Example #1
    def post(self):
        "Upload via a multitype POST message"
        img = self.request.get("img")

        # if we don't have image data we'll quit now
        if not img:
        # we have image data
            # check we have numerical width and height values
            width = int(self.request.get("width"))
            height = int(self.request.get("height"))
        except ValueError:
            # if we don't have valid width and height values
            # then just use the original image
            image_content = img
            # if we have valid width and height values
            # then resize according to those values
            image_content = images.resize(img, width, height)
        # get the image data from the form
        original_content = img
        # always generate a thumbnail for use on the admin page
        thumb_content = images.resize(img, 100, 100)
        # create the image object
        image = Image()
        # and set the properties to the relevant values
        image.image = db.Blob(image_content)
        # we always store the original here in case of errors
        # although it's currently not exposed via the frontend
        image.original = db.Blob(original_content)
        image.thumb = db.Blob(thumb_content)
        image.user = users.get_current_user()
        # store the image in the datasore
        # and redirect back to the admin page