Example #1
 def test_TextCommandListRaw(self):
     commands = APS_plans.get_command_list(self.text_command_file)
     self.assertEqual(len(commands), 5)
     table = APS_utils.command_list_as_table(commands, show_raw=True)
     received = str(table).strip()
     expected = """
     ====== ============ ======================== =====================================
     line # action       parameters               raw input
     ====== ============ ======================== =====================================
     5      sample_slits 0, 0, 0.4, 1.2           sample_slits 0 0 0.4 1.2
     7      preusaxstune                          preusaxstune
     10     FlyScan      0, 0, 0, blank           FlyScan 0   0   0   blank
     11     FlyScan      5, 2, 0, empty container FlyScan 5   2   0   "empty container"
     12     SAXS         0, 0, 0, blank           SAXS 0 0 0 blank
     ====== ============ ======================== =====================================
     self.compare_tables_as_str(expected, received)
Example #2
    def test_TextCommandList(self):
        commands = APS_plans.get_command_list(self.text_command_file)
        self.assertEqual(len(commands), 5)
        table = APS_utils.command_list_as_table(commands, show_raw=False)
        received = str(table).strip()
        expected = """
====== ============ ========================
line # action       parameters              
====== ============ ========================
5      sample_slits 0, 0, 0.4, 1.2          
7      preusaxstune                         
10     FlyScan      0, 0, 0, blank          
11     FlyScan      5, 2, 0, empty container
12     SAXS         0, 0, 0, blank          
====== ============ ========================
        self.assertEqual(expected, received)
Example #3
 def test_ExcelCommandList(self):
     commands = APS_plans.get_command_list(self.xl_command_file)
     self.assertEqual(len(commands), 7)
     table = APS_utils.command_list_as_table(commands, show_raw=False)
     received = str(table).strip()
     expected = """
     ====== ============ =============================
     line # action       parameters
     ====== ============ =============================
     1      mono_shutter open
     2      USAXSscan    45.07, 98.3, 0.0, Water Blank
     3      saxsExp      45.07, 98.3, 0.0, Water Blank
     4      waxwsExp     45.07, 98.3, 0.0, Water Blank
     5      USAXSscan    12, 12.0, 1.2, plastic
     6      USAXSscan    12, 37.0, 0.1, Al foil
     7      mono_shutter close
     ====== ============ =============================
     self.compare_tables_as_str(expected, received)
Example #4
 def test_ExcelFile(self):
     # just a spreadsheet for testing (early version of a command file)
     commands = APS_plans.get_command_list(self.xl_file)
     self.assertEqual(len(commands), 9)  # rows
     table = APS_utils.command_list_as_table(commands, show_raw=False)
     received = str(table).strip()
     expected = """
     ====== ====== =========================================
     line # action parameters
     ====== ====== =========================================
     1      row1   91, 26.0, 85.0, None, blank, 8.0
     2      row2   9, 39.0, 29.0, 85.0, sample, 60.0
     3      row3   54, None, 38.0, 3.0, blank, 76.0
     4      row4   71, 36.0, 95.0, 83.0, foil, 12.0
     5      row5   55, 75.0, 59.0, 84.0, DNA, 34.0
     6      row6   18, 49.0, 31.0, 34.0, lecithin, 47.0
     7      row7   37, None, None, None, a big mix  of stuff
     8      row8   37, 80.0, 79.0, 45.0, salt water, 36.0
     9      row9   72, 98.0, 67.0, 89.0, surprises, 49.0
     ====== ====== =========================================
     self.compare_tables_as_str(expected, received)