Example #1
def test_set_values(configdir, mocker, defaults):
    Test that values are set correctly with the right type corresponding to
    that of their default values if any.
    conf = UserConfig(NAME, defaults=defaults, load=True, path=configdir,
                      backup=True, version=CONF_VERSION, raw_mode=True)

    # Set the value of options with default value.
    params = [('main', 'option#1', 34.678, '34.678'),
              ('main', 'option#3', 34.678, 34.678),
              ('main', 'option#4', 34.678, 34),
              ('main', 'option#5', '', False),
              ('main', 'option#5', 34.678, True)]

    mocked_save = mocker.patch('appconfigs.user.UserConfig._save')
    for i, (section, option, new_value, expected_value) in enumerate(params):
        conf.set(section, option, new_value)
        assert conf.get(section, option) == expected_value
        assert mocked_save.call_count == i + 1

    # Set the value of new options with no default value.
    params = [('main', 'new_option', 'some_str'),
              ('new_section', 'new_option', 12.123)]

    for i, (section, option, new_value) in enumerate(params):
        assert conf.get_default(section, option) is NoDefault

        conf.set(section, option, new_value)
        assert conf.get(section, option) == new_value
        assert conf.get_default(section, option) is new_value
        assert mocked_save.call_count == i + 1
Example #2
def test_check_version():
    Test the method that check whether the version format is valid.
    # Test valid version formats.
    for version in ['12.4.5', '12.4']:
        assert UserConfig._check_version(version)

    # Test not valid version formats.
    for version in ['0.1.5.dev0', 12, '12', '', (0, 1, 3)]:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Example #3
def test_set_as_defaults(configdir, defaults):
    Test loading default value from an ini file when passing defaults=None.
    conf = UserConfig(NAME, defaults=defaults, load=True, path=configdir,
                      backup=True, version='0.1.0', raw_mode=True)

    # Instantiate UserConfig again, but with defaults=None.
    del conf
    conf = UserConfig(NAME, defaults=None, load=True, path=configdir,
                      backup=True, version='0.1.0', raw_mode=True)

    for section, options in defaults:
        for option, value in options.items():
            assert conf.get_default(section, option) == value
Example #4
def test_files_creation(configdir, backup_value, defaults):
    Test that the .ini, .bak, and default files are created as expected in the
    specified app config directory.
    conf = UserConfig(NAME, defaults=defaults, load=True, path=configdir,
                      backup=backup_value, version=CONF_VERSION, raw_mode=True)

    ini_name = conf.get_filename()
    bak_name = conf.get_filename() + '.bak'
    defaults_name = osp.join(conf.path, 'defaults', 'defaults-0.1.0.ini')

    assert ini_name == osp.join(configdir, NAME + '.ini')
    assert osp.exists(ini_name)
    assert osp.exists(defaults_name)
    assert osp.exists(bak_name) is False

    # Init UserConfig a second time to trigger the creation of a backup file.
    conf = UserConfig(NAME, defaults=defaults, load=True, path=configdir,
                      backup=backup_value, version=CONF_VERSION, raw_mode=True)

    assert osp.exists(bak_name) is backup_value
    if backup_value is True:
        assert filecmp.cmp(ini_name, bak_name, shallow=False)
Example #5
def test_cleanup(configdir, defaults):
    Test cleaning up the configuration files.
    conf = UserConfig(NAME, defaults=defaults, load=True, path=configdir,
                      backup=True, version='0.1.0', raw_mode=True)

    assert osp.exists(conf.get_filename())
    assert not osp.exists(conf.get_filename())
Example #6
         'fontsize_console': 12,
         'fontsize_menubar': 12,
         'last_project_filepath': '../Projects/Example/Example.gwt'

# =============================================================================
# Config instance
# =============================================================================
# 1. If you want to *change* the default value of a current option, you need to
#    do a MINOR update in config version, e.g. from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0
# 2. If you want to *remove* options that are no longer needed in our codebase,
#    or if you want to *rename* options, then you need to do a MAJOR update in
#    version, e.g. from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0
# 3. You don't need to touch this value if you're just adding a new option
CONF_VERSION = '1.0.0'

# Setup the main configuration instance.
LOAD = False if bool(os.environ.get('GWHAT_PYTEST')) else True
    CONF = UserConfig('gwhat', defaults=DEFAULTS, load=LOAD,
                      version=CONF_VERSION, path=CONFIG_DIR,
                      backup=True, raw_mode=True)
except Exception:
    CONF = UserConfig('gwhat', defaults=DEFAULTS, load=False,
                      version=CONF_VERSION, path=CONFIG_DIR,
                      backup=True, raw_mode=True)
Example #7
def test_get_values(configdir, defaults):
    Test that values are returned correctly with the right type.
    conf = UserConfig(NAME, defaults=defaults, load=True, path=configdir,
                      backup=True, version=CONF_VERSION, raw_mode=True)

    for section, options in defaults:
        for option, value in options.items():
            assert conf.get(section, option) == value
            assert conf.get_default(section, option) == value

    # Get a value of an option that does not exists without providing a
    # default value.
    assert not conf.has_option('main', 'dummy')
    assert conf.get_default('main', 'dummy') is NoDefault
    with pytest.raises(cp.NoOptionError):
        conf.get('main', 'dummy')

    # Get a value of an option that does not exists while providing a
    # default value.
    assert not conf.has_option('main', 'dummy')
    assert conf.get_default('main', 'dummy') is NoDefault
    assert conf.get('main', 'dummy', 8.234) == 8.234
    assert conf.get_default('main', 'dummy') == 8.234

    # Get a value from section that does not exists without providing a
    # default value.
    assert not conf.has_section('dummy')
    assert conf.get_default('dummy', 'dummy') is NoDefault
    with pytest.raises(cp.NoSectionError):
        conf.get('dummy', 'dummy')

    # Get a value from section that does not exists while providing a
    # default value.
    assert not conf.has_section('dummy')
    assert conf.get_default('dummy', 'dummy') is NoDefault
    assert conf.get('dummy', 'dummy', 'new_value') == 'new_value'
    assert conf.get_default('dummy', 'dummy') == 'new_value'
Example #8
def test_reset_to_defaults(configdir, defaults, mocker, save_value):
    Test resetting config values to defaults.
    conf = UserConfig(NAME, defaults=defaults, load=True, path=configdir,
                      backup=True, version='0.1.0', raw_mode=True)

    # Change the value of option#3 in main section.
    conf.set('main', 'option#3', 65.23)
    assert conf.get('main', 'option#3') == 65.23
    assert conf.get_default('main', 'option#3') == 24.567
    assert filecmp.cmp(
        conf.get_filename(), conf.get_filename() + '.bak', shallow=False
        ) is False

    # Reset the config values to defaults.
    assert conf.get('main', 'option#3') == 24.567
    assert conf.get_default('main', 'option#3') == 24.567
    assert filecmp.cmp(
        conf.get_filename(), conf.get_filename() + '.bak', shallow=False
        ) is save_value
Example #9
def test_bump_version(configdir, defaults):
    Test bumping the configuration version and assert that the defaults
    gets updated as expected.
    conf = UserConfig(NAME, defaults=defaults, load=True, path=configdir,
                      backup=True, version='0.1.0', raw_mode=True)

    assert osp.exists(conf.get_filename())
    assert osp.exists(osp.join(conf.path, 'defaults', 'defaults-0.1.0.ini'))

    # Delete option#4 in main section.
    del defaults[0][1]['option#4']
    # Delete section#1 in defaults.
    del defaults[1]
    # Change the default value of option#5 in main.
    defaults[0][1]['option#5'] = 'main_opt5_new_default'
    # Add and option to main section.
    defaults[0][1]['option#999'] = 'main_opt999_default'
    # Add a new section to defaults.
    defaults.append(('section#999', {'option#999': 'sec999_opt999_default'}))

    del conf
    conf = UserConfig(NAME, defaults=defaults, load=True, path=configdir,
                      backup=True, version='0.2.0', raw_mode=True)

    assert osp.exists(osp.join(conf.path, 'defaults', 'defaults-0.2.0.ini'))
    assert osp.exists(conf.get_filename() + '-0.1.0.bak')

    assert not conf.has_option('main', 'option#4')
    assert not conf.has_section('section#1')
    assert conf.get('main', 'option#5') == 'main_opt5_new_default'
    assert conf.get_default('main', 'option#5') == 'main_opt5_new_default'
    assert conf.get('main', 'option#999') == 'main_opt999_default'
    assert conf.get_default('main', 'option#999') == 'main_opt999_default'
    assert conf.get('section#999', 'option#999') == 'sec999_opt999_default'
    assert conf.get_default('section#999', 'option#999') == (