def download_distribution(args, version, temp): if version == 'master': return utils.R8_JAR if args.nolib else utils.R8LIB_JAR name = 'r8.jar' if args.nolib else 'r8lib.jar' source = archive.GetUploadDestination(version, name, is_hash(version)) dest = os.path.join(temp, 'r8.jar') utils.download_file_from_cloud_storage(source, dest) return dest
def main(): args = parse_arguments() r8lib_map_path = hashOrVersion = args.commit_hash or args.version if hashOrVersion: download_path = archive.GetUploadDestination( hashOrVersion, '', args.commit_hash is not None) if utils.file_exists_on_cloud_storage(download_path): r8lib_map_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name utils.download_file_from_cloud_storage(download_path, r8lib_map_path) else: print('Could not find map file from argument: %s.' % hashOrVersion) return 1 retrace_args = ['java', '-jar', utils.RETRACE_JAR, r8lib_map_path] if args.stacktrace: retrace_args.append(args.stacktrace) return
def run(map_path, hash_or_version, stacktrace, is_hash, no_r8lib, quiet=False, debug=False): if hash_or_version: download_path = archive.GetUploadDestination(hash_or_version, '', is_hash) if utils.file_exists_on_cloud_storage(download_path): map_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name utils.download_file_from_cloud_storage(download_path, map_path) else: print('Could not find map file from argument: %s.' % hash_or_version) return 1 retrace_args = [jdk.GetJavaExecutable()] if debug: retrace_args.append( '-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005' ) retrace_args += [ '-cp', utils.R8_JAR if no_r8lib else utils.R8LIB_JAR, '', map_path ] if quiet: retrace_args.append('--quiet') if stacktrace: retrace_args.append(stacktrace) utils.PrintCmd(retrace_args, quiet=quiet) return
def run(map_path, hash_or_version, stacktrace, is_hash, no_r8lib): if hash_or_version: download_path = archive.GetUploadDestination(hash_or_version, '', is_hash) if utils.file_exists_on_cloud_storage(download_path): map_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name utils.download_file_from_cloud_storage(download_path, map_path) else: print('Could not find map file from argument: %s.' % hash_or_version) return 1 retrace_args = [ jdk.GetJavaExecutable(), '-cp', utils.R8_JAR if no_r8lib else utils.R8LIB_JAR, '', map_path ] if stacktrace: retrace_args.append(stacktrace) utils.PrintCmd(retrace_args) return
def Main(argv): (options, args) = ParseOptions(argv) if (len(args) > 0): raise Exception('Unsupported arguments') if not utils.is_bot() and not (options.dry_run or options.build_only): raise Exception('You are not a bot, don\'t archive builds. ' + 'Use --dry-run or --build-only to test locally') if options.dry_run_output: MustBeExistingDirectory(options.dry_run_output) if options.build_only: MustBeExistingDirectory(options.build_only) if utils.is_bot(): archive.SetRLimitToMax() # Make sure bazel is extracted in third_party. utils.DownloadFromGoogleCloudStorage(utils.BAZEL_SHA_FILE) utils.DownloadFromGoogleCloudStorage(utils.JAVA8_SHA_FILE) utils.DownloadFromGoogleCloudStorage(utils.JAVA11_SHA_FILE) if options.build_only: with utils.TempDir() as checkout_dir: CloneDesugaredLibrary(options.github_account, checkout_dir) (library_jar, maven_zip) = BuildDesugaredLibrary(checkout_dir, "jdk8") shutil.copyfile( library_jar, os.path.join(options.build_only, os.path.basename(library_jar))) shutil.copyfile( maven_zip, os.path.join(options.build_only, os.path.basename(maven_zip))) return # Only handling versioned desugar_jdk_libs. is_master = False with utils.TempDir() as checkout_dir: CloneDesugaredLibrary(options.github_account, checkout_dir) version = GetVersion(os.path.join(checkout_dir, VERSION_FILE)) destination = archive.GetVersionDestination( 'gs://', LIBRARY_NAME + '/' + version, is_master) if utils.cloud_storage_exists(destination) and not options.dry_run: raise Exception('Target archive directory %s already exists' % destination) (library_jar, maven_zip) = BuildDesugaredLibrary(checkout_dir, "jdk8") storage_path = LIBRARY_NAME + '/' + version # Upload the jar file with the library. destination = archive.GetUploadDestination(storage_path, LIBRARY_NAME + '.jar', is_master) Upload(options, library_jar, storage_path, destination, is_master) # Upload the maven zip file with the library. destination = archive.GetUploadDestination(storage_path, LIBRARY_NAME + '.zip', is_master) Upload(options, maven_zip, storage_path, destination, is_master) # Upload the jar file for accessing GCS as a maven repro. maven_destination = archive.GetUploadDestination( utils.get_maven_path('desugar_jdk_libs', version), 'desugar_jdk_libs-%s.jar' % version, is_master) if options.dry_run: print('Dry run, not actually creating maven repo') else: utils.upload_file_to_cloud_storage(library_jar, maven_destination) print('Maven repo root available at: %s' % archive.GetMavenUrl(is_master))
def download_target(root, target, hash_or_version, is_hash, quiet=False): download_path = os.path.join(root, target) url = archive.GetUploadDestination(hash_or_version, target, is_hash) if not quiet: print('Downloading: ' + url + ' -> ' + download_path) utils.download_file_from_cloud_storage(url, download_path, quiet=quiet)
def Main(argv): (options, args) = ParseOptions(argv) if (len(args) > 0): raise Exception('Unsupported arguments') if not utils.is_bot() and not options.dry_run: raise Exception('You are not a bot, don\'t archive builds. ' + 'Use --dry-run to test locally') if (options.dry_run_output and (not os.path.exists(options.dry_run_output) or not os.path.isdir(options.dry_run_output))): raise Exception(options.dry_run_output + ' does not exist or is not a directory') if utils.is_bot(): archive.SetRLimitToMax() # Make sure bazel is extracted in third_party. utils.DownloadFromGoogleCloudStorage(utils.BAZEL_SHA_FILE) utils.DownloadFromGoogleCloudStorage(utils.JAVA8_SHA_FILE) # Only handling versioned desugar_jdk_libs. is_master = False with utils.TempDir() as checkout_dir: git_utils.GitClone( '' + options.github_account + '/' + LIBRARY_NAME, checkout_dir) with utils.ChangedWorkingDirectory(checkout_dir): version = GetVersion() destination = archive.GetVersionDestination( 'gs://', LIBRARY_NAME + '/' + version, is_master) if utils.cloud_storage_exists(destination) and not options.dry_run: raise Exception('Target archive directory %s already exists' % destination) bazel = os.path.join(utils.BAZEL_TOOL, 'lib', 'bazel', 'bin', 'bazel') cmd = [bazel, 'build', '--host_force_python=PY2', 'maven_release'] utils.PrintCmd(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd) cmd = [bazel, 'shutdown'] utils.PrintCmd(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd) # Compile the stubs for conversion files compilation. stub_compiled_folder = os.path.join(checkout_dir, 'stubs') os.mkdir(stub_compiled_folder) all_stubs = GetFilesInFolder( os.path.join(CONVERSION_FOLDER, 'stubs')) cmd = [JDK8_JAVAC, '-d', stub_compiled_folder] + all_stubs utils.PrintCmd(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd) # Compile the conversion files. conversions_compiled_folder = os.path.join(checkout_dir, 'conversions') os.mkdir(conversions_compiled_folder) all_conversions = GetFilesInFolder( os.path.join(CONVERSION_FOLDER, 'conversions')) cmd = [ JDK8_JAVAC, '-cp', stub_compiled_folder, '-d', conversions_compiled_folder ] + all_conversions utils.PrintCmd(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd) # Locate the library jar and the maven zip with the jar from the # bazel build. library_jar = os.path.join('bazel-bin', 'src', 'share', 'classes', 'java', 'libjava.jar') maven_zip = os.path.join('bazel-bin', LIBRARY_NAME + '.zip') # Make a writable copy of the jar. jar_folder = os.path.join(checkout_dir, 'jar') os.mkdir(jar_folder) shutil.copy(library_jar, jar_folder) library_jar = os.path.join(jar_folder, 'libjava.jar') os.chmod(library_jar, 0o777) # Add conversion classes into the jar. all_compiled_conversions = GetFilesInFolder( conversions_compiled_folder) with zipfile.ZipFile(library_jar, mode='a', allowZip64=True) as jar: for clazz in all_compiled_conversions: jar.write(clazz, arcname=os.path.relpath( clazz, conversions_compiled_folder), compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) storage_path = LIBRARY_NAME + '/' + version # Upload the jar file with the library. destination = archive.GetUploadDestination(storage_path, LIBRARY_NAME + '.jar', is_master) Upload(options, library_jar, storage_path, destination, is_master) # Upload the maven zip file with the library. destination = archive.GetUploadDestination(storage_path, LIBRARY_NAME + '.zip', is_master) Upload(options, maven_zip, storage_path, destination, is_master) # Upload the jar file for accessing GCS as a maven repro. maven_destination = archive.GetUploadDestination( utils.get_maven_path('desugar_jdk_libs', version), 'desugar_jdk_libs-%s.jar' % version, is_master) if options.dry_run: print('Dry run, not actually creating maven repo') else: utils.upload_file_to_cloud_storage(library_jar, maven_destination) print('Maven repo root available at: %s' % archive.GetMavenUrl(is_master))
def run_with_options(options, args, extra_args=None, stdout=None, quiet=False): if extra_args is None: extra_args = [] app_provided_pg_conf = False # todo(121018500): remove when memory is under control if not any('-Xmx' in arg for arg in extra_args): if options.max_memory: extra_args.append('-Xmx%sM' % options.max_memory) else: extra_args.append('-Xmx8G') if options.golem: golem.link_third_party() options.out = os.getcwd() if not options.ignore_java_version: utils.check_java_version() if options.print_times: extra_args.append('') outdir = options.out (version_id, data) = get_version_and_data(options) if options.compiler not in COMPILERS: raise Exception("You need to specify '--compiler={}'".format( '|'.join(COMPILERS))) if options.compiler_build not in COMPILER_BUILDS: raise Exception("You need to specify '--compiler-build={}'".format( '|'.join(COMPILER_BUILDS))) if not version_id in data.VERSIONS.keys(): print('No version {} for application {}'.format( version_id, print('Valid versions are {}'.format(data.VERSIONS.keys())) return 1 version = data.VERSIONS[version_id] type = get_type(options) if type not in version: print('No type {} for version {}'.format(type, version)) print('Valid types are {}'.format(version.keys())) return 1 values = version[type] inputs = [] # For R8 'deploy' the JAR is located using the Proguard configuration # -injars option. For chrome and nest we don't have the injars in the # proguard files. if 'inputs' in values and (options.compiler != 'r8' or type != 'deploy' or == 'chrome' or == 'nest' or == 'r8' or == 'iosched' or == 'tachiyomi'): inputs = values['inputs'] args.extend(['--output', outdir]) if 'min-api' in values: args.extend(['--min-api', values['min-api']]) if 'main-dex-list' in values: args.extend(['--main-dex-list', values['main-dex-list']]) libraries = values['libraries'] if 'libraries' in values else [] if options.compiler == 'r8': if 'pgconf' in values and not options.k: if has_injars_and_libraryjars(values['pgconf']): sanitized_lib_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(outdir), 'sanitized_lib.jar') sanitized_pgconf_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(outdir), 'sanitized.config') SanitizeLibrariesInPgconf(sanitized_lib_path, sanitized_pgconf_path, values['pgconf']) libraries = [sanitized_lib_path] args.extend(['--pg-conf', sanitized_pgconf_path]) else: # -injars without -libraryjars or vice versa is not supported. check_no_injars_and_no_libraryjars(values['pgconf']) for pgconf in values['pgconf']: args.extend(['--pg-conf', pgconf]) if 'sanitize_libraries' in values and values[ 'sanitize_libraries']: sanitized_lib_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(outdir), 'sanitized_lib.jar') SanitizeLibraries(sanitized_lib_path, values['libraries'], values['inputs']) libraries = [sanitized_lib_path] inputs = values['inputs'] app_provided_pg_conf = True if options.k: args.extend(['--pg-conf', options.k]) if 'maindexrules' in values: for rules in values['maindexrules']: args.extend(['--main-dex-rules', rules]) if 'allow-type-errors' in values: extra_args.append('') extra_args.append( '') if options.debug_agent: if not options.compiler_build == 'full': print( 'WARNING: Running debugging agent on r8lib is questionable...') extra_args.append( '-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=*:5005' ) if not options.no_libraries: for lib in libraries: args.extend(['--lib', lib]) if not outdir.endswith('.zip') and not outdir.endswith('.jar') \ and not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) if options.hash: # Download r8-<hash>.jar from #<hash>/. download_path = archive.GetUploadDestination(options.hash, 'r8.jar', True) assert utils.file_exists_on_cloud_storage(download_path), ( 'Could not find r8.jar file from provided hash: %s' % options.hash) destination = os.path.join(utils.LIBS, 'r8-' + options.hash + '.jar') utils.download_file_from_cloud_storage(download_path, destination, quiet=quiet) # Additional flags for the compiler from the configuration file. if 'flags' in values: args.extend(values['flags'].split(' ')) if options.compiler == 'r8': if 'r8-flags' in values: args.extend(values['r8-flags'].split(' ')) # Additional flags for the compiler from the command line. if options.compiler_flags: args.extend(options.compiler_flags.split(' ')) if options.r8_flags: args.extend(options.r8_flags.split(' ')) # Feature jars. features = values['features'] if 'features' in values else [] for i, feature in enumerate(features, start=1): feature_out = os.path.join(outdir, '' % i) for feature_jar in feature['inputs']: args.extend(['--feature', feature_jar, feature_out]) args.extend(inputs) t0 = time.time() if options.dump_args_file: with open(options.dump_args_file, 'w') as args_file: args_file.writelines([arg + os.linesep for arg in args]) else: with utils.TempDir() as temp: if options.print_memoryuse and not options.track_memory_to_file: options.track_memory_to_file = os.path.join( temp, utils.MEMORY_USE_TMP_FILE) if options.compiler == 'r8' and app_provided_pg_conf: # Ensure that output of -printmapping and -printseeds go to the output # location and not where the app Proguard configuration places them. if outdir.endswith('.zip') or outdir.endswith('.jar'): pg_outdir = os.path.dirname(outdir) else: pg_outdir = outdir if not options.no_extra_pgconf: additional_pg_conf = GenerateAdditionalProguardConfiguration( temp, os.path.abspath(pg_outdir)) args.extend(['--pg-conf', additional_pg_conf]) build = not options.no_build and not options.golem stderr_path = os.path.join(temp, 'stderr') with open(stderr_path, 'w') as stderr: jar = None main = None if options.compiler_build == 'full': tool = options.compiler else: assert (options.compiler_build == 'lib') tool = 'r8lib-' + options.compiler if options.hash: jar = os.path.join(utils.LIBS, 'r8-' + options.hash + '.jar') main = '' + options.compiler.upper() exit_code = tool, args, build=build, debug=not options.no_debug, profile=options.profile, track_memory_file=options.track_memory_to_file, extra_args=extra_args, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, timeout=options.timeout, quiet=quiet, cmd_prefix=['taskset', '-c', options.cpu_list] if options.cpu_list else [], jar=jar, main=main) if exit_code != 0: with open(stderr_path) as stderr: stderr_text = if not quiet: print(stderr_text) if 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError' in stderr_text: if not quiet: print('Failure was OOM') return OOM_EXIT_CODE return exit_code if options.print_memoryuse: print('{}(MemoryUse): {}'.format( options.print_memoryuse, utils.grep_memoryuse(options.track_memory_to_file))) if options.print_runtimeraw: print('{}(RunTimeRaw): {} ms'.format(options.print_runtimeraw, 1000.0 * (time.time() - t0))) if options.print_dexsegments: dex_files = glob(os.path.join(outdir, '*.dex')) utils.print_dexsegments(options.print_dexsegments, dex_files) return 0
def Main(argv): (options, args) = ParseOptions(argv) if (len(args) > 0): raise Exception('Unsupported arguments') if not utils.is_bot() and not options.dry_run: raise Exception('You are not a bot, don\'t archive builds. ' + 'Use --dry-run to test locally') if (options.dry_run_output and (not os.path.exists(options.dry_run_output) or not os.path.isdir(options.dry_run_output))): raise Exception(options.dry_run_output + ' does not exist or is not a directory') if utils.is_bot(): archive.SetRLimitToMax() # Make sure bazel is extracted in third_party. utils.DownloadFromGoogleCloudStorage(utils.BAZEL_SHA_FILE) # Only handling versioned desugar_jdk_libs. is_master = False with utils.TempDir() as checkout_dir: git_utils.GitClone( '' + options.github_account + '/' + LIBRARY_NAME, checkout_dir) with utils.ChangedWorkingDirectory(checkout_dir): version = GetVersion() destination = archive.GetVersionDestination( 'gs://', LIBRARY_NAME + '/' + version, is_master) if utils.cloud_storage_exists(destination) and not options.dry_run: raise Exception('Target archive directory %s already exists' % destination) bazel = os.path.join(utils.BAZEL_TOOL, 'lib', 'bazel', 'bin', 'bazel') cmd = [bazel, 'build', 'maven_release'] utils.PrintCmd(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd) cmd = [bazel, 'shutdown'] utils.PrintCmd(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd) # Locate the library jar and the maven zip with the jar from the # bazel build. library_jar = os.path.join('bazel-bin', 'src', 'share', 'classes', 'java', 'libjava.jar') maven_zip = os.path.join('bazel-bin', LIBRARY_NAME + '.zip') storage_path = LIBRARY_NAME + '/' + version # Upload the jar file with the library. destination = archive.GetUploadDestination(storage_path, LIBRARY_NAME + '.jar', is_master) Upload(options, library_jar, storage_path, destination, is_master) # Upload the maven zip file with the library. destination = archive.GetUploadDestination(storage_path, LIBRARY_NAME + '.zip', is_master) Upload(options, maven_zip, storage_path, destination, is_master) # Upload the jar file for accessing GCS as a maven repro. maven_destination = archive.GetUploadDestination( utils.get_maven_path('desugar_jdk_libs', version), 'desugar_jdk_libs-%s.jar' % version, is_master) if options.dry_run: print('Dry run, not actually creating maven repo') else: utils.upload_file_to_cloud_storage(library_jar, maven_destination) print('Maven repo root available at: %s' % archive.GetMavenUrl(is_master))