def runProjalign(self,paramfile): """ Uses Hans Peters' projalign takes individual MRC files not an MRC stack """ # while "transmation matrices are inconsistent": if True: #run which iteratively run projalign ### changes origin and rotation for each image tomorefineexe = apParam.getExecPath("", die=True) cmd = ( tomorefineexe +" "+paramfile ) print cmd proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True) proc.wait() ### results got to runname-iter-numimgs.tlt #run tomofitexe = apParam.getExecPath("", die=True) cmd = ( tomofitexe +" "+paramfile ) print cmd proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True) proc.wait()
def runrefine(self): ### setup Xmipp command recontime = time.time() xmippopts = ( " " + " -i " + os.path.join(self.params["rundir"], self.partlistdocfile) + " -vol " + os.path.join(self.params["rundir"], self.voldocfile) + " -iter " + str(self.params["maxiter"]) + " -o " + os.path.join(self.params["rundir"], "part" + self.timestamp) + " -psi_step " + str(self.params["psi"]) + " -ang " + str(self.params["phi"]) ) ### fast mode if self.params["fast"] is True: xmippopts += " -fast " if self.params["fastmode"] == "narrow": xmippopts += " -C 1e-10 " elif self.params["fastmode"] == "wide": xmippopts += " -C 1e-18 " ### convergence criteria if self.params["converge"] == "fast": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-3 " elif self.params["converge"] == "slow": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-8 " else: xmippopts += " -eps 5e-5 " ### mirrors if self.params["mirror"] is True: xmippopts += " -mirror " ### normalization if self.params["norm"] is True: xmippopts += " -norm " ### symmetry if self.params["symmetry"] is not None: xmippopts += " -sym " + self.params["symmetry"] + " " if self.nproc > 1 and self.mpirun is not None: ### use multi-processor apDisplay.printColor("Using " + str(self.nproc) + " processors!", "green") xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_mpi_ml_refine3d", die=True) mpiruncmd = self.mpirun + " -np " + str(self.nproc) + " " + xmippexe + " " + xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(mpiruncmd) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(mpiruncmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True) else: ### use single processor xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_ml_refine3d", die=True) xmippcmd = xmippexe + " " + xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(xmippcmd) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(xmippcmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True) apDisplay.printMsg("Reconstruction time: " + apDisplay.timeString(time.time() - recontime))
def runrefine(self): ### setup Xmipp command recontime = time.time() xmippopts = ( " " + " -i " + os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.partlistdocfile) + " -vol " + os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.voldocfile) + " -iter " + str(self.params['maxiter']) + " -o " + os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "part" + self.timestamp) + " -psi_step " + str(self.params['psi']) + " -ang " + str(self.params['phi'])) ### fast mode if self.params['fast'] is True: xmippopts += " -fast " if self.params['fastmode'] == "narrow": xmippopts += " -C 1e-10 " elif self.params['fastmode'] == "wide": xmippopts += " -C 1e-18 " ### convergence criteria if self.params['converge'] == "fast": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-3 " elif self.params['converge'] == "slow": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-8 " else: xmippopts += " -eps 5e-5 " ### mirrors if self.params['mirror'] is True: xmippopts += " -mirror " ### normalization if self.params['norm'] is True: xmippopts += " -norm " ### symmetry if self.params['symmetry'] is not None: xmippopts += " -sym " + self.params['symmetry'] + " " if self.nproc > 1 and self.mpirun is not None: ### use multi-processor apDisplay.printColor("Using " + str(self.nproc) + " processors!", "green") xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_mpi_ml_refine3d", die=True) mpiruncmd = self.mpirun + " -np " + str( self.nproc) + " " + xmippexe + " " + xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(mpiruncmd) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(mpiruncmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True) else: ### use single processor xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_ml_refine3d", die=True) xmippcmd = xmippexe + " " + xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(xmippcmd) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(xmippcmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True) apDisplay.printMsg("Reconstruction time: " + apDisplay.timeString(time.time() - recontime))
def checkMPI(self): mpiexe = apParam.getExecPath("mpirun") if mpiexe is None: return None simpleexe = apParam.getExecPath("simple_mpi_class_averages") if simpleexe is None: return None lddcmd = "ldd "+simpleexe+" | grep mpi" proc = subprocess.Popen(lddcmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) proc.wait() lines = proc.stdout.readlines() print "lines=", lines if lines and len(lines) > 0: return mpiexe
def checkMPI(self): mpiexe = apParam.getExecPath("mpirun") if mpiexe is None: return None xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_mpi_ml_align2d") if xmippexe is None: return None lddcmd = "ldd "+xmippexe+" | grep mpi" proc = subprocess.Popen(lddcmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) proc.wait() lines = proc.stdout.readlines() print "lines=", lines if lines and len(lines) > 0: return mpiexe
def checkMPI(self): mpiexe = apParam.getExecPath("mpirun") if mpiexe is None: return None simpleexe = apParam.getExecPath("simple_mpi_class_averages") if simpleexe is None: return None lddcmd = "ldd " + simpleexe + " | grep mpi" proc = subprocess.Popen(lddcmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) proc.wait() lines = proc.stdout.readlines() print "lines=", lines if lines and len(lines) > 0: return mpiexe
def setVolumeMass(volumefile, apix=1.0, mass=1.0, rna=0.0): """ set the contour of 1.0 to the desired mass (in kDa) of the macromolecule based on its density use RNA to set the percentage of RNA in the structure """ if isValidVolume(volumefile) is False: apDisplay.printError("Volume file is not valid") procbin = apParam.getExecPath("proc2d") emandir = os.path.dirname(procbin) volumebin = os.path.join(emandir, "volume") if not os.path.isfile(volumebin): apDisplay.printWarning("failed to find volume program") return False command = "%s %s %.3f set=%.3f" % (volumebin, volumefile, apix, mass) t0 = time.time() proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True) proc.wait() if time.time() - t0 < 0.01: apDisplay.printWarning("failed to scale by mass in " + apDisplay.timeString(time.time() - t0)) return False apDisplay.printMsg("finished scaling by mass in " + apDisplay.timeString(time.time() - t0)) return True
def setVolumeMass(volumefile, apix=1.0, mass=1.0, rna=0.0): """ set the contour of 1.0 to the desired mass (in kDa) of the macromolecule based on its density use RNA to set the percentage of RNA in the structure """ if isValidVolume(volumefile) is False: apDisplay.printError("Volume file is not valid") procbin = apParam.getExecPath("proc2d") emandir = os.path.dirname(procbin) volumebin = os.path.join(emandir, "volume") if not os.path.isfile(volumebin): apDisplay.printWarning("failed to find volume program") return False command = "%s %s %.3f set=%.3f"%( volumebin, volumefile, apix, mass ) t0 = time.time() proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True) proc.wait() if time.time()-t0 < 0.01: apDisplay.printWarning("failed to scale by mass in "+apDisplay.timeString(time.time()-t0)) return False apDisplay.printMsg("finished scaling by mass in "+apDisplay.timeString(time.time()-t0)) return True
def runMaxlike(self): stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name']) ### process stack to local file self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.timestamp + ".hed") proccmd = "proc2d " + stackfile + " " + self.params[ 'localstack'] + " apix=" + str(apix) if self.params['highpass'] > 1: proccmd += " hp=" + str(self.params['highpass']) if self.params['lowpass'] > 1: proccmd += " lp=" + str(self.params['lowpass']) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True) ### convert stack into single spider files self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles( self.params['localstack']) ### setup Xmipp command aligntime = time.time() xmippopts = ( " " + " -i " + os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.partlistdocfile) + " -nref 1 " + " -iter 10 " + " -o " + os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "part" + self.timestamp) + " -fast -C 1e-18 ") ### angle step if self.params['rotate'] is True: xmippopts += " -psi_step 90 " else: xmippopts += " -psi_step 360 " ### convergence criteria if self.params['converge'] == "fast": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-3 " elif self.params['converge'] == "slow": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-8 " else: xmippopts += " -eps 5e-5 " ### mirrors if self.params['mirror'] is True: xmippopts += " -mirror " if self.params['maxshift'] is not None: xmippopts += " -max_shift %d " % (self.params['maxshift']) ### use single processor xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_ml_align2d", die=True) xmippcmd = xmippexe + " " + xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(xmippcmd) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(xmippcmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True) aligntime = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: " + apDisplay.timeString(aligntime)) ### create a quick mrc emancmd = "proc2d part" + self.timestamp + "_ref000001.xmp average.mrc" apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True) apFile.removeStack(self.params['localstack']) apFile.removeFilePattern("partfiles/*")
def runMaxlike(self): stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params["stackid"]) apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params["stackid"]) stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata["path"]["path"], stackdata["name"]) ### process stack to local file self.params["localstack"] = os.path.join(self.params["rundir"], self.timestamp + ".hed") proccmd = "proc2d " + stackfile + " " + self.params["localstack"] + " apix=" + str(apix) if self.params["highpass"] > 1: proccmd += " hp=" + str(self.params["highpass"]) if self.params["lowpass"] > 1: proccmd += " lp=" + str(self.params["lowpass"]) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True) ### convert stack into single spider files self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles(self.params["localstack"]) ### setup Xmipp command aligntime = time.time() xmippopts = ( " " + " -i " + os.path.join(self.params["rundir"], self.partlistdocfile) + " -nref 1 " + " -iter 10 " + " -o " + os.path.join(self.params["rundir"], "part" + self.timestamp) + " -fast -C 1e-18 " ) ### angle step if self.params["rotate"] is True: xmippopts += " -psi_step 90 " else: xmippopts += " -psi_step 360 " ### convergence criteria if self.params["converge"] == "fast": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-3 " elif self.params["converge"] == "slow": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-8 " else: xmippopts += " -eps 5e-5 " ### mirrors if self.params["mirror"] is True: xmippopts += " -mirror " if self.params["maxshift"] is not None: xmippopts += " -max_shift %d " % (self.params["maxshift"]) ### use single processor xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_ml_align2d", die=True) xmippcmd = xmippexe + " " + xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(xmippcmd) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(xmippcmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True) aligntime = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: " + apDisplay.timeString(aligntime)) ### create a quick mrc emancmd = "proc2d part" + self.timestamp + "_ref000001.xmp average.mrc" apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True) apFile.removeStack(self.params["localstack"]) apFile.removeFilePattern("partfiles/*")
def getCANPath(self): unames = os.uname() if unames[-1].find('64') >= 0: exename = 'can64_mp.exe' else: exename = 'can32.exe' CANexe = apParam.getExecPath(exename, die=True) return CANexe
def checkMPI(self): mpiexe = apParam.getExecPath("mpirun") if mpiexe is None: return None xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_mpi_ml_refine3d") if xmippexe is None: return None lddcmd = "ldd "+xmippexe+" | grep mpi" proc = subprocess.Popen(lddcmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) proc.wait() lines = proc.stdout.readlines() #print "lines=", lines if lines and len(lines) > 0: return mpiexe else: apDisplay.printWarning("Failed to find mpirun") print "lines=", lines return None
def alignReferences(self, runparams): ### align references xmippopts = ( " " +" -i "+os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "part"+self.params['timestamp']+".sel") +" -nref 1 " +" -iter 10 " +" -o "+os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "ref"+self.params['timestamp']) +" -psi_step 1 " #+" -fast -C 1e-18 " +" -eps 5e-8 " ) if runparams['mirror'] is True: xmippopts += " -mirror " xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_ml_align2d") xmippcmd = xmippexe+" "+xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(xmippcmd) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(xmippcmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True)
def applyBfactor(infile, fscfile, apix, mass=None, outfile=None): embfactorfile = "embfactor64.exe" embfactorexe = apParam.getExecPath("embfactor64.exe") if embfactorexe is None: apDisplay.printWarning("Could not find %s"%(embfactorfile)) return infile if outfile is None: outfile = os.path.splitext(infile)[0]+"-bfactor.mrc" cmd = embfactorexe cmd += " -FSC %s"%(fscfile) cmd += " -sampling %.3f"%(apix) ### this option always failed for me -neil #if mass is not None: # cmd += " -molweight %d"%(mass*1000) cmd += " %s"%(infile) cmd += " %s"%(outfile) apParam.runCmd(cmd, package="B-factor", verbose=True, showcmd=True) if not apVolume.isValidVolume(outfile): apDisplay.printWarning("B-factor correction failed %s"%(embfactorfile)) return infile return outfile
def applyBfactor(infile, fscfile, apix, mass=None, outfile=None): embfactorfile = "embfactor64.exe" embfactorexe = apParam.getExecPath("embfactor64.exe") if embfactorexe is None: apDisplay.printWarning("Could not find %s" % (embfactorfile)) return infile if outfile is None: outfile = os.path.splitext(infile)[0] + "-bfactor.mrc" cmd = embfactorexe cmd += " -FSC %s" % (fscfile) cmd += " -sampling %.3f" % (apix) ### this option always failed for me -neil #if mass is not None: # cmd += " -molweight %d"%(mass*1000) cmd += " %s" % (infile) cmd += " %s" % (outfile) apParam.runCmd(cmd, package="B-factor", verbose=True, showcmd=True) if not apVolume.isValidVolume(outfile): apDisplay.printWarning("B-factor correction failed %s" % (embfactorfile)) return infile return outfile
def start(self): self.insertMaxLikeJob() self.stack = {} self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stackdata['path']['path'], self.stackdata['name']) if self.params['virtualdata'] is not None: self.stack['file'] = self.params['virtualdata']['filename'] else: self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stackdata['path']['path'], self.stackdata['name']) self.estimateIterTime() self.dumpParameters() ### process stack to local file self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.timestamp+".hed") a = proc2dLib.RunProc2d() a.setValue('infile',self.stack['file']) a.setValue('outfile',self.params['localstack']) a.setValue('apix',self.stack['apix']) a.setValue('bin',self.params['bin']) a.setValue('last',self.params['numpart']-1) a.setValue('append',False) if self.params['lowpass'] is not None and self.params['lowpass'] > 1: a.setValue('lowpass',self.params['lowpass']) if self.params['highpass'] is not None and self.params['highpass'] > 1: a.setValue('highpass',self.params['highpass']) if self.params['invert'] is True: a.setValue('invert') is True if self.params['virtualdata'] is not None: vparts = self.params['virtualdata']['particles'] plist = [int(p['particleNumber'])-1 for p in vparts] a.setValue('list',plist) # clip not yet implemented # self.params['clipsize'] is not None: # clipsize = int(self.clipsize)*self.params['bin'] # if clipsize % 2 == 1: # clipsize += 1 ### making sure that clipped boxsize is even # a.setValue('clip',clipsize) if self.params['virtualdata'] is not None: vparts = self.params['virtualdata']['particles'] plist = [int(p['particleNumber'])-1 for p in vparts] a.setValue('list',plist) #run proc2d if self.params['numpart'] != apFile.numImagesInStack(self.params['localstack']): apDisplay.printError("Missing particles in stack") ### convert stack into single spider files self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles(self.params['localstack']) ### stack is needed by #apFile.removeStack(self.params['localstack']) ### setup Xmipp command aligntime = time.time() xmippopts = ( " " +" -i "+os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.partlistdocfile) +" -nref "+str(self.params['numrefs']) +" -iter "+str(self.params['maxiter']) +" -o "+os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "part"+self.timestamp) +" -psi_step "+str(self.params['psistep']) ) ### fast mode if self.params['fast'] is True: xmippopts += " -fast " if self.params['fastmode'] == "narrow": xmippopts += " -C 1e-10 " elif self.params['fastmode'] == "wide": xmippopts += " -C 1e-17 " ### convergence criteria if self.params['converge'] == "fast": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-3 " elif self.params['converge'] == "slow": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-8 " else: xmippopts += " -eps 5e-5 " ### mirrors if self.params['mirror'] is True: xmippopts += " -mirror " ### normalization if self.params['norm'] is True: xmippopts += " -norm " ### use student's T distribution if self.params['student'] is True: xmippopts += " -student " ### write cluster job file if self.params['cluster'] is True: self.writeClusterJobFile() ### find number of processors if self.params['nproc'] is None: nproc = nproc = apParam.getNumProcessors() else: nproc = self.params['nproc'] mpirun = self.checkMPI() self.estimateIterTime() if nproc > 2 and mpirun is not None: ### use multi-processor apDisplay.printColor("Using "+str(nproc)+" processors!", "green") xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_mpi_ml_align2d", die=True) mpiruncmd = mpirun+" -np "+str(nproc)+" "+xmippexe+" "+xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(mpiruncmd) apParam.runCmd(mpiruncmd, package="Xmipp", verbose=True, showcmd=True) else: ### use single processor xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_ml_align2d", die=True) xmippcmd = xmippexe+" "+xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(xmippcmd) apParam.runCmd(xmippcmd, package="Xmipp", verbose=True, showcmd=True) aligntime = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: "+apDisplay.timeString(aligntime)) ### minor post-processing self.createReferenceStack() self.readyUploadFlag() self.dumpParameters()
"xmipp_mpi_ml_refine3d" : (package,""), "xmipp_protocols" : (package,""), }) package = "Grigorieff Lab" packageDict.update({ "ctffind64.exe" : (package,""), "ctftilt64.exe" : (package,""), "rmeasure64.exe" : (package,"Try 'which rmeasure32.exe'(or rmeasure.exe, or rmeasure) at a command promt."), "signature64.exe" : (package,"For Signature Particle Picking. Try 'which signature32.exe' at a command prompt."), }) package = "IMOD" packageDict.update({ "imod" : (package,"For Tomography Alignment and Reconstruction"), }) package = "PROTOMO" packageDict.update({ "" : (package,"For Tomography Alignment"), "" : (package,"For Tomography Alignment"), }) outString = "The following third party processing packages could not be found...\n\n" for nameKey, desc in packageDict.iteritems(): pathValue = apParam.getExecPath(nameKey, die=False) if pathValue is None: outString += "|\tFrom %s, (%s) %s\n|\n"%(desc[0], nameKey, desc[1]) outString += "For installation instructions visit:\n\t\n" apDisplay.printColor(outString,"cyan")
def checkMPI(self): mpiexe = apParam.getExecPath("mpirun") if mpiexe is None: return None return mpiexe
def start(self): self.addToLog('.... Setting up new ISAC job ....') self.addToLog('.... Making command for stack pre-processing ....') self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) ### send file to remotehost tasks = {} sfhed = self.stack['file'][:-4]+".hed" sfimg = self.stack['file'][:-4]+".img" tasks = self.addToTasks(tasks,"rsync -e 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -rotouv --partial %s %s:%s/%s" % (sfhed,self.params['localhost'],self.params['remoterundir'],"start1.hed")) tasks = self.addToTasks(tasks,"rsync -e 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -rotouv --partial %s %s:%s/%s" % (sfimg,self.params['localhost'],self.params['remoterundir'],"start1.img")) ### write Sparx jobfile: process stack to local file if self.params['timestamp'] is None: apDisplay.printMsg("creating timestamp") self.params['timestamp'] = self.timestamp self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['timestamp']+".hed") if os.path.isfile(self.params['localstack']): apFile.removeStack(self.params['localstack']) proccmd = "proc2d "+self.stack['file']+" "+self.params['localstack']+" apix="+str(self.stack['apix']) if self.params['bin'] > 1 or self.params['clipsize'] is not None: clipsize = int(self.clipsize)*self.params['bin'] if clipsize % 2 == 1: clipsize += 1 ### making sure that clipped boxsize is even proccmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d "%(self.params['bin'],clipsize,clipsize) proccmd += " last="+str(self.params['numpart']-1) if self.params['highpass'] is not None and self.params['highpass'] > 1: proccmd += " hp="+str(self.params['highpass']) if self.params['lowpass'] is not None and self.params['lowpass'] > 1: proccmd += " lp="+str(self.params['lowpass']) # apParam.runCmd(proccmd, "EMAN", verbose=True) self.addSimpleCommand('cd %s' % self.params['rundir']) self.addSimpleCommand(proccmd) sparxcmd = " %s %s_1.hdf" % (self.params['localstack'], self.params['localstack'][:-4]) # apParam.runCmd(sparxcmd, "SPARX", verbose=True) self.addSimpleCommand(sparxcmd) self.addSimpleCommand("") ### write Sparx jobfile: run ISAC for i in range(self.params['generations']): sparxopts = " %s_%d.hdf" % (os.path.join(self.params['localstack'][:-4]), (i+1)) if self.params['ir'] is not None: sparxopts += " --ir %d" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['ir'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['ou'] is not None: sparxopts += " --ou %d" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['ou'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['rs'] is not None: sparxopts += " --rs %d" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['rs'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['ts'] is not None: sparxopts += " --ts %.1f" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['ts'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['xr'] is not None: sparxopts += " --xr %.1f" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['xr'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['yr'] is not None: sparxopts += " --yr %.1f" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['yr'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['maxit'] is not None: sparxopts += " --maxit %d" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['maxit'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['FL'] is not None: sparxopts += " --FL %.2f" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['FL'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['FH'] is not None: sparxopts += " --FH %.2f" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['FH'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['FF'] is not None: sparxopts += " --FF %.2f" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['FF'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['init_iter'] is not None: sparxopts += " --init_iter %d" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['init_iter'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['main_iter'] is not None: sparxopts += " --main_iter %d" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['main_iter'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['iter_reali'] is not None: sparxopts += " --iter_reali %d" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['iter_reali'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['match_first'] is not None: sparxopts += " --match_first %d" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['match_first'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['max_round'] is not None: sparxopts += " --max_round %d" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['max_round'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['match_second'] is not None: sparxopts += " --match_second %d" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['match_second'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['stab_ali'] is not None: sparxopts += " --stab_ali %d" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['stab_ali'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['thld_err'] is not None: sparxopts += " --thld_err %.2f" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['thld_err'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['indep_run'] is not None: sparxopts += " --indep_run %d" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['indep_run'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['thld_grp'] is not None: sparxopts += " --thld_grp %d" % int(float(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['thld_grp'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['img_per_grp'] is not None: sparxopts += " --img_per_grp %d" % int(apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['img_per_grp'], i)) sparxopts += " --generation %d" % (i+1) sparxexe = apParam.getExecPath("", die=True) mpiruncmd = self.mpirun+" -np "+str(self.params['nproc'])+" "+sparxexe+" "+sparxopts bn = os.path.basename(self.params['localstack'])[:-4] e2cmd = " %s_%d.hdf %s_%d.hdf --list=\"generation_%d_unaccounted.txt\"" % \ (bn, i+1, bn, i+2, i+1) self.addSimpleCommand(mpiruncmd) self.addSimpleCommand(e2cmd) # print self.tasks # print self.command_list # self.writeCommandListToFile() apParam.dumpParameters(self.params, "isac-"+self.params['timestamp']+"-params.pickle")
def start(self): ### simple is written in Fortran, which cannot take inputs of certain length, therefore one needs ### to change to the directory to minimize the filename length, in particular for the stack os.chdir(self.params['rundir']) ### stack needs to be centered if self.params['no_center'] is False: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "ali.hed")): apFile.removeStack(os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "ali.hed")) centstack = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "ali.hed") centcmd = "cenalignint %s > cenalignint.log" % (self.stack['file']) apParam.runCmd(centcmd, "EMAN") ### process stack to local file if self.params['timestamp'] is None: apDisplay.printMsg("creating timestamp") self.params['timestamp'] = self.timestamp self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['timestamp']+".spi") if os.path.isfile(self.params['localstack']): apFile.removeFile(self.params['localstack']) if self.params['no_center'] is False: proccmd = "proc2d "+centstack+" "+self.params['localstack']+" apix="+str(self.stack['apix']) else: proccmd = "proc2d "+self.stack['file']+" "+self.params['localstack']+" apix="+str(self.stack['apix']) if self.params['bin'] > 1 or self.params['clipsize'] is not None: proccmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d " % (self.params['bin'], self.boxsize, self.boxsize) proccmd += " last="+str(self.params['numpart']-1) proccmd += " spiderswap" # if self.params['highpass'] is not None and self.params['highpass'] > 1: # proccmd += " hp="+str(self.params['highpass']) # if self.params['lowpass'] is not None and self.params['lowpass'] > 1: # proccmd += " lp="+str(self.params['lowpass']) apParam.runCmd(proccmd, "EMAN", verbose=True) # if self.params['numpart'] != int(spider.getSpiderHeader(self.params['localstack'])[-2]): # apDisplay.printError("Missing particles in stack") ### setup Simple command aligntime = time.time() simpleopts = ("" +" stk=%s" % os.path.basename(self.params['localstack']) +" box=%d" % self.boxsize +" nptcls=%d" % self.params['numpart'] +" smpd=%.3f" % self.apix +" ring2=%d" % self.params['ring2'] +" ncls=%d" % self.params['ncls'] +" minp=%d" % self.params['minp'] +" nvars=%d" % self.params['nvars'] +" nthr=%d" % self.params['nproc'] ) if self.params['no_kmeans'] is True: simpleopts += " kmeans=off" if self.params['nran'] is not None: simpleopts += "nran=%d" % self.params['nran'] ### SIMPLE 2D clustering apDisplay.printColor("Using "+str(self.params['nproc'])+" processors!", "green") simpleexe = apParam.getExecPath("cluster", die=True) simplecmd = "%s %s" % (simpleexe, simpleopts) self.writeSimpleLog(simplecmd) apParam.runCmd(simplecmd, package="SIMPLE", verbose=True, showcmd=True, logfile="cluster.std") self.params['runtime'] = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment & Classification time: "+apDisplay.timeString(self.params['runtime'])) ### SIMPLE spider to Fourier format clsavgs = "cavgstk.spi" if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], clsavgs)): apDisplay.printError("class averages were not created! try rerunning with centering, more particles, or less ppc") try: nptcls = spider.getSpiderHeader(clsavgs)[-2] except: nptcls = self.params['ncls'] apDisplay.printWarning("class average file may not have been created! Please check existence of file cavgstk.spi") projfile = "projs" projext = ".fim" simpleexe = apParam.getExecPath("spi_to_fim", die=True) simpleopts = ("" +" stk=%s" % clsavgs +" box=%d" % self.boxsize +" nptcls=%d" % nptcls +" smpd=%.3f" % self.apix +" outbdy=%s" % projfile +" msk=%d" % self.params['mask'] ) simplecmd = "%s %s" % (simpleexe, simpleopts) self.writeSimpleLog(simplecmd) apParam.runCmd(simplecmd, package="SIMPLE", verbose=True, showcmd=True, logfile="spi_to_fim.std") ### SIMPLE origami, ab initio 3D reconstruction refinetime = time.time() simpleexe = apParam.getExecPath("origami", die=True) simpleopts = ("" +" fstk=%s" % projfile+projext +" froms=%d" % self.params['froms'] +" tos=%d" % self.params['tos'] +" lp=%d" % self.params['lp'] +" hp=%d" % self.params['hp'] +" maxits=%d" % self.params['maxits'] +" msk=%d" % self.params['mask'] +" mw=%d" % self.params['mw'] +" frac=%.3f" % self.params['frac'] +" amsklp=%d" % self.params['amsklp'] +" edge=%d" % self.params['edge'] +" trs=%d" % self.params['trs'] +" nthr=%d" % self.params['nproc'] ) simplecmd = "%s %s" % (simpleexe, simpleopts) self.writeSimpleLog(simplecmd) apParam.runCmd(simplecmd, package="SIMPLE", verbose=True, showcmd=True, logfile="origami.std") refinetime = time.time() - refinetime apDisplay.printMsg("Origami reconstruction time: "+apDisplay.timeString(refinetime)) # ''' ### minor post-processing self.clearIntermediateFiles() apParam.dumpParameters(self.params, "simple-"+self.params['timestamp']+"-params.pickle") ### upload results self.runparams = apParam.readRunParameters("simple-"+self.params['timestamp']+"-params.pickle") ### create average of aligned and clustered stacks, convert to IMAGIC alignedStackSpi = "inplalgnstk.spi" alignedStack = "inplalgnstk.hed" if os.path.isfile(alignedStack): apFile.removeStack(alignedStack) emancmd = "proc2d %s %s flip" % (alignedStackSpi, alignedStack) apParam.runCmd(emancmd, "EMAN") clusterStackSpi = "cavgstk.spi" clusterStack = "cavgstk.hed" if os.path.isfile(clusterStack): apFile.removeStack(clusterStack) emancmd = "proc2d %s %s flip" % (clusterStackSpi, clusterStack) apParam.runCmd(emancmd, "EMAN") # apStack.averageStack(alignedStack) ### parse alignment and classification results if self.params['no_center'] is False: self.alignD = self.getAlignParameters(centparams="cenalignint.log") else: self.alignD = self.getAlignParameters() if self.params['no_kmeans'] is False: self.classD = self.getClassification("kmeans.spi", clusterStack) else: self.classD = self.getClassification("hcl.spi", clusterStack) ### upload to database self.insertSIMPLEAlignParamsIntoDatabase() self.insertAlignStackRunIntoDatabase(alignedStack, clusterStack) self.calcResolution(alignedStack) self.insertAlignParticlesIntoDatabase() self.insertClusterRunIntoDatabase() self.insertClusterStackIntoDatabase(clusterStack, len(self.classD)) self.insertSIMPLEOrigamiParamsIntoDatabase()
def normalizeVolume(self, volfile): """ mkdir CorrectGreyscale xmipp_header_extract -i experimental_images.sel -o experimental_images.doc xmipp_angular_project_library -i bad_greyscale.vol -experimental_images experimental_images.doc -o CorrectGreyscale/ref -sampling_rate 15 -sym c1h -compute_neighbors -angular_distance -1 xmipp_angular_projection_matching -i experimental_images.doc -o CorrectGreyscale/corrected_reference -ref CorrectGreyscale/ref xmipp_mpi_angular_class_average -i CorrectGreyscale/corrected_reference.doc -lib CorrectGreyscale/ref_angles.doc -o CorrectGreyscale/corrected_reference xmipp_mpi_reconstruct_wbp -i CorrectGreyscale/corrected_reference_classes.sel -o corrected_reference.vol -threshold 0.02 -sym c1 -use_each_image -weight """ volroot = os.path.splitext(volfile)[0] volroot = re.sub("\.", "_", volroot) normfolder = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], volroot) apParam.createDirectory(normfolder) ### Create Euler doc file for particles partselfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.partlistdocfile) parteulerdoc = os.path.join(normfolder, "parteulers.doc") xmippcmd = "xmipp_header_extract -i %s -o %s"%(partselfile, parteulerdoc) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(xmippcmd, verbose=False) if not os.path.isfile(parteulerdoc): apDisplay.printError("Could not normalize volume for file: "+volfile) ### Create projections refprefix = os.path.join(normfolder, "refproj"+self.timestamp) if self.nproc > 1 and self.mpirun is not None: xmipppath = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_mpi_angular_project_library", die=True) xmippexe = self.mpirun+" -np "+str(self.nproc)+" "+xmipppath else: xmippexe = "xmipp_angular_project_library" xmippcmd = ("%s -i %s -experimental_images %s -o %s" %(xmippexe, volfile, parteulerdoc, refprefix)) xmippcmd += " -sampling_rate %d -compute_neighbors -angular_distance -1 -perturb 0.5"%(self.params['phi']) if self.params['symmetry'] is not None: xmippcmd += " -sym "+str(self.params['symmetry']) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(xmippcmd, verbose=False) refs = glob.glob(refprefix+"*.xmp") if not refs: apDisplay.printError("Could not normalize volume for file: "+volfile) ### Match projections fixprefix = os.path.join(normfolder, "match"+self.timestamp) if self.nproc > 1 and self.mpirun is not None: xmipppath = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_mpi_angular_projection_matching", die=True) xmippexe = self.mpirun+" -np "+str(self.nproc)+" "+xmipppath else: xmippexe = "xmipp_angular_projection_matching" xmippcmd = ("%s -i %s -o %s -ref %s" %(xmippexe, parteulerdoc, fixprefix, refprefix)) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(xmippcmd, verbose=False) docfile = fixprefix+".doc" if not os.path.isfile(docfile): apDisplay.printError("Could not normalize volume for file: "+volfile) ### Create projection averages correctprefix = os.path.join(normfolder, "correctproj"+self.timestamp) if self.nproc > 1 and self.mpirun is not None: xmipppath = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_mpi_angular_class_average", die=True) xmippexe = self.mpirun+" -np "+str(self.nproc)+" "+xmipppath else: xmippexe = "xmipp_angular_class_average" xmippcmd = ("%s -i %s.doc -lib %s_angles.doc -o %s" %(xmippexe, fixprefix, refprefix, correctprefix)) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(xmippcmd, verbose=False) refs = glob.glob(correctprefix+"*.xmp") if not refs: apDisplay.printError("Could not normalize volume for file: "+volfile) ### Backproject correctvolfile = os.path.join(normfolder, "volume"+self.timestamp+".spi") if self.nproc > 1 and self.mpirun is not None: xmipppath = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_mpi_reconstruct_wbp", die=True) xmippexe = self.mpirun+" -np "+str(self.nproc)+" "+xmipppath else: xmippexe = "xmipp_reconstruct_wbp" xmippcmd = ("%s -i %s_classes.sel -o %s" %(xmippexe, correctprefix, correctvolfile)) xmippcmd += " -threshold 0.02 -use_each_image -weight" if self.params['symmetry'] is not None: xmippcmd += " -sym "+str(self.params['symmetry']) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(xmippcmd, verbose=False) if not os.path.isfile(correctvolfile): apDisplay.printError("Could not normalize volume for file: "+volfile) return correctvolfile
def start(self): self.addToLog('.... Setting up new ISAC job ....') self.addToLog('.... Making command for stack pre-processing ....') self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) ### send file to remotehost tasks = {} sfhed = self.stack['file'][:-4] + ".hed" sfimg = self.stack['file'][:-4] + ".img" tasks = self.addToTasks( tasks, "rsync -e 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -rotouv --partial %s %s:%s/%s" % (sfhed, self.params['localhost'], self.params['remoterundir'], "start1.hed")) tasks = self.addToTasks( tasks, "rsync -e 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -rotouv --partial %s %s:%s/%s" % (sfimg, self.params['localhost'], self.params['remoterundir'], "start1.img")) ### write Sparx jobfile: process stack to local file if self.params['timestamp'] is None: apDisplay.printMsg("creating timestamp") self.params['timestamp'] = self.timestamp self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join( self.params['rundir'], self.params['timestamp'] + ".hed") if os.path.isfile(self.params['localstack']): apFile.removeStack(self.params['localstack']) proccmd = "proc2d " + self.stack['file'] + " " + self.params[ 'localstack'] + " apix=" + str(self.stack['apix']) if self.params['bin'] > 1 or self.params['clipsize'] is not None: clipsize = int(self.clipsize) * self.params['bin'] if clipsize % 2 == 1: clipsize += 1 ### making sure that clipped boxsize is even proccmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d " % (self.params['bin'], clipsize, clipsize) proccmd += " last=" + str(self.params['numpart'] - 1) if self.params['highpass'] is not None and self.params['highpass'] > 1: proccmd += " hp=" + str(self.params['highpass']) if self.params['lowpass'] is not None and self.params['lowpass'] > 1: proccmd += " lp=" + str(self.params['lowpass']) # apParam.runCmd(proccmd, "EMAN", verbose=True) self.addSimpleCommand('cd %s' % self.params['rundir']) self.addSimpleCommand(proccmd) sparxcmd = " %s %s_1.hdf" % (self.params['localstack'], self.params['localstack'][:-4]) # apParam.runCmd(sparxcmd, "SPARX", verbose=True) self.addSimpleCommand(sparxcmd) self.addSimpleCommand("") ### write Sparx jobfile: run ISAC for i in range(self.params['generations']): sparxopts = " %s_%d.hdf" % (os.path.join( self.params['localstack'][:-4]), (i + 1)) if self.params['ir'] is not None: sparxopts += " --ir %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['ir'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['ou'] is not None: sparxopts += " --ou %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['ou'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['rs'] is not None: sparxopts += " --rs %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['rs'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['ts'] is not None: sparxopts += " --ts %.1f" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['ts'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['xr'] is not None: sparxopts += " --xr %.1f" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['xr'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['yr'] is not None: sparxopts += " --yr %.1f" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['yr'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['maxit'] is not None: sparxopts += " --maxit %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['maxit'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['FL'] is not None: sparxopts += " --FL %.2f" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['FL'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['FH'] is not None: sparxopts += " --FH %.2f" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['FH'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['FF'] is not None: sparxopts += " --FF %.2f" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['FF'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['init_iter'] is not None: sparxopts += " --init_iter %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['init_iter'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['main_iter'] is not None: sparxopts += " --main_iter %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['main_iter'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['iter_reali'] is not None: sparxopts += " --iter_reali %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['iter_reali'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['match_first'] is not None: sparxopts += " --match_first %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['match_first'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['max_round'] is not None: sparxopts += " --max_round %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['max_round'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['match_second'] is not None: sparxopts += " --match_second %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['match_second'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['stab_ali'] is not None: sparxopts += " --stab_ali %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['stab_ali'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['thld_err'] is not None: sparxopts += " --thld_err %.2f" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['thld_err'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['indep_run'] is not None: sparxopts += " --indep_run %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['indep_run'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['thld_grp'] is not None: sparxopts += " --thld_grp %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['thld_grp'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['img_per_grp'] is not None: sparxopts += " --img_per_grp %d" % int( apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['img_per_grp'], i)) sparxopts += " --generation %d" % (i + 1) sparxexe = apParam.getExecPath("", die=True) mpiruncmd = self.mpirun + " -np " + str( self.params['nproc']) + " " + sparxexe + " " + sparxopts bn = os.path.basename(self.params['localstack'])[:-4] e2cmd = " %s_%d.hdf %s_%d.hdf --list=\"generation_%d_unaccounted.txt\"" % \ (bn, i+1, bn, i+2, i+1) self.addSimpleCommand(mpiruncmd) self.addSimpleCommand(e2cmd) # print self.tasks # print self.command_list # self.writeCommandListToFile() apParam.dumpParameters( self.params, "isac-" + self.params['timestamp'] + "-params.pickle")
def start(self): self.insertMaxLikeJob() self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) self.estimateIterTime() self.dumpParameters() ### process stack to local temp file proccmd = "proc2d "+self.stack['file']+" temp.hed apix="+str(self.stack['apix']) if self.params['bin'] > 1 or self.params['clipsize'] is not None: clipsize = int(self.clipsize)*self.params['bin'] proccmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d "%(self.params['bin'],clipsize,clipsize) proccmd += " last="+str(self.params['numpart']-1) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True) ### process stack to final file self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.timestamp+".hed") proccmd = "proc2d temp.hed "+self.params['localstack']+" apix="+str(self.stack['apix']*self.params['bin']) if self.params['highpass'] is not None and self.params['highpass'] > 1: proccmd += " hp="+str(self.params['highpass']) if self.params['lowpass'] is not None and self.params['lowpass'] > 1: proccmd += " lp="+str(self.params['lowpass']) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True) apFile.removeStack("temp.hed") ### convert stack into single spider files self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles(self.params['localstack']) ### convert stack into single spider files templateselfile = self.initializeTemplates() ### setup Xmipp command aligntime = time.time() xmippopts = ( " " +" -i "+os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.partlistdocfile) +" -iter "+str(self.params['maxiter']) +" -ref "+templateselfile +" -o "+os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "part"+self.timestamp) +" -psi_step "+str(self.params['psistep']) ) ### fast mode if self.params['fast'] is True: xmippopts += " -fast " if self.params['fastmode'] == "narrow": xmippopts += " -C 1e-10 " elif self.params['fastmode'] == "wide": xmippopts += " -C 1e-18 " ### convergence criteria if self.params['converge'] == "fast": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-3 " elif self.params['converge'] == "slow": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-8 " else: xmippopts += " -eps 5e-5 " ### mirrors if self.params['mirror'] is True: xmippopts += " -mirror " ### normalization if self.params['norm'] is True: xmippopts += " -norm " ### find number of processors if self.params['nproc'] is None: nproc = nproc = apParam.getNumProcessors() else: nproc = self.params['nproc'] mpirun = self.checkMPI() if nproc > 2 and mpirun is not None: ### use multi-processor apDisplay.printColor("Using "+str(nproc-1)+" processors!", "green") xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_mpi_ml_align2d", die=True) mpiruncmd = mpirun+" -np "+str(nproc-1)+" "+xmippexe+" "+xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(mpiruncmd) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(mpiruncmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True) else: ### use single processor xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_ml_align2d", die=True) xmippcmd = xmippexe+" "+xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(xmippcmd) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(xmippcmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True) aligntime = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: "+apDisplay.timeString(aligntime)) ### minor post-processing self.createReferenceStack() self.readyUploadFlag() self.dumpParameters()
def start(self): self.insertMaxLikeJob() self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) self.estimateIterTime() self.dumpParameters() ### process stack to local temp file proccmd = "proc2d " + self.stack['file'] + " temp.hed apix=" + str( self.stack['apix']) if self.params['bin'] > 1 or self.params['clipsize'] is not None: clipsize = int(self.clipsize) * self.params['bin'] proccmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d " % (self.params['bin'], clipsize, clipsize) proccmd += " last=" + str(self.params['numpart'] - 1) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True) ### process stack to final file self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.timestamp + ".hed") proccmd = "proc2d temp.hed " + self.params[ 'localstack'] + " apix=" + str( self.stack['apix'] * self.params['bin']) if self.params['highpass'] is not None and self.params['highpass'] > 1: proccmd += " hp=" + str(self.params['highpass']) if self.params['lowpass'] is not None and self.params['lowpass'] > 1: proccmd += " lp=" + str(self.params['lowpass']) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True) apFile.removeStack("temp.hed") ### convert stack into single spider files self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles( self.params['localstack']) ### convert stack into single spider files templateselfile = self.initializeTemplates() ### setup Xmipp command aligntime = time.time() xmippopts = ( " " + " -i " + os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.partlistdocfile) + " -iter " + str(self.params['maxiter']) + " -ref " + templateselfile + " -o " + os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "part" + self.timestamp) + " -psi_step " + str(self.params['psistep'])) ### fast mode if self.params['fast'] is True: xmippopts += " -fast " if self.params['fastmode'] == "narrow": xmippopts += " -C 1e-10 " elif self.params['fastmode'] == "wide": xmippopts += " -C 1e-18 " ### convergence criteria if self.params['converge'] == "fast": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-3 " elif self.params['converge'] == "slow": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-8 " else: xmippopts += " -eps 5e-5 " ### mirrors if self.params['mirror'] is True: xmippopts += " -mirror " ### normalization if self.params['norm'] is True: xmippopts += " -norm " ### find number of processors if self.params['nproc'] is None: nproc = nproc = apParam.getNumProcessors() else: nproc = self.params['nproc'] mpirun = self.checkMPI() if nproc > 2 and mpirun is not None: ### use multi-processor apDisplay.printColor("Using " + str(nproc - 1) + " processors!", "green") xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_mpi_ml_align2d", die=True) mpiruncmd = mpirun + " -np " + str( nproc - 1) + " " + xmippexe + " " + xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(mpiruncmd) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(mpiruncmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True) else: ### use single processor xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_ml_align2d", die=True) xmippcmd = xmippexe + " " + xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(xmippcmd) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(xmippcmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True) aligntime = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: " + apDisplay.timeString(aligntime)) ### minor post-processing self.createReferenceStack() self.readyUploadFlag() self.dumpParameters()
def start(self): # self.insertCL2DJob() self.stack = {} self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) if self.params['virtualdata'] is not None: self.stack['file'] = self.params['virtualdata']['filename'] else: self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stackdata['path']['path'], self.stackdata['name']) ### process stack to local file if self.params['timestamp'] is None: apDisplay.printMsg("creating timestamp") self.params['timestamp'] = self.timestamp self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['timestamp']+".hed") if os.path.isfile(self.params['localstack']): apFile.removeStack(self.params['localstack']) a = proc2dLib.RunProc2d() a.setValue('infile',self.stack['file']) a.setValue('outfile',self.params['localstack']) a.setValue('apix',self.stack['apix']) a.setValue('bin',self.params['bin']) a.setValue('last',self.params['numpart']-1) if self.params['lowpass'] is not None and self.params['lowpass'] > 1: a.setValue('lowpass',self.params['lowpass']) if self.params['highpass'] is not None and self.params['highpass'] > 1: a.setValue('highpass',self.params['highpass']) if self.params['invert'] is True: a.setValue('invert',True) # clip not yet implemented # if self.params['clipsize'] is not None: # clipsize = int(self.clipsize)*self.params['bin'] # if clipsize % 2 == 1: # clipsize += 1 ### making sure that clipped boxsize is even # a.setValue('clip',clipsize) if self.params['virtualdata'] is not None: vparts = self.params['virtualdata']['particles'] plist = [int(p['particleNumber'])-1 for p in vparts] a.setValue('list',plist) #run proc2d if self.params['numpart'] != apFile.numImagesInStack(self.params['localstack']): apDisplay.printError("Missing particles in stack") ### setup Xmipp command aligntime = time.time() xmippopts = (" -i "+os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['localstack']) +" --nref "+str(self.params['numrefs']) +" --iter "+str(self.params['maxiter']) +" --odir "+str(self.params['rundir']) +" --oroot "+ "part"+str(self.params['timestamp']) +" --classifyAllImages" ) if self.params['correlation']: xmippopts += " --distance correlation" if self.params['classical']: xmippopts += " --classicalMultiref" ### use multi-processor command apDisplay.printColor("Using "+str(self.params['nproc'])+" processors!", "green") xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath(self.execFile, die=True) mpiruncmd = self.mpirun+" -np "+str(self.params['nproc'])+" "+xmippexe+" "+xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(mpiruncmd) apParam.runCmd(mpiruncmd, package="Xmipp 3", verbose=True, showcmd=True, logfile="xmipp.std") self.params['runtime'] = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: "+apDisplay.timeString(self.params['runtime'])) ### post-processing # Create a stack for the class averages at each level Nlevels=glob.glob("level_*") for level in Nlevels: digits = level.split("_")[1] apParam.runCmd("xmipp_image_convert -i "+level+"/part"+self.params['timestamp']+"*xmd -o part" +self.params['timestamp']+"_level_"+digits+"_.hed", package="Xmipp 3", verbose=True) if self.params['align']: apParam.runCmd("xmipp_transform_geometry -i images.xmd -o %s_aligned.stk --apply_transform" % self.params['timestamp'], package="Xmipp 3", verbose=True) apParam.runCmd("xmipp_image_convert -i %s_aligned.xmd -o alignedStack.hed" % self.params['timestamp'], package="Xmipp 3", verbose=True) apFile.removeFile("%s_aligned.xmd" % self.params['timestamp']) apFile.removeFile("%s_aligned.stk" % self.params['timestamp']) self.parseOutput() apParam.dumpParameters(self.params, "cl2d-"+self.params['timestamp']+"-params.pickle") ### upload results ... this used to be two separate operations, I'm combining into one self.runparams = apParam.readRunParameters("cl2d-"+self.params['timestamp']+"-params.pickle") self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.runparams['stackid'])*self.runparams['bin'] self.Nlevels=len(glob.glob("part"+self.params['timestamp']+"_level_??_.hed")) ### create average of aligned stacks & insert aligned stack info lastLevelStack = "part"+self.params['timestamp']+"_level_%02d_.hed"%(self.Nlevels-1) apStack.averageStack(lastLevelStack) self.boxsize = apFile.getBoxSize(lastLevelStack)[0] self.insertCL2DParamsIntoDatabase() if self.runparams['align'] is True: self.insertAlignStackRunIntoDatabase("alignedStack.hed") self.calcResolution(self.Nlevels-1) self.insertAlignParticlesIntoDatabase(level=self.Nlevels-1) ### loop over each class average stack & insert as clustering stacks self.insertClusterRunIntoDatabase() for level in range(self.Nlevels): ### NOTE: RESOLUTION CAN ONLY BE CALCULATED IF ALIGNED STACK EXISTS TO EXTRACT / READ THE PARTICLES if self.params['align'] is True: self.calcResolution(level) partdict = self.getClassificationAtLevel(level) for classnum in partdict: self.insertClusterStackIntoDatabase( "part"+self.params['timestamp']+"_level_%02d_.hed"%level, classnum+1, partdict[classnum], len(partdict)) self.clearIntermediateFiles()
def start(self): # self.insertCL2DJob() self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) ### process stack to local file if self.params['timestamp'] is None: apDisplay.printMsg("creating timestamp") self.params['timestamp'] = self.timestamp self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join( self.params['rundir'], self.params['timestamp'] + ".hed") if os.path.isfile(self.params['localstack']): apFile.removeStack(self.params['localstack']) proccmd = "proc2d " + self.stack['file'] + " " + self.params[ 'localstack'] + " apix=" + str(self.stack['apix']) if self.params['bin'] > 1 or self.params['clipsize'] is not None: clipsize = int(self.clipsize) * self.params['bin'] if clipsize % 2 == 1: clipsize += 1 ### making sure that clipped boxsize is even proccmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d " % (self.params['bin'], clipsize, clipsize) proccmd += " last=" + str(self.params['numpart'] - 1) if self.params['highpass'] is not None and self.params['highpass'] > 1: proccmd += " hp=" + str(self.params['highpass']) if self.params['lowpass'] is not None and self.params['lowpass'] > 1: proccmd += " lp=" + str(self.params['lowpass']) apParam.runCmd(proccmd, "EMAN", verbose=True) if self.params['numpart'] != apFile.numImagesInStack( self.params['localstack']): apDisplay.printError("Missing particles in stack") ### convert stack into single spider files self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles( self.params['localstack']) ### setup Xmipp command aligntime = time.time() xmippopts = ( " " + " -i " + os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.partlistdocfile) + " -codes " + str(self.params['numrefs']) + " -iter " + str(self.params['maxiter']) + " -o " + os.path.join( self.params['rundir'], "part" + self.params['timestamp'])) if self.params['fast']: xmippopts += " -fast " if self.params['correlation']: xmippopts += " -useCorrelation " if self.params['classical']: xmippopts += " -classicalMultiref " if self.params['align']: xmippopts += " -alignImages " ### use multi-processor command apDisplay.printColor( "Using " + str(self.params['nproc']) + " processors!", "green") xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_mpi_class_averages", die=True) mpiruncmd = self.mpirun + " -np " + str( self.params['nproc']) + " " + xmippexe + " " + xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(mpiruncmd) apParam.runCmd(mpiruncmd, package="Xmipp", verbose=True, showcmd=True, logfile="xmipp.std") self.params['runtime'] = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: " + apDisplay.timeString(self.params['runtime'])) ### minor post-processing self.createReferenceStack() self.parseOutput() self.clearIntermediateFiles() # self.readyUploadFlag() apParam.dumpParameters( self.params, "cl2d-" + self.params['timestamp'] + "-params.pickle") ### upload results ... this used to be two separate operations, I'm combining into one self.runparams = apParam.readRunParameters("cl2d-" + self.params['timestamp'] + "-params.pickle") self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId( self.runparams['stackid']) * self.runparams['bin'] self.Nlevels = len( glob.glob("part" + self.params['timestamp'] + "_level_??_.hed")) ### create average of aligned stacks & insert aligned stack info lastLevelStack = "part" + self.params[ 'timestamp'] + "_level_%02d_.hed" % (self.Nlevels - 1) apStack.averageStack(lastLevelStack) self.boxsize = apFile.getBoxSize(lastLevelStack)[0] self.insertCL2DParamsIntoDatabase() if self.runparams['align'] is True: self.insertAlignStackRunIntoDatabase("alignedStack.hed") self.calcResolution(self.Nlevels - 1) self.insertAlignParticlesIntoDatabase(level=self.Nlevels - 1) ### loop over each class average stack & insert as clustering stacks self.insertClusterRunIntoDatabase() for level in range(self.Nlevels): ### NOTE: RESOLUTION CAN ONLY BE CALCULATED IF ALIGNED STACK EXISTS TO EXTRACT / READ THE PARTICLES if self.params['align'] is True: self.calcResolution(level) partdict = self.getClassificationAtLevel(level) for classnum in partdict: self.insertClusterStackIntoDatabase( "part" + self.params['timestamp'] + "_level_%02d_.hed" % level, classnum + 1, partdict[classnum], len(partdict))
def start(self): ### simple is written in Fortran, which cannot take inputs of certain length, therefore one needs ### to change to the directory to minimize the filename length, in particular for the stack os.chdir(self.params['rundir']) ### stack needs to be centered if self.params['no_center'] is False: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "ali.hed")): apFile.removeStack( os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "ali.hed")) centstack = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "ali.hed") centcmd = "cenalignint %s > cenalignint.log" % (self.stack['file']) apParam.runCmd(centcmd, "EMAN") ### process stack to local file if self.params['timestamp'] is None: apDisplay.printMsg("creating timestamp") self.params['timestamp'] = self.timestamp self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join( self.params['rundir'], self.params['timestamp'] + ".spi") if os.path.isfile(self.params['localstack']): apFile.removeFile(self.params['localstack']) if self.params['no_center'] is False: proccmd = "proc2d " + centstack + " " + self.params[ 'localstack'] + " apix=" + str(self.stack['apix']) else: proccmd = "proc2d " + self.stack['file'] + " " + self.params[ 'localstack'] + " apix=" + str(self.stack['apix']) if self.params['bin'] > 1 or self.params['clipsize'] is not None: proccmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d " % (self.params['bin'], self.boxsize, self.boxsize) proccmd += " last=" + str(self.params['numpart'] - 1) proccmd += " spiderswap" # if self.params['highpass'] is not None and self.params['highpass'] > 1: # proccmd += " hp="+str(self.params['highpass']) # if self.params['lowpass'] is not None and self.params['lowpass'] > 1: # proccmd += " lp="+str(self.params['lowpass']) apParam.runCmd(proccmd, "EMAN", verbose=True) # if self.params['numpart'] != int(spider.getSpiderHeader(self.params['localstack'])[-2]): # apDisplay.printError("Missing particles in stack") ### setup Simple command aligntime = time.time() simpleopts = ( "" + " stk=%s" % os.path.basename(self.params['localstack']) + " box=%d" % self.boxsize + " nptcls=%d" % self.params['numpart'] + " smpd=%.3f" % self.apix + " ring2=%d" % self.params['ring2'] + " ncls=%d" % self.params['ncls'] + " minp=%d" % self.params['minp'] + " nvars=%d" % self.params['nvars'] + " nthr=%d" % self.params['nproc']) if self.params['no_kmeans'] is True: simpleopts += " kmeans=off" if self.params['nran'] is not None: simpleopts += "nran=%d" % self.params['nran'] ### SIMPLE 2D clustering apDisplay.printColor( "Using " + str(self.params['nproc']) + " processors!", "green") simpleexe = apParam.getExecPath("cluster", die=True) simplecmd = "%s %s" % (simpleexe, simpleopts) self.writeSimpleLog(simplecmd) apParam.runCmd(simplecmd, package="SIMPLE", verbose=True, showcmd=True, logfile="cluster.std") self.params['runtime'] = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment & Classification time: " + apDisplay.timeString(self.params['runtime'])) ### SIMPLE spider to Fourier format clsavgs = "cavgstk.spi" if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], clsavgs)): apDisplay.printError( "class averages were not created! try rerunning with centering, more particles, or less ppc" ) try: nptcls = spider.getSpiderHeader(clsavgs)[-2] except: nptcls = self.params['ncls'] apDisplay.printWarning( "class average file may not have been created! Please check existence of file cavgstk.spi" ) projfile = "projs" projext = ".fim" simpleexe = apParam.getExecPath("spi_to_fim", die=True) simpleopts = ("" + " stk=%s" % clsavgs + " box=%d" % self.boxsize + " nptcls=%d" % nptcls + " smpd=%.3f" % self.apix + " outbdy=%s" % projfile + " msk=%d" % self.params['mask']) simplecmd = "%s %s" % (simpleexe, simpleopts) self.writeSimpleLog(simplecmd) apParam.runCmd(simplecmd, package="SIMPLE", verbose=True, showcmd=True, logfile="spi_to_fim.std") ### SIMPLE origami, ab initio 3D reconstruction refinetime = time.time() simpleexe = apParam.getExecPath("origami", die=True) simpleopts = ( "" + " fstk=%s" % projfile + projext + " froms=%d" % self.params['froms'] + " tos=%d" % self.params['tos'] + " lp=%d" % self.params['lp'] + " hp=%d" % self.params['hp'] + " maxits=%d" % self.params['maxits'] + " msk=%d" % self.params['mask'] + " mw=%d" % self.params['mw'] + " frac=%.3f" % self.params['frac'] + " amsklp=%d" % self.params['amsklp'] + " edge=%d" % self.params['edge'] + " trs=%d" % self.params['trs'] + " nthr=%d" % self.params['nproc']) simplecmd = "%s %s" % (simpleexe, simpleopts) self.writeSimpleLog(simplecmd) apParam.runCmd(simplecmd, package="SIMPLE", verbose=True, showcmd=True, logfile="origami.std") refinetime = time.time() - refinetime apDisplay.printMsg("Origami reconstruction time: " + apDisplay.timeString(refinetime)) # ''' ### minor post-processing self.clearIntermediateFiles() apParam.dumpParameters( self.params, "simple-" + self.params['timestamp'] + "-params.pickle") ### upload results self.runparams = apParam.readRunParameters("simple-" + self.params['timestamp'] + "-params.pickle") ### create average of aligned and clustered stacks, convert to IMAGIC alignedStackSpi = "inplalgnstk.spi" alignedStack = "inplalgnstk.hed" if os.path.isfile(alignedStack): apFile.removeStack(alignedStack) emancmd = "proc2d %s %s flip" % (alignedStackSpi, alignedStack) apParam.runCmd(emancmd, "EMAN") clusterStackSpi = "cavgstk.spi" clusterStack = "cavgstk.hed" if os.path.isfile(clusterStack): apFile.removeStack(clusterStack) emancmd = "proc2d %s %s flip" % (clusterStackSpi, clusterStack) apParam.runCmd(emancmd, "EMAN") # apStack.averageStack(alignedStack) ### parse alignment and classification results if self.params['no_center'] is False: self.alignD = self.getAlignParameters(centparams="cenalignint.log") else: self.alignD = self.getAlignParameters() if self.params['no_kmeans'] is False: self.classD = self.getClassification("kmeans.spi", clusterStack) else: self.classD = self.getClassification("hcl.spi", clusterStack) ### upload to database self.insertSIMPLEAlignParamsIntoDatabase() self.insertAlignStackRunIntoDatabase(alignedStack, clusterStack) self.calcResolution(alignedStack) self.insertAlignParticlesIntoDatabase() self.insertClusterRunIntoDatabase() self.insertClusterStackIntoDatabase(clusterStack, len(self.classD)) self.insertSIMPLEOrigamiParamsIntoDatabase()
def start(self): # self.insertCL2DJob() self.stack = {} self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) if self.params['virtualdata'] is not None: self.stack['file'] = self.params['virtualdata']['filename'] else: self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stackdata['path']['path'], self.stackdata['name']) ### process stack to local file if self.params['timestamp'] is None: apDisplay.printMsg("creating timestamp") self.params['timestamp'] = self.timestamp self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['timestamp']+".hed") if os.path.isfile(self.params['localstack']): apFile.removeStack(self.params['localstack']) a = proc2dLib.RunProc2d() a.setValue('infile',self.stack['file']) a.setValue('outfile',self.params['localstack']) a.setValue('apix',self.stack['apix']) a.setValue('bin',self.params['bin']) a.setValue('last',self.params['numpart']-1) if self.params['lowpass'] is not None and self.params['lowpass'] > 1: a.setValue('lowpass',self.params['lowpass']) if self.params['highpass'] is not None and self.params['highpass'] > 1: a.setValue('highpass',self.params['highpass']) if self.params['invert'] is True: a.setValue('invert',True) # clip not yet implemented # if self.params['clipsize'] is not None: # clipsize = int(self.clipsize)*self.params['bin'] # if clipsize % 2 == 1: # clipsize += 1 ### making sure that clipped boxsize is even # a.setValue('clip',clipsize) if self.params['virtualdata'] is not None: vparts = self.params['virtualdata']['particles'] plist = [int(p['particleNumber'])-1 for p in vparts] a.setValue('list',plist) #run proc2d if self.params['numpart'] != apFile.numImagesInStack(self.params['localstack']): apDisplay.printError("Missing particles in stack") ### convert stack into single spider files self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles(self.params['localstack']) ### setup Xmipp command aligntime = time.time() xmippopts = ( " " +" -i "+os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.partlistdocfile) +" -codes "+str(self.params['numrefs']) +" -iter "+str(self.params['maxiter']) +" -o "+os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "part"+self.params['timestamp']) ) if self.params['fast']: xmippopts += " -fast " if self.params['correlation']: xmippopts += " -useCorrelation " if self.params['classical']: xmippopts += " -classicalMultiref " if self.params['align']: xmippopts += " -alignImages " ### use multi-processor command apDisplay.printColor("Using "+str(self.params['nproc'])+" processors!", "green") xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_mpi_class_averages", die=True) mpiruncmd = self.mpirun+" -np "+str(self.params['nproc'])+" "+xmippexe+" "+xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(mpiruncmd) apParam.runCmd(mpiruncmd, package="Xmipp", verbose=True, showcmd=True, logfile="xmipp.std") self.params['runtime'] = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: "+apDisplay.timeString(self.params['runtime'])) ### minor post-processing self.createReferenceStack() self.parseOutput() self.clearIntermediateFiles() # self.readyUploadFlag() apParam.dumpParameters(self.params, "cl2d-"+self.params['timestamp']+"-params.pickle") ### upload results ... this used to be two separate operations, I'm combining into one self.runparams = apParam.readRunParameters("cl2d-"+self.params['timestamp']+"-params.pickle") self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.runparams['stackid'])*self.runparams['bin'] self.Nlevels=len(glob.glob("part"+self.params['timestamp']+"_level_??_.hed")) ### create average of aligned stacks & insert aligned stack info lastLevelStack = "part"+self.params['timestamp']+"_level_%02d_.hed"%(self.Nlevels-1) apStack.averageStack(lastLevelStack) self.boxsize = apFile.getBoxSize(lastLevelStack)[0] self.insertCL2DParamsIntoDatabase() if self.runparams['align'] is True: self.insertAlignStackRunIntoDatabase("alignedStack.hed") self.calcResolution(self.Nlevels-1) self.insertAlignParticlesIntoDatabase(level=self.Nlevels-1) ### loop over each class average stack & insert as clustering stacks self.insertClusterRunIntoDatabase() for level in range(self.Nlevels): ### NOTE: RESOLUTION CAN ONLY BE CALCULATED IF ALIGNED STACK EXISTS TO EXTRACT / READ THE PARTICLES if self.params['align'] is True: self.calcResolution(level) partdict = self.getClassificationAtLevel(level) for classnum in partdict: self.insertClusterStackIntoDatabase( "part"+self.params['timestamp']+"_level_%02d_.hed"%level, classnum+1, partdict[classnum], len(partdict))