Example #1
    def collision(self, other):
        down1 = ((other.x - 29, other.y - 15), (other.x + 29, other.y - 15),
                 (other.x + 29, other.y - 14), (other.x - 29, other.y - 14))
        up1 = ((other.x - 29, other.y + 15), (other.x + 29, other.y + 15),
               (other.x + 29, other.y + 16), (other.x - 29, other.y + 16))
        left1 = ((other.x - 30, other.y - 15), (other.x - 29, other.y - 15),
                 (other.x - 29, other.y + 15), (other.x - 30, other.y + 15))
        right1 = ((other.x + 29, other.y - 15), (other.x + 30, other.y - 15),
                  (other.x + 30, other.y + 15), (other.x + 29, other.y + 15))
        ball = ((self.x - 10, self.y - 10), (self.x + 10, self.y - 10),
                (self.x + 10, self.y + 10), (self.x - 10, self.y + 10))

        s = ""
        if arcade.are_polygons_intersecting(ball, down1):
            self.y = other.y - (15 + self.radius + 1)
            s += "y"
        if arcade.are_polygons_intersecting(ball, up1):
            self.y = other.y + (15 + self.radius + 1)
            if s == "":
                s += "y"
        if arcade.are_polygons_intersecting(ball, left1):
            self.x = other.x - (30 + self.radius + 1)
            s += "x"
        if arcade.are_polygons_intersecting(ball, right1):
            self.x = other.x + (30 + self.radius + 1)
            if len(s) == 1:
                s += "x"

        return s
Example #2
def _check_for_collision(sprite1: Sprite, sprite2: Sprite) -> bool:
    Check for collision between two sprites.

    :param Sprite sprite1: Sprite 1
    :param Sprite sprite2: Sprite 2

    :returns: True if sprites overlap.
    :rtype: bool
    collision_radius_sum = sprite1.collision_radius + sprite2.collision_radius

    diff_x = sprite1.position[0] - sprite2.position[0]
    diff_x2 = diff_x * diff_x

    if diff_x2 > collision_radius_sum * collision_radius_sum:
        return False

    diff_y = sprite1.position[1] - sprite2.position[1]
    diff_y2 = diff_y * diff_y
    if diff_y2 > collision_radius_sum * collision_radius_sum:
        return False

    distance = diff_x2 + diff_y2
    if distance > collision_radius_sum * collision_radius_sum:
        return False

    return are_polygons_intersecting(sprite1.get_adjusted_hit_box(), sprite2.get_adjusted_hit_box())
Example #3
 def _bip(self, objects):
     self.detects = False
     for o in objects:
         if arcade.are_polygons_intersecting(self._get_points(), o):
             self.detects = True
     return self.detects
Example #4
def _check_for_collision(sprite1: Sprite, sprite2: Sprite) -> bool:
    Check for collision between two sprites.

    :param Sprite sprite1: Sprite 1
    :param Sprite sprite2: Sprite 2

    :returns: Boolean
    collision_radius_sum = sprite1.collision_radius + sprite2.collision_radius

    diff_x = sprite1.position[0] - sprite2.position[0]
    diff_x2 = diff_x * diff_x

    if diff_x2 > collision_radius_sum * collision_radius_sum:
        return False

    diff_y = sprite1.position[1] - sprite2.position[1]
    diff_y2 = diff_y * diff_y
    if diff_y2 > collision_radius_sum * collision_radius_sum:
        return False

    distance = diff_x2 + diff_y2
    if distance > collision_radius_sum * collision_radius_sum:
        return False

    return are_polygons_intersecting(sprite1.points, sprite2.points)
Example #5
    def collided_with(self, sprite: arcade.Sprite) -> bool:
        Check if this obstacle has collided with the given sprite.
        :param sprite: to check collision for.
        :return: True if collision detected.

        return arcade.are_polygons_intersecting(self.points, sprite.points)
Example #6
    def update(self, delta_time):
        All the logic to move, and the game logic goes here.
        Normally, you'll call update() on the sprite lists that
        need it.
        if self.is_new_game == True:
            self.new_timer = self.new_timer - delta_time

            if self.new_timer <= 0.0:
                self.is_new_game = False
                self.new_timer = 4.0

        if self.is_need_jump == True:
            self.bird.vel = Vector(0, 4)

            self.is_need_jump = False

        gravity = Vector(0, -0.2)



        deleted_tubes = []
        for tube in self.spawner.get_tubes():
            if tube.need_delete == True:

        need_start_new_game = False

        for tube in self.spawner.get_tubes():
            bird_points = self.bird.get_points()
            tube_points = tube.get_points()
            collision = arcade.are_polygons_intersecting(
                bird_points, tube_points)
            if collision == True:
                need_start_new_game = True

        for tube in deleted_tubes:

        if self.bird.pos.y <= 0:
            need_start_new_game = True

        if need_start_new_game == True:
Example #7
 def _check_collides(self):
     self.collides = False
     for o in self._terrain:
         if arcade.are_polygons_intersecting(self.get_points(), o):
             self.collides = True