Example #1
def main(event: func.EventGridEvent):
    result = json.dumps({
        'id': event.id,
        'data': event.get_json(),
        'topic': event.topic,
        'subject': event.subject,
        'event_type': event.event_type,

    logging.info('{} Python EventGrid trigger processed an event:{}'.format(LOG_MESSAGE_HEADER ,result))

    regexp = re.compile(EVENT_SUBJECT_FILTER_REGEX)

    if regexp.search(event.subject): # Check if file path match criteria
        tc = TelemetryClient(APP_INSIGHT_ID)
        tc.context.application.ver = '1.0'
        tc.track_trace('{} STRAT RUN EVENTGRID INGEST TELEMETRY JSON DATA from folder {} '.format(LOG_MESSAGE_HEADER,result))

        configfile_block_blob_service = BlockBlobService(account_name=CONFIG_FILE_BLOB_ACCOUNT, account_key=CONFIG_FILE_BLOB_KEY)
        cleanfile_block_blob_service = BlockBlobService(account_name=CLEAN_FILE_BLOB_ACCOUNT, account_key=CLEAN_FILE_BLOB_KEY)
        logging.info('{} filepath: {}'.format(LOG_MESSAGE_HEADER,filepath))
        logging.info('{} container_name: {}'.format(LOG_MESSAGE_HEADER, container_name))   

        config_file_name_utf8, filesize,vm_uuid,deploy_uuid,config_uuid=generate_UTF8_config_json(configfile_block_blob_service,CONFIG_FILE_CONTAINER,filepath,cleanfile_block_blob_service,CLEAN_FILE_CONTAINER )  
        ingest_to_ADX(config_file_name_utf8, cleanfile_block_blob_service, CLEAN_FILE_CONTAINER, CLEAN_FILE_BLOB_ACCOUNT,filesize,tc,vm_uuid,deploy_uuid,config_uuid)

        logging.info("{} Subject : {} does not match regular express {}. Skip process. ".format(LOG_MESSAGE_HEADER,event.subject,EVENT_SUBJECT_FILTER_REGEX))
Example #2
    def log(self, telemetry_instance):
        """ Log Telemetry instance """

        obfuscate = ObfuscationUtility(self.seed)
        client = TelemetryClient(obfuscate.deobfuscate_text(self.ai_code))
    def test_track_trace_works_as_expected(self):
        def process(data, context):
            data.properties["NEW_PROP"] = "MYPROP"
            context.user.id = "BOTUSER"
            context.session.id = "BOTSESSION"
            return True

        sender = MockTelemetrySender()
        queue = channel.SynchronousQueue(sender)
        client = TelemetryClient(
            channel.TelemetryChannel(context=None, queue=queue))
        client.context.device = None
        client.track_trace('test', {'foo': 'bar'}, severity='WARNING')
        expected = '{"ver": 1, "name": "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Message", "time": "TIME_PLACEHOLDER", "sampleRate": 100.0, "iKey": "99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999", "tags": {"ai.device.id": "DEVICE_ID_PLACEHOLDER", "ai.device.locale": "DEVICE_LOCALE_PLACEHOLDER", "ai.device.osVersion": "DEVICE_OS_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER", "ai.device.type": "DEVICE_TYPE_PLACEHOLDER", "ai.internal.sdkVersion": "SDK_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER", "ai.session.id": "BOTSESSION", "ai.user.id": "BOTUSER"}, "data": {"baseType": "MessageData", "baseData": {"ver": 2, "message": "test", "severityLevel": 2, "properties": {"NEW_PROP": "MYPROP", "foo": "bar"}}}}'
        sender.data.time = 'TIME_PLACEHOLDER'
        sender.data.tags['ai.internal.sdkVersion'] = 'SDK_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER'
        sender.data.tags['ai.device.id'] = "DEVICE_ID_PLACEHOLDER"
        sender.data.tags['ai.device.locale'] = "DEVICE_LOCALE_PLACEHOLDER"
            'ai.device.osVersion'] = "DEVICE_OS_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER"
        sender.data.tags['ai.device.type'] = "DEVICE_TYPE_PLACEHOLDER"
        actual = json.dumps(sender.data.write())
        self.maxDiff = None
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Example #4
def main(req: func.HttpRequest) -> func.HttpResponse:
    logging.info('Python HTTP trigger function processed a request.')

    metricspath = req.params.get('metricspath')
    forceinsert = req.params.get('forceinsert')

    if not metricspath:
            req_body = req.get_json()
        except ValueError:
            metricspath = req_body.get('metricspath')
            forceinsert = req_body.get('forceinsert')

    if forceinsert is None:
        forceinsert = ''

    if metricspath:
        scode = 400
        msg = 'Something Wrong, this is Default Message'
        #print (metricspath)
            scode, msg = process(metricspath, forceinsert)
        except Exception as e:
            error_class = e.__class__.__name__
            detail = e.args[0]
            cl, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
            lastCallStack = traceback.extract_tb(tb)[-1]
            fileName = lastCallStack[0]
            lineNum = lastCallStack[1]
            funcName = lastCallStack[2]
            errMsg = "File \"{}\", line {}, in {}: [{}] {}".format(
                fileName, lineNum, funcName, error_class, detail)

            print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])

            msg = errMsg + traceback.format_exc()

            tc = TelemetryClient('')
            tc.context.application.ver = '1.0'
            tc.context.properties["PROCESS_PROGRAM"] = "BATCH_CSV_V001a"
            tc.context.properties["DATA_FOLDER"] = metricspath

            scode = 500

        return func.HttpResponse(f"Proccessed  {metricspath}! " + msg,

        return func.HttpResponse(
            "Please pass a metricspath on the query string or in the request body",
Example #5
class AI4EAppInsights(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grantee_key = None
        raw_key = getenv(CONF_KEY_GRANTEE, None)
        if (raw_key and len(raw_key.strip()) > 0):
            self.grantee_key = raw_key.strip()

        if (self.grantee_key):
            self.sender = AsynchronousSender()
            self.r_queue = AsynchronousQueue(self.sender)
            self.r_context = AI4ETelemetryContext()
            self.r_channel = TelemetryChannel(self.r_context, self.r_queue)

            self.appinsights_grantee_client = TelemetryClient(
                getenv(CONF_KEY_GRANTEE), self.r_channel)
            self.appinsights_ai4e_client = None

            if (getenv(CONF_KEY_AI4E)):
                self.appinsights_ai4e_client = TelemetryClient(
                    getenv(CONF_KEY_AI4E), self.r_channel)

    def _log(self, message, sev, taskId=None, additionalProperties=None):
        if (self.grantee_key):
            if (taskId):
                if (additionalProperties is None):
                    additionalProperties = {'task_id': taskId}
                    additionalProperties['task_id'] = taskId

                message, severity=sev, properties=additionalProperties)

            if (self.appinsights_ai4e_client):
                    message, severity=sev, properties=additionalProperties)

    def log_debug(self, message, taskId=None, additionalProperties=None):
        self._log(message, "DEBUG", taskId, additionalProperties)

    def log_info(self, message, taskId=None, additionalProperties=None):
        self._log(message, "INFO", taskId, additionalProperties)

    def log_error(self, message, taskId=None, additionalProperties=None):
        self._log(message, "ERROR", taskId, additionalProperties)

    def log_warn(self, message, taskId=None, additionalProperties=None):
        self._log(message, "WARNING", taskId, additionalProperties)

    def log_exception(self, message, taskId=None, additionalProperties=None):
        self._log(message, "CRITICAL", taskId, additionalProperties)
 def test_track_trace_works_as_expected(self):
     sender = MockTelemetrySender()
     queue = channel.SynchronousQueue(sender)
     client = TelemetryClient('99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999', channel.TelemetryChannel(context=None, queue=queue))
     client.context.device = None
     client.track_trace('test', { 'foo': 'bar' })
     expected = '{"ver": 1, "name": "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Message", "time": "TIME_PLACEHOLDER", "sampleRate": 100.0, "iKey": "99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999", "tags": {"ai.internal.sdkVersion": "SDK_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER"}, "data": {"baseType": "MessageData", "baseData": {"ver": 2, "message": "test", "properties": {"foo": "bar"}}}}'
     sender.data.time = 'TIME_PLACEHOLDER'
     sender.data.tags['ai.internal.sdkVersion'] = 'SDK_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER'
     actual = json.dumps(sender.data.write())
     self.maxDiff = None
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
 def test_track_trace_works_as_expected(self):
     sender = MockTelemetrySender()
     queue = channel.SynchronousQueue(sender)
     client = TelemetryClient('99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999', channel.TelemetryChannel(context=None, queue=queue))
     client.context.device = None
     client.track_trace('test', { 'foo': 'bar' }, severity='WARNING')
     expected = '{"ver": 1, "name": "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Message", "time": "TIME_PLACEHOLDER", "sampleRate": 100.0, "iKey": "99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999", "tags": {"ai.internal.sdkVersion": "SDK_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER"}, "data": {"baseType": "MessageData", "baseData": {"ver": 2, "message": "test", "severityLevel": 2, "properties": {"foo": "bar"}}}}'
     sender.data.time = 'TIME_PLACEHOLDER'
     sender.data.tags['ai.internal.sdkVersion'] = 'SDK_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER'
     actual = json.dumps(sender.data.write())
     self.maxDiff = None
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Example #8
def main(mytimer: func.TimerRequest) -> None:


    utc_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(

    if mytimer.past_due:
        logging.info('The timer is past due!')

    logging.info('Python timer trigger function ran at %s', utc_timestamp)

    tc = TelemetryClient(APP_INSIGHT_ID)
    tc.context.application.ver = '1.0'
    tc.context.properties["PROCESS_PROGRAM"] = PROCESS_PROGRAM_NAME
    tc.context.properties["PROCESS_START"] = time.time()
        '{} Start to Check ADX Ingest Log'.format(LOG_MESSAGE_HEADER))

    def test_track_trace_works_as_expected(self):
        def process(data, context):
            data.properties["NEW_PROP"] = "MYPROP"
            context.user.id = "BOTUSER"
            context.session.id = "BOTSESSION"
            return True

        sender = MockTelemetrySender()
        queue = channel.SynchronousQueue(sender)
        client = TelemetryClient('99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999', channel.TelemetryChannel(context=None, queue=queue))
        client.context.device = None
        client.track_trace('test', { 'foo': 'bar' }, severity='WARNING')
        expected = '{"ver": 1, "name": "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Message", "time": "TIME_PLACEHOLDER", "sampleRate": 100.0, "iKey": "99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999", "tags": {"ai.device.id": "DEVICE_ID_PLACEHOLDER", "ai.device.locale": "DEVICE_LOCALE_PLACEHOLDER", "ai.device.osVersion": "DEVICE_OS_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER", "ai.device.type": "DEVICE_TYPE_PLACEHOLDER", "ai.internal.sdkVersion": "SDK_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER", "ai.session.id": "BOTSESSION", "ai.user.id": "BOTUSER"}, "data": {"baseType": "MessageData", "baseData": {"ver": 2, "message": "test", "severityLevel": 2, "properties": {"NEW_PROP": "MYPROP", "foo": "bar"}}}}'
        sender.data.time = 'TIME_PLACEHOLDER'
        sender.data.tags['ai.internal.sdkVersion'] = 'SDK_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER'
        sender.data.tags['ai.device.id'] = "DEVICE_ID_PLACEHOLDER"
        sender.data.tags['ai.device.locale'] = "DEVICE_LOCALE_PLACEHOLDER"
        sender.data.tags['ai.device.osVersion'] = "DEVICE_OS_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER"
        sender.data.tags['ai.device.type'] = "DEVICE_TYPE_PLACEHOLDER"
        actual = json.dumps(sender.data.write())
        self.maxDiff = None
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Example #10
class RaftUtils():
    def __init__(self):
        work_directory = os.environ['RAFT_WORK_DIRECTORY']
        with open(os.path.join(work_directory, 'task-config.json'),
                  'r') as task_config:
            self.config = json.load(task_config)

        connection_str = os.environ['RAFT_SB_OUT_SAS']
        self.topic_client = TopicClient.from_connection_string(connection_str)

        self.telemetry_client = TelemetryClient(

        self.job_id = os.environ['RAFT_JOB_ID']
        self.container_name = os.environ['RAFT_CONTAINER_NAME']

        self.telemetry_properties = {
            "jobId": self.job_id,
            "taskIndex": os.environ['RAFT_TASK_INDEX'],
            "containerName": self.container_name

    def report_status(self, state, details):
        m = {
            'eventType': 'JobStatus',
            'message': {
                'tool': 'ZAP',
                'jobId': self.job_id,
                'agentName': self.container_name,
                'details': details,
                'utcEventTime': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
                'state': state
        msg = Message(str.encode(json.dumps(m)))

    def report_status_created(self, details=None):
        self.report_status('Created', details)

    def report_status_running(self, details=None):
        self.report_status('Running', details)

    def report_status_error(self, details=None):
        self.report_status('Error', details)

    def report_status_completed(self, details=None):
        self.report_status('Completed', details)

    def log_trace(self, trace):

    def log_exception(self):

    def flush(self):

    def get_swagger_target(self):
        swagger = self.config.get("swaggerLocation")
        if swagger and swagger.get("url"):
            return swagger["url"]
        elif swagger.get("filePath"):
            return swagger["filePath"]
Example #11
def merge_rename_core_columns_CSV(vm_uuid, deploy_uuid, config_uuid,
                                  schema_ver, inject_ver, container_name,
                                  filesrootfolder, fileoutputfolder,
    #block_blob_service = BlockBlobService(account_name=SOURCE_CSV_BLOB_ACCOUNT,  sas_token=SOURCE_CSV_BLOB_TOKEN)
    block_blob_service = BlockBlobService(account_name=SOURCE_CSV_BLOB_ACCOUNT,
    tc = TelemetryClient('')
    print("Start merge CSV ", vm_uuid, ' ', deploy_uuid, ' ', config_uuid)

    blobs = []
    marker = None
    while True:
        batch = block_blob_service.list_blobs(container_name,
        if not batch.next_marker:
        marker = batch.next_marker
    i = 0
    blobpaths = []
    for blob in blobs:

    matchers = ['.csv']
    matching = [s for s in blobpaths if any(xs in s for xs in matchers)]

    mergelog = {}
    mergelog["vm_uuid"] = vm_uuid

    mergelog["process_type"] = "MERGE_METRIC_CSV"
    mergelog["file_folder"] = filesrootfolder
    mergelog["process_time"] = time.time()
    mergelog["files"] = []
    mergelog["defect_files"] = []

    a_mergelog = copy.deepcopy(mergelog)

    dfagg = pd.DataFrame(columns=[])

    aggcount = 0
    aggcount_total = 0
    aggoutcount = 0
    aggsize = 0

    error_files = []
    merged_files = []
    totoal_rows = 0
    alldfs = []
    outfilenamebase = fileoutputfolder + filesrootfolder + "_aggr_"
    t1 = time.time()
    #print (outfilenamebase)
    source_col = ['']
    target_col = ['']

    tc.track_trace('Prepare to process ' + str(len(matching)) +
                   '  Metric CSV files ')

    for fname in matching:

        head, tail = os.path.split(fname)

        aggcount += 1
        aggcount_total += 1

        blobstring = block_blob_service.get_blob_to_text(
            container_name, fname).content
        aggsize += len(blobstring)

        #print('Prepare to merge '+str(aggcount_total)+' / '+str(len(matching)) +' Memeory '+str(aggsize)+' File Name: '+tail)
        #tc.track_trace('Prepare to merge '+tail)

        try:  # Rread CSV And Try Processing

            dfone = pd.read_csv(StringIO(blobstring))

            dfAll_cols = dfone.columns
            dfAll_newcols = []

            pc_name = re.search(r'(\\{2}.*\\)(.*\\)', dfAll_cols[1]).group(1)

            for col in dfAll_cols:
                    col.replace(pc_name, '').replace('`', '').replace(
                        '\\', '').replace(' ', '').replace('/', '').replace(
                            '.', '').replace('-', '').replace('%', '').replace(
                                '(', '').replace(')', ''))

            dfAll_newcols[0] = "Universal_datetime"

            # Rename all columns
            dfone.columns = dfAll_newcols


            #if (aggcount>=mixagg) or (aggcount_total==len(matching)):
            if (aggsize > MAX_FILESIZE) or (aggcount_total == len(matching)):
                if (aggcount_total == len(matching)):
                    print("Processing Final File")
                    tc.track_trace('Processing Final File')

                dfagg = pd.concat(alldfs, ignore_index=True)
                dfagg_out = dfagg[source_col]
                dfagg_out.columns = target_col
                dfagg_out['schema_ver'] = schema_ver
                dfagg_out['inject_ver'] = inject_ver
                output = dfagg_out.to_csv(index=False, encoding="utf-8")
                outfile = outfilenamebase + str(aggoutcount) + ".csv"
                    container_name, outfile, output)
                    "Output aggregated file to " + container_name,
                    outfile + " Data Shape " + str(dfagg.shape) + ' uuid: ' +
                    str(vm_uuid) + str(deploy_uuid) + str(config_uuid))
                totoal_rows += dfagg_out.shape[0]


                a_mergelog['output_file'] = outfile
                a_mergelog['merged_files_num'] = len(a_mergelog['files'])
                a_mergelog['defect_files_num'] = len(

                # Insert Process Log to COSMOS DB
                a_mergelog = copy.deepcopy(mergelog)
                t2 = time.time()

                print(("It takes %s seconds to merge " + str(aggcount) +
                       " CSV Metrics") % (t2 - t1))
                aggoutcount += 1
                aggcount = 0
                aggsize = 0
                alldfs = []
                t1 = time.time()
                file_size = BlockBlobService.get_blob_properties(
                    block_blob_service, container_name,
                print(outfile + "  File Size " + str(file_size))

                # Ingest to AXX
                ingest_to_ADX(outfile, file_size)
        except Exception as e:
            print('Error While process ' + fname)
            error_class = e.__class__.__name__
            detail = e.args[0]
            cl, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
            lastCallStack = traceback.extract_tb(tb)[-1]
            fileName = lastCallStack[0]
            lineNum = lastCallStack[1]
            funcName = lastCallStack[2]
            errMsg = "File \"{}\", line {}, in {}: [{}] {}".format(
                fileName, lineNum, funcName, error_class, detail)

            print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])

            msg = errMsg + traceback.format_exc()

            tc = TelemetryClient('')
            tc.context.application.ver = '1.0'
            tc.context.properties["PROCESS_PROGRAM"] = "BATCH_METRIC_CSV_V001a"
            tc.context.properties["DATA_FOLDER"] = metricspath

            # print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
            error_files.append(fname)  # Add No-Well Formed JSON to error file
    print('Total Rows ' + str(totoal_rows))

    tc.track_trace('Proccessed Rows: ' + str(totoal_rows))
    tc.track_metric('BATHCH_INGEST_METRIC_CSV_TOTAL_ROWS', str(totoal_rows))
    return error_files, merged_files, matching
class AppinsightsBotTelemetryClient(BotTelemetryClient):
    def __init__(self, instrumentation_key: str):
        self._instrumentation_key = instrumentation_key

        self._context = TelemetryContext()
        context.instrumentation_key = self._instrumentation_key
        # context.user.id = 'BOTID'        # telemetry_channel.context.session.
        # context.session.id = 'BOTSESSION'

        # set up channel with context
        self._channel = TelemetryChannel(context)
        # telemetry_channel.context.properties['my_property'] = 'my_value'

        self._client = TelemetryClient(self._instrumentation_key,

    def track_pageview(self,
                       name: str,
                       url: str,
                       duration: int = 0,
                       properties: Dict[str, object] = None,
                       measurements: Dict[str, object] = None) -> None:
        Send information about the page viewed in the application (a web page for instance).
        :param name: the name of the page that was viewed.
        :param url: the URL of the page that was viewed.
        :param duration: the duration of the page view in milliseconds. (defaults to: 0)
        :param properties: the set of custom properties the client wants attached to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        :param measurements: the set of custom measurements the client wants to attach to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        self._client.track_pageview(name, url, duration, properties,

    def track_exception(self,
                        type_exception: type = None,
                        value: Exception = None,
                        tb: traceback = None,
                        properties: Dict[str, object] = None,
                        measurements: Dict[str, object] = None) -> None:
        Send information about a single exception that occurred in the application.
        :param type_exception: the type of the exception that was thrown.
        :param value: the exception that the client wants to send.
        :param tb: the traceback information as returned by :func:`sys.exc_info`.
        :param properties: the set of custom properties the client wants attached to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        :param measurements: the set of custom measurements the client wants to attach to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        self._client.track_exception(type_exception, value, tb, properties,

    def track_event(self,
                    name: str,
                    properties: Dict[str, object] = None,
                    measurements: Dict[str, object] = None) -> None:
        Send information about a single event that has occurred in the context of the application.
        :param name: the data to associate to this event.
        :param properties: the set of custom properties the client wants attached to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        :param measurements: the set of custom measurements the client wants to attach to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        self._client.track_event(name, properties, measurements)

    def track_metric(self,
                     name: str,
                     value: float,
                     type: TelemetryDataPointType = None,
                     count: int = None,
                     min: float = None,
                     max: float = None,
                     std_dev: float = None,
                     properties: Dict[str, object] = None) -> NotImplemented:
        Send information about a single metric data point that was captured for the application.
        :param name: The name of the metric that was captured.
        :param value: The value of the metric that was captured.
        :param type: The type of the metric. (defaults to: TelemetryDataPointType.aggregation`)
        :param count: the number of metrics that were aggregated into this data point. (defaults to: None)
        :param min: the minimum of all metrics collected that were aggregated into this data point. (defaults to: None)
        :param max: the maximum of all metrics collected that were aggregated into this data point. (defaults to: None)
        :param std_dev: the standard deviation of all metrics collected that were aggregated into this data point. (defaults to: None)
        :param properties: the set of custom properties the client wants attached to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        self._client.track_metric(name, value, type, count, min, max, std_dev,

    def track_trace(self,
                    name: str,
                    properties: Dict[str, object] = None,
        Sends a single trace statement.
        :param name: the trace statement.\n
        :param properties: the set of custom properties the client wants attached to this data item. (defaults to: None)\n
        :param severity: the severity level of this trace, one of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
        self._client.track_trace(name, properties, severity)

    def track_request(self,
                      name: str,
                      url: str,
                      success: bool,
                      start_time: str = None,
                      duration: int = None,
                      response_code: str = None,
                      http_method: str = None,
                      properties: Dict[str, object] = None,
                      measurements: Dict[str, object] = None,
                      request_id: str = None):
        Sends a single request that was captured for the application.
        :param name: The name for this request. All requests with the same name will be grouped together.
        :param url: The actual URL for this request (to show in individual request instances).
        :param success: True if the request ended in success, False otherwise.
        :param start_time: the start time of the request. The value should look the same as the one returned by :func:`datetime.isoformat()` (defaults to: None)
        :param duration: the number of milliseconds that this request lasted. (defaults to: None)
        :param response_code: the response code that this request returned. (defaults to: None)
        :param http_method: the HTTP method that triggered this request. (defaults to: None)
        :param properties: the set of custom properties the client wants attached to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        :param measurements: the set of custom measurements the client wants to attach to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        :param request_id: the id for this request. If None, a new uuid will be generated. (defaults to: None)
        self._client.track_request(name, url, success, start_time, duration,
                                   response_code, http_method, properties,
                                   measurements, request_id)

    def track_dependency(self,
                         name: str,
                         data: str,
                         type: str = None,
                         target: str = None,
                         duration: int = None,
                         success: bool = None,
                         result_code: str = None,
                         properties: Dict[str, object] = None,
                         measurements: Dict[str, object] = None,
                         dependency_id: str = None):
        Sends a single dependency telemetry that was captured for the application.
        :param name: the name of the command initiated with this dependency call. Low cardinality value. Examples are stored procedure name and URL path template.
        :param data: the command initiated by this dependency call. Examples are SQL statement and HTTP URL with all query parameters.
        :param type: the dependency type name. Low cardinality value for logical grouping of dependencies and interpretation of other fields like commandName and resultCode. Examples are SQL, Azure table, and HTTP. (default to: None)
        :param target: the target site of a dependency call. Examples are server name, host address. (default to: None)
        :param duration: the number of milliseconds that this dependency call lasted. (defaults to: None)
        :param success: true if the dependency call ended in success, false otherwise. (defaults to: None)
        :param result_code: the result code of a dependency call. Examples are SQL error code and HTTP status code. (defaults to: None)
        :param properties: the set of custom properties the client wants attached to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        :param measurements: the set of custom measurements the client wants to attach to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        :param id: the id for this dependency call. If None, a new uuid will be generated. (defaults to: None)
        self._client.track_dependency(name, data, type, target, duration,
                                      success, result_code, properties,
                                      measurements, dependency_id)
def send_logs(client: TelemetryClient, num_traces: int):
    for _ in range(num_traces):
        trace = generate_log_message()
        severity = generate_log_severity()
        client.track_trace(trace, severity=severity)
        LOG.info('sent trace %s %d', trace, severity)
Example #14
class RaftUtils():
    def __init__(self, tool_name):
        from applicationinsights import TelemetryClient
        from azure.servicebus import ServiceBusClient, ServiceBusMessage
        self.config = task_config()

        connection_str = os.environ['RAFT_SB_OUT_SAS']

        self.sb_client = ServiceBusClient.from_connection_string(
        self.topic_client = self.sb_client.get_topic_sender(

        self.telemetry_client = TelemetryClient(

        self.job_id = os.environ['RAFT_JOB_ID']
        self.container_name = os.environ['RAFT_CONTAINER_NAME']
        self.tool_name = tool_name

        self.telemetry_properties = {
            "jobId": self.job_id,
            "taskIndex": os.environ['RAFT_TASK_INDEX'],
            "containerName": self.container_name

        self.newSbMessage = ServiceBusMessage

    def report_bug(self, bugDetails):
        m = {
            'eventType': 'BugFound',
            'message': {
                'tool': self.tool_name,
                'jobId': self.job_id,
                'agentName': self.container_name,
                'bugDetails': bugDetails
        msg = self.newSbMessage(str.encode(json.dumps(m)))

    def report_status(self, state, details):
        m = {
            'eventType': 'JobStatus',
            'message': {
                'tool': self.tool_name,
                'jobId': self.job_id,
                'agentName': self.container_name,
                'details': details,
                'utcEventTime': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
                'state': state
        msg = self.newSbMessage(str.encode(json.dumps(m)))

    def report_status_created(self, details=None):
        self.report_status('Created', details)

    def report_status_running(self, details=None):
        self.report_status('Running', details)

    def report_status_error(self, details=None):
        self.report_status('Error', details)

    def report_status_completed(self, details=None):
        self.report_status('Completed', details)

    def log_trace(self, trace):

    def log_exception(self):

    def flush(self):
Example #15
class ApplicationInsightsTelemetryClient(BotTelemetryClient):
    def __init__(self, instrumentation_key: str):
        self._instrumentation_key = instrumentation_key
        self._client = TelemetryClient(self._instrumentation_key)

        # Telemetry Processor
        def telemetry_processor(data, context):
            post_data = IntegrationPostData().activity_json
            # Override session and user id
            from_prop = post_data['from'] if 'from' in post_data else None
            user_id = from_prop['id'] if from_prop != None else None
            channel_id = post_data[
                'channelId'] if 'channelId' in post_data else None
            conversation = post_data[
                'conversation'] if 'conversation' in post_data else None
            conversation_id = conversation[
                'id'] if 'id' in conversation else None
            context.user.id = channel_id + user_id
            context.session.id = conversation_id

            # Additional bot-specific properties
            if 'activityId' in post_data:
                data.properties["activityId"] = post_data['activityId']
            if 'channelId' in post_data:
                data.properties["channelId"] = post_data['channelId']
            if 'activityType' in post_data:
                data.properties["activityType"] = post_data['activityType']


    def track_pageview(self,
                       name: str,
                       url: str,
                       duration: int = 0,
                       properties: Dict[str, object] = None,
                       measurements: Dict[str, object] = None) -> None:
        Send information about the page viewed in the application (a web page for instance).
        :param name: the name of the page that was viewed.
        :param url: the URL of the page that was viewed.
        :param duration: the duration of the page view in milliseconds. (defaults to: 0)
        :param properties: the set of custom properties the client wants attached to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        :param measurements: the set of custom measurements the client wants to attach to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        self._client.track_pageview(name, url, duration, properties,

    def track_exception(self,
                        type_exception: type = None,
                        value: Exception = None,
                        tb: traceback = None,
                        properties: Dict[str, object] = None,
                        measurements: Dict[str, object] = None) -> None:
        Send information about a single exception that occurred in the application.
        :param type_exception: the type of the exception that was thrown.
        :param value: the exception that the client wants to send.
        :param tb: the traceback information as returned by :func:`sys.exc_info`.
        :param properties: the set of custom properties the client wants attached to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        :param measurements: the set of custom measurements the client wants to attach to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        self._client.track_exception(type_exception, value, tb, properties,

    def track_event(self,
                    name: str,
                    properties: Dict[str, object] = None,
                    measurements: Dict[str, object] = None) -> None:
        Send information about a single event that has occurred in the context of the application.
        :param name: the data to associate to this event.
        :param properties: the set of custom properties the client wants attached to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        :param measurements: the set of custom measurements the client wants to attach to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        self._client.track_event(name, properties, measurements)

    def track_metric(self,
                     name: str,
                     value: float,
                     type: TelemetryDataPointType = None,
                     count: int = None,
                     min: float = None,
                     max: float = None,
                     std_dev: float = None,
                     properties: Dict[str, object] = None) -> NotImplemented:
        Send information about a single metric data point that was captured for the application.
        :param name: The name of the metric that was captured.
        :param value: The value of the metric that was captured.
        :param type: The type of the metric. (defaults to: TelemetryDataPointType.aggregation`)
        :param count: the number of metrics that were aggregated into this data point. (defaults to: None)
        :param min: the minimum of all metrics collected that were aggregated into this data point. (defaults to: None)
        :param max: the maximum of all metrics collected that were aggregated into this data point. (defaults to: None)
        :param std_dev: the standard deviation of all metrics collected that were aggregated into this data point. (defaults to: None)
        :param properties: the set of custom properties the client wants attached to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        self._client.track_metric(name, value, type, count, min, max, std_dev,

    def track_trace(self,
                    name: str,
                    properties: Dict[str, object] = None,
        Sends a single trace statement.
        :param name: the trace statement.\n
        :param properties: the set of custom properties the client wants attached to this data item. (defaults to: None)\n
        :param severity: the severity level of this trace, one of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
        self._client.track_trace(name, properties, severity)

    def track_request(self,
                      name: str,
                      url: str,
                      success: bool,
                      start_time: str = None,
                      duration: int = None,
                      response_code: str = None,
                      http_method: str = None,
                      properties: Dict[str, object] = None,
                      measurements: Dict[str, object] = None,
                      request_id: str = None):
        Sends a single request that was captured for the application.
        :param name: The name for this request. All requests with the same name will be grouped together.
        :param url: The actual URL for this request (to show in individual request instances).
        :param success: True if the request ended in success, False otherwise.
        :param start_time: the start time of the request. The value should look the same as the one returned by :func:`datetime.isoformat()` (defaults to: None)
        :param duration: the number of milliseconds that this request lasted. (defaults to: None)
        :param response_code: the response code that this request returned. (defaults to: None)
        :param http_method: the HTTP method that triggered this request. (defaults to: None)
        :param properties: the set of custom properties the client wants attached to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        :param measurements: the set of custom measurements the client wants to attach to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        :param request_id: the id for this request. If None, a new uuid will be generated. (defaults to: None)
        self._client.track_request(name, url, success, start_time, duration,
                                   response_code, http_method, properties,
                                   measurements, request_id)

    def track_dependency(self,
                         name: str,
                         data: str,
                         type: str = None,
                         target: str = None,
                         duration: int = None,
                         success: bool = None,
                         result_code: str = None,
                         properties: Dict[str, object] = None,
                         measurements: Dict[str, object] = None,
                         dependency_id: str = None):
        Sends a single dependency telemetry that was captured for the application.
        :param name: the name of the command initiated with this dependency call. Low cardinality value. Examples are stored procedure name and URL path template.
        :param data: the command initiated by this dependency call. Examples are SQL statement and HTTP URL with all query parameters.
        :param type: the dependency type name. Low cardinality value for logical grouping of dependencies and interpretation of other fields like commandName and resultCode. Examples are SQL, Azure table, and HTTP. (default to: None)
        :param target: the target site of a dependency call. Examples are server name, host address. (default to: None)
        :param duration: the number of milliseconds that this dependency call lasted. (defaults to: None)
        :param success: true if the dependency call ended in success, false otherwise. (defaults to: None)
        :param result_code: the result code of a dependency call. Examples are SQL error code and HTTP status code. (defaults to: None)
        :param properties: the set of custom properties the client wants attached to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        :param measurements: the set of custom measurements the client wants to attach to this data item. (defaults to: None)
        :param id: the id for this dependency call. If None, a new uuid will be generated. (defaults to: None)
        self._client.track_dependency(name, data, type, target, duration,
                                      success, result_code, properties,
                                      measurements, dependency_id)

    def flush(self):
        """Flushes data in the queue. Data in the queue will be sent either immediately irrespective of what sender is
        being used.
Example #16
def trace_item():
    tc = TelemetryClient('<YOUR INSTRUMENTATION KEY GOES HERE>')
    tc.track_trace('Test trace', {'foo': 'bar'})  #trace function to be given
Example #17
def process(filesrootfolder, forceinsert):

    # Create process id as identify of this process
    process_id = time.time()

    tc = TelemetryClient('')

    tc.context.application.ver = '1.0'
    tc.context.properties["PROCESS_PROGRAM"] = "BATCH_CSV_V001a"
    tc.context.properties["PROCESS_START"] = time.time()
    tc.context.properties["DATA_FOLDER"] = filesrootfolder
    tc.context.properties["PROCESS_ID"] = process_id

    tc.track_trace('STRAT RUN BATHCH INGEST  CSV DATA from folder ' +
    tc.track_event('BATHCH_INGEST_CSV_START', {
        'PROCESS_ID': process_id,
        'DATA_FOLDER': filesrootfolder
    }, {})

    #print (vm_uuid,deploy_uuid,config_uuid)

    # Prepare COSMOS Link

    url = COSMOS_URL
    #key = os.environ['ACCOUNT_KEY']
    key = COSMOS_KEY
    client = cosmos_client.CosmosClient(url, {'masterKey': key})
    database_id = COSMOS_DATABASE
    container_id = COSMOS_CONTAINER

    database_link = 'dbs/' + database_id
    collection_link = database_link + '/colls/' + container_id

    doc_id = vm_uuid + '_' + config_uuid + '_' + deploy_uuid + '_Metric'
    doc_link = collection_link + '/docs/' + doc_id

    options = {}
    options['enableCrossPartitionQuery'] = True
    options['maxItemCount'] = 5
    options['partitionKey'] = vm_uuid

    proc_log_doc = None
        proc_log_doc = client.ReadItem(doc_link, options)
        print("New Process  Metric Doc")

    if (proc_log_doc is not None):
        print("Find Existing  Metric Doc ")

        if str(forceinsert).lower(
        ) != 'true':  # Stop Proccess if data is already been proccessed
            return 400, doc_id + " is already been processed"

    else:  # New process log
        proc_log_doc = {}
        proc_log_doc["PROCESSES"] = []
        proc_log_doc["DOC_TYPE"] = "PROCESS_METRIC"
        proc_log_doc["PROCESS_PROGRAM"] = "BATCH_METRIC_CSV_V001a"
        proc_log_doc['id'] = doc_id

    tc.track_event('BATHCH_INGEST_METRIC_CSV', {'PROCESS_ID': process_id},
                   {'DATA_FOLDER': filesrootfolder})
    #+'_'+config_uuid+'_'+deploy_uuid , { 'DATA_FOLDER': telemetriespath }
    proc_log_this = {}
    proc_log_this["PROCESS_PROGRAM"] = "BATCH_METRIC_CSV_V001a"
    proc_log_this["PROCESS_START"] = time.time()
    proc_log_this["DATA_FOLDER"] = filesrootfolder
        'id'] = vm_uuid + '_' + config_uuid + '_' + deploy_uuid + '_' + str(

    error_files, merged_files, source_files = merge_rename_core_columns_CSV(
        vm_uuid, deploy_uuid, config_uuid, 'defualt_metrics_csv_001A', 0,
        SOURCE_CSV_CONTAINER, filesrootfolder, FILE_OUTPUT_FOLDER, process_id)

    # ToDo  ...
    proc_log_this["PROCESS_ID"] = process_id
    proc_log_this["ERROR_SOURCE_FILES_COUNT"] = len(error_files)
    proc_log_this["SOURCE_FILES_COUNT"] = len(source_files)


    # print(str(len(error_files)),'  ',str(len(merged_files)))

    proc_log_this["PROCESS_END"] = time.time()
    proc_log_this["STATUS"] = "OK"

    proc_log_this["STATUS_MESSAGE"] = (
        "It takes %s seconds to ingest  CSV file from Blob Storage") % (
            proc_log_this["PROCESS_END"] - proc_log_this["PROCESS_START"])

    proc_log_doc['LATEST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP'] = time.time()

    # Update Process Log
    client.UpsertItem(collection_link, proc_log_doc, options)

    tc.track_trace('END RUN BATHCH INGEST  METRIC CSV DATA from folder ' +

    tc.track_event('BATHCH_INGEST_METRIC_CSV_END', {
        'PROCESS_ID': process_id,
        'DATA_FOLDER': filesrootfolder
    }, {
        'DEFECT_FILES_COUNT': len(error_files),
        'MERGED_FILES_COUNT': len(merged_files),
        'SOURCE_FILES_COUNT': len(source_files)
Example #18
from applicationinsights import TelemetryClient
tc.track_event('Test event')

#Sending an event telemetry item with custom properties and measurements
from applicationinsights import TelemetryClient
tc.track_event('Test event', { 'foo': 'bar' }, { 'baz': 42 })

#Sending a trace telemetry item with custom properties
from applicationinsights import TelemetryClient
tc.track_trace('Test trace', { 'foo': 'bar' })

#Sending a metric telemetry item
from applicationinsights import TelemetryClient
tc.track_metric('My Metric', 42)

#Sending an exception telemetry item with custom properties and measurements
import sys
from applicationinsights import TelemetryClient
    raise Exception('blah')