Example #1
 def get(self, id):
     """Retrieve the CAPTCHA with the given ID. If it's expired already,
        this will return None. A typical web application will need to
        new() a CAPTCHA when generating an html page, then get() it later
        when its images or sounds must be rendered.
     redis_captcha_dict_obj = RedisCaptchaDict.get_instance('0')
     self.storedInstances = redis_captcha_dict_obj.captcha_dict
     return self.storedInstances.get(id)
Example #2
    def new(self, cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a new instance of our assigned BaseCaptcha subclass, passing
           it any extra arguments we're given. This stores the result for
           later testing.
        inst = cls(*args, **kwargs)

        redis_captcha_dict_obj = RedisCaptchaDict.get_instance('0')
        self.storedInstances = redis_captcha_dict_obj.captcha_dict
        self.storedInstances[inst.id] = inst

        return inst
Example #3
    def clean(self):
        """Removed expired tests"""
        expiredIds = []
        now = time.time()

        redis_captcha_dict_obj = RedisCaptchaDict.get_instance('0')
        self.storedInstances = redis_captcha_dict_obj.captcha_dict

        for inst in self.storedInstances.itervalues():
            if inst.creationTime + self.lifetime < now:
        for id in expiredIds:
            del self.storedInstances[id]

Example #4
    def test(self, id, solutions):
        """Test the given list of solutions against the BaseCaptcha instance
           created earlier with the given id. Returns True if the test passed,
           False on failure. In either case, the test is invalidated. Returns
           False in the case of an invalid id.

        redis_captcha_dict_obj = RedisCaptchaDict.get_instance('0')
        self.storedInstances = redis_captcha_dict_obj.captcha_dict

        inst = self.storedInstances.get(id)
        if not inst:
            return False
        result = inst.testSolutions(solutions)
        return result