Example #1
def maketag(
    xIn, yIn, zIn
):  #to use, do something like tagCoords = getAprilTagDetection(arguments here); myTag = maketag(tagCoords[0], tagCoords[1], tagCoords[2])
    h = std_msgs.msg.Header()  #std_msgs.msg.
    h.stamp = rospy.Time.now(
    )  # Note you need to call rospy.init_node() before this will work
    p = Point()  #geometry_msgs.

    p.x = xIn
    p.y = yIn
    p.z = zIn
    q = Quaternion()
    q.x = 0
    q.y = 0
    q.z = 0
    q.w = 0

    poseU = Pose(p, q)
    poseS = PoseStamped(h, poseU)

    tag = AprilTagDetection()
    tag.size = 0.163513  #default from the launch file
    tag.id = 1  #the tad number I believe
    tag.pose = poseS
    atda = AprilTagDetectionArray()
    atda.detections = [tag]

    return atda
Example #2
def maketagSpecifyHeader(x, y, z, h):

    p = Point()  #geometry_msgs.

    p.x = xIn
    p.y = yIn
    p.z = zIn
    q = Quaternion()
    q.x = 0
    q.y = 0
    q.z = 0
    q.w = 0

    poseU = Pose(p, q)
    poseS = PoseStamped(h, poseU)

    tag = AprilTagDetection()
    tag.size = 0.163513  #default from the launch file
    tad.id = 1  #the tad number I believe
    tag.pose = poseS
    atda = AprilTagDetectionArray()
    atda.detections = [tag]

    return atda