def render(self, session, logger, service, instance, comments, **arguments): dbservice = session.query(Service).filter_by(name=service).first() if dbservice and instance is None: raise ArgumentError("Service %s already exists." % if not dbservice: # "add_service --service foo --comments blah" should add the comments # to Service, # "add_service --service foo --instance bar --comments blah" should # add the comments to ServiceInstance if instance: srvcomments = None else: srvcomments = comments dbservice = Service(name=service, comments=srvcomments) session.add(dbservice) plenaries = PlenaryCollection(logger=logger) plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(dbservice)) if instance: ServiceInstance.get_unique(session, service=dbservice, name=instance, preclude=True) dbsi = ServiceInstance(service=dbservice, name=instance, comments=comments) session.add(dbsi) plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(dbsi)) session.flush() plenaries.write() return
def render(self, session, logger, service, instance, comments, **arguments): dbservice = Service.get_unique(session, service, compel=True) ServiceInstance.get_unique(session, service=dbservice, name=instance, preclude=True) dbsi = ServiceInstance(service=dbservice, name=instance, comments=comments) session.add(dbsi) plenaries = PlenaryCollection(logger=logger) plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(dbsi)) session.flush() plenaries.write() return
def render(self, session, logger, service, instance, position, hostname, cluster, ip, resourcegroup, service_address, alias, **arguments): dbservice = Service.get_unique(session, service, compel=True) if instance: dbsi = ServiceInstance.get_unique(session, service=dbservice, name=instance, compel=True) dbinstances = [dbsi] else: # --position for multiple service instances sounds dangerous, so # disallow it until a real usecase emerges if position: raise ArgumentError("The --position option can only be " "specified for one service instance.") q = session.query(ServiceInstance) q = q.filter_by(service=dbservice) dbinstances = q.all() plenaries = PlenaryCollection(logger=logger) if position is not None: params = None else: params = lookup_target(session, plenaries, hostname, ip, cluster, resourcegroup, service_address, alias) for dbinstance in dbinstances: if position is not None: if position < 0 or position >= len(dbinstance.servers): raise ArgumentError("Invalid server position.") dbsrv = dbinstance.servers[position] if plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary( if dbsrv.cluster: plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(dbsrv.cluster)) else: dbsrv = find_server(dbinstance, params) if not dbsrv: if instance: raise NotFoundException("No such server binding.") continue plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(dbinstance)) if session.expire(, ['services_provided']) if dbsrv.cluster: session.expire(dbsrv.cluster, ['services_provided']) dbinstance.servers.remove(dbsrv) if dbinstance.client_count > 0 and not dbinstance.servers: logger.warning("Warning: {0} was left without servers, " "but it still has clients.".format(dbinstance)) session.flush() plenaries.write() return
def add_service_instance(sess, service_name, name): si = sess.query(ServiceInstance).filter_by(name=name).first() if not si: print 'Creating %s instance %s ' % (service_name, name) svc = sess.query(Service).filter_by(name=service_name).one() assert svc, 'No %s service in %s' % (service_name, func_name()) si = ServiceInstance(name=name, service=svc) create(sess, si) assert si, 'no service instance created by %s' % func_name() return si
def render(self, session, logger, service, instance, max_clients, default, comments, **arguments): dbservice = Service.get_unique(session, name=service, compel=True) dbsi = ServiceInstance.get_unique(session, service=dbservice, name=instance, compel=True) if default: dbsi.max_clients = None elif max_clients is not None: dbsi.max_clients = max_clients if comments is not None: dbsi.comments = comments session.flush() plenary = Plenary.get_plenary(dbsi, logger=logger) plenary.write() return
def render(self, session, logger, service, instance, max_clients, default, **arguments): dbservice = Service.get_unique(session, name=service, compel=True) dbsi = ServiceInstance.get_unique(session, service=dbservice, name=instance, compel=True) if default: dbsi.max_clients = None elif max_clients is not None: dbsi.max_clients = max_clients else: raise ArgumentError("Missing --max_clients or --default argument " "to update service %s instance %s." % (, session.add(dbsi) session.flush() plenary = Plenary.get_plenary(dbsi, logger=logger) plenary.write() return
def render(self, session, logger, cluster, service, instance, **arguments): dbservice = Service.get_unique(session, service, compel=True) dbinstance = ServiceInstance.get_unique(session, service=dbservice, name=instance, compel=True) dbcluster = Cluster.get_unique(session, cluster, compel=True) if dbinstance not in dbcluster.service_bindings: raise NotFoundException("{0} is not bound to {1:l}." .format(dbinstance, dbcluster)) if dbservice in dbcluster.required_services: raise ArgumentError("Cannot remove cluster service instance " "binding for %s cluster aligned service %s." % (dbcluster.cluster_type, dbcluster.service_bindings.remove(dbinstance) session.flush() plenary = Plenary.get_plenary(dbcluster, logger=logger) plenary.write() return
def render(self, session, service, instance, archetype, personality, networkip, **arguments): dbservice = Service.get_unique(session, service, compel=True) dbinstance = ServiceInstance.get_unique(session, service=dbservice, name=instance, compel=True) dblocation = get_location(session, **arguments) if networkip: dbnet_env = NetworkEnvironment.get_unique_or_default(session) dbnetwork = get_network_byip(session, networkip, dbnet_env) else: dbnetwork = None if personality: if not archetype: # Can't get here with the standard aq client. raise ArgumentError("Specifying --personality requires you to " "also specify --archetype.") dbarchetype = Archetype.get_unique(session, archetype, compel=True) dbpersonality = Personality.get_unique(session, archetype=dbarchetype, name=personality, compel=True) q = session.query(PersonalityServiceMap) q = q.filter_by(personality=dbpersonality) else: q = session.query(ServiceMap) q = q.filter_by(location=dblocation, service_instance=dbinstance, network=dbnetwork) dbmap = q.first() if dbmap: session.delete(dbmap) session.flush() return
def render(self, session, logger, service, instance, **arguments): dbservice = Service.get_unique(session, service, compel=True) dbsi = ServiceInstance.get_unique(session, service=dbservice, name=instance, compel=True) if dbsi.client_count > 0: raise ArgumentError("Service %s, instance %s still has clients and " "cannot be deleted." % (, if dbsi.servers: msg = ", ".join([srv.fqdn for srv in dbsi.servers]) raise ArgumentError("Service %s, instance %s is still being " "provided by servers: %s." % (,, msg)) # Depend on cascading to remove any mappings session.delete(dbsi) session.flush() plenary_info = Plenary.get_plenary(dbsi, logger=logger) plenary_info.remove() return
def render(self, session, logger, service, instance, default, server, generate, **kwargs): dbservice = Service.get_unique(session, service, compel=True) dbsi = ServiceInstance.get_unique(session, service=dbservice, name=instance, compel=True) if default: if server: cls = PlenaryServiceInstanceServerDefault else: cls = PlenaryServiceInstanceClientDefault else: if server: cls = PlenaryServiceInstanceServer else: cls = PlenaryServiceInstanceToplevel plenary_info = cls.get_plenary(dbsi, logger=logger) if generate: return plenary_info._generate_content() else: return
def determine_helper_hostname(session, logger, config, dbswitch): """Try to figure out a useful helper from the mappings. """ helper_name = config.get("broker", "poll_helper_service") if not helper_name: # pragma: no cover return helper_service = Service.get_unique(session, helper_name, compel=InternalError) mapped_instances = ServiceInstance.get_mapped_instance_cache( dbpersonality=None, dblocation=dbswitch.location, dbservices=[helper_service]) for dbsi in mapped_instances.get(helper_service, []): if dbsi.server_hosts: # Poor man's load balancing... jump = choice(dbsi.server_hosts).fqdn logger.client_info("Using jump host {0} from {1:l} to run CheckNet " "for {2:l}.".format(jump, dbsi, dbswitch)) return jump logger.client_info("No jump host for %s, calling CheckNet from %s." % (dbswitch, config.get("broker", "hostname"))) return None
def cache_service_maps(self, dbservices): self.service_maps = ServiceInstance.get_mapped_instance_cache( self.personality, self.location, dbservices,
def render( self, session, logger, # search_cluster archetype, cluster_type, personality, domain, sandbox, branch, buildstatus, allowed_archetype, allowed_personality, down_hosts_threshold, down_maint_threshold, max_members, member_archetype, member_hostname, member_personality, capacity_override, cluster, esx_guest, instance, esx_metacluster, service, share, esx_share, esx_switch, esx_virtual_machine, fullinfo, style, **arguments): if esx_share: self.deprecated_option("esx_share", "Please use --share instead.", logger=logger, **arguments) share = esx_share if cluster_type == 'esx': cls = EsxCluster else: cls = Cluster # Don't load full objects if we only want to show their name if fullinfo or style != 'raw': q = session.query(cls) else: q = session.query( # The ORM automatically de-duplicates the result if we query full # objects, but not when we query just the names. Tell the DB to do so. q = q.distinct() (dbbranch, dbauthor) = get_branch_and_author(session, logger, domain=domain, sandbox=sandbox, branch=branch) if dbbranch: q = q.filter_by(branch=dbbranch) if dbauthor: q = q.filter_by(sandbox_author=dbauthor) if archetype: # Added to the searches as appropriate below. dbarchetype = Archetype.get_unique(session, archetype, compel=True) if personality and archetype: dbpersonality = Personality.get_unique(session, archetype=dbarchetype, name=personality, compel=True) q = q.filter_by(personality=dbpersonality) elif personality: PersAlias = aliased(Personality) q = q.join(PersAlias).filter_by(name=personality) q = q.reset_joinpoint() elif archetype: PersAlias = aliased(Personality) q = q.join(PersAlias).filter_by(archetype=dbarchetype) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if buildstatus: dbbuildstatus = ClusterLifecycle.get_unique(session, buildstatus, compel=True) q = q.filter_by(status=dbbuildstatus) if cluster_type: q = q.filter_by(cluster_type=cluster_type) # Go through the arguments and make special dicts for each # specific set of location arguments that are stripped of the # given prefix. location_args = {'cluster_': {}, 'member_': {}} for prefix in location_args.keys(): for (k, v) in arguments.items(): if k.startswith(prefix): # arguments['cluster_building'] = 'dd' # becomes # location_args['cluster_']['building'] = 'dd' location_args[prefix][k.replace(prefix, '')] = v dblocation = get_location(session, **location_args['cluster_']) if dblocation: if location_args['cluster_']['exact_location']: q = q.filter_by(location_constraint=dblocation) else: childids = dblocation.offspring_ids() q = q.filter(Cluster.location_constraint_id.in_(childids)) dblocation = get_location(session, **location_args['member_']) if dblocation: q = q.join('_hosts', 'host', 'machine') if location_args['member_']['exact_location']: q = q.filter_by(location=dblocation) else: childids = dblocation.offspring_ids() q = q.filter(Machine.location_id.in_(childids)) q = q.reset_joinpoint() # esx stuff if cluster: q = q.filter_by(name=cluster) if esx_metacluster: dbmetacluster = MetaCluster.get_unique(session, esx_metacluster, compel=True) q = q.join('_metacluster') q = q.filter_by(metacluster=dbmetacluster) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if esx_virtual_machine: dbvm = Machine.get_unique(session, esx_virtual_machine, compel=True) # TODO: support VMs inside resource groups? q = q.join(ClusterResource, VirtualMachine) q = q.filter_by(machine=dbvm) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if esx_guest: dbguest = hostname_to_host(session, esx_guest) # TODO: support VMs inside resource groups? q = q.join(ClusterResource, VirtualMachine, Machine) q = q.filter_by(host=dbguest) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if capacity_override: q = q.filter(EsxCluster.memory_capacity != None) if esx_switch: dbswitch = Switch.get_unique(session, esx_switch, compel=True) q = q.filter_by(switch=dbswitch) if service: dbservice = Service.get_unique(session, name=service, compel=True) if instance: dbsi = ServiceInstance.get_unique(session, name=instance, service=dbservice, compel=True) q = q.filter(Cluster.service_bindings.contains(dbsi)) else: q = q.join('service_bindings') q = q.filter_by(service=dbservice) q = q.reset_joinpoint() elif instance: q = q.join('service_bindings') q = q.filter_by(name=instance) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if share: # Perform sanity check on the share name q2 = session.query(Share) q2 = q2.filter_by(name=share) if not q2.first(): raise NotFoundException("Share %s not found." % share) CR = aliased(ClusterResource) S1 = aliased(Share) S2 = aliased(Share) RG = aliased(ResourceGroup) BR = aliased(BundleResource) q = q.join(CR) q = q.outerjoin((S1, S1.holder_id == q = q.outerjoin((RG, RG.holder_id ==, (BR, BR.resourcegroup_id ==, (S2, S2.holder_id == q = q.filter(or_( == share, == share)) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if max_members: q = q.filter_by(max_hosts=max_members) if down_hosts_threshold: (pct, dht) = Cluster.parse_threshold(down_hosts_threshold) q = q.filter_by(down_hosts_percent=pct) q = q.filter_by(down_hosts_threshold=dht) if down_maint_threshold: (pct, dmt) = Cluster.parse_threshold(down_maint_threshold) q = q.filter_by(down_maint_percent=pct) q = q.filter_by(down_maint_threshold=dmt) if allowed_archetype: # Added to the searches as appropriate below. dbaa = Archetype.get_unique(session, allowed_archetype, compel=True) if allowed_personality and allowed_archetype: dbap = Personality.get_unique(session, archetype=dbaa, name=allowed_personality, compel=True) q = q.filter(Cluster.allowed_personalities.contains(dbap)) elif allowed_personality: q = q.join('allowed_personalities') q = q.filter_by(name=allowed_personality) q = q.reset_joinpoint() elif allowed_archetype: q = q.join('allowed_personalities') q = q.filter_by(archetype=dbaa) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if member_hostname: dbhost = hostname_to_host(session, member_hostname) q = q.join('_hosts') q = q.filter_by(host=dbhost) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if member_archetype: # Added to the searches as appropriate below. dbma = Archetype.get_unique(session, member_archetype, compel=True) if member_personality and member_archetype: q = q.join('_hosts', 'host') dbmp = Personality.get_unique(session, archetype=dbma, name=member_personality, compel=True) q = q.filter_by(personality=dbmp) q = q.reset_joinpoint() elif member_personality: q = q.join('_hosts', 'host', 'personality') q = q.filter_by(name=member_personality) q = q.reset_joinpoint() elif member_archetype: q = q.join('_hosts', 'host', 'personality') q = q.filter_by(archetype=dbma) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if cluster_type == 'esx': q = q.order_by( else: q = q.order_by( if fullinfo: return q.all() return SimpleClusterList(q.all())
def render(self, session, logger, # search_cluster archetype, cluster_type, personality, domain, sandbox, branch, buildstatus, allowed_archetype, allowed_personality, down_hosts_threshold, down_maint_threshold, max_members, member_archetype, member_hostname, member_personality, capacity_override, cluster, esx_guest, instance, esx_metacluster, service, share, esx_share, esx_switch, esx_virtual_machine, fullinfo, style, **arguments): if esx_share: self.deprecated_option("esx_share", "Please use --share instead.", logger=logger, **arguments) share = esx_share if cluster_type == 'esx': cls = EsxCluster else: cls = Cluster # Don't load full objects if we only want to show their name if fullinfo or style != 'raw': q = session.query(cls) else: q = session.query( # The ORM automatically de-duplicates the result if we query full # objects, but not when we query just the names. Tell the DB to do so. q = q.distinct() (dbbranch, dbauthor) = get_branch_and_author(session, logger, domain=domain, sandbox=sandbox, branch=branch) if dbbranch: q = q.filter_by(branch=dbbranch) if dbauthor: q = q.filter_by(sandbox_author=dbauthor) if archetype: # Added to the searches as appropriate below. dbarchetype = Archetype.get_unique(session, archetype, compel=True) if personality and archetype: dbpersonality = Personality.get_unique(session, archetype=dbarchetype, name=personality, compel=True) q = q.filter_by(personality=dbpersonality) elif personality: PersAlias = aliased(Personality) q = q.join(PersAlias).filter_by(name=personality) q = q.reset_joinpoint() elif archetype: PersAlias = aliased(Personality) q = q.join(PersAlias).filter_by(archetype=dbarchetype) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if buildstatus: dbbuildstatus = ClusterLifecycle.get_unique(session, buildstatus, compel=True) q = q.filter_by(status=dbbuildstatus) if cluster_type: q = q.filter_by(cluster_type=cluster_type) # Go through the arguments and make special dicts for each # specific set of location arguments that are stripped of the # given prefix. location_args = {'cluster_': {}, 'member_': {}} for prefix in location_args.keys(): for (k, v) in arguments.items(): if k.startswith(prefix): # arguments['cluster_building'] = 'dd' # becomes # location_args['cluster_']['building'] = 'dd' location_args[prefix][k.replace(prefix, '')] = v dblocation = get_location(session, **location_args['cluster_']) if dblocation: if location_args['cluster_']['exact_location']: q = q.filter_by(location_constraint=dblocation) else: childids = dblocation.offspring_ids() q = q.filter(Cluster.location_constraint_id.in_(childids)) dblocation = get_location(session, **location_args['member_']) if dblocation: q = q.join('_hosts', 'host', 'machine') if location_args['member_']['exact_location']: q = q.filter_by(location=dblocation) else: childids = dblocation.offspring_ids() q = q.filter(Machine.location_id.in_(childids)) q = q.reset_joinpoint() # esx stuff if cluster: q = q.filter_by(name=cluster) if esx_metacluster: dbmetacluster = MetaCluster.get_unique(session, esx_metacluster, compel=True) q = q.join('_metacluster') q = q.filter_by(metacluster=dbmetacluster) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if esx_virtual_machine: dbvm = Machine.get_unique(session, esx_virtual_machine, compel=True) # TODO: support VMs inside resource groups? q = q.join(ClusterResource, VirtualMachine) q = q.filter_by(machine=dbvm) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if esx_guest: dbguest = hostname_to_host(session, esx_guest) # TODO: support VMs inside resource groups? q = q.join(ClusterResource, VirtualMachine, Machine) q = q.filter_by(host=dbguest) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if capacity_override: q = q.filter(EsxCluster.memory_capacity != None) if esx_switch: dbswitch = Switch.get_unique(session, esx_switch, compel=True) q = q.filter_by(switch=dbswitch) if service: dbservice = Service.get_unique(session, name=service, compel=True) if instance: dbsi = ServiceInstance.get_unique(session, name=instance, service=dbservice, compel=True) q = q.filter(Cluster.service_bindings.contains(dbsi)) else: q = q.join('service_bindings') q = q.filter_by(service=dbservice) q = q.reset_joinpoint() elif instance: q = q.join('service_bindings') q = q.filter_by(name=instance) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if share: # Perform sanity check on the share name q2 = session.query(Share) q2 = q2.filter_by(name=share) if not q2.first(): raise NotFoundException("Share %s not found." % share) CR = aliased(ClusterResource) S1 = aliased(Share) S2 = aliased(Share) RG = aliased(ResourceGroup) BR = aliased(BundleResource) q = q.join(CR) q = q.outerjoin((S1, S1.holder_id == q = q.outerjoin((RG, RG.holder_id ==, (BR, BR.resourcegroup_id ==, (S2, S2.holder_id == q = q.filter(or_( == share, == share)) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if max_members: q = q.filter_by(max_hosts=max_members) if down_hosts_threshold: (pct, dht) = Cluster.parse_threshold(down_hosts_threshold) q = q.filter_by(down_hosts_percent=pct) q = q.filter_by(down_hosts_threshold=dht) if down_maint_threshold: (pct, dmt) = Cluster.parse_threshold(down_maint_threshold) q = q.filter_by(down_maint_percent=pct) q = q.filter_by(down_maint_threshold=dmt) if allowed_archetype: # Added to the searches as appropriate below. dbaa = Archetype.get_unique(session, allowed_archetype, compel=True) if allowed_personality and allowed_archetype: dbap = Personality.get_unique(session, archetype=dbaa, name=allowed_personality, compel=True) q = q.filter(Cluster.allowed_personalities.contains(dbap)) elif allowed_personality: q = q.join('allowed_personalities') q = q.filter_by(name=allowed_personality) q = q.reset_joinpoint() elif allowed_archetype: q = q.join('allowed_personalities') q = q.filter_by(archetype=dbaa) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if member_hostname: dbhost = hostname_to_host(session, member_hostname) q = q.join('_hosts') q = q.filter_by(host=dbhost) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if member_archetype: # Added to the searches as appropriate below. dbma = Archetype.get_unique(session, member_archetype, compel=True) if member_personality and member_archetype: q = q.join('_hosts', 'host') dbmp = Personality.get_unique(session, archetype=dbma, name=member_personality, compel=True) q = q.filter_by(personality=dbmp) q = q.reset_joinpoint() elif member_personality: q = q.join('_hosts', 'host', 'personality') q = q.filter_by(name=member_personality) q = q.reset_joinpoint() elif member_archetype: q = q.join('_hosts', 'host', 'personality') q = q.filter_by(archetype=dbma) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if cluster_type == 'esx': q = q.order_by( else: q = q.order_by( if fullinfo: return q.all() return SimpleClusterList(q.all())
def render(self, session, logger, hostname, machine, archetype, buildstatus, personality, host_environment, osname, osversion, service, instance, model, machine_type, vendor, serial, cluster, guest_on_cluster, guest_on_share, member_cluster_share, domain, sandbox, branch, sandbox_owner, dns_domain, shortname, mac, ip, networkip, network_environment, exact_location, server_of_service, server_of_instance, grn, eon_id, fullinfo, style, **arguments): dbnet_env = NetworkEnvironment.get_unique_or_default(session, network_environment) q = session.query(Host) if machine: dbmachine = Machine.get_unique(session, machine, compel=True) q = q.filter_by(hardware_entity=dbmachine) # Add the machine definition and the primary name. Use aliases to make # sure the end result will be ordered by primary name. PriDns = aliased(DnsRecord) PriFqdn = aliased(Fqdn) PriDomain = aliased(DnsDomain) q = q.join(HardwareEntity, (PriDns, == Machine.primary_name_id), (PriFqdn, PriDns.fqdn_id ==, (PriDomain, PriFqdn.dns_domain_id == q = q.order_by(, q = q.options(contains_eager('hardware_entity'), contains_eager('hardware_entity.primary_name', alias=PriDns), contains_eager('hardware_entity.primary_name.fqdn', alias=PriFqdn), contains_eager('hardware_entity.primary_name.fqdn.dns_domain', alias=PriDomain)) q = q.reset_joinpoint() # Hardware-specific filters dblocation = get_location(session, **arguments) if dblocation: if exact_location: q = q.filter(HardwareEntity.location == dblocation) else: childids = dblocation.offspring_ids() q = q.filter(HardwareEntity.location_id.in_(childids)) if model or vendor or machine_type: subq = Model.get_matching_query(session, name=model, vendor=vendor, model_type=machine_type, compel=True) q = q.filter(HardwareEntity.model_id.in_(subq)) if serial: self.deprecated_option("serial", "Please use search machine --serial instead.", logger=logger, **arguments) q = q.filter(HardwareEntity.serial_no == serial) # DNS IP address related filters if mac or ip or networkip or hostname or dns_domain or shortname: # Inner joins are cheaper than outer joins, so make some effort to # use inner joins when possible if mac or ip or networkip: q = q.join(Interface) else: q = q.outerjoin(Interface) if ip or networkip: q = q.join(AddressAssignment, Network, from_joinpoint=True) else: q = q.outerjoin(AddressAssignment, Network, from_joinpoint=True) if mac: self.deprecated_option("mac", "Please use search machine " "--mac instead.", logger=logger, **arguments) q = q.filter(Interface.mac == mac) if ip: q = q.filter(AddressAssignment.ip == ip) q = q.filter(Network.network_environment == dbnet_env) if networkip: dbnetwork = get_network_byip(session, networkip, dbnet_env) q = q.filter( == dbnetwork) dbdns_domain = None if hostname: (shortname, dbdns_domain) = parse_fqdn(session, hostname) if dns_domain: dbdns_domain = DnsDomain.get_unique(session, dns_domain, compel=True) if shortname or dbdns_domain: ARecAlias = aliased(ARecord) ARecFqdn = aliased(Fqdn) q = q.outerjoin((ARecAlias, and_(ARecAlias.ip == AddressAssignment.ip, ARecAlias.network_id == AddressAssignment.network_id)), (ARecFqdn, ARecAlias.fqdn_id == if shortname: q = q.filter(or_( == shortname, == shortname)) if dbdns_domain: q = q.filter(or_(ARecFqdn.dns_domain == dbdns_domain, PriFqdn.dns_domain == dbdns_domain)) q = q.reset_joinpoint() (dbbranch, dbauthor) = get_branch_and_author(session, logger, domain=domain, sandbox=sandbox, branch=branch) if sandbox_owner: dbauthor = get_user_principal(session, sandbox_owner) if dbbranch: q = q.filter_by(branch=dbbranch) if dbauthor: q = q.filter_by(sandbox_author=dbauthor) # Just do the lookup here, filtering will happen later if archetype: dbarchetype = Archetype.get_unique(session, archetype, compel=True) else: dbarchetype = None if archetype or personality or host_environment: PersAlias = aliased(Personality) q = q.join(PersAlias) if archetype: q = q.filter_by(archetype=dbarchetype) if personality: subq = Personality.get_matching_query(session, name=personality, archetype=dbarchetype, compel=True) q = q.filter( if host_environment: dbhost_env = HostEnvironment.get_instance(session, host_environment) q = q.filter_by(host_environment=dbhost_env) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if buildstatus: dbbuildstatus = HostLifecycle.get_instance(session, buildstatus) q = q.filter_by(status=dbbuildstatus) if osname or osversion: subq = OperatingSystem.get_matching_query(session, name=osname, version=osversion, archetype=dbarchetype, compel=True) q = q.filter(Host.operating_system_id.in_(subq)) if service: dbservice = Service.get_unique(session, service, compel=True) if instance: dbsi = ServiceInstance.get_unique(session, service=dbservice, name=instance, compel=True) q = q.filter(Host.services_used.contains(dbsi)) else: q = q.join('services_used') q = q.filter_by(service=dbservice) q = q.reset_joinpoint() elif instance: q = q.join('services_used') q = q.filter_by(name=instance) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if server_of_service: dbserver_service = Service.get_unique(session, server_of_service, compel=True) if server_of_instance: dbsi = ServiceInstance.get_unique(session, service=dbserver_service, name=server_of_instance, compel=True) q = q.join('services_provided') q = q.filter_by(service_instance=dbsi) q = q.reset_joinpoint() else: q = q.join('services_provided', 'service_instance') q = q.filter_by(service=dbserver_service) q = q.reset_joinpoint() elif server_of_instance: q = q.join('services_provided', 'service_instance') q = q.filter_by(name=server_of_instance) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if cluster: dbcluster = Cluster.get_unique(session, cluster, compel=True) if isinstance(dbcluster, MetaCluster): q = q.join('_cluster', 'cluster', '_metacluster') q = q.filter_by(metacluster=dbcluster) else: q = q.filter_by(cluster=dbcluster) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if guest_on_cluster: # TODO: this does not handle metaclusters according to Wes dbcluster = Cluster.get_unique(session, guest_on_cluster, compel=True) q = q.join(Host.hardware_entity.of_type(Machine), VirtualMachine, ClusterResource) q = q.filter_by(cluster=dbcluster) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if guest_on_share: v2shares = session.query( if not v2shares.count(): raise NotFoundException("No shares found with name {0}." .format(guest_on_share)) NasAlias = aliased(VirtualNasDisk) q = q.join(Host.hardware_entity.of_type(Machine), Disk, (NasAlias, == q = q.filter(NasAlias.share_id.in_(v2shares.subquery())) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if member_cluster_share: v2shares = session.query( if not v2shares.count(): raise NotFoundException("No shares found with name {0}." .format(guest_on_share)) NasAlias = aliased(VirtualNasDisk) q = q.join('_cluster', 'cluster', 'resholder', VirtualMachine, 'machine', 'disks', (NasAlias, == q = q.filter(NasAlias.share_id.in_(v2shares.subquery())) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if grn or eon_id: dbgrn = lookup_grn(session, grn, eon_id, autoupdate=False) persq = session.query( persq = persq.outerjoin(PersonalityGrnMap) persq = persq.filter(or_(Personality.owner_eon_id == dbgrn.eon_id, PersonalityGrnMap.eon_id == dbgrn.eon_id)) q = q.outerjoin(HostGrnMap) q = q.filter(or_(Host.owner_eon_id == dbgrn.eon_id, HostGrnMap.eon_id == dbgrn.eon_id, Host.personality_id.in_(persq.subquery()))) q = q.reset_joinpoint() if fullinfo or style != "raw": return q.all() return StringAttributeList(q.all(), "fqdn")