Example #1
def serialize_allow_trust_op(w, msg: StellarAllowTrustOp):
    # trustor account (the account being allowed to access the asset)
    writers.write_pubkey(w, msg.trusted_account)
    writers.write_uint32(w, msg.asset_type)
    _serialize_asset_code(w, msg.asset_type, msg.asset_code)

    writers.write_bool(w, msg.is_authorized)
Example #2
def write_manage_data_op(w, msg: StellarManageDataOp):
    if len(msg.key) > 64:
        raise ProcessError("Stellar: max length of a key is 64 bytes")
    writers.write_string(w, msg.key)
    writers.write_bool(w, bool(msg.value))
    if msg.value:
        writers.write_string(w, msg.value)
Example #3
def _timebounds(w: bytearray, start: int, end: int):
    # timebounds are only present if timebounds_start or timebounds_end is non-zero
    if start or end:
        writers.write_bool(w, True)
        # timebounds are sent as uint32s since that's all we can display, but they must be hashed as 64bit
        writers.write_uint64(w, start)
        writers.write_uint64(w, end)
        writers.write_bool(w, False)
Example #4
async def _timebounds(ctx, w: bytearray, start: int, end: int):
    # timebounds are only present if timebounds_start or timebounds_end is non-zero
    if start or end:
        # confirm dialog
        await layout.require_confirm_timebounds(ctx, start, end)
        writers.write_bool(w, True)

        # timebounds are sent as uint32s since that's all we can display, but they must be hashed as 64bit
        writers.write_uint64(w, start or 0)
        writers.write_uint64(w, end or 0)
        writers.write_bool(w, False)
Example #5
def serialize_set_options_op(w, msg: StellarSetOptionsOp):
    # inflation destination
    writers.write_bool(w, bool(msg.inflation_destination_account))
    if msg.inflation_destination_account:
        writers.write_pubkey(w, msg.inflation_destination_account)

    # clear flags
    writers.write_bool(w, bool(msg.clear_flags))
    if msg.clear_flags:
        writers.write_uint32(w, msg.clear_flags)

    # set flags
    writers.write_bool(w, bool(msg.set_flags))
    if msg.set_flags:
        writers.write_uint32(w, msg.set_flags)

    # account thresholds
    writers.write_bool(w, bool(msg.master_weight))
    if msg.master_weight:
        writers.write_uint32(w, msg.master_weight)

    writers.write_bool(w, bool(msg.low_threshold))
    if msg.low_threshold:
        writers.write_uint32(w, msg.low_threshold)

    writers.write_bool(w, bool(msg.medium_threshold))
    if msg.medium_threshold:
        writers.write_uint32(w, msg.medium_threshold)

    writers.write_bool(w, bool(msg.high_threshold))
    if msg.high_threshold:
        writers.write_uint32(w, msg.high_threshold)

    # home domain
    writers.write_bool(w, bool(msg.home_domain))
    if msg.home_domain:
        if len(msg.home_domain) > 32:
            raise ProcessError(
                "Stellar: max length of a home domain is 32 bytes")
        writers.write_string(w, msg.home_domain)

    # signer
    writers.write_bool(w, bool(msg.signer_type))
    if msg.signer_type:
        # signer type
        writers.write_uint32(w, msg.signer_type)
        writers.write_bytes(w, msg.signer_key)
        writers.write_uint32(w, msg.signer_weight)
Example #6
def serialize_account(w, source_account: str):
    if source_account is None:
        writers.write_bool(w, False)
    writers.write_pubkey(w, source_account)
Example #7
def write_set_options_op(w, msg: StellarSetOptionsOp):
    # inflation destination
    if msg.inflation_destination_account is None:
        writers.write_bool(w, False)
        writers.write_bool(w, True)
        writers.write_pubkey(w, msg.inflation_destination_account)

    # clear flags
    _write_set_options_int(w, msg.clear_flags)
    # set flags
    _write_set_options_int(w, msg.set_flags)
    # account thresholds
    _write_set_options_int(w, msg.master_weight)
    _write_set_options_int(w, msg.low_threshold)
    _write_set_options_int(w, msg.medium_threshold)
    _write_set_options_int(w, msg.high_threshold)

    # home domain
    if msg.home_domain is None:
        writers.write_bool(w, False)
        writers.write_bool(w, True)
        if len(msg.home_domain) > 32:
            raise ProcessError(
                "Stellar: max length of a home domain is 32 bytes")
        writers.write_string(w, msg.home_domain)

    # signer
    if msg.signer_type is None:
        writers.write_bool(w, False)
    elif msg.signer_type in consts.SIGN_TYPES:
        writers.write_bool(w, True)
        writers.write_uint32(w, msg.signer_type)
        writers.write_bytes_unchecked(w, msg.signer_key)
        writers.write_uint32(w, msg.signer_weight)
        raise ProcessError("Stellar: unknown signer type")
Example #8
def _write_set_options_int(w, value: int):
    if value is None:
        writers.write_bool(w, False)
        writers.write_bool(w, True)
        writers.write_uint32(w, value)