Example #1
def createOshFromId(ciDict, id, ciClass=None):
    osh = None
    object = ciDict[id]
    # create the container osh
    if object != None:
        id = object[0]
        type = object[1]
        props = object[2]
        ciid = object[3]
        if type in host_types:
            real_ci_class = ciClass or type
            osh = modeling.createOshByCmdbId(real_ci_class, ciid)
            osh = ObjectStateHolder(type)
        if props != None:
            for prop in props:
                if prop[1] == 'Integer':
                    osh.setIntegerAttribute(prop[0], prop[3])
                elif prop[1] == 'Long':
                    osh.setLongAttribute(prop[0], prop[3])
                elif prop[1] == 'Enum':
                    osh.setEnumAttribute(prop[0], int(prop[3]))
                    osh.setAttribute(prop[0], prop[3])
    return osh
Example #2
def createOshFromId(ciDict, id, ciClass = None):
    osh = None
    object = ciDict[id]
    # create the container osh
    if object != None:
        id = object[0]
        type = object[1]
        props = object[2]
        ciid = object[3]
        if type in host_types:
            real_ci_class = ciClass or type
            osh  =  modeling.createOshByCmdbId(real_ci_class, ciid)
            osh = ObjectStateHolder(type)
        if props != None:
            for prop in props:
                if prop[1] == 'Integer':
                    osh.setIntegerAttribute(prop[0], prop[3]) 
                elif prop[1] == 'Long': 
                    osh.setLongAttribute(prop[0], prop[3])
                elif prop[1] == 'Enum':
                    osh.setEnumAttribute(prop[0], int(prop[3]))
                    osh.setAttribute(prop[0], prop[3])              
    return osh
Example #3
    class OshBuilder(CiBuilder):
        def __init__(self, targetCiType):
            self.__type = targetCiType
            self.__osh = ObjectStateHolder(self.__type)

        def setCiAttribute(self, name, value):
            attributeType = self.__getAttributeType(self.__type, name)
            if value:
                self.__setValue(name, attributeType, value)
                logger.debug("Meet none value for %s, type:%s" %
                             (name, attributeType))

        def build(self):
            return self.__osh

        def __setValue(self, name, attributeType, value):
            if attributeType == 'string':
                self.__osh.setStringAttribute(name, str(value))
            elif attributeType == 'integer':
                self.__osh.setIntegerAttribute(name, int(value))
            elif attributeType.endswith('enum'):
                if isinstance(value, int):
                    self.__osh.setEnumAttribute(name, value)
                    self.__osh.setAttribute(name, value)
            elif attributeType == 'string_list':
                self.__osh.setListAttribute(name, value)
                raise ValueError('no setter defined for type %s' %

        def __getAttributeType(self, ciType, attributeName):
                attributeDefinition = modeling._CMDB_CLASS_MODEL.getAttributeDefinition(
                    ciType, attributeName)
                return attributeDefinition.getType()
                if DEBUG:
                    if attributeName in ['memory_size', 'port_index']:
                        return 'integer'
                    return 'string'
                raise ValueError("Failed to determine type of %s.%s" %
                                 (ciType, attributeName))
Example #4
    def build(self, fcportpdo):
        osh = ObjectStateHolder(self.CIT)
        osh.setAttribute('fcport_wwn', fcportpdo.wwn)
        if fcportpdo.name is not None:
            osh.setAttribute('name', unicode(fcportpdo.name))

        if fcportpdo.porttype:
            if isinstance(fcportpdo.porttype, int):
                osh.setEnumAttribute('port_type', fcportpdo.porttype)
                                     PORT_TYPES.get(fcportpdo.porttype, 5))

        if fcportpdo.portindex is not None:
            osh.setAttribute('port_index', fcportpdo.portindex)
        if fcportpdo.type:
            osh.setAttribute('fcport_type', fcportpdo.type)
        if fcportpdo.trunkedstate:
            osh.setAttribute('fcport_trunkedstate', fcportpdo.trunkedstate)
        if fcportpdo.symbolicname:
            osh.setAttribute('fcport_symbolicname', fcportpdo.symbolicname)
        if fcportpdo.status:
            osh.setAttribute('fcport_status', fcportpdo.status)
        if fcportpdo.state:
            osh.setAttribute('fcport_state', fcportpdo.state)
        if fcportpdo.speed is not None:
            osh.setAttribute('fcport_speed', fcportpdo.speed)
        if fcportpdo.scsiport:
            osh.setAttribute('fcport_scsiport', fcportpdo.scsiport)
        if fcportpdo.id is not None:
            osh.setAttribute('fcport_portid', fcportpdo.id)
        if fcportpdo.maxspeed:
            osh.setAttribute('fcport_maxspeed', fcportpdo.maxspeed)
        if fcportpdo.fibertype:
            osh.setAttribute('fcport_fibertype', fcportpdo.fibertype)
        if fcportpdo.domainid:
            osh.setAttribute('fcport_domainid', fcportpdo.domainid)
        if fcportpdo.connectedtowwn:
            osh.setAttribute('fcport_connectedtowwn', fcportpdo.connectedtowwn)

        return osh
Example #5
    class OshBuilder(CiBuilder):
        def __init__(self, targetCiType):
            self.__type = targetCiType
            self.__osh = ObjectStateHolder(self.__type)

        def setCiAttribute(self, name, value):
            attributeType = self.__getAttributeType(self.__type, name)
            if value:
                self.__setValue(name, attributeType, value)
                logger.debug("Meet none value for %s, type:%s" % (name, attributeType))

        def build(self):
            return self.__osh

        def __setValue(self, name, attributeType, value):
            if attributeType == 'string':
                self.__osh.setStringAttribute(name, str(value))
            elif attributeType == 'integer':
                self.__osh.setIntegerAttribute(name, int(value))
            elif attributeType.endswith('enum'):
                if isinstance(value, int):
                    self.__osh.setEnumAttribute(name, value)
                    self.__osh.setAttribute(name, value)
            elif attributeType == 'string_list':
                self.__osh.setListAttribute(name, value)
                raise ValueError('no setter defined for type %s' % attributeType)

        def __getAttributeType(self, ciType, attributeName):
                attributeDefinition = modeling._CMDB_CLASS_MODEL.getAttributeDefinition(ciType, attributeName)
                return attributeDefinition.getType()
                if DEBUG:
                    if attributeName in ['memory_size', 'port_index']:
                        return 'integer'
                    return 'string'
                raise ValueError("Failed to determine type of %s.%s" % (ciType, attributeName))
def visitEndpoint(endpoint):
    @types: netutils.Endpoint -> ObjectStateHolder
    @raise ValueError: Not supported protocol type
    @raise ValueError: Invalid IP address
    address = endpoint.getAddress()
    if not isinstance(address, (ip_addr.IPv4Address, ip_addr.IPv6Address)):
        address = ip_addr.IPAddress(address)
    ipServerOSH = ObjectStateHolder('ip_service_endpoint')
    uri = "%s:%s" % (address, endpoint.getPort())
    ipServerOSH.setAttribute('ipserver_address', uri)
    ipServerOSH.setAttribute('network_port_number', endpoint.getPort())
    if endpoint.getProtocolType() == netutils.ProtocolType.TCP_PROTOCOL:
        portType = ('tcp', 1)
    elif endpoint.getProtocolType() == netutils.ProtocolType.UDP_PROTOCOL:
        portType = ('udp', 2)
        raise ValueError("Not supported protocol type")
    ipServerOSH.setAttribute('port_type', portType[0])
    ipServerOSH.setEnumAttribute('ipport_type', portType[1])
    ipServerOSH.setAttribute('bound_to_ip_address', str(address))
    return ipServerOSH
def visitEndpoint(endpoint):
    @types: netutils.Endpoint -> ObjectStateHolder
    @raise ValueError: Not supported protocol type
    @raise ValueError: Invalid IP address
    address = endpoint.getAddress()
    if not isinstance(address, (ip_addr.IPv4Address, ip_addr.IPv6Address)):
        address = ip_addr.IPAddress(address)
    ipServerOSH = ObjectStateHolder('ip_service_endpoint')
    uri = "%s:%s" % (address, endpoint.getPort())
    ipServerOSH.setAttribute('ipserver_address', uri)
    ipServerOSH.setAttribute('network_port_number', endpoint.getPort())
    if endpoint.getProtocolType() == netutils.ProtocolType.TCP_PROTOCOL:
        portType = ('tcp', 1)
    elif endpoint.getProtocolType() == netutils.ProtocolType.UDP_PROTOCOL:
        portType = ('udp', 2)
        raise ValueError("Not supported protocol type")
    ipServerOSH.setAttribute('port_type', portType[0])
    ipServerOSH.setEnumAttribute('ipport_type', portType[1])
    ipServerOSH.setAttribute('bound_to_ip_address', str(address))
    return ipServerOSH
Example #8
def processObjects(allObjects, DateParsePattern):
    vector = ObjectStateHolderVector()
    iter = allObjects.iterator()
    #ciList = [[id, type, props]]
    ciList = []
    ciDict = {}
    createCi = 1
    while iter.hasNext():
        #attributes = [name, type, key, value]
        attributes = []
        objectElement = iter.next()
        mamId = objectElement.getAttribute('mamId').getValue()
        cit = objectElement.getAttribute('name').getValue()
        if mamId != None and cit != None:
            # add the attributes...
            allAttributes = objectElement.getChildren('field')
            iterAtt = allAttributes.iterator()
            while iterAtt.hasNext():
                attElement = iterAtt.next()
                attName = attElement.getAttribute('name').getValue()
                attType = attElement.getAttribute('datatype').getValue()
                attKey = attElement.getAttribute('key')
                attValue = attElement.getText()

                if attType == None or attType == "":
                    attType = "string"
                if attKey == None or attKey == "":
                    attKey = "false"
                    attKey = attKey.getValue()
                if attName != "" and attType != "": 
                    attributes.append([attName, attType, attKey, attValue])
                # create CI or not? Is key empty or none?
                if attKey == "true":
                    if attValue != None and attValue != "":
                        createCi = 1
                        createCi = 0
            #info (concatenate("Id: ", mamId, ", Type: ", cit, ", Properties: ", attributes))
            if createCi == 1:
                ciList.append([mamId, cit, attributes])
                #ciDict[mamId] = [mamId, cit, attributes]
        #print "MAMID = ", mamId, ", CIT = ", cit, ", Attributes = ", attributes
    for ciVal in ciList:
        logger.info("\tAdding %s [%s] => [%s]" % (ciVal[1], ciVal[0], ciVal[2]) )
        id = ciVal[0]
        type = ciVal[1]
        osh = ObjectStateHolder(type)
        if ciVal[2] != None:
            props = ciVal[2]
            createContainer = 0
            containerOsh = None
            for prop in props: 
                if prop[0] == 'root_container' and prop[3] != "" and ciDict.has_key(prop[3]):
                    containerOsh = ciDict[prop[3]]
                    createContainer = 1
                if prop[1] == 'integer':
                    prop[3] and prop[3].isdigit() and osh.setIntegerAttribute(prop[0], prop[3]) 
                elif prop[1] == 'long': 
                    prop[3] and prop[3].isdigit() and osh.setLongAttribute(prop[0], prop[3])
                elif prop[1] == 'enum':
                    osh.setEnumAttribute(prop[0], int(prop[3]))
                elif prop[1] == 'boolean':
                    if str(prop[3]).lower == 'false':
                        osh.setBoolAttribute(prop[0], 0)
                        osh.setBoolAttribute(prop[0], 1)
                elif prop[1] == 'date':
                    if DateParsePattern != None and DateParsePattern != "":
                        formatter = SimpleDateFormat(DateParsePattern)
                        osh.setDateAttribute(prop[0], formatter.parseObject(prop[3]))
                    osh.setAttribute(prop[0], prop[3]) 
            if createContainer == 1:
        ciDict[id] = osh
    return (vector, ciDict)
Example #9
def processObjects(allObjects):
    vector = ObjectStateHolderVector()
    iter = allObjects.iterator()
    ciList = []
    ciDict = {}
    createCi = 1
    while iter.hasNext():
        attributes = []
        objectElement = iter.next()
        mamId = objectElement.getAttribute('mamId').getValue()
        cit = objectElement.getAttribute('name').getValue()
        if mamId != None and cit != None:
            allAttributes = objectElement.getChildren('field')
            iterAtt = allAttributes.iterator()    
            attid = ""
            while iterAtt.hasNext():
                attElement = iterAtt.next()
                attName = attElement.getAttribute('name').getValue()
                attType = attElement.getAttribute('datatype').getValue()
                attKey = attElement.getAttribute('key')
                attValue = attElement.getText()
                if cit in host_types and attName == 'id':
                    attid = attValue
                    attName = ""
                    if attid == "":
                        logger.info ('Cannot create host, no UCMDB ID supplied' )
                if cit == 'person' and attName == 'identification_type':
                             attType = 'Enum'
                if attType == None or attType == "":
                    attType = "string"
                if attKey == None or attKey == "":
                    attKey = "false"
                    attKey = attKey.getValue()
                if attName != "" and attType != "": 
                    attributes.append([attName, attType, attKey, attValue])
                if attKey == "true":
                    if attValue != None and attValue != "":
                        createCi = 1
                        createCi = 0
            if createCi == 1:
                ciList.append([mamId, cit, attributes, attid])
                ciDict[mamId] = [mamId, cit, attributes,attid] 
# Process all the attibutes setting them into the OSH 
    for ciVal in ciList:
        id = ciVal[0]
        type = ciVal[1]
        if type in host_types:
            osh  =  modeling.createOshByCmdbId(type, ciVal[3])
            osh = ObjectStateHolder(type)
        if ciVal[2] != None:
            props = ciVal[2]
            createContainer = 0
            containerOsh = None
            for prop in props:
                if prop[0] == 'root_container':
                    parent = ciDict[prop[3]]
                    if parent != None:
                        parentId = parent[0]
                        parentType = parent[1]
                        parentProps = parent[2]
                        containerOsh = ObjectStateHolder(parentType)
                        if parentProps != None:
                            for parentProp in parentProps:
                                containerOsh.setAttribute(parentProp[0], parentProp[3])
                        createContainer = 1
                if prop[1] == 'Integer':
                    osh.setIntegerAttribute(prop[0], prop[3]) 
                elif prop[1] == 'Long': 
                    osh.setLongAttribute(prop[0], prop[3])
                elif prop[1] == 'Enum':
                    osh.setEnumAttribute(prop[0], int(prop[3]))
                    osh.setAttribute(prop[0], prop[3]) 
                if createContainer == 1:
    return (vector, ciDict)
Example #10
def processObjects(allObjects):
    vector = ObjectStateHolderVector()
    iter = allObjects.iterator()

    ciList = []
    ciDict = {}
    createCi = 1
    while iter.hasNext():
        attributes = []
        objectElement = iter.next()
        mamId = objectElement.getAttribute('mamId').getValue()
        cit = objectElement.getAttribute('name').getValue()
        if mamId != None and cit != None:
            allAttributes = objectElement.getChildren('field')
            iterAtt = allAttributes.iterator()
            attid = ""
            while iterAtt.hasNext():
                attElement = iterAtt.next()
                attName = attElement.getAttribute('name').getValue()
                attType = attElement.getAttribute('datatype').getValue()
                attKey = attElement.getAttribute('key')
                attValue = attElement.getText()
                if cit in host_types and attName == 'id':
                    attid = attValue
                    attName = ""
                    if attid == "":
                        logger.info('Cannot create host, no UCMDB ID supplied')
                if cit == 'person' and attName == 'identification_type':
                    attType = 'Enum'
                if attType == None or attType == "":
                    attType = "string"
                if attKey == None or attKey == "":
                    attKey = "false"
                    attKey = attKey.getValue()
                if attName != "" and attType != "":
                    attributes.append([attName, attType, attKey, attValue])
                if attKey == "true":
                    if attValue != None and attValue != "":
                        createCi = 1
                        createCi = 0
            if createCi == 1:
                ciList.append([mamId, cit, attributes, attid])
                ciDict[mamId] = [mamId, cit, attributes, attid]

# Process all the attibutes setting them into the OSH
    for ciVal in ciList:
        id = ciVal[0]
        type = ciVal[1]
        if type in host_types:
            osh = modeling.createOshByCmdbId(type, ciVal[3])
            osh = ObjectStateHolder(type)
        if ciVal[2] != None:
            props = ciVal[2]
            createContainer = 0
            containerOsh = None
            for prop in props:
                if prop[0] == 'root_container':
                    parent = ciDict[prop[3]]
                    if parent != None:
                        parentId = parent[0]
                        parentType = parent[1]
                        parentProps = parent[2]
                        containerOsh = ObjectStateHolder(parentType)
                        if parentProps != None:
                            for parentProp in parentProps:
                                    parentProp[0], parentProp[3])
                        createContainer = 1
                if prop[1] == 'Integer':
                    osh.setIntegerAttribute(prop[0], prop[3])
                elif prop[1] == 'Long':
                    osh.setLongAttribute(prop[0], prop[3])
                elif prop[1] == 'Enum':
                    osh.setEnumAttribute(prop[0], int(prop[3]))
                    osh.setAttribute(prop[0], prop[3])
                if createContainer == 1:
    return (vector, ciDict)
Example #11
def processObjects(allObjects, DateParsePattern):
    vector = ObjectStateHolderVector()
    iter = allObjects.iterator()
    #ciList = [[id, type, props]]
    ciList = []
    ciDict = {}
    createCi = 1
    while iter.hasNext():
        #attributes = [name, type, key, value]
        attributes = []
        objectElement = iter.next()
        mamId = objectElement.getAttribute('mamId').getValue()
        cit = objectElement.getAttribute('name').getValue()
        if mamId != None and cit != None:
            # add the attributes...
            allAttributes = objectElement.getChildren('field')
            iterAtt = allAttributes.iterator()
            while iterAtt.hasNext():
                attElement = iterAtt.next()
                attName = attElement.getAttribute('name').getValue()
                attType = attElement.getAttribute('datatype').getValue()
                attKey = attElement.getAttribute('key')
                attValue = attElement.getText()

                if attType == None or attType == "":
                    attType = "string"
                if attKey == None or attKey == "":
                    attKey = "false"
                    attKey = attKey.getValue()
                if attName != "" and attType != "":
                    attributes.append([attName, attType, attKey, attValue])
                # create CI or not? Is key empty or none?
                if attKey == "true":
                    if attValue != None and attValue != "":
                        createCi = 1
                        createCi = 0
            #info (concatenate("Id: ", mamId, ", Type: ", cit, ", Properties: ", attributes))
            if createCi == 1:
                ciList.append([mamId, cit, attributes])
                #ciDict[mamId] = [mamId, cit, attributes]
        #print "MAMID = ", mamId, ", CIT = ", cit, ", Attributes = ", attributes
    for ciVal in ciList:
        logger.info("\tAdding %s [%s] => [%s]" %
                    (ciVal[1], ciVal[0], ciVal[2]))
        id = ciVal[0]
        type = ciVal[1]
        osh = ObjectStateHolder(type)
        if ciVal[2] != None:
            props = ciVal[2]
            createContainer = 0
            containerOsh = None
            for prop in props:
                if prop[0] == 'root_container' and prop[
                        3] != "" and ciDict.has_key(prop[3]):
                    containerOsh = ciDict[prop[3]]
                    createContainer = 1
                if prop[1] == 'integer':
                    prop[3] and prop[3].isdigit() and osh.setIntegerAttribute(
                        prop[0], prop[3])
                elif prop[1] == 'long':
                    prop[3] and prop[3].isdigit() and osh.setLongAttribute(
                        prop[0], prop[3])
                elif prop[1] == 'enum':
                    osh.setEnumAttribute(prop[0], int(prop[3]))
                elif prop[1] == 'boolean':
                    if str(prop[3]).lower == 'false':
                        osh.setBoolAttribute(prop[0], 0)
                        osh.setBoolAttribute(prop[0], 1)
                elif prop[1] == 'date':
                    if DateParsePattern != None and DateParsePattern != "":
                        formatter = SimpleDateFormat(DateParsePattern)
                    osh.setAttribute(prop[0], prop[3])
            if createContainer == 1:
        ciDict[id] = osh
    return (vector, ciDict)
Example #12
def createInterfaceObjects(ifList, host_id, ucmdbversion = None):
    result = ObjectStateHolderVector()
    discoveredHostOSH = modeling.createOshByCmdbId('host', host_id)
    for interface in ifList:
        if interface.ifType and int(interface.ifType) == 24:
        if not modeling.isValidInterface(interface.ifMac, interface.ifDescr, interface.ifName):
        interface.ifDescr = _stripVirtualMiniportInfo(interface.ifDescr)
        interfaceOSH = modeling.createInterfaceOSH(interface.ifMac, discoveredHostOSH, interface.ifDescr, interface.ifIndex, interface.ifType, interface.ifAdminStatus, interface.ifOperStatus, interface.ifSpeed, interface.ifName, interface.ifAlias)
        if not interfaceOSH:

        if ucmdbversion and ucmdbversion < 9:
            interfaceIndexOSH = ObjectStateHolder("interfaceindex")
            interfaceIndexOSH.setIntegerAttribute("interfaceindex_index", interface.ifIndex)
            if interface.ifAdminStatus:
                intValue = None
                    intValue = int(interface.ifAdminStatus)
                    logger.warn("Failed to convert the interface admin status '%s'" % interface.ifAdminStatus)
                    if intValue > 0:
                        interfaceIndexOSH.setEnumAttribute("interfaceindex_adminstatus", intValue)
            if interface.ifDescr != None and interface.ifDescr != '':
                interfaceIndexOSH.setStringAttribute("interfaceindex_description", interface.ifDescr)
            if interface.ifIndex != None and interface.ifIndex != '':
                interfaceIndexOSH.setIntegerAttribute("interfaceindex_index", interface.ifIndex)
            if interface.ifSpeed != None and interface.ifSpeed != '':
                interfaceIndexOSH.setDoubleAttribute("interfaceindex_speed", interface.ifSpeed)
            if interface.ifType:
                intValue = None
                    intValue = int(interface.ifType)
                    logger.warn("Failed to convert the interface type '%s'" % interface.ifType)
                    if intValue > 0:
                        interfaceIndexOSH.setEnumAttribute("interfaceindex_type", intValue)
            parentLinkOSH = modeling.createLinkOSH('parent', interfaceIndexOSH, interfaceOSH)

        for ip in interface.ipList:
            if str(ip.ipAddr).startswith('0.') or str(ip.ipAddr).startswith('127.'):
            ipOSH = modeling.createIpOSH(ip.ipAddr)
            parentLinkOSH = modeling.createLinkOSH('containment', interfaceOSH, ipOSH)
    return result