Example #1
    def decorator(model, params, nobs, burn=500, initial_value=None, x=None, initial_value_vol=None, data_only=False):
        k_x = 0
        if x is not None:
            x = np.asarray(x)
            k_x = x.shape[1]
            if x.shape[0] != nobs + burn:
                raise ValueError('x must have nobs + burn rows')

        # added model._lags is not None for LS models
        lags = model._lags if model._lags is not None else np.zeros((0, 0), int)

        mc = int(model.constant) + lags.shape[1] + k_x
        vc = model.volatility.num_params
        dc = model.distribution.num_params
        num_params = mc + vc + dc
        params = ensure1d(params, 'params', series=False)
        if params.shape[0] != num_params:
            raise ValueError(f'params has the wrong number of elements. Expected {num_params}, got {params.shape[0]}. '
                             f'Perhaps you forgot to add the exogenous variables?')

        dist_params = [] if dc == 0 else params[-dc:]
        vol_params = params[mc:mc + vc]
        simulator = model.distribution.simulate(dist_params)
        sim_data = model.volatility.simulate(vol_params,
                                             nobs + burn,
        errors = sim_data[0]
        vol = np.sqrt(sim_data[1])

        max_lag = np.max(lags) if lags.size else 0

        if initial_value is None:
            initial_value = 0.0
        elif not np.isscalar(initial_value):
            initial_value = ensure1d(initial_value, 'initial_value')
            if initial_value.shape[0] != max_lag:
                raise ValueError('initial_value has the wrong shape')

        y = np.zeros(nobs + burn)
        y[:max_lag] = initial_value

        simulate_harx(y, nobs + burn, k_x, max_lag, model.constant, x, errors, params, lags.T.astype(np.int64))

        if data_only:
            return y[burn:]

        df = dict(data=y[burn:], volatility=vol[burn:], errors=errors[burn:])
        df = pd.DataFrame(df)
        return df
Example #2
 def simulate(
     self, parameters: Union[int, float, Sequence[Union[float, int]], ArrayLike1D]
 ) -> Callable[[Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]], NDArray]:
     parameters = ensure1d(parameters, "parameters", False)
     if parameters[0] <= 2.0:
         raise ValueError("The shape parameter must be larger than 2")
     self._parameters = parameters
     return self._simulator
Example #3
    def decorator(model, params, nobs, reps, burn=500, initial_value=None, x=None, initial_value_vol=None):
        k_x = 0
        if x is not None:
            x = np.asarray(x)
            k_x = x.shape[1]
            if x.shape[0] != nobs + burn:
                raise ValueError('x must have nobs + burn rows')

        # added model._lags is not None for LS models
        lags = model._lags if model._lags is not None else np.zeros((0, 0), int)

        mc = int(model.constant) + lags.shape[1] + k_x
        vc = model.volatility.num_params
        dc = model.distribution.num_params
        num_params = mc + vc + dc
        params = ensure1d(params, 'params', series=False)
        if params.shape[0] != num_params:
            raise ValueError(f'params has the wrong number of elements. Expected {num_params}, got {params.shape[0]}. '
                             f'Perhaps you forgot to add the exogenous variables?')

        dist_params = [] if dc == 0 else params[-dc:]
        vol_params = params[mc:mc + vc]
        simulator = model.distribution.simulate(dist_params)
        errors = model.volatility.simulate_mc(vol_params, nobs + burn, reps, simulator, burn, initial_value_vol)

        max_lag = np.max(lags) if lags.size else 0

        if initial_value is None:
            initial_value = 0
        elif np.isscalar(initial_value):
            initial_value = np.repeat(initial_value, max_lag)
        elif not np.isscalar(initial_value):
            initial_value = ensure1d(initial_value, 'initial_value')
            if initial_value.shape[0] != max_lag:
                raise ValueError('initial_value has the wrong shape')

        y = np.zeros((nobs + burn, reps), np.float64)  # y is modified in place
        y[:max_lag, :reps] = initial_value
        return simulate_harx_mc(y, nobs + burn, reps, k_x, max_lag, model.constant, x, errors, params,
Example #4
def _cross_section(y: ArrayLike1D, x: ArrayLike2D,
                   trend: str) -> RegressionResults:
    if trend not in ("n", "c", "ct", "ctt"):
        raise ValueError('trend must be one of "n", "c", "ct" or "ctt"')
    y = ensure1d(y, "y", True)
    x = ensure2d(x, "x")

    if not isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame):
        cols = [f"x{i}" for i in range(1, x.shape[1] + 1)]
        x = pd.DataFrame(x, columns=cols, index=y.index)
    x = add_trend(x, trend)
    res = OLS(y, x).fit()
    return res
Example #5
    def __init__(
        x: ArrayLike,
        bandwidth: Optional[float] = None,
        df_adjust: int = 0,
        center: bool = True,
        weights: Optional[ArrayLike] = None,
        force_int: bool = False,

        self._x_orig = ensure2d(x, "x")
        self._x = np.asarray(self._x_orig)
        self._center = center
        if self._center:
            self._x = self._x - self._x.mean(0)
        if bandwidth is not None and (not np.isscalar(bandwidth) or bandwidth < 0):
            raise ValueError("bandwidth must be a non-negative scalar.")
        self._bandwidth = bandwidth
        self._auto_bandwidth = bandwidth is None
        if not np.isscalar(df_adjust) or df_adjust < 0:
            raise ValueError("df_adjust must be a non-negative integer.")
        self._df_adjust = int(df_adjust)
        self._df = self._x.shape[0] - self._df_adjust
        if self._df <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "Degrees of freedom is <= 0 after adjusting the sample "
                "size of x using df_adjust. df_adjust must be less than"
                f" {self._x.shape[0]}"
        if weights is None:
            xw = self._x_weights = np.ones((self._x.shape[1], 1))
            xw = ensure1d(np.asarray(weights), "weights")
            xw = self._x_weights = xw[:, None]
        if (
            xw.shape[0] != self._x.shape[1]
            or xw.shape[1] != 1
            or np.any(xw < 0)
            or np.all(xw == 0)
            raise ValueError(
                f"weights must be a 1 by {self._x.shape[1]} (x.shape[1]) "
                f"array with non-negative values where at least one value is "
                "strictly greater than 0."
        self._force_int = force_int
Example #6
    def simulate(
            parameters: Union[Sequence[Union[int, float]], ArrayLike1D],
            nobs: int,
            rng: RNGType,
            burn: int = 500,
            initial_value: Optional[float] = None) -> Tuple[NDArray, NDArray]:
        parameters = ensure1d(parameters, "parameters", False)
        errors = rng(nobs + burn)

        if initial_value is None:
            scale = np.ones_like(parameters)

            persistence = np.sum(parameters[1:] * scale[1:])
            if (1.0 - persistence) > 0:
                initial_value = parameters[0] / (1.0 - persistence)
                from warnings import warn
                warn(initial_value_warning, InitialValueWarning)
                initial_value = parameters[0]

        sigma2 = np.zeros(nobs + burn)
        data = np.zeros(nobs + burn)

        max_lag = 1
        sigma2[:max_lag] = initial_value
        data[:max_lag] = np.sqrt(sigma2[:max_lag]) * errors[:max_lag]

        omega = parameters[0]
        alpha = parameters[1]
        beta = parameters[2]
        theta = parameters[3]

        sigma2[max_lag] = omega
        data[max_lag] = errors[max_lag] * np.sqrt(sigma2[max_lag])

        for t in range(max_lag + 1, nobs + burn):
            loc = t - 1
            sigma2[t] = \
                omega + \
                alpha * (data[loc] - theta * np.sqrt(sigma2[loc])) ** 2.0 + \
                beta * sigma2[loc]
            data[t] = errors[t] * np.sqrt(sigma2[t])

        return data[burn:], sigma2[burn:]
Example #7
 def __init__(self, y, lags, trend, valid_trends):
     self._y = ensure1d(y, 'y')
     self._delta_y = diff(y)
     self._nobs = self._y.shape[0]
     self._lags = None
     self.lags = lags
     self._valid_trends = valid_trends
     self._trend = ''
     self.trend = trend
     self._stat = None
     self._critical_values = None
     self._pvalue = None
     self.trend = trend
     self._null_hypothesis = 'The process contains a unit root.'
     self._alternative_hypothesis = 'The process is weakly stationary.'
     self._test_name = None
     self._title = None
     self._summary_text = None
Example #8
 def __init__(self, y, lags, trend, valid_trends):
     self._y = ensure1d(y, 'y')
     self._delta_y = diff(y)
     self._nobs = self._y.shape[0]
     self._lags = None
     self.lags = lags
     self._valid_trends = valid_trends
     self._trend = ''
     self.trend = trend
     self._stat = None
     self._critical_values = None
     self._pvalue = None
     self.trend = trend
     self._null_hypothesis = 'The process contains a unit root.'
     self._alternative_hypothesis = 'The process is weakly stationary.'
     self._test_name = None
     self._title = None
     self._summary_text = None
Example #9
 def _check_constraints(
         self, parameters: Optional[Union[Sequence[float],
                                          ArrayLike1D]]) -> NDArray:
     bounds = self.bounds(empty(0))
     if parameters is not None:
         params = ensure1d(parameters, "parameters", False)
         nparams = len(params)
         nparams = 0
     if nparams != len(bounds):
         raise ValueError("parameters must have {0} elements".format(
     if len(bounds) == 0:
         return empty(0)
     for p, n, b in zip(params, self.name, bounds):
         if not (b[0] <= p <= b[1]):
             raise ValueError("{0} does not satisfy the bounds requirement "
                              "of ({1}, {2})".format(n, *b))
     return params
Example #10
def _check_cointegrating_regression(
    y: ArrayLike1D,
    x: ArrayLike2D,
    trend: str,
    supported_trends: Tuple[str, ...] = ("n", "c", "ct", "ctt"),
) -> CointegrationSetup:
    y = ensure1d(y, "y", True)
    x = ensure2d(x, "x")
    if y.shape[0] != x.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError(
            f"The number of observations in y and x differ. y has "
            f"{y.shape[0]} observtations, and x has {x.shape[0]}.")
    if not isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame):
        cols = [f"x{i}" for i in range(1, x.shape[1] + 1)]
        x_df = pd.DataFrame(x, columns=cols, index=y.index)
        x_df = x
    trend = trend.lower()
    if trend.lower() not in supported_trends:
        trends = ",".join([f'"{st}"' for st in supported_trends])
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown trend. Must be one of {{{trends}}}")
    return CointegrationSetup(y, x_df, trend)
Example #11
    def test_ensure1d(self):
        out = ensure1d(1.0, 'y')
        assert_equal(out, np.array([1.0]))
        out = ensure1d(np.arange(5.0), 'y')
        assert_equal(out, np.arange(5.0))
        out = ensure1d(np.arange(5.0)[:, None], 'y')
        assert_equal(out, np.arange(5.0))
        in_array = np.reshape(np.arange(16.0), (4, 4))
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            ensure1d(in_array, 'y')

        y = Series(np.arange(5.0))
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y')
        assert isinstance(ys, np.ndarray)
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y', True)
        assert isinstance(ys, Series)
        y = DataFrame(y)
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y')
        assert isinstance(ys, np.ndarray)
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y', True)
        assert isinstance(ys, Series)
        y.columns = [1]
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y', True)
        assert isinstance(ys, Series)
        assert ys.name == '1'
        y = Series(np.arange(5.0), name='series')
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y')
        assert isinstance(ys, np.ndarray)
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y', True)
        assert isinstance(ys, Series)
        y = DataFrame(y)
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y')
        assert isinstance(ys, np.ndarray)
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y', True)
        assert isinstance(ys, Series)
        ys.name = 1
        ys = ensure1d(ys, None, True)
        assert isinstance(ys, Series)
        assert ys.name == '1'
        y = DataFrame(np.reshape(np.arange(10), (5, 2)))
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            ensure1d(y, 'y')
Example #12
    def simulate(
        params: Union[Sequence[float], ArrayLike1D],
        nobs: int,
        burn: int = 500,
        initial_value: Optional[Union[float, NDArray]] = None,
        x: Optional[ArrayLike] = None,
        initial_value_vol: Optional[Union[float, NDArray]] = None,
    ) -> DataFrame:
        Simulated data from a zero mean model

        params : {ndarray, DataFrame}
            Parameters to use when simulating the model.  Parameter order is
            [volatility distribution]. There are no mean parameters.
        nobs : int
            Length of series to simulate
        burn : int, optional
            Number of values to simulate to initialize the model and remove
            dependence on initial values.
        initial_value : None
            This value is not used.
        x : None
            This value is not used.
        initial_value_vol : {ndarray, float}, optional
            An array or scalar to use when initializing the volatility process.

        simulated_data : DataFrame
            DataFrame with columns data containing the simulated values,
            volatility, containing the conditional volatility and errors
            containing the errors used in the simulation

        Basic data simulation with no mean and constant volatility

        >>> from arch.univariate import ZeroMean
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> zm = ZeroMean()
        >>> params = np.array([1.0])
        >>> sim_data = zm.simulate(params, 1000)

        Simulating data with a non-trivial volatility process

        >>> from arch.univariate import GARCH
        >>> zm.volatility = GARCH(p=1, o=1, q=1)
        >>> sim_data = zm.simulate([0.05, 0.1, 0.1, 0.8], 300)
        params = ensure1d(params, "params", False)
        if initial_value is not None or x is not None:
            raise ValueError("Both initial value and x must be none when "
                             "simulating a constant mean process.")

        _, vp, dp = self._parse_parameters(params)

        sim_values = self.volatility.simulate(vp, nobs + burn,
                                              burn, initial_value_vol)
        errors = sim_values[0]
        y = errors
        vol = np.sqrt(sim_values[1])
        df = dict(data=y[burn:], volatility=vol[burn:], errors=errors[burn:])
        df = DataFrame(df)

        return df
Example #13
    def simulate(
        params: Sequence[float],
        nobs: int,
        burn: int = 500,
        initial_value: Optional[Union[float, NDArray]] = None,
        x: Optional[ArrayLike] = None,
        initial_value_vol: Optional[Union[float, NDArray]] = None,
    ) -> DataFrame:
        Simulates data from a linear regression, AR or HAR models

        params : ndarray
            Parameters to use when simulating the model.  Parameter order is
            [mean volatility distribution] where the parameters of the mean
            model are ordered [constant lag[0] lag[1] ... lag[p] ex[0] ...
            ex[k-1]] where lag[j] indicates the coefficient on the jth lag in
            the model and ex[j] is the coefficient on the jth exogenous
        nobs : int
            Length of series to simulate
        burn : int, optional
            Number of values to simulate to initialize the model and remove
            dependence on initial values.
        initial_value : {ndarray, float}, optional
            Either a scalar value or `max(lags)` array set of initial values to
            use when initializing the model.  If omitted, 0.0 is used.
        x : {ndarray, DataFrame}, optional
            nobs + burn by k array of exogenous variables to include in the
        initial_value_vol : {ndarray, float}, optional
            An array or scalar to use when initializing the volatility process.

        simulated_data : DataFrame
            DataFrame with columns data containing the simulated values,
            volatility, containing the conditional volatility and errors
            containing the errors used in the simulation

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from arch.univariate import HARX, GARCH
        >>> harx = HARX(lags=[1, 5, 22])
        >>> harx.volatility = GARCH()
        >>> harx_params = np.array([1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])
        >>> garch_params = np.array([0.01, 0.07, 0.92])
        >>> params = np.concatenate((harx_params, garch_params))
        >>> sim_data = harx.simulate(params, 1000)

        Simulating models with exogenous regressors requires the regressors
        to have nobs plus burn data points

        >>> nobs = 100
        >>> burn = 200
        >>> x = np.random.randn(nobs + burn, 2)
        >>> x_params = np.array([1.0, 2.0])
        >>> params = np.concatenate((harx_params, x_params, garch_params))
        >>> sim_data = harx.simulate(params, nobs=nobs, burn=burn, x=x)

        k_x = 0
        if x is not None:
            k_x = x.shape[1]
            if x.shape[0] != nobs + burn:
                raise ValueError("x must have nobs + burn rows")
        assert self._lags is not None
        mc = int(self.constant) + self._lags.shape[1] + k_x
        vc = self.volatility.num_params
        dc = self.distribution.num_params
        num_params = mc + vc + dc
        params = ensure1d(params, "params", series=False)
        if params.shape[0] != num_params:
            raise ValueError("params has the wrong number of elements. "
                             "Expected " + str(num_params) + ", got " +

        dist_params = [] if dc == 0 else params[-dc:]
        vol_params = params[mc:mc + vc]
        simulator = self.distribution.simulate(dist_params)
        sim_data = self.volatility.simulate(vol_params, nobs + burn, simulator,
                                            burn, initial_value_vol)
        errors = sim_data[0]
        vol = np.sqrt(sim_data[1])

        max_lag = np.max(self._lags)
        y = np.zeros(nobs + burn)
        if initial_value is None:
            initial_value = 0.0
        elif not np.isscalar(initial_value):
            initial_value = ensure1d(initial_value, "initial_value")
            if initial_value.shape[0] != max_lag:
                raise ValueError("initial_value has the wrong shape")
        y[:max_lag] = initial_value

        for t in range(max_lag, nobs + burn):
            ind = 0
            if self.constant:
                y[t] = params[ind]
                ind += 1
            for lag in self._lags.T:
                y[t] += params[ind] * y[t - lag[1]:t - lag[0]].mean()
                ind += 1
            for i in range(k_x):
                y[t] += params[ind] * x[t, i]
            y[t] += errors[t]

        df = dict(data=y[burn:], volatility=vol[burn:], errors=errors[burn:])
        df = DataFrame(df)
        return df
Example #14
    def test_ensure1d(self):
        out = ensure1d(1.0, 'y')
        assert_equal(out, np.array([1.0]))
        out = ensure1d(np.arange(5.0), 'y')
        assert_equal(out, np.arange(5.0))
        out = ensure1d(np.arange(5.0)[:, None], 'y')
        assert_equal(out, np.arange(5.0))
        in_array = np.reshape(np.arange(16.0), (4, 4))
        assert_raises(ValueError, ensure1d, in_array, 'y')

        y = Series(np.arange(5.0))
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y')
        assert_true(isinstance(ys, np.ndarray))
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y', True)
        assert_true(isinstance(ys, Series))
        y = DataFrame(y)
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y')
        assert_true(isinstance(ys, np.ndarray))
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y', True)
        assert_true(isinstance(ys, Series))
        y = Series(np.arange(5.0), name='series')
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y')
        assert_true(isinstance(ys, np.ndarray))
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y', True)
        assert_true(isinstance(ys, Series))
        y = DataFrame(y)
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y')
        assert_true(isinstance(ys, np.ndarray))
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y', True)
        assert_true(isinstance(ys, Series))
        y = DataFrame(np.reshape(np.arange(10), (5, 2)))
        assert_raises(ValueError, ensure1d, y, 'y')
Example #15
File: mean.py Project: esvhd/arch
    def simulate(self, params, nobs, burn=500, initial_value=None, x=None,
        Simulates data from a linear regression, AR or HAR models

        params : array
            Parameters to use when simulating the model.  Parameter order is
            [mean volatility distribution] where the parameters of the mean
            model are ordered [constant lag[0] lag[1] ... lag[p] ex[0] ...
            ex[k-1]] where lag[j] indicates the coefficient on the jth lag in
            the model and ex[j] is the coefficient on the jth exogenous
        nobs : int
            Length of series to simulate
        burn : int, optional
            Number of values to simulate to initialize the model and remove
            dependence on initial values.
        initial_value : array or float, optional
            Either a scalar value or `max(lags)` array set of initial values to
            use when initializing the model.  If omitted, 0.0 is used.
        x : array, optional
            nobs + burn by k array of exogenous variables to include in the
        initial_value_vol : array or float, optional
            An array or scalar to use when initializing the volatility process.

        simulated_data : DataFrame
            DataFrame with columns data containing the simulated values,
            volatility, containing the conditional volatility and errors
            containing the errors used in the simulation

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from arch.univariate import HARX, GARCH
        >>> harx = HARX(lags=[1, 5, 22])
        >>> harx.volatility = GARCH()
        >>> harx_params = np.array([1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])
        >>> garch_params = np.array([0.01, 0.07, 0.92])
        >>> params = np.concatenate((harx_params, garch_params))
        >>> sim_data = harx.simulate(params, 1000)

        Simulating models with exogenous regressors requires the regressors
        to have nobs plus burn data points

        >>> nobs = 100
        >>> burn = 200
        >>> x = np.random.randn(nobs + burn, 2)
        >>> x_params = np.array([1.0, 2.0])
        >>> params = np.concatenate((harx_params, x_params, garch_params))
        >>> sim_data = harx.simulate(params, nobs=nobs, burn=burn, x=x)

        k_x = 0
        if x is not None:
            k_x = x.shape[1]
            if x.shape[0] != nobs + burn:
                raise ValueError('x must have nobs + burn rows')

        mc = int(self.constant) + self._lags.shape[1] + k_x
        vc = self.volatility.num_params
        dc = self.distribution.num_params
        num_params = mc + vc + dc
        params = ensure1d(params, 'params', series=False)
        if params.shape[0] != num_params:
            raise ValueError('params has the wrong number of elements. '
                             'Expected ' + str(num_params) +
                             ', got ' + str(params.shape[0]))

        dist_params = [] if dc == 0 else params[-dc:]
        vol_params = params[mc:mc + vc]
        simulator = self.distribution.simulate(dist_params)
        sim_data = self.volatility.simulate(vol_params,
                                            nobs + burn,
        errors = sim_data[0]
        vol = np.sqrt(sim_data[1])

        max_lag = np.max(self._lags)
        y = zeros(nobs + burn)
        if initial_value is None:
            initial_value = 0.0
        elif not isscalar(initial_value):
            initial_value = ensure1d(initial_value, 'initial_value')
            if initial_value.shape[0] != max_lag:
                raise ValueError('initial_value has the wrong shape')
        y[:max_lag] = initial_value

        for t in range(max_lag, nobs + burn):
            ind = 0
            if self.constant:
                y[t] = params[ind]
                ind += 1
            for lag in self._lags.T:
                y[t] += params[ind] * y[t - lag[1]:t - lag[0]].mean()
                ind += 1
            for i in range(k_x):
                y[t] += params[ind] * x[t, i]
            y[t] += errors[t]

        df = dict(data=y[burn:], volatility=vol[burn:], errors=errors[burn:])
        df = DataFrame(df)
        return df
Example #16
    def test_ensure1d(self):
        out = ensure1d(1.0, 'y')
        assert_equal(out, np.array([1.0]))
        out = ensure1d(np.arange(5.0), 'y')
        assert_equal(out, np.arange(5.0))
        out = ensure1d(np.arange(5.0)[:, None], 'y')
        assert_equal(out, np.arange(5.0))
        in_array = np.reshape(np.arange(16.0), (4, 4))
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            ensure1d(in_array, 'y')

        y = Series(np.arange(5.0))
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y')
        assert isinstance(ys, np.ndarray)
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y', True)
        assert isinstance(ys, Series)
        y = DataFrame(y)
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y')
        assert isinstance(ys, np.ndarray)
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y', True)
        assert isinstance(ys, Series)
        y.columns = [1]
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y', True)
        assert isinstance(ys, Series)
        assert ys.name == '1'
        y = Series(np.arange(5.0), name='series')
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y')
        assert isinstance(ys, np.ndarray)
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y', True)
        assert isinstance(ys, Series)
        y = DataFrame(y)
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y')
        assert isinstance(ys, np.ndarray)
        ys = ensure1d(y, 'y', True)
        assert isinstance(ys, Series)
        ys.name = 1
        ys = ensure1d(ys, None, True)
        assert isinstance(ys, Series)
        assert ys.name == '1'
        y = DataFrame(np.reshape(np.arange(10), (5, 2)))
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            ensure1d(y, 'y')