Example #1
def extra_context(request):
    """ This provides some extra context for the templates. """
    we_live_yo = False
    today = datetime.date.today()
    league = the_league(settings.LEAGUE_ID)
    season = league.season_set.exclude(go_live_date__gt=today)\

    if len(season) > 0:
        s = season[0]
        we_live_yo = s.go_live_date <= today and (
                s.go_dead_date is None or s.go_dead_date >= today)

    return {
            'FILER_URL': settings.FILER_URL,
            'WE_LIVE_YO': we_live_yo,
Example #2
def scoreboard(request):
    """ Display the scoreboard. """
    today = datetime.datetime.today()
    league = the_league(settings.LEAGUE_ID)
    season = league.current_season
    matches = [[], []]

    if season:
        divisions = league.division_set.all()
        rounds = (season.round_set.filter(go_dead_date__lte=today)
                  .values_list('id', flat=True).order_by('-go_live_date')[:1])

        if rounds:
            matches[0] = divisions[0].match_set.filter(round=rounds[0])
            matches[1] = divisions[1].match_set.filter(round=rounds[0])

    return {
        'FIRST_DIVISION_MATCHES': matches[0],
        'SECOND_DIVISION_MATCHES': matches[1],
Example #3
def standings(request):
    """ Display the standings """
    season = the_league(settings.LEAGUE_ID).current_season
    return {'STANDINGS': season.get_standings() if season else []}