Example #1
class PromotionPattern:
	def __init__(self,title,length,relativeDays,lang,mp,pattern,has_gamma=True,start=0,archLink=None,archLink_fmt=None,archTime_fmt=None):
		""" Promotion pattern in a given Wiki

		title: Name of the Promotion pattern (type: str)
		length: Length of display during promotion (type: int)
		mp: Name of language main page in pv database (e.g. Main_Page for en)
		pattern: Regular expression for promotion pattern (type: regex)
		has_gamma: True is there is a sharp decay in page view pattern (e.g. by Today's Featured article)
		start: The start time of the promotion pattern (e.g. 25 for On this Day)
		archive: Link to site with archive of promotion pattern (type: string)
		arch_fmt: strftime format of specified time in link to archive of promotion pattern
		self.title = title
		self.relativeDays = relativeDays
		self.length = length
		self.mp_title = mp
		self.has_gamma = has_gamma
		self.start = start
			self.lang = lang
		except KeyError:
			raise KeyError('Language "'+lang+'" does not exist')

		if archLink:
			self.scrapePattern = ScrapePattern(lang,pattern,archLink,archLink_fmt,archTime_fmt)

	def getArchive(self,start,end):
		self.arch = Archive(start,end,self.scrapePattern,self.title)