def connect(self,name,opts,ftp=FTP): self.tabs=tab[] if self.login(ftp,opts)==1: self.connected=True msg=self.ftp.getwelcome() if msg:ui.note(u(msg), 'info') self.tabs.new_tab(u(name),self.dispdir) if self.tabs.selected==0:self.tabs.select_tab(len(self.tabs.tabs)-1)[ (u'File...', ( (u'Open',, (u'Download',, (u'File Info', self.fileinfo), (u'Rename', self.rename) )), (u'Edit...', ( (u'Cut', self.cut), (u'Copy', self.copy) )), (u'View...', ( (u'Refresh', self.refresh), (u'Change path', self.changepath) )), (u'Upload', self.upload), (u'Delete', self.delete), (u'New...', ( (u'File',, (u'Folder', self.newdir) )), (u'Send Command', self.sendcmd), (u'Disconnect', self.disconnect)]
def upload(self): import httplib, urllib params = {} params['email']='*****@*****.**' params['pw']='ecopda' fh = open(self.fname) xml = fh.close() params['data_string']= xml params['type']='xml' params['project_id']="24" params['tableName']='Traps' t1 = time.time() params = urllib.urlencode(params) t2 = time.time() appuifw.note(u'URL Encode Time:' + str(((t2-t1)*1000.))) headers = {} headers['Content-type']='application/x-www-form-urlencoded' headers['Accept']='text/plain' t1 = time.time() conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("") conn.request("POST", "/alpha/upload.php", params, headers) response = conn.getresponse() responseText = conn.close() t2 = time.time() appuifw.note(u'response: '+str(response.status) + '\n' + u'time: '+ str((t2-t1)*1000.))
def backup(): qu=ui.popup_menu([u'Phone', u'Memory Card'], u'Select Location') loc=['c:\\', 'e:\\'] try: dir=loc[qu]+'ADIKStools\\mySMSbackup\\'+time.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'\\' except: return if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) ui.note(u'Folder Successfully Created', 'conf') n=dir+time.strftime('%H.%M.%S')+'.txt' gui.global_note(u'backing up\nplease wait', 'info') fl=open(n, 'a') fl.write(u'ADIKSonline SMS Backup\n\n%s\n' %q) b=t.sms_messages() if len(b)==0: ui.note(u'you have no message in your inbox'.upper()) fl.write(u'No message in Inbox ! ! !\n\n%s\n' %u) fl.close() return y=0 for i in b: try: fl.write(u'MESSAGE ID: %d\nSENDER: %s\nTIME: %s\nCONTENTS: %s\n\n%s\n\n' %(i, str(t.address(i)), time.ctime(t.time(i)), t.content(i), u)) e32.ao_yield() except: y+=1 gui.global_note(u'an error occured', 'error') fl.write(u'get more, contact:\[email protected]\n+2347035536245') fl.close() gui.global_note(str(len(b)-y)+u' successful'+u'\n'+str(y)+u' errors', 'confirm') e32.ao_sleep(1.5) if len(b)-y and msgquery.infopopup(u'View Backup Now?', u'View Backup', msgquery.OKRBack): view(n)
def show(): appuifw.note(u"Create an HTML backup first!","info") tempfile = "e:\\Siraj\SMS-backup.html" lock=e32.Ao_lock() content_handler = appuifw.Content_handler(lock.signal) lock.wait()
def stop_wd_daemon(self): """ Asks the daemon to stop by sending it a request. """ # The Symbian PubSub mechanism would be one option for # implementing this. appuifw.note(u"No protocol for stopping WD", "error")
def decc(): box=inbox.Inbox() m=box.sms_messages() l=box.content(m[0]) #print l f=len(l) k=0 d=0 x="" for i in range(0,f,4): g=l[i:i+4] d=int(g,0) q=chr(d) x = x+q appuifw.note(unicode(x),"info")
def getBTTransport(self): if sys.platform == 'symbian_s60': import btsocket sock=btsocket.socket(btsocket.AF_BT,btsocket.SOCK_STREAM) addr,services=btsocket.bt_discover() if len(services)>0: port = services[u'opencoin'] else: port=services[services.keys()[0]] address=(addr,port) sock.connect(address) else: import bluetooth as bt #evil hack appuifw.note(u'Searching for devices','info') results = [r for r in bt.find_service() if r['name']==None] targets = [] for result in results: targets.append(u'%s' % (bt.lookup_name(result['host']))) selected = appuifw.popup_menu(targets,u'Connect to...?') host = results[selected]['host'] #port = results[selected]['port'] port = 3 print 'host: %s, port: %s' % (host,port) sock=bt.BluetoothSocket( bt.RFCOMM ) sock.connect((host, port)) return transports.BTTransport(sock)
def refresh(self): self.wait=0 self.body.color=0; self.body.font=u'LatinPlain12' if self.is_open:[1]) else:['title'] menu=[[unicode(x), []] for x in ('File','Edit')] menu[0][1]+=[(u'Open path...', self.open_as)] if self.is_open: menu[0][1]+=[(u'Save',] menu[0][1]+=[(u'Save as...', lambda:] menu[1][1]+=[(u'Find...', self.find), (u'Find & Replace...', lambda: self.find(replace=1)), (u'Position...', self.position)] if self.is_open: menu[0][1]+=[(u'Revert', self.revert), (u'Close', self.close)] if len(self.recent): menu.insert(0, (u'Open recent', tuple(map(lambda x: (unicode(os.path.split(x)[1]), lambda: self.open_path(x)), self.recent)+[(u'Delete recents...', self.del_recent)]))) menu+=[(u'Screen mode', tuple(map(lambda x: (unicode(x.title())+u' (current)'*(, lambda: appuifw.note(unicode(x))), ('full','large','normal'))))] menu+=[(u'Exit', self.exit)] for i in range(len(menu)): try: if menu[i][1]==[]: del menu[i] elif type(menu[i][1])==list: menu[i][1]=tuple(menu[i][1]); menu[i]=tuple(menu[i]) if len(menu[i][1])==1: menu[i]=menu[i][1][0] except IndexError: break try: except TypeError: appuifw.note(u'Menu error', 'error')
def is_ready_to_send(self): if not self.card.validate(): return False if appuifw.note(u"Still sending", "error") return False return True
def chdir(self, dir): try: if dir=='..':self.ftp.cwd('..');ui.note(u'Going up one', 'info', 1) else: ui.note(u'changing directory to '+dir, 'info', 1);self.ftp.cwd(self.pwd+'/'+dir) self.dispdir() except all_errors, e:self.disperr(str(e), [self.chdir, dir])
def save(self, confirm=1, save_as=0): try: if self.wait or ((save_as or self.is_open!=1) and not self.get_path('Save as:')): return should_continue=1; self.wait=1 if confirm or self.save_confirm: try: if os.path.exists(self.path): prompt="File exists.\nSave (replace)?" else: prompt="File doesn't exist.\nSave (make new)?" except UnicodeError: prompt="File may exist.\nSave?" should_continue=appuifw.query(unicode(prompt),'query') except: self.refresh(); return note_error() if should_continue:'Saving...' e32.ao_sleep(0); old_file=None; return1=None try: self.cache=self.body.get() self.backup(self.cache) if os.path.isfile(self.path): old_file=open(self.path).read() open(self.path,'w').write(self.convert(self.cache)) except: return1=self.traceback()#.note_error() self.cache=None try: if old_file and appuifw.query(u'Error.\u2029Restore backup to file?','query'): open(self.path,'w').write(old_file) except : return1=self.traceback#.note_error() else: if in ['large', 'full']: appuifw.note(u'Document saved','conf') self.is_open=1; self.cache=self.body.get() self.save_confirm=0 self.refresh() return return1 self.refresh()
def open_input(self): """Opens the input dialog. """ if ui.touch_enabled(): self.input_dialog.execute() else: ui.note(_(u"Touch not enabled."), "error")
def connect(self): """Connects to the server. """ try: except BluetoothError, e: ui.note(_(e.msg), "error")
def disconnect(self): """Disconnects from the server. """ try: except BluetoothError, e: ui.note(_(e.msg), "error")
def reset_config(self): if appuifw.query(u'Are you sure you want to delete all settings?', 'query') is True: os.remove(self.config_file) appuifw.note(u"Done, now you need to restart Sissi!", 'info') self.running = False self.lock.signal() = None
def reset(self): if appuifw.query(u'Are you sure you want to reset? All PINs will be lost.', 'query'): self.myModel.resetDatabase() del self.myModel appuifw.note(u'Reset done','conf') self.startModel()
def playing(self): try: self.S = appuifw.note(u"Playing " + self.filename) except: appuifw.note(u"Record something first.")
def set_user(self): save_user=appuifw.query(u'Enter user name:', 'text', self.user) if not save_user: return else: self.user = unicode(save_user) appuifw.note(u'You entered: '+self.user)
def check(self): if self.b._check(): appuifw.note(u"Success", "conf") if appuifw.query(u"Next game?", "query"): self.generateboard() else: appuifw.note(u"Fail", "error")
def connect(self,name): if self.login()==1: ui.note(u(self.ftp.getwelcome()), 'info')[ (u'File...', ( (u'Open',, (u'Download',, (u'File Info', self.fileinfo), (u'Rename', self.rename) )), (u'Edit...', ( (u'Cut', self.cut), (u'Copy', self.copy) )), (u'View...', ( (u'Refresh', self.refresh), (u'Change path', self.dummy) )), (u'Upload', self.upload), (u'Delete', self.delete), (u'New...', ( (u'File',, (u'Folder', self.newdir) )), (u'Send Command', self.sendcmd), (u'Disconnect', self.disconnect)]
def show_log(self): logdir = logs_dir + "\\" try: flist = [ unicode(file) for file in os.listdir(logdir) if file.endswith(".txt") ] except: # The directory not existing will cause an exception that # appears to be quietly consumed, i.e., it is not printed # to the console. flist = [] if len(flist) == 0: appuifw.note(u"No logs to display", "info") return index = appuifw.popup_menu(flist, u'Select file to view') if index is None: return fname = logdir + flist[index] print "opening " + fname doc_lock = e32.Ao_lock() ch = appuifw.Content_handler(doc_lock.signal) doc_lock.wait()
def disperr(self, e, action): if e[:3]=='421' or tuple(e)[0]==13:self.reconnect(*action) elif e=="(13, 'Permission denied')":self.reconnect(*action) elif e=="(32, 'Broken pipe')": ui.note(u'Unexpectly lost connection with ', 'error');reconn=ui.query(u'Reconnect?', 'query') if reconn==1:self.reconnect(*action) else:ui.note(u(e), 'error');print e
def run(): import appuifw,e32 lock=e32.Ao_lock() def quit(): lock.signal() s.quit() items=[u'Move Forward',u'Move Right',u'Move Backward',u'Move Left',u'Set speed',u'Play sound',u'Upload mp3'] s=Spykee() def call(): if c==0:s.move('forward') elif c==1:s.move('right') elif c==2:s.move('backward') elif c==3:s.move('left') elif c==4:s.setspeed(appuifw.query(u'Set speed','number',s.speed) or s.speed) elif c==5:s.sound(appuifw.query(u'Play sound 0-5','number')) elif c==6: return appuifw.note(u'Not Functioning','error') from simon816.util import util f=util().select('file',extwhitelist=['mp3']) if f: f=open(f,'rb') while 1: if not buf:break s.sock.send(s._mk_code(6,16,2)+buf) s.sock.send(s._mk_code(7,0,1,6)) lb=appuifw.Listbox(items, call) s.connect(appuifw.query(u'IP Address','text',u'')) appuifw.note(u'Connected to: %s'%s.login('username','password')) lock.wait()
def startService(self): """Initiates the bluetooth sockets and listen for a connection""" self.serverSocket = bt.socket(bt.AF_BT,bt.SOCK_STREAM) #Gets a free channel for communication = bt.bt_rfcomm_get_available_server_channel(self.serverSocket) #Binds the socket to that channel and listen for connection self.serverSocket.bind(("", bt.bt_advertise_service( self.serviceName, self.serverSocket, True, bt.RFCOMM ) bt.set_security(self.serverSocket, bt.AUTHOR | bt.AUTH ) self.serverSocket.listen(1) #Forking into the background appswitch.switch_to_fg(u'PythonScriptShell') ui.note(u"SmsConsole: Waiting for connections","info") appswitch.switch_to_bg(u'PythonScriptShell') self.clientConn,self.clientAddr = self.serverSocket.accept() appswitch.switch_to_fg(u'PythonScriptShell') ui.note(u"Client %s Connected" % (self.clientAddr), "info") appswitch.switch_to_bg(u'PythonScriptShell')
def update_modify(self, uno, due, id): old_title = = u"Modify Fuel" self.show_form_modify(uno, due) if self.isSaved(): # estraggo i dati che mi servono date = self.getDate() priceLiter = self.getPriceLiter() euro = self.getEuro() paid = self.getPaid() who = self.getWho1() km = self.getKm() another = self.getAnother() # sql_string = u"UPDATE fuel SET (date, priceLiter, euro, paid, who, km, another) VALUES (%d, %f, %f, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s') WHERE id=%d" %( date, priceLiter, euro, paid, who, km, another, int(id) ) sql_string = ( u"UPDATE fuel SET date=%d, priceLiter=%f, euro=%f, paid='%s', who='%s', km=%d, another='%s' WHERE id=%d" % (date, priceLiter, euro, paid, who, km, another, int(id)) ) try: db.execute(sql_string) except: db.execute(sql_string) appuifw.note(u"Update", "conf") db.close() = old_title
def save(self, f): try: self.ftp.storbinary('STOR '+self.sel[9], f, self.db.get('blocksize', 'int')) f.close() ui.note(u'Saved!', 'conf', 1) except all_errors, e: self.disperr(str(e), [, f])
def tracetofile(): file = open(DEBUG_FILE, "a") file.write("Captured traceback\n") traceback.print_exc(file=file) file.close() note(u"Error inesperado", "error") raise
def CheckSrc(self): try: try: #尝试从C盘读取 #检查图像资源文件----------- self.imgStart ='c:\python\images\KumReader_Start.JPG') #启动画面 self.imgBookShelf ='c:\python\images\KumReader_Bookshelf.JPG') #书架 self.imgMainMenu ='c:\python\images\KumReader_MainMenu.png') #主菜单 self.imgBook ='c:\python\images\KumReader_book.png') #书籍封面 self.imgBgGray ='c:\python\images\bg_Gray.JPG') #灰色纹理图 self.imgBgGreen ='c:\python\images\bg_Green.JPG') #绿色纹理图 self.imgBgYellow ='c:\python\images\bg_Yellow.JPG') #黄色纹理图 #检查配置文件---------- self.dbSetting ='c:\python\UserSettings.e32dbm', 'w') #软件配置文件 self.dbBookshelf ='c:\python\Bookshelf.e32dbm', 'w') #书架书籍信息 except: #尝试从D盘读取 #检查图像资源文件----------- self.imgStart ='d:\python\images\KumReader_Start.JPG') self.imgBookShelf ='d:\python\images\KumReader_Bookshelf.JPG') self.imgMainMenu ='d:\python\images\KumReader_MainMenu.png') self.imgBook ='d:\python\images\KumReader_book.png') self.imgBgGray ='d:\python\images\bg_Gray.JPG') self.imgBgGreen ='d:\python\images\bg_Green.JPG') self.imgBgYellow ='d:\python\images\bg_Yellow.JPG') #检查配置文件---------- self.dbSetting ='d:\python\UserSettings.e32dbm', 'w') self.dbBookshelf ='d:\python\Bookshelf.e32dbm', 'w') except: appuifw.note('应用程序已损坏,请重新安装!'), 'error')
def menu_language(self): """Show language list, save changes in config. """ def find_translations(): """Get list of language codes. `gettext.find()` can't do it without defined system variables """ # __builtin__.__dict__['_'] = lambda x: x # Monkey path all_translations = set() if self._localedir: localedir = self._localedir else: localedir = gettext._default_localedir for loc_folder in os.listdir(localedir): for mo in os.listdir( os.path.join(localedir, loc_folder, 'LC_MESSAGES')): if mo.endswith('.mo'): all_translations.add(unicode(loc_folder)) return list(all_translations) translations = find_translations() translations.append(u'en') idx = appuifw.popup_menu(translations, _(u"Select language:")) if idx is not None: self.set_language(translations[idx]) self._cfg.set(self._cfg_section, 'language', translations[idx]) self.save_cfg() self.update_calcs() appuifw.note( _(u"Please reload the program to apply the changes."), 'info')
def helpDlg(self): progpath = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0] if != UID: # running as a script progpath = progpath[:2] + '/Python' manpage = os.path.join(progpath, 'manual.html').replace('/', '\\') appuifw.note(u(manpage)) appuifw.Content_handler().open(u(manpage))
def cssSettings(self,css,save): opts=[] for k in css: opts.append((unicode(k),'text',unicode(css[k]))) # unusual bug where form.insert does not save current state f=appuifw.Form(opts, appuifw.FFormEditModeOnly |appuifw.FFormDoubleSpaced) def add(): k,v=self.availcss([str(c[0]) for c in f]) f.insert(len(f),(k,'text',v))[ (u'Add css',add), (u'Delete',lambda:appuifw.note(u'To delete: remove contents of field and Save afterwards')), ] f.save_hook=save f.execute()
def reconnect(self, func, *action): if self.login() == 1: ui.note(u'reconnected', 'conf', 1) if action == []: func() else: self.ftp.cwd(self.pwd) func(*action) else: if not self.rety == 1: ui.note(u'Connection was dropped but could not reconnect', 'error') ui.note(u'retrying...', 'info', 1) self.retry = 1 self.reconnect(func, *action) else: ui.note('Could not make a data connection, returning to menu', 'error') self.retry = 0 self.conscr()
class ftpclass: def __init__(self, db): self.db = db self.connected = False self.t = text() self.t.t.font = self.db.get('font', 'tuple') self.t.t.color = self.db.get('color', 'tuple') def dummy(self, *args): pass def exit(self, action): app.exit_key_handler = action def disp(self, cback): return ui.Listbox(self.interface, cback) def login(self, ftpMgr, opts=None): if opts: self.opts = opts opts = self.opts self.user = str(opts[2]) = str(opts[0]) self.handler = ftpMgr self.ftp = ftpMgr() #if ftpMgr==fileftp:return 1 try: self.ftp.connect(, int(float(opts[1]))) self.ftp.set_pasv(opts[5]) self.ftp.login( self.user, interface(self.db).decodestring(opts[3], self.db.get('a'))) self.l = loader( 'e:\\Python\\apps\\simon816\\ftpbrowser\\loading.gif'), 100) self.pwd = '' self.chdir(str(opts[4])) return 1 except all_errors[1], e: ui.note(u'could not connect\n' + u(e), 'error') self.disconnect(1) except all_errors[0], e: ui.note(u'could not login\n(Bad username/password)', 'error') self.disconnect(1)
def send_photo(): try: address, services = socket.bt_obex_discover() except: appuifw.note(u"OBEX Push not available", "error") return if u'OBEX Object Push' in services: channel = services[u'OBEX Object Push'] socket.bt_obex_send_file(address, channel, PHOTO) appuifw.note(u"photo sent", "info") else: appuifw.note(u"OBEX Push not available", "error")
def reset(s): while 1: t=ui.query(cn("请设置百度帐号"),"text") if t!=None:break ui.note(cn("帐号输入有误!"),"error") open(path+"zh.png","w").write(encrypt(en(t))) s.un=decrypt(open(path+"zh.png","r").read()) while 1: t=ui.query(cn("请设置密码"),"code") if t!=None:break ui.note(cn("密码输入有误!"),"error") open(path+"pa.png","w").write(encrypt(en(t))) s.psw=decrypt(open(path+"pa.png","r").read()) ui.note(cn("设置完成!"),"conf")
def kill_cl2_daemon(self): """ Terminates the daemon. This requires sufficient caps, or we will get KERN-EXEC 46. """ if have_miso: # count = miso.kill_process(cl2_pattern, 0) if count == 0: appuifw.note(u"Nothing to kill", "info") else: appuifw.note(u"%d process(es) killed" % count, "info") else: appuifw.note(u"Miso not installed", "error")
def press(): index = listbox.current() list = [cn("查看编号"), cn("查看路径"), cn("启动程序")] index1 = appuifw.popup_menu(list, cn("查看信息")) if index1 == 0: appuifw.note(cn(str(list2[index])), "info") if index1 == 1: appuifw.note(cn(str(list3[index])), "info") if index1 == 2: try: e32.start_exe(list3[index], "") except: appuifw.note(cn("无法启动!"), "error") e32.Ao_lock().wait()
def call(): c = if c == 0: s.move('forward') elif c == 1: s.move('right') elif c == 2: s.move('backward') elif c == 3: s.move('left') elif c == 4: s.setspeed( appuifw.query(u'Set speed', 'number', s.speed) or s.speed) elif c == 5: s.sound(appuifw.query(u'Play sound 0-5', 'number')) elif c == 6: return appuifw.note(u'Not Functioning', 'error') from simon816.util import util f = util().select('file', extwhitelist=['mp3']) if f: f = open(f, 'rb') while 1: buf = if not buf: break s.sock.send(s._mk_code(6, 16, 2) + buf) s.sock.send(s._mk_code(7, 0, 1, 6))
def show_upload_time(self): v = self.daemon_query( """do local t = cl2.get_upload_time(); if t then return t else return "nil" end; end""" ) if v is None: return if v == "nil": appuifw.note(u"No uploads", "info") else: try: t = int(v) except ValueError: appuifw.note(u"Failed to query time", "error") return tm = time.gmtime(t) ts = format_time(tm) appuifw.note(u"Last upload at %s" % ts, "info")
def open(): appuifw.note(ar('Please Select a Sound ')) filem = fm.manager() spa = filem.AskUser(path=u'e:\\sounds', find='file',ext=[(u'.amr'),(u'.wav'),(u'.mp3')]) if spa: if spa[-1] == '\\': spa=spa[:-1] if spa[-1] == '\\': spa=spa[:-1] filename = spa global S try: appuifw.note(ar('Playing'),"info") except: appuifw.note(ar('Select a Sound!'),"error")
def get_sid(self): #获取SID函数 x, y = ui.multi_query(cn('乐讯帐号:'), cn('密码:')) if x and y: from urllib import urlencode data = urlencode({"Num": en(x), "PWD": en(y)}) url = '' res = self.send(data, url) if res[0] == 200 and res[2]: import re re_get_sid = re.compile('\w{25}') sid = re_get_sid.findall(res[2]) if sid: self.setting[2] = cn(sid[0]) ui.note(cn('成功获取LXT并以设置成功!')) else: ui.note(cn('获取LXT失败,请重试或手动设置!')) else: ui.note(cn('网络连接出错!请重试!'))
def OnFindMap(self): Log("viewer*", "Application::OnFindMap()") try: maps = self.FindMapsForPosition(self.pos) items = [] if len(maps) > 0: keys = maps.keys() keys.sort() for key in keys: items.append(u"%s" % key) index = ui.selection_list(items) if index != None: ui.note(u"Loading map %s" % keys[index], "info") self.LoadMap(keys[index]) else: ui.note(u"No maps available", "info") except: DumpExceptionInfo() ui.note(u"Failure while trying to find map", "error")
def reconnect(self, func, *action): if self.login(self.handler) == 1: self.l.addtext(u'reconnected', 1) if action == []: func() else: self.chdir('') func(*action) else: if not self.retry == 1: ui.note(u'Connection was dropped but could not reconnect', 'error') ui.note(u'retrying...', 'info', 1) self.retry = 1 self.reconnect(func, *action) else: ui.note('Could not make a data connection, returning to menu', 'error') self.retry = 0 self.conscr()
def handle_selection(): index = lb.current() code = choices[index][1] weather_url = weather_url_base + code + ".xml" lb.set_list([u"Please wait..."]) appuifw.note(u"Fetching " + weather_url, 'info') try: urllib.urlretrieve(weather_url, tempfile) f = open(tempfile, 'r') weatherinfo = f.close() weather = find_value(weatherinfo, "weather") temperature_string = find_value(weatherinfo, "temperature_string") appuifw.popup_menu([(u"Weather", unicode(weather)), (u"Temperature", unicode(temperature_string))], unicode(code)) except IOError: appuifw.note(u"Connection error to server", 'error') except: appuifw.note(u"Could not fetch information", 'error') lb.set_list(choices_labels)
def save_hook(self, form_list): # TODO save to DB # form is the user's form. # Has the structure [(u'field_name','type','data'), ... ] for i in form_list: field_name = str(i[0]).lower() field_name = field_name[(string.find(field_name, ":") + 1):] field_val = None if (i[1] != 'combo'): field_val = i[2] else: # this is how you deal with combos List, Index = i[2] field_val = List[Index] if field_name in self.capture_dict: self.capture_dict[field_name] = field_val else: appuifw.note(u"bug: " + field_name + " not in dictionary.", "error") # Check for self.picture_filename if self.picture_filename is not u'': self.capture_dict['picture_filename'] = self.picture_filename # appuifw.popup_menu([unicode(self.capture_dict['site'] # +':'+str(self.capture_dict['ima']) # +':('+str(self.capture_dict['xcoord']) # +','+str(self.capture_dict['ycoord']) # +'):'+self.capture_dict['position'])], # u'From save_hook') captureORM = Captures(self.db,, **self.capture_dict) if == None: # I was new appuifw.note(u'I am new') = else: # I was old. So I have to update the DB captureORM.set(**self.capture_dict) appuifw.note(u"Saved to DB row id:" + str(, "conf")
def sendCoinsBT(self): self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_BT, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: addr, services = socket.bt_discover() except Exception: appuifw.note(u'Bluetooth failed') return if len(services) > 0: choices = services.keys() choices.sort() choice = appuifw.popup_menu( [unicode(services[x]) + ": " + x for x in choices], u'Choose port:') port = services[choices[choice]] else: port = services[services.keys()[0]] address = (addr, port) self.sock.connect(address) appuifw.note(u'Bluetooth connected') self.sock.send('A coin \n') appuifw.note(u'Coin sent')
def do(self, files, function=None): self.delete_item('all') self.body.set_list([self.dtext['processing'] + ': 0%']) total = len(files) if self.format == 'JPEG': ext = '.jpg' elif self.format == 'PNG': ext = '.png' for t in xrange(total): try: im =[t]) except SymbianError: appuifw.note(u'Could not to open: ' + path.split(files[t])[1], 'error') continue if function is None: newim = im else: newim = function(im) self.progress(((t * 100) / total)) outname = path.splitext( path.join(self.outpath, path.split(files[t])[1]))[0] + ext try: if self.format == 'PNG':, bpp=self.bpp, compression=self.compression, format=self.format) else:, quality=self.quality, format=self.format) except: appuifw.note(self.dtext['cantsave'], 'error') im = None newim = None self.body.set_list([u'']) appuifw.note(self.dtext['done'])
def colorselect(self, d): i = appuifw.popup_menu(colors.values() + [u"> Custom"]) if i == len(colors.values()): r = appuifw.query(u'Red (0-255)', 'number') if r in range(0, 256): g = appuifw.query(u'Green (0-255)', 'number') if g in range(0, 256): b = appuifw.query(u'Blue (0-255)', 'number') if b in range(0, 256): return self.bintostr((r, g, b)).replace(" ", "") else: appuifw.note(u'Incorrect value', 'error') return d else: appuifw.note(u'Incorrect value', 'error') return d else: appuifw.note(u'Incorrect value', 'error') return d elif i != None: return colors.values()[i] else: return d
def delete(self): self.sel = self.getsel() conf = ui.query(u"Delete " + self.sel[9] + "?", 'query') if conf == 1: try: if not self.sel[1][0] == 'd': self.ftp.delete(self.pwd + '/' + self.sel[9]) ui.note(u'deleted', 'conf', 1) else: try: self.ftp.rmd(self.sel[9]) ui.note(u'deleted', 'conf', 1) except all_errors, e: if str(e) == '550 Directory not empty.': if ui.query( u'Driectory is not empty, delete all sub directories and files?', 'query') == 1:'multi delete') ui.note(u'deleted', 'conf', 1) else: raise e self.dispdir() except all_errors, e: self.disperr(str(e), [self.delete])
def fileinfo(self): s = '' for i in self.getsel(): s += str(i) + '\n' ui.note(u(s)) print s
def directional_pad(self, value): = value appuifw.note( u'Switching body to canvas to verify directional_pad operation') = self.canvas self.refresh((0, 0, 0, 0))
def about(self): ui.note(u'A FREE ' + self.appname + ' by ' + + '\nFor more info, please visit:' + self.url + '\nCurrent version: ' + self.get_db('version'))
def about(): appuifw.note(cn("网页源码 v0.01\n八神智能天下\七七作品\n"), "info")
def dev(self, feat): ui.note( u'This app is in development atm, feature "' + feat + '" has not yet been implemented', 'error')
class ftpbrowser: def dev(self, feat): ui.note( u'This app is in development atm, feature "' + feat + '" has not yet been implemented', 'error') def mkdir(self, list): for dir in list: if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) return 1 else: return 0 def __init__(self): self.appname = u"FTP Browser" = u"Simon816" self.url = u'' d = 'e:\\python\\apps\\simon816\\ftpbrowser\\' try: f = open(d + 'db.dir', 'r+') dbDIR = except: f = open(d + 'db.dir', 'w') f.write(d) dbDIR = d f.close() self.db = + 'db', 'cf') self.dd = dbDIR self.root = d try: s = self.db['status'] except: self.reset() self.exit(self.quit) def form(self, args): return [(u'Conn. name', 'text', args[0]), (u'Host', 'text', args[1]), (u'Port', 'number', args[2]), (u'User nm.', 'text', args[3]), (u'Password', 'text', args[4]), (u'Initial Dir', 'text', args[5]), (u'Passive', 'combo', ([u'True', u'False'], args[6]))] def mod_db(self, key, value): s = '' if value == tuple(value): for v in value: try: v = int(v) s += str(v) + '\x01' except: s += str(v) + '\x00' s = s[:len(s) - 1] elif value == list(value): for v in value: s += str(v) + '\x01' else: s = value self.db[str(key)] = str(s) def get_db(self, key, mode='str'): try: v = self.db[str(key)] if mode == 'str': return v elif mode == 'int': return int(float(v)) elif mode == 'tuple': t = v.split('\x00') for v in range(t): if t[v][len(t[v]) - 1:] == '\x01': t[v] = int(float(t[v][:len(t[v]) - 1])) return tuple(t) elif mode == 'list': return tuple(v.split('\x01')) except: return None def decodestring(self, s, a): return decode(str(s[int(float(s[:1])) + 1:]), int(float(a.find(s[1:2]) + 1))) def encodestring(self, s, a): K = random.randint(1, len(a) - 1) k = encode(str(K), K, '', 'a') return encode(s, K, str(len(k)) + k) def reset(self): try: for entry in self.db.items(): if entry[0].find('acc_') == -1: del self.db[entry[0]] self.mod_db('settings_dir', 'e:\\python\\apps\\simon816\\ftpbrowser') self.mod_db('account_dir', self.db['settings_dir'] + '\\accounts') self.mod_db('cashe_dir', self.db['settings_dir'] + '\\cashe') self.mod_db('version', '0.0.1') self.mod_db('defaultdir', 'e:\\') self.mod_db('color', '0x000000') self.mod_db('font', (u"nokia hindi s60", 14, 16)) self.mod_db('maxtrans', '1048576') self.mod_db('icons', "e:\\mbm.mbm") self.mod_db('status', 'ready') self.mod_db('debug', 'False') self.mod_db('mode', 'SQL') self.mod_db( 'a', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\t') ui.note(u'Successfully reset', 'conf') except: ui.note(u'error', 'error') def quit(self): self.db.sync() self.db.close() lk.signal() def exit(self, action): app.exit_key_handler = action def disp(self, cback): return ui.Listbox(self.interface, cback) def dummy(self): pass def about(self): ui.note(u'A FREE ' + self.appname + ' by ' + + '\nFor more info, please visit:' + self.url + '\nCurrent version: ' + self.get_db('version')) def run(self): self.mkdir([ self.get_db('settings_dir'), self.get_db('account_dir'), self.get_db('cashe_dir') ]) self.mainscr() def mainscr(self): self.exit(self.quit) = [(u'Select', self.handle), (u'About', self.about), (u'Reset', self.reset), (u'Exit', self.quit)] self.interface = [u'Connect', u'Settings', u'Setup'] = app.body = self.disp(self.handle) app.title = self.appname def activate(self): c = app.body.current() if self.connections[c] == u'New Connection': self.newcon() else: self.connect(self.connections[c]) def handle(self): c = app.body.current() if c == 0: self.conscr() elif c == 1: self.settings() elif c == 2: self.setup() else: pass def conscr(self): self.exit(self.mainscr) = [(u'Connect', self.activate), (u'New', self.newcon), (u'Edit', self.editcon), (u'Delete', self.delcon)] self.connections = [u'New Connection'] if self.get_db('mode') == 'flatfile': for file in os.listdir(self.get_db('account_dir')): if len(file.split('.acc')) == 2: self.connections.append(u(file).split('.acc')[0]) elif self.get_db('mode') == 'SQL': l = [] for arr in self.db.items(): if not arr[0].find('acc_') == -1: l.append(u(arr[0][4:])) l.sort() self.connections += l self.interface = self.connections app.body = self.disp(self.activate) = app.title = u'Connect to...' def settings(self): self.interface = [(u'Settings Directory', u(self.db['settings_dir'])), (u'Default Directory', u(self.db['defaultdir'])), (u'Account Directory', u(self.db['account_dir'])), (u'Cashe Directory', u(self.db['cashe_dir']))] app.body = self.disp(self.set) self.exit(self.mainscr) def set(self): if app.body.current() == 0: self.db['settings_dir'] = ui.query(u'Settings Directory', 'text', u(self.db['settings_dir'])) elif app.body.current() == 1: self.db['defaultdir'] = ui.query(u'Default Directory', 'text', u(self.db['defaultdir'])) elif app.body.current() == 2: self.db['account_dir'] = ui.query(u'Account Directory', 'text', u(self.db['account_dir'])) def setup(self): self.exit(self.mainscr) self.interface = [(u'Debug Mode', u(self.get_db('debug'))), (u'Database Directory', u(self.dd)), (u'Account storage mode', u(self.db['mode'])), (u'Alphabet string', u(self.get_db('a')))] app.body = self.disp(self.chset) def chset(self): c = app.body.current() if c == 0: self.mod_db('debug', ui.popup_menu([u'False', u'True'])) elif c == 1: q = ui.query(u'Database Directory', 'text', u(self.dd)) f = open(self.root + 'db.dir', 'w') f.write(q) f.close() elif c == 2: opts = ['SQL', 'flatfile'] sel = ui.popup_menu([u(opts[0]), u(opts[1])]) self.mod_db('mode', opts[sel]) elif c == 3: self.mod_db( 'a', ui.query(u'Alphabet string', 'text', u(self.get_db('a')))) self.setup() def newcon(self): flags = ui.FFormEditModeOnly f = self.form([u'', u'', 21, u'', u'', u'/', 0]) f = ui.Form(f, flags) f.execute() self.savecon(f, 'true') def editcon(self): name = self.interface[app.body.current()] flags = ui.FFormEditModeOnly if self.get_db('mode') == 'flatfile': f = open(self.get_db('account_dir') + '\\' + name + '.acc') data = f.close() data = data.split('\n') elif self.get_db('mode') == 'SQL': data = self.get_db('acc_' + name, 'list') if data[5] == 'true': p = 0 else: p = 1 form = self.form([ u(name), u(data[0]), int(float(data[1])), u(data[2]), u(self.decodestring(data[3], self.get_db('a'))), u(data[4]), p ]) f = ui.Form(form, flags) f.execute() self.savecon(f) def savecon(self, f, append='false'): if f[6][2][1] == 0: p = 'true' else: p = 'false' #try: if f[0][2] == u'' or f[1][2] == u'': raise ValueError if self.get_db('mode') == 'flatfile': fi = open( self.get_db('account_dir') + '\\' + f[0][2] + '.acc', 'w') m = 'ff' elif self.get_db('mode') == 'SQL': fi = StringIO.StringIO() m = 'sql' for d in range(len(f) - 1): if d == 5: fi.write(p) elif d == 3: fi.write( self.encodestring(f[d + 1][2], self.get_db('a')) + '\n') else: fi.write(str(f[d + 1][2]) + '\n') if m == 'ff': fi.close() elif m == 'sql': d = fi.close() self.mod_db('acc_' + f[0][2], d.split('\n')) if append == 'true': self.connections.append(u(f[0][2])) ui.note(u'Saved', 'conf') self.conscr() #except: #ui.note(u'Did not save') def delcon(self): name = self.interface[app.body.current()] ok = ui.query(u'Are you sure you want to delete "' + name + '"', 'query') if ok == 1: if self.get_db('mode') == 'flatfile': os.unlink(self.db['account_dir'] + '/' + name + '.acc') elif self.get_db('mode') == 'SQL': del self.db['acc_' + name] self.connections.pop(app.body.current()) self.conscr() def login(self): if self.get_db('mode') == 'flatfile': f = open(self.get_db('account_dir') + '\\' + + '.acc') data = f.close() opts = data.split('\n') else: opts = self.get_db('acc_' +, 'list') self.user = str(opts[2]) = str(opts[0]) self.ftp = file() try: self.ftp.connect(, int(float(opts[1]))) self.ftp.set_pasv(opts[5]) self.ftp.login(self.user, self.decodestring(opts[3], self.get_db('a'))) self.ftp.cwd(str(opts[4])) return 1 except all_errors[1], e: ui.note(u'could not connect\n' + u(e), 'error') self.conscr() except all_errors[0], e: ui.note(u'could not login\n(Bad username/password)', 'error') self.disconnect() self.conscr()
def event(event): global field, dx, dy, cx, cy, n, isinstalled, level, scores, canvas, buffer dx = dy = 0 if event["type"] == 1: ev = event["keycode"] if (ev == key_codes.EKeyUpArrow) or (ev == key_codes.EKey2): dx = 0 dy = -1 #вверх elif ev == key_codes.EKeyRightArrow or (ev == key_codes.EKey6): dx = 1 dy = 0 #вправо elif ev == key_codes.EKeyDownArrow or (ev == key_codes.EKey8): dy = 1 dx = 0 #вниз elif ev == key_codes.EKeyLeftArrow or (ev == key_codes.EKey4): dy = 0 dx = -1 #влево if field[(cy)][(cx)] == 'ST' and field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] == '0': field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] = 'S' field[cy][cx] = 'T' elif field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] == '0' and field[(cy)][(cx)] == 'S': field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] = 'S' field[cy][cx] = '0' scores = scores - 1 elif field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] == 'T' and field[cy][cx] == 'S': field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] = 'ST' field[cy][cx] = '0' elif field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] == 'T' and field[cy][cx] == 'ST': field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] = 'ST' field[cy][cx] = 'T' elif field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] == 'TB' and field[cy][cx] == 'S' and field[( cy + 2 * dy)][(cx + 2 * dx)] == '0': isinstalled = isinstalled - 1 field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] = 'ST' field[cy][cx] = '0' field[(cy + 2 * dy)][(cx + 2 * dx)] = 'B' elif field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] == 'TB' and field[cy][cx] == 'ST' and field[( cy + 2 * dy)][(cx + 2 * dx)] == 'T': field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] = 'ST' field[cy][cx] = 'T' field[(cy + 2 * dy)][(cx + 2 * dx)] = 'TB' elif field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] == 'TB' and field[cy][cx] == 'S' and field[( cy + 2 * dy)][(cx + 2 * dx)] == 'T': # isinstalled=isinstalled-1 field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] = 'ST' field[cy][cx] = '0' field[(cy + 2 * dy)][(cx + 2 * dx)] = 'TB' elif (field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] == 'B') and (field[(cy + 2 * dy)][(cx + 2 * dx)] == '0') and field[(cy)][(cx)] == 'ST': field[(cy + 2 * dy)][(cx + 2 * dx)] = 'B' field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] = 'S' field[cy][cx] = 'T' elif (field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] == 'B') and (field[(cy + 2 * dy)][(cx + 2 * dx)] == '0') and field[(cy)][(cx)] == 'S': field[(cy + 2 * dy)][(cx + 2 * dx)] = 'B' field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] = 'S' field[cy][cx] = '0' scores = scores + 1 elif (field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] == 'B') and (field[(cy + 2 * dy)][(cx + 2 * dx)] == 'T'): scores = scores + 100 field[(cy + 2 * dy)][(cx + 2 * dx)] = 'TB' field[(cy + dy)][(cx + dx)] = 'S' field[cy][cx] = '0' isinstalled = isinstalled + 1 if (isinstalled == n): import os global path0 if level < len(os.listdir(path0 + 'levels\\')): del os buffer.clear(0x0) level = level + 1 field = setresize() else: isinstalled = 0 n = 0 a.note(u'game over') main() if event['type'] == 1: redraw()
import mymodule, appuifw appuifw.note(u"This is the main program") mymodule.askword()
def disconnect(self): try: ui.note(u'Disconnecting...', 'info', 1) self.ftp.quit() except all_errors, error: ui.note(u(error), 'error')
import appuifw def cn(x):return x.decode("utf-8") #异常捕获,若不执行测试的内容就会捕获到异常 try: a,b=appuifw.multi_query(cn("乐讯昵称"), cn("乐讯ID")) appuifw.note(a+"\n"+b, "info") except: appuifw.note(cn("你选择了否"), "info")
def listbox_control(self): entries = [u'Item1', u'Item2', u'Item3'] = self.list_box = \ appuifw.Listbox(entries) appuifw.note(u'Listbox view should not have the Virtual KeyPad')