def run(self, feed_ids, **kwargs): from apps.rss_feeds.models import Feed if not isinstance(feed_ids, list): feed_ids = [feed_ids] Feed.setup_feeds_for_premium_subscribers(feed_ids)
def run(self, feed_ids, **kwargs): from apps.rss_feeds.models import Feed if not isinstance(feed_ids, list): feed_ids = [feed_ids] Feed.schedule_feed_fetches_immediately(feed_ids)
def add_missing_feeds(self): all_feeds = self.flat() subs = [us.feed_id for us in UserSubscription.objects.filter(user=self.user).only('feed')] missing_subs = set(all_feeds) - set(subs) if missing_subs: logging.debug(" ---> %s is missing %s subs. Adding %s..." % ( self.user, len(missing_subs), missing_subs)) for feed_id in missing_subs: feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) if feed: us, _ = UserSubscription.objects.get_or_create(user=self.user, feed=feed, defaults={ 'needs_unread_recalc': True }) if not us.needs_unread_recalc: us.needs_unread_recalc = True missing_folder_feeds = set(subs) - set(all_feeds) if missing_folder_feeds: user_sub_folders = json.decode(self.folders) logging.debug(" ---> %s is missing %s folder feeds. Adding %s..." % ( self.user, len(missing_folder_feeds), missing_folder_feeds)) for feed_id in missing_folder_feeds: feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) if feed and == feed_id: user_sub_folders = add_object_to_folder(feed_id, "", user_sub_folders) self.folders = json.encode(user_sub_folders)
def process_starred_items(self, stories): for story in stories: try: original_feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(story["origin"]["streamId"], create=False, fetch=False) if not original_feed: original_feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(story["origin"]["htmlUrl"], create=False, fetch=False) content = story.get("content") or story.get("summary") story_db = { "user_id":, "starred_date": datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(story["updated"]), "story_date": datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(story["published"]), "story_title": story.get("title", story.get("origin", {}).get("title", "[Untitled]")), "story_permalink": story["alternate"][0]["href"], "story_guid": story["id"], "story_content": content.get("content"), "story_author_name": story.get("author"), "story_feed_id": original_feed and, "story_tags": [tag for tag in story.get("categories", []) if "user/" not in tag], } logging.user( self.user, "~FCStarring: ~SB%s~SN in ~SB%s" % (story_db["story_title"][:50], original_feed and original_feed), ) MStarredStory.objects.create(**story_db) except OperationError: logging.user(self.user, "~FCAlready starred: ~SB%s" % (story_db["story_title"][:50])) except Exception, e: logging.user(self.user, "~FC~BRFailed to star: ~SB%s / %s" % (story, e))
def process_starred_items(self, stories): for story in stories: try: original_feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(story['origin']['streamId'], create=False, fetch=False) if not original_feed: original_feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(story['origin']['htmlUrl'], create=False, fetch=False) content = story.get('content') or story.get('summary') story_db = { "user_id":, "starred_date": datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(story['updated']), "story_date": datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(story['published']), "story_title": story.get('title', story.get('origin', {}).get('title', '[Untitled]')), "story_permalink": story['alternate'][0]['href'], "story_guid": story['id'], "story_content": content.get('content'), "story_author_name": story.get('author'), "story_feed_id": original_feed and, "story_tags": [tag for tag in story.get('categories', []) if 'user/' not in tag] } logging.user(self.user, "~FCStarring: ~SB%s~SN in ~SB%s" % (story_db['story_title'][:50], original_feed and original_feed)) MStarredStory.objects.create(**story_db) except OperationError: logging.user(self.user, "~FCAlready starred: ~SB%s" % (story_db['story_title'][:50])) except Exception, e: logging.user(self.user, "~FC~BRFailed to star: ~SB%s / %s" % (story, e))
def feed_autocomplete(request): query = request.GET.get('term') or request.GET.get('query') version = int(request.GET.get('v', 1)) format = request.GET.get('format', 'autocomplete') # user = get_user(request) # if True or not user.profile.is_premium: # return dict(code=-1, message="Overloaded, no autocomplete results.", feeds=[], term=query) if not query: return dict(code=-1, message="Specify a search 'term'.", feeds=[], term=query) if '.' in query: try: parts = urlparse(query) if not parts.hostname and not query.startswith('http'): parts = urlparse('http://%s' % query) if parts.hostname: query = parts.hostname except: logging.user(request, "~FGAdd search, could not parse url in ~FR%s" % query) feed_ids = Feed.autocomplete(query) feeds = list(set([Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) for feed_id in feed_ids])) feeds = [feed for feed in feeds if feed and not feed.branch_from_feed] if format == 'autocomplete': feeds = [{ 'id':, 'value': feed.feed_address, 'label': feed.feed_title, 'tagline': and, 'num_subscribers': feed.num_subscribers, } for feed in feeds] else: feeds = [feed.canonical(full=True) for feed in feeds] feeds = sorted(feeds, key=lambda f: -1 * f['num_subscribers']) feed_ids = [f['id'] for f in feeds] feed_icons = dict((icon.feed_id, icon) for icon in MFeedIcon.objects.filter(feed_id__in=feed_ids)) for feed in feeds: if feed['id'] in feed_icons: feed_icon = feed_icons[feed['id']] if feed['favicon_color'] = feed_icon.color feed['favicon'] = logging.user(request, "~FGAdd Search: ~SB%s ~SN(%s matches)" % (query, len(feeds),)) if version > 1: return { 'feeds': feeds, 'term': query, } else: return feeds
def feed_autocomplete(request): query = request.GET.get("term") or request.GET.get("query") version = int(request.GET.get("v", 1)) format = request.GET.get("format", "autocomplete") # user = get_user(request) # if True or not user.profile.is_premium: # return dict(code=-1, message="Overloaded, no autocomplete results.", feeds=[], term=query) if not query: return dict(code=-1, message="Specify a search 'term'.", feeds=[], term=query) if "." in query: try: parts = urlparse(query) if not parts.hostname and not query.startswith("http"): parts = urlparse("http://%s" % query) if parts.hostname: query = parts.hostname except: logging.user(request, "~FGAdd search, could not parse url in ~FR%s" % query) feed_ids = Feed.autocomplete(query) feeds = [Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) for feed_id in feed_ids] if format == "autocomplete": feeds = [ { "id":, "value": feed.feed_address, "label": feed.feed_title, "tagline": and, "num_subscribers": feed.num_subscribers, } for feed in feeds if feed ] else: feeds = [feed.canonical(full=True) for feed in feeds] feeds = sorted(feeds, key=lambda f: -1 * f["num_subscribers"]) feed_ids = [f["id"] for f in feeds] feed_icons = dict((icon.feed_id, icon) for icon in MFeedIcon.objects.filter(feed_id__in=feed_ids)) for feed in feeds: if feed["id"] in feed_icons: feed_icon = feed_icons[feed["id"]] if feed["favicon_color"] = feed_icon.color feed["favicon"] = logging.user(request, "~FGAdd Search: ~SB%s ~SN(%s matches)" % (query, len(feeds))) if version > 1: return {"feeds": feeds, "term": query} else: return feeds
def exception_retry(request): user = get_user(request) feed_id = get_argument_or_404(request, 'feed_id') reset_fetch = json.decode(request.POST['reset_fetch']) feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) original_feed = feed if not feed: raise Http404 feed.schedule_feed_fetch_immediately() changed = False if feed.has_page_exception: changed = True feed.has_page_exception = False if feed.has_feed_exception: changed = True feed.has_feed_exception = False if not changed = True = True if changed:['has_page_exception', 'has_feed_exception', 'active']) original_fetched_once = feed.fetched_once if reset_fetch: logging.user(request, "~FRRefreshing exception feed: ~SB%s" % (feed)) feed.fetched_once = False else: logging.user(request, "~FRForcing refreshing feed: ~SB%s" % (feed)) feed.fetched_once = True if feed.fetched_once != original_fetched_once:['fetched_once']) feed = feed.update(force=True, compute_scores=False, verbose=True) feed = Feed.get_by_id( try: usersub = UserSubscription.objects.get(user=user, feed=feed) except UserSubscription.DoesNotExist: usersubs = UserSubscription.objects.filter(user=user, feed=original_feed) if usersubs: usersub = usersubs[0] usersub.switch_feed(feed, original_feed) else: return {'code': -1} usersub.calculate_feed_scores(silent=False) feeds = { usersub and usersub.canonical(full=True), feed_id: usersub.canonical(full=True)} return {'code': 1, 'feeds': feeds}
def count_unreads_for_subscribers(self, feed): user_subs = UserSubscription.objects.filter( feed=feed, active=True, user__profile__last_seen_on__gte=feed.unread_cutoff ).order_by("-last_read_date") if not user_subs.count(): return for sub in user_subs: if not sub.needs_unread_recalc: sub.needs_unread_recalc = True if self.options["compute_scores"]: r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_STORY_HASH_POOL) stories = MStory.objects(, story_date__gte=feed.unread_cutoff) stories = Feed.format_stories(stories, story_hashes = r.zrangebyscore( "zF:%s" %, int(feed.unread_cutoff.strftime("%s")), int(time.time() + 60 * 60 * 24) ) missing_story_hashes = set(story_hashes) - set([s["story_hash"] for s in stories]) if missing_story_hashes: missing_stories = MStory.objects(, story_hash__in=missing_story_hashes ).read_preference(pymongo.ReadPreference.PRIMARY) missing_stories = Feed.format_stories(missing_stories, stories = missing_stories + stories logging.debug( u" ---> [%-30s] ~FYFound ~SB~FC%s(of %s)/%s~FY~SN un-secondaried stories while computing scores" % (feed.title[:30], len(missing_stories), len(missing_story_hashes), len(stories)) ) cache.set("S:%s" %, stories, 60) logging.debug( u" ---> [%-30s] ~FYComputing scores: ~SB%s stories~SN with ~SB%s subscribers ~SN(%s/%s/%s)" % ( feed.title[:30], len(stories), user_subs.count(), feed.num_subscribers, feed.active_subscribers, feed.premium_subscribers, ) ) self.calculate_feed_scores_with_stories(user_subs, stories) elif self.options.get("mongodb_replication_lag"): logging.debug( u" ---> [%-30s] ~BR~FYSkipping computing scores: ~SB%s seconds~SN of mongodb lag" % (feed.title[:30], self.options.get("mongodb_replication_lag")) )
def run(self, feed_pks, **kwargs): from apps.rss_feeds.models import Feed from apps.statistics.models import MStatistics r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_FEED_UPDATE_POOL) mongodb_replication_lag = int(MStatistics.get('mongodb_replication_lag', 0)) compute_scores = bool(mongodb_replication_lag < 10) profiler = DBProfilerMiddleware() profiler_activated = profiler.process_celery() if profiler_activated: mongo_middleware = MongoDumpMiddleware() mongo_middleware.process_celery(profiler) redis_middleware = RedisDumpMiddleware() redis_middleware.process_celery(profiler) options = { 'quick': float(MStatistics.get('quick_fetch', 0)), 'updates_off': MStatistics.get('updates_off', False), 'compute_scores': compute_scores, 'mongodb_replication_lag': mongodb_replication_lag, } if not isinstance(feed_pks, list): feed_pks = [feed_pks] for feed_pk in feed_pks: feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_pk) if not feed or != int(feed_pk):" ---> ~FRRemoving feed_id %s from tasked_feeds queue, points to %s..." % (feed_pk, feed and r.zrem('tasked_feeds', feed_pk) if feed: feed.update(**options) if profiler_activated: profiler.process_celery_finished()
def forwards(self, orm): from apps.rss_feeds.models import MStory, Feed import time db = pymongo.Connection(settings.MONGODB_HOST) batch = 0 start = 0 for f in xrange(start, Feed.objects.latest('pk').pk): if f < batch*100000: continue start = time.time() try: try: feed = Feed.get_by_id(f) except Feed.DoesNotExist: continue if not feed: continue cp1 = time.time() - start # if feed.active_premium_subscribers < 1: continue stories = MStory.objects.filter(, story_hash__exists=False)\ .only('_id', 'story_feed_id', 'story_permalink') cp2 = time.time() - start for story in stories: db.newsblur.stories.update({"_id":}, {"$set": { "story_hash": story.story_hash }}) cp3 = time.time() - start print "%3s stories: %s (%s/%s/%s)" % (stories.count(), feed, round(cp1, 2), round(cp2, 2), round(cp3, 2)) except Exception, e: print " ***> (%s) %s" % (f, e)
def original_text(request): story_id = request.REQUEST.get('story_id') feed_id = request.REQUEST.get('feed_id') story_hash = request.REQUEST.get('story_hash', None) force = request.REQUEST.get('force', False) debug = request.REQUEST.get('debug', False) if story_hash: story, _ = MStory.find_story(story_hash=story_hash) else: story, _ = MStory.find_story(story_id=story_id, story_feed_id=feed_id) if not story: logging.user(request, "~FYFetching ~FGoriginal~FY story text: ~FRstory not found") return {'code': -1, 'message': 'Story not found.', 'original_text': None, 'failed': True} original_text = story.fetch_original_text(force=force, request=request, debug=debug) return { 'feed_id': story.story_feed_id, 'story_hash': story.story_hash, 'story_id': story.story_guid, 'image_urls': story.image_urls, 'secure_image_urls': Feed.secure_image_urls(story.image_urls), 'original_text': original_text, 'failed': not original_text or len(original_text) < 100, }
def run(self, feed_pks, **kwargs): from apps.rss_feeds.models import Feed from apps.statistics.models import MStatistics r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_FEED_POOL) mongodb_replication_lag = int(MStatistics.get('mongodb_replication_lag', 0)) compute_scores = bool(mongodb_replication_lag < 10) options = { 'quick': float(MStatistics.get('quick_fetch', 0)), 'updates_off': MStatistics.get('updates_off', False), 'compute_scores': compute_scores, 'mongodb_replication_lag': mongodb_replication_lag, } if not isinstance(feed_pks, list): feed_pks = [feed_pks] for feed_pk in feed_pks: feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_pk) if not feed or != int(feed_pk):" ---> ~FRRemoving feed_id %s from tasked_feeds queue, points to %s..." % (feed_pk, feed and r.zrem('tasked_feeds', feed_pk) if feed: feed.update(**options)
def load_starred_stories(request): user = get_user(request) offset = int(request.REQUEST.get('offset', 0)) limit = int(request.REQUEST.get('limit', 10)) page = int(request.REQUEST.get('page', 0)) if page: offset = limit * (page - 1) mstories = MStarredStory.objects('-starred_date')[offset:offset+limit] stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) for story in stories: story_date = localtime_for_timezone(story['story_date'], user.profile.timezone) now = localtime_for_timezone(, user.profile.timezone) story['short_parsed_date'] = format_story_link_date__short(story_date, now) story['long_parsed_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(story_date, now) starred_date = localtime_for_timezone(story['starred_date'], user.profile.timezone) story['starred_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(starred_date, now) story['read_status'] = 1 story['starred'] = True story['intelligence'] = { 'feed': 0, 'author': 0, 'tags': 0, 'title': 0, } logging.user(request, "~FCLoading starred stories: ~SB%s stories" % (len(stories))) return dict(stories=stories)
def run(self, feed_pks, **kwargs): from apps.rss_feeds.models import Feed from apps.statistics.models import MStatistics mongodb_replication_lag = int(MStatistics.get('mongodb_replication_lag', 0)) compute_scores = bool(mongodb_replication_lag < 10) options = { 'fake': bool(MStatistics.get('fake_fetch')), 'quick': float(MStatistics.get('quick_fetch', 0)), 'compute_scores': compute_scores, 'mongodb_replication_lag': mongodb_replication_lag, } if not isinstance(feed_pks, list): feed_pks = [feed_pks] for feed_pk in feed_pks: try: feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_pk) if not feed: raise Feed.DoesNotExist feed.update(**options) except Feed.DoesNotExist:" ---> Feed doesn't exist: [%s]" % feed_pk)
def api_share_new_story(request): user = request.user body = request.body_json fields = body.get('actionFields') story_url = urlnorm.normalize(fields['story_url']) content = fields.get('story_content', "") story_title = fields.get('story_title', "[Untitled]") story_author = fields.get('story_author', "") comments = fields.get('comments', None) feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(story_url, create=True, fetch=True) content = lxml.html.fromstring(content) content.make_links_absolute(story_url) content = lxml.html.tostring(content) shared_story = MSharedStory.objects.filter(, story_feed_id=feed and or 0, story_guid=story_url).limit(1).first() if not shared_story: story_db = { "story_guid": story_url, "story_permalink": story_url, "story_title": story_title, "story_feed_id": feed and or 0, "story_content": content, "story_author": story_author, "story_date":, "user_id":, "comments": comments, "has_comments": bool(comments), } shared_story = MSharedStory.objects.create(**story_db) socialsubs = MSocialSubscription.objects.filter( for socialsub in socialsubs: socialsub.needs_unread_recalc = True logging.user(request, "~BM~FYSharing story from ~SB~FCIFTTT~FY: ~SB%s: %s" % (story_url, comments)) else: logging.user(request, "~BM~FY~SBAlready~SN shared story from ~SB~FCIFTTT~FY: ~SB%s: %s" % (story_url, comments)) try: socialsub = MSocialSubscription.objects.get(, except MSocialSubscription.DoesNotExist: socialsub = None if socialsub: socialsub.mark_story_ids_as_read([shared_story.story_hash], shared_story.story_feed_id, request=request) else: RUserStory.mark_read(, shared_story.story_feed_id, shared_story.story_hash) shared_story.publish_update_to_subscribers() return {"data": [{ "id": shared_story and shared_story.story_guid, "url": shared_story and shared_story.blurblog_permalink() }]}
def run(self, feed_pks, **kwargs): try: from apps.rss_feeds.models import Feed #from apps.statistics.models import MStatistics r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_FEED_POOL) #mongodb_replication_lag = int(MStatistics.get('mongodb_replication_lag', 0)) #compute_scores = bool(mongodb_replication_lag < 10) options = { # 'quick': float(MStatistics.get('quick_fetch', 0)), # 'compute_scores': compute_scores, # 'mongodb_replication_lag': mongodb_replication_lag, } if not isinstance(feed_pks, list): feed_pks = [feed_pks] for feed_pk in feed_pks: feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_pk) if not feed or != int(feed_pk):" ---> ~FRRemoving feed_id %s from tasked_feeds queue, points to %s..." % (feed_pk, feed and r.zrem('tasked_feeds', feed_pk) if feed: feed.update(**options) except Exception, e: logging.error(str(e)+\ traceback.format_exc()+'\n'+\ 'error from: UpdateFeeds\n') if settings.SEND_ERROR_MAILS: mail_admins("Error in UpdateFeeds",str(e)+'\n'+traceback.format_exc())
def forwards(self, orm): for f in xrange(Feed.objects.latest('pk').pk): feed = Feed.get_by_id(f) if not feed: continue stories = MStory.objects.filter(, story_hash__exists=False) print "%3s stories: %s " % (stories.count(), feed) for story in stories:
def count_unreads_for_subscribers(self, feed): UNREAD_CUTOFF = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=settings.DAYS_OF_UNREAD) user_subs = UserSubscription.objects.filter(feed=feed, active=True, user__profile__last_seen_on__gte=UNREAD_CUTOFF)\ .order_by('-last_read_date') if not user_subs.count(): return for sub in user_subs: if not sub.needs_unread_recalc: sub.needs_unread_recalc = True if self.options['compute_scores']: stories = MStory.objects(, story_date__gte=UNREAD_CUTOFF)\ .read_preference(pymongo.ReadPreference.PRIMARY) stories = Feed.format_stories(stories, logging.debug(u' ---> [%-30s] ~FYComputing scores: ~SB%s stories~SN with ~SB%s subscribers ~SN(%s/%s/%s)' % ( feed.title[:30], len(stories), user_subs.count(), feed.num_subscribers, feed.active_subscribers, feed.premium_subscribers)) self.calculate_feed_scores_with_stories(user_subs, stories) elif self.options.get('mongodb_replication_lag'): logging.debug(u' ---> [%-30s] ~BR~FYSkipping computing scores: ~SB%s seconds~SN of mongodb lag' % ( feed.title[:30], self.options.get('mongodb_replication_lag')))
def __unicode__(self): user = User.objects.get(pk=self.user_id) if self.feed_id: feed = Feed.get_by_id(self.feed_id) else: feed = User.objects.get(pk=self.social_user_id) return "%s - %s/%s: (%s) %s" % (user, self.feed_id, self.social_user_id, self.score, feed)
def story_public_comments(request): format = request.REQUEST.get('format', 'json') relative_user_id = request.REQUEST.get('user_id', None) feed_id = int(request.REQUEST['feed_id']) story_id = request.REQUEST['story_id'] if not relative_user_id: relative_user_id = get_user(request).pk stories = MSharedStory.objects.filter(story_feed_id=feed_id, story_guid=story_id).limit(1) stories = Feed.format_stories(stories) stories, profiles = MSharedStory.stories_with_comments_and_profiles(stories, relative_user_id, check_all=True, public=True) if format == 'html': stories = MSharedStory.attach_users_to_stories(stories, profiles) return render_to_response('social/story_comments.xhtml', { 'story': stories[0], }, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) else: return json.json_response(request, { 'comments': stories[0]['public_comments'], 'user_profiles': profiles, })
def push_feed_notifications(cls, feed_id, new_stories, force=False): feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) notifications = MUserFeedNotification.users_for_feed( logging.debug(" ---> [%-30s] ~FCPushing out notifications to ~SB%s users~SN for ~FB~SB%s stories" % ( feed, len(notifications), new_stories)) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_STORY_HASH_POOL) latest_story_hashes = r.zrange("zF:%s" %, -1 * new_stories, -1) mstories = MStory.objects.filter(story_hash__in=latest_story_hashes).order_by('-story_date') stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) total_sent_count = 0 for user_feed_notification in notifications: sent_count = 0 last_notification_date = user_feed_notification.last_notification_date try: usersub = UserSubscription.objects.get(user=user_feed_notification.user_id, feed=user_feed_notification.feed_id) except UserSubscription.DoesNotExist: continue classifiers = user_feed_notification.classifiers(usersub) if classifiers == None: logging.debug("Has no usersubs") continue for story in stories: if sent_count >= 3: logging.debug("Sent too many, ignoring...") continue if story['story_date'] <= last_notification_date and not force: logging.debug("Story date older than last notification date: %s <= %s" % (story['story_date'], last_notification_date)) continue if story['story_date'] > user_feed_notification.last_notification_date: user_feed_notification.last_notification_date = story['story_date'] story['story_content'] = HTMLParser().unescape(story['story_content']) sent = user_feed_notification.push_story_notification(story, classifiers, usersub) if sent: sent_count += 1 total_sent_count += 1 return total_sent_count, len(notifications)
def run(self, feed_pks, **kwargs): from apps.rss_feeds.models import Feed if not isinstance(feed_pks, list): feed_pks = [feed_pks] options = {} for feed_pk in feed_pks: feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_pk) feed.update(options=options)
def fetch_address_from_page(url, existing_feed=None): from apps.rss_feeds.models import Feed feed_finder_url = feedfinder.feed(url) if feed_finder_url: if existing_feed: if Feed.objects.filter(feed_address=feed_finder_url): return None existing_feed.feed_address = feed_finder_url feed = existing_feed else: try: feed = Feed.objects.get(feed_address=feed_finder_url) except Feed.DoesNotExist: feed = Feed(feed_address=feed_finder_url) feed.update() return feed
def handle(self, *args, **options): if options['daemonize']: daemonize() if options['title']: feed = Feed.objects.get(feed_title__icontains=options['title']) else: feed = Feed.get_by_id(options['feed']) feed.update(force=options['force'], single_threaded=True, verbose=2)
def search_feed(request): address = request.REQUEST['address'] offset = int(request.REQUEST.get('offset', 0)) feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(address, create=False, aggressive=True, offset=offset) if feed: return feed.canonical() else: return dict(code=-1, message="No feed found matching that XML or website address.")
def force_push(request): user = get_user(request) feed_id = request.REQUEST['feed_id'] count = int(request.REQUEST.get('count', 1)) logging.user(user, "~BM~FWForce pushing %s stories: ~SB%s" % (count, Feed.get_by_id(feed_id))) sent_count, user_count = MUserFeedNotification.push_feed_notifications(feed_id, new_stories=count, force=True) return {"message": "Pushed %s notifications to %s users" % (sent_count, user_count)}
def process_item(self, item, folders): feed_title = item.xpath('./string[@name="title"]') and item.xpath('./string[@name="title"]')[0].text feed_address = item.xpath('./string[@name="id"]') and item.xpath('./string[@name="id"]')[0].text.replace( "feed/", "" ) feed_link = item.xpath('./string[@name="htmlUrl"]') and item.xpath('./string[@name="htmlUrl"]')[0].text category = ( item.xpath('./list[@name="categories"]/object/string[@name="label"]') and item.xpath('./list[@name="categories"]/object/string[@name="label"]')[0].text ) if not feed_address: feed_address = feed_link try: feed_link = urlnorm.normalize(feed_link) feed_address = urlnorm.normalize(feed_address) if len(feed_address) > Feed._meta.get_field("feed_address").max_length: return folders # See if it exists as a duplicate first duplicate_feed = DuplicateFeed.objects.filter(duplicate_address=feed_address) if duplicate_feed: feed_db = duplicate_feed[0].feed else: feed_data = dict(feed_title=feed_title) feed_data["active_subscribers"] = 1 feed_data["num_subscribers"] = 1 feed_db, _ = Feed.find_or_create( feed_address=feed_address, feed_link=feed_link, defaults=dict(**feed_data) ) us, _ = UserSubscription.objects.get_or_create( feed=feed_db, user=self.user, defaults={ "needs_unread_recalc": True, "mark_read_date": datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=1), "active": self.user.profile.is_premium or self.auto_active, }, ) if not us.needs_unread_recalc: us.needs_unread_recalc = True if not category: category = "" if category: obj = {category: []} folders = add_object_to_folder(obj, "", folders) folders = add_object_to_folder(, category, folders) # if not in folders[category]: # folders[category].append( except Exception, e:" *** -> Exception: %s: %s" % (e, item))
def search_feed(request): address = request.REQUEST.get("address") offset = int(request.REQUEST.get("offset", 0)) if not address: return dict(code=-1, message="Please provide a URL/address.") feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(address, create=False, aggressive=True, offset=offset) if feed: return feed.canonical() else: return dict(code=-1, message="No feed found matching that XML or website address.")
def add_subscription(cls, user, feed_address, folder=None, bookmarklet=False, auto_active=True, skip_fetch=False): feed = None us = None logging.user(user, "~FRAdding URL: ~SB%s (in %s) %s" % (feed_address, folder, "~FCAUTO-ADD" if not auto_active else "")) feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(feed_address) if not feed: code = -1 if bookmarklet: message = "This site does not have an RSS feed. Nothing is linked to from this page." else: message = "This address does not point to an RSS feed or a website with an RSS feed." else: us, subscription_created = cls.objects.get_or_create( feed=feed, user=user, defaults={ 'needs_unread_recalc': True, 'active': auto_active, } ) code = 1 message = "" if us: user_sub_folders_object, created = UserSubscriptionFolders.objects.get_or_create( user=user, defaults={'folders': '[]'} ) if created: user_sub_folders = [] else: user_sub_folders = json.decode(user_sub_folders_object.folders) user_sub_folders = add_object_to_folder(, folder, user_sub_folders) user_sub_folders_object.folders = json.encode(user_sub_folders) if auto_active or user.profile.is_premium: = True if not skip_fetch and feed.last_update < datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=1): feed = feed.update() from import MActivity MActivity.new_feed_subscription(,, feed_title=feed.title) feed.setup_feed_for_premium_subscribers() return code, message, us
def api_saved_story(request): user = request.user body = request.body_json after = body.get('after', None) before = body.get('before', None) limit = body.get('limit', 50) fields = body.get('triggerFields') story_tag = fields['story_tag'] entries = [] if story_tag == "all": story_tag = "" params = dict( if story_tag: params.update(dict(user_tags__contains=story_tag)) mstories = MStarredStory.objects( **params).order_by('-starred_date')[:limit] stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) found_feed_ids = list(set([story['story_feed_id'] for story in stories])) feeds = dict([(, { "title": f.feed_title, "website": f.feed_link, "address": f.feed_address, }) for f in Feed.objects.filter(pk__in=found_feed_ids)]) for story in stories: if before and int(story['story_date'].strftime("%s")) > before: continue if after and int(story['story_date'].strftime("%s")) < after: continue feed = feeds.get(story['story_feed_id'], None) entries.append({ "StoryTitle": story['story_title'], "StoryContent": story['story_content'], "StoryURL": story['story_permalink'], "StoryAuthor": story['story_authors'], "PublishedAt": story['story_date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), "SavedAt": story['starred_date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), "Tags": ', '.join(story['user_tags']), "Site": feed and feed['title'], "SiteURL": feed and feed['website'], "SiteRSS": feed and feed['address'], "ifttt": { "id": story['story_hash'], "timestamp": int(story['starred_date'].strftime("%s")) }, }) if after: entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda s: s['ifttt']['timestamp']) logging.user( request, "~FCChecking saved stories from ~SBIFTTT~SB: ~SB%s~SN - ~SB%s~SN stories" % (story_tag if story_tag else "[All stories]", len(entries))) return {"data": entries}
def share_story(request, token=None): code = 0 story_url = request.POST['story_url'] comments = request.POST['comments'] title = request.POST['title'] content = request.POST.get('content', None) rss_url = request.POST.get('rss_url', None) feed_id = request.POST.get('feed_id', None) or 0 feed = None message = None profile = None if request.user.is_authenticated: profile = request.user.profile else: try: profile = Profile.objects.get(secret_token=token) except Profile.DoesNotExist: code = -1 if token: message = "Not authenticated, couldn't find user by token." else: message = "Not authenticated, no token supplied and not authenticated." if not profile: return HttpResponse(json.encode({ 'code': code, 'message': message, 'story': None, }), content_type='text/plain') if feed_id: feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) else: if rss_url: logging.user(request.user, "~FBFinding feed (share_story): %s" % rss_url) feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(rss_url, create=True, fetch=True) if not feed: logging.user(request.user, "~FBFinding feed (share_story): %s" % story_url) feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(story_url, create=True, fetch=True) if feed: feed_id = if content: content = lxml.html.fromstring(content) content.make_links_absolute(story_url) content = lxml.html.tostring(content) else: importer = TextImporter(story=None, story_url=story_url, request=request, debug=settings.DEBUG) document = importer.fetch(skip_save=True, return_document=True) content = document['content'] if not title: title = document['title'] shared_story = MSharedStory.objects.filter(, story_feed_id=feed_id, story_guid=story_url).limit(1).first() if not shared_story: story_db = { "story_guid": story_url, "story_permalink": story_url, "story_title": title, "story_feed_id": feed_id, "story_content": content, "story_date":, "user_id":, "comments": comments, "has_comments": bool(comments), } shared_story = MSharedStory.objects.create(**story_db) socialsubs = MSocialSubscription.objects.filter( for socialsub in socialsubs: socialsub.needs_unread_recalc = True logging.user( profile.user, "~BM~FYSharing story from site: ~SB%s: %s" % (story_url, comments)) message = "Sharing story from site: %s: %s" % (story_url, comments) else: shared_story.story_content = content shared_story.story_title = title shared_story.comments = comments shared_story.story_permalink = story_url shared_story.story_guid = story_url shared_story.has_comments = bool(comments) shared_story.story_feed_id = feed_id logging.user( profile.user, "~BM~FY~SBUpdating~SN shared story from site: ~SB%s: %s" % (story_url, comments)) message = "Updating shared story from site: %s: %s" % (story_url, comments) try: socialsub = MSocialSubscription.objects.get(, except MSocialSubscription.DoesNotExist: socialsub = None if socialsub: socialsub.mark_story_ids_as_read([shared_story.story_hash], shared_story.story_feed_id, request=request) else: RUserStory.mark_read(, shared_story.story_feed_id, shared_story.story_hash) shared_story.publish_update_to_subscribers() response = HttpResponse(json.encode({ 'code': code, 'message': message, 'story': shared_story, }), content_type='text/plain') response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'POST' return response
def api_share_new_story(request): user = request.user body = request.body_json fields = body.get('actionFields') story_url = urlnorm.normalize(fields['story_url']) story_content = fields.get('story_content', "") story_title = fields.get('story_title', "") story_author = fields.get('story_author', "") comments = fields.get('comments', None) original_feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(story_url, create=True, fetch=True) if not story_content or not story_title: ti = TextImporter(feed=original_feed, story_url=story_url, request=request) original_story = ti.fetch(return_document=True) if original_story: story_url = original_story['url'] if not story_content: story_content = original_story['content'] if not story_title: story_title = original_story['title'] story_content = lxml.html.fromstring(story_content) story_content.make_links_absolute(story_url) story_content = lxml.html.tostring(story_content) shared_story = MSharedStory.objects.filter(, story_feed_id=original_feed and or 0, story_guid=story_url).limit(1).first() if not shared_story: story_db = { "story_guid": story_url, "story_permalink": story_url, "story_title": story_title or "[Untitled]", "story_feed_id": original_feed and or 0, "story_content": story_content, "story_author": story_author, "story_date":, "user_id":, "comments": comments, "has_comments": bool(comments), } shared_story = MSharedStory.objects.create(**story_db) socialsubs = MSocialSubscription.objects.filter( for socialsub in socialsubs: socialsub.needs_unread_recalc = True logging.user( request, "~BM~FYSharing story from ~SB~FCIFTTT~FY: ~SB%s: %s" % (story_url, comments)) else: logging.user( request, "~BM~FY~SBAlready~SN shared story from ~SB~FCIFTTT~FY: ~SB%s: %s" % (story_url, comments)) try: socialsub = MSocialSubscription.objects.get(, except MSocialSubscription.DoesNotExist: socialsub = None if socialsub: socialsub.mark_story_ids_as_read([shared_story.story_hash], shared_story.story_feed_id, request=request) else: RUserStory.mark_read(, shared_story.story_feed_id, shared_story.story_hash) shared_story.publish_update_to_subscribers() return { "data": [{ "id": shared_story and shared_story.story_guid, "url": shared_story and shared_story.blurblog_permalink() }] }
def check_share_on_site(request, token): code = 0 story_url = request.GET['story_url'] rss_url = request.GET.get('rss_url') callback = request.GET['callback'] other_stories = None same_stories = None usersub = None message = None user = None if not story_url: code = -1 else: try: user_profile = Profile.objects.get(secret_token=token) user = user_profile.user except Profile.DoesNotExist: code = -1 feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(rss_url, create=False, fetch=False) if not feed: feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(story_url, create=False, fetch=False) if not feed: parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(story_url) base_url = "%s://%s%s" % (parsed_url.scheme, parsed_url.hostname, parsed_url.path) feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(base_url, create=False, fetch=False) if not feed: feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(base_url + '/', create=False, fetch=False) if feed and user: try: usersub = UserSubscription.objects.filter(user=user, feed=feed) except UserSubscription.DoesNotExist: usersub = None feed_id = feed and your_story, same_stories, other_stories = MSharedStory.get_shared_stories_from_site( feed_id,, story_url=story_url) previous_stories = MSharedStory.objects.filter('-shared_date').limit(3) previous_stories = [{ "user_id": story.user_id, "story_title": story.story_title, "comments": story.comments, "shared_date": story.shared_date, "relative_date": relative_timesince(story.shared_date), "blurblog_permalink": story.blurblog_permalink(), } for story in previous_stories] user_ids = set([]) for story in same_stories: user_ids.add(story['user_id']) for story in other_stories: user_ids.add(story['user_id']) users = {} profiles = MSocialProfile.profiles(user_ids) for profile in profiles: users[profile.user_id] = { "username": profile.username, "photo_url": profile.photo_url, } logging.user(user_profile.user, "~BM~FCChecking share from site: ~SB%s" % (story_url), request=request) response = HttpResponse(callback + '(' + json.encode({ 'code': code, 'message': message, 'feed': feed, 'subscribed': bool(usersub), 'your_story': your_story, 'same_stories': same_stories, 'other_stories': other_stories, 'previous_stories': previous_stories, 'users': users, }) + ')', mimetype='text/plain') response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'GET' return response
def refresh_feed(self, feed_id): """Update feed, since it may have changed""" return Feed.get_by_id(feed_id)
def calculate_feed_scores(self, silent=False, stories_db=None): now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() UNREAD_CUTOFF = now - datetime.timedelta(days=settings.DAYS_OF_UNREAD) if self.user.profile.last_seen_on < UNREAD_CUTOFF: # if not silent: #' ---> [%s] SKIPPING Computing scores: %s (1 week+)' % (self.user, self.feed)) return if not self.feed.fetched_once: if not silent:' ---> [%s] NOT Computing scores: %s' % (self.user, self.feed)) self.needs_unread_recalc = False return if not silent:' ---> [%s] Computing scores: %s' % (self.user, self.feed)) feed_scores = dict(negative=0, neutral=0, positive=0) # Two weeks in age. If mark_read_date is older, mark old stories as read. date_delta = UNREAD_CUTOFF if date_delta < self.mark_read_date: date_delta = self.mark_read_date else: self.mark_read_date = date_delta read_stories = MUserStory.objects(,, read_date__gte=self.mark_read_date) # if not silent: #' ---> [%s] Read stories: %s' % (self.user, - now)) read_stories_ids = [] for us in read_stories: if hasattr(us.story, 'story_guid') and isinstance(us.story.story_guid, unicode): read_stories_ids.append(us.story.story_guid) elif hasattr(us.story, 'id') and isinstance(, unicode): read_stories_ids.append( # TODO: Remove me after migration from>guid stories_db = stories_db or MStory.objects(, story_date__gte=date_delta) # if not silent: #' ---> [%s] MStory: %s' % (self.user, - now)) oldest_unread_story_date = now unread_stories_db = [] for story in stories_db: if story.story_date < date_delta: continue if hasattr(story, 'story_guid') and story.story_guid not in read_stories_ids: unread_stories_db.append(story) if story.story_date < oldest_unread_story_date: oldest_unread_story_date = story.story_date stories = Feed.format_stories(unread_stories_db, # if not silent: #' ---> [%s] Format stories: %s' % (self.user, - now)) classifier_feeds = list(MClassifierFeed.objects(, classifier_authors = list(MClassifierAuthor.objects(, classifier_titles = list(MClassifierTitle.objects(, classifier_tags = list(MClassifierTag.objects(, # if not silent: #' ---> [%s] Classifiers: %s (%s)' % (self.user, - now, classifier_feeds.count() + classifier_authors.count() + classifier_tags.count() + classifier_titles.count())) scores = { 'feed': apply_classifier_feeds(classifier_feeds, self.feed), } for story in stories: scores.update({ 'author' : apply_classifier_authors(classifier_authors, story), 'tags' : apply_classifier_tags(classifier_tags, story), 'title' : apply_classifier_titles(classifier_titles, story), }) max_score = max(scores['author'], scores['tags'], scores['title']) min_score = min(scores['author'], scores['tags'], scores['title']) if max_score > 0: feed_scores['positive'] += 1 elif min_score < 0: feed_scores['negative'] += 1 else: if scores['feed'] > 0: feed_scores['positive'] += 1 elif scores['feed'] < 0: feed_scores['negative'] += 1 else: feed_scores['neutral'] += 1 # if not silent: #' ---> [%s] End classifiers: %s' % (self.user, - now)) self.unread_count_positive = feed_scores['positive'] self.unread_count_neutral = feed_scores['neutral'] self.unread_count_negative = feed_scores['negative'] self.unread_count_updated = self.oldest_unread_story_date = oldest_unread_story_date self.needs_unread_recalc = False # if (self.unread_count_positive == 0 and # self.unread_count_neutral == 0): # self.mark_feed_read() cache.delete('usersub:%s' % return
def api_unread_story(request, trigger_slug=None): user = request.user body = request.body_json after = body.get('after', None) before = body.get('before', None) limit = body.get('limit', 50) fields = body.get('triggerFields') feed_or_folder = fields['feed_or_folder'] entries = [] if isinstance(feed_or_folder, int) or feed_or_folder.isdigit(): feed_id = int(feed_or_folder) try: usersub = UserSubscription.objects.get(user=user, feed_id=feed_id) except UserSubscription.DoesNotExist: return dict(data=[]) found_feed_ids = [feed_id] found_trained_feed_ids = [feed_id] if usersub.is_trained else [] stories = usersub.get_stories(order="newest", read_filter="unread", offset=0, limit=limit, default_cutoff_date=user.profile.unread_cutoff) else: folder_title = feed_or_folder if folder_title == "Top Level": folder_title = " " usf = UserSubscriptionFolders.objects.get(user=user) flat_folders = usf.flatten_folders() feed_ids = None if folder_title != "all": feed_ids = flat_folders.get(folder_title) usersubs = UserSubscription.subs_for_feeds(, feed_ids=feed_ids, read_filter="unread") feed_ids = [sub.feed_id for sub in usersubs] params = { "user_id":, "feed_ids": feed_ids, "offset": 0, "limit": limit, "order": "newest", "read_filter": "unread", "usersubs": usersubs, "cutoff_date": user.profile.unread_cutoff, } story_hashes, unread_feed_story_hashes = UserSubscription.feed_stories(**params) mstories = MStory.objects(story_hash__in=story_hashes).order_by('-story_date') stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) found_feed_ids = list(set([story['story_feed_id'] for story in stories])) trained_feed_ids = [sub.feed_id for sub in usersubs if sub.is_trained] found_trained_feed_ids = list(set(trained_feed_ids) & set(found_feed_ids)) if found_trained_feed_ids: classifier_feeds = list(MClassifierFeed.objects(, feed_id__in=found_trained_feed_ids)) classifier_authors = list(MClassifierAuthor.objects(, feed_id__in=found_trained_feed_ids)) classifier_titles = list(MClassifierTitle.objects(, feed_id__in=found_trained_feed_ids)) classifier_tags = list(MClassifierTag.objects(, feed_id__in=found_trained_feed_ids)) feeds = dict([(, { "title": f.feed_title, "website": f.feed_link, "address": f.feed_address, }) for f in Feed.objects.filter(pk__in=found_feed_ids)]) for story in stories: if before and int(story['story_date'].strftime("%s")) > before: continue if after and int(story['story_date'].strftime("%s")) < after: continue score = 0 if found_trained_feed_ids and story['story_feed_id'] in found_trained_feed_ids: score = compute_story_score(story, classifier_titles=classifier_titles, classifier_authors=classifier_authors, classifier_tags=classifier_tags, classifier_feeds=classifier_feeds) if score < 0: continue if trigger_slug == "new-unread-focus-story" and score < 1: continue feed = feeds.get(story['story_feed_id'], None) entries.append({ "StoryTitle": story['story_title'], "StoryContent": story['story_content'], "StoryURL": story['story_permalink'], "StoryAuthor": story['story_authors'], "PublishedAt": story['story_date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), "StoryScore": score, "Site": feed and feed['title'], "SiteURL": feed and feed['website'], "SiteRSS": feed and feed['address'], "meta": { "id": story['story_hash'], "timestamp": int(story['story_date'].strftime("%s")) }, }) if after: entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda s: s['meta']['timestamp']) logging.user(request, "~FYChecking unread%s stories with ~SB~FCIFTTT~SN~FY: ~SB%s~SN - ~SB%s~SN stories" % (" ~SBfocus~SN" if trigger_slug == "new-unread-focus-story" else "", feed_or_folder, len(entries))) return {"data": entries[:limit]}
def get_stories(self, offset=0, limit=6, order='newest', read_filter='all', withscores=False, hashes_only=False): r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_STORY_HASH_POOL) ignore_user_stories = False stories_key = 'F:%s' % (self.feed_id) read_stories_key = 'RS:%s:%s' % (self.user_id, self.feed_id) unread_stories_key = 'U:%s:%s' % (self.user_id, self.feed_id) unread_ranked_stories_key = 'z%sU:%s:%s' % ('h' if hashes_only else '', self.user_id, self.feed_id) if offset and not withscores and r.exists(unread_ranked_stories_key): pass else: r.delete(unread_ranked_stories_key) if not r.exists(stories_key): print " ---> No stories on feed: %s" % self return [] elif read_filter != 'unread' or not r.exists(read_stories_key): ignore_user_stories = True unread_stories_key = stories_key else: r.sdiffstore(unread_stories_key, stories_key, read_stories_key) sorted_stories_key = 'zF:%s' % (self.feed_id) r.zinterstore(unread_ranked_stories_key, [sorted_stories_key, unread_stories_key]) current_time = int(time.time() + 60*60*24) if order == 'oldest': byscorefunc = r.zrangebyscore if read_filter == 'unread': min_score = int(time.mktime(self.mark_read_date.timetuple())) + 1 else: now = two_weeks_ago = now - datetime.timedelta(days=settings.DAYS_OF_UNREAD) min_score = int(time.mktime(two_weeks_ago.timetuple()))-1000 max_score = current_time else: byscorefunc = r.zrevrangebyscore min_score = current_time if read_filter == 'unread': # +1 for the intersection b/w zF and F, which carries an implicit score of 1. max_score = int(time.mktime(self.mark_read_date.timetuple())) + 1 else: max_score = 0 if settings.DEBUG: debug_stories = r.zrevrange(unread_ranked_stories_key, 0, -1, withscores=True) print " ---> Unread all stories (%s - %s) %s stories: %s" % ( min_score, max_score, len(debug_stories), debug_stories) story_ids = byscorefunc(unread_ranked_stories_key, min_score, max_score, start=offset, num=500, withscores=withscores)[:limit] r.expire(unread_ranked_stories_key, 24*60*60) if not ignore_user_stories: r.delete(unread_stories_key) if withscores or hashes_only: return story_ids elif story_ids: story_date_order = "%sstory_date" % ('' if order == 'oldest' else '-') mstories = MStory.objects(story_hash__in=story_ids).order_by(story_date_order) stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) return stories else: return []
def __unicode__(self): feed = Feed.get_by_id(self.feed_id) return "%s: %s" % (self.category_title, feed)
def refresh_feed(self): self.feed = Feed.get_by_id(self.feed_id) if self.feed_id != logging.debug(" ***> Feed has changed: from %s to %s" % (self.feed_id, self.feed_id =
def __init__(self, feed_id, options): self.feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) self.options = options self.fpf = None
logging.debug(' ---> [%-30s] ~FRFeed is now gone...' % (unicode(feed_id)[:30])) continue except TimeoutError, e: logging.debug(' ---> [%-30s] ~FRFeed fetch timed out...' % (feed.title[:30])) feed.save_feed_history(505, 'Timeout', e) feed_code = 505 fetched_feed = None except Exception, e: logging.debug('[%d] ! -------------------------' % (feed_id, )) tb = traceback.format_exc() logging.error(tb) logging.debug('[%d] ! -------------------------' % (feed_id, )) ret_feed = FEED_ERREXC feed = Feed.get_by_id(getattr(feed, 'pk', feed_id)) if not feed: continue feed.save_feed_history(500, "Error", tb) feed_code = 500 fetched_feed = None # mail_feed_error_to_admin(feed, e, local_vars=locals()) if (not settings.DEBUG and hasattr(settings, 'RAVEN_CLIENT') and settings.RAVEN_CLIENT): settings.RAVEN_CLIENT.captureException() if not feed_code: if ret_feed == FEED_OK: feed_code = 200 elif ret_feed == FEED_SAME: feed_code = 304 elif ret_feed == FEED_ERRHTTP:
def api_share_new_story(request): user = request.user body = request.body_json fields = body.get('actionFields') story_url = urlnorm.normalize(fields['story_url']) story_content = fields.get('story_content', "") story_title = fields.get('story_title', "") story_author = fields.get('story_author', "") comments = fields.get('comments', None) logging.user(request.user, "~FBFinding feed (api_share_new_story): %s" % story_url) original_feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(story_url, create=True, fetch=True) story_hash = MStory.guid_hash_unsaved(story_url) feed_id = (original_feed and or 0) if not user.profile.is_premium and MSharedStory.feed_quota(, story_hash, feed_id=feed_id): return {"errors": [{ 'message': 'Only premium users can share multiple stories per day from the same site.' }]} quota = 3 if MSharedStory.feed_quota(, story_hash, quota=quota): logging.user(request, "~BM~FRNOT ~FYSharing story from ~SB~FCIFTTT~FY, over quota: ~SB%s: %s" % (story_url, comments)) return {"errors": [{ 'message': 'You can only share %s stories per day.' % quota }]} if not story_content or not story_title: ti = TextImporter(feed=original_feed, story_url=story_url, request=request) original_story = ti.fetch(return_document=True) if original_story: story_url = original_story['url'] if not story_content: story_content = original_story['content'] if not story_title: story_title = original_story['title'] if story_content: story_content = lxml.html.fromstring(story_content) story_content.make_links_absolute(story_url) story_content = lxml.html.tostring(story_content) shared_story = MSharedStory.objects.filter(, story_feed_id=original_feed and or 0, story_guid=story_url).limit(1).first() if not shared_story: title_max = MSharedStory._fields['story_title'].max_length story_db = { "story_guid": story_url, "story_permalink": story_url, "story_title": story_title and story_title[:title_max] or "[Untitled]", "story_feed_id": original_feed and or 0, "story_content": story_content, "story_author_name": story_author, "story_date":, "user_id":, "comments": comments, "has_comments": bool(comments), } try: shared_story = MSharedStory.objects.create(**story_db) socialsubs = MSocialSubscription.objects.filter( for socialsub in socialsubs: socialsub.needs_unread_recalc = True logging.user(request, "~BM~FYSharing story from ~SB~FCIFTTT~FY: ~SB%s: %s" % (story_url, comments)) except NotUniqueError: logging.user(request, "~BM~FY~SBAlready~SN shared story from ~SB~FCIFTTT~FY: ~SB%s: %s" % (story_url, comments)) else: logging.user(request, "~BM~FY~SBAlready~SN shared story from ~SB~FCIFTTT~FY: ~SB%s: %s" % (story_url, comments)) try: socialsub = MSocialSubscription.objects.get(, except MSocialSubscription.DoesNotExist: socialsub = None if socialsub and shared_story: socialsub.mark_story_ids_as_read([shared_story.story_hash], shared_story.story_feed_id, request=request) elif shared_story: RUserStory.mark_read(, shared_story.story_feed_id, shared_story.story_hash) if shared_story: shared_story.publish_update_to_subscribers() return {"data": [{ "id": shared_story and shared_story.story_guid, "url": shared_story and shared_story.blurblog_permalink() }]}
def api_shared_story(request): user = request.user body = request.body_json after = body.get('after', None) before = body.get('before', None) limit = body.get('limit', 50) fields = body.get('triggerFields') blurblog_user = fields['blurblog_user'] entries = [] if isinstance(blurblog_user, int) or blurblog_user.isdigit(): social_user_ids = [int(blurblog_user)] elif blurblog_user == "all": socialsubs = MSocialSubscription.objects.filter( social_user_ids = [ss.subscription_user_id for ss in socialsubs] mstories = MSharedStory.objects( user_id__in=social_user_ids ).order_by('-shared_date')[:limit] stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) found_feed_ids = list(set([story['story_feed_id'] for story in stories])) share_user_ids = list(set([story['user_id'] for story in stories])) users = dict([(, u.username) for u in User.objects.filter(pk__in=share_user_ids).only('pk', 'username')]) feeds = dict([(, { "title": f.feed_title, "website": f.feed_link, "address": f.feed_address, }) for f in Feed.objects.filter(pk__in=found_feed_ids)]) classifier_feeds = list(MClassifierFeed.objects(, social_user_id__in=social_user_ids)) classifier_authors = list(MClassifierAuthor.objects(, social_user_id__in=social_user_ids)) classifier_titles = list(MClassifierTitle.objects(, social_user_id__in=social_user_ids)) classifier_tags = list(MClassifierTag.objects(, social_user_id__in=social_user_ids)) # Merge with feed specific classifiers classifier_feeds = classifier_feeds + list(MClassifierFeed.objects(, feed_id__in=found_feed_ids)) classifier_authors = classifier_authors + list(MClassifierAuthor.objects(, feed_id__in=found_feed_ids)) classifier_titles = classifier_titles + list(MClassifierTitle.objects(, feed_id__in=found_feed_ids)) classifier_tags = classifier_tags + list(MClassifierTag.objects(, feed_id__in=found_feed_ids)) for story in stories: if before and int(story['shared_date'].strftime("%s")) > before: continue if after and int(story['shared_date'].strftime("%s")) < after: continue score = compute_story_score(story, classifier_titles=classifier_titles, classifier_authors=classifier_authors, classifier_tags=classifier_tags, classifier_feeds=classifier_feeds) if score < 0: continue feed = feeds.get(story['story_feed_id'], None) entries.append({ "StoryTitle": story['story_title'], "StoryContent": story['story_content'], "StoryURL": story['story_permalink'], "StoryAuthor": story['story_authors'], "PublishedAt": story['story_date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), "StoryScore": score, "Comments": story['comments'], "Username": users.get(story['user_id']), "SharedAt": story['shared_date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), "Site": feed and feed['title'], "SiteURL": feed and feed['website'], "SiteRSS": feed and feed['address'], "meta": { "id": story['story_hash'], "timestamp": int(story['shared_date'].strftime("%s")) }, }) if after: entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda s: s['meta']['timestamp']) logging.user(request, "~FMChecking shared stories from ~SB~FCIFTTT~SN~FM: ~SB~FM%s~FM~SN - ~SB%s~SN stories" % (blurblog_user, len(entries))) return {"data": entries}
def feed_autocomplete(request): query = request.GET.get('term') or request.GET.get('query') version = int(request.GET.get('v', 1)) format = request.GET.get('format', 'autocomplete') # user = get_user(request) # if True or not user.profile.is_premium: # return dict(code=-1, message="Overloaded, no autocomplete results.", feeds=[], term=query) if not query: return dict(code=-1, message="Specify a search 'term'.", feeds=[], term=query) if '.' in query: try: parts = urlparse(query) if not parts.hostname and not query.startswith('http'): parts = urlparse('http://%s' % query) if parts.hostname: query = [parts.hostname] query.extend([p for p in parts.path.split('/') if p]) query = ' '.join(query) except: logging.user(request, "~FGAdd search, could not parse url in ~FR%s" % query) query_params = query.split(' ') tries_left = 5 while len(query_params) and tries_left: tries_left -= 1 feed_ids = Feed.autocomplete(' '.join(query_params)) if feed_ids: break else: query_params = query_params[:-1] feeds = list(set([Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) for feed_id in feed_ids])) feeds = [feed for feed in feeds if feed and not feed.branch_from_feed] feeds = [ feed for feed in feeds if all([x not in feed.feed_address for x in IGNORE_AUTOCOMPLETE]) ] if format == 'autocomplete': feeds = [{ 'id':, 'value': feed.feed_address, 'label': feed.feed_title, 'tagline': and, 'num_subscribers': feed.num_subscribers, } for feed in feeds] else: feeds = [feed.canonical(full=True) for feed in feeds] feeds = sorted(feeds, key=lambda f: -1 * f['num_subscribers']) feed_ids = [f['id'] for f in feeds] feed_icons = dict( (icon.feed_id, icon) for icon in MFeedIcon.objects.filter(feed_id__in=feed_ids)) for feed in feeds: if feed['id'] in feed_icons: feed_icon = feed_icons[feed['id']] if feed['favicon_color'] = feed_icon.color feed['favicon'] = logging.user( request, "~FGAdd Search: ~SB%s ~SN(%s matches)" % ( query, len(feeds), )) if version > 1: return { 'feeds': feeds, 'term': query, } else: return feeds
def feed_autocomplete(request): query = request.GET.get('term') or request.GET.get('query') version = int(request.GET.get('v', 1)) format = request.GET.get('format', 'autocomplete') # user = get_user(request) # if True or not user.profile.is_premium: # return dict(code=-1, message="Overloaded, no autocomplete results.", feeds=[], term=query) if not query: return dict(code=-1, message="Specify a search 'term'.", feeds=[], term=query) if '.' in query: try: parts = urlparse(query) if not parts.hostname and not query.startswith('http'): parts = urlparse('http://%s' % query) if parts.hostname: query = parts.hostname except: logging.user(request, "~FGAdd search, could not parse url in ~FR%s" % query) feed_ids = Feed.autocomplete(query) feeds = [Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) for feed_id in feed_ids] if format == 'autocomplete': feeds = [{ 'id':, 'value': feed.feed_address, 'label': feed.feed_title, 'tagline': and, 'num_subscribers': feed.num_subscribers, } for feed in feeds if feed] else: feeds = [feed.canonical(full=True) for feed in feeds] feeds = sorted(feeds, key=lambda f: -1 * f['num_subscribers']) feed_ids = [f['id'] for f in feeds] feed_icons = dict( (icon.feed_id, icon) for icon in MFeedIcon.objects.filter(feed_id__in=feed_ids)) for feed in feeds: if feed['id'] in feed_icons: feed_icon = feed_icons[feed['id']] if feed['favicon_color'] = feed_icon.color feed['favicon'] = logging.user( request, "~FGAdd Search: ~SB%s ~SN(%s matches)" % ( query, len(feeds), )) if version > 1: return { 'feeds': feeds, 'term': query, } else: return feeds
def exception_change_feed_link(request): feed_id = request.POST['feed_id'] feed = get_object_or_404(Feed, pk=feed_id) original_feed = feed feed_link = request.POST['feed_link'] timezone = request.user.profile.timezone code = -1 if False and (feed.has_page_exception or feed.has_feed_exception): # Fix broken feed logging.user( request, "~FRFixing feed exception by link: ~SB%s~SN to ~SB%s" % (feed.feed_link, feed_link)) found_feed_urls = feedfinder.find_feeds(feed_link) if len(found_feed_urls): code = 1 feed.has_page_exception = False = True feed.fetched_once = False feed.feed_link = feed_link feed.feed_address = found_feed_urls[0] duplicate_feed = feed.schedule_feed_fetch_immediately() if duplicate_feed: new_feed = Feed.objects.get( feed = new_feed new_feed.schedule_feed_fetch_immediately() new_feed.has_page_exception = False = True else: # Branch good feed logging.user( request, "~FRBranching feed by link: ~SB%s~SN to ~SB%s" % (feed.feed_link, feed_link)) try: feed = Feed.objects.get( hash_address_and_link=Feed.generate_hash_address_and_link( feed.feed_address, feed_link)) except Feed.DoesNotExist: feed = Feed.objects.create(feed_address=feed.feed_address, feed_link=feed_link) code = 1 if != try: feed.branch_from_feed = original_feed.branch_from_feed or original_feed except Feed.DoesNotExist: feed.branch_from_feed = original_feed feed.feed_link_locked = True feed = feed.update() feed = Feed.get_by_id( try: usersub = UserSubscription.objects.get(user=request.user, feed=feed) except UserSubscription.DoesNotExist: usersubs = UserSubscription.objects.filter(user=request.user, feed=original_feed) if usersubs: usersub = usersubs[0] usersub.switch_feed(feed, original_feed) else: fetch_history = MFetchHistory.feed(feed_id, timezone=timezone) return { 'code': -1, 'feed_fetch_history': fetch_history['feed_fetch_history'], 'page_fetch_history': fetch_history['page_fetch_history'], 'push_history': fetch_history['push_history'], } usersub.calculate_feed_scores(silent=False) feed.update_all_statistics() classifiers = get_classifiers_for_user(usersub.user, feed_id=usersub.feed_id) if feed and feed.has_feed_exception: code = -1 feeds = { usersub.canonical(full=True, classifiers=classifiers), } fetch_history = MFetchHistory.feed(feed_id, timezone=timezone) return { 'code': code, 'feeds': feeds, 'new_feed_id': usersub.feed_id, 'feed_fetch_history': fetch_history['feed_fetch_history'], 'page_fetch_history': fetch_history['page_fetch_history'], 'push_history': fetch_history['push_history'], }
# Prune the river to only include a set number of stories per feed # story_feed_counts = defaultdict(int) # mstories_pruned = [] # for story in mstories: # print story['story_title'], story_feed_counts[story['story_feed_id']] # if story_feed_counts[story['story_feed_id']] >= 3: continue # mstories_pruned.append(story) # story_feed_counts[story['story_feed_id']] += 1 stories = [] for i, story in enumerate(mstories): if i < offset: continue if i >= limit: break stories.append(bunch(story)) stories = Feed.format_stories(stories) found_feed_ids = list(set([story['story_feed_id'] for story in stories])) # Find starred stories try: starred_stories = MStarredStory.objects(, story_feed_id__in=found_feed_ids).only('story_guid', 'starred_date') starred_stories = dict([(story.story_guid, story.starred_date) for story in starred_stories]) except OperationFailure:" ***> Starred stories failure") starred_stories = {} # Intelligence classifiers for all feeds involved
def __unicode__(self): feed = Feed.get_by_id(self.feed_id) return "%s - %s (%s)" % (feed, self.folder, self.count)
def push_feed_notifications(cls, feed_id, new_stories, force=False): feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) notifications = MUserFeedNotification.users_for_feed( logging.debug( " ---> [%-30s] ~FCPushing out notifications to ~SB%s users~SN for ~FB~SB%s stories" % (feed, len(notifications), new_stories) ) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_STORY_HASH_POOL) latest_story_hashes = r.zrange("zF:%s" %, -1 * new_stories, -1) mstories = MStory.objects.filter(story_hash__in=latest_story_hashes).order_by('-story_date') stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) total_sent_count = 0 for user_feed_notification in notifications: sent_count = 0 try: user = User.objects.get(pk=user_feed_notification.user_id) except User.DoesNotExist: continue months_ago = - datetime.timedelta(days=90) if user.profile.last_seen_on < months_ago: logging.user(user, f"~FBSkipping notifications, last seen: ~SB{user.profile.last_seen_on}") continue last_notification_date = user_feed_notification.last_notification_date try: usersub = UserSubscription.objects.get( user=user_feed_notification.user_id, feed=user_feed_notification.feed_id ) except UserSubscription.DoesNotExist: continue classifiers = user_feed_notification.classifiers(usersub) if classifiers is None: if settings.DEBUG: logging.debug("Has no usersubs") continue for story in stories: if sent_count >= 3: if settings.DEBUG: logging.debug("Sent too many, ignoring...") continue if story['story_date'] <= last_notification_date and not force: if settings.DEBUG: logging.debug( "Story date older than last notification date: %s <= %s" % (story['story_date'], last_notification_date) ) continue if story['story_date'] > user_feed_notification.last_notification_date: user_feed_notification.last_notification_date = story['story_date'] story['story_content'] = html.unescape(story['story_content']) sent = user_feed_notification.push_story_notification(story, classifiers, usersub) if sent: sent_count += 1 total_sent_count += 1 return total_sent_count, len(notifications)
def calculate_feed_scores(self, silent=False, stories=None, force=False): # now = datetime.datetime.strptime("2009-07-06 22:30:03", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") now = UNREAD_CUTOFF = now - datetime.timedelta(days=settings.DAYS_OF_UNREAD) if self.user.profile.last_seen_on < UNREAD_CUTOFF and not force: # if not silent: #' ---> [%s] SKIPPING Computing scores: %s (1 week+)' % (self.user, self.feed)) return # if not self.feed.fetched_once: # if not silent: #' ---> [%s] NOT Computing scores: %s' % (self.user, self.feed)) # self.needs_unread_recalc = False # # return feed_scores = dict(negative=0, neutral=0, positive=0) # Two weeks in age. If mark_read_date is older, mark old stories as read. date_delta = UNREAD_CUTOFF if date_delta < self.mark_read_date: date_delta = self.mark_read_date else: self.mark_read_date = date_delta if not stories: stories = cache.get('S:%s' % self.feed_id) unread_story_hashes = self.get_stories(read_filter='unread', limit=500, hashes_only=True) if not stories: stories_db = MStory.objects(story_hash__in=unread_story_hashes) stories = Feed.format_stories(stories_db, self.feed_id) oldest_unread_story_date = now unread_stories = [] for story in stories: if story['story_date'] < date_delta: continue if story['story_hash'] in unread_story_hashes: unread_stories.append(story) if story['story_date'] < oldest_unread_story_date: oldest_unread_story_date = story['story_date'] # if not silent: #' ---> [%s] Format stories: %s' % (self.user, - now)) classifier_feeds = list(MClassifierFeed.objects(user_id=self.user_id, feed_id=self.feed_id, social_user_id=0)) classifier_authors = list(MClassifierAuthor.objects(user_id=self.user_id, feed_id=self.feed_id)) classifier_titles = list(MClassifierTitle.objects(user_id=self.user_id, feed_id=self.feed_id)) classifier_tags = list(MClassifierTag.objects(user_id=self.user_id, feed_id=self.feed_id)) # if not silent: #' ---> [%s] Classifiers: %s (%s)' % (self.user, - now, classifier_feeds.count() + classifier_authors.count() + classifier_tags.count() + classifier_titles.count())) scores = { 'feed': apply_classifier_feeds(classifier_feeds, self.feed), } for story in unread_stories: scores.update({ 'author' : apply_classifier_authors(classifier_authors, story), 'tags' : apply_classifier_tags(classifier_tags, story), 'title' : apply_classifier_titles(classifier_titles, story), }) max_score = max(scores['author'], scores['tags'], scores['title']) min_score = min(scores['author'], scores['tags'], scores['title']) if max_score > 0: feed_scores['positive'] += 1 elif min_score < 0: feed_scores['negative'] += 1 else: if scores['feed'] > 0: feed_scores['positive'] += 1 elif scores['feed'] < 0: feed_scores['negative'] += 1 else: feed_scores['neutral'] += 1 # if not silent: #' ---> [%s] End classifiers: %s' % (self.user, - now)) self.unread_count_positive = feed_scores['positive'] self.unread_count_neutral = feed_scores['neutral'] self.unread_count_negative = feed_scores['negative'] self.unread_count_updated = self.oldest_unread_story_date = oldest_unread_story_date self.needs_unread_recalc = False if (self.unread_count_positive == 0 and self.unread_count_neutral == 0): self.mark_feed_read() if not silent: logging.user(self.user, '~FC~SNComputing scores: %s (~SB%s~SN/~SB%s~SN/~SB%s~SN)' % (self.feed, feed_scores['negative'], feed_scores['neutral'], feed_scores['positive'])) return self
def subscribe(self, topic, feed, hub=None, callback=None, lease_seconds=None, force_retry=False): if hub is None: hub = self._get_hub(topic) if hub is None: raise TypeError( 'hub cannot be None if the feed does not provide it') if lease_seconds is None: lease_seconds = getattr(settings, 'PUBSUBHUBBUB_LEASE_SECONDS', DEFAULT_LEASE_SECONDS) feed = Feed.get_by_id( subscription, created = self.get_or_create(feed=feed) signals.pre_subscribe.send(sender=subscription, created=created) subscription.set_expiration(lease_seconds) if len(topic) < 200: subscription.topic = topic else: subscription.topic = feed.feed_link[:200] subscription.hub = hub if callback is None: # try: # callback_path = reverse('push-callback', args=(,)) # except Resolver404: # raise TypeError('callback cannot be None if there is not a reverable URL') # else: # # callback = 'http://' + Site.objects.get_current() + callback_path callback = "" % # + callback_path try: response = self._send_request( hub, { 'hub.mode': 'subscribe', 'hub.callback': callback, 'hub.topic': topic, 'hub.verify': ['async', 'sync'], 'hub.verify_token': subscription.generate_token('subscribe'), 'hub.lease_seconds': lease_seconds, }) except requests.ConnectionError: response = None if response and response.status_code == 204: subscription.verified = True elif response and response.status_code == 202: # async verification subscription.verified = False else: error = response and response.text or "" if not force_retry and 'You may only subscribe to' in error: extracted_topic ="You may only subscribe to (.*?) ", error) if extracted_topic: subscription = self.subscribe(, feed=feed, hub=hub, force_retry=True) else: logging.debug( u' ---> [%-30s] ~FR~BKFeed failed to subscribe to push: %s (code: %s)' % (unicode(subscription.feed)[:30], error[:100], response and response.status_code)) feed.setup_push() if subscription.verified: signals.verified.send(sender=subscription) return subscription
def run(self, **kwargs): from apps.rss_feeds.models import Feed settings.LOG_TO_STREAM = True now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() start = time.time() r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_FEED_POOL) tasked_feeds_size = r.zcard('tasked_feeds') hour_ago = now - datetime.timedelta(hours=1) r.zremrangebyscore('fetched_feeds_last_hour', 0, int(hour_ago.strftime('%s'))) now_timestamp = int(now.strftime("%s")) queued_feeds = r.zrangebyscore('scheduled_updates', 0, now_timestamp) r.zremrangebyscore('scheduled_updates', 0, now_timestamp) r.sadd('queued_feeds', *queued_feeds) logging.debug(" ---> ~SN~FBQueuing ~SB%s~SN stale feeds (~SB%s~SN/~FG%s~FB~SN/%s tasked/queued/scheduled)" % ( len(queued_feeds), r.zcard('tasked_feeds'), r.scard('queued_feeds'), r.zcard('scheduled_updates'))) # Regular feeds if tasked_feeds_size < 10000: feeds = r.srandmember('queued_feeds', 10000) Feed.task_feeds(feeds, verbose=True) active_count = len(feeds) else: logging.debug(" ---> ~SN~FBToo many tasked feeds. ~SB%s~SN tasked." % tasked_feeds_size) active_count = 0 cp1 = time.time() # Force refresh feeds refresh_feeds = Feed.objects.filter( active=True, fetched_once=False, active_subscribers__gte=1 ).order_by('?')[:100] refresh_count = refresh_feeds.count() cp2 = time.time() # Mistakenly inactive feeds hours_ago = (now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=10)).strftime('%s') old_tasked_feeds = r.zrangebyscore('tasked_feeds', 0, hours_ago) inactive_count = len(old_tasked_feeds) if inactive_count: r.zremrangebyscore('tasked_feeds', 0, hours_ago) # r.sadd('queued_feeds', *old_tasked_feeds) for feed_id in old_tasked_feeds: r.zincrby('error_feeds', feed_id, 1) feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) feed.set_next_scheduled_update() logging.debug(" ---> ~SN~FBRe-queuing ~SB%s~SN dropped feeds (~SB%s/%s~SN queued/tasked)" % ( inactive_count, r.scard('queued_feeds'), r.zcard('tasked_feeds'))) cp3 = time.time() old = now - datetime.timedelta(days=1) old_feeds = Feed.objects.filter( next_scheduled_update__lte=old, active_subscribers__gte=1 ).order_by('?')[:500] old_count = old_feeds.count() cp4 = time.time() logging.debug(" ---> ~FBTasking ~SB~FC%s~SN~FB/~FC%s~FB (~FC%s~FB/~FC%s~SN~FB) feeds... (%.4s/%.4s/%.4s/%.4s)" % ( active_count, refresh_count, inactive_count, old_count, cp1 - start, cp2 - cp1, cp3 - cp2, cp4 - cp3 )) Feed.task_feeds(refresh_feeds, verbose=False) Feed.task_feeds(old_feeds, verbose=False) logging.debug(" ---> ~SN~FBTasking took ~SB%s~SN seconds (~SB%s~SN/~FG%s~FB~SN/%s tasked/queued/scheduled)" % ( int((time.time() - start)), r.zcard('tasked_feeds'), r.scard('queued_feeds'), r.zcard('scheduled_updates')))
def exception_change_feed_link(request): feed_id = request.POST['feed_id'] feed = get_object_or_404(Feed, pk=feed_id) original_feed = feed feed_link = request.POST['feed_link'] code = -1 if feed.has_page_exception or feed.has_feed_exception: # Fix broken feed logging.user( request, "~FRFixing feed exception by link: ~SB%s~SN to ~SB%s" % (feed.feed_link, feed_link)) feed_address = feedfinder.feed(feed_link) if feed_address: code = 1 feed.has_page_exception = False = True feed.fetched_once = False feed.feed_link = feed_link feed.feed_address = feed_address feed.next_scheduled_update = datetime.datetime.utcnow() duplicate_feed = if duplicate_feed: new_feed = Feed.objects.get( feed = new_feed new_feed.next_scheduled_update = datetime.datetime.utcnow() new_feed.has_page_exception = False = True else: # Branch good feed logging.user( request, "~FRBranching feed by link: ~SB%s~SN to ~SB%s" % (feed.feed_link, feed_link)) feed, _ = Feed.objects.get_or_create(feed_address=feed.feed_address, feed_link=feed_link) if != try: feed.branch_from_feed = original_feed.branch_from_feed or original_feed except Feed.DoesNotExist: feed.branch_from_feed = original_feed feed.feed_link_locked = True code = 1 feed = feed.update() feed = Feed.get_by_id( try: usersub = UserSubscription.objects.get(user=request.user, feed=feed) except UserSubscription.DoesNotExist: usersubs = UserSubscription.objects.filter(user=request.user, feed=original_feed) if usersubs: usersub = usersubs[0] usersub.switch_feed(feed, original_feed) else: return {'code': -1} usersub.calculate_feed_scores(silent=False) feed.update_all_statistics() classifiers = get_classifiers_for_user(usersub.user, feed_id=usersub.feed_id) if feed and feed.has_feed_exception: code = -1 feeds = { usersub.canonical(full=True, classifiers=classifiers), } return { 'code': code, 'feeds': feeds, 'new_feed_id': usersub.feed_id, }
def newsletter_story(request, story_hash): story = MStory.objects.get(story_hash=story_hash) story = Feed.format_story(story) return HttpResponse(story['story_content'])
def run(self, **kwargs): from apps.rss_feeds.models import Feed settings.LOG_TO_STREAM = True now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() start = time.time() r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_FEED_UPDATE_POOL) logging.debug(" ---> ~SN~FBQueuing broken feeds...") # Force refresh feeds refresh_feeds = Feed.objects.filter( active=True, fetched_once=False, active_subscribers__gte=1).order_by('?')[:100] refresh_count = refresh_feeds.count() cp1 = time.time() logging.debug(" ---> ~SN~FBFound %s active, unfetched broken feeds" % refresh_count) # Mistakenly inactive feeds hours_ago = (now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=10)).strftime('%s') old_tasked_feeds = r.zrangebyscore('tasked_feeds', 0, hours_ago) inactive_count = len(old_tasked_feeds) if inactive_count: r.zremrangebyscore('tasked_feeds', 0, hours_ago) # r.sadd('queued_feeds', *old_tasked_feeds) for feed_id in old_tasked_feeds: r.zincrby('error_feeds', feed_id, 1) feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) feed.set_next_scheduled_update() logging.debug( " ---> ~SN~FBRe-queuing ~SB%s~SN dropped/broken feeds (~SB%s/%s~SN queued/tasked)" % (inactive_count, r.scard('queued_feeds'), r.zcard('tasked_feeds'))) cp2 = time.time() old = now - datetime.timedelta(days=1) old_feeds = Feed.objects.filter( next_scheduled_update__lte=old, active_subscribers__gte=1).order_by('?')[:500] old_count = old_feeds.count() cp3 = time.time() logging.debug( " ---> ~SN~FBTasking ~SBrefresh:~FC%s~FB inactive:~FC%s~FB old:~FC%s~SN~FB broken feeds... (%.4s/%.4s/%.4s)" % ( refresh_count, inactive_count, old_count, cp1 - start, cp2 - cp1, cp3 - cp2, )) Feed.task_feeds(refresh_feeds, verbose=False) Feed.task_feeds(old_feeds, verbose=False) logging.debug( " ---> ~SN~FBTasking broken feeds took ~SB%s~SN seconds (~SB%s~SN/~FG%s~FB~SN/%s tasked/queued/scheduled)" % (int((time.time() - start)), r.zcard('tasked_feeds'), r.scard('queued_feeds'), r.zcard('scheduled_updates')))
def process_outline(self, outline, folders, in_folder=''): for item in outline: if (not hasattr(item, 'xmlUrl') and (hasattr(item, 'text') or hasattr(item, 'title'))): folder = item title = getattr(item, 'text', None) or getattr( item, 'title', None) # if hasattr(folder, 'text'): #' ---> [%s] ~FRNew Folder: %s' % (self.user, folder.text)) obj = {title: []} folders = add_object_to_folder(obj, in_folder, folders) folders = self.process_outline(folder, folders, title) elif hasattr(item, 'xmlUrl'): feed = item if not hasattr(feed, 'htmlUrl'): setattr(feed, 'htmlUrl', None) # If feed title matches what's in the DB, don't override it on subscription. feed_title = getattr(feed, 'title', None) or getattr( feed, 'text', None) if not feed_title: setattr(feed, 'title', feed.htmlUrl or feed.xmlUrl) user_feed_title = None else: setattr(feed, 'title', feed_title) user_feed_title = feed.title feed_address = urlnorm.normalize(feed.xmlUrl) feed_link = urlnorm.normalize(feed.htmlUrl) if len(feed_address) > Feed._meta.get_field( 'feed_address').max_length: continue if feed_link and len(feed_link) > Feed._meta.get_field( 'feed_link').max_length: continue #' ---> \t~FR%s - %s - %s' % (feed.title, feed_link, feed_address,)) feed_data = dict(feed_address=feed_address, feed_link=feed_link, feed_title=feed.title) # feeds.append(feed_data) # See if it exists as a duplicate first duplicate_feed = DuplicateFeed.objects.filter( duplicate_address=feed_address) if duplicate_feed: feed_db = duplicate_feed[0].feed else: feed_data['active_subscribers'] = 1 feed_data['num_subscribers'] = 1 feed_db, _ = Feed.find_or_create( feed_address=feed_address, feed_link=feed_link, defaults=dict(**feed_data)) if user_feed_title == feed_db.feed_title: user_feed_title = None try: us = UserSubscription.objects.get(feed=feed_db, user=self.user) except UserSubscription.DoesNotExist: us = UserSubscription( feed=feed_db, user=self.user, needs_unread_recalc=True, mark_read_date=datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=1), active=self.user.profile.is_premium, user_title=user_feed_title) if self.user.profile.is_premium and not = True if not us.needs_unread_recalc: us.needs_unread_recalc = True folders = add_object_to_folder(, in_folder, folders) return folders
def save_story(request, token=None): code = 0 story_url = request.POST['story_url'] user_tags = request.POST.getlist('user_tags') or request.POST.getlist( 'user_tags[]') or [] add_user_tag = request.POST.get('add_user_tag', None) title = request.POST['title'] content = request.POST.get('content', None) rss_url = request.POST.get('rss_url', None) user_notes = request.POST.get('user_notes', None) feed_id = request.POST.get('feed_id', None) or 0 feed = None message = None profile = None if request.user.is_authenticated(): profile = request.user.profile else: try: profile = Profile.objects.get(secret_token=token) except Profile.DoesNotExist: code = -1 if token: message = "Not authenticated, couldn't find user by token." else: message = "Not authenticated, no token supplied and not authenticated." if not profile: return HttpResponse(json.encode({ 'code': code, 'message': message, 'story': None, }), content_type='text/plain') if feed_id: feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) else: if rss_url: logging.user(request.user, "~FBFinding feed (save_story): %s" % rss_url) feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(rss_url, create=True, fetch=True) if not feed: logging.user(request.user, "~FBFinding feed (save_story): %s" % story_url) feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(story_url, create=True, fetch=True) if feed: feed_id = if content: content = lxml.html.fromstring(content) content.make_links_absolute(story_url) content = lxml.html.tostring(content) else: importer = TextImporter(story=None, story_url=story_url, request=request, debug=settings.DEBUG) document = importer.fetch(skip_save=True, return_document=True) content = document['content'] if not title: title = document['title'] if add_user_tag: user_tags = user_tags + [tag for tag in add_user_tag.split(',')] starred_story = MStarredStory.objects.filter(, story_feed_id=feed_id, story_guid=story_url).limit(1).first() if not starred_story: story_db = { "story_guid": story_url, "story_permalink": story_url, "story_title": title, "story_feed_id": feed_id, "story_content": content, "story_date":, "starred_date":, "user_id":, "user_tags": user_tags, "user_notes": user_notes, } starred_story = MStarredStory.objects.create(**story_db) logging.user( profile.user, "~BM~FCStarring story from site: ~SB%s: %s" % (story_url, user_tags)) message = "Saving story from site: %s: %s" % (story_url, user_tags) else: starred_story.story_content = content starred_story.story_title = title starred_story.user_tags = user_tags starred_story.story_permalink = story_url starred_story.story_guid = story_url starred_story.story_feed_id = feed_id starred_story.user_notes = user_notes logging.user( profile.user, "~BM~FC~SBUpdating~SN starred story from site: ~SB%s: %s" % (story_url, user_tags)) message = "Updating saved story from site: %s: %s" % (story_url, user_tags) MStarredStoryCounts.schedule_count_tags_for_user( response = HttpResponse(json.encode({ 'code': code, 'message': message, 'story': starred_story, }), content_type='text/plain') response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'POST' return response
def share_story(request, token): code = 0 story_url = request.POST['story_url'] comments = request.POST['comments'] title = request.POST['title'] content = request.POST['content'] rss_url = request.POST.get('rss_url') feed_id = request.POST.get('feed_id') or 0 feed = None message = None if not story_url: code = -1 else: try: profile = Profile.objects.get(secret_token=token) except Profile.DoesNotExist: code = -1 if feed_id: feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) else: if rss_url: feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(rss_url, create=True, fetch=True) if not feed: feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(story_url, create=True, fetch=True) if feed: feed_id = content = lxml.html.fromstring(content) content.make_links_absolute(story_url) content = lxml.html.tostring(content) shared_story = MSharedStory.objects.filter(, story_feed_id=feed_id, story_guid=story_url).limit(1).first() if not shared_story: story_db = { "story_guid": story_url, "story_permalink": story_url, "story_title": title, "story_feed_id": feed_id, "story_content": content, "story_date":, "user_id":, "comments": comments, "has_comments": bool(comments), } shared_story = MSharedStory.objects.create(**story_db) socialsubs = MSocialSubscription.objects.filter( for socialsub in socialsubs: socialsub.needs_unread_recalc = True logging.user( profile.user, "~BM~FYSharing story from site: ~SB%s: %s" % (story_url, comments)) else: shared_story.story_content = content shared_story.story_title = title shared_story.comments = comments shared_story.story_permalink = story_url shared_story.story_guid = story_url shared_story.has_comments = bool(comments) shared_story.story_feed_id = feed_id logging.user( profile.user, "~BM~FY~SBUpdating~SN shared story from site: ~SB%s: %s" % (story_url, comments)) socialsub = MSocialSubscription.objects.get(, socialsub.mark_story_ids_as_read([shared_story.story_hash], shared_story.story_feed_id, request=request) shared_story.publish_update_to_subscribers() response = HttpResponse(json.encode({ 'code': code, 'message': message, 'story': None, }), mimetype='text/plain') response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'POST' return response
class ProcessFeed: def __init__(self, feed_id, fpf, options): self.feed_id = feed_id self.options = options self.fpf = fpf def refresh_feed(self): self.feed = Feed.get_by_id(self.feed_id) if self.feed_id != logging.debug(" ***> Feed has changed: from %s to %s" % (self.feed_id, self.feed_id = def process(self): """ Downloads and parses a feed. """ start = time.time() self.refresh_feed() ret_values = dict(new=0, updated=0, same=0, error=0) if hasattr(self.fpf, 'status'): if self.options['verbose']: if self.fpf.bozo and self.fpf.status != 304: logging.debug(u' ---> [%-30s] ~FRBOZO exception: %s ~SB(%s entries)' % ( self.feed.title[:30], self.fpf.bozo_exception, len(self.fpf.entries))) if self.fpf.status == 304: self.feed = self.feed.save_feed_history(304, "Not modified") return FEED_SAME, ret_values # 302: Temporary redirect: ignore # 301: Permanent redirect: save it (after 10 tries) if self.fpf.status == 301: if self.fpf.href.endswith(''): return FEED_ERRHTTP, ret_values redirects, non_redirects = self.feed.count_redirects_in_history('feed') self.feed.save_feed_history(self.fpf.status, "HTTP Redirect (%d to go)" % (10-len(redirects))) if len(redirects) >= 10 or len(non_redirects) == 0: address = self.fpf.href if self.options['force'] and address: address = qurl(address, remove=['_']) self.feed.feed_address = address if not self.feed.known_good: self.feed.fetched_once = True logging.debug(" ---> [%-30s] ~SB~SK~FRFeed is %s'ing. Refetching..." % (self.feed.title[:30], self.fpf.status)) self.feed = self.feed.schedule_feed_fetch_immediately() if not self.fpf.entries: self.feed = self.feed.save_feed_history(self.fpf.status, "HTTP Redirect") return FEED_ERRHTTP, ret_values if self.fpf.status >= 400: logging.debug(" ---> [%-30s] ~SB~FRHTTP Status code: %s. Checking address..." % (self.feed.title[:30], self.fpf.status)) fixed_feed = None if not self.feed.known_good: fixed_feed, feed = self.feed.check_feed_link_for_feed_address() if not fixed_feed: self.feed.save_feed_history(self.fpf.status, "HTTP Error") else: self.feed = feed self.feed = return FEED_ERRHTTP, ret_values if not self.fpf: logging.debug(" ---> [%-30s] ~SB~FRFeed is Non-XML. No feedparser feed either!" % (self.feed.title[:30])) self.feed.save_feed_history(551, "Broken feed") return FEED_ERRHTTP, ret_values if self.fpf and not self.fpf.entries: if self.fpf.bozo and isinstance(self.fpf.bozo_exception, feedparser.NonXMLContentType): logging.debug(" ---> [%-30s] ~SB~FRFeed is Non-XML. %s entries. Checking address..." % (self.feed.title[:30], len(self.fpf.entries))) fixed_feed = None if not self.feed.known_good: fixed_feed, feed = self.feed.check_feed_link_for_feed_address() if not fixed_feed: self.feed.save_feed_history(552, 'Non-xml feed', self.fpf.bozo_exception) else: self.feed = feed self.feed = return FEED_ERRPARSE, ret_values elif self.fpf.bozo and isinstance(self.fpf.bozo_exception, xml.sax._exceptions.SAXException): logging.debug(" ---> [%-30s] ~SB~FRFeed has SAX/XML parsing issues. %s entries. Checking address..." % (self.feed.title[:30], len(self.fpf.entries))) fixed_feed = None if not self.feed.known_good: fixed_feed, feed = self.feed.check_feed_link_for_feed_address() if not fixed_feed: self.feed.save_feed_history(553, 'SAX Exception', self.fpf.bozo_exception) else: self.feed = feed self.feed = return FEED_ERRPARSE, ret_values # the feed has changed (or it is the first time we parse it) # saving the etag and last_modified fields original_etag = self.feed.etag self.feed.etag = self.fpf.get('etag') if self.feed.etag: self.feed.etag = self.feed.etag[:255] # some times this is None (it never should) *sigh* if self.feed.etag is None: self.feed.etag = '' if self.feed.etag != original_etag:['etag']) original_last_modified = self.feed.last_modified if hasattr(self.fpf, 'modified') and self.fpf.modified: try: self.feed.last_modified = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.fpf.modified, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z') except Exception, e: self.feed.last_modified = None logging.debug("Broken mtime %s: %s" % (self.feed.last_modified, e)) pass if self.feed.last_modified != original_last_modified:['last_modified']) self.fpf.entries = self.fpf.entries[:100] original_title = self.feed.feed_title if self.fpf.feed.get('title'): self.feed.feed_title = strip_tags(self.fpf.feed.get('title')) if self.feed.feed_title != original_title:['feed_title']) tagline = self.fpf.feed.get('tagline', if tagline: original_tagline = = smart_unicode(tagline) if != original_tagline:['feed_tagline']) if not self.feed.feed_link_locked: new_feed_link = self.fpf.feed.get('link') or self.fpf.feed.get('id') or self.feed.feed_link if self.options['force'] and new_feed_link: new_feed_link = qurl(new_feed_link, remove=['_']) if new_feed_link != self.feed.feed_link: logging.debug(" ---> [%-30s] ~SB~FRFeed's page is different: %s to %s" % (self.feed.title[:30], self.feed.feed_link, new_feed_link)) redirects, non_redirects = self.feed.count_redirects_in_history('page') self.feed.save_page_history(301, "HTTP Redirect (%s to go)" % (10-len(redirects))) if len(redirects) >= 10 or len(non_redirects) == 0: self.feed.feed_link = new_feed_link['feed_link']) # Determine if stories aren't valid and replace broken guids guids_seen = set() permalinks_seen = set() for entry in self.fpf.entries: guids_seen.add(entry.get('guid')) permalinks_seen.add(Feed.get_permalink(entry)) guid_difference = len(guids_seen) != len(self.fpf.entries) single_guid = len(guids_seen) == 1 replace_guids = single_guid and guid_difference permalink_difference = len(permalinks_seen) != len(self.fpf.entries) single_permalink = len(permalinks_seen) == 1 replace_permalinks = single_permalink and permalink_difference # Compare new stories to existing stories, adding and updating start_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() story_hashes = [] stories = [] for entry in self.fpf.entries: story = pre_process_story(entry, self.fpf.encoding) if story.get('published') < start_date: start_date = story.get('published') if replace_guids: if replace_permalinks: new_story_guid = unicode(story.get('published')) if self.options['verbose']: logging.debug(u' ---> [%-30s] ~FBReplacing guid (%s) with timestamp: %s' % ( self.feed.title[:30], story.get('guid'), new_story_guid)) story['guid'] = new_story_guid else: new_story_guid = Feed.get_permalink(story) if self.options['verbose']: logging.debug(u' ---> [%-30s] ~FBReplacing guid (%s) with permalink: %s' % ( self.feed.title[:30], story.get('guid'), new_story_guid)) story['guid'] = new_story_guid story['story_hash'] = MStory.feed_guid_hash_unsaved(, story.get('guid')) stories.append(story) story_hashes.append(story.get('story_hash')) existing_stories = dict((s.story_hash, s) for s in MStory.objects( story_hash__in=story_hashes, # story_date__gte=start_date, # )) ret_values = self.feed.add_update_stories(stories, existing_stories, verbose=self.options['verbose'], updates_off=self.options['updates_off']) if (hasattr(self.fpf, 'feed') and hasattr(self.fpf.feed, 'links') and self.fpf.feed.links): hub_url = None self_url = self.feed.feed_address for link in self.fpf.feed.links: if link['rel'] == 'hub' and not hub_url: hub_url = link['href'] elif link['rel'] == 'self': self_url = link['href'] push_expired = False if self.feed.is_push: try: push_expired = self.feed.push.lease_expires < except PushSubscription.DoesNotExist: self.feed.is_push = False if (hub_url and self_url and not settings.DEBUG and self.feed.active_subscribers > 0 and (push_expired or not self.feed.is_push or self.options.get('force'))): logging.debug(u' ---> [%-30s] ~BB~FW%sSubscribing to PuSH hub: %s' % ( self.feed.title[:30], "~SKRe-~SN" if push_expired else "", hub_url)) try: PushSubscription.objects.subscribe(self_url, feed=self.feed, hub=hub_url) except TimeoutError: logging.debug(u' ---> [%-30s] ~BB~FW~FRTimed out~FW subscribing to PuSH hub: %s' % ( self.feed.title[:30], hub_url)) elif (self.feed.is_push and (self.feed.active_subscribers <= 0 or not hub_url)): logging.debug(u' ---> [%-30s] ~BB~FWTurning off PuSH, no hub found' % ( self.feed.title[:30])) self.feed.is_push = False self.feed = logging.debug(u' ---> [%-30s] ~FYParsed Feed: %snew=%s~SN~FY %sup=%s~SN same=%s%s~SN %serr=%s~SN~FY total=~SB%s' % ( self.feed.title[:30], '~FG~SB' if ret_values['new'] else '', ret_values['new'], '~FY~SB' if ret_values['updated'] else '', ret_values['updated'], '~SB' if ret_values['same'] else '', ret_values['same'], '~FR~SB' if ret_values['error'] else '', ret_values['error'], len(self.fpf.entries))) self.feed.update_all_statistics(has_new_stories=bool(ret_values['new']), force=self.options['force']) if ret_values['new']: self.feed.trim_feed() self.feed.expire_redis() self.feed.save_feed_history(200, "OK") if self.options['verbose']: logging.debug(u' ---> [%-30s] ~FBTIME: feed parse in ~FM%.4ss' % ( self.feed.title[:30], time.time() - start)) return FEED_OK, ret_values