def runMaxlike(self): stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name']) ### process stack to local file self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.timestamp + ".hed") proccmd = "proc2d " + stackfile + " " + self.params[ 'localstack'] + " apix=" + str(apix) if self.params['highpass'] > 1: proccmd += " hp=" + str(self.params['highpass']) if self.params['lowpass'] > 1: proccmd += " lp=" + str(self.params['lowpass']) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True) ### convert stack into single spider files self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles( self.params['localstack']) ### setup Xmipp command aligntime = time.time() xmippopts = ( " " + " -i " + os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.partlistdocfile) + " -nref 1 " + " -iter 10 " + " -o " + os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "part" + self.timestamp) + " -fast -C 1e-18 ") ### angle step if self.params['rotate'] is True: xmippopts += " -psi_step 90 " else: xmippopts += " -psi_step 360 " ### convergence criteria if self.params['converge'] == "fast": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-3 " elif self.params['converge'] == "slow": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-8 " else: xmippopts += " -eps 5e-5 " ### mirrors if self.params['mirror'] is True: xmippopts += " -mirror " if self.params['maxshift'] is not None: xmippopts += " -max_shift %d " % (self.params['maxshift']) ### use single processor xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_ml_align2d", die=True) xmippcmd = xmippexe + " " + xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(xmippcmd) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(xmippcmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True) aligntime = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: " + apDisplay.timeString(aligntime)) ### create a quick mrc emancmd = "proc2d part" + self.timestamp + "_ref000001.xmp average.mrc" apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True) apFile.removeStack(self.params['localstack']) apFile.removeFilePattern("partfiles/*")
def start(self): ### load parameters runparams = self.readRunParameters() ### align references self.alignReferences(runparams) ### create an aligned stack self.createAlignedReferenceStack() ### read particles self.lastiter = self.findLastIterNumber() if self.params['sort'] is True: self.sortFolder() reflist = self.readRefDocFile() partlist = self.readPartDocFile(reflist) self.writePartDocFile(partlist) ### create aligned stacks alignimagicfile = self.createAlignedStacks(partlist, runparams['localstack']) apStack.averageStack(alignimagicfile) ### calculate resolution for each reference apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(runparams['stackid'])*runparams['bin'] self.calcResolution(partlist, alignimagicfile, apix) ### insert into databse self.insertRunIntoDatabase(alignimagicfile, runparams) self.insertParticlesIntoDatabase(runparams['stackid'], partlist) apFile.removeStack(runparams['localstack'], warn=False) rmcmd = "/bin/rm -fr partfiles/*" apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(rmcmd, verbose=False, showcmd=False) apFile.removeFilePattern("partfiles/*")
def runMaxlike(self): stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params["stackid"]) apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params["stackid"]) stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata["path"]["path"], stackdata["name"]) ### process stack to local file self.params["localstack"] = os.path.join(self.params["rundir"], self.timestamp + ".hed") proccmd = "proc2d " + stackfile + " " + self.params["localstack"] + " apix=" + str(apix) if self.params["highpass"] > 1: proccmd += " hp=" + str(self.params["highpass"]) if self.params["lowpass"] > 1: proccmd += " lp=" + str(self.params["lowpass"]) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True) ### convert stack into single spider files self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles(self.params["localstack"]) ### setup Xmipp command aligntime = time.time() xmippopts = ( " " + " -i " + os.path.join(self.params["rundir"], self.partlistdocfile) + " -nref 1 " + " -iter 10 " + " -o " + os.path.join(self.params["rundir"], "part" + self.timestamp) + " -fast -C 1e-18 " ) ### angle step if self.params["rotate"] is True: xmippopts += " -psi_step 90 " else: xmippopts += " -psi_step 360 " ### convergence criteria if self.params["converge"] == "fast": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-3 " elif self.params["converge"] == "slow": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-8 " else: xmippopts += " -eps 5e-5 " ### mirrors if self.params["mirror"] is True: xmippopts += " -mirror " if self.params["maxshift"] is not None: xmippopts += " -max_shift %d " % (self.params["maxshift"]) ### use single processor xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_ml_align2d", die=True) xmippcmd = xmippexe + " " + xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(xmippcmd) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(xmippcmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True) aligntime = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: " + apDisplay.timeString(aligntime)) ### create a quick mrc emancmd = "proc2d part" + self.timestamp + "_ref000001.xmp average.mrc" apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True) apFile.removeStack(self.params["localstack"]) apFile.removeFilePattern("partfiles/*")
def start(self): aligndata = appiondata.ApAlignStackData.direct_query(self.params['alignstackid']) boxsize = aligndata['boxsize'] apix = aligndata['pixelsize'] maskpixrad = self.params['maskrad']/apix if maskpixrad*2 > boxsize-2: apDisplay.printError("Mask radius is too big for boxsize: %d > %d"%(maskpixrad*2,boxsize-2)) apDisplay.printMsg("Mask radius and boxsize: %.1f < %d"%(maskpixrad*2,boxsize-2)) self.instack = os.path.join(aligndata['path']['path'], aligndata['imagicfile']) outdata = "" apXmipp.convertStackToXmippData(self.instack, outdata, maskpixrad, boxsize, numpart=self.params['numpart']-1) self.runKerdenSOM(outdata) if apFile.stackSize(self.instack) > 3.0*(1024**3): # Big stacks use eman self.createMontageByEMAN() binned = None else: binned = self.createMontageInMemory(apix) self.insertKerDenSOM(binned=binned) apFile.removeFile(outdata) apFile.removeFilePattern("*.cod")
def convertStackToXmippData(instack, outdata, maskpixrad, boxsize, numpart=None): """ From This program applies a mask to a set of images. This set is given by a selfile. After applying the mask the result is storaged as a vector in the following format: The first line indicates the dimension of the vectors and the number of vectors. The rest of the lines are the feature vectors. Each line is a vector and each column is a vectors' component (pixels values inside the mask). """ apDisplay.printMsg("Convert stack file to Xmipp data file") maskfile = "circlemask.spi" operations.createMask(maskfile, maskpixrad, boxsize) partlistdocfile = breakupStackIntoSingleFiles(instack, numpart=numpart) convertcmd = "xmipp_convert_img2data -i %s -mask %s -o %s"%(partlistdocfile, maskfile, outdata) proc = subprocess.Popen(convertcmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,) proc.wait() outfilesize = apFile.fileSize(outdata) partfilesize = apFile.fileSize(partlistdocfile) if outfilesize < 2*partfilesize: apDisplay.printError("Outdata conversion did not work, data file smaller than docfile, %s < %s" %(apDisplay.bytes(outfilesize), apDisplay.bytes(partfilesize))) apFile.removeFilePattern("partfiles/*") return outdata
def close(self): """ hack to override appionScript close """ #apDisplay.printMsg("Waiting 10 seconds for threads to complete") #time.sleep(10) if self.params['keepall'] is False and self.params['limit'] is None: pattern = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['sessionname']+'*.dwn.mrc') apFile.removeFilePattern(pattern) appionScript.AppionScript.close(self)
def renderAnimation(density, contour=None, zoom=1.0, sym=None, color=None, silhouette=False, xvfb=False, name=None): """ create several snapshots and merge into animated GIF """ if isValidVolume(density) is False: apDisplay.printError("Volume file is not valid") ### setup chimera params if name is None: os.environ['CHIMVOL'] = density else: ### set chimera to use temp volume os.environ['CHIMTEMPVOL'] = density os.environ['CHIMVOL'] = name os.environ['CHIMTYPE'] = 'animate' if silhouette is True: os.environ['CHIMSILHOUETTE'] = 'true' else: os.unsetenv('CHIMSILHOUETTE') if sym is not None: os.environ['CHIMSYM'] = sym if contour is not None: os.environ['CHIMCONTOUR'] = str(contour) if color is not None: colorstr = colorToString(color) os.environ['CHIMCOLORS'] = colorstr else: colorstr = getColorString() os.environ['CHIMCOLORS'] = colorstr if zoom is not None: os.environ['CHIMZOOM'] = str(zoom) os.environ['CHIMIMGSIZE'] = "512" ### unused #'CHIMBACK', 'CHIMIMGSIZE', 'CHIMIMGFORMAT', 'CHIMFILEFORMAT', chimsnappath = getSnapPath() apDisplay.printColor("running Chimera Animation for sym "+str(sym), "cyan") runChimeraScript(chimsnappath, xvfb=xvfb) image1 = os.environ['CHIMVOL']+".001.png" if os.path.isfile(image1): ### merge into animated GIF finalgif = density+".animate.gif" imagemagickcmd1 = "convert -delay 10 -loop 15 " images = glob.glob(density+".*[0-9][0-9].png") images.sort() imagestr = "" for image in images: imagestr += image+" " imagemagickcmd1 += imagestr+finalgif apFile.removeFile(finalgif) proc = subprocess.Popen(imagemagickcmd1, shell=True) proc.wait() #if os.path.isfile(finalgif): apFile.removeFilePattern(density+".*[0-9][0-9].png") return
def createMontageByEMAN(self): self.cluster_resolution = [] apDisplay.printMsg("Converting files") ### create crappy files emancmd = ("proc2d " + self.instack + " crap.mrc first=0 last=0 mask=1") apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, showcmd=False, verbose=False) emancmd = ("proc2d crap.mrc crap.png") apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, showcmd=False, verbose=False) files = glob.glob(self.timestamp + ".[0-9]*") files.sort(self.sortFile) montagecmd = ("montage -geometry +4+4 -tile %dx%d " % (self.params['xdim'], self.params['ydim'])) stackname = "kerdenstack" + self.timestamp + ".hed" count = 0 numclass = self.params['xdim'] * self.params['ydim'] i = 0 for listname in files: i += 1 apDisplay.printMsg("%d of %d classes" % (i, len(files))) #listname = self.timestamp+str(i) if not os.path.isfile(listname) or apFile.fileSize(listname) < 1: ### create a ghost particle emancmd = ("proc2d crap.mrc " + stackname + " ") sys.stderr.write("skipping " + listname + "\n") apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, showcmd=False, verbose=False) ### create png shutil.copy("crap.png", listname + ".png") else: ### average particles emancmd = ("proc2d %s %s list=%s average" % (self.instack, stackname, listname)) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, showcmd=True, verbose=False) ### create mrc emancmd = ("proc2d %s %s first=%d last=%d" % (stackname, listname + ".mrc", count, count)) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, showcmd=False, verbose=False) ### create png emancmd = ("proc2d %s %s" % (listname + ".mrc", listname + ".png")) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, showcmd=False, verbose=False) ### FIX ME: for now fill self.clsuter_sersolution with None, although it ### should be possible to calculate it if particle list exists like in createMontageInMemory self.cluster_resolution.append(None) montagecmd += listname + ".png " count += 1 montagecmd += "montage.png" apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(montagecmd, showcmd=True, verbose=False) time.sleep(1) apFile.removeFile("crap.mrc") apFile.removeFile("crap.png") apFile.removeFilePattern(self.timestamp + ".*.png")
def close(self): """ hack to override appionScript close """ #apDisplay.printMsg("Waiting 10 seconds for threads to complete") #time.sleep(10) if self.params['keepall'] is False and self.params['limit'] is None: pattern = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['sessionname'] + '*.dwn.mrc') apFile.removeFilePattern(pattern) appionScript.AppionScript.close(self)
def createMontageByEMAN(self): self.cluster_resolution = [] apDisplay.printMsg("Converting files") ### create crappy files emancmd = ( "proc2d "+self.instack+" crap.mrc first=0 last=0 mask=1" ) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, showcmd=False, verbose=False) emancmd = ( "proc2d crap.mrc crap.png" ) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, showcmd=False, verbose=False) files = glob.glob(self.timestamp+".[0-9]*") files.sort(self.sortFile) montagecmd = ("montage -geometry +4+4 -tile %dx%d "%(self.params['xdim'], self.params['ydim'])) stackname = "kerdenstack"+self.timestamp+".hed" count = 0 numclass = self.params['xdim']*self.params['ydim'] i = 0 for listname in files: i += 1 apDisplay.printMsg("%d of %d classes"%(i,len(files))) #listname = self.timestamp+str(i) if not os.path.isfile(listname) or apFile.fileSize(listname) < 1: ### create a ghost particle emancmd = ( "proc2d crap.mrc "+stackname+" " ) sys.stderr.write("skipping "+listname+"\n") apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, showcmd=False, verbose=False) ### create png shutil.copy("crap.png", listname+".png") else: ### average particles emancmd = ("proc2d %s %s list=%s average"% (self.instack, stackname, listname)) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, showcmd=True, verbose=False) ### create mrc emancmd = ("proc2d %s %s first=%d last=%d"% (stackname, listname+".mrc", count, count)) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, showcmd=False, verbose=False) ### create png emancmd = ("proc2d %s %s"% (listname+".mrc", listname+".png")) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, showcmd=False, verbose=False) ### FIX ME: for now fill self.clsuter_sersolution with None, although it ### should be possible to calculate it if particle list exists like in createMontageInMemory self.cluster_resolution.append(None) montagecmd += listname+".png " count +=1 montagecmd += "montage.png" apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(montagecmd, showcmd=True, verbose=False) time.sleep(1) apFile.removeFile("crap.mrc") apFile.removeFile("crap.png") apFile.removeFilePattern(self.timestamp+".*.png")
def postLoopFunctions(self): ### Delete CTF corrected images if self.params['keepall'] is False: pattern = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['sessionname']+'*.dwn.mrc') apFile.removeFilePattern(pattern) ### remove Ace2 images pattern = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['sessionname']+'*mrc.corrected.mrc') apFile.removeFilePattern(pattern) ### remove Spider images if self.params['fliptype'] == 'spiderimage': pattern = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['sessionname']+'*_out.spi') apFile.removeFilePattern(pattern) pattern = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['sessionname']+'*_tf.spi') apFile.removeFilePattern(pattern) if self.noimages is True: return stackpath = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['single']) ### delete this after testing apStack.averageStack(stack = stackpath) ### Create Stack Mean Plot if self.params['commit'] is True and self.params['meanplot'] is True: stackid = apStack.getStackIdFromPath(stackpath) if stackid is not None: apStackMeanPlot.makeStackMeanPlot(stackid) apDisplay.printColor("Timing stats", "blue") self.printTimeStats("Batch Boxer", self.batchboxertimes) self.printTimeStats("Ctf Correction", self.ctftimes) self.printTimeStats("Stack Merging", self.mergestacktimes) self.printTimeStats("Mean/Std Read", self.meanreadtimes) self.printTimeStats("DB Insertion", self.insertdbtimes)
def convertStackToXmippData(instack, outdata, maskpixrad, boxsize, numpart=None): """ From This program applies a mask to a set of images. This set is given by a selfile. After applying the mask the result is storaged as a vector in the following format: The first line indicates the dimension of the vectors and the number of vectors. The rest of the lines are the feature vectors. Each line is a vector and each column is a vectors' component (pixels values inside the mask). """ apDisplay.printMsg("Convert stack file to Xmipp data file") maskfile = "circlemask.spi" operations.createMask(maskfile, maskpixrad, boxsize) partlistdocfile = breakupStackIntoSingleFiles(instack, numpart=numpart) convertcmd = "xmipp_convert_img2data -i %s -mask %s -o %s" % ( partlistdocfile, maskfile, outdata) proc = subprocess.Popen( convertcmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) proc.wait() outfilesize = apFile.fileSize(outdata) partfilesize = apFile.fileSize(partlistdocfile) if outfilesize < 2 * partfilesize: apDisplay.printError( "Outdata conversion did not work, data file smaller than docfile, %s < %s" % (apDisplay.bytes(outfilesize), apDisplay.bytes(partfilesize))) apFile.removeFilePattern("partfiles/*") return outdata
def postLoopFunctions(self): pattern = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['sessionname']+'*.corrected.mrc') apFile.removeFilePattern(pattern) ctfdb.printCtfSummary(self.params, self.imgtree)
def renderAnimation(density, contour=None, zoom=1.0, sym=None, color=None, silhouette=False, xvfb=False, name=None): """ create several snapshots and merge into animated GIF """ if isValidVolume(density) is False: apDisplay.printError("Volume file is not valid") ### setup chimera params if name is None: os.environ['CHIMVOL'] = density else: ### set chimera to use temp volume os.environ['CHIMTEMPVOL'] = density os.environ['CHIMVOL'] = name os.environ['CHIMTYPE'] = 'animate' if silhouette is True: os.environ['CHIMSILHOUETTE'] = 'true' else: os.unsetenv('CHIMSILHOUETTE') if sym is not None: os.environ['CHIMSYM'] = sym if contour is not None: os.environ['CHIMCONTOUR'] = str(contour) if color is not None: colorstr = colorToString(color) os.environ['CHIMCOLORS'] = colorstr else: colorstr = getColorString() os.environ['CHIMCOLORS'] = colorstr if zoom is not None: os.environ['CHIMZOOM'] = str(zoom) os.environ['CHIMIMGSIZE'] = "512" ### unused #'CHIMBACK', 'CHIMIMGSIZE', 'CHIMIMGFORMAT', 'CHIMFILEFORMAT', chimsnappath = getSnapPath() apDisplay.printColor("running Chimera Animation for sym " + str(sym), "cyan") runChimeraScript(chimsnappath, xvfb=xvfb) image1 = os.environ['CHIMVOL'] + ".001.png" if os.path.isfile(image1): ### merge into animated GIF finalgif = density + ".animate.gif" imagemagickcmd1 = "convert -delay 10 -loop 15 " images = glob.glob(density + ".*[0-9][0-9].png") images.sort() imagestr = "" for image in images: imagestr += image + " " imagemagickcmd1 += imagestr + finalgif apFile.removeFile(finalgif) proc = subprocess.Popen(imagemagickcmd1, shell=True) proc.wait() #if os.path.isfile(finalgif): apFile.removeFilePattern(density + ".*[0-9][0-9].png") return
def start(self): self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) ### test insert to make sure data is not overwritten self.params['runtime'] = 0 #self.checkDuplicateRefBasedRun() ### set box size self.boxsize = int(math.floor(self.stack['boxsize']/self.params['bin']/2.0))*2 ### convert stack to spider spiderstack = self.createSpiderFile() ### create template stack templatestack = self.createTemplateStack() ### run the alignment aligntime = time.time() usestack = spiderstack oldpartlist = None for i in range(self.params['numiter']): iternum = i+1 apDisplay.printColor("\n\nITERATION "+str(iternum), "green") alignedstack, partlist = self.runAlignmentGPU( usestack, templatestack, spiderstack, self.params['xysearch'], self.params['xystep'], self.params['firstring'], self.params['lastring'], iternum=iternum, oldpartlist=oldpartlist) oldpartlist = partlist usestack = alignedstack templatestack = self.updateTemplateStack(alignedstack, partlist, iternum) aligntime = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: "+apDisplay.timeString(aligntime)) ### remove large, worthless stack spiderstack = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "start.spi") apDisplay.printMsg("Removing un-aligned stack: "+spiderstack) apFile.removeFile(spiderstack, warn=True) ### convert aligned stack to imagic finalspistack = "aligned.spi" shutil.move(alignedstack, finalspistack) imagicstack = "aligned.hed" apFile.removeStack(imagicstack) emancmd = "proc2d "+finalspistack+" "+imagicstack apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True) ### average stack apStack.averageStack(imagicstack) ### calculate resolution for each reference apix = self.stack['apix']*self.params['bin'] self.calcResolution(partlist, imagicstack, apix) if self.params['commit'] is True: apDisplay.printMsg("committing results to DB") self.params['runtime'] = aligntime self.insertRefBasedRun(partlist, imagicstack, insert=True) else: apDisplay.printWarning("not committing results to DB") ### remove temporary files apFile.removeFilePattern("alignments/alignedstack*.spi") apFile.removeFile(finalspistack)
def createKerdenSOMPlots(self): apFile.removeFilePattern( os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.spectraTemporalFilesMask + ".png")) #logging.debug('Inside createKerdenSOMPlots') apDisplay.printMsg("Create Plots") codeVectorFileName = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.timestamp + '.cod') f1 = open(codeVectorFileName, 'r') #Read first line, I need number of harmonic plus size line = f1.readline() splitline = line.split() numberHarmonic = int(splitline[0]) xx = int(splitline[2]) yy = int(splitline[3]) numberCodevectors = xx * yy xmin = int(self.params['spectralowharmonic']) xmax = int(self.params['spectrahighharmonic']) #array with x and y values xvalues = [] #fill x array with harmonic number for colNo in pylab.arange(xmin, xmax + 1): xvalues.append(colNo) #figure size in inches pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 1, 1 pylab.rc("lines", linewidth=1.5) pylab.rc(('xtick', 'ytick', 'axes'), labelsize=4.0) #fontsize #read code vector #compute y maximum ymax = 0. ymin = 150. for rowNo in range(numberCodevectors): line = f1.readline() splitLine = line.split() for colNo in pylab.arange(numberHarmonic): yval = float(splitLine[colNo]) if ymax < yval: ymax = yval if ymin > yval: ymin = yval f1.close() ymax = math.ceil(ymax) + 1 print "ymax ", ymax ymin = max(math.floor(ymin) - 1, 0) print "ymin ", ymin f1 = open(codeVectorFileName, 'r') #skip first line line = f1.readline() for rowNo in range(numberCodevectors): line = f1.readline() splitLine = line.split() #print line data = [] for colNo in pylab.arange(numberHarmonic): data.append(float(splitLine[colNo])) print xvalues print data #clear previous plot pylab.clf() lines = pylab.plot(xvalues, data) pylab.ylim(ymin, ymax) pylab.xlim(xmin, xmax) pylab.xlabel('fold symmetry') pylab.ylabel('likelihood') pylab.xticks(xvalues) basefilename = os.path.join( self.params['rundir'], self.spectraTemporalFiles % (int(rowNo / yy), rowNo % xx)) pylab.savefig(basefilename + ".png", dpi=256, format='png')
def start(self): #get aligned stack id aligndata = appiondata.ApAlignStackData.direct_query(self.params['alignstackid']) xSizeVoxel = aligndata['boxsize'] #get averaged image avgmrc = os.path.join(aligndata['path']['path'], aligndata["avgmrcfile"]) avg = tmpSpiderFile="average.xmp" spider.write(avg, tmpSpiderFile) self.runFindCenter(tmpSpiderFile,xSizeVoxel) #get aligned stack alignStack = os.path.join(aligndata['path']['path'], aligndata["imagicfile"]) tempFileNameforSpectra=self.runMakeSpectra(alignStack) #kerdensom will work with spectra output self.runKerdenSOM(tempFileNameforSpectra) self.createMontageInMemory() self.insertRotKerDenSOM() #apFile.removeFile(outdata) apFile.removeFilePattern("*.cod") apFile.removeFilePattern("*.err") apFile.removeFilePattern("*.his") apFile.removeFilePattern("*.inf") apFile.removeFilePattern("*.vs") apFile.removeFilePattern("*.xmp") apFile.removeFile(tempFileNameforSpectra)
def start(self): #get aligned stack id aligndata = appiondata.ApAlignStackData.direct_query( self.params['alignstackid']) xSizeVoxel = aligndata['boxsize'] #get averaged image avgmrc = os.path.join(aligndata['path']['path'], aligndata["avgmrcfile"]) avg = tmpSpiderFile = "average.xmp" spider.write(avg, tmpSpiderFile) self.runFindCenter(tmpSpiderFile, xSizeVoxel) #get aligned stack alignStack = os.path.join(aligndata['path']['path'], aligndata["imagicfile"]) tempFileNameforSpectra = self.runMakeSpectra(alignStack) #kerdensom will work with spectra output self.runKerdenSOM(tempFileNameforSpectra) self.createMontageInMemory() self.insertRotKerDenSOM() #apFile.removeFile(outdata) apFile.removeFilePattern("*.cod") apFile.removeFilePattern("*.err") apFile.removeFilePattern("*.his") apFile.removeFilePattern("*.inf") apFile.removeFilePattern("*.vs") apFile.removeFilePattern("*.xmp") apFile.removeFile(tempFileNameforSpectra)
def createMontageInMemory(self, apix): self.cluster_resolution = [] apDisplay.printMsg("Converting files") ### Set binning of images boxsize = apImagicFile.getBoxsize(self.instack) bin = 1 while boxsize/bin > 200: bin+=1 binboxsize = boxsize/bin ### create averages files = glob.glob(self.timestamp+".[0-9]*") files.sort(self.sortFile) montage = [] montagepngs = [] i = 0 for listname in files: i += 1 apDisplay.printMsg("%d of %d classes"%(i,len(files))) pngfile = listname+".png" if not os.path.isfile(listname) or apFile.fileSize(listname) < 1: ### create a ghost particle sys.stderr.write("skipping "+listname+"\n") blank = numpy.ones((binboxsize, binboxsize), dtype=numpy.float32) ### add to montage stack montage.append(blank) self.cluster_resolution.append(None) ### create png apImage.arrayToPng(blank, pngfile) else: ### read particle list partlist = self.readListFile(listname) ### average particles partdatalist = apImagicFile.readParticleListFromStack(self.instack, partlist, boxsize, msg=False) partdataarray = numpy.asarray(partdatalist) finaldata = partdataarray.mean(0) if bin > 1: finaldata = apImage.binImg(finaldata, bin) ### add to montage stack montage.append(finaldata) res = apFourier.spectralSNR(partdatalist, apix) self.cluster_resolution.append(res) ### create png apImage.arrayToPng(finaldata, pngfile) ### check for png file if os.path.isfile(pngfile): montagepngs.append(pngfile) else: apDisplay.printError("failed to create montage") stackname = "kerdenstack"+self.timestamp+".hed" apImagicFile.writeImagic(montage, stackname) ### create montage montagecmd = ("montage -geometry +4+4 -tile %dx%d "%(self.params['xdim'], self.params['ydim'])) for monpng in montagepngs: montagecmd += monpng+" " montagecmd += "montage.png" apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(montagecmd, showcmd=True, verbose=False) time.sleep(1) apFile.removeFilePattern(self.timestamp+".*.png") return bin
def createKerdenSOMPlots(self): apFile.removeFilePattern(os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],self.spectraTemporalFilesMask + ".png")) #logging.debug('Inside createKerdenSOMPlots') apDisplay.printMsg("Create Plots") codeVectorFileName = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.timestamp+'.cod') f1=open(codeVectorFileName,'r') #Read first line, I need number of harmonic plus size line=f1.readline() splitline = line.split() numberHarmonic = int(splitline[0]) xx = int(splitline[2]) yy = int(splitline[3]) numberCodevectors = xx * yy xmin = int(self.params['spectralowharmonic']) xmax = int(self.params['spectrahighharmonic']) #array with x and y values xvalues=[] #fill x array with harmonic number for colNo in pylab.arange(xmin,xmax+1): xvalues.append(colNo) #figure size in inches pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 1, 1 pylab.rc("lines", linewidth=1.5) pylab.rc(('xtick','ytick','axes'), labelsize=4.0)#fontsize #read code vector #compute y maximum ymax = 0. ymin = 150. for rowNo in range(numberCodevectors): line=f1.readline() splitLine=line.split() for colNo in pylab.arange(numberHarmonic): yval = float(splitLine[colNo]) if ymax < yval: ymax = yval if ymin > yval: ymin = yval f1.close() ymax = math.ceil(ymax)+1 print "ymax ", ymax ymin = max(math.floor(ymin)-1,0) print "ymin ", ymin f1=open(codeVectorFileName,'r') #skip first line line=f1.readline() for rowNo in range(numberCodevectors): line=f1.readline() splitLine=line.split() #print line data = [] for colNo in pylab.arange(numberHarmonic): data.append(float(splitLine[colNo])) print xvalues print data #clear previous plot pylab.clf() lines = pylab.plot(xvalues, data) pylab.ylim(ymin, ymax) pylab.xlim(xmin, xmax) pylab.xlabel('fold symmetry') pylab.ylabel('likelihood') pylab.xticks(xvalues) basefilename = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.spectraTemporalFiles%(int(rowNo/yy),rowNo%xx)) pylab.savefig(basefilename+".png", dpi=256, format='png')
def postLoopFunctions(self): pattern = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['sessionname'] + '*.corrected.mrc') apFile.removeFilePattern(pattern) ctfdb.printCtfSummary(self.params, self.imgtree)