def set_cache_control(self, request, path, mtime, etag): max_age = self.max_ages and self.get_max_age(path) or 0 if request.version == "1.0": request.response['Last-Modified'] = http_date.build_http_date( mtime) if max_age: request.response['Expires'] = http_date.build_http_date( mtime + max_age) else: request.response['Etag'] = '"' + etag + '"' if max_age: request.response['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=%d" % max_age
def __init__(self, request): self.request = request self.reply_headers = [('Server', skitai.NAME), ('Date', http_date.build_http_date(time.time()))] self.outgoing = producers.fifo() self._is_done = False self.stime = time.time() self.htime = 0 self.content_type = None self.current_app = None self.current_env = None
def __init__(self, request): self.request = request self.reply_headers = [('Server', skitai.NAME), ('Date', http_date.build_http_date(time.time()))] altsvc = if altsvc: self.reply_headers.append(("Alt-Svc", altsvc.ALTSVC_HEADER)) self.outgoing = producers.fifo() self._is_done = False self.stime = time.time() self.htime = 0 self.content_type = None self.current_app = None self.current_env = None
def build_error_template(self, why='', was=None): global DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE exc_info = None if type(why) is tuple: # sys.exc_info () if self.current_app and not self.current_app.debug: why = None exc_info, why = why, '' error = {} if self.request.get_header('accept', '').find("application/json") != -1: message = why or self.reply_message.lower() debug = None if exc_info: debug = 'see traceback' return self.fault(message, 0, debug, exc_info=exc_info) else: self.update('content-type', 'text/html') error['detail'] = why error['time'] = http_date.build_http_date(time.time()) error['url'] = urljoin( "%s://%s/" % (self.request.get_scheme(), self.request.get_header("host")), self.request.uri) error['software'] = skitai.NAME error['mode'] = exc_info and 'debug' or 'normal' error['code'] = self.reply_code error['message'] = self.reply_message error["traceback"] = exc_info and catch(1, exc_info) or None content = None if self.current_app and hasattr(self.current_app, 'render_error'): try: content = self.current_app.render_error(error, was) except: self.request.logger.trace() if self.current_app.debug: error[ "traceback"] += "<h2 style='padding-top: 40px;'>Exception Occured During Building Error Template</h2>" + catch( 1) return content or (DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE % error)
def build_error_template(self, why='', errno=0, was=None): global DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE exc_info = None if type(why) is tuple: # sys.exc_info () if self.current_app and not self.current_app.debug: why = None exc_info, why = why, '' is_html_response = self.request.get_header('accept', '').find("text/html") != -1 error = { 'code': self.reply_code, 'errno': errno, 'message': self.reply_message, 'detail': why, 'mode': exc_info and 'debug' or 'normal', 'time': http_date.build_http_date(time.time()), 'url': urljoin( "%s://%s/" % (self.request.get_scheme(), self.request.get_header("host")), self.request.uri), 'software': skitai.NAME, 'debug': None, "traceback": exc_info and catch(is_html_response and 1 or 2, exc_info) or None, } if self.current_app and hasattr(self.current_app, 'render_error'): content = None try: content = self.current_app.render_error(error, was) except: self.request.logger.trace() if self.current_app.debug: if is_html_response: error[ "traceback"] += "<h2 style='padding-top: 40px;'>Exception Occured During Building Error Template</h2>" + catch( 1) else: error["traceback"] += [ "Exception Occured During Building Error Template" ] + catch(2) if content: return content if is_html_response: self.update('content-type', 'text/html') return DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE % { k: v or '' for k, v in error.items() } else: return self.fault(error["message"].lower(), errno, None, error["detail"], exc_info=error["traceback"])
def set_cache(self, max_age=0): if self.request.version == "1.0": self.set_header('Expires', http_date.build_http_date(time.time() + max_age)) else: self.set_header('Cache-Control', "max-age=%d" % max_age)