def getFile(fileID): # declare as global to update the original variable. global REQUEST_ID # generate a new id for each request. REQUEST_ID = str(uuid.uuid4()) accessID = getAccessId() mfileID = fileID if isAccessIdAuthentic(accessID): fileName = dc.translateFileidToFilename(mfileID) userFilesDir = dc.getUserFilesDir(accessID) print("INFO: FILEDOWNLOAD: Requested File Name: " + str(fileName)) if fileName != False: try: md5Checksum = generateMD5(os.path.join(userFilesDir, fileName)) print( "INFO: FILEDOWNLOAD: File with the given FileID found on server." ) status = "File with the given FileID found on server." httpCode = 200 res = createRequestDetails(fileName, mfileID, md5Checksum, status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) return send_from_directory(userFilesDir, filename=fileName, as_attachment=True) except Exception as e: print( "ERROR: FILEDOWNLOAD: Error(s) encountered while transferring file." ) print(str(e)) status = "Error(s) encountered while transferring file." httpCode = 500 res = createRequestDetails("N/A", mfileID, "N/A", status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) else: print( "ERROR: FILEDOWNLOAD: File with the given FileID parameter not found" ) status = "File with the given FileID parameter not found" httpCode = 404 res = createRequestDetails("N/A", mfileID, "N/A", status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) else: print("ERROR: FILEDOWNLOAD: Invalid Access-ID, request denied.") status = "[ERR] Invalid Access-ID, request denied." httpCode = 403 res = createRequestDetails("N/A", "N/A", "N/A", status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) res = make_response(res, httpCode) return res ############################ END OF SCRIPT ###################################
def authenticateCredentials(userName, password): accessID = dc.encryptWithSecretKey(userName) password = dc.encryptWithSecretKey(password) status = isAccessIdAuthentic(accessID) if status != False: dbPass = status["password"] if password == dbPass: return 0 else: return 2 else: return 1
def createRequestDetails(mStatus, mResponse, requestID): #create a dictionary with details of the uploaded file requestDetails = { "Service": "New User Registration", "RequestID": requestID, "Status": mStatus, "HttpResponse": mResponse, "timeStamp": dc.getTimeStamp() } if dc.updateHistory(requestDetails, requestID): print("INFO: SIGNUP: History log updated.") else: print("ERROR: SIGNUP: Request could not be added to history log.") return requestDetails
def createRequestDetails(fileName, fileID, md5Checksum, mStatus, mResponse, requestID): try: ext = fileName.rsplit(".", 1)[1].upper() except: print("ERROR: GEN_UML: Could not extract file's extension.") ext = "-" #create a dictionary with details of the uploaded file requestDetails = { "FileName": fileName, "FileType": ext, "FileID": fileID, "RequestID": requestID, "MD5": md5Checksum, "Status": mStatus, "HttpResponse": mResponse, "timeStamp": getTimeStamp() } if dc.updateHistory(requestDetails, requestID): print("INFO: GEN_UML: History log updated.") else: print("ERROR: GEN_UML: Request could not be added to history log.") return requestDetails
def showWorkSpace(userName, accessID, accessToken): loginForm = forms.LoginForm() workflowForm = forms.newWorkflowForm() if fh.isAccessIdAuthentic(accessID): encodingKey = dc.generateHash(accessID) if isAccessTokenAuthentic(accessID, accessToken): userWorkspace = MLDC.getWorkspace(accessID) url = url_for("mlGUI_bp.showWorkSpace", userName=userName, accessID=accessID, accessToken=accessToken) return render_template('workspace.html', userName=userName, apiKey=accessID, encKey=encodingKey, accessToken=accessToken, workflowsList=userWorkspace, workflowUrl=url, status_message=status_msg, form=workflowForm) else: print("couldn't login") return render_template('login.html', form=loginForm, status="login-failed.")
def getSavePath(fileName,accessID): extension = fileName.rsplit(".",1)[1].upper() userUploadsDir = dc.getUserUploadsDir(accessID) if extension in ["JPEG","JPG","PNG"]: UPLOAD_IMG_PATH = os.path.join(userUploadsDir,CONSTANTS.USER_UPLOADS_IMAGES_DIR) savePath = os.path.join(UPLOAD_IMG_PATH,fileName) elif extension in ["ZIP"]: UPLOAD_ZIP_PATH = os.path.join(userUploadsDir,CONSTANTS.USER_UPLOADS_ZIP_DIR) savePath = os.path.join(UPLOAD_ZIP_PATH,fileName) elif extension in ["ARXML"]: UPLOAD_ARXML_PATH = os.path.join(userUploadsDir,CONSTANTS.USER_UPLOADS_ARXML_DIR) savePath = os.path.join(UPLOAD_ARXML_PATH,fileName) elif extension in ["JSON"]: UPLOAD_JSON_PATH = os.path.join(userUploadsDir,CONSTANTS.USER_UPLOADS_JSON_DIR) savePath = os.path.join(UPLOAD_JSON_PATH,fileName) elif extension in ["XLSX","XLS"]: UPLOAD_XSLX_PATH = os.path.join(userUploadsDir,CONSTANTS.USER_UPLOADS_XLSX_DIR) savePath = os.path.join(UPLOAD_XSLX_PATH,fileName) elif extension in ["A2L"]: UPLOAD_A2L_PATH = os.path.join(userUploadsDir,CONSTANTS.USER_UPLOADS_A2L_DIR) savePath = os.path.join(UPLOAD_A2L_PATH,fileName) elif extension in ["TXT",".C"]: UPLOAD_TXT_PATH = os.path.join(userUploadsDir,CONSTANTS.USER_UPLOADS_TEXT_DIR) savePath = os.path.join(UPLOAD_TXT_PATH,fileName) else: return False return savePath
def isAccessIdAuthentic(accessID): API_KEY_DB = dc.getApiKeysFromDb() if API_KEY_DB != False: if accessID in API_KEY_DB.keys(): customerDataDict = API_KEY_DB[accessID] print("INFO: FILEUPLOAD: Access ID authenticated. Requester identified as: "+ customerDataDict["customer"]) return True else: print("ERROR: FILEUPLOAD: Invalid AccessID, request denied.") return False
def loginPage(): loginForm = forms.LoginForm() if request.method == 'POST': if loginForm.validate_on_submit(): print("INFO: ML_GUI: Form Data Validated.") userName = password = status = authenticateCredentials(userName, password) if status == 0: print("Username/password combination validated.") accessID = dc.encryptWithSecretKey(userName) encodingKey = dc.generateHash(accessID) accessToken = generateAccessToken(userName, password, accessID, encodingKey) workspaces_url = url_for("mlGUI_bp.showWorkSpace", userName=userName, accessID=accessID, accessToken=accessToken) #workspaces_url = "" + workspaces_url #print(workspaces_url) return redirect(workspaces_url) elif status == 1: print("Invalid username.") return render_template('login.html', form=loginForm, status="Invalid usename," + userName + " does not exist in database.") elif status == 2: print("Incorrect password.") return render_template( 'login.html', form=loginForm, status="Incorrect password given for user: "******"login.html", form=loginForm) else: return make_response("Invalid http method", 404)
def createRequestDetails(inFileID, outFileID, mStatus, mResponse, requestID): #create a dictionary with details of the uploaded file requestDetails = { "In_FileName": str(inFileID), "Out_FileID": str(outFileID), "RequestID": requestID, "Status": mStatus, "HttpResponse": mResponse, "timeStamp": fh.getTimeStamp() } if dc.updateHistory(requestDetails, requestID): print("INFO: HyAPI_ML: History log updated.") else: print("ERROR: HyAPI_ML: Request could not be added to history log.") return requestDetails
def createReqDetails_training(wfID, containerID, baseModel, requestID, mStatus, httpCode): #create a dictionary with details of the uploaded file requestDetails = { "WorkFlowID": str(wfID), "ContainerID": containerID, "BaseModel": baseModel, "RequestID": requestID, "Status": mStatus, "HttpResponse": httpCode, "timeStamp": fh.getTimeStamp() } if dc.updateHistory(requestDetails, requestID): print("INFO: HyAPI_ML: History log updated.") else: print("ERROR: HyAPI_ML: Request could not be added to history log.") return requestDetails
def isAccessTokenAuthentic(accessID, accessToken): accountDetails = isAccessIdAuthentic(accessID) if accountDetails != False: try: userName = accountDetails["userName"] password = accountDetails["password"] encodingKey = accountDetails["encodingKey"] credentials = userName + accessID + password + encodingKey internal_accessToken = dc.encryptWithSecretKey(credentials) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return False if internal_accessToken == accessToken: return True else: print(credentials) print(accessToken) print(internal_accessToken) return False
def showWorkflow(userName, accessID, accessToken, workflowID): loginForm = forms.LoginForm() if fh.isAccessIdAuthentic(accessID): encodingKey = dc.generateHash(accessID) if isAccessTokenAuthentic(accessID, accessToken): userWorkspace = MLDC.getWorkspace(accessID) workflow = userWorkspace[workflowID] return render_template('workflow.html', workflowName=workflow["workflow_Name"], workflowID=workflow["workflow_ID"], baseModel=workflow["baseModel"], processID=workflow["process_ID"], userName=userName, accessID=accessID, accessToken=accessToken, encodingKey=encodingKey, status_message=status_msg) else: print("couldn't login") return render_template('login.html', form=loginForm, status="Not sure")
def createFileDetails(fileID, fileName, accessId): try: ext = fileName.rsplit(".", 1)[1].upper() except: print("ERROR: CAN_TEST: Could not extract file's extension.") ext = "-" #create a dictionary with details of the uploaded file fileDetails = { "FileName": fileName, "FileType": ext, "FileID": fileID, "Access-id": accessId, "timeStamp": getTimeStamp() } if dc.updateFilesOnServer(fileDetails, fileID): print("INFO: CAN_TEST: History log updated.") return True else: print("ERROR: CAN_TEST: Request could not be added to history log.") return False
def checkFileStatus(fileID): # declare as global to update the original variable. global REQUEST_ID # generate a new id for each request. REQUEST_ID = str(uuid.uuid4()) accessID = getAccessId() if isAccessIdAuthentic(accessID): mfileID = fileID userWorkspace = os.path.join(WORKSPACE_DIR, accessID) userFilesDir = os.path.join(userWorkspace, USER_FILES) fileName = dc.translateFileidToFilename(mfileID) if fileName != False: md5Checksum = generateMD5(os.path.join(userFilesDir, fileName)) status = "File with the given FileID found on server." httpCode = 200 res = createRequestDetails(fileName, mfileID, md5Checksum, status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) return res else: print("File with the given FileID parameter not found") status = "File with the given FileID parameter not found" httpCode = 404 res = createRequestDetails("N/A", mfileID, "N/A", status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) return res else: print("Invalid Access-ID, request denied.") status = "[ERR] Invalid Access-ID, request denied." httpCode = 403 res = createRequestDetails("N/A", "N/A", "N/A", status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) res = make_response(res, httpCode) return res
def detectStopSign(): # declare as global to update the original variable. global REQUEST_ID # generate a new id for each request. REQUEST_ID = str(uuid.uuid4()) accessID = getAccessId() if fh.isAccessIdAuthentic(accessID): #Get the File IDs from the request parameters inputFileID = request.json #This is the folder in workspace where all the files generated by services shoudl be stored. userFilesDir = dc.getUserFilesDir(accessID) inputFilePath = dc.getImageUploadPath((accessID)) try: inputFile_ID = inputFileID["InputFileID"] except Exception as e: print("ERROR: HyAPI_ML: " + str(e)) inputFile_ID = "x" print("INFO: HyAPI_ML: " + inputFile_ID) # File IDs to FileName translation inputFileName = dc.translateFileidToFilename(inputFile_ID) if inputFileName != False: print("INFO: HyAPI_ML FileName on Server: " + inputFileName) inputFile = os.path.join(inputFilePath, inputFileName) else: print( "ERROR: HyAPI_ML: Input image with the given FileID parameter not found" ) status = "Input image with the given FileID parameter not found" httpCode = MLC.HTTP_NOT_FOUND res = createRequestDetails(inputFile_ID, "N/A", status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) return res #procStatus holds the filename procStatus = ml_od.detectStopSign(inputFile, FGB, LMB, userFilesDir) if procStatus != False: outputFileID = str(fh.generateHash(REQUEST_ID + fh.getTimeStamp())) status = "Object detection process successful" httpCode = MLC.HTTP_CREATED res = createRequestDetails(inputFileName, outputFileID, status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) if dc.createFileDetails(outputFileID, procStatus, accessID): print("INFO: HyAPI_ML: Object detection process successful") res = make_response(res, httpCode) return res else: #Internal server error print("ERROR: HyAPI_ML: Error Saving file to server") status = "[ERR] Error saving file to disk." httpCode = MLC.HTTP_SERVER_ERROR res["Status"] = status res["HttpResponse"] = httpCode res = make_response(res, httpCode) #abort(500, "Error saving file to disk") return res else: print("ERROR: HyAPI_ML: Invalid Access-ID, request denied.") status = "[ERR] Invalid Access-ID, request denied." httpCode = MLC.HTTP_FORBIDDEN res = createRequestDetails("N/A", "N/A", status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) res = make_response(res, httpCode) return res
def createNewWorkflow(): # declare as global to update the original variable. global REQUEST_ID # generate a new id for each request. REQUEST_ID = str(uuid.uuid4()) accessID = getAccessId() if fh.isAccessIdAuthentic(accessID): #This is the folder in workspace where all the files generated by services shoudl be stored. #userTfDir = dc.getUserTfDir(accessID) #Get the File IDs from the request parameters newWorkFlowDetails = request.json #Get the data from the json included in the request. try: workFlowName = newWorkFlowDetails["WorkflowName"] try: #TODO: Provision for multiple base models #baseModel = newWorkFlowDetails["BaseModel"] #baseModelID = baseModel baseModel = "01" baseModelID = "01" # 01,02,03,04 except Exception as e: print("ERROR: HyAPI_ML: " + str(e)) baseModel = "x" except Exception as e: print("ERROR: HyAPI_ML: " + str(e)) workFlowName = "x" ####################################################### if baseModel != "x" and workFlowName != "x": userWorkflows = MLC.USER_WORKFLOWS_PATH workflowID = dc.encryptWithSecretKey(workFlowName) # STEP-1 Create new workspace. try: if not os.path.exists("./" + userWorkflows + "/" + str(accessID) + "/" + str(workflowID)): Path("./" + userWorkflows + "/" + str(accessID) + "/" + str(workflowID)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) else: pass except Exception as e: print(str(e)) status = "Error creating new workflow directory." print("ERROR: HyAPI_ML: " + status) httpCode = MLC.HTTP_SERVER_ERROR res = createReqDetails_newWorkflow(workFlowName, workflowID, baseModelID, REQUEST_ID, status, httpCode) return make_response(res, httpCode) # STEP-2 Populate workspace with template templateFile = MLC.TF_WORKSPACE_TEMPLATE #print(templateFile) userTfWorkflow = MLDC.getUserTF_workflow(accessID, workflowID) #The template will be extracted to the newly created User's Tensoflow workflow directory if extractZip(templateFile, userTfWorkflow): print( "INFO: HyAPI_ML: New workflow directory clone successful.") else: status = "Error cloning new workflow from template." print("ERROR: HyAPI_ML: " + status) httpCode = MLC.HTTP_SERVER_ERROR res = createReqDetails_newWorkflow(workFlowName, workflowID, baseModelID, REQUEST_ID, status, httpCode) return make_response(res, httpCode) # STEP-3 Extract selected model in the "pre-trained-model" folder if str(baseModel) == "01": baseModel = MLC.MODEL_1_ZIP_PATH baseModelName = MLC.MODEL_NAME_1 usrBaseModelPath = MLDC.getBaseModelDirectory( accessID, workflowID) if extractZip(baseModel, usrBaseModelPath): print(usrBaseModelPath) print( "INFO: HyAPI_ML: Pre-Trained-Model copied successfully." ) else: status = "Error copying pre-trained-model to new workflow." print("ERROR: HyAPI_ML: " + status) httpCode = MLC.HTTP_SERVER_ERROR res = createReqDetails_newWorkflow(workFlowName, workflowID, baseModelID, REQUEST_ID, status, httpCode) return make_response(res, httpCode) # STEP-4 create and return response to client status = "New workflow created successfuly." print("INFO: HyAPI_ML: " + status) httpCode = MLC.HTTP_CREATED #create workflow details as a dict to add in the json db workflowDetails = { "workflow_Name": workFlowName, "workflow_ID": workflowID, "process_ID": "Never Run", "process_Status": "Never Run", "baseModel": baseModelName, "timeStamp": fh.getTimeStamp() } if MLDC.saveWorkflowDetails(accessID, workflowID, workflowDetails): res = createReqDetails_newWorkflow(workFlowName, workflowID, baseModelID, REQUEST_ID, status, httpCode) return make_response(res, httpCode) else: status = "Error saving workflow details to db." print("ERROR: HyAPI_ML: " + status) httpCode = MLC.HTTP_SERVER_ERROR res = createReqDetails_newWorkflow(workFlowName, workflowID, baseModelID, REQUEST_ID, status, httpCode) return make_response(res, httpCode) else: status = "Wrong parameter for baseModel(acceptable values are 01 & 02)" print("ERROR: HyAPI_ML: " + status) httpCode = MLC.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST res = createReqDetails_newWorkflow(workFlowName, workflowID, baseModelID, REQUEST_ID, status, httpCode) return make_response("Error", 400) else: status = "WorkflowName & BaseModel values are required in input json. One or both are missing in the request." print("ERROR: HyAPI_ML: " + status) httpCode = MLC.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST res = createReqDetails_newWorkflow("N/A", "N/A", "N/A", REQUEST_ID, status, httpCode) return make_response(res, httpCode)
def generateAccessToken(userName, password, accessID, encodingKey): password = dc.encryptWithSecretKey(password) credentials = userName + accessID + password + encodingKey accessToken = dc.encryptWithSecretKey(credentials) print(credentials) return accessToken
DB_PATH = CONSTANTS.DB_DIR WORKSPACE_DIR = CONSTANTS.WORKSPACE_DIR # These are directory names NOT path strings. UPLOAD_ZIP_PATH = CONSTANTS.USER_UPLOADS_ZIP_DIR UPLOAD_TXT_PATH = CONSTANTS.USER_UPLOADS_TEXT_DIR ################################ Init Databases ############################## try: from application import Data_Controller as dc print("INFO: HyAPI_ML: DB Controller initialized successfully.") except: import Data_Controller as dc print("DEBUG: HyAPI_ML: Safe Mode: Imported alternative DBC.") API_KEY_DB = dc.getApiKeysFromDb() REQ_HISTORY = dc.getRequestHistory() FILES_ON_SERVER = dc.getFilesOnServer() def isInitSuccessful(): if API_KEY_DB == False: return False if REQ_HISTORY == False: return False return True global status_msg status_msg = "" """
def trainModel(accessID, workflowID, inputFileID): isInitSuccessful() REQUEST_ID = str(uuid.uuid4()) inputFileName = dc.translateFileidToFilename(inputFileID) inputFilePath = dc.getArchiveUploadPath((accessID)) if inputFileName != False: print("INFO: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL: FileName: " + inputFileName) inputFile = os.path.join(inputFilePath, inputFileName) else: print( "ERROR: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL: Input image with the given FileID parameter not found" ) return False # Get the path to the user's workspace and the specified workflow: # STEP-1: EXTRACT THE INPUT ZIP TO THE TEMP DIRECTORY. tempDirectory = MLDC.getUserTF_tmp_dir(accessID, workflowID) if extractZip(inputFile, tempDirectory): print("INFO: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL: Inputs extracted to temp directory.") else: print( "ERROR: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL: Error extracting input .zip file to workflow." ) return False #STEP-2: MOVE THE FILES TO THE RELEVANT DIRECTORIES IN THE WORKFLOW STRUCTURE. userWorkflow = MLDC.getUserTF_workflow(accessID, workflowID) workflow_Dataset = MLDC.getDatasetDirectory(accessID, workflowID) workflow_Annotations = MLDC.getAnnotationsDirectory(accessID, workflowID) workflow_Training = MLDC.getTrainingDirectory(accessID, workflowID) try: testData_tmp = os.path.join(tempDirectory, MLC.USR_INPUT_TEST_IMAGES_DIR) testData_final = os.path.join(workflow_Dataset, MLC.USR_INPUT_TEST_IMAGES_DIR) trainData_tmp = os.path.join(tempDirectory, MLC.USR_INPUT_TRAIN_IMAGES_DIR) trainData_final = os.path.join(workflow_Dataset, MLC.USR_INPUT_TRAIN_IMAGES_DIR) labelMap_tmp = os.path.join(tempDirectory, MLC.USR_INPUT_LABEL_MAP_FILE) labelMap_final = os.path.join(workflow_Annotations, MLC.USR_INPUT_LABEL_MAP_FILE) pipeline_tmp = os.path.join(tempDirectory, MLC.USR_INPUT_PIPELINE_FILE) pipeline_final = os.path.join(workflow_Training, MLC.USR_INPUT_PIPELINE_FILE) # (source,destination) if fh.moveFile(testData_tmp, testData_final) and fh.moveFile( trainData_tmp, trainData_final) and fh.moveFile( labelMap_tmp, labelMap_final) and fh.moveFile( pipeline_tmp, pipeline_final): print("INFO: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL:Files moved successfully") else: print("ERROR: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL: Error moving files.") return False except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return False #STEP-3-a: GENERATE UNIFIED CSV FILES FOR TEST AND TRAIN DATA. train_csv_path = os.path.join(workflow_Annotations, MLC.USR_OUTPUT_TRAIN_CSV) test_csv_path = os.path.join(workflow_Annotations, MLC.USR_OUTPUT_TEST_CSV) try: xml_to_csv.generateCsvFromXml(trainData_final, train_csv_path) xml_to_csv.generateCsvFromXml(testData_final, test_csv_path) print( "INFO: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL: Dataset XMLs converted to CSV files successfully." ) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return False #STEP-3-b: GENERATE TF-RECORDS FILES FOR TEST AND TRAIN DATA train_records_path = os.path.join(workflow_Annotations, MLC.USR_OUTPUT_TRAIN_RECORD) test_records_path = os.path.join(workflow_Annotations, MLC.USR_OUTPUT_TEST_RECORD) try: generate_tfrecord.generateTfRecords(train_records_path, trainData_final, train_csv_path) generate_tfrecord.generateTfRecords(test_records_path, testData_final, test_csv_path) print( "INFO: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL: TF-Records file generated successfully.") except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return False #STEP-4: START THE TRAINING JOB try: containerID = DockerInterface.startModelTraining( REQUEST_ID, userWorkflow) if containerID != False: print( "INFO: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL: Training process started, Container ID: " + str(containerID)) status = "Training started." if MLDC.updateWorkflow(accessID, workflowID, status, containerID): return True else: print( "ERROR: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL: Error saving workflow details to db." ) return False else: print( "ERROR: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL: Error(s) encountered while starting the training job." ) return False except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return False
def createNewWorkflow(accessID, workFlowName, baseModelID): # declare as global to update the original variable. global REQUEST_ID # generate a new id for each request. REQUEST_ID = str(uuid.uuid4()) userWorkflows = MLC.USER_WORKFLOWS_PATH workflowID = dc.encryptWithSecretKey(workFlowName) # STEP-1 Create new workspace. try: if not os.path.exists("./" + userWorkflows + "/" + str(accessID) + "/" + str(workflowID)): Path("./" + userWorkflows + "/" + str(accessID) + "/" + str(workflowID)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) else: pass except Exception as e: print("ERROR: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL: " + str(e)) return False # STEP-2 Populate workspace with template templateFile = MLC.TF_WORKSPACE_TEMPLATE #print(templateFile) userTfWorkflow = MLDC.getUserTF_workflow(accessID, workflowID) #The template will be extracted to the newly created User's Tensoflow workflow directory if extractZip(templateFile, userTfWorkflow): print( "INFO: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL: New workflow directory clone successful." ) else: print( "ERROR: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL: Error cloning new workflow from template." ) return False #TODO: implement other models # STEP-3 Extract selected model in the "pre-trained-model" folder if str(baseModelID) == "01": baseModel = MLC.MODEL_1_ZIP_PATH baseModelName = MLC.MODEL_NAME_1 usrBaseModelPath = MLDC.getBaseModelDirectory(accessID, workflowID) if extractZip(baseModel, usrBaseModelPath): print( "INFO: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL: Pre-Trained-Model copied successfully." ) else: print( "ERROR: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL: Error copying pre-trained-model to new workflow." ) return False # STEP-4 create and return response to client print("INFO: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL: New workflow created successfuly.") #create workflow details as a dict to add in the json db workflowDetails = { "workflow_Name": workFlowName, "workflow_ID": workflowID, "process_ID": "Never Run", "process_Status": "Never Run", "baseModel": baseModelName, "dataSet": "empty", "timeStamp": fh.getTimeStamp() } if MLDC.saveWorkflowDetails(accessID, workflowID, workflowDetails): return True else: print( "ERROR: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL: Error saving workflow details to db." ) return False else: print( "ERROR: HyAPI_ML_INTERNAL: Wrong parameter for baseModel(acceptable values are 01 & 02)" ) return False
def trainModel(workflowID, inputFileID): # declare as global to update the original variable. global REQUEST_ID # generate a new id for each request. REQUEST_ID = str(uuid.uuid4()) accessID = getAccessId() if fh.isAccessIdAuthentic(accessID): InputFileID = inputFileID inputFilePath = dc.getArchiveUploadPath((accessID)) ####################################################### if workflowID != "" and InputFileID != "": print("INFO: HyAPI_ML: " + InputFileID) # File IDs to FileName translation inputFileName = dc.translateFileidToFilename(InputFileID) if inputFileName != False: print("INFO: HyAPI_ML: FileName on Server: " + inputFileName) inputFile = os.path.join(inputFilePath, inputFileName) else: print( "ERROR: HyAPI_ML: Input image with the given FileID parameter not found" ) status = "Input image with the given FileID parameter not found" httpCode = MLC.HTTP_NOT_FOUND res = createReqDetails_training(workflowID, "NA", "NI", REQUEST_ID, status, httpCode) return res # Get the path to the user's workspace and the specified workflow: # STEP-1: EXTRACT THE INPUT ZIP TO THE TEMP DIRECTORY. tempDirectory = MLDC.getUserTF_tmp_dir(accessID, workflowID) if extractZip(inputFile, tempDirectory): print("INFO: HyAPI_ML: Inputs extracted to temp directory.") else: status = "Error extracting input .zip file to workflow." print("ERROR: HyAPI_ML: " + status) httpCode = MLC.HTTP_SERVER_ERROR res = createReqDetails_training(workflowID, "NA", "NI", REQUEST_ID, status, httpCode) return make_response(res, httpCode) #STEP-2: MOVE THE FILES TO THE RELEVANT DIRECTORIES IN THE WORKFLOW STRUCTURE. userWorkflow = MLDC.getUserTF_workflow(accessID, workflowID) workflow_Dataset = MLDC.getDatasetDirectory(accessID, workflowID) workflow_Annotations = MLDC.getAnnotationsDirectory( accessID, workflowID) workflow_Training = MLDC.getTrainingDirectory(accessID, workflowID) try: testData_tmp = os.path.join(tempDirectory, MLC.USR_INPUT_TEST_IMAGES_DIR) testData_final = os.path.join(workflow_Dataset, MLC.USR_INPUT_TEST_IMAGES_DIR) trainData_tmp = os.path.join(tempDirectory, MLC.USR_INPUT_TRAIN_IMAGES_DIR) trainData_final = os.path.join(workflow_Dataset, MLC.USR_INPUT_TRAIN_IMAGES_DIR) labelMap_tmp = os.path.join(tempDirectory, MLC.USR_INPUT_LABEL_MAP_FILE) labelMap_final = os.path.join(workflow_Annotations, MLC.USR_INPUT_LABEL_MAP_FILE) pipeline_tmp = os.path.join(tempDirectory, MLC.USR_INPUT_PIPELINE_FILE) pipeline_final = os.path.join(workflow_Training, MLC.USR_INPUT_PIPELINE_FILE) # (source,destination) if fh.moveFile(testData_tmp, testData_final) and fh.moveFile( trainData_tmp, trainData_final) and fh.moveFile( labelMap_tmp, labelMap_final) and fh.moveFile( pipeline_tmp, pipeline_final): print("INFO: HyAPI_ML:Files moved successfully") else: print("INFO: HyAPI_ML: Error moving files.") status = "Error(s) while populating the workflow with new files" httpCode = MLC.HTTP_SERVER_ERROR res = createReqDetails_training(workflowID, "NA", "NI", REQUEST_ID, status, httpCode) return make_response(res, httpCode) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) status = "Error(s) while populating the workflow with new files" httpCode = MLC.HTTP_SERVER_ERROR res = createReqDetails_training(workflowID, "NA", "NI", REQUEST_ID, status, httpCode) return make_response(res, httpCode) #STEP-3-a: GENERATE UNIFIED CSV FILES FOR TEST AND TRAIN DATA. train_csv_path = os.path.join(workflow_Annotations, MLC.USR_OUTPUT_TRAIN_CSV) test_csv_path = os.path.join(workflow_Annotations, MLC.USR_OUTPUT_TEST_CSV) try: xml_to_csv.generateCsvFromXml(trainData_final, train_csv_path) xml_to_csv.generateCsvFromXml(testData_final, test_csv_path) print("Dataset XMLs converted to CSV files successfully.") except Exception as e: print(str(e)) status = "Error(s) while generating annotaion CSV files from the dataset XMLs." httpCode = MLC.HTTP_SERVER_ERROR res = createReqDetails_training(workflowID, "NA", "NI", REQUEST_ID, status, httpCode) return make_response(res, httpCode) #STEP-3-b: GENERATE TF-RECORDS FILES FOR TEST AND TRAIN DATA train_records_path = os.path.join(workflow_Annotations, MLC.USR_OUTPUT_TRAIN_RECORD) test_records_path = os.path.join(workflow_Annotations, MLC.USR_OUTPUT_TEST_RECORD) try: generate_tfrecord.generateTfRecords(train_records_path, trainData_final, train_csv_path) generate_tfrecord.generateTfRecords(test_records_path, testData_final, test_csv_path) print("TF-Records file generated successfully.") except Exception as e: print(str(e)) status = "Error(s) occured while generating tf-records file." httpCode = MLC.HTTP_SERVER_ERROR res = createReqDetails_training(workflowID, "NA", "NI", REQUEST_ID, status, httpCode) return make_response(res, httpCode) #STEP-4: START THE TRAINING JOB try: containerID = DockerInterface.startModelTraining( REQUEST_ID, userWorkflow) if containerID != False: print("Training process started, Container ID: " + str(containerID)) status = "Training process started, Model will be available for export once this process finishes." httpCode = MLC.HTTP_CREATED res = createReqDetails_training(workflowID, containerID, "NI", REQUEST_ID, status, httpCode) if MLDC.updateWorkflow(accessID, workflowID, status, containerID): return make_response(res, httpCode) else: status = "Error saving workflow details to db." print("ERROR: HyAPI_ML: " + status) httpCode = MLC.HTTP_SERVER_ERROR res = createReqDetails_training( workflowID, containerID, "NI", REQUEST_ID, status, httpCode) return make_response(res, httpCode) else: status = "Error(s) encountered while starting the training job." print(status) httpCode = MLC.HTTP_SERVER_ERROR res = createReqDetails_training(workflowID, "NA", "NI", REQUEST_ID, status, httpCode) return make_response(res, httpCode) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) status = "Error(s) encountered while starting the training job." httpCode = MLC.HTTP_SERVER_ERROR res = createReqDetails_training(workflowID, "NA", "NI", REQUEST_ID, status, httpCode) return make_response(res, httpCode) #test = DockerInterface.checkContainerStatus(containerID) #print(str(test)) #If one of the required parameters in the request are missing. else: status = "WorkflowName & BaseModel values are required in input json. One or both are missing in the request." print("ERROR: HyAPI_ML: " + status) httpCode = MLC.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST res = createReqDetails_newWorkflow("N/A", "N/A", "N/A", REQUEST_ID, status, httpCode) return make_response(res, httpCode)
def generateUmlDiagram(): # declare as global to update the original variable. global REQUEST_ID # generate a new id for each request. REQUEST_ID = str(uuid.uuid4()) accessID = getAccessId() if isAccessIdAuthentic(accessID): #Get the File IDs from the request parameters inputFileID = request.json #This is the folder in workspace where all the files generated by services shoudl be stored. userFilesDir = dc.getUserFilesDir(accessID) sourceFilePath = dc.getTextUploadPath(accessID) try: inputFile_ID = inputFileID["InputFileID"] except Exception as e: print("ERROR: GEN_UML: " + str(e)) inputFile_ID = "x" print("INFO_GEN_UML: " + inputFile_ID) # File IDs to FileName translation sourceFileName = dc.translateFileidToFilename(inputFile_ID) print("INFO_GEN_UML: FileName on Server: " + sourceFileName) if sourceFileName != False: sourcefile = os.path.join(sourceFilePath, sourceFileName) else: print( "ERROR: GEN_UML: Configuration(source code) with the given FileID parameter not found" ) status = "Configuration(source code) with the given FileID parameter not found" httpCode = 404 res = createRequestDetails("N/A", inputFile_ID, "N/A", status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) return res # Call the service. tool = TOOL_PATH # the cmd script takes in two parameters Input .TXT file and the path to # the output directory which in this case is the "USER FILES DIRECTORY" #PARAMS = sourcefile + " " + OUTPUT_DIR #cmd = tool + " " + PARAMS try: ['java', '-jar', tool, sourcefile, "-o", OUTPUT_DIR]) except Exception as e: print("ERROR: GEN_UML: " + str(e)) status = "Error(s) encountered in executing the service." httpCode = 500 res = createRequestDetails("N/A", inputFile_ID, "N/A", status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) return res #processing on generate file #Plant uml names the generated file the same as input source file. fileName, md5chkSum = postProcessing(sourceFileName, userFilesDir) if fileName != False: print("INFO: GEN_UML: Service executed successfully.") status = "UML diagram generated successfully." Generated_fileID = str(fileNameToHash(REQUEST_ID + getTimeStamp())) httpCode = 201 res = createRequestDetails(fileName, Generated_fileID, md5chkSum, status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) if createFileDetails(Generated_fileID, fileName, accessID): res = make_response(res, httpCode) return res else: print("ERROR: GEN_UML: Error Saving file to server") status = "[ERR] Error saving file to disk." httpCode = 500 res["Status"] = status res["HttpResponse"] = httpCode res = make_response(res, httpCode) #abort(500, "Error saving file to disk") return res else: print( "ERROR: GEN_UML: Error(s) encountered in post processing the results." ) status = "Error(s) encountered in post processing the results." httpCode = 500 res = createRequestDetails(fileName, inputFile_ID, "N/A", status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) return res else: print("ERROR: GEN_UML: Invalid Access-ID, request denied.") status = "[ERR] Invalid Access-ID, request denied." httpCode = 403 res = createRequestDetails("N/A", "N/A", "N/A", status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) res = make_response(res, httpCode) return res
def signup_cli(): # declare as global to update the original variable. global REQUEST_ID # generate a new id for each request. REQUEST_ID = str(uuid.uuid4()) if isInitSuccessful(): try: userData = request.json except Exception as e: print("ERROR: Signup: " + str(e)) status = "[ERR] Bad request, json file not found in request" httpCode = 400 res = createRequestDetails(status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) return res if request.method == 'POST': #TODO: verification email. try: newUserData = { "fName": userData["fName"], "lName": userData["lName"], "fullName": userData["fName"] + " " + userData["lName"], "company": userData["company"], "department": userData["department"], "emailAddr": userData["emailAddr"], "userName": userData["userName"], "password": userData["password"] } except Exception as e: print("ERROR: Signup: " + str(e)) status = "[ERR] Bad request, missing/in-valid data in json file" httpCode = 400 res = createRequestDetails(status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) return res # 1- Generate a new API-key for the user. try: genApiKey = dc.addNewApiKey(newUserData) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) abort(500, "ERROR") #2- Create a dedicated workspace for the new user on server. Path("../" + CONSTANTS.DATABASE_DIR_NAME + "/" + str(genApiKey)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #2.1 - Unzip template workspace thread = Thread(target=prepareWorkSpace, args=(genApiKey, )) thread.start() #3- Send a confirmation email with details. #4- Redirect to "Success" URL/workspace thread.join() print("INFO: Signup: New workspace prepared successfuly.") print("INFO: Signup: Registration Complete") status = "Registration process complete,New user's API Key: " + str( genApiKey) httpCode = 201 res = createRequestDetails(status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) return res #return redirect(url_for('signup_bp.home')) else: welcomeString = "ERROR : INIT FAILED : SignUp " res = make_response(welcomeString, 500) return res
def validateCompuMethods(): # declare as global to update the original variable. global REQUEST_ID # generate a new id for each request. REQUEST_ID = str(uuid.uuid4()) accessID = getAccessId() if isAccessIdAuthentic(accessID): #########Get the File IDs from the request parameters######### inputFileID = request.json userFilesDir = dc.getUserFilesDir(accessID) try: #Get the File IDs from the request parameters xl_FileID = inputFileID["xlFileID"] except Exception as e: print("ERROR: CM_Validation: " + str(e)) xl_FileID = "x" try: a2l_FileID = inputFileID["a2lFileID"] except Exception as e: print("ERROR: CM_Validation: " + str(e)) a2l_FileID = "x" #########File IDs to FileName translation######### fileName = dc.translateFileidToFilename(xl_FileID) if fileName != False: UPLOAD_XSLX_PATH = dc.getExcelUploadPath(accessID) xl_file = os.path.join(UPLOAD_XSLX_PATH, fileName) print(xl_file) else: print( "ERROR: CM_Validation: Excel file with the given FileID parameter not found" ) status = "Excel file with the given FileID parameter not found" httpCode = 404 res = createRequestDetails("404", xl_FileID, "404", status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) return res fileName = dc.translateFileidToFilename(a2l_FileID) if fileName != False: UPLOAD_A2L_PATH = dc.getA2lUploadPath(accessID) a2l_file = os.path.join(UPLOAD_A2L_PATH, fileName) print(a2l_file) else: print( "ERROR: CM_Validation: a2l file with the given FileID parameter not found" ) status = "a2l file with the given FileID parameter not found" httpCode = 404 res = createRequestDetails("404", a2l_FileID, "404", status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) return res OUT_DIR = CMConst.OUTPUT_DIR # Call the service. tool = CMConst.CLI_INTERFACE PARAMS = tool + " " + a2l_file + " " + xl_file + " " + OUT_DIR + " " + OUT_DIR #cmd = PYTHON_PATH + " " + tool + " " + PARAMS try: #subprocess.Popen(cmd)[tool, a2l_file, xl_file, OUT_DIR, OUT_DIR]) except Exception as e: print("ERROR: CM_Validation: " + str(e)) status = "Error(s) encountered in executing the service." httpCode = 500 res = createRequestDetails("404", "404", "404", status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) return res fileName, md5chkSum = postProcessing(userFilesDir) if fileName != False: print("INFO: CM_Validation: Service executed successfully") status = "Service executed successfully." httpCode = 201 Generated_fileID = str(fileNameToHash(REQUEST_ID + getTimeStamp())) res = createRequestDetails(fileName, Generated_fileID, md5chkSum, status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) if createFileDetails(Generated_fileID, fileName, accessID): res = make_response(res, httpCode) return res else: print("ERROR: CM_Validation: Error Saving results to server") status = "[ERR] Error saving file to disk." httpCode = 500 res["Status"] = status res["HttpResponse"] = httpCode res = make_response(res, httpCode) #abort(500, "Error saving file to disk") return res else: status = "Error(s) encountered in post processing the results." httpCode = 500 res = createRequestDetails("404", "404", "404", status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) return res else: print("ERROR: CM_Validation: Invalid Access-ID, request denied.") status = "[ERR] Invalid Access-ID, request denied." httpCode = 403 res = createRequestDetails("xxx", "xxx", "xxx", status, httpCode, REQUEST_ID) res = make_response(res, httpCode) return res
UPLOAD_JSON_PATH = CONSTANTS.USER_UPLOADS_JSON_DIR UPLOAD_A2L_PATH = CONSTANTS.USER_UPLOADS_A2L_DIR UPLOAD_TXT_PATH = CONSTANTS.USER_UPLOADS_TEXT_DIR SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS = CONSTANTS.SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS_UPLOAD MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE = CONSTANTS.MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE ################################ Init Databases ############################## try: from application import Data_Controller as dc print("INFO: FILEUPLOAD: DB Controller initialized successfully.") except: import Data_Controller as dc print("DEBUG: FILEUPLOAD: Safe Mode: Imported alternative DBC.") API_KEY_DB = dc.getApiKeysFromDb() REQ_HISTORY = dc.getRequestHistory() def isInitSuccessful(): if API_KEY_DB == False: return False if REQ_HISTORY == False: return False return True ############################################################################### """ Returns timeStamp at the time of function call """ def getTimeStamp(): return"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))