Example #1
def input_script_multisig(
    multisig: MultisigRedeemScriptType,
    signature: bytes,
    signature_index: int,
    sighash: int,
    signatures = multisig.signatures  # other signatures
    if len(signatures[signature_index]) > 0:
        raise ScriptsError("Invalid multisig parameters")
    signatures[signature_index] = signature  # our signature

    w = bytearray()
    # Starts with OP_FALSE because of an old OP_CHECKMULTISIG bug, which
    # consumes one additional item on the stack:
    # https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-guide#standard-transactions

    for s in signatures:
        if len(s):
            append_signature(w, s, sighash)

    # redeem script
    pubkeys = multisig_get_pubkeys(multisig)
    redeem_script = output_script_multisig(pubkeys, multisig.m)
    write_op_push(w, len(redeem_script))
    write_bytes(w, redeem_script)

    return w
Example #2
def input_script_multisig(
    multisig: MultisigRedeemScriptType,
    signature: bytes,
    signature_index: int,
    sighash: int,
    coin: CoinInfo,
) -> bytearray:
    signatures = multisig.signatures  # other signatures
    if len(signatures[signature_index]) > 0:
        raise ScriptsError("Invalid multisig parameters")
    signatures[signature_index] = signature  # our signature

    # length of the redeem script
    pubkeys = multisig_get_pubkeys(multisig)
    redeem_script_length = output_script_multisig_length(pubkeys, multisig.m)

    # length of the result
    total_length = 0
    if utils.BITCOIN_ONLY or not coin.decred:
        total_length += 1  # OP_FALSE
    for s in signatures:
        total_length += 1 + len(s) + 1  # length, signature, sighash
    total_length += 1 + redeem_script_length  # length, script

    w = empty_bytearray(total_length)

    if utils.BITCOIN_ONLY or not coin.decred:
        # Starts with OP_FALSE because of an old OP_CHECKMULTISIG bug, which
        # consumes one additional item on the stack:
        # https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-guide#standard-transactions

    for s in signatures:
        if len(s):
            append_signature(w, s, sighash)

    # redeem script
    write_op_push(w, redeem_script_length)
    write_output_script_multisig(w, pubkeys, multisig.m)

    return w
Example #3
def append_pubkey(w: bytearray, pubkey: bytes) -> bytearray:
    write_op_push(w, len(pubkey))
    write_bytes(w, pubkey)
    return w
Example #4
def append_signature(w: bytearray, signature: bytes,
                     sighash: int) -> bytearray:
    write_op_push(w, len(signature) + 1)
    write_bytes(w, signature)
    return w
Example #5
def output_script_paytoopreturn(data: bytes) -> bytearray:
    w = empty_bytearray(1 + 5 + len(data))
    w.append(0x6A)  # OP_RETURN
    write_op_push(w, len(data))
    return w
Example #6
def append_pubkey(w: Writer, pubkey: bytes) -> None:
    write_op_push(w, len(pubkey))
    write_bytes_unchecked(w, pubkey)
Example #7
def append_signature(w: Writer, signature: bytes, sighash: int) -> None:
    write_op_push(w, len(signature) + 1)
    write_bytes_unchecked(w, signature)