Example #1
def createUser():
    username = helper_functions.random_string(10)
    username += "@"
    username += helper_functions.random_string(5)
    username += "."
    username += helper_functions.random_string(3)
    password = helper_functions.random_string(10)
    return username, password
Example #2
def createUser():
  username = helper_functions.random_string(10) 
  username += "@"
  username += helper_functions.random_string(5)
  username += "."
  username += helper_functions.random_string(3)
  password = helper_functions.random_string(10)
  return username, password
Example #3
def createRandomList(number_of_columns, column_name_len):
    columns = []
    for ii in range(0, number_of_columns):
        columns += [hf.random_string(column_name_len)]
    return columns
Example #4
def createApp():
    name = helper_functions.random_string(10)
    tar = helper_functions.random_string(1000)
    return name, tar
Example #5
# Retrieve the user's data with no apps
ret = server.get_user_data(user[0], super_secret)
if user[0] not in ret or user[1] not in ret:
    err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
# Get empty token
ret = server.get_token(user[0], super_secret)
if "token:notSet" not in ret:
    err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
# Change password
newpw = helper_functions.random_string(10)
ret = server.change_password(user[0], newpw, super_secret)
if ret != "true":
    err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
# Retrieve the user's data with new pw
ret = server.get_user_data(user[0], super_secret)
if user[0] not in ret or newpw not in ret:
    err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
# Change password back
ret = server.change_password(user[0], user[1], super_secret)
if ret != "true":
    err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
Example #6
def createApp():
  name = helper_functions.random_string(10)
  tar = helper_functions.random_string(1000)
  return name, tar
Example #7
if ret != "Error: user already exists":
  err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)

ret = server.does_user_exist(user[0], super_secret)
if ret != "true":
  err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
# Retrieve the user's data with no apps
ret = server.get_user_data(user[0], super_secret)
if user[0] not in ret or user[1] not in ret:
  err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
# Change password
newpw = helper_functions.random_string(10)
ret = server.change_password(user[0], newpw, super_secret)
if ret != "true":
  err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
# Retrieve the user's data with new pw 
ret = server.get_user_data(user[0], super_secret)
if user[0] not in ret or newpw not in ret:
  err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
# Change password back
ret = server.change_password(user[0], user[1], super_secret)
if ret != "true":
  err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
Example #8
def createRandomList(number_of_columns, column_name_len):
  columns = [] 
  for ii in range(0, number_of_columns):
    columns += [hf.random_string(column_name_len)]
  return columns
Example #9
# Retrieve the user's data with no apps
ret = server.get_user_data(user[0], super_secret)
if user[0] not in ret or user[1] not in ret:
  err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
# Get empty token
ret = server.get_token(user[0], super_secret)
if "token:notSet" not in ret:
  err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
# Change password
newpw = helper_functions.random_string(10)
ret = server.change_password(user[0], newpw, super_secret)
if ret != "true":
  err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
# Retrieve the user's data with new pw 
ret = server.get_user_data(user[0], super_secret)
if user[0] not in ret or newpw not in ret:
  err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
# Change password back
ret = server.change_password(user[0], user[1], super_secret)
if ret != "true":
  err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
Example #10
if ret != "Error: user already exists":
    err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)

ret = server.does_user_exist(user[0], super_secret)
if ret != "true":
    err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
# Retrieve the user's data with no apps
ret = server.get_user_data(user[0], super_secret)
if user[0] not in ret or user[1] not in ret:
    err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
# Change password
newpw = helper_functions.random_string(10)
ret = server.change_password(user[0], newpw, super_secret)
if ret != "true":
    err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
# Retrieve the user's data with new pw
ret = server.get_user_data(user[0], super_secret)
if user[0] not in ret or newpw not in ret:
    err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)
# Change password back
ret = server.change_password(user[0], user[1], super_secret)
if ret != "true":
    err(helper_functions.lineno(), ret)