Example #1
 def force_my_sandbox(self, session, logger, dbuser, sandbox):
     sbx_split = sandbox.split('/')
     sandbox = AqStr.normalize(sbx_split[-1])
     author = '/'.join(sbx_split[:-1])
     if len(sbx_split) <= 1:
         return sandbox
     # User used the name/branch syntax - that's fine.  They can't
     # do anything on behalf of anyone else, though, so error if the
     # user given is anyone else.
     if AqStr.normalize(author) != dbuser.name:
         raise ArgumentError("User '%s' cannot add or get a sandbox on "
                             "behalf of '%s'." % (dbuser.name, author))
     return sandbox
Example #2
File: get.py Project: piojo/aquilon
 def force_my_sandbox(self, session, logger, dbuser, sandbox):
     sbx_split = sandbox.split('/')
     sandbox = AqStr.normalize(sbx_split[-1])
     author = '/'.join(sbx_split[:-1])
     if len(sbx_split) <= 1:
         return sandbox
     # User used the name/branch syntax - that's fine.  They can't
     # do anything on behalf of anyone else, though, so error if the
     # user given is anyone else.
     if AqStr.normalize(author) != dbuser.name:
         raise ArgumentError("User '%s' cannot add or get a sandbox on "
                             "behalf of '%s'." %
                             (dbuser.name, author))
     return sandbox
Example #3
    def render(self, session, logger, prefix, dns_domain, hostname, machine,
        if dns_domain:
            dbdns_domain = DnsDomain.get_unique(session, dns_domain,
            dbmachine = Machine.get_unique(session, machine, compel=True)
            dbdns_domain = None
            loc = dbmachine.location
            while loc and not dbdns_domain:
                dbdns_domain = loc.default_dns_domain
                loc = loc.parent

            if not dbdns_domain:
                raise ArgumentError("There is no default DNS domain configured "
                                    "for the machine's location. Please "
                                    "specify --dns_domain.")

        # Lock the DNS domain to prevent the same name generated for
        # simultaneous requests

        prefix = AqStr.normalize(prefix)
        result = search_next(session=session, cls=Fqdn, attr=Fqdn.name,
                             value=prefix, dns_domain=dbdns_domain,
                             start=None, pack=None)
        hostname = "%s%d.%s" % (prefix, result, dbdns_domain)

        CommandAddHost.render(self, session, logger, hostname=hostname,
                              machine=machine, **args)

        logger.info("Selected host name %s" % hostname)
        self.audit_result(session, 'hostname', hostname, **args)
        return hostname
Example #4
 def render(self, session, machine, model, vendor, machine_type, chassis,
            slot, **arguments):
     q = session.query(Machine)
     if machine:
         # TODO: This command still mixes search/show facilities.
         # For now, give an error if machine name not found, but
         # also allow the command to be used to check if the machine has
         # the requested attributes (via the standard query filters).
         # In the future, this should be clearly separated as 'show machine'
         # and 'search machine'.
         machine = AqStr.normalize(machine)
         Machine.get_unique(session, machine, compel=True)
         q = q.filter_by(label=machine)
     dblocation = get_location(session, **arguments)
     if dblocation:
         q = q.filter_by(location=dblocation)
     if chassis:
         dbchassis = Chassis.get_unique(session, chassis, compel=True)
         q = q.join('chassis_slot')
         q = q.filter_by(chassis=dbchassis)
         q = q.reset_joinpoint()
     if slot is not None:
         q = q.join('chassis_slot')
         q = q.filter_by(slot_number=slot)
         q = q.reset_joinpoint()
     if model or vendor or machine_type:
         subq = Model.get_matching_query(session,
         q = q.filter(Machine.model_id.in_(subq))
     return q.order_by(Machine.label).all()
Example #5
 def render(self, session, machine, model, vendor, machine_type, chassis,
            slot, **arguments):
     q = session.query(Machine)
     if machine:
         # TODO: This command still mixes search/show facilities.
         # For now, give an error if machine name not found, but
         # also allow the command to be used to check if the machine has
         # the requested attributes (via the standard query filters).
         # In the future, this should be clearly separated as 'show machine'
         # and 'search machine'.
         machine = AqStr.normalize(machine)
         Machine.get_unique(session, machine, compel=True)
         q = q.filter_by(label=machine)
     dblocation = get_location(session, **arguments)
     if dblocation:
         q = q.filter_by(location=dblocation)
     if chassis:
         dbchassis = Chassis.get_unique(session, chassis, compel=True)
         q = q.join('chassis_slot')
         q = q.filter_by(chassis=dbchassis)
         q = q.reset_joinpoint()
     if slot is not None:
         q = q.join('chassis_slot')
         q = q.filter_by(slot_number=slot)
         q = q.reset_joinpoint()
     if model or vendor or machine_type:
         subq = Model.get_matching_query(session, name=model, vendor=vendor,
         q = q.filter(Machine.model_id.in_(subq))
     return q.order_by(Machine.label).all()
Example #6
    def render(self, session, logger, prefix, **args):
        prefix = AqStr.normalize(prefix)
        result = search_next(session=session, cls=Machine, attr=Machine.label,
                             value=prefix, start=None, pack=None)
        machine = '%s%d' % (prefix, result)
        args['machine'] = machine
        CommandAddMachine.render(self, session, logger, **args)

        logger.info("Selected hardware label %s" % machine)
        self.audit_result(session, 'machine', machine, **args)
        return machine
Example #7
    def render(self, session, logger, prefix, **args):
        prefix = AqStr.normalize(prefix)
        result = search_next(session=session,
        machine = '%s%d' % (prefix, result)
        args['machine'] = machine
        CommandAddMachine.render(self, session, logger, **args)

        logger.info("Selected hardware label %s" % machine)
        self.audit_result(session, 'machine', machine, **args)
        return machine
Example #8
 def __init__(self, label=None, **kwargs):
     label = AqStr.normalize(label)
     if not label:
         raise ArgumentError("HardwareEntity needs a label.")
     super(HardwareEntity, self).__init__(label=label, **kwargs)
Example #9
    def get_unique(cls, sess, name, hardware_type=None, compel=False,
                   preclude=False, query_options=None):
        """ Returns a unique HardwareEntity given session and fqdn """

        # If the hardware_type param isn't explicitly set and we have a
        # polymorphic identity, assume we're querying only for items of our
        # hardware_type.
        if hardware_type:
            if isclass(hardware_type):
                clslabel = hardware_type._get_class_label()
                hardware_type = hardware_type.__mapper_args__['polymorphic_identity']
                pcls = cls.__mapper__.polymorphic_map[hardware_type].class_
                clslabel = pcls._get_class_label()
            if 'polymorphic_identity' in cls.__mapper_args__:
                hardware_type = cls.__mapper_args__['polymorphic_identity']
            clslabel = cls._get_class_label()

        # The automagic DNS lookup does not really make sense with preclude=True
        if preclude:
            name = AqStr.normalize(name)

        q = sess.query(cls)
        if "." in name:
            dns_rec = DnsRecord.get_unique(sess, fqdn=name, compel=True)
            # We know the primary name, do not load it again
            q = q.options(lazyload('primary_name'))
            q = q.filter_by(primary_name=dns_rec)
            dns_rec = None
            q = q.filter_by(label=name)
        if query_options:
            q = q.options(*query_options)

            hwe = q.one()
        except NoResultFound:
            # Check if the name is in use by a different hardware type
            q = sess.query(HardwareEntity)
            if dns_rec:
                # We know the primary name, do not load it again
                q = q.options(lazyload('primary_name'))
                q = q.filter_by(primary_name=dns_rec)
                q = q.filter_by(label=name)
                hwe = q.one()
                if dns_rec:
                    # We know the primary name, do not load it again
                    set_committed_value(hwe, 'primary_name', dns_rec)
                raise ArgumentError("{0} exists, but is not a {1}."
                                    .format(hwe, clslabel.lower()))
            except NoResultFound:
                hwe = None

            if compel:
                raise NotFoundException("%s %s not found." % (clslabel, name))

        if hwe:
            if preclude:
                raise ArgumentError('{0} already exists.'.format(hwe))
            if dns_rec:
                # We know the primary name, do not load it again
                set_committed_value(hwe, 'primary_name', dns_rec)

        return hwe
Example #10
    def get_unique(cls,
        """ Returns a unique HardwareEntity given session and fqdn """

        # If the hardware_type param isn't explicitly set and we have a
        # polymorphic identity, assume we're querying only for items of our
        # hardware_type.
        if hardware_type:
            if isclass(hardware_type):
                clslabel = hardware_type._get_class_label()
                hardware_type = hardware_type.__mapper_args__[
                pcls = cls.__mapper__.polymorphic_map[hardware_type].class_
                clslabel = pcls._get_class_label()
            if 'polymorphic_identity' in cls.__mapper_args__:
                hardware_type = cls.__mapper_args__['polymorphic_identity']
            clslabel = cls._get_class_label()

        # The automagic DNS lookup does not really make sense with preclude=True
        if preclude:
            name = AqStr.normalize(name)

        q = sess.query(cls)
        if "." in name:
            dns_rec = DnsRecord.get_unique(sess, fqdn=name, compel=True)
            # We know the primary name, do not load it again
            q = q.options(lazyload('primary_name'))
            q = q.filter_by(primary_name=dns_rec)
            dns_rec = None
            q = q.filter_by(label=name)
        if query_options:
            q = q.options(*query_options)

            hwe = q.one()
        except NoResultFound:
            # Check if the name is in use by a different hardware type
            q = sess.query(HardwareEntity)
            if dns_rec:
                # We know the primary name, do not load it again
                q = q.options(lazyload('primary_name'))
                q = q.filter_by(primary_name=dns_rec)
                q = q.filter_by(label=name)
                hwe = q.one()
                if dns_rec:
                    # We know the primary name, do not load it again
                    set_committed_value(hwe, 'primary_name', dns_rec)
                raise ArgumentError("{0} exists, but is not a {1}.".format(
                    hwe, hardware_type))
            except NoResultFound:
                hwe = None

            if compel:
                raise NotFoundException("%s %s not found." % (clslabel, name))

        if hwe:
            if preclude:
                raise ArgumentError('{0} already exists.'.format(hwe))
            if dns_rec:
                # We know the primary name, do not load it again
                set_committed_value(hwe, 'primary_name', dns_rec)

        return hwe
Example #11
 def __init__(self, label=None, **kwargs):
     label = AqStr.normalize(label)
     if not label:
         raise ArgumentError("HardwareEntity needs a label.")
     super(HardwareEntity, self).__init__(label=label, **kwargs)