Example #1
def scan_folder(folder):
    apps_info = apps.load_all_apps()
    config = apps.load_app_config()
    wm = WatchManager2()
    handler = EventHandler(wm, apps_info, config)
    for element, isdir in walk_folder(folder):
        handler.send_repeated_creation(element, isdir)
Example #2
def start_watching(folder):
    apps_info = apps.load_all_apps()
    config = apps.load_app_config()
    wm = WatchManager2()
    handler = EventHandler(wm, config, apps_info, folder)
    notifier = pyinotify.Notifier(wm, handler, timeout=10)
    gobject.timeout_add(100, quick_check, notifier)
    # Exclude files beginning with . or ending in ~
    e_filter = pyinotify.ExcludeFilter(['((/[^/]+)*/\\..*)|((/[^/]+)*/.+~)'])
    wm.add_watch(folder, handler.mask(), rec=True, auto_add=True, exclude_filter=e_filter)
    print "Starting to watch..."