def test_read_only_write_only_eq(): """ By default readOnly and writeOnly are never compared. But we should load the correct data from each side (K8S or APPGATE) """ EntityTest4 = load_test_open_api_spec( secrets_key=None, reload=True).entities['EntityTest4'].cls e_data = { 'fieldOne': 'writeOnly', 'fieldTwo': 'readOnly', } e = APPGATE_LOADER.load(e_data, None, EntityTest4) assert e == EntityTest4(fieldOne=None, fieldTwo='readOnly') e = APPGATE_LOADER.load(e_data, None, EntityTest4) assert e == EntityTest4(fieldOne=None, fieldTwo='----') assert e.fieldTwo == 'readOnly' assert e.fieldOne is None e = K8S_LOADER.load(e_data, None, EntityTest4) assert e == EntityTest4(fieldOne='writeOnly', fieldTwo=None) e = K8S_LOADER.load(e_data, None, EntityTest4) assert e == EntityTest4(fieldOne='-----', fieldTwo=None) assert e.fieldOne == 'writeOnly' assert e.fieldTwo is None
def test_compare_entity_with_secrets_with_metadata_1(): EntityTest2 = load_test_open_api_spec( reload=True, k8s_get_secret=_k8s_get_secret).entities['EntityTest2'].cls data_1 = { 'fieldOne': { 'type': 'k8s/secret', 'name': 'secret-storage-1', 'key': 'field-one' }, 'fieldTwo': 'this is write only', 'fieldThree': 'this is a field', } data_2 = { 'fieldOne': { 'type': 'k8s/secret', 'name': 'secret-storage-1', 'key': 'field-one' }, 'fieldTwo': 'this is write only', 'fieldThree': 'this is a field', 'created': '2020-09-10T12:20:14Z', 'updated': '2020-09-10T12:20:14Z' } appgate_metadata = { 'generation': 1, 'latestGeneration': 1, 'creationTimestamp': '2020-09-10T10:20:14Z', 'modificationTimestamp': '2020-09-09T12:20:14Z', } e1 = EntityWrapper(K8S_LOADER.load(data_1, appgate_metadata, EntityTest2)) e2 = EntityWrapper(APPGATE_LOADER.load(data_2, None, EntityTest2)) assert e1 == e2 data_2 = { 'fieldOne': { 'type': 'k8s/secret', 'name': 'secret-storage-1', 'key': 'field-one' }, 'fieldTwo': 'this is write only', 'fieldThree': 'this is a field different', 'created': '2020-09-10T12:20:14Z', 'updated': '2020-09-08T12:20:14Z' } e3 = EntityWrapper(APPGATE_LOADER.load(data_2, None, EntityTest2)) assert e1 != e3
def test_compare_entity_with_secrets(): """ If we are missing metadata frm k8s we should always update the entity """ EntityTest2 = load_test_open_api_spec( reload=True, k8s_get_secret=_k8s_get_secret).entities['EntityTest2'].cls data_1 = { 'fieldOne': { 'type': 'k8s/secret', 'name': 'secret-storage-1', 'key': 'field-one' }, 'fieldTwo': 'this is write only', 'fieldThree': 'this is a field', } data_2 = { 'fieldOne': { 'type': 'k8s/secret', 'name': 'secret-storage-1', 'key': 'field-one' }, 'fieldTwo': 'this is write only', 'fieldThree': 'this is a field', 'created': '2020-09-10T12:20:14Z', 'updated': '2020-09-10T12:20:14Z' } e1 = EntityWrapper(K8S_LOADER.load(data_1, None, EntityTest2)) e2 = EntityWrapper(APPGATE_LOADER.load(data_2, None, EntityTest2)) assert e1 != e2
def test_loader_1(): EntityTest1 = load_test_open_api_spec( secrets_key=None, reload=True).entities['EntityTest1'].cls entity_1 = { 'fieldOne': 'this is read only', 'fieldTwo': 'this is write only', 'fieldThree': 'this is deprecated', 'fieldFour': 'this is a field', 'from': 'this has a weird key name', } e = APPGATE_LOADER.load(entity_1, None, EntityTest1) assert e == EntityTest1(fieldOne='this is read only', fieldTwo=None, fieldFour='this is a field', fromm='this has a weird key name') assert e != EntityTest1(fieldOne=None, fieldTwo='this is write only', fieldFour='this is a field that changed') assert e.fieldOne == 'this is read only' assert e.fieldTwo is None e = K8S_LOADER.load(entity_1, None, EntityTest1) assert e == EntityTest1(fieldOne=None, fieldTwo='this is write only', fieldFour='this is a field', fromm='this has a weird key name') assert e != EntityTest1(fieldOne=None, fieldTwo='this is write only', fieldFour='this is a field that changed', fromm='this has a weird key name')
def test_write_only_attribute_load(): EntityTest2 = load_test_open_api_spec( secrets_key=None, reload=True).entities['EntityTest2'].cls e_data = { 'fieldOne': '1234567890', 'fieldTwo': 'this is write only', 'fieldThree': 'this is a field', } e = APPGATE_LOADER.load(e_data, None, EntityTest2) # writeOnly fields are not loaded from Appgate assert e.fieldOne is None assert e.fieldTwo is None assert e.fieldThree == 'this is a field' # writeOnly fields are not compared by default assert e == EntityTest2(fieldOne='1234567890', fieldTwo='this is write only', fieldThree='this is a field') e = K8S_LOADER.load(e_data, None, EntityTest2) # writeOnly fields are loaded from K8S assert e.fieldOne == '1234567890' assert e.fieldTwo == 'this is write only' assert e.fieldThree == 'this is a field' # writeOnly fields are not compared by default assert e == EntityTest2(fieldOne=None, fieldTwo=None, fieldThree='this is a field') assert e.appgate_metadata.passwords == {'fieldOne': '1234567890'} assert e.appgate_metadata.password_fields == frozenset({'fieldOne'})
def test_compare_plan_entity_pem(): EntityCert = load_test_open_api_spec( secrets_key=None, reload=True).entities['EntityCert'].cls appgate_data = { 'name': 'c1', 'fieldOne': PEM_TEST, 'fieldTwo': { 'version': 1, 'serial': '3578', 'issuer': join_string(ISSUER), 'subject': join_string(SUBJECT), 'validFrom': '2012-08-22T05:26:54.000Z', 'validTo': '2017-08-21T05:26:54.000Z', 'fingerprint': 'Xw+1FmWBquZKEBwVg7G+vnToFKkeeooUuh6DXXj26ec=', 'certificate': join_string(CERTIFICATE_FIELD), 'subjectPublicKey': join_string(PUBKEY_FIELD), } } k8s_data = {'name': 'c1', 'fieldOne': PEM2} current_entities = EntitiesSet( {EntityWrapper(APPGATE_LOADER.load(appgate_data, None, EntityCert))}) new_e = K8S_LOADER.load(k8s_data, None, EntityCert) expected_entities = EntitiesSet({EntityWrapper(new_e)}) plan = compare_entities(current_entities, expected_entities, BUILTIN_TAGS) assert plan.modify.entities == frozenset({EntityWrapper(new_e)}) assert plan.modifications_diff == { 'c1': [ '--- \n', '+++ \n', '@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@\n', ' "fieldTwo": {\n', '- "version": 1,\n', '- "serial": "3578",\n', '+ "version": 3,\n', '+ "serial": "0",\n', ' "issuer": "[email protected], CN=Frank4DD Web CA, OU=WebCert Support, O=Frank4DD, L=Chuo-ku, ST=Tokyo, C=JP",\n', ' "subject": ", O=Frank4DD, ST=Tokyo, C=JP",\n', '- "validFrom": "2012-08-22T05:26:54.000Z",\n', '- "validTo": "2017-08-21T05:26:54.000Z",\n', '- "fingerprint": "Xw+1FmWBquZKEBwVg7G+vnToFKkeeooUuh6DXXj26ec=",\n', '- "certificate": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUNFakNDQVhzQ0FnMzZNQTBHQ1NxR1NJYjNEUUVCQlFVQU1JR2JNUXN3Q1FZRFZRUUdF' 'd0pLVURFT01Bd0cKQTFVRUNCTUZWRzlyZVc4eEVEQU9CZ05WQkFjVEIwTm9kVzh0YTNVeEVUQVBCZ05WQkFvVENFWnlZVzVyTkVSRQpNUmd3RmdZRFZRUUxFdzlYWldKRFpYS' 'jBJRk4xY0hCdmNuUXhHREFXQmdOVkJBTVREMFp5WVc1ck5FUkVJRmRsCllpQkRRVEVqTUNFR0NTcUdTSWIzRFFFSkFSWVVjM1Z3Y0c5eWRFQm1jbUZ1YXpSa1pDNWpiMjB3SG' 'hjTk1USXcKT0RJeU1EVXlOalUwV2hjTk1UY3dPREl4TURVeU5qVTBXakJLTVFzd0NRWURWUVFHRXdKS1VERU9NQXdHQTFVRQpDQXdGVkc5cmVXOHhFVEFQQmdOVkJBb01DRVp' '5WVc1ck5FUkVNUmd3RmdZRFZRUUREQTkzZDNjdVpYaGhiWEJzClpTNWpiMjB3WERBTkJna3Foa2lHOXcwQkFRRUZBQU5MQURCSUFrRUFtL3hta0htRVFydXJFLzByZS9qZUZS' 'TGwKOFpQakJvcDd1TEhobmlhN2xRRy81ekR0WklVQzNSVnBxRFN3QnV3L05Ud2VHeXVQK284QUc5OEh4cXhUQndJRApBUUFCTUEwR0NTcUdTSWIzRFFFQkJRVUFBNEdCQUJTM' 'lRMdUJlVFBtY2FUYVVXL0xDQjJOWU95OEdNZHpSMW14CjhpQkl1Mkg2L0UydGlZM1JJZXZWMk9XNjFxWTIvWFJRZzdZUHh4M2ZmZVV1Z1g5RjRKL2lQbm51MXpBeHh5QnkKMl' 'ZndUt2NFNXalJGb1JrSWZJbEhYMHFWdmlNaFNsTnkyaW9GTHk3SmNQWmIrdjNmdERHeXdVcWNCaVZEb2VhMApIbitHbXhaQQotLS0tLUVORCBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCg==",\n', '+ "validFrom": "1901-12-13T20:45:52.000Z",\n', '+ "validTo": "2038-01-19T03:14:07.000Z",\n', '+ "fingerprint": "6b7fb51b56acaf0a8f9b9a3f8ca6737cb97821ddb830106c9fc9a14b8bfdfa36",\n', '+ "certificate": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUNHakNDQVlPZ0F3SUJBZ0lCQURBTkJna3Foa2lHOXcwQkFRVUZBRENCbXpFTE1Ba0dB' 'MVVFQmhNQ1NsQXgKRGpBTUJnTlZCQWdUQlZSdmEzbHZNUkF3RGdZRFZRUUhFd2REYUhWdkxXdDFNUkV3RHdZRFZRUUtFd2hHY21GdQphelJFUkRFWU1CWUdBMVVFQ3hNUFYyV' 'mlRMlZ5ZENCVGRYQndiM0owTVJnd0ZnWURWUVFERXc5R2NtRnVhelJFClJDQlhaV0lnUTBFeEl6QWhCZ2txaGtpRzl3MEJDUUVXRkhOMWNIQnZjblJBWm5KaGJtczBaR1F1WT' 'I5dE1DSVkKRHpFNU1ERXhNakV6TWpBME5UVXlXaGdQTWpBek9EQXhNVGt3TXpFME1EZGFNRW94Q3pBSkJnTlZCQVlUQWtwUQpNUTR3REFZRFZRUUlEQVZVYjJ0NWJ6RVJNQTh' 'HQTFVRUNnd0lSbkpoYm1zMFJFUXhHREFXQmdOVkJBTU1EM2QzCmR5NWxlR0Z0Y0d4bExtTnZiVEJjTUEwR0NTcUdTSWIzRFFFQkFRVUFBMHNBTUVnQ1FRQ2IvR2FRZVlSQ3U2' 'c1QKL1N0NytONFZFdVh4aytNR2ludTRzZUdlSnJ1VkFiL25NTzFraFFMZEZXbW9OTEFHN0Q4MVBCNGJLNC82andBYgozd2ZHckZNSEFnTUJBQUV3RFFZSktvWklodmNOQVFFR' 'kJRQURnWUVBbnpkZVFCRzJjclhudlp5SGdDTDlkU25tCmxuYVhKSVRPLy8rRzU5dUN2REtiblgrQkt2WFh4WFFJYTdHbXR6WXV3M0xDL2pKSkwzMDdyL0NFQ1pyNnZWOUkKS0' 'huMjcreU90clBET3dURHRYeWFZT2FmOFY2ZmtTVk4zaUx4N3RiRVA2UjB1RUt4YVZhcU1aNzFlZDNTTzFPTAp3cTBqOEdrS1kvSy96bDJOd3pjPQotLS0tLUVORCBDRVJUSUZ' 'JQ0FURS0tLS0tCg==",\n', ' "subjectPublicKey": "MFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBAJv8ZpB5hEK7qxP9K3v43hUS5' 'fGT4waKe7ix4Z4mu5UBv+cw7WSFAt0Vaag0sAbsPzU8Hhsrj/qPABvfB8asUwcCAwEAAQ=="\n' ] }
def entity_client(self, entity: type, api_path: str, singleton: bool) -> EntityClient: dumper = APPGATE_DUMPER return EntityClient( appgate_client=self, path=f'/admin/{api_path}', singleton=singleton, load=lambda d: APPGATE_LOADER.load(d, None, entity), dump=lambda e: dumper.dump(e))
def test_compare_plan_entity_bytes(): EntityTest3Appgate = load_test_open_api_spec( secrets_key=None, reload=True).entities['EntityTest3Appgate'].cls # fieldOne is writeOnly :: byte # fieldTwo is readOnly :: checksum of fieldOne # fieldThree is readOnly :: size of fieldOne e_data = { 'id': '6a01c585-c192-475b-b86f-0e632ada6769', # Current data always has ids 'name': 'entity1', 'fieldOne': None, 'fieldTwo': SHA256_FILE, 'fieldThree': 1563, } entities_current = EntitiesSet( {EntityWrapper(APPGATE_LOADER.load(e_data, None, EntityTest3Appgate))}) e_data = { 'name': 'entity1', 'fieldOne': BASE64_FILE_W0, 'fieldTwo': None, 'fieldThree': None, } e_metadata = {'uuid': '6a01c585-c192-475b-b86f-0e632ada6769'} entities_expected = EntitiesSet({ EntityWrapper(K8S_LOADER.load(e_data, e_metadata, EntityTest3Appgate)) }) plan = compare_entities(entities_current, entities_expected, BUILTIN_TAGS) assert plan.modify.entities == frozenset() assert plan.modifications_diff == {} assert compute_diff( list(entities_current.entities)[0], list(entities_expected.entities)[0]) == [] # Let's change the bytes e_data = { 'name': 'entity1', 'fieldOne': 'Some other content', 'fieldTwo': None, 'fieldThree': None, } new_e = K8S_LOADER.load(e_data, e_metadata, EntityTest3Appgate) entities_expected = EntitiesSet({EntityWrapper(new_e)}) plan = compare_entities(entities_current, entities_expected, BUILTIN_TAGS) assert plan.modify.entities == frozenset({EntityWrapper(new_e)}) assert plan.modifications_diff == { 'entity1': [ '--- \n', '+++ \n', '@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@\n', ' "name": "entity1",\n', '- "fieldTwo": "0d373afdccb82399b29ba0d6d1a282b4d10d7e70d948257e75c05999f0be9f3e",\n', '- "fieldThree": 1563\n', '+ "fieldTwo": "c8f4fc85b689f8f3a70e7024e2bb8c7c8f4f7f9ffd2a1a8d01fc8fba74d1af34",\n', '+ "fieldThree": 12\n', ' }' ] }
def test_load_entities_v12(): """ Read all yaml files in v12 and try to load them according to the kind. """ open_api = generate_api_spec(Path(SPEC_DIR).parent / 'v12') entities = open_api.entities for f in os.listdir('tests/resources/v12'): with (Path('tests/resources/v12') / f).open('r') as f: documents = list(yaml.safe_load_all(f)) for d in documents: e = entities[d['kind']].cls assert isinstance(APPGATE_LOADER.load(d['spec'], None, e), e)
def test_appgate_metadata_secrets_dump_from_appgate(): EntityTest2 = load_test_open_api_spec( secrets_key=None, reload=True).entities['EntityTest2'].cls e1_data = { 'fieldThree': 'this is a field', } e1 = APPGATE_LOADER.load(e1_data, None, EntityTest2) e2_data = { 'fieldThree': 'this is a field', 'appgate_metadata': { 'passwordFields': ['fieldOne'], } } d = K8S_DUMPER.dump(e1) assert d == e2_data
def test_write_only_password_attribute_load(): e_data = { 'fieldOne': ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD, # password 'fieldTwo': 'this is write only', 'fieldThree': 'this is a field', } EntityTest2 = load_test_open_api_spec().entities['EntityTest2'].cls e = APPGATE_LOADER.load(e_data, None, EntityTest2) # writeOnly passwords are not loaded from Appgate assert e.fieldOne is None assert e.fieldTwo is None assert e.fieldThree == 'this is a field' assert e.fieldThree == 'this is a field' # writeOnly passwords are not compared assert e == EntityTest2(fieldOne='wrong-password', fieldTwo='some value', fieldThree='this is a field') # normal fields are compared assert e != EntityTest2( fieldOne=None, fieldTwo=None, fieldThree='this is a field with a different value') # normal writeOnly fields are not compared when compare_secrets is True assert e == EntityTest2(fieldOne=None, fieldTwo='some value', fieldThree='this is a field') e = K8S_LOADER.load(e_data, None, EntityTest2) # writeOnly password fields are loaded from K8S assert e.fieldOne == '1234567890' # decrypted password assert e.fieldTwo == 'this is write only' assert e.fieldThree == 'this is a field' # writeOnly password fields are not compared by default assert e == EntityTest2(fieldOne=None, fieldTwo=None, fieldThree='this is a field') assert e != EntityTest2( fieldOne=None, fieldTwo=None, fieldThree='this is a field with a different value')
def test_compare_entities_updated_changed(): EntityTest2 = load_test_open_api_spec( reload=True, k8s_get_secret=_k8s_get_secret).entities['EntityTest2'].cls data_1 = { 'fieldOne': { 'type': 'k8s/secret', 'name': 'secret-storage-1', 'key': 'field-one' }, 'fieldTwo': 'this is write only', 'fieldThree': 'this is a field', } data_2 = { 'fieldOne': { 'type': 'k8s/secret', 'name': 'secret-storage-1', 'key': 'field-one' }, 'fieldTwo': 'this is write only', 'fieldThree': 'this is a field', 'created': '2020-09-10T12:20:14Z', 'updated': '2020-09-10T12:20:14Z' } appgate_metadata = { 'generation': 1, 'latestGeneration': 1, 'creationTimestamp': '2020-09-10T10:20:14Z', 'modificationTimestamp': '2020-09-16T12:20:14Z', } e1 = EntityWrapper(K8S_LOADER.load(data_1, appgate_metadata, EntityTest2)) e2 = EntityWrapper(APPGATE_LOADER.load(data_2, None, EntityTest2)) diff = compute_diff(e2, e1) assert diff == [ '--- \n', '+++ \n', '@@ -2,3 +2,3 @@\n', ' "fieldThree": "this is a field",\n', '- "updated": "2020-09-10T12:20:14.000Z"\n', '+ "updated": "2020-09-16T12:20:14.000Z"\n', ' }' ]
def test_bytes_load(): EntityTest3 = load_test_open_api_spec( secrets_key=None, reload=True).entities['EntityTest3'].cls # fieldOne is writeOnly :: byte # fieldTwo is readOnly :: checksum of fieldOne e_data = { 'fieldOne': BASE64_FILE_W0, 'fieldTwo': SHA256_FILE, } # writeOnly with format bytes is never read from APPGATE # readOnly associated as checksum to writeOnly bytes is always read from APPGATE e = APPGATE_LOADER.load(e_data, None, EntityTest3) assert e.fieldOne is None assert e.fieldTwo == SHA256_FILE assert e == EntityTest3(fieldTwo=SHA256_FILE) # writeOnly bytes is never compared assert e == EntityTest3(fieldOne='Some value', fieldTwo=SHA256_FILE) # readOnly associated to writeOnly bytes is compared assert e != EntityTest3(fieldOne='Some value', fieldTwo='22222') e_data = { 'fieldOne': BASE64_FILE_W0, 'fieldTwo': None, } e = K8S_LOADER.load(e_data, None, EntityTest3) # When reading from K8S the checksum field associated to bytes is computed # by the operator assert e.fieldOne == BASE64_FILE_W0 assert e.fieldTwo == SHA256_FILE # We never compare the bytes field itself, only the associated checksum field assert e == EntityTest3(fieldOne=None, fieldTwo=SHA256_FILE, fieldThree=SIZE_FILE) assert e != EntityTest3( fieldOne=BASE64_FILE_W0, fieldTwo='1111111', fieldThree=SIZE_FILE) assert e != EntityTest3( fieldOne=BASE64_FILE_W0, fieldTwo=SHA256_FILE, fieldThree=666)
def test_certificate_pem_load(): EntityCert = load_test_open_api_spec( secrets_key=None, reload=True).entities['EntityCert'].cls EntityCert_Fieldtwo = load_test_open_api_spec( secrets_key=None).entities['EntityCert_Fieldtwo'].cls cert = EntityCert_Fieldtwo( version=1, serial='3578', issuer=join_string(ISSUER), subject=join_string(SUBJECT), validFrom=datetime.datetime(2012, 8, 22, 5, 26, 54, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), validTo=datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 21, 5, 26, 54, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), fingerprint=FINGERPRINT, certificate=join_string(CERTIFICATE_FIELD), subjectPublicKey=join_string(PUBKEY_FIELD)) e0_data = { 'fieldOne': PEM_TEST, 'fieldTwo': { 'version': 1, 'serial': '3578', 'issuer': join_string(ISSUER), 'subject': join_string(SUBJECT), 'validFrom': '2012-08-22T05:26:54.000Z', 'validTo': '2017-08-21T05:26:54.000Z', 'fingerprint': FINGERPRINT, 'certificate': join_string(CERTIFICATE_FIELD), 'subjectPublicKey': join_string(PUBKEY_FIELD), } } e0 = APPGATE_LOADER.load(e0_data, None, EntityCert) assert e0.fieldOne is None assert e0.fieldTwo == cert e1_data = { 'fieldOne': PEM_TEST, } e1 = K8S_LOADER.load(e1_data, None, EntityCert) assert e1.fieldOne == PEM_TEST assert e1.fieldTwo == cert assert e1 == EntityCert(fieldOne='Crap data that is ignored', fieldTwo=cert) assert e1 == e0 cert2 = EntityCert_Fieldtwo( version=1, serial='3578', issuer=join_string(ISSUER), subject=join_string(SUBJECT), validFrom=datetime.datetime(2017, 3, 6, 16, 50, 58, 516000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), validTo=datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 6, 16, 50, 58, 516000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), fingerprint=FINGERPRINT, certificate=join_string(CERTIFICATE_FIELD), subjectPublicKey=join_string(PUBKEY_FIELD)) e2 = EntityCert(fieldOne=None, fieldTwo=cert2) assert e1 != e2 e2_dumped = DIFF_DUMPER.dump(e2) # Just check that it's dumped properly assert e2_dumped['fieldTwo']['validFrom'] == '2017-03-06T16:50:58.516Z'