Example #1
def versions():
    Display all the versions
    import pkg_resources
    """print versions of all installed modules"""
    print "* Archipel Agent version :"
    format_version(("archipelagent", pkg_resources.get_distribution("archipel-agent").version))
    print "\n* Installed plugins versions :"
    for version_method in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group="archipel.plugin", name="version"):
            method = version_method.load()
        except Exception as ex:
            error("unable to get the version of one plugin: %s" % ex, exit=False)
Example #2
def initialize_config(paths, cmdline_path="/proc/cmdline", prepare_only=False):
    Initialize the ConfigParser object
    @type paths: list
    @param paths: list of the path of the config files
    @type cmdline_path: string
    @param cmdline_path: the path of kernel param file
    @type prepare_only: Boolean
    @param prepare_only: if True, we will exit after preparing the config.
    @rtype: ConfigParser
    @return: ready to use config object
    # Read the local config file(s)
        config = init_conf(paths)
    except Exception as ex:
        error("Unable to read local configuration file(s) %s : %s" % (str(paths), str(ex)), code=ARCHIPEL_INIT_ERROR_NO_CONFIG)

    # If we are in a stateless mode, read the stateless node configuration from the kernel parameters
    if config.has_option("GLOBAL", "stateless_node") and config.getboolean("GLOBAL", "stateless_node"):
            msg("Archipel is configured to start in stateless mode")
            # Get Kernel parameters
            stateless_mode_parameters = stateless_read_kernel_parameters(cmdline_path)

            p_mount_type = stateless_mode_parameters["ARCHIPEL_MOUNT_TYPE"]
            p_mount_address = stateless_mode_parameters["ARCHIPEL_MOUNT_ADDRESS"]
            p_mount_options = stateless_mode_parameters["ARCHIPEL_MOUNT_OPTIONS"]
            p_mount_mountpoint = stateless_mode_parameters["ARCHIPEL_MOUNT_MOUNTPOINT"]
            p_stateless_path = stateless_mode_parameters["ARCHIPEL_STATELESS_PATH"]
            p_stateless_lib_path = stateless_mode_parameters["ARCHIPEL_STATELESS_LIB_PATH"]
            p_stateless_qemu_path = stateless_mode_parameters["ARCHIPEL_STATELESS_QEMU_PATH"]
            p_stateless_config_path = stateless_mode_parameters["ARCHIPEL_STATELESS_CONFIG_PATH"]
            p_stateless_config_path_general = stateless_mode_parameters["ARCHIPEL_STATELESS_CONFIG_PATH_GENERAL"]
            p_stateless_config_path_local = stateless_mode_parameters["ARCHIPEL_STATELESS_CONFIG_PATH_LOCAL"]
            p_selinux_enforce = stateless_mode_parameters["ARCHIPEL_SELINUX_MODE"]
            p_post_script = stateless_mode_parameters["ARCHIPEL_POST_SCRIPT"]

            # selinux
            msg("Setting selinux in mode %s" % p_selinux_enforce)
            os.system("if test -x `which setenforce`; then setenforce %s; fi" % p_selinux_enforce)

            # Print informations
            msg("Information from /proc/cmdline read:")
            for k, v in stateless_mode_parameters.items():
                msg(" - %s: %s" % (k, v))

            # get current state
            current_mounts = file.read(open("/proc/mounts"))

            # Mount remote filestem
            was_not_stateless_mounted = stateless_mount_storage(current_mounts, p_mount_type, p_mount_address, p_mount_options, p_mount_mountpoint)

            # Create remote folders if needed
            paths = [p_stateless_path, p_stateless_lib_path, p_stateless_qemu_path, p_stateless_config_path]
            for path in paths:
                if not os.path.exists(path):
                    msg("Creating solid state path %s" % path)

            # Mount --bind the /etc/libvirt/qemu to the solid state path
            if was_not_stateless_mounted and "/etc/libvirt/qemu" in current_mounts:
                msg("Umounting /etc/libvirt/qemu")
                subprocess.check_call(["umount", "/etc/libvirt/qemu"])

            if not "/etc/libvirt/qemu" in current_mounts or was_not_stateless_mounted:
                msg("Mounting /etc/libvirt/qemu on %s" % p_stateless_qemu_path)
                subprocess.check_call(["mount", "--bind", p_stateless_qemu_path, "/etc/libvirt/qemu"])
                # We reload the libvirt
                    if os.path.exists("/bin/systemctl") or os.path.exists("/sbin/systemctl"):
                        subprocess.check_call(["systemctl", "reload", "libvirtd.service"])
                        msg("Libvirt restarted using systemctl")
                    elif os.path.exists("/sbin/service"):
                        subprocess.check_call(["service", "libvirtd", "restart"])
                        msg("Libvirt restarted using service")
                    elif os.path.exists("/etc/init.d/libvirtd"):
                        subprocess.check_call(["/etc/init.d/libvirtd", "restart"])
                        msg("Libvirt restarted using /etc/init.d/libvirtd")
                    msg("Libvirtd: Not any service file found. Restarted libvirtd like a boss")
                    os.system("killall libvirtd")
                    os.system("libvirtd --daemon")
                msg("/etc/libvirt/qemu is already mounted on %s. Ignored" % p_stateless_qemu_path)

            # We start the post script if any
            if p_post_script and os.path.exists(p_post_script):
                msg("Running post mount script from %s" % p_post_script)
                subprocess.check_call("%s %s %s" % (p_post_script, socket.gethostname(), " ".join(stateless_mode_parameters)), shell=True)
                msg("Post mount script sucessfully ran")

            # We set the hostname here because the post mount script may have changed it.
            if not p_stateless_config_path_local:
                p_stateless_config_path_local = os.path.join(p_stateless_config_path, "archipel.%s.conf" % socket.gethostname())

            # Reinitialize the configuration according to the kernel parameters about remote config
            msg("Re-read the configuration files %s" % (str([p_stateless_config_path_general, p_stateless_config_path_local])))
            config_files = [p_stateless_config_path_general]
            if os.path.exists(p_stateless_config_path_local):
                msg("Found local config file at %s" % p_stateless_config_path_local)
                msg("Local config file at %s doesn't exist. ignoring it." % p_stateless_config_path_local)
            config = init_conf(config_files)
            msg("Configuration reloaded")

            if prepare_only:
                success("Prepare only mode. exiting")
            success("Stateless configuration ready")

        except Exception as ex:
            error("Stateless node initialization error: %s" % str(ex), code=ARCHIPEL_INIT_ERROR_STATELESS_MODE)
    return config