Example #1
def delete(db: StandardDatabase, game: Game, requester=None):
    delete all objects associated with a game
    :param db: connection
    :param game: target
    :param requester: player requesting the delete
    logger.info(f'delete called for {game.title}')
    db_npcs = db.collection('npcs')
    db_dialogs = db.collection('dialogs')
    tasks = db.collection('tasks')
    games = db.collection('games')
    db_game = next(games.find({'_key': game.title}), None)
    if not db_game:
        logger.warning(f'game {game.title} not in metadata')
        raise GameStateException(f'game {game.title} not in metadata')
    if not db.has_graph(f'game_{game.title}'):
        logger.warning(f'game {game.title} not in metadata')
        raise GameStateException(f'game {game.title} does not exist')
    if db_game['creator'] and not db_game['creator'] == requester:
        raise GameStateException(f'cannot delete game {game.title}, you are not the owner')

    for db_npc in db_npcs.find({'game': f'game_{game.title}'}):
        db_dialog = next(db_dialogs.find({'_key': db_npc['dialog']}), None)
        if not db.has_graph(f"dialog_{db_npc['dialog']}"):
            logger.warning(f"dialog {db_npc['dialog']} does not exist")
            raise GameStateException(f"dialog {db_npc['dialog']} does not exist")
        for k, v in dict(db.graph(f"dialog_{db_npc['dialog']}").traverse(start_vertex=f"interactions/{db_dialog['start']}",
            if k == 'vertices':
                for interaction in v:
                    if 'task' in interaction and interaction['task']:
                        db_task = next(tasks.find({'_key': interaction['task']}))
                        if db_task:
        db.delete_graph(f"dialog_{db_npc['dialog']}", drop_collections=True)

    for node in nx.dfs_tree(game.graph):
        for task in node.tasks:
            db_task = next(tasks.find({'_key': task.id.hex}), None)
            if db_task:
    db.delete_graph(f'game_{game.title}', drop_collections=True)
Example #2
def read(db: StandardDatabase, title: str) -> Game:
    load an existing game back from the database
    :param db: connection
    :param title: game title
    :return: game object
    logger.info(f'read called for {title}')
    npcs = []
    db_npcs = db.collection('npcs')
    db_dialogs = db.collection('dialogs')
    for db_npc in db_npcs.find({'game': f'game_{title}'}):
        logger.debug(f'reading back npc {db_npc["_key"]}')
        db_dialog = next(db_dialogs.find({'_key': db_npc['dialog']}), None)
        if not db_dialog:
            logger.warning(f"dialog {db_npc['dialog']} not in metadata")
            raise GameStateException(f"dialog {db_npc['dialog']} not in metadata")
        if not db.has_graph(f"dialog_{db_npc['dialog']}"):
            logger.warning(f"dialog {db_npc['dialog']} does not exist")
            raise GameStateException(f"dialog {db_npc['dialog']} does not exist")

        vertices = []
        path = []
        for k, v in dict(db.graph(f"dialog_{db_npc['dialog']}").traverse(start_vertex=f"interactions/{db_dialog['start']}",
            if k == 'vertices':
                for vertex in v:
            elif k == 'paths':
                for edge in v:
        interactions = []
        for v in vertices:
            interaction = json.loads(json.dumps(v), cls=MarugotoDecoder)
            logger.debug(f'got {repr(interaction)}')
            for task in db.collection('tasks'):
                if task['for'] == interaction.id.hex:
                    interaction.task = json.loads(json.dumps(task), cls=MarugotoDecoder)
                    logger.debug(f'got {repr(interaction.task)} for {repr(interaction)}')

        start_index = -1
        for e in path:
            if not e['edges']:
                start = next(iter([i for i in interactions if i.id == UUID(e['vertices'][0]['_key'])]), None)
                if start:
                    start_index = interactions.index(start)
                    logger.debug(f'setting start index to {start_index}')
            for edge in e['edges']:
                source = next(iter([i for i in interactions if i.id == UUID(edge['_from'][13:])]), None)
                if not source:
                    logger.warning(f"malformed source for dialog {db_npc['dialog']}")
                    raise GameStateException(f"malformed source for dialog {db_npc['dialog']}")
                idx = interactions.index(source)
                destination = next(iter([i for i in interactions if i.id == UUID(edge['_to'][13:])]), None)
                if not destination:
                    logger.warning(f"malformed destination for {repr(source)} in dialog {db_npc['dialog']}")
                    raise GameStateException(f"malformed destination for {repr(source)} in dialog {db_npc['dialog']}")
                logger.debug(f'adding follow up interaction {repr(destination)} to {repr(source)}')
                logger.debug(f'setting index for {repr(source)} to {idx}')
                interactions[idx] = source

        if start_index == -1:
            logger.warning(f"could not determine start for dialog {db_npc['dialog']}")
            raise GameStateException(f"could not determine start for dialog {db_npc['dialog']}")

        npc = NonPlayableCharacter(db_npc['first_name'], db_npc['last_name'], Dialog(interactions[start_index]))
        npc.salutation = db_npc['salutation']
        npc.mail = db_npc['mail']
        npc.image = base64.decodebytes(db_npc['image']) if db_npc['image'] else None
        logger.debug(f'adding {repr(npc)}')

    games = db.collection('games')
    db_game = next(games.find({'_key': title}), None)
    if not db_game:
        logger.warning(f'game {title} not in metadata')
        raise GameStateException(f'game {title} not in metadata')
    if not db.has_graph(f'game_{title}'):
        logger.warning(f'game {title} does not exist')
        raise GameStateException(f'game {title} does not exist')
    vertices = []
    path = []
    for k, v in dict(db.graph(f'game_{title}').traverse(start_vertex=f"waypoints/{db_game['start']}",
        if k == 'vertices':
            for vertex in v:
        elif k == 'paths':
            for edge in v:
    waypoints = []
    for v in vertices:
        waypoint = json.loads(json.dumps(v), cls=MarugotoDecoder)
        logger.debug(f'got {repr(waypoint)}')
        for task in db.collection('tasks'):
            if task['for'] == waypoint.id.hex:
                task = json.loads(json.dumps(task), cls=MarugotoDecoder)
                logger.debug(f'got {repr(task)} for {repr(waypoint)}')
        if waypoint.interactions:
            for i in waypoint.interactions:
                if isinstance(i, UUID):
                    interaction = next(iter([ita for ita in [d.all_path_nodes() for d in [npc.dialog for npc in npcs]] if ita.id == i]), None)
                    if interaction:
                        logger.debug(f'adding {repr(interaction)} to {repr(waypoint)}')
                        logger.warning(f'could not locate interaction {i}')
                        raise GameStateException(f'could not locate interaction {i}')

    # glue back the task destinations for waypoints
    for task in [ts for t in [w.tasks for w in waypoints if w.tasks] for ts in t]:
        if task.destination and isinstance(task.destination, UUID):
            destination = next(iter([w for w in waypoints if w.id == task.destination]), None)
            if not destination:
                logger.warning(f'could not find destination {task.destination} for task {task.id} in game {title}')
                raise GameStateException(f'could not find destination {task.destination} for task {task.id} in game {title}')
            logger.debug(f'adding {repr(destination)} to {repr(task)}')
            task.destination = destination
    # glue back interaction destinations for waypoints
    for interaction in [ias for ia in [w.interactions for w in waypoints if w.interactions] for ias in ia]:
        if interaction.destination and isinstance(interaction.destination, UUID):
            destination = next(iter([w for w in waypoints if w.id == interaction.destination]), None)
            if not destination:
                logger.warning(f'could not find destination {interaction.destination} for interaction {interaction.id} in game {title}')
                raise GameStateException(f'could not find destination {interaction.destination} for interaction {interaction.id} in game {title}')
            logger.debug(f'adding {repr(destination)} to {repr(interaction)}')
            interaction.destination = destination

    # glue back interaction and task destinations, and waypoints for dialogs
    for start in [d.start for d in [npc.dialog for npc in npcs]]:

        int_visited = {}

        def interaction_traversal(s, i, l):
            for successor in start.graph.successors(s):
                logger.debug(f'successor {repr(successor)} for {repr(s)}')
                if s not in i.keys():
                    logger.debug(f'{repr(s)} is new, adding it.')
                    i[s] = []
                if successor not in i[s]:
                    if s.destination and isinstance(s.destination, UUID):
                        destination = next(iter([w for w in l if w.id == s.destination]), None)
                        if not destination:
                            logger.warning(f'could not find destination {s.destination} for interaction {s.id} in game {title}')
                            raise GameStateException(f'could not find destination {s.destination} for interaction {s.id} in game {title}')
                        logger.debug(f'adding {repr(destination)} to {repr(s)}')
                        s.destination = destination
                    if s.task and s.task.destination and isinstance(s.task.destination, UUID):
                        destination = next(iter([w for w in l if w.id == s.task.destination]), None)
                        if not destination:
                            logger.warning(f'could not find destination {s.destination} for task {s.task.id} in interaction {s.id} in game {title}')
                            raise GameStateException(f'could not find destination {s.destination} for task {s.task.id} in interaction {s.id} in game {title}')
                        logger.debug(f'adding task destination {repr(destination)} to {repr(s.task)} for {repr(s)}')
                        s.task.destination = destination
                    if s.waypoints:
                        wps = []
                        for waypoint in s.waypoints:
                            if isinstance(waypoint, UUID):
                                destination = next(iter([w for w in l if w.id == waypoint]), None)
                                if not destination:
                                    logger.warning(f'could not find waypoint {waypoint} for interaction {interaction.id} in game {title}')
                                    raise GameStateException(f'could not find waypoint {waypoint} for interaction {interaction.id} in game {title}')
                                logger.debug(f'adding {repr(destination)}')
                                logger.debug(f'adding {repr(waypoint)}')
                        s.waypoints = wps

                    interaction_traversal(successor, i, l)

        logger.debug(f'starting interaction traversal to glue back waypoints')
        interaction_traversal(start, int_visited, waypoints)

    start_index = -1
    for e in path:
        if not e['edges']:
            start = next(iter([i for i in waypoints if i.id == UUID(e['vertices'][0]['_key'])]), None)
            if start:
                start_index = waypoints.index(start)
                logger.debug(f'settings start index to {start_index}')
        for edge in e['edges']:
            source = next(iter([i for i in waypoints if i.id == UUID(edge['_from'][10:])]), None)
            if not source:
                logger.warning(f'malformed source for game {title}')
                raise GameStateException(f'malformed source for game {title}')
            idx = waypoints.index(source)
            destination = next(iter([i for i in waypoints if i.id == UUID(edge['_to'][10:])]), None)
            if not destination:
                logger.warning(f'malformed destination for {source} in game {title}')
                raise GameStateException(f'malformed destination for {source} in game {title}')
            logger.debug(f'adding {repr(destination)} to {repr(source)}')
            if 'weight' in edge and edge['weight']:
                source.add_destination(destination, edge['weight'])
            logger.debug(f'setting index for {repr(source)} to {idx}')
            waypoints[idx] = source

    if start_index == -1:
        logger.warning(f'could not determine start for game {title}')
        raise GameStateException(f'could not determine start for game {title}')

    game = Game(title, base64.decodebytes(db_game['image']) if db_game['image'] else None, waypoints[start_index])
    game.npcs = npcs

    return game