def create_line_generic(point_list: PointList,
                        color: Color,
                        shape_mode: int,
                        line_width: float = 1) -> Shape:
    This function is used by ``create_line_strip`` and ``create_line_loop``,
    just changing the OpenGL type for the line drawing.
    colors = [get_four_byte_color(color)] * len(point_list)
    shape = create_line_generic_with_colors(point_list, colors, shape_mode,

    return shape
Example #2
def _generic_draw_line_strip(point_list: PointList,
                             color: Color,
                             mode: int = gl.GL_LINE_STRIP):
    Draw a line strip. A line strip is a set of continuously connected
    line segments.

    :param point_list: List of points making up the line. Each point is
         in a list. So it is a list of lists.
    :param Color color: color, specified in a list of 3 or 4 bytes in RGB or
         RGBA format.
    # Cache the program. But not on linux because it fails unit tests for some reason.
    # if not _generic_draw_line_strip.program or sys.platform == "linux":

    _generic_draw_line_strip.program = shader.program(

    c4 = get_four_byte_color(color)
    c4e = c4 * len(point_list)
    a = array.array('B', c4e)
    color_buf = shader.buffer(a.tobytes())
    color_buf_desc = shader.BufferDescription(

    def gen_flatten(my_list):
        return [item for sublist in my_list for item in sublist]

    vertices = array.array('f', gen_flatten(point_list))

    vbo_buf = shader.buffer(vertices.tobytes())
    vbo_buf_desc = shader.BufferDescription(vbo_buf, '2f', ['in_vert'])

    vao_content = [vbo_buf_desc, color_buf_desc]

    vao = shader.vertex_array(_generic_draw_line_strip.program, vao_content)
    with vao:
        _generic_draw_line_strip.program['Projection'] = get_projection(
Example #3
def create_line_generic_with_colors(point_list: PointList,
                                    color_list: Iterable[Color],
                                    shape_mode: int,
                                    line_width: float = 1) -> Shape:
    This function is used by ``create_line_strip`` and ``create_line_loop``,
    just changing the OpenGL type for the line drawing.

    :param PointList point_list:
    :param Iterable[Color] color_list:
    :param float shape_mode:
    :param float line_width:

    :Returns Shape:
    window = get_window()
    ctx = window.ctx
    program = ctx.line_generic_with_colors_program

    buffer_type = np.dtype([('vertex', '2f4'), ('color', '4B')])
    data = np.zeros(len(point_list), dtype=buffer_type)
    data['vertex'] = point_list
    data['color'] = [get_four_byte_color(color) for color in color_list]

    vbo = ctx.buffer(data=data.tobytes())
    vao_content = [
            '2f 4f1',
            ('in_vert', 'in_color'),

    vao = ctx.geometry(vao_content)

    shape = Shape()
    shape.vao = vao
    shape.vbo = vbo
    shape.program = program
    shape.mode = shape_mode
    shape.line_width = line_width

    return shape
def _generic_draw_line_strip(point_list: PointList,
                             color: Color,
                             mode: int = gl.GL_LINE_STRIP):
    Draw a line strip. A line strip is a set of continuously connected
    line segments.

    :param point_list: List of points making up the line. Each point is
         in a list. So it is a list of lists.
    :param Color color: color, specified in a list of 3 or 4 bytes in RGB or
         RGBA format.
    # Cache the program. But not on linux because it fails unit tests for some reason.
    # if not _generic_draw_line_strip.program or sys.platform == "linux":
    window = get_window()

    ctx = window.ctx

    c4 = get_four_byte_color(color)
    c4e = c4 * len(point_list)
    a = array.array('B', c4e)

    def gen_flatten(my_list):
        return [item for sublist in my_list for item in sublist]

    vertices = array.array('f', gen_flatten(point_list))

    geometry = ctx.generic_draw_line_strip_geometry
    program = ctx.line_vertex_shader
    geometry.num_vertices = len(point_list)

    # Double buffer sizes if out of space
    while len(vertices) * 4 > ctx.generic_draw_line_strip_vbo.size:
            ctx.generic_draw_line_strip_vbo.size * 2)
            ctx.generic_draw_line_strip_color.size * 2)


    geometry.render(program, mode=mode)
def create_line_generic_with_colors(point_list: PointList,
                                    color_list: Iterable[Color],
                                    shape_mode: int,
                                    line_width: float = 1) -> Shape:
    This function is used by ``create_line_strip`` and ``create_line_loop``,
    just changing the OpenGL type for the line drawing.

    :param PointList point_list:
    :param Iterable[Color] color_list:
    :param float shape_mode:
    :param float line_width:

    :Returns Shape:
    program = shader.program(
            #version 330
            uniform mat4 Projection;
            in vec2 in_vert;
            in vec4 in_color;
            out vec4 v_color;
            void main() {
               gl_Position = Projection * vec4(in_vert, 0.0, 1.0);
               v_color = in_color;
            #version 330
            in vec4 v_color;
            out vec4 f_color;
            void main() {
                f_color = v_color;

    buffer_type = np.dtype([('vertex', '2f4'), ('color', '4B')])
    data = np.zeros(len(point_list), dtype=buffer_type)
    data['vertex'] = point_list
    data['color'] = [get_four_byte_color(color) for color in color_list]

    vbo = shader.buffer(data.tobytes())
    vao_content = [
                                 '2f 4B', ('in_vert', 'in_color'),

    vao = shader.vertex_array(program, vao_content)
    with vao:
        program['Projection'] = get_projection().flatten()

    shape = Shape()
    shape.vao = vao
    shape.vbo = vbo
    shape.program = program
    shape.mode = shape_mode
    shape.line_width = line_width

    return shape