # there was a selection but no command, user must insert manually. QMessageBox.information(None, app.caption(_("Pitch Name Language")), '<p>{0}</p>' '<p><code>\\include "{1}.ly"</code> {2}</p>' '<p><code>\\language "{1}"</code> {3}</p>'.format( _("The pitch language of the selected text has been " "updated, but you need to manually add the following " "command to your document:"), language, _("(for LilyPond below 2.14), or"), _("(for LilyPond 2.14 and higher.)")))
def saveCopyAs(self): import ly.lex doc = self.currentDocument() if not self.currentView().textCursor().hasSelection(): import documentinfo mode = documentinfo.mode(doc) data = doc.encodedText() caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Save Copy")) else: import fileinfo text = self.currentView().textCursor().selection().toPlainText() mode = fileinfo.textmode(text) data = util.encode(text) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Save Selection")) filetypes = app.filetypes(ly.lex.extensions[mode]) dirname = os.path.dirname(doc.url().toLocalFile()) or app.basedir() filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, caption, dirname, filetypes) if not filename: return # cancelled try: with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(data) except IOError as e: msg = _("{message}\n\n{strerror} ({errno})").format( message = _("Could not write to: {url}").format(url=filename), strerror = e.strerror, errno = e.errno) QMessageBox.critical(self, app.caption(_("Error")), msg)
def saveCopyAs(self): import ly.lex doc = self.currentDocument() if not self.currentView().textCursor().hasSelection(): import documentinfo mode = documentinfo.mode(doc) data = doc.encodedText() caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Save Copy")) else: import fileinfo text = self.currentView().textCursor().selection().toPlainText() mode = fileinfo.textmode(text) data = util.encode(text) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Save Selection")) filetypes = app.filetypes(ly.lex.extensions[mode]) dirname = os.path.dirname(doc.url().toLocalFile()) or app.basedir() filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, caption, dirname, filetypes) if not filename: return # cancelled try: with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(data) except (IOError, OSError) as err: QMessageBox.warning(self, app.caption(_("Error")), _("Can't write to destination:\n\n{url}\n\n{error}").format( url=filename, error=err.strerror))
def exportColoredHtml(self): doc = self.currentDocument() name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(doc.url().path())) if name: if ext.lower() == ".html": name += "_html" name += ".html" dir = os.path.dirname(doc.url().toLocalFile()) if dir: name = os.path.join(dir, name) filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, app.caption(_("Export as HTML")), name, "{0} (*.html)".format("HTML Files"))[0] if not filename: return #cancelled s = QSettings() s.beginGroup("source_export") number_lines = s.value("number_lines", False, bool) inline_style = s.value("inline_export", False, bool) wrap_tag = s.value("wrap_tag", "pre", str) wrap_attrib = s.value("wrap_attrib", "id", str) wrap_attrib_name = s.value("wrap_attrib_name", "document", str) import highlight2html html = highlight2html.html_document(doc, inline=inline_style, number_lines=number_lines, wrap_tag=wrap_tag, wrap_attrib=wrap_attrib, wrap_attrib_name=wrap_attrib_name) try: with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(html.encode('utf-8')) except IOError as e: msg = _("{message}\n\n{strerror} ({errno})").format( message = _("Could not write to: {url}").format(url=filename), strerror = e.strerror, errno = e.errno) QMessageBox.critical(self, app.caption(_("Error")), msg)
def saveCopyAs(self): import ly.lex doc = self.currentDocument() if not self.currentView().textCursor().hasSelection(): import documentinfo mode = documentinfo.mode(doc) data = doc.encodedText() caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Save Copy")) else: import fileinfo text = self.currentView().textCursor().selection().toPlainText() mode = fileinfo.textmode(text) data = util.encode(text) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Save Selection")) filetypes = app.filetypes(ly.lex.extensions[mode]) dirname = os.path.dirname(doc.url().toLocalFile()) or app.basedir() filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, caption, dirname, filetypes) if not filename: return # cancelled try: with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(data) except (IOError, OSError) as err: QMessageBox.warning( self, app.caption(_("Error")), _("Can't write to destination:\n\n{url}\n\n{error}").format( url=filename, error=err.strerror))
def saveDocument(self, doc): """ Saves the document, asking for a name if necessary. Returns True if saving succeeded. """ if doc.url().isEmpty(): return self.saveDocumentAs(doc) filename = dest = doc.url().toLocalFile() if not filename: dest = doc.url().toString() if not util.iswritable(filename): QMessageBox.warning( self, app.caption(_("Error")), _("Can't write to destination:\n\n{url}").format(url=dest) ) return False b = backup.backup(filename) success = if not success: QMessageBox.warning( self, app.caption(_("Error")), _("Can't write to destination:\n\n{url}").format(url=filename) ) elif b: backup.removeBackup(filename) return success
def changeLanguage(cursor, language): """Changes the language of the pitch names.""" c = lydocument.cursor(cursor, select_all=True) try: with qutil.busyCursor(): changed = ly.pitch.translate.translate(c, language) except ly.pitch.PitchNameNotAvailable: QMessageBox.critical( None, app.caption(_("Pitch Name Language")), _("Can't perform the requested translation.\n\n" "The music contains quarter-tone alterations, but " "those are not available in the pitch language \"{name}\"."). format(name=language)) return if changed: return if not cursor.hasSelection(): # there was no selection and no language command, so insert one version = (documentinfo.docinfo(cursor.document()).version() or lilypondinfo.preferred().version()) ly.pitch.translate.insert_language(c.document, language, version) return # there was a selection but no command, user must insert manually. QMessageBox.information( None, app.caption(_("Pitch Name Language")), '<p>{0}</p>' '<p><code>\\include "{1}.ly"</code> {2}</p>' '<p><code>\\language "{1}"</code> {3}</p>'.format( _("The pitch language of the selected text has been " "updated, but you need to manually add the following " "command to your document:"), language, _("(for LilyPond below 2.14), or"), _("(for LilyPond 2.14 and higher.)")))
def saveDocument(self, doc): """ Saves the document, asking for a name if necessary. Returns True if saving succeeded. """ if doc.url().isEmpty(): return self.saveDocumentAs(doc) filename = dest = doc.url().toLocalFile() if not filename: dest = doc.url().toString() if not util.iswritable(filename): QMessageBox.warning( self, app.caption(_("Error")), _("Can't write to destination:\n\n{url}").format(url=dest)) return False if QSettings().value("strip_trailing_whitespace", False, bool): import reformat reformat.remove_trailing_whitespace(QTextCursor(doc)) b = backup.backup(filename) success = if not success: QMessageBox.warning( self, app.caption(_("Error")), _("Can't write to destination:\n\n{url}").format(url=filename)) elif b: backup.removeBackup(filename) return success
def exportColoredHtml(self): doc = self.currentDocument() name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(doc.url().path())) if name: if ext.lower() == ".html": name += "_html" name += ".html" dir = os.path.dirname(doc.url().toLocalFile()) if dir: name = os.path.join(dir, name) filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, app.caption(_("Export as HTML")), name, "{0} (*.html)".format("HTML Files") ) if not filename: return # cancelled import highlight2html html = highlight2html.HtmlHighlighter().html_document(doc) try: with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(html.encode("utf-8")) except (IOError, OSError) as err: QMessageBox.warning( self, app.caption(_("Error")), _("Can't write to destination:\n\n{url}\n\n{error}").format(url=filename, error=err), )
def exportMusicXML(self): """ Convert the current document to MusicXML """ doc = self.mainwindow().currentDocument() orgname = doc.url().toLocalFile() filename = os.path.splitext(orgname)[0] + '.xml' caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Export MusicXML File")) filetypes = '{0} (*.xml);;{1} (*)'.format(_("XML Files"), _("All Files")) filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self.mainwindow(), caption, filename, filetypes)[0] if not filename: return False # cancelled import ly.musicxml writer = ly.musicxml.writer() writer.parse_text(doc.toPlainText()) xml = writer.musicxml() # put the Frescobaldi version in the xml file software = xml.root.find('.//encoding/software') software.text = "{0} {1}".format(appinfo.appname, appinfo.version) try: xml.write(filename) except (IOError, OSError) as err: QMessageBox.warning( self.mainwindow(), app.caption(_("Error")), _("Can't write to destination:\n\n{url}\n\n{error}").format( url=filename, error=err.strerror))
def exportColoredHtml(self): doc = self.currentDocument() name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(doc.url().path())) if name: if ext.lower() == ".html": name += "_html" name += ".html" dir = os.path.dirname(doc.url().toLocalFile()) if dir: name = os.path.join(dir, name) filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, app.caption(_("Export as HTML")), name, "{0} (*.html)".format("HTML Files")) if not filename: return #cancelled number_lines = QSettings().value("source_export/number_lines", False, bool) inline_style = QSettings().value("source_export/inline_export", False, bool) import highlight2html html = highlight2html.html_document(doc, inline=inline_style, number_lines=number_lines) try: with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(html.encode('utf-8')) except (IOError, OSError) as err: QMessageBox.warning( self, app.caption(_("Error")), _("Can't write to destination:\n\n{url}\n\n{error}").format( url=filename, error=err))
def saveDocumentAs(self, doc): """ Saves the document, always asking for a name. Returns True if saving succeeded. """ filename = doc.url().toLocalFile() if filename: filetypes = app.filetypes(os.path.splitext(filename)[1]) else: filename = app.basedir() # default directory to save to import documentinfo import ly.lex filetypes = app.filetypes(ly.lex.extensions[documentinfo.mode(doc)]) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Save File")) filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, caption, filename, filetypes) if not filename: return False # cancelled if not util.iswritable(filename): QMessageBox.warning(self, app.caption(_("Error")), _("Can't write to destination:\n\n{url}").format(url=filename)) return False url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(filename) doc.setUrl(url) recentfiles.add(url) return self.saveDocument(doc)
def saveCopyAs(self): import ly.lex doc = self.currentDocument() if not self.currentView().textCursor().hasSelection(): import documentinfo mode = documentinfo.mode(doc) data = doc.encodedText() caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Save Copy")) else: import fileinfo text = self.currentView().textCursor().selection().toPlainText() mode = fileinfo.textmode(text) data = util.encode(util.platform_newlines(text)) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Save Selection")) filetypes = app.filetypes(ly.lex.extensions[mode]) dirname = os.path.dirname(doc.url().toLocalFile()) or app.basedir() filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, caption, dirname, filetypes)[0] if not filename: return # cancelled try: with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(data) except IOError as e: msg = _("{message}\n\n{strerror} ({errno})").format( message = _("Could not write to: {url}").format(url=filename), strerror = e.strerror, errno = e.errno) QMessageBox.critical(self, app.caption(_("Error")), msg)
def translateUI(self): extension = self._ext_maintainer[0] self.errorLabel.setText( _("An internal error has occurred{}:").format( " in extension '{}'".format(extension) if extension else "")) title = (app.caption(_("Extension Error")) if extension else app.caption(_("Internal Error"))) self.setWindowTitle(title) self.buttons.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setText( _("Email Bug Report..."))
def print(self, printer=None, pageNumbers=None, showDialog=True): """Print the contents of the View.""" import qpageview.poppler import qpageview.cupsprinter if printer is None: if self._printer is None: self._printer = QPrinter() printer = self._printer printer.setCopyCount(1) # prevent embarrassing situations :-) if self.document() and self.document().filename(): filename = os.path.basename(self.document().filename()) else: filename = "" printer.setDocName(filename) if showDialog: qpageview.cupsprinter.clearPageSetSetting(printer) dlg = QPrintDialog(printer, self) if filename: title = app.caption( _("Print {filename}").format(filename=filename)) else: title = app.caption(_("Print")) dlg.setWindowTitle(title) dlg.setMinMax(1, self.pageCount()) if not dlg.exec_(): return # cancelled s = QSettings() printer.setResolution(s.value("printing/dpi", 300, int)) # is it possible and preferred to print a PDF directly with cups? # on Mac, when printing directly with cups, the system print window is shown # but its settings are ignored and any choice (including opening the PDF) # results in printing to cups' default printer if (s.value("printing/directcups", False if sys.platform.startswith('darwin') else True, bool) and isinstance(self.document(), qpageview.poppler.PopplerDocument) and os.path.isfile(self.document().filename()) and not printer.outputFileName()): h = qpageview.cupsprinter.handle(printer) if h: if not h.printFile(self.document().filename()): QMessageBox.warning( self, _("Printing Error"), "{0}\n{1}".format( _("An error occurred (code: {num}):").format( num=h.status), h.error)) return job = super().print(printer, pageNumbers, False) if job: progress = PrintProgressDialog(job, self) progress.setWindowTitle(title) progress.setLabelText(_("Preparing to print..."))
def saveDocument(self, doc, save_as=False): """ Saves the document, asking for a name if necessary. If save_as is True, a name is always asked. Returns True if saving succeeded. """ if save_as or doc.url().isEmpty(): filename = doc.url().toLocalFile() if filename: filetypes = app.filetypes(os.path.splitext(filename)[1]) else: # find a suitable directory to save to for d in self.historyManager.documents()[1::]: if d.url().toLocalFile(): directory = os.path.dirname(d.url().toLocalFile()) break else: directory = app.basedir() # default directory to save to import documentinfo import ly.lex filename = os.path.join(directory, documentinfo.defaultfilename(doc)) filetypes = app.filetypes(ly.lex.extensions[documentinfo.mode(doc)]) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Save File")) filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, caption, filename, filetypes)[0] if not filename: return False # cancelled url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(filename) else: url = doc.url() if QSettings().value("strip_trailing_whitespace", False, bool): import reformat reformat.remove_trailing_whitespace(QTextCursor(doc)) # we only support local files for now filename = url.toLocalFile() b = backup.backup(filename) try: except IOError as e: msg = _("{message}\n\n{strerror} ({errno})").format( message = _("Could not write to: {url}").format(url=filename), strerror = e.strerror, errno = e.errno) QMessageBox.critical(self, app.caption(_("Error")), msg) return False else: if b: backup.removeBackup(filename) recentfiles.add(doc.url()) return True
def translateUI(self): extension = self._ext_maintainer[0] self.errorLabel.setText( _("An internal error has occurred{}:").format( " in extension '{}'".format(extension) if extension else "")) title = ( app.caption(_("Extension Error")) if extension else app.caption(_("Internal Error"))) self.setWindowTitle(title) self.buttons.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setText(_("Email Bug Report..."))
def exportAudio(self): """ Convert the current document to Audio """ mainwin = self.mainwindow() doc = mainwin.currentDocument() midfiles = resultfiles.results(doc).files('.mid*') if not midfiles: QMessageBox.critical( None, _("Error"), _("The audio file couldn't be created. Please create midi file first" )) return False orgname = doc.url().toLocalFile() midifile = midfiles[0] wavfile = os.path.splitext(orgname)[0] + '.wav' caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Export Audio File")) filetypes = '{0} (*.wav);;{1} (*)'.format(_("WAV Files"), _("All Files")) wavfile = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(mainwin, caption, wavfile, filetypes)[0] if not wavfile: return False # cancelled dlg = AudioExportDialog(mainwin, caption) dlg.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) # we use it only once dlg.midi2wav(midifile, wavfile)
def printSource(self): cursor = self.currentView().textCursor() printer = QPrinter() dlg = QPrintDialog(printer, self) dlg.setWindowTitle(app.caption(_("dialog title", "Print Source"))) options = QAbstractPrintDialog.PrintToFile | QAbstractPrintDialog.PrintShowPageSize if cursor.hasSelection(): options |= QAbstractPrintDialog.PrintSelection dlg.setOptions(options) if dlg.exec_(): doc = highlighter.htmlCopy(self.currentDocument(), "printer") doc.setMetaInformation(QTextDocument.DocumentTitle, self.currentDocument().url().toString()) font = doc.defaultFont() font.setPointSizeF(font.pointSizeF() * 0.8) doc.setDefaultFont(font) if dlg.testOption(QAbstractPrintDialog.PrintSelection): # cut out not selected text start, end = cursor.selectionStart(), cursor.selectionEnd() cur1 = QTextCursor(doc) cur1.setPosition(start, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cur2 = QTextCursor(doc) cur2.setPosition(end) cur2.movePosition(QTextCursor.End, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cur2.removeSelectedText() cur1.removeSelectedText() doc.print_(printer)
def setCaption(self): if self._filename: filename = os.path.basename(self._filename) else: filename = _("<unknown>") title = _("Image from {filename}").format(filename = filename) self.setWindowTitle(app.caption(title))
def importAll(self): """Reads the file type and determines which import to use.""" filetypes = ";;".join( ( "{0} (*.xml *.mxl *.midi *.mid *.abc)".format(_("All importable formats")), "{0} (*.xml *.mxl)".format(_("MusicXML Files")), "{0} (*.midi *.mid)".format(_("Midi Files")), "{0} (*.abc)".format(_("ABC Files")), "{0} (*)".format(_("All Files")), ) ) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Import")) directory = os.path.dirname(self.mainwindow().currentDocument().url().toLocalFile()) or app.basedir() importfiles = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self.mainwindow(), caption, directory, filetypes) if not importfiles: return # the dialog was cancelled by user for imp in importfiles: if self.isImportable(imp): self.openDialog(imp) else: QMessageBox.critical( None, _("Error"), _("The file {filename} could not be converted. " "Wrong file type.").format(filename=imp), )
def importShortcut(filename, widget, schemeWidget): """Loads shortcuts from a file""" try: d = ET.parse(filename) root = d.getroot() if root.tag != 'frescobaldi-shortcut': raise ValueError(_("No shortcuts found.")) except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(widget, app.caption(_("Error")), _("Can't read from source:\n\n{url}\n\n{error}").format( url=filename, error=e)) return schemeWidget.scheme.blockSignals(True) scheme = schemeWidget.addScheme(root.get('name')) schemeWidget.scheme.blockSignals(False) for col in root.findall('collection'): for name in col.findall('name'): shortcuts = [QKeySequence.fromString(shortcut.text) for shortcut in name.findall('shortcut')] item = widget.item(col.attrib['name'], name.attrib['name']) if item: item.setShortcuts(shortcuts, scheme) schemeWidget.disableDefault(False) schemeWidget.currentChanged.emit() schemeWidget.changed.emit()
def translateUI(self): self.setWindowTitle(app.caption(_("LilyPond"))) self.lilypondLabel.setText(_("LilyPond Command:")) self.lilypond.lineEdit.setToolTip(_("Name or full path of the LilyPond program.")) self.convert_lyLabel.setText(_("Convert-ly:")) self.lilypond_bookLabel.setText(_("LilyPond-book:"))"Include in automatic version selection"))
def openDocuments(self, urls, encoding=None): """Open a list of urls, with error handling. The last loaded document is made current. """ doc = None failures = [] for url in urls: try: doc = self.openUrl(url) except IOError as e: failures.append((url, e)) if doc: self.setCurrentDocument(doc) if failures: if len(failures) == 1: url, e = failures[0] filename = url.toLocalFile() msg = _("{message}\n\n{strerror} ({errno})").format( message=_("Could not read from: {url}").format( url=filename), strerror=e.strerror, errno=e.errno) else: msg = _("Could not read:") + "\n\n" + "\n".join( "{url}: {strerror} ({errno})".format(url=url.toLocalFile(), strerror=e.strerror, errno=e.errno) for url, e in failures) QMessageBox.critical(self, app.caption(_("Error")), msg)
def translateUI(self): title = _("Edit Snippet") if self._name else _("New Snippet") self.setWindowTitle(app.caption(title)) self.topLabel.setText(_("Snippet Text:")) self.titleLabel.setText(_("Title:")) self.shortcutLabel.setText(_("Shortcut:")) self.shortcutButton.updateText()
def translateUI(self): self.setWindowTitle(app.caption(_("Modified Files"))) self.setMessage( _("The following files were modified or deleted by other " "applications:")) self.buttonReload.setText(_("Reload")) self.buttonReload.setToolTip( _("Reloads the selected documents from disk. " "(You can still reach the previous state of the document " "using the Undo command.)")) self.buttonReloadAll.setText(_("Reload All")) self.buttonReloadAll.setToolTip( _("Reloads all externally modified documents from disk. " "(You can still reach the previous state of the document " "using the Undo command.)")) self.buttonSave.setText(_("Save")) self.buttonSave.setToolTip( _("Saves the selected documents to disk, overwriting the " "modifications by another program.")) self.buttonSaveAll.setText(_("Save All")) self.buttonSaveAll.setToolTip( _("Saves all documents to disk, overwriting the modifications by " "another program.")) self.buttonShowDiff.setText(_("Show Difference...")) self.buttonShowDiff.setToolTip( _("Shows the differences between the current document " "and the file on disk.")) self.checkWatchingEnabled.setText( _("Enable watching documents for external changes")) self.checkWatchingEnabled.setToolTip( _("If checked, Frescobaldi will warn you when opened files are " "modified or deleted by other applications."))
def importMusicXML(self): """ Opens a MusicXML file. Converts it to ly by using musicxml2ly """ filetypes = '{0} (*.xml);;{1} (*)'.format(_("XML Files"), _("All Files")) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Import a MusicXML file")) directory = os.path.dirname(self.mainwindow().currentDocument().url(). toLocalFile()) or app.basedir() importfile = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self.mainwindow(), caption, directory, filetypes) if not importfile: return # the dialog was cancelled by user try: dlg = self._importDialog except AttributeError: from . import musicxml dlg = self._importDialog = musicxml.Dialog(self.mainwindow()) dlg.addAction(self.mainwindow().actionCollection.help_whatsthis) dlg.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) dlg.setDocument(importfile) if dlg.exec_(): with qutil.busyCursor(): stdout, stderr = dlg.run_command() if stdout: #success dlg.saveSettings() lyfile = os.path.splitext(importfile)[0] + ".ly" doc = self.createDocument(lyfile, stdout.decode('utf-8')) self.postImport(dlg.getPostSettings(), doc) self.mainwindow().saveDocument(doc) else: #failure to convert QMessageBox.critical( None, _("Error"), _("The file couldn't be converted. Error message:\n") + stderr.decode('utf-8'))
def translateUI(self): self.setWindowTitle(app.caption(_("Modified Files"))) self.setMessage(_( "The following files were modified or deleted by other " "applications:")) self.buttonReload.setText(_("Reload")) self.buttonReload.setToolTip(_( "Reloads the selected documents from disk. " "(You can still reach the previous state of the document " "using the Undo command.)")) self.buttonReloadAll.setText(_("Reload All")) self.buttonReloadAll.setToolTip(_( "Reloads all externally modified documents from disk. " "(You can still reach the previous state of the document " "using the Undo command.)")) self.buttonSave.setText(_("Save")) self.buttonSave.setToolTip(_( "Saves the selected documents to disk, overwriting the " "modifications by another program.")) self.buttonSaveAll.setText(_("Save All")) self.buttonSaveAll.setToolTip(_( "Saves all documents to disk, overwriting the modifications by " "another program.")) self.buttonShowDiff.setText(_("Show Difference...")) self.buttonShowDiff.setToolTip(_( "Shows the differences between the current document " "and the file on disk.")) self.checkWatchingEnabled.setText(_( "Enable watching documents for external changes")) self.checkWatchingEnabled.setToolTip(_( "If checked, Frescobaldi will warn you when opened files are " "modified or deleted by other applications."))
def importShortcut(filename, widget, schemeWidget): """Loads shortcuts from a file""" try: d = ET.parse(filename) root = d.getroot() if root.tag != 'frescobaldi-shortcut': raise ValueError(_("No shortcuts found.")) except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical( widget, app.caption(_("Error")), _("Can't read from source:\n\n{url}\n\n{error}").format( url=filename, error=e)) return schemeWidget.scheme.blockSignals(True) scheme = schemeWidget.addScheme(root.get('name')) schemeWidget.scheme.blockSignals(False) for col in root.findall('collection'): for name in col.findall('name'): shortcuts = [ QKeySequence.fromString(shortcut.text) for shortcut in name.findall('shortcut') ] item = widget.item(col.attrib['name'], name.attrib['name']) if item: item.setShortcuts(shortcuts, scheme) schemeWidget.disableDefault(False) schemeWidget.currentChanged.emit() schemeWidget.changed.emit()
def openDocuments(self, urls, encoding=None): """Open a list of urls, with error handling. The last loaded document is made current. """ doc = None failures = [] for url in urls: try: doc = self.openUrl(url) except IOError as e: failures.append((url, e)) if doc: self.setCurrentDocument(doc) if failures: if len(failures) == 1: url, e = failures[0] filename = url.toLocalFile() msg = _("{message}\n\n{strerror} ({errno})").format( message = _("Could not read from: {url}").format(url=filename), strerror = e.strerror, errno = e.errno) else: msg = _("Could not read:") + "\n\n" + "\n".join( "{url}: {strerror} ({errno})".format( url = url.toLocalFile(), strerror = e.strerror, errno = e.errno) for url, e in failures) QMessageBox.critical(self, app.caption(_("Error")), msg)
def slotExport(self): """Called when the user activates the export action.""" allrows = [ row for row in range(model.model().rowCount()) if not self.treeView.isRowHidden(row, QModelIndex()) ] selectedrows = [ i.row() for i in self.treeView.selectedIndexes() if i.column() == 0 and i.row() in allrows ] names = self.treeView.model().names() names = [names[row] for row in selectedrows or allrows] filetypes = "{0} (*.xml);;{1} (*)".format(_("XML Files"), _("All Files")) n = len(names) caption = app.caption( _("dialog title", "Export {num} Snippet", "Export {num} Snippets", n).format(num=n)) filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, caption, None, filetypes)[0] if filename: from . import import_export try:, filename) except (IOError, OSError) as e: QMessageBox.critical( self, _("Error"), _("Can't write to destination:\n\n{url}\n\n{error}"). format(url=filename, error=e.strerror))
def translateUI(self): title = _("Edit Snippet") if self._name else _("New Snippet") self.setWindowTitle(app.caption(title)) self.topLabel.setText(_("Snippet Text:")) self.titleLabel.setText(_("Title:")) self.shortcutLabel.setText(_("Shortcut:")) self.updateShortcutText()
def insertFromFile(self): ext = os.path.splitext(self.currentDocument().url().path())[1] filetypes = app.filetypes(ext) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Insert From File")) directory = os.path.dirname(self.currentDocument().url().toLocalFile()) or app.basedir() filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, caption, directory, filetypes) if filename: try: data = open(filename).read() except (IOError, OSError) as err: QMessageBox.warning(self, app.caption(_("Error")), _("Can't read from source:\n\n{url}\n\n{error}").format( url=filename, error=err.strerror)) else: text = util.decode(data) self.currentView().textCursor().insertText(text)
def importAll(self): """Reads the file type and determines which import to use.""" filetypes = ';;'.join(( '{0} (*.xml *.mxl *.midi *.mid *.abc)'.format( _("All importable formats")), '{0} (*.xml *.mxl)'.format(_("MusicXML Files")), '{0} (*.midi *.mid)'.format(_("Midi Files")), '{0} (*.abc)'.format(_("ABC Files")), '{0} (*)'.format(_("All Files")), )) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Import")) directory = os.path.dirname(self.mainwindow().currentDocument().url(). toLocalFile()) or app.basedir() importfiles = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self.mainwindow(), caption, directory, filetypes) if not importfiles: return # the dialog was cancelled by user for imp in importfiles: if self.isImportable(imp): self.openDialog() else: QMessageBox.critical( None, _("Error"), _("The file {filename} could not be converted. " "Wrong file type.").format(filename=imp))
def printSource(self): cursor = self.textCursor() try: printer = self._sourcePrinter except AttributeError: printer = self._sourcePrinter = QPrinter() else: printer.setCopyCount(1) dlg = QPrintDialog(printer, self) dlg.setWindowTitle(app.caption(_("dialog title", "Print Source"))) options = QAbstractPrintDialog.PrintToFile | QAbstractPrintDialog.PrintShowPageSize if cursor.hasSelection(): options |= QAbstractPrintDialog.PrintSelection dlg.setOptions(options) if dlg.exec_(): if dlg.printRange() != QAbstractPrintDialog.Selection: cursor.clearSelection() number_lines = QSettings().value("source_export/number_lines", False, bool) doc = highlighter.html_copy(cursor, 'printer', number_lines) doc.setMetaInformation(QTextDocument.DocumentTitle, self.currentDocument().url().toString()) font = doc.defaultFont() font.setPointSizeF(font.pointSizeF() * 0.8) doc.setDefaultFont(font) doc.print_(printer)
def importMusicXML(self): """ Opens a MusicXML file. Converts it to ly by using musicxml2ly """ filetypes = "{0} (*.xml);;{1} (*)".format(_("XML Files"), _("All Files")) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Import a MusicXML file")) directory = os.path.dirname(self.mainwindow().currentDocument().url().toLocalFile()) or app.basedir() importfile = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self.mainwindow(), caption, directory, filetypes) if not importfile: return # the dialog was cancelled by user try: dlg = self._importDialog except AttributeError: from . import musicxml dlg = self._importDialog = musicxml.Dialog(self.mainwindow()) dlg.addAction(self.mainwindow().actionCollection.help_whatsthis) dlg.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) dlg.setDocument(importfile) if dlg.exec_(): with qutil.busyCursor(): stdout, stderr = dlg.run_command() if stdout: # success dlg.saveSettings() lyfile = os.path.splitext(importfile)[0] + ".ly" doc = self.createDocument(lyfile, stdout.decode("utf-8")) self.postImport(dlg.getPostSettings(), doc) self.mainwindow().saveDocument(doc) else: # failure to convert QMessageBox.critical( None, _("Error"), _("The file couldn't be converted. Error message:\n") + stderr.decode("utf-8") )
def slotButtonShowDiff(self): """Called when the user clicks Show Difference.""" docs = self.selectedDocuments() or self.allDocuments() if not docs: return d = docs[0] if documentwatcher.DocumentWatcher.instance(d).isdeleted(): return filename = d.url().toLocalFile() try: with open(filename) as f: disktext = util.decode( except (IOError, OSError): return currenttext = d.toPlainText() html = htmldiff.htmldiff( currenttext, disktext, _("Current Document"), _("Document on Disk"), numlines=5) dlg = widgets.dialog.Dialog(self, buttons=('close',)) view = QTextBrowser(lineWrapMode=QTextBrowser.NoWrap) view.setHtml(html) dlg.setMainWidget(view) dlg.setWindowTitle(app.caption("Differences")) dlg.setMessage(_( "Document: {url}\n" "Difference between the current document and the file on disk:").format( url=filename)) dlg.setWindowModality(Qt.NonModal) dlg.setAttribute(Qt.WA_QuitOnClose, False) dlg.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) qutil.saveDialogSize(dlg, "externalchanges/diff/dialog/size", QSize(600, 300))
def translateUI(self): self.setWindowTitle(app.caption(_("Score Setup Wizard"))) for i in range(self.tabs.count()): self.tabs.setTabText(i, self.tabs.widget(i).title()) self.dialogButtons.button(QDialogButtonBox.Reset).setText(_("Clear")) self.dialogButtons.button(QDialogButtonBox.Reset).setToolTip( _("Clears the current page of the Score Wizard.")) self.previewButton.setText(_("Preview"))
def slotImport(self): filetypes = "{0} (*.xml);;{1} (*)".format(_("XML Files"), _("All Files")) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Import color theme")) filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, caption, QDir.homePath(), filetypes)[0] if filename: self.parent().import_(filename)
def saveDocument(self, doc, save_as=False): """ Saves the document, asking for a name if necessary. If save_as is True, a name is always asked. Returns True if saving succeeded. """ if save_as or doc.url().isEmpty(): filename = doc.url().toLocalFile() if filename: filetypes = app.filetypes(os.path.splitext(filename)[1]) else: directory = app.basedir() # default directory to save to import documentinfo import ly.lex filename = os.path.join(directory, documentinfo.defaultfilename(doc)) filetypes = app.filetypes(ly.lex.extensions[documentinfo.mode(doc)]) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Save File")) filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, caption, filename, filetypes) if not filename: return False # cancelled url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(filename) else: url = doc.url() if QSettings().value("strip_trailing_whitespace", False, bool): import reformat reformat.remove_trailing_whitespace(QTextCursor(doc)) # we only support local files for now filename = url.toLocalFile() b = backup.backup(filename) try: except IOError as e: msg = _("{message}\n\n{strerror} ({errno})").format( message = _("Could not write to: {url}").format(url=filename), strerror = e.strerror, errno = e.errno) QMessageBox.critical(self, app.caption(_("Error")), msg) return False else: if b: backup.removeBackup(filename) recentfiles.add(doc.url()) return True
def translateUI(self): self.setWindowTitle(app.caption(_("window title", "Edit Shortcut"))) self.buttonNone.setText(_("&No shortcut")) self.buttonCustom.setText(_("Use a &custom shortcut:")) for num in range(4): self.keylabels[num].setText( _("Alternative #{num}:").format( num=num) if num else _("Primary shortcut:"))
def translateUI(self): self.setWindowTitle(app.caption(_("Score Setup Wizard"))) for i in range(self.tabs.count()): self.tabs.setTabText(i, self.tabs.widget(i).title()) self.dialogButtons.button(QDialogButtonBox.Reset).setText(_("Clear")) self.dialogButtons.button(QDialogButtonBox.Reset).setToolTip(_( "Clears the current page of the Score Wizard.")) self.previewButton.setText(_("Preview"))
def translateUI(self): self.setWindowTitle(app.caption(_("Import Music XML"))) self.noartCheck.setText(_("No articulation directions")) self.norestCheck.setText(_("No rest positions")) self.nolayoutCheck.setText(_("No page layout")) self.nobeamCheck.setText(_("Auto beaming")) self.commandLineLabel.setText(_("Command line:")) self.buttons.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setText(_("Run musicxml2ly"))
def translateUI(self): self.setWindowTitle(app.caption(_("Manage Sessions"))) self.imp.setText(_("&Import...")) self.imp.setToolTip(_("Opens a dialog to import a session from a file.")) self.exp.setText(_("E&xport...")) self.exp.setToolTip(_("Opens a dialog to export a session to a file.")) self.act.setText(_("&Activate")) self.act.setToolTip(_("Switches to the selected session."))
def openDocument(self): """ Displays an open dialog to open one or more documents. """ ext = os.path.splitext(self.currentDocument().url().path())[1] filetypes = app.filetypes(ext) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Open File")) directory = os.path.dirname(self.currentDocument().url().toLocalFile()) or app.basedir() files = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self, caption, directory, filetypes) urls = [QUrl.fromLocalFile(filename) for filename in files] self.openDocuments(urls)
def importSession(self): """Called when the user clicks Import.""" filetypes = '{0} (*.json);;{1} (*)'.format(_("JSON Files"), _("All Files")) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Import session")) mainwindow = self.parent() directory = os.path.dirname(mainwindow.currentDocument().url().toLocalFile()) or app.basedir() importfile = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(mainwindow, caption, directory, filetypes) if not importfile: return # cancelled by user try: with open(importfile) as f: self.sessions.importItem(json.load(f)) except IOError as e: msg = _("{message}\n\n{strerror} ({errno})").format( message = _("Could not read from: {url}").format(url=importfile), strerror = e.strerror, errno = e.errno) QMessageBox.critical(self, app.caption(_("Error")), msg)
def translateUI(self): self.setWindowTitle(app.caption(_("Global Fonts"))) self.setMessage( _("Please select the three global fonts to use for " r"<code>\roman</code>, <code>\sans</code>, and <code>\typewriter</code> " "respectively.")) self.romanLabel.setText(_("Roman Font:")) self.sansLabel.setText(_("Sans Font:")) self.typewriterLabel.setText(_("Typewriter Font:"))
def slotImport(self): """Called when the user activates the import action.""" filetypes = "{0} (*.xml);;{1} (*)".format(_("XML Files"), _("All Files")) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Import Snippets")) filename = None filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, caption, filename, filetypes) if filename: from . import import_export import_export.load(filename, self)
def show_available_fonts(mainwin, info): """Display a dialog with the available fonts of LilyPond specified by info.""" dlg = Dialog(mainwin) dlg.setWindowTitle(app.caption("Available Fonts")) dlg.run_command(info, ['-dshow-available-fonts'], _("Available Fonts")) dlg.setMessage(_( "List of fonts detected by {version}").format(version=info.prettyName())) qutil.saveDialogSize(dlg, "engrave/tools/available-fonts/dialog/size", QSize(640, 400))
def translateUI(self): self.setWindowTitle(app.caption(_("LilyPond"))) self.lilynameLabel.setText(_("Label:")) self.lilynameLabel.setToolTip(_("How this version of LilyPond will be displayed.")) self.lilypondLabel.setText(_("LilyPond Command:")) self.lilypond.lineEdit.setToolTip(_("Name or full path of the LilyPond program.")) self.convert_lyLabel.setText(_("Convert-ly:")) self.lilypond_bookLabel.setText(_("LilyPond-book:"))"Include in automatic version selection"))
def importSession(self): """Called when the user clicks Import.""" filetypes = '{0} (*.json);;{1} (*)'.format(_("JSON Files"), _("All Files")) caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Import session")) mainwindow = self.parent() directory = os.path.dirname(mainwindow.currentDocument().url().toLocalFile()) or app.basedir() importfile = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(mainwindow, caption, directory, filetypes)[0] if not importfile: return # cancelled by user try: with open(importfile, 'r') as f: self.sessions.importItem(json.load(f)) except IOError as e: msg = _("{message}\n\n{strerror} ({errno})").format( message = _("Could not read from: {url}").format(url=importfile), strerror = e.strerror, errno = e.errno) QMessageBox.critical(self, app.caption(_("Error")), msg)