def preLoopFunctions(self):
		self.powerspecdir = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "opimages")
		apParam.createDirectory(self.powerspecdir, warning=False)
		self.ctfrun = None
		self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())

	def preLoopFunctions(self):
		self.powerspecdir = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "opimages")
		apParam.createDirectory(self.powerspecdir, warning=False)
		self.ctfrun = None
		self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())

	def checkConflicts(self):
		if self.params['resmin'] > 50.0:
			apDisplay.printError("Please choose a higher resolution for resmin must be btw 10 and 50")
		if self.params['resmin'] < 10.0:
			apDisplay.printError("Please choose a lower resolution for resmin")
		if self.params['resmax'] > 15.0 or self.params['resmax'] > self.params['resmin']:
			apDisplay.printError("Please choose a higher resolution for resmax")
		if self.params['defstep'] < 0.0001 or self.params['defstep'] > 2.0:
			apDisplay.printError("Please keep the defstep between 0.0001 & 2 microns")
		### set cs value
		self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())
	def checkConflicts(self):
		if not (self.params['medium'] == 'carbon' or self.params['medium'] == 'ice'):
			apDisplay.printError("medium can only be 'carbon' or 'ice'")
		if self.params['resmin'] < 20.0:
			apDisplay.printError("Please choose a lower resolution for resmin")
		if self.params['resmax'] > 15.0 or self.params['resmax'] > self.params['resmin']:
			apDisplay.printError("Please choose a higher resolution for resmax")
		if self.params['defstep'] < 1.0 or self.params['defstep'] > 10000.0:
			apDisplay.printError("Please keep the defstep between 1 & 10000 Angstroms")
		### set cs value
		self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())
 def checkConflicts(self):
     if self.params["stackid"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined")
     if self.params["modelid"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("model id was not defined")
     if self.params["runname"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("missing a reconstruction name")
     if self.params["last"] is None:
         self.params["last"] = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params["stackid"])
     self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params["stackid"], msg=False)
     self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params["stackid"])
     if self.params["reconstackid"] is not None:
         reconboxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params["reconstackid"], msg=False)
         reconapix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params["reconstackid"])
         refinenumpart = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params["stackid"])
         reconnumpart = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params["reconstackid"])
         if reconboxsize != self.boxsize:
             apDisplay.printError("Boxsize do not match for stacks")
         if reconapix != self.apix:
             apDisplay.printError("Pixelsize do not match for stacks")
         if refinenumpart != reconnumpart:
             apDisplay.printError("Number of particles do not match for stacks")
     maxmask = math.floor(self.apix * (self.boxsize - 10) / 2.0)
     if self.params["mask"] is None:
         apDisplay.printWarning("mask was not defined, setting to boxsize: %d" % (maxmask))
         self.params["mask"] = maxmask
     if self.params["mask"] > maxmask:
         apDisplay.printWarning("mask was too big, setting to boxsize: %d" % (maxmask))
         self.params["mask"] = maxmask
     if self.params["noctf"] is True:
         apDisplay.printWarning("Using no CTF method")
         self.params["wgh"] = -1.0
     if self.params["nodes"] > 1 and self.params["cluster"] is False:
         apDisplay.printError("cluster mode must be enabled to run on more than 1 node")
     if self.params["ppn"] is None:
         if self.params["cluster"] is True:
             apDisplay.printError("you must define ppn for cluster mode")
         self.params["ppn"] = apParam.getNumProcessors()
         apDisplay.printMsg("Setting number of processors to %d" % (self.params["ppn"]))
     if self.params["rpn"] is None:
         self.params["rpn"] = self.params["ppn"]
     self.params["nproc"] = self.params["nodes"] * self.params["rpn"]
     ### get the symmetry data
     if self.params["sym"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("Symmetry was not defined")
         self.symmdata = apSymmetry.findSymmetry(self.params["sym"])
         self.params["symm_id"] = self.symmdata.dbid
         self.params["symm_name"] = self.symmdata["eman_name"]
         apDisplay.printMsg("Selected symmetry %s with id %s" % (self.symmdata["eman_name"], self.symmdata.dbid))
     ### set cs value
     self.params["cs"] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())
	def checkConflicts(self):
		if self.params['stackid'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined")
		if self.params['modelid'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("model id was not defined")
		if self.params['runname'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("missing a reconstruction name")
		if self.params['last'] is None:
			self.params['last'] = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params['stackid'])
		self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'], msg=False)
		self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
		if self.params['reconstackid'] is not None:	
			reconboxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['reconstackid'], msg=False)
			reconapix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['reconstackid'])
			refinenumpart = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params['stackid'])
			reconnumpart = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params['reconstackid'])
			if reconboxsize != self.boxsize:
				apDisplay.printError("Boxsize do not match for stacks")
			if reconapix != self.apix:
				apDisplay.printError("Pixelsize do not match for stacks")
			if refinenumpart != reconnumpart:
				apDisplay.printError("Number of particles do not match for stacks")
		maxmask = math.floor(self.apix*(self.boxsize-10)/2.0)
		if self.params['mask'] is None:
			apDisplay.printWarning("mask was not defined, setting to boxsize: %d"%(maxmask))
			self.params['mask'] = maxmask
		if self.params['mask'] > maxmask:
			apDisplay.printWarning("mask was too big, setting to boxsize: %d"%(maxmask))
			self.params['mask'] = maxmask
		if self.params['noctf'] is True:
			apDisplay.printWarning("Using no CTF method")
			self.params['wgh'] = -1.0
		if self.params['nodes'] > 1 and self.params['cluster'] is False:
			apDisplay.printError("cluster mode must be enabled to run on more than 1 node")
		if self.params['ppn'] is None:
			if self.params['cluster'] is True:
				apDisplay.printError("you must define ppn for cluster mode")
			self.params['ppn'] = apParam.getNumProcessors()
			apDisplay.printMsg("Setting number of processors to %d"%(self.params['ppn']))
		if self.params['rpn'] is None:
			self.params['rpn'] = self.params['ppn']
		self.params['nproc'] = self.params['nodes']*self.params['rpn']
		### get the symmetry data
		if self.params['sym'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("Symmetry was not defined")
			self.symmdata = apSymmetry.findSymmetry(self.params['sym'])
			self.params['symm_id'] = self.symmdata.dbid
			self.params['symm_name'] = self.symmdata['eman_name']
			apDisplay.printMsg("Selected symmetry %s with id %s"%(self.symmdata['eman_name'], self.symmdata.dbid))
		### set cs value
		self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())
	def checkConflicts(self):
		if self.params['bin'] < 1:
			apDisplay.printError("bin must be positive")
		if (self.params['mindefocus'] is not None and
				(self.params['mindefocus'] > 1e-3 or self.params['mindefocus'] < 1e-9)):
			apDisplay.printError("min defocus is not in an acceptable range, e.g. mindefocus=1.5e-6")
		if (self.params['maxdefocus'] is not None and
				(self.params['maxdefocus'] > 1e-3 or self.params['maxdefocus'] < 1e-9)):
			apDisplay.printError("max defocus is not in an acceptable range, e.g. maxdefocus=1.5e-6")
		### set cs value
		self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())

 def checkConflicts(self):               
         if self.params['nominal'] is not None and (self.params['nominal'] > 0 or self.params['nominal'] < -15e-6):
                 apDisplay.printError("Nominal should be of the form nominal=-1.2e-6 for -1.2 microns")
         if not (self.params['drange'] == 1 or self.params['drange']== 0):
                 apDisplay.printError("drange should only be 0 or 1")
         if not (self.params['medium'] == 'carbon' or self.params['medium'] == 'ice'):
                 apDisplay.printError("medium can only be 'carbon' or 'ice'")
         if not (self.params['display'] == 0 or self.params['display'] == 1):
                 apDisplay.printError("display must be 0 or 1")
         if not (self.params['stig'] == 0 or self.params['stig'] == 1):
                 apDisplay.printError("stig must be 0 or 1")
         ### set cs value
         self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())
 def checkConflicts(self):
     if self.params["nominal"] is not None and (self.params["nominal"] > 0 or self.params["nominal"] < -15e-6):
         apDisplay.printError("Nominal should be of the form nominal=-1.2e-6 for -1.2 microns")
     if not (self.params["drange"] == 1 or self.params["drange"] == 0):
         apDisplay.printError("drange should only be 0 or 1")
     if not (self.params["medium"] == "carbon" or self.params["medium"] == "ice"):
         apDisplay.printError("medium can only be 'carbon' or 'ice'")
     if not (self.params["display"] == 0 or self.params["display"] == 1):
         apDisplay.printError("display must be 0 or 1")
     if not (self.params["stig"] == 0 or self.params["stig"] == 1):
         apDisplay.printError("stig must be 0 or 1")
         ### set cs value
     self.params["cs"] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())
Example #10
	def checkConflicts(self):		
		if self.params['nominal'] is not None and (self.params['nominal'] > 0 or self.params['nominal'] < -15e-6):
			apDisplay.printError("Nominal should be of the form nominal=-1.2e-6 for -1.2 microns")
		if not (self.params['drange'] == 1 or self.params['drange']== 0):
			apDisplay.printError("drange should only be 0 or 1")
		if not (self.params['medium'] == 'carbon' or self.params['medium'] == 'ice'):
			apDisplay.printError("medium can only be 'carbon' or 'ice'")
		if not (self.params['display'] == 0 or self.params['display'] == 1):
			apDisplay.printError("display must be 0 or 1")
		if not (self.params['stig'] == 0 or self.params['stig'] == 1):
			apDisplay.printError("stig must be 0 or 1")
		### set cs value
		self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())
	def checkConflicts(self):
		if self.params['stackid'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("stackid was not defined")
		if self.params['modelid'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("model id was not defined")
		if self.params['runname'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("new runname was not defined")
		self.params['totalpart'] = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params['stackid'])
		if 'last' not in self.params.keys() or self.params['last'] is None:
			self.params['last'] = self.params['totalpart']
		self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'], msg=False)
		self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
		self.refineboxsize = self.boxsize * self.params['bin']
		### set cs value
		self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())
		self.modelids = map((lambda x: int(x)),self.params['modelid'].split(','))
Example #12
    def checkConflicts(self):
        if self.params['bin'] < 1:
            apDisplay.printError("bin must be positive")
        if (self.params['mindefocus'] is not None
                and (self.params['mindefocus'] > 1e-3
                     or self.params['mindefocus'] < 1e-9)):
                "min defocus is not in an acceptable range, e.g. mindefocus=1.5e-6"
        if (self.params['maxdefocus'] is not None
                and (self.params['maxdefocus'] > 1e-3
                     or self.params['maxdefocus'] < 1e-9)):
                "max defocus is not in an acceptable range, e.g. maxdefocus=1.5e-6"
        ### set cs value
        self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(

Example #13
 def checkConflicts(self):
     if self.params['stackid'] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("stackid was not defined")
     if self.params['modelid'] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("model id was not defined")
     if self.params['runname'] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("new runname was not defined")
     self.params['totalpart'] = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(
     if 'last' not in self.params.keys() or self.params['last'] is None:
         self.params['last'] = self.params['totalpart']
     self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'],
     self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(
     self.refineboxsize = self.boxsize * self.params['bin']
     ### set cs value
     self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(
     self.modelids = map((lambda x: int(x)),
    def processImage(self, imgdata):
        self.ctfvalues = {}

        ### convert image to spider
        spiderimage = apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename']) + ".spi"
        spider.write(imgdata['image'], spiderimage)

        ### high tension in kiloVolts
        kvolts = imgdata['scope']['high tension'] / 1000.0
        ### spherical aberration in millimeters
        cs = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())
        ### pixel size in Angstroms
        apix = apDatabase.getPixelSize(imgdata)

        ### write image name
        inputstr = ""
        inputstr += ("\n")
        inputstr += ("# image filename in spider format\n")
        inputstr += ("image=%s\n" % (spiderimage))

        ### common parameters that never change
        inputstr += ("\n")
        inputstr += ("# common parameters that never change\n")
        inputstr += ("N_horizontal=%d\n" % (self.params['fieldsize']))
        #inputstr += ("particle_horizontal=%d\n"%(128))
        inputstr += ("show_optimization=yes\n")
        inputstr += ("micrograph_averaging=yes\n")
        """ Give a value in digital frequency (i.e. between 0.0 and 0.5)
                         This cut-off prevents the typically peak at the center of the PSD to interfere with CTF estimation.
                         The default value is 0.05, but for micrographs with a very fine sampling this may be lowered towards 0.0
        #minres = apix/minfreq => minfreq = apix/minres
        minfreq = apix / self.params['resmin']
        inputstr += ("min_freq=%.3f\n" % (minfreq))
        """ Give a value in digital frequency (i.e. between 0.0 and 0.5)
                         This cut-off prevents high-resolution terms where only noise exists to interfere with CTF estimation.
                         The default value is 0.35, but it should be increased for micrographs with signals extending beyond this value
        #maxres = apix/maxfreq => maxfreq = apix/maxres
        maxfreq = apix / self.params['resmax']
        inputstr += ("max_freq=%.3f\n" % (maxfreq))

        ### CTF input parameters from database
        inputstr += ("\n")
        inputstr += ("# CTF input parameters from database\n")
        inputstr += ("voltage=%d\n" % (kvolts))
        inputstr += ("spherical_aberration=%.1f\n" % (cs))
        inputstr += ("sampling_rate=%.4f\n" % (apix))

        ### best defocus in negative Angstroms
        ctfvalue, conf = ctfdb.getBestCtfValueForImage(imgdata, msg=True)
        nominal = (ctfvalue['defocus1'] + ctfvalue['defocus2']) / 2.0
        inputstr += ("defocusU=%d\n" % (-abs(ctfvalue['defocus1']) * 1.0e10))
        inputstr += ("defocusV=%d\n" % (-abs(ctfvalue['defocus2']) * 1.0e10))
        inputstr += ("Q0=%d\n" % (-ctfvalue['amplitude_contrast']))
        inputstr += ("\n")

        ### open and write to input parameter file
        paramfile = apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename']) + "-CTF.prm"
        f = open(paramfile, "w")
        print inputstr


        xmippcmd = "xmipp_ctf_estimate_from_micrograph -i %s" % (paramfile)

        #xmippcmd = "echo %s"%(paramfile)

        t0 = time.time()
        apDisplay.printMsg("running ctf estimation at " + time.asctime())
        proc = subprocess.Popen(xmippcmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        #waittime = 2
        #while proc.poll() is None:
        #       sys.stderr.write(".")
        #       time.sleep(waittime)
        (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
        #print (stdout, stderr)
        apDisplay.printMsg("ctf estimation completed in " +
                           apDisplay.timeString(time.time() - t0))

        ### read commandline output to get fit score
        lines = stdout.split('\n')
        lastline = ""
        for line in lines[-50:]:
            if "--->" in line:
                lastline = line
        if not "--->" in lastline:
            apDisplay.printWarning("Xmipp CTF failed")
            self.badprocess = True
        bits = lastline.split('--->')
        confidence = float(bits[1])
        score = round(math.sqrt(1 - confidence), 5)
            "Confidence value is %.5f (score %.5f)" % (confidence, score),

        f = open("confidence.log", "a")
        f.write("Confidence value is %.5f for image %s (score %.3f)\n" %
                (confidence, apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename']), score))

        ### delete image in spider format no longer needed

        ### read output parameter file
        outparamfile = apDisplay.short(
            imgdata['filename']) + "_Periodogramavg.ctfparam"
        f = open(outparamfile, "r")
        for line in f:
            sline = line.strip()
            bits = sline.split('=')
            if sline.startswith("defocusU"):
                defocus1 = float(bits[1].strip())
            elif sline.startswith("defocusV"):
                defocus2 = float(bits[1].strip())
            elif sline.startswith("azimuthal_angle"):
                angle_astigmatism = float(bits[1].strip())
            elif sline.startswith("Q0"):
                amplitude_contrast = abs(float(bits[1].strip()))

        print defocus1, defocus2, angle_astigmatism, amplitude_contrast

        #defocusU=             -18418.6
        #defocusV=             -24272.1
        #azimuthal_angle=      79.7936
        #Q0=                   -0.346951 #negative of ACE amplitude_contrast
        print "AMP CONTRAST: %.4f -- %.4f" % (amplitude_contrast,

        self.ctfvalues = {
            'defocus1': defocus1 * 1e-10,
            'defocus2': defocus2 * 1e-10,
            'angle_astigmatism': angle_astigmatism,
            'amplitude_contrast': amplitude_contrast,
            'nominal': nominal,
            'defocusinit': nominal,
            'confidence_d': score,
            'cs': self.params['cs'],
            'volts': kvolts * 1000.0,

Example #15
    def runRefineCTF(self, imgdata, fftpath):
        ### reset important values
        self.bestres = 1e10
        self.bestellipse = None
        self.bestvalues = {}

        self.volts = imgdata['scope']['high tension']
        self.wavelength = ctftools.getTEMLambda(self.volts)
        ## get value in meters
        self.cs = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(
            self.getSessionData()) * 1e-3
        self.ctfvalues = {
            'volts': self.volts,
            'wavelength': self.wavelength,
            'cs': self.cs,

        ### need to get FFT file open and freq of said file
        fftarray =
        self.freq = self.freqdict[fftpath]

        ### convert resolution limit into pixel distance
        fftwidth = fftarray.shape[0]
        maxres = 2.0 / (self.freq * fftwidth)
        if maxres > self.params['reslimit']:
                "Cannot get requested res %.1fA higher than max Nyquist resolution %.1fA"
                % (self.params['reslimit'], maxres))
            self.params['reslimit'] = math.ceil(maxres)

        limitwidth = int(math.ceil(2.0 /
                                   (self.params['reslimit'] * self.freq)))
        limitwidth = primefactor.getNextEvenPrime(limitwidth)
        requestres = 2.0 / (self.freq * limitwidth)
        if limitwidth > fftwidth:
            apDisplay.printError("Cannot get requested resolution" + (
                " request res %.1fA higher than max res %.1fA for new widths %d > %d"
                % (requestres, maxres, limitwidth, fftwidth)))

            "Requested resolution OK: " +
            (" request res %.1fA less than max res %.1fA with fft widths %d < %d"
             % (requestres, maxres, limitwidth, fftwidth)), "green")
        newshape = (limitwidth, limitwidth)
        fftarray = imagefilter.frame_cut(fftarray, newshape)

        ### spacing parameters
        self.mfreq = self.freq * 1e10
        fftwidth = min(fftarray.shape)
        self.apix = 1.0 / (fftwidth * self.freq)
        self.ctfvalues['apix'] = self.apix

        ### print message
        bestDbValues = ctfdb.getBestCtfByResolution(imgdata)
        if bestDbValues is None:
                "SKIPPING: No CTF values for image %s" %
                (apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])), "red")
            self.badprocess = True

        ### skip if resolution > 90.
        if bestDbValues['resolution_50_percent'] > 90.:
                "SKIPPING: No decent CTF values for image %s" %
                (apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])), "yellow")
            self.badprocess = True

        self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'] = bestDbValues[

        lowerrad1 = ctftools.getCtfExtrema(
            bestDbValues['defocus1'], self.mfreq, self.cs, self.volts,
            self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'], 1, "valley")
        lowerrad2 = ctftools.getCtfExtrema(
            bestDbValues['defocus2'], self.mfreq, self.cs, self.volts,
            self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'], 1, "valley")
        meanRad = (lowerrad1[0] + lowerrad2[0]) / 2.0

        self.ellipseParams = {
            'a': lowerrad1[0],
            'b': lowerrad2[0],
            'alpha': math.radians(bestDbValues['angle_astigmatism']),
        ellipratio = self.ellipseParams['a'] / self.ellipseParams['b']
        defratio = bestDbValues['defocus2'] / bestDbValues['defocus1']
        print "ellr=%.3f, defr=%.3f, sqrt(defr)=%.3f" % (ellipratio, defratio,
        self.bestvalues['defocus'] = (bestDbValues['defocus1'] +
                                      bestDbValues['defocus2']) / 2.0

        raddata, PSDarray = self.from2Dinto1D(fftarray)
        lowerbound = numpy.searchsorted(raddata, meanRad * self.freq)
        upperbound = numpy.searchsorted(raddata, 1 / 10.)

        #	This is the start of the actual program

        self.refineEllipseLoop(fftarray, lowerbound, upperbound)

        ## FINISH UP

        apDisplay.printColor("Finishing up using best found CTF values",

        ### take best values and use them
        self.ctfvalues = self.bestvalues
        self.ellipseParams = self.bestellipse

        ### stupid fix, get value in millimeters
        self.ctfvalues['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(

        ### translate ellipse into ctf values
        if self.ellipseParams is not None:
            self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] = math.degrees(
            ellipratio = self.ellipseParams['a'] / self.ellipseParams['b']
            phi = math.asin(self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'])
            #note: a > b then def1 < def2
            #major axis
            self.ctfvalues['defocus1'] = self.ctfvalues['defocus'] / ellipratio
            #minor axis
            self.ctfvalues['defocus2'] = self.ctfvalues['defocus'] * ellipratio

            defdiff = 1.0 - 2 * self.ctfvalues['defocus'] / (
                self.ctfvalues['defocus1'] + self.ctfvalues['defocus2'])
            print "%.3e --> %.3e,%.3e" % (self.ctfvalues['defocus'],
            print defdiff * 100
            if defdiff * 100 > 1:
                apDisplay.printWarning("Large astigmatism")
            ellipratio = 1.0
            self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] = 0.0
            self.ctfvalues['defocus1'] = self.ctfvalues['defocus']
            self.ctfvalues['defocus2'] = self.ctfvalues['defocus']
            self.badprocess = True

            if self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'] < self.minAmpCon:
                self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'] = self.minAmpCon
            if self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'] > self.maxAmpCon:
                self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'] = self.maxAmpCon
        except KeyError:

        if abs(self.ctfvalues['defocus1']) > abs(self.ctfvalues['defocus2']):
            # incorrect, need to shift angle by 90 degrees
            apDisplay.printWarning("|def1| > |def2|, flipping defocus axes")
            tempdef = self.ctfvalues['defocus1']
            self.ctfvalues['defocus1'] = self.ctfvalues['defocus2']
            self.ctfvalues['defocus2'] = tempdef
            self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] += 90
        # get astig_angle within range -90 < angle <= 90
        while self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] > 90:
            self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] -= 180
        while self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] < -90:
            self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] += 180

        avgres = self.getResolution(self.ctfvalues['defocus'], raddata,
                                    PSDarray, lowerbound)
            "Final defocus values %.3e -> %.3e, %.3e; ac=%.2f, res=%.1f" %
            (self.ctfvalues['defocus'], self.ctfvalues['defocus1'],
             self.ctfvalues['defocus2'], self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'],
             avgres / 2.0), "green")

        for i in range(10):
            print "===================================="

        print "PREVIOUS VALUES"
        print "CURRENT VALUES"
        defocusratio = self.ctfvalues['defocus2'] / self.ctfvalues['defocus1']
            "def1: %.2e | def2: %.2e | angle: %.1f | ampcontr %.2f | defratio %.3f"
            % (self.ctfvalues['defocus1'], self.ctfvalues['defocus2'],
               self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'], defocusratio), "blue")
        #ellipratio = self.ellipseParams['a']/self.ellipseParams['b']
        print "ellr=%.3f, defr=%.3f, sqrt(defr)=%.3f" % (
            ellipratio, defocusratio, math.sqrt(defocusratio))
        print "===================================="

	def checkConflicts(self):

		self.appiondir = apParam.getAppionDirectory()

		### necessary input values
		if self.params['threedfile'] is None and self.params['modelid'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError('either threed .mrc file or modelid was not defined')
		if self.params['threedfile'] is not None and self.params['modelid'] is not None:
			apDisplay.printError('please specify a single .mrc file (i.e. threedfile or modelid)')
		if self.params['box'] is None and self.params['modelid'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError('boxsize of the output stack not specified')
		if self.params['apix'] is None and self.params['modelid'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError('angstroms per pixel of the input model not specified')
		### radius defaulted to 0.5
		if self.params['radius'] is None:
			self.params['radius'] = self.params['box'] / 2
		if self.params['radius'] > self.params['box']/2:
			apDisplay.printError('radius of particle (in pixels) must be smaller than 1/2*boxsize of model')
		if self.params['radius'] > 0 and self.params['radius'] < 1:
			apDisplay.printError('radius must be specified in pixels') 

		### get session info
		if self.params['sessionname'] is None:
			split = self.params['rundir'].split("/")
			self.params['sessionname'] = split[4]

		### make sure that the defoci are positive (underfocus) and in microns
		self.params['df1'] *= 10**-6
		self.params['df2'] *= 10**-6
		if self.params['df1'] < 0:
			apDisplay.printError('defocus value is negative! specify positive (underfocus) values')
		if self.params['df2'] < 0:
			apDisplay.printError('defocus value is negative! specify positive (underfocus) values')

		### check defocus group values
		if self.params['defocus_groups'] is not None:
			self.defmin = float(self.params['defocus_groups'].split(",")[0])
			self.defmax = float(self.params['defocus_groups'].split(",")[1])
			self.defint = float(self.params['defocus_groups'].split(",")[2])
			if self.defmin is None or self.defmax is None or self.defint is None:
				apDisplay.printError("all defocus group values must be specified, e.g. --defocus_groups=1,3,0.1")

		### make sure that only one type of ace2correction is specified
		if self.params['ace2correct'] is True and self.params['ace2correct_rand'] is True:
			apDisplay.printError('Please specify only 1 type of ace2 correction')
		if self.params['ace2correct_std'] >= 0.5 or self.params['ace2correct_std'] <= 0:
			apDisplay.printError("Ace2correct standard deviation specified too high, please use value between 0 < std < 0.5")
		if self.params['ace2estimate'] is True and self.params['ace2correct'] is False:
			apDisplay.printError("ACE2 estimation should only be used if you're doing correction as well, please use both ace2correct and ace2estimate")

		### make sure amplitude correction file exists
		if self.params['envelopefile'] is None:
			self.params['envelopefile'] = os.path.join(apParam.getAppionDirectory(), "appionlib/data/radial-envelope.spi")
		### set cs value & make sure that it's in millimeters
		if self.params['cs'] is None:
			self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())
			self.params['cs'] = self.params['cs'] 
		if self.params['cs'] > 0:
			apDisplay.printWarning("non-zero cs value is untested and may not be properly applied. Consider setting to 0")
		apDisplay.printColor("cs value: %.3f" % self.params['cs'], "cyan")
        def runRefineCTF(self, imgdata, fftpath):
                ### reset important values
                self.bestres = 1e10
                self.bestellipse = None
                self.bestvalues = {}

                self.volts = imgdata['scope']['high tension']
                self.wavelength = ctftools.getTEMLambda(self.volts)
                ## get value in meters
                self.cs = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())*1e-3
                self.ctfvalues = {
                        'volts': self.volts,
                        'wavelength': self.wavelength,
                        'cs': self.cs,

                ### need to get FFT file open and freq of said file
                fftarray =
                self.freq = self.freqdict[fftpath]

                ### convert resolution limit into pixel distance
                fftwidth = fftarray.shape[0]
                maxres = 2.0/(self.freq*fftwidth)
                if maxres > self.params['reslimit']:
                        apDisplay.printError("Cannot get requested res %.1fA higher than max res %.1fA"
                                %(maxres, self.params['reslimit']))

                limitwidth = int(math.ceil(2.0/(self.params['reslimit']*self.freq)))
                limitwidth = primefactor.getNextEvenPrime(limitwidth)
                requestres = 2.0/(self.freq*limitwidth)
                if limitwidth > fftwidth:
                        apDisplay.printError("Cannot get requested resolution"
                                +(" request res %.1fA higher than max res %.1fA for new widths %d > %d"
                                %(requestres, maxres, limitwidth, fftwidth)))

                apDisplay.printColor("Requested resolution OK: "
                        +(" request res %.1fA less than max res %.1fA with fft widths %d < %d"
                        %(requestres, maxres, limitwidth, fftwidth)), "green")
                newshape = (limitwidth, limitwidth)
                fftarray = imagefilter.frame_cut(fftarray, newshape)

                ### spacing parameters
                self.mfreq = self.freq*1e10
                fftwidth = min(fftarray.shape)
                self.apix = 1.0/(fftwidth*self.freq)
                self.ctfvalues['apix'] = self.apix

                ### print message
                bestDbValues = ctfdb.getBestCtfByResolution(imgdata)
                if bestDbValues is None:
                        apDisplay.printColor("SKIPPING: No CTF values for image %s"
                                %(apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])), "red")
                        self.badprocess = True

                ### skip if resolution > 90.
                if bestDbValues['resolution_50_percent'] > 90.:
                        apDisplay.printColor("SKIPPING: No decent CTF values for image %s"
                                %(apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])), "yellow")
                        self.badprocess = True

                self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'] = bestDbValues['amplitude_contrast']

                lowerrad1 = ctftools.getCtfExtrema(bestDbValues['defocus1'], self.mfreq, self.cs, self.volts, 
                        self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'], 1, "valley")
                lowerrad2 = ctftools.getCtfExtrema(bestDbValues['defocus2'], self.mfreq, self.cs, self.volts, 
                        self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'], 1, "valley")
                meanRad = (lowerrad1[0] + lowerrad2[0])/2.0

                self.ellipseParams = {
                        'a': lowerrad1[0],
                        'b': lowerrad2[0],
                        'alpha': math.radians(bestDbValues['angle_astigmatism']),
                ellipratio = self.ellipseParams['a']/self.ellipseParams['b']
                defratio = bestDbValues['defocus2']/bestDbValues['defocus1']
                print "ellr=%.3f, defr=%.3f, sqrt(defr)=%.3f"%(ellipratio, defratio, math.sqrt(defratio))
                self.bestvalues['defocus'] = (bestDbValues['defocus1']+bestDbValues['defocus2'])/2.0

                raddata, PSDarray = self.from2Dinto1D(fftarray)
                lowerbound = numpy.searchsorted(raddata, meanRad*self.freq)
                upperbound = numpy.searchsorted(raddata, 1/10.)

                #       This is the start of the actual program

                self.refineEllipseLoop(fftarray, lowerbound, upperbound)

                ## FINISH UP

                apDisplay.printColor("Finishing up using best found CTF values", "blue")

                ### take best values and use them
                self.ctfvalues = self.bestvalues
                self.ellipseParams = self.bestellipse

                ### stupid fix, get value in millimeters
                self.ctfvalues['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())

                ### translate ellipse into ctf values
                if self.ellipseParams is not None:
                        self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] = math.degrees(self.ellipseParams['alpha'])
                        ellipratio = self.ellipseParams['a']/self.ellipseParams['b']
                        phi = math.asin(self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'])
                        #note: a > b then def1 < def2
                        #major axis
                        self.ctfvalues['defocus1'] = self.ctfvalues['defocus']/ellipratio
                        #minor axis
                        self.ctfvalues['defocus2'] = self.ctfvalues['defocus']*ellipratio

                        defdiff = 1.0 - 2*self.ctfvalues['defocus']/(self.ctfvalues['defocus1']+self.ctfvalues['defocus2'])
                        print "%.3e --> %.3e,%.3e"%(self.ctfvalues['defocus'], 
                                        self.ctfvalues['defocus2'], self.ctfvalues['defocus1'])
                        print defdiff*100
                        if defdiff*100 > 1:
                                apDisplay.printWarning("Large astigmatism")
                        ellipratio = 1.0
                        self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] = 0.0
                        self.ctfvalues['defocus1'] = self.ctfvalues['defocus']
                        self.ctfvalues['defocus2'] = self.ctfvalues['defocus']

                if self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'] < 0.0:
                        self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'] = 0.0
                if self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'] > self.maxAmpCon:
                        self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'] = self.maxAmpCon

                if abs(self.ctfvalues['defocus1']) > abs(self.ctfvalues['defocus2']):
                        # incorrect, need to shift angle by 90 degrees
                        apDisplay.printWarning("|def1| > |def2|, flipping defocus axes")
                        tempdef = self.ctfvalues['defocus1']
                        self.ctfvalues['defocus1'] = self.ctfvalues['defocus2']
                        self.ctfvalues['defocus2'] = tempdef
                        self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] += 90
                # get astig_angle within range -90 < angle <= 90
                while self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] > 90:
                        self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] -= 180
                while self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] < -90:
                        self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] += 180

                avgres = self.getResolution(self.ctfvalues['defocus'], raddata, PSDarray, lowerbound)
                apDisplay.printColor("Final defocus values %.3e -> %.3e, %.3e; ac=%.2f, res=%.1f"
                        %(self.ctfvalues['defocus'], self.ctfvalues['defocus1'], self.ctfvalues['defocus2'],
                        self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'], avgres/2.0), "green")

                for i in range(10):
                        print "===================================="

                print "PREVIOUS VALUES"
                print "CURRENT VALUES"
                defocusratio = self.ctfvalues['defocus2']/self.ctfvalues['defocus1']
                apDisplay.printColor("def1: %.2e | def2: %.2e | angle: %.1f | ampcontr %.2f | defratio %.3f"
                        %(self.ctfvalues['defocus1'], self.ctfvalues['defocus2'], self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'],
                        self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'], defocusratio), "blue")
                #ellipratio = self.ellipseParams['a']/self.ellipseParams['b']
                print "ellr=%.3f, defr=%.3f, sqrt(defr)=%.3f"%(ellipratio, defocusratio, math.sqrt(defocusratio))
                print "===================================="

	def runPhasorCTF(self, imgdata, fftpath):
		### reset important values
		self.bestres = 1e10
		self.bestellipse = None
		self.bestvalues = None
		self.ellipseParams = None
		self.volts = imgdata['scope']['high tension']
		self.wavelength = ctftools.getTEMLambda(self.volts)
		## get value in meters
		self.cs = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())*1e-3
		self.ctfvalues = {
			'volts': self.volts,
			'wavelength': self.wavelength,
			'cs': self.cs,

		if self.params['astig'] is False:

		### need to get FFT file open and freq of said file
		fftarray =
		self.freq = self.freqdict[fftpath]

		### print message

		### convert resolution limit into pixel distance
		fftwidth = fftarray.shape[0]
		maxres = 2.0/(self.freq*fftwidth)
		if maxres > self.params['reslimit']:
			apDisplay.printError("Cannot get requested res %.1fA higher than max res %.1fA"
				%(maxres, self.params['reslimit']))

		limitwidth = int(math.ceil(2.0/(self.params['reslimit']*self.freq)))
		limitwidth = primefactor.getNextEvenPrime(limitwidth)
		requestres = 2.0/(self.freq*limitwidth)
		if limitwidth > fftwidth:
			apDisplay.printError("Cannot get requested resolution"
				+(" request res %.1fA higher than max res %.1fA for new widths %d > %d"
				%(requestres, maxres, limitwidth, fftwidth)))

		apDisplay.printColor("Requested resolution OK: "
			+(" request res %.1fA less than max res %.1fA with fft widths %d < %d"
			%(requestres, maxres, limitwidth, fftwidth)), "green")
		newshape = (limitwidth, limitwidth)
		fftarray = imagefilter.frame_cut(fftarray, newshape)

		### spacing parameters
		self.mfreq = self.freq*1e10
		fftwidth = min(fftarray.shape)
		self.apix = 1.0/(fftwidth*self.freq)
		self.ctfvalues['apix'] = self.apix

		if self.params['sample'] is 'stain':
			self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'] = 0.14
			self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'] = 0.07

		#	This is the start of the actual program

		### this is either simple rotational average, 
		### or complex elliptical average with edge find and RANSAC
		raddata, PSDarray = self.from2Dinto1D(fftarray)

		lowerrad = ctftools.getCtfExtrema(self.params['maxdef'], self.mfreq, self.cs, self.volts, 
			self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'], 1, "valley")
		lowerbound = numpy.searchsorted(raddata, lowerrad[0]*self.freq)

		if self.params['sample'] is 'stain':
			upperbound = numpy.searchsorted(raddata, 1/8.)
			upperbound = numpy.searchsorted(raddata, 1/12.)

		### fun way to get initial defocus estimate
		fitData = self.fitLinearPlus(raddata, PSDarray)
		#lowessFit = lowess.lowess(raddata**2, PSDarray, smoothing=0.6666)

		if self.debug is True:
			from matplotlib import pyplot
			pyplot.plot(raddata**2, PSDarray)
			pyplot.plot(raddata**2, fitData)

		flatPSDarray = PSDarray-fitData
		flatPSDarray /= numpy.abs(flatPSDarray[lowerbound:upperbound]).max()

		defocus = self.gridSearch(raddata, flatPSDarray, lowerbound)

		#defocus = findroots.estimateDefocus(raddata[lowerbound:upperbound], flatPSDarray[lowerbound:upperbound], 
		#	cs=self.cs, wavelength=self.wavelength,  amp_con=self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'], 
		#	mindef=self.params['mindef'], maxdef=self.params['maxdef'], volts=self.volts)
		amplitudecontrast = sinefit.refineAmplitudeContrast(raddata[lowerbound:upperbound]*1e10, defocus, 
			flatPSDarray[lowerbound:upperbound], self.ctfvalues['cs'], self.wavelength, msg=self.debug)
		if amplitudecontrast is not None:
			print "amplitudecontrast", amplitudecontrast
			self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'] = amplitudecontrast
		defocus = self.defocusLoop(defocus, raddata, flatPSDarray, lowerbound, upperbound)

		#lowerrad = ctftools.getCtfExtrema(defocus, self.mfreq, self.cs, self.volts, 
		#	self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'], 1, "valley")
		#lowerbound = numpy.searchsorted(raddata, lowerrad[0]*self.freq)

		normPSDarray = self.fullTriSectionNormalize(raddata, PSDarray, defocus)

		defocus = self.defocusLoop(defocus, raddata, normPSDarray, lowerbound, upperbound)

		self.findEllipseLoop(fftarray, lowerbound, upperbound)

		self.refineEllipseLoop(fftarray, lowerbound, upperbound)


		apDisplay.printColor("Finishing up using best found CTF values", "blue")

		if self.bestvalues is None:
			apDisplay.printColor("No CTF estimate found for this image", "red")	
			self.badprocess = True

		### take best values and use them
		self.ctfvalues = self.bestvalues
		self.ellipseParams = self.bestellipse

		### stupid fix, get value in millimeters
		self.ctfvalues['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())

		### translate ellipse into ctf values
		if self.ellipseParams is not None:
			self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] = math.degrees(self.ellipseParams['alpha'])
			ellipratio = self.ellipseParams['a']/self.ellipseParams['b']
			phi = math.asin(self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'])
			#note: a > b then def1 < def2
			#major axis
			self.ctfvalues['defocus1'] = self.ctfvalues['defocus']/ellipratio
			#minor axis
			self.ctfvalues['defocus2'] = self.ctfvalues['defocus']*ellipratio

			defdiff = 1.0 - 2*self.ctfvalues['defocus']/(self.ctfvalues['defocus1']+self.ctfvalues['defocus2'])
			print "%.3e --> %.3e,%.3e"%(self.ctfvalues['defocus'], 
					self.ctfvalues['defocus2'], self.ctfvalues['defocus1'])
			print defdiff*100
			if defdiff*100 > 1:
				apDisplay.printWarning("Large astigmatism")
			self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] = 0.0
			self.ctfvalues['defocus1'] = self.ctfvalues['defocus']
			self.ctfvalues['defocus2'] = self.ctfvalues['defocus']

		if self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'] < 0.0:
			self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'] = 0.0
		if self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'] > self.maxAmpCon:
			self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'] = self.maxAmpCon

		if abs(self.ctfvalues['defocus1']) > abs(self.ctfvalues['defocus2']):
			# incorrect, need to shift angle by 90 degrees
			apDisplay.printWarning("|def1| > |def2|, flipping defocus axes")
			tempdef = self.ctfvalues['defocus1']
			self.ctfvalues['defocus1'] = self.ctfvalues['defocus2']
			self.ctfvalues['defocus2'] = tempdef
			self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] += 90
		# get astig_angle within range -90 < angle <= 90
		while self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] > 90:
			self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] -= 180
		while self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] < -90:
			self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'] += 180

		avgres = self.getResolution(self.ctfvalues['defocus'], raddata, PSDarray, lowerbound)
		apDisplay.printColor("Final defocus values %.3e -> %.3e, %.3e; ac=%.2f, res=%.1f"
			%(self.ctfvalues['defocus'], self.ctfvalues['defocus1'], self.ctfvalues['defocus2'],
			self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'], avgres/2.0), "green")

		for i in range(10):
			print "===================================="

		defocusratio = self.ctfvalues['defocus2']/self.ctfvalues['defocus1']
		apDisplay.printColor("def1: %.2e | def2: %.2e | angle: %.1f | ampcontr %.2f | defratio %.3f"
			%(self.ctfvalues['defocus1'], self.ctfvalues['defocus2'], self.ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'],
			self.ctfvalues['amplitude_contrast'], defocusratio), "blue")
		print "===================================="

	def checkConflicts(self):

		self.appiondir = apParam.getAppionDirectory()

		### necessary input values
		if self.params['threedfile'] is None and self.params['modelid'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError('either threed .mrc file or modelid was not defined')
		if self.params['threedfile'] is not None and self.params['modelid'] is not None:
			apDisplay.printError('please specify a single .mrc file (i.e. threedfile or modelid)')
		if self.params['box'] is None and self.params['modelid'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError('boxsize of the output stack not specified')
		if self.params['apix'] is None and self.params['modelid'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError('angstroms per pixel of the input model not specified')
		### radius defaulted to 0.5
		if self.params['radius'] is None:
			self.params['radius'] = self.params['box'] / 2
		if self.params['radius'] > self.params['box']/2:
			apDisplay.printError('radius of particle (in pixels) must be smaller than 1/2*boxsize of model')
		if self.params['radius'] > 0 and self.params['radius'] < 1:
			apDisplay.printError('radius must be specified in pixels') 

		### get session info
		if self.params['sessionname'] is None:
			split = self.params['rundir'].split("/")
			self.params['sessionname'] = split[4]

		### make sure that the defoci are positive (underfocus) and in microns
		self.params['df1'] *= 10**-6
		self.params['df2'] *= 10**-6
		if self.params['df1'] < 0:
			apDisplay.printError('defocus value is negative! specify positive (underfocus) values')
		if self.params['df2'] < 0:
			apDisplay.printError('defocus value is negative! specify positive (underfocus) values')

		### check defocus group values
		if self.params['defocus_groups'] is not None:
			self.defmin = float(self.params['defocus_groups'].split(",")[0])
			self.defmax = float(self.params['defocus_groups'].split(",")[1])
			self.defint = float(self.params['defocus_groups'].split(",")[2])
			if self.defmin is None or self.defmax is None or self.defint is None:
				apDisplay.printError("all defocus group values must be specified, e.g. --defocus_groups=1,3,0.1")

		### make sure that only one type of ace2correction is specified
		if self.params['ace2correct'] is True and self.params['ace2correct_rand'] is True:
			apDisplay.printError('Please specify only 1 type of ace2 correction')
		if self.params['ace2correct_std'] >= 0.5 or self.params['ace2correct_std'] <= 0:
			apDisplay.printError("Ace2correct standard deviation specified too high, please use value between 0 < std < 0.5")
		if self.params['ace2estimate'] is True and self.params['ace2correct'] is False:
			apDisplay.printError("ACE2 estimation should only be used if you're doing correction as well, please use both ace2correct and ace2estimate")

		### make sure amplitude correction file exists
		if self.params['envelopefile'] is None:
			self.params['envelopefile'] = os.path.join(apParam.getAppionDirectory(), "appionlib/data/radial-envelope.spi")
		### set cs value & make sure that it's in millimeters
		if self.params['cs'] is None:
			self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())
			self.params['cs'] = self.params['cs'] 
		if self.params['cs'] > 0:
			apDisplay.printWarning("non-zero cs value is untested and may not be properly applied. Consider setting to 0")
		apDisplay.printColor("cs value: %.3f" % self.params['cs'], "cyan")
	def processImage(self, imgdata):
		self.ctfvalues = {}
		### convert image to spider
		spiderimage = apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])+".spi"
		spider.write(imgdata['image'], spiderimage)

		### high tension in kiloVolts
		kvolts = imgdata['scope']['high tension']/1000.0
		### spherical aberration in millimeters
		cs = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())
		### pixel size in Angstroms
		apix = apDatabase.getPixelSize(imgdata)

		### write image name
		inputstr = ""
		inputstr += ("\n")
		inputstr += ("# image filename in spider format\n")
		inputstr += ("image=%s\n"%(spiderimage))

		### common parameters that never change
		inputstr += ("\n")
		inputstr += ("# common parameters that never change\n")
		inputstr += ("N_horizontal=%d\n"%(self.params['fieldsize']))
		#inputstr += ("particle_horizontal=%d\n"%(128))
		inputstr += ("show_optimization=yes\n")
		inputstr += ("micrograph_averaging=yes\n")

		""" Give a value in digital frequency (i.e. between 0.0 and 0.5)
			 This cut-off prevents the typically peak at the center of the PSD to interfere with CTF estimation.
			 The default value is 0.05, but for micrographs with a very fine sampling this may be lowered towards 0.0
		#minres = apix/minfreq => minfreq = apix/minres
		minfreq = apix/self.params['resmin']
		inputstr += ("min_freq=%.3f\n"%(minfreq))

		""" Give a value in digital frequency (i.e. between 0.0 and 0.5)
			 This cut-off prevents high-resolution terms where only noise exists to interfere with CTF estimation.
			 The default value is 0.35, but it should be increased for micrographs with signals extending beyond this value
		#maxres = apix/maxfreq => maxfreq = apix/maxres
		maxfreq = apix/self.params['resmax']
		inputstr += ("max_freq=%.3f\n"%(maxfreq))

		### CTF input parameters from database
		inputstr += ("\n")
		inputstr += ("# CTF input parameters from database\n")
		inputstr += ("voltage=%d\n"%(kvolts))
		inputstr += ("spherical_aberration=%.1f\n"%(cs))
		inputstr += ("sampling_rate=%.4f\n"%(apix))

		### best defocus in negative Angstroms
		ctfvalue, conf = ctfdb.getBestCtfValueForImage(imgdata, msg=True)
		if ctfvalue is None:
			apDisplay.printWarning("Xmipp CTF as implemented in Appion requires an initial CTF estimate to process"
				+"\nPlease run another CTF program first and try again on this image")
			self.ctfvalues = None
		nominal = (ctfvalue['defocus1']+ctfvalue['defocus2'])/2.0
		inputstr += ("defocusU=%d\n"%(-abs(ctfvalue['defocus1'])*1.0e10))
		inputstr += ("defocusV=%d\n"%(-abs(ctfvalue['defocus2'])*1.0e10))
		inputstr += ("Q0=%d\n"%(-ctfvalue['amplitude_contrast']))
		inputstr += ("\n")

		### open and write to input parameter file
		paramfile = apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])+"-CTF.prm"
		f = open(paramfile, "w")
		print inputstr


		xmippcmd = "xmipp_ctf_estimate_from_micrograph -i %s"%(paramfile)

		#xmippcmd = "echo %s"%(paramfile)

		t0 = time.time()
		apDisplay.printMsg("running ctf estimation at "+time.asctime())
		proc = subprocess.Popen(xmippcmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
		#waittime = 2
		#while proc.poll() is None:
		#	sys.stderr.write(".")
		#	time.sleep(waittime)
		(stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
		#print (stdout, stderr)
		apDisplay.printMsg("ctf estimation completed in "+apDisplay.timeString(time.time()-t0))

		### read commandline output to get fit score
		lines = stdout.split('\n')
		lastline = ""
		for line in lines[-50:]:
			if "--->" in line:
				lastline = line
		if not "--->" in lastline:
			apDisplay.printWarning("Xmipp CTF failed")
			self.badprocess = True
		bits = lastline.split('--->')
		confidence = float(bits[1])
		score = round(math.sqrt(1-confidence), 5)
		apDisplay.printColor("Confidence value is %.5f (score %.5f)"%(confidence, score), "cyan")

		f = open("confidence.log", "a")
		f.write("Confidence value is %.5f for image %s (score %.3f)\n"
			%(confidence, apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename']), score))

		### delete image in spider format no longer needed

		### read output parameter file
		outparamfile = apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])+"_Periodogramavg.ctfparam"
		f = open(outparamfile, "r")
		for line in f:
			sline = line.strip()
			bits = sline.split('=')
			if sline.startswith("defocusU"):
				defocus1 = float(bits[1].strip())
			elif sline.startswith("defocusV"):
				defocus2 = float(bits[1].strip())
			elif sline.startswith("azimuthal_angle"):
				angle_astigmatism = float(bits[1].strip())
			elif sline.startswith("Q0"):
				amplitude_contrast = abs(float(bits[1].strip()))

		print defocus1, defocus2, angle_astigmatism, amplitude_contrast

		#defocusU=             -18418.6
		#defocusV=             -24272.1
		#azimuthal_angle=      79.7936
		#Q0=                   -0.346951 #negative of ACE amplitude_contrast
		print "AMP CONTRAST: %.4f -- %.4f"%(amplitude_contrast, ctfvalue['amplitude_contrast'])

		self.ctfvalues = {
			'defocus1':	defocus1*1e-10,
			'defocus2':	defocus2*1e-10,
			'angle_astigmatism':	angle_astigmatism,
			'amplitude_contrast':	amplitude_contrast,
			'nominal':	nominal,
			'defocusinit':	nominal,
			'confidence_d': score,
			'cs': self.params['cs'],
			'volts': kvolts*1000.0,
