Example #1
def test_calculate_points():
    texture = arcade.load_texture(":resources:images/items/coinGold.png")
    result = arcade.calculate_points(texture.image)

    texture = arcade.load_texture(":resources:images/animated_characters/female_person/femalePerson_idle.png")
    result = arcade.calculate_points(texture.image)
Example #2
def load_texture(file_name: str,
                 x: float = 0,
                 y: float = 0,
                 width: float = 0,
                 height: float = 0,
                 mirrored: bool = False,
                 flipped: bool = False,
                 can_cache: bool = True) -> Texture:
    Load an image from disk and create a texture.

    Note: If the code is to load only part of the image, the given `x`, `y`
    coordinates will start with the origin `(0, 0)` in the upper left of the
    image. When drawing, Arcade uses `(0, 0)` in the lower left corner.
    Be careful with this reversal.

    For a longer explanation of why computers sometimes start in the upper
    left, see:

    :param str file_name: Name of the file to that holds the texture.
    :param float x: X position of the crop area of the texture.
    :param float y: Y position of the crop area of the texture.
    :param float width: Width of the crop area of the texture.
    :param float height: Height of the crop area of the texture.
    :param bool mirrored: If set to `True`, the image is mirrored left to right.
    :param bool flipped: If set to `True`, the image is flipped upside down.
    :param bool can_cache: If a texture has already been loaded, load_texture will return the same texture in order \
    to save time. Somtimes this is not desirable, as resizine a cached texture will cause all other textures to \
    resize with it. Setting can_cache to false will prevent this issue at the expence of additional resources.

    :returns: New :class:`Texture` object.

    :raises: ValueError

    # See if we already loaded this texture, and we can just use a cached version.
    cache_name = "{}{}{}{}{}{}{}".format(file_name, x, y, width, height,
                                         flipped, mirrored)
    if can_cache and cache_name in load_texture.texture_cache:  # type: ignore # dynamic attribute on function obj
        return load_texture.texture_cache[
            cache_name]  # type: ignore # dynamic attribute on function obj

    # See if we already loaded this texture file, and we can just use a cached version.
    cache_file_name = f"{file_name}"
    if cache_file_name in load_texture.texture_cache:  # type: ignore # dynamic attribute on function obj
        texture = load_texture.texture_cache[
            cache_file_name]  # type: ignore # dynamic attribute on function obj
        source_image = texture.image
        # If we should pull from local resources, replace with proper path
        if isinstance(file_name,
                      str) and str(file_name).startswith(":resources:"):
            import os
            path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
            file_name = f"{path}/resources/{file_name[11:]}"

        source_image = PIL.Image.open(file_name).convert('RGBA')
        result = Texture(cache_file_name, source_image)
            cache_file_name] = result  # type: ignore # dynamic attribute on function obj

    source_image_width, source_image_height = source_image.size

    if x != 0 or y != 0 or width != 0 or height != 0:
        if x > source_image_width:
            raise ValueError("Can't load texture starting at an x of {} "
                             "when the image is only {} across.".format(
                                 x, source_image_width))
        if y > source_image_height:
            raise ValueError("Can't load texture starting at an y of {} "
                             "when the image is only {} high.".format(
                                 y, source_image_height))
        if x + width > source_image_width:
            raise ValueError("Can't load texture ending at an x of {} "
                             "when the image is only {} wide.".format(
                                 x + width, source_image_width))
        if y + height > source_image_height:
            raise ValueError("Can't load texture ending at an y of {} "
                             "when the image is only {} high.".format(
                                 y + height, source_image_height))

        image = source_image.crop((x, y, x + width, y + height))
        image = source_image

    # image = _trim_image(image)
    if mirrored:
        image = PIL.ImageOps.mirror(image)

    if flipped:
        image = PIL.ImageOps.flip(image)

    result = Texture(cache_name, image)
        cache_name] = result  # type: ignore # dynamic attribute on function obj
    result.hit_box_points = calculate_points(image)
    return result