Example #1
def ecdh_encode(unmasked, receiver_pk=None, derivation=None):
    Elliptic Curve Diffie-Helman: encodes and decodes the amount b and mask a
    where C= aG + bH
    :param unmasked:
    :param receiver_pk:
    :param derivation:
    from apps.monero.xmr.serialize_messages.tx_ecdh import EcdhTuple

    rv = EcdhTuple()
    if derivation is None:
        esk = crypto.random_scalar()
        rv.senderPk = crypto.scalarmult_base(esk)
        derivation = crypto.encodepoint(crypto.scalarmult(receiver_pk, esk))

    sharedSec1 = crypto.hash_to_scalar(derivation)
    sharedSec2 = crypto.hash_to_scalar(crypto.encodeint(sharedSec1))

    rv.mask = crypto.sc_add(unmasked.mask, sharedSec1)
    rv.amount = crypto.sc_add(unmasked.amount, sharedSec2)
    return rv
Example #2
def generate_mlsag_full(message, pubs, in_sk, out_sk_mask, out_pk_commitments,
                        kLRki, index, txn_fee_key):
    cols = len(pubs)
    if cols == 0:
        raise ValueError("Empty pubs")
    rows = len(pubs[0])
    if rows == 0:
        raise ValueError("Empty pub row")
    for i in range(cols):
        if len(pubs[i]) != rows:
            raise ValueError("pub is not rectangular")

    if len(in_sk) != rows:
        raise ValueError("Bad inSk size")
    if len(out_sk_mask) != len(out_pk_commitments):
        raise ValueError("Bad outsk/putpk size")

    sk = _key_vector(rows + 1)
    M = _key_matrix(rows + 1, cols)
    for i in range(rows + 1):
        sk[i] = crypto.sc_0()

    for i in range(cols):
        M[i][rows] = crypto.identity()
        for j in range(rows):
            M[i][j] = crypto.decodepoint(pubs[i][j].dest)
            M[i][rows] = crypto.point_add(
                M[i][rows], crypto.decodepoint(pubs[i][j].commitment))

    sk[rows] = crypto.sc_0()
    for j in range(rows):
        sk[j] = in_sk[j].dest
        sk[rows] = crypto.sc_add(sk[rows],
                                 in_sk[j].mask)  # add masks in last row

    for i in range(cols):
        for j in range(len(out_pk_commitments)):
            M[i][rows] = crypto.point_sub(
                M[i][rows], crypto.decodepoint(
                    out_pk_commitments[j]))  # subtract output Ci's in last row

        # Subtract txn fee output in last row
        M[i][rows] = crypto.point_sub(M[i][rows], txn_fee_key)

    for j in range(len(out_pk_commitments)):
        sk[rows] = crypto.sc_sub(
            sk[rows], out_sk_mask[j])  # subtract output masks in last row

    return generate_mlsag(message, M, sk, kLRki, index, rows)
def _ecdh_encode(mask, amount, amount_key, v2=False):
    Output recipients need be able to reconstruct the amount commitments.
    This means the blinding factor `mask` and `amount` must be communicated
    to the receiver somehow.

    The mask and amount are stored as:
    - mask = mask + Hs(amount_key)
    - amount = amount + Hs(Hs(amount_key))
    Because the receiver can derive the `amount_key` they can
    easily derive both mask and amount as well.
    from apps.monero.xmr.serialize_messages.tx_ecdh import EcdhTuple

    ecdh_info = EcdhTuple(mask=mask, amount=crypto.sc_init(amount))

    if v2:
        amnt = ecdh_info.amount
        ecdh_info.mask = crypto.NULL_KEY_ENC
        ecdh_info.amount = bytearray(32)
        crypto.encodeint_into(ecdh_info.amount, amnt)
        crypto.xor8(ecdh_info.amount, _ecdh_hash(amount_key))
        return ecdh_info

        amount_key_hash_single = crypto.hash_to_scalar(amount_key)
        amount_key_hash_double = crypto.hash_to_scalar(

        # Not modifying passed mask, is reused in BP.
        ecdh_info.mask = crypto.sc_add(ecdh_info.mask, amount_key_hash_single)
        crypto.sc_add_into(ecdh_info.amount, ecdh_info.amount,
        ecdh_info.mask = crypto.encodeint(ecdh_info.mask)
        ecdh_info.amount = crypto.encodeint(ecdh_info.amount)
        return ecdh_info
Example #4
def generate_ring_signature(prefix_hash,
    Generates ring signature with key image.
    void crypto_ops::generate_ring_signature()

    :param prefix_hash:
    :param image:
    :param pubs:
    :param sec:
    :param sec_idx:
    :param test:
    from apps.monero.xmr.common import memcpy

    if test:
        from apps.monero.xmr import monero

        t = crypto.scalarmult_base(sec)
        if not crypto.point_eq(t, pubs[sec_idx]):
            raise ValueError("Invalid sec key")

        k_i = monero.generate_key_image(crypto.encodepoint(pubs[sec_idx]), sec)
        if not crypto.point_eq(k_i, image):
            raise ValueError("Key image invalid")
        for k in pubs:

    image_unp = crypto.ge_frombytes_vartime(image)
    image_pre = crypto.ge_dsm_precomp(image_unp)

    buff_off = len(prefix_hash)
    buff = bytearray(buff_off + 2 * 32 * len(pubs))
    memcpy(buff, 0, prefix_hash, 0, buff_off)
    mvbuff = memoryview(buff)

    sum = crypto.sc_0()
    k = crypto.sc_0()
    sig = []
    for i in range(len(pubs)):
        sig.append([crypto.sc_0(), crypto.sc_0()])  # c, r

    for i in range(len(pubs)):
        if i == sec_idx:
            k = crypto.random_scalar()
            tmp3 = crypto.scalarmult_base(k)
            crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp3, mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32])
            buff_off += 32

            tmp3 = crypto.hash_to_ec(crypto.encodepoint(pubs[i]))
            tmp2 = crypto.scalarmult(tmp3, k)
            crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp2, mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32])
            buff_off += 32

            sig[i] = [crypto.random_scalar(), crypto.random_scalar()]
            tmp3 = crypto.ge_frombytes_vartime(pubs[i])
            tmp2 = crypto.ge_double_scalarmult_base_vartime(
                sig[i][0], tmp3, sig[i][1])
            crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp2, mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32])
            buff_off += 32

            tmp3 = crypto.hash_to_ec(crypto.encodepoint(tmp3))
            tmp2 = crypto.ge_double_scalarmult_precomp_vartime(
                sig[i][1], tmp3, sig[i][0], image_pre)
            crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp2, mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32])
            buff_off += 32

            sum = crypto.sc_add(sum, sig[i][0])

    h = crypto.hash_to_scalar(buff)
    sig[sec_idx][0] = crypto.sc_sub(h, sum)
    sig[sec_idx][1] = crypto.sc_mulsub(sig[sec_idx][0], sec, k)
    return sig