def test_c_delete(self): delete_task(2) self.assertEqual( len(get_todos()), 2, 'After deleting one tasks, the todo list length must be two') self.assertEqual( get_todos()[0], "Make the bed", 'After deleting position 2 the first position must still be Make the bed' ) self.assertEqual( get_todos()[1], "Clean kitchen", 'After deleting position 2 the second position must be now Clean kitchen' )
def test_b_add(self): add_one_task("Make the bed") add_one_task("Make lunch") add_one_task("Clean kitchen") self.assertEqual( len(get_todos()), 3, 'After adding three tasks, the todo list length must be three')
def test_get_todos_not_done(self, monkeypatch): self.set_monkeypatch_with_req_query( monkeypatch, {'done': '0'}, '0') actual_res = app.get_todos() assert actual_res.status_code == 200 assert actual_res.body == self.not_done_todos
def test_get_todos_keyword_not_match_content(self, monkeypatch): self.set_monkeypatch_with_req_query( monkeypatch, {'keyword': 'とぅ', 'target': 'title'} ) actual_res = app.get_todos() assert actual_res.status_code == 200 assert actual_res.body == []
def test_get_todos_keyword_not_match_both(self, monkeypatch): self.set_monkeypatch_with_req_query( monkeypatch, {'keyword': 'abcdefg'} ) actual_res = app.get_todos() assert actual_res.status_code == 200 assert actual_res.body == []
def test_get_todos_keyword_both(self, monkeypatch): self.set_monkeypatch_with_req_query( monkeypatch, {'keyword': 'todo'} ) expected_todos = self.done_todos + self.not_done_todos actual_res = app.get_todos() assert actual_res.status_code == 200 assert actual_res.body == expected_todos
def test_get_todos_invalid_params(self, monkeypatch): self.set_monkeypatch_with_req_query( monkeypatch, {'somekey': 'とぅ', 'done': 'invlid value'} ) expected_todos = self.done_todos + self.not_done_todos actual_res = app.get_todos() assert actual_res.status_code == 200 assert actual_res.body == expected_todos
def test_e_load(self): file = open( 'todos.csv', 'w+') # open the file for writing 'w', create if it doesn't exists file.write('\n'.join(['jump', 'run', 'roll'])) # write the content file.close() # close the file load_todos() self.assertEqual( get_todos(), ['jump', 'run', 'roll'], 'The todos on the RAM memory have to be the same TODOs on the todos.csv' )
def test_d_save(self): save_todos() file = open("todos.csv", "r") file_content = csv.reader(file) _todos = [] for row in file_content: _todos.append(row[0]) file.close() self.assertEqual( get_todos(), _todos, 'The todos on the RAM memory have to be the same TODOs on the todos.csv' )
def test_get_todos_keyword_title(self, monkeypatch): self.set_monkeypatch_with_req_query( monkeypatch, {'keyword': 'テスト', 'target': 'title'} ) expected_todos = [ self.done_todos[0], self.not_done_todos[0], ] actual_res = app.get_todos() assert actual_res.status_code == 200 assert actual_res.body == expected_todos
def test_a_initialize(self): self.assertEqual(len(get_todos()), 0, 'The todo list needs to start with cero todos')
def test_Return_todos_list(self, client, monkeypatch): """get_todos: すべてのアイテムを取得することができる""" self._monkeys(client, monkeypatch) assert app.get_todos() == TESTDATA_DDB_ITEMS