Example #1
    def _update_Jc(self):
        """ Extract the Jacobian and dJacobian matrix of contact points.

        self.Jc[:] = 0.
        self.dJc[:] = 0.
        i = 0
        for c in self.constraints:
            if c.is_enabled() and c.is_active() and self.is_enabled[c]:
                frame0, frame1 = c._frames[0], c._frames[1]
                if isinstance(c, PointContact):
                    self.dJc[3*i:(3*(i+1)), :] = frame1.djacobian[3:6] - \
                    if frame1.body in self.bodies:
                        self.Jc[3 * i:(3 * (i + 1)), :] += frame1.jacobian[3:6]
                    if frame0.body in self.bodies:
                        self.Jc[3 * i:(3 * (i + 1)), :] -= frame0.jacobian[3:6]
                elif isinstance(c, BallAndSocketConstraint):
                    H1_0 = dot(inv(frame1.pose), frame0.pose)
                    Ad1_0 = adjoint(H1_0)
                    Ad0_1 = iadjoint(H1_0)
                    T0_g_0 = frame0.twist
                    T1_g_1 = frame1.twist
                    T1_g_0 = dot(Ad0_1, T1_g_1)
                    T0_1_0 = T0_g_0 - T1_g_0
                    J0 = dot(Ad1_0, frame0.jacobian)
                    J1 = frame1.jacobian
                    dJ0 = dot(Ad1_0, frame0.djacobian) + \
                          dot(dAdjoint(Ad1_0, T0_1_0), frame0.jacobian)
                    dJ1 = frame1.djacobian
                    self.Jc[3 * i:(3 * (i + 1)), :] = (J1[3:6] - J0[3:6])
                    self.dJc[3 * i:(3 * (i + 1)), :] = (dJ1[3:6] - dJ0[3:6])
            i += 1
Example #2
    def _update_Jc(self):
        """ Extract the Jacobian and dJacobian matrix of contact points.

        self.Jc[:]  = 0.
        self.dJc[:] = 0.
        i = 0
        for c in self.constraints:
            if c.is_enabled() and c.is_active() and self.is_enabled[c]:
                frame0, frame1 = c._frames[0], c._frames[1]
                if isinstance(c, PointContact):
                    self.dJc[3*i:(3*(i+1)), :] = frame1.djacobian[3:6] - \
                    if frame1.body in self.bodies:
                        self.Jc [3*i:(3*(i+1)), :] += frame1.jacobian[3:6]
                    if frame0.body in self.bodies:
                        self.Jc [3*i:(3*(i+1)), :] -= frame0.jacobian[3:6]
                elif isinstance(c, BallAndSocketConstraint):
                    H1_0   = dot(inv(frame1.pose), frame0.pose)
                    Ad1_0  = adjoint(H1_0)
                    Ad0_1  = iadjoint(H1_0)
                    T0_g_0 = frame0.twist
                    T1_g_1 = frame1.twist
                    T1_g_0 = dot(Ad0_1, T1_g_1)
                    T0_1_0 = T0_g_0 - T1_g_0
                    J0 = dot(Ad1_0, frame0.jacobian)
                    J1 = frame1.jacobian
                    dJ0 = dot(Ad1_0, frame0.djacobian) + \
                          dot(dAdjoint(Ad1_0, T0_1_0), frame0.jacobian)
                    dJ1 = frame1.djacobian
                    self.Jc[3*i:(3*(i+1)), :]  = (J1[3:6] - J0[3:6])
                    self.dJc[3*i:(3*(i+1)), :] = (dJ1[3:6] - dJ0[3:6])
            i += 1
Example #3
    def update(self, dt):
        self._CoMPosition[:] = 0.
        self._CoMJacobian[:] = 0.
        self._CoMdJacobian[:] = 0.

        for i in arange(len(self.bodies)):
            H_0_com_i = dot(self.bodies[i].pose, self.H_body_com[i])
            self._CoMPosition += self.mass[i] * H_0_com_i[0:3, 3]

            if self.compute_Jacobians is True:
                ##### For jacobian
                H_com_i_com2 = zeros((4, 4))  #com2 is aligned with ground
                H_com_i_com2[0:3, 0:3] = H_0_com_i[0:3, 0:3].T
                H_com_i_com2[3, 3] = 1.

                Ad_com2_body = iadjoint(dot(self.H_body_com[i], H_com_i_com2))
                self._CoMJacobian[:] += self.mass[i] * dot(
                    Ad_com2_body, self.bodies[i].jacobian)[3:6, :]

                ##### For dJacobian
                T_com2_body = self.bodies[i].twist.copy()
                T_com2_body[3:6] = 0.
                dAd_com2_body = dAdjoint(Ad_com2_body, T_com2_body)
                dJ_com2 = dot(Ad_com2_body, self.bodies[i].djacobian) + dot(
                    dAd_com2_body, self.bodies[i].jacobian)
                self._CoMdJacobian[:] += self.mass[i] * dJ_com2[3:6, :]

        self._CoMPosition /= self.total_mass
        self._CoMJacobian /= self.total_mass
        self._CoMdJacobian /= self.total_mass
Example #4
def body_com_properties(body, compute_J=True):
    """ Compute the Center of Mass properties of a body.

    H_body_com = principalframe(body.mass)
    H_0_com = dot(body.pose, H_body_com)
    P_0_com = H_0_com[0:3, 3]

    if compute_J:
        H_com_com2 = inv(H_0_com)
        H_com_com2[0:3, 3] = 0.
        Ad_com2_body = iadjoint(dot(H_body_com, H_com_com2))
        J_com2 = dot(Ad_com2_body, body.jacobian)

        T_com2_body = body.twist.copy()
        T_com2_body[3:6] = 0.
        dAd_com2_body = dAdjoint(Ad_com2_body, T_com2_body)
        dJ_com2 = dot(Ad_com2_body, body.djacobian) + \
                  dot(dAd_com2_body, body.jacobian)
        return P_0_com, J_com2, dJ_com2
        return P_0_com
Example #5
def body_com_properties(body, compute_J=True):
    """ Compute the Center of Mass properties of a body.

    H_body_com = principalframe(body.mass)
    H_0_com = dot(body.pose, H_body_com)
    P_0_com = H_0_com[0:3, 3]

    if compute_J:
        H_com_com2 = inv(H_0_com)
        H_com_com2[0:3, 3] = 0.
        Ad_com2_body = iadjoint(dot(H_body_com, H_com_com2))
        J_com2 = dot(Ad_com2_body, body.jacobian)

        T_com2_body = body.twist.copy()
        T_com2_body[3:6] = 0.
        dAd_com2_body = dAdjoint(Ad_com2_body, T_com2_body)
        dJ_com2 = dot(Ad_com2_body, body.djacobian) + \
                  dot(dAd_com2_body, body.jacobian)
        return P_0_com, J_com2, dJ_com2
        return P_0_com
Example #6
    def _update_matrices(self, rstate, dt):
        H_0_f = self._frame.pose
        HR_0_f = H_0_f.copy()
        HR_0_f[0:3, 3] = 0
        AdR_0_f = adjoint(HR_0_f)
        T_f_0_f = self._frame.twist #WARNING: twist relative to its frame
        T_f_0_0 = dot(AdR_0_f, T_f_0_f)
        T_f_0_f_only_rot = T_f_0_f.copy()
        T_f_0_f_only_rot[3:6] = 0.
        dAdR_0_f = dAdjoint(AdR_0_f, T_f_0_f_only_rot)

        J  = dot(AdR_0_f, self._frame.jacobian)
        dJ = dot(AdR_0_f, self._frame.djacobian) + \
             dot(dAdR_0_f, self._frame.jacobian)

        gpos = self._frame.pose
        gvel = T_f_0_0
        cmd = self._ctrl.update(gpos, gvel, rstate, dt)

        self._J[:]     = J[self._cdof, :]
        self._dJ[:]    = dJ[self._cdof, :]
        self._dVdes[:] = cmd[self._cdof]