def doRGBI(RGBI_path, RGB_outpath, CIR_outpath): outWorkspace = RGB_outpath try: makePath(RGB_outpath, "temp") arcpy.env.workspace = RGBI_path RGBIrasters = arcpy.ListRasters("", "TIF") rastCount = len(RGBIrasters) arcpy.AddMessage("Reconfiguring " + str(rastCount) + " rasters.") current = 1 for RGBIraster in RGBIrasters: arcpy.env.workspace = RGBI_path # Get Bands for RGBI redin = RGBIraster + "\Band_1" red = os.path.join(RGB_outpath, "temp", RGBIraster[:-4] + "_red.tif") arcpy.CopyRaster_management(redin, red) greenin = RGBIraster + "\Band_2" green = os.path.join(RGB_outpath, "temp", RGBIraster[:-4] + "_green.tif") arcpy.CopyRaster_management(greenin, green) bluein = RGBIraster + "\Band_3" blue = os.path.join(RGB_outpath, "temp", RGBIraster[:-4] + "_blue.tif") arcpy.CopyRaster_management(bluein, blue) IRin = RGBIraster + "\Band_4" IR = os.path.join(RGB_outpath, "temp", RGBIraster[:-4] + "_ir.tif") arcpy.CopyRaster_management(IRin, IR) outRaster = RGBIraster[:-4] + ".tif" start = time.clock() arcpy.AddMessage("Reconfiguring file " + str(current) + " of " + str(rastCount) + ": " + RGBIraster) arcpy.CompositeBands_management( '"' + red + ";" + green + ";" + blue + '"', os.path.join(RGB_outpath, os.path.basename(RGBIraster[:-4] + ".tif"))) arcpy.AddMessage("Successfully reconfigured: " + RGBIraster + " to " + RGB_outpath) arcpy.CompositeBands_management( '"' + IR + ";" + red + ";" + green + '"', os.path.join(CIR_outpath, os.path.basename(RGBIraster[:-4] + ".tif"))) elapsed = (time.clock() - start) arcpy.AddMessage("Execution time: " + str(elapsed / 60)[:4] + " minutes.") current = current + 1 print arcpy.GetMessage(0) except Exception as e: arcpy.AddMessage("Reconfiguration attempt failed.") arcpy.AddError(e.message)
def create_multiband_images(self): arcpy.env.pyramid = "PYRAMIDS" arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "STATISTICS" arcpy.env.workspace = self.output_TIFF_path rasList = arcpy.ListRasters("*I1*") if not os.path.exists(self.composite_path): os.mkdir(self.composite_path) for ras in rasList: composite_filename = join( self.composite_path, ras[:22] + self.instrument + "_" + str(self.numBands) + "Bands.tif") if not os.path.exists(composite_filename): rasters = ras[: 22] + 'I1.rev.' + self.projection + '.tif;' + ras[: 22] + 'I2.rev.' + self.projection + '.tif;' + ras[: 22] + 'I3.rev.' + self.projection + '.tif;' + ras[: 22] + 'I4.rev.' + self.projection + '.tif' print('Creating Composite Band Raster from: ' + rasters) arcpy.CompositeBands_management(rasters, composite_filename) for n in range(self.numBands): print('Deleting ' + ras[:22] + 'I' + str(n + 1) + '.rev.' + self.projection + '.tif') arcpy.Delete_management(ras[:22] + 'I' + str(n + 1) + '.rev.' + self.projection + '.tif')
def create_composite_raster(landsat_folder, bands_string, output_file): # Set the workspace arcpy.env.workspace = landsat_folder # Get the list of raster files in folder rasters = arcpy.ListRasters('*.TIF') if len(rasters) == 0: return # Get the list of file endings that match the user bands list bands_string = re.sub(r'[\n\t\s]*', '', bands_string) check_bands = ['B{0}.TIF'.format(i) for i in bands_string.split(',')] # Filter the raster files that match the user bands list rasters = [a for a in rasters if a[-6:] in check_bands] # Composite bands and save resulting raster to disk output_raster_name = os.path.join( landsat_folder, output_file or (rasters[1][0:-7] + '_composite.tif')) composite_raster = arcpy.CompositeBands_management(rasters, output_raster_name) arcpy.AddMessage('Successfully created ' + output_raster_name + '.') # Add resulting raster to display arcpy.AddMessage('Adding layer to map document') band_layer = arcpy.mapping.Layer(output_raster_name) arcpy.mapping.AddLayer(dataFrame, band_layer, "TOP") return composite_raster
def addNDVI(inputTif, workDir, outName): arcpy.CheckOutExtension('spatial') print "\nCalculating NDVI and stacking to band 5" red =, "Band_1")) NIR =, "Band_4")) numerator = - red) denominator = + red) NDVI =, denominator) NDVI_times =, 100) NDVI_add =, 100) NDVI_int = vtab = arcpy.CreateObject("ValueTable") vtab.addRow(os.path.join(inputTif, "Band_1")) vtab.addRow(os.path.join(inputTif, "Band_2")) vtab.addRow(os.path.join(inputTif, "Band_3")) vtab.addRow(os.path.join(inputTif, "Band_4")) vtab.addRow(NDVI_int) arcpy.CompositeBands_management( vtab, os.path.join(workDir, outName + '_RGBNIR_NDVI.tif')) arcpy.CheckInExtension('spatial') return os.path.join(workDir, outName + '_RGBNIR_NDVI.tif')
def create_response_raster(classifier, rasters, output, messages): messages.AddMessage("Creating response raster...") scratch_files = [] try: messages.AddMessage("Debug: Checkpoint 1") scratch_multi_rasters = arcpy.CreateScratchName("temp", workspace=arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace) scratch_files.append(scratch_multi_rasters) arcpy.CompositeBands_management(rasters, scratch_multi_rasters) raster = arcpy.Raster(scratch_multi_rasters) lower_left_corner = arcpy.Point(raster.extent.XMin, raster.extent.YMin) x_cell_size = raster.meanCellWidth y_cell_size = raster.meanCellHeight messages.AddMessage("Debug: Checkpoint 2") try: raster_array = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(scratch_multi_rasters, nodata_to_value=np.NaN) messages.AddMessage("Debug: Checkpoint 3") except ValueError: messages.AddMessage("Integer type raster, changed to float") raster_array = 1.0 * arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(scratch_multi_rasters, nodata_to_value=sys.maxint) raster_array[raster_array == sys.maxint] = np.NaN messages.AddMessage("Debug: Checkpoint 4") n_regr = raster_array.shape[0] n_rows = raster_array.shape[1] n_cols = raster_array.shape[2] raster_array2 = np.empty([n_rows, n_cols, n_regr]) for raster_index in xrange(n_regr): raster_array2[:, :, raster_index] = raster_array[raster_index, :, :] raster_array2 = np.reshape(raster_array2, [n_rows * n_cols, n_regr]) finite_mask = np.all(np.isfinite(raster_array2), axis=1) nan_mask = np.logical_not(finite_mask) messages.AddMessage("Debug: Checkpoint 5") responses = classifier.predict_proba(raster_array2[finite_mask])[:, classifier.classes_ == 1] response_vector = np.empty(n_rows * n_cols) response_vector[finite_mask] = responses response_vector[nan_mask] = -9 response_array = np.reshape(response_vector, [n_rows, n_cols]) messages.AddMessage("Debug: Checkpoint 6") response_raster = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(response_array, lower_left_corner=lower_left_corner, x_cell_size=x_cell_size, y_cell_size=y_cell_size, value_to_nodata=-9) messages.AddMessage("Raster file created in " + output) arcpy.DefineProjection_management(output, arcpy.Describe(scratch_multi_rasters).spatialReference) finally: messages.AddMessage("Debug: Checkpoint 7") for s_f in scratch_files: arcpy.Delete_management(s_f) return
def StackRaster(lstRastIn, strPathOut): """ arcpy.Composite bands and rename bands to match input rasters. """ arcpy.CompositeBands_management(';'.join(lstRastIn), strPathOut) for i, rast in enumerate(lstRastIn): strBNin = 'Band_' + str(i + 1) strBNout = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(rast))[0] arcpy.Rename_management(strPathOut + os.sep + strBNin, strPathOut + os.sep + strBNout)
def pansharpen(folder): # init arcpy.env.workspace = folder nir_band, r_band, g_band, b_band, p_band = None, None, None, None, None # find relevant file for eachfile in os.listdir(folder): if eachfile.endswith('B5.TIF'): nir_band = eachfile elif eachfile.endswith('B4.TIF'): r_band = eachfile elif eachfile.endswith('B3.TIF'): g_band = eachfile elif eachfile.endswith('B2.TIF'): b_band = eachfile elif eachfile.endswith('B8.TIF'): p_band = eachfile else: pass # make sure all bands are available if nir_band and r_band and g_band and b_band and p_band: temp_composite = r'in_memory\temp_composite' # in_memory space # composite bands first try: arcpy.CompositeBands_management( ';'.join([r_band, g_band, b_band, nir_band]), temp_composite) except Exception as e: print(e) return None # pansharpen try: # construct new text out_tif = os.path.splitext(nir_band)[0].split( '_')[0] + '_' + 'PAN432' + '.tif' # create out put arcpy.CreatePansharpenedRasterDataset_management( temp_composite, "1", "2", "3", "4", out_tif, p_band, "Gram-Schmidt", "0.42", "0.51", "0.07", "0", "Landsat 8") except Exception as e: print(e) return None # clean up arcpy.Delete_management(temp_composite) return out_tif else: print('Error: some bands are missing, exit') return None
def mergeImages(self): # This is where images are combined using ArcPy global fileListNorms global fileListRGB global wrkspace arcpy.env.workspace = wrkspace if len(fileListNorms) == len(fileListRGB): for RGBitem, NormItem in zip(fileListRGB, fileListNorms): fnamex = RGBitem.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '_stacked.tif' arcpy.CompositeBands_management([RGBitem, NormItem], fnamex)
def stack_bands(path, meta, data_type): '''Stack Landsat bands 1 - 11 within a directory @param output: path of output reflectance. @ptype output: c{str} ''' print "\nStacking bands to create a composite raster" ap.AddMessage("\nStacking bands to create a composite raster") msg = str( ) + '\t' + "Stacking bands to create a composite raster" + "\n" redis.rpush(config.MESSAGES_KEY, msg) redis.publish(config.CHANNEL_NAME, msg) ap.env.workspace = path ap.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") rasters = ap.ListRasters() if (data_type == "LANDSAT_8"): print "LANDSAT_8" msg = str( + '\t' + "LANDSAT_8" + "\n" redis.rpush(config.MESSAGES_KEY, msg) redis.publish(config.CHANNEL_NAME, msg) rgb_rasters = [ rgb for rgb in rasters if band_nmbr(rgb) >= 2 and band_nmbr(rgb) <= 5 ] else: rgb_rasters = [ rgb for rgb in rasters if band_nmbr(rgb) >= 1 and band_nmbr(rgb) <= 4 ] print "\nRGB Bands:" print " " + str(rgb_rasters) out_stack = str( meta['L1_METADATA_FILE']['LANDSAT_SCENE_ID']) + 'STACK_RGB.img' ap.AddMessage("Stacking R, G, B, and NIR bands") msg = str( + '\t' + "Stacking R, G, B, and NIR bands" + "\n" redis.rpush(config.MESSAGES_KEY, msg) redis.publish(config.CHANNEL_NAME, msg) ap.CompositeBands_management(rgb_rasters, out_stack) print "\nComposite Stack Complete!" ap.AddMessage("\nComposite Stack Complete") msg = str( + '\t' + "Composite Stack Complete" + "\n" redis.rpush(config.MESSAGES_KEY, msg) redis.publish(config.CHANNEL_NAME, msg)
def trunkToFourLayerTif(inputTif, workDir, outName): print "\nTruncating alpha band" vtab = arcpy.CreateObject("ValueTable") vtab.addRow(os.path.join(inputTif, "Band_1")) vtab.addRow(os.path.join(inputTif, "Band_2")) vtab.addRow(os.path.join(inputTif, "Band_3")) vtab.addRow(os.path.join(inputTif, "Band_4")) arcpy.CompositeBands_management(vtab, os.path.join(workDir, 'fourComp.tif')) arcpy.Delete_management(inputTif) arcpy.Rename_management(os.path.join(workDir, 'fourComp.tif'), outName)
def TaveDaily(rasterObj, rasterObj2, output, DateDecodeObj, DateDecodeObj2): inputList = [] listRas = rasterObj.filteredDateList listRas.sort() for i in range(len(listRas)): raster1 = + '\\' + listRas[i] raster2 = + '\\' + listRas[i] outraster = (Raster(raster1) + Raster(raster2)) / 2 inputList.append(outraster) arcpy.CompositeBands_management(inputList, output)
def CreateMultibandImages(self): arcpy.env.workspace = self.output_TIFF_path rasList = arcpy.ListRasters("*I1*") instrument = "IRAC" numBands = 4 os.mkdir(self.output_TIFF_path + "\\" + "COMPOSITES" + "\\") for ras in rasList: composite_filename = self.output_TIFF_path + "\\" + "COMPOSITES" + "\\" + ras[:22] + instrument + "_" + str( numBands) + "Bands.tif" if not os.path.exists(composite_filename): rasters = ras[: 22] + 'I1.rev.GALACTIC.tif;' + ras[: 22] + 'I2.rev.GALACTIC.tif;' + ras[: 22] + 'I3.rev.GALACTIC.tif;' + ras[: 22] + 'I4.rev.GALACTIC.tif' print(rasters) arcpy.CompositeBands_management(rasters, composite_filename)
def ConvertFITStoTIFF(self): for galaxy in self.galaxy_list: composite_filename = self.path_to_files + '\\' + "COMPOSITES" + "\\" + galaxy + "_" + self.instrument + "_" + str(self.numBands) + "Bands.tif" if not os.path.exists(composite_filename): for num in range(1,self.numBands+1): filename = galaxy + "_v7.phot." + str(num)+ ".fits" output_filename = filename[:-4] + 'rev.tif' geo_output_filename = filename[:-4] + 'rev.WCS.tif' outputfile_and_path = self.output_tiff_path + output_filename geo_file_and_path = self.output_tiff_path + geo_output_filename file_and_path = self.input_fits_path + filename print(outputfile_and_path) print(geo_file_and_path) hdulist = #print( w = wcs.WCS(hdulist[0].header) image = hdulist[0].data # Some pixel coordinates of interest. pixcrd = numpy.array([[0, 0], [0, image.shape[0]],[image.shape[1], 0], [image.shape[1], image.shape[0]]], numpy.float_) pixcrd_string = '0 0;' + '0 ' + str(image.shape[0]) + ';' + str(image.shape[1]) + ' 0;' + str(image.shape[1]) + ' ' + str(image.shape[0]) # Convert pixel coordinates to world coordinates # The second argument is "origin" -- in this case we're declaring we # have 1-based (Fortran-like) coordinates. world = w.wcs_pix2world(pixcrd, 1) coordinate_string = str(-1*world[0,0]) + ' ' + str(world[0,1]) + ';' + str(-1*world[1,0]) + ' ' + str(world[1,1]) + ';' + str(-1*world[2,0]) + ' ' + str(world[2,1]) + ';' + str(-1*world[3,0]) + ' ' + str(world[3,1]) # Convert the same coordinates back to pixel coordinates. pixcrd2 = w.wcs_world2pix(world, 1) # These should be the same as the original pixel coordinates, modulo # some floating-point error. assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(pixcrd - pixcrd2)) < 1e-6 flipim= numpy.flipud(image) double_image = numpy.float64(flipim) myRaster = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(double_image) source_pnt = pixcrd_string target_pnt = coordinate_string arcpy.Warp_management(outputfile_and_path, source_pnt, target_pnt, geo_file_and_path, "POLYORDER1","BILINEAR") arcpy.Delete_management(outputfile_and_path) arcpy.env.workspace = output_path rasters = arcpy.ListRasters(galaxy + "*", "TIF") print(rasters) arcpy.CompositeBands_management(rasters,composite_filename) print("Done Converting FITS to TIFF.")
def raster_to_grid(input_table): input_grid_name_list = [] # Loop through the list of inputs for i in range(0, input_table.rowCount): input_grid_name_list.append(input_table.getRow(i)) #rasterlist= map(lambda x:Con(IsNull(x),-999,x),input_grid_name_list) rasterlist = map(lambda x: x.replace("'", ""), input_grid_name_list) compgrid = arcpy.env.workspace + "\\" + "tempcomp" #COMBINE NODES INTO A SINGLE MULTIBAND IMAGE arcpy.CompositeBands_management(rasterlist, compgrid) arcpy.AddMessage("\nMultiband Image located in : " + compgrid) return compgrid
def stack(rootdir): """ Grabs desired layers to stack, creates a .txt file to document which layers are represented by correspoinding band list. Assumes directory structure of rootdir\refID\sensor\output... """ refIDs = [] for subdir in os.listdir (rootdir): refIDs.append(rootdir + "\\" + subdir) for refID in refIDs: sensors = ["\\Mavic", "\\Sequoia"] for sensor in sensors: ## Creating an open string to serve as the string of files to use ## for the first argument in the CompositeBands_management tool layers = "" ## Creating a .txt file that lists bands for reference with open(refID + sensor + "\\Output" + sensor + "_lyrs.txt", "w+") as lyrfile: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(refID + sensor + "\\Output"): for dir in dirs: ## Directory exclusion if "tiles"in dirs: dirs.remove("tiles") if "reflectance" in dirs: dirs.remove("reflectance") if "dtm" in dirs: dirs.remove("dtm") if sensor == "\\Sequoia" and "2_mosaic" in dirs: dirs.remove("2_mosaic") for file in files: ## 'and not file.endswith("view.tif")' added 20180504 due to a dsm_preview.tif in new p4d version if file.endswith(".tif") and not file.endswith("view.tif"): ## Writing band to the file containing list of layers lyrfile.write(file + "\n") ## Writing band to the string of layers layers += (os.path.join(root, file + "; ")) #lyrfile.close() arcpy.CompositeBands_management(str(layers), str(refID + sensor + "\\Output\\Stack.tif")) print (refID + sensor + " Stacked")
def makeCIR(inWS, outWS): try: makePath(outWS,"temp") arcpy.env.workspace = inWS rasters = arcpy.ListRasters("","") rastCount = len(rasters) arcpy.AddMessage("Converting " + str(rastCount) + " images to CIR.") i = 1 for raster in rasters: arcpy.AddMessage("Reconfiguring file " + str(i) + " of " + str(rastCount) + ": " + raster) start = time.clock() redIn = raster + "\Band_1" red = os.path.join(outWS, "temp", raster[:-4] + "_red.tif") arcpy.CopyRaster_management(redIn,red) greenIn = raster + "\Band_2" green = os.path.join(outWS, "temp", raster[:-4] + "_green.tif") arcpy.CopyRaster_management(greenIn,green) irIn = raster + "\Band_3" ir = os.path.join(outWS, "temp", raster[:-4] + "_ir.tif") arcpy.CopyRaster_management(irIn,ir) outRaster = raster[:-4] + ".tif" arcpy.CompositeBands_management('"' + ir + ";" + red + ";" + green + '"', os.path.join(outWS, os.path.basename(raster[:-4]+".tif"))) os.remove(os.path.join(outWS,raster[:-4] + ".tfw")) os.remove(os.path.join(outWS,raster[:-4] + ".tif.aux.xml")) os.remove(os.path.join(outWS,raster[:-4] + ".tif.xml")) arcpy.AddMessage("Successfully reconfigured: " + raster + " to " + outWS) elapsed = (time.clock() - start) arcpy.AddMessage("Execution time: " + str(elapsed / 60)[:4] + " minutes.") i += 1 print arcpy.GetMessage(0) except Exception as e: arcpy.AddMessage("Reconfiguration attempt failed.") arcpy.AddError(e.message)
def stack_bands(path, meta): '''Stack Landsat bands 1 - 11 within a directory @param output: path of output reflectance. @ptype output: c{str} ''' print "\nStacking bands to create a composite raster" ap.AddMessage("\nStacking bands to create a composite raster") ap.env.workspace = path rasters = ap.ListRasters() rgb_rasters = [ rgb for rgb in rasters if band_nmbr(rgb) >= 2 and band_nmbr(rgb) <= 5 ] out_stack = str( meta['L1_METADATA_FILE']['LANDSAT_SCENE_ID']) + 'STACK_RGB.img' print "\nRGB Bands:" print " " + str(rgb_rasters) ap.AddMessage("Stacking R, G, B, and NIR bands") ap.CompositeBands_management(rgb_rasters, out_stack) print "\nComposite Stack Complete!" ap.AddMessage("Composite Stack Complete")
def landsatComposite(resultsWorkspace): print("\n\nCommencing Composite Operation...".upper()) reflectanceFolder = os.path.join(resultsWorkspace, "SurfaceReflectance") CompositeFolder = os.path.join(resultsWorkspace, "Composites") os.makedirs(CompositeFolder, exist_ok=True) print("Composite Save Directory Created\n\n") for path, dirs, files in os.walk(reflectanceFolder): for directory in dirs: compWorkspace = os.path.join(path, directory) print(compWorkspace) try: arcpy.env.workspace = compWorkspace arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True compFile = ((os.path.split(compWorkspace))[-1].split("_")) compFileName = "Scene" + compFile[2] + "_" + compFile[3] + "_composite.tif" print(compFileName) outFileSave = os.path.join(CompositeFolder, compFileName) RefCorrBands = arcpy.ListRasters(raster_type="TIF") print("Running Band Composite...") arcpy.CompositeBands_management(in_rasters=RefCorrBands, out_raster=outFileSave) print("Composite Completed\n") except IOError: print("Error Accessing File") print("\n\nAll Operations Complete".upper())
print "Converting band 3 of imagery" #Calculate reflectance for band 3 outRasB3 = (math.pi * (Raster(rasBand3) * (10**-3)) * (esDis * esDis)) / ( EsunB3 * (math.sin(solElev * (math.pi / 180)))) #Save the converted band 3 raster"K:\\general\\cmzarzar\\CIR_UAS_Imagery\\correctedImagery\\singleBandRasters\\"+tifName+"_B3.tif") + tifName + "_B3.tif") #Combine the rasters back into a multiband raster #arcpy.CompositeBands_management("K:\\general\\cmzarzar\\CIR_UAS_Imagery\\correctedImagery\\singleBandRasters\\"+tifName+"_B1.tif;K:\\general\\cmzarzar\\CIR_UAS_Imagery\\correctedImagery\\singleBandRasters\\"+tifName+"_B2.tif;K:\\general\\cmzarzar\\CIR_UAS_Imagery\\correctedImagery\\singleBandRasters\\"+tifName+"_B3.tif","K:\\general\\cmzarzar\\CIR_UAS_Imagery\\correctedImagery\\"+tifName+".tif") arcpy.CompositeBands_management( "" + tempDir + tifName + "_B1.tif;" + tempDir + tifName + "_B2.tif;" + tempDir + tifName + "_B3.tif", "" + outDir + tifName + ".tif") print "Correction complete for image %s" % inRas except: if "ERROR 000725" in arcpy.GetMessages(2): print "%s exists and overwrite turned off." % ( os.path.basename(fname)) else: arcpy.GetMessages(1) arcpy.GetMessages(2) print "Program complete" #END
training_folder = os.path.join(support_folder, 'training') os.mkdir(training_folder) normalized_training_data = {} for key, filepath in training_data.items(): ras = arcpy.Raster(filepath) norm_raster = (ras - ras.minimum) / (ras.maximum - ras.minimum) * 100 norm_name = r'norm' + key norm_path = os.path.join(training_folder, norm_name + r'.tif') normalized_training_data[norm_name] = norm_path # stick it in a multiband raster for training composite_input = ';'.join(normalized_training_data.values()) composite_output = os.path.join(training_folder, 'trainingset.tif') arcpy.CompositeBands_management(composite_input, composite_output) arcpy.AddMessage("Training model") progress += 1 svm = os.path.join(training_folder, 'svm.ecd'), training_file, svm) arcpy.AddMessage("Classifying") progress += 1 classified =, svm) arcpy.AddMessage("Cleaning classifications") progress += 1
Landsat_name = "_".join(fname.split('_')[:-3]) # Create oupput composite folder Composite_Band_folder = Output_folder + '\CompositeBand' if not os.path.exists(Composite_Band_folder): os.makedirs(Composite_Band_folder) # Create oupput composite raster name out_comp = Composite_Band_folder + '\\' + Landsat_name + '_composite.tif' # Select the bands that need to be composited if name.endswith(('B1.TIF', 'B2.TIF', 'B3.TIF', 'B4.TIF', 'B5.TIF', 'B6.TIF', 'B7.TIF')): Composite_list.append(name) print Landsat_name + " is being processed." arcpy.CompositeBands_management(Composite_list, out_comp) print("") ### Clip the composite landsat image to the Lake Lanier Watershed ### # Create oupput Clip LLWatershed folder Clip_LLWatershed_folder = Output_folder + '\LLWatershedClip' if not os.path.exists(Clip_LLWatershed_folder): os.makedirs(Clip_LLWatershed_folder) for comp_name in glob.glob(Composite_Band_folder + '\*.tif'): # Seperate the file path and the filename cpath, cname_wtif = os.path.split(comp_name) # Get the .tif out of the file name Composite_name = cname_wtif.split('.')[0]
# Task 1 - Using, select the first layer, and execute the tool "Composite Bands" on Winter_2013. # you will need to composite all the band images (ending in Bn.tif (where n = band number), do not add the BQA.tif # file. See Landsat 8 band reference - # Once the tool has successfully completed, go into the Geoprocessing "Results" window, right click on the # Completed tool, select "Copy as Python Snippet" and paste the tool output below: import arcpy arcpy.CompositeBands_management( in_rasters= "D:/Python-Class/Class7/Winter_2013/LC08_L1TP_012031_20131212_20170307_01_T1_B1.tif;" "D:/Python-Class/Class7/Winter_2013/LC08_L1TP_012031_20131212_20170307_01_T1_B10.tif;" "D:/Python-Class/Class7/Winter_2013/LC08_L1TP_012031_20131212_20170307_01_T1_B11.tif;" "D:/Python-Class/Class7/Winter_2013/LC08_L1TP_012031_20131212_20170307_01_T1_B2.tif;" "D:/Python-Class/Class7/Winter_2013/LC08_L1TP_012031_20131212_20170307_01_T1_B3.tif;" "D:/Python-Class/Class7/Winter_2013/LC08_L1TP_012031_20131212_20170307_01_T1_B4.tif;" "D:/Python-Class/Class7/Winter_2013/LC08_L1TP_012031_20131212_20170307_01_T1_B5.tif;" "D:/Python-Class/Class7/Winter_2013/LC08_L1TP_012031_20131212_20170307_01_T1_B6.tif;" "D:/Python-Class/Class7/Winter_2013/LC08_L1TP_012031_20131212_20170307_01_T1_B7.tif;" "D:/Python-Class/Class7/Winter_2013/LC08_L1TP_012031_20131212_20170307_01_T1_B8.tif;" "D:/Python-Class/Class7/Winter_2013/LC08_L1TP_012031_20131212_20170307_01_T1_B9.tif", out_raster="D:/Python-Class/Class7/winter13") # Task 2 - Now it is relatively easy to copy this and change the file name in order to run it on the Winter_2014 data # but we are not going to do that, instead, we can going to use Python to do this for us from a directory name. Below, # complete the code that I have provided. arcpy.env.workspace = "D:/Python-Class/Class7/Winter_2014/" listRasters = arcpy.ListRasters("*", "TIF") print listRasters
print conta outfile = infile outfile = outfile.replace('U:\\imagens2\\RapidEye\\NORTE\\FUSO_20S\\', 'W:\\IMAGENS\\RapidEye\\Marta\\') outfile = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(outfile))+"\\"+os.path.basename(infile) outfile = outfile.replace('.tif\n', 'rgb.tif') print outfile #Verifica se pasta da Ginf tem imagem processada if os.path.isfile(outfile): print 'saida existe' else: print 'Sem arquivo, criando imagem' #Extrai apenas as camadas da imagem referentes a bandas RGB arcpy.env.workspace = 'D:\\Biondo\\gcad\\rapideye\\dados\\' arcpy.MakeRasterLayer_management(infile, "layer4.tif", "#", "", "4") arcpy.MakeRasterLayer_management(infile, "layer5.tif", "#", "", "5") arcpy.MakeRasterLayer_management(infile, "layer2.tif", "#", "", "2") print 'camadas extraidas' #Compoe nova imagem e salva na estrutura criada com nome do arquivo original e um "rgb" no final arcpy.CompositeBands_management("layer4.tif;layer5.tif;layer2.tif",outfile) print 'arquivo criado' sys.exit() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TWI_raster_masked =, mask) TWI_out_str = "TWI" + "\\" + TWI_out_str) master_list += [TWI_out_str] print(TWI_out_str + ' has been created and saved') """____________CREATE MASTER RASTER____________""" # Create the name of the master file which includes the resolution of the rasters master_name_str = 'Master_' + str(new_res_value_float).replace( '.', '_') + 'm_dry_cover' print(master_list) # Add the scratch workspace string to the master list master_list_scratch = [] for i in master_list: master_list_scratch += [arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace + "\\" + i] # Combine all vegetation and topographic indices and the SMC validation dataset into 1 master raster file arcpy.CompositeBands_management(master_list_scratch, master_name_str) """____________RENAME BANDS IN MASTER RASTER____________""" n = 0 for name in master_list: n += 1 arcpy.Rename_management(master_name_str + r"\Band_" + str(n), master_name_str + r"\\" + name) print("All bands in the master raster have been renamed") print("Closing script....")
#can combine all the 7 bands for the Landsat Image. You could emit band 6 though since that is a thermal band. import arcpy #If does not run, change .TIF to .tif # RS Composite Bands - bringing them in and combining them. source = r"D:\Fall Semester Senior Year\GIS Programming (GEOG 392)\Lab07" band1 = + "\LT05_L1TP_026039_20110819_20160831_01_T1_B1.TIF") band2 = + "\LT05_L1TP_026039_20110819_20160831_01_T1_B2.TIF") band3 = + "\LT05_L1TP_026039_20110819_20160831_01_T1_B3.TIF") band4 = + "\LT05_L1TP_026039_20110819_20160831_01_T1_B4.TIF") band5 = + "\LT05_L1TP_026039_20110819_20160831_01_T1_B5.TIF") band7 = + "\LT05_L1TP_026039_20110819_20160831_01_T1_B7.TIF") composite = arcpy.CompositeBands_management([band1, band2, band3, band4, band5, band7], source + "\combined.TIF") # Hillshade - creating the Hillshade source = r"D:\Fall Semester Senior Year\GIS Programming (GEOG 392)\Lab07" azimuth = 315 altitude = 45 shadows = "NO_SHADOWS" z_factor = 1 arcpy.ddd.HillShade(source + r"\n30_w097_1arc_v3.TIF", source + r"\Hillshade.TIF", azimuth, altitude, shadows, z_factor) # Slope - creating the Slope source = r"D:\Fall Semester Senior Year\GIS Programming (GEOG 392)\Lab07" output_measurement = "DEGREE" z_factor = 1 method = "PLANAR" z_unit = "METER" arcpy.ddd.Slope(source + r"\n30_w097_1arc_v3.TIF", source + r"\Slope.TIF", output_measurement, z_factor)
del wd #Activate Spatial Analyst extension arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") #Allowing outputs to be overwritten arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True #Upload only layers of interest using Arcpy for i in range(0, len(dates)): arcpy.MakeNetCDFRasterLayer_md("", "sst", "longitude", "latitude", indT[i], "", dates[i]) #Create a composite raster with all bands previously identified SST = arcpy.CompositeBands_management(indT, "SST_compMOI.TIF") #Names of shapefiles containing limits for Machalilla and GSF Marine Reserves AOIs = [r"LimitesRMCM.shp", r"LimitesRMGSF.shp"] #Names for output files in the same order as shapefiles outname = ["RMCM", "RMGSF"] def ExtractVals(nc, aoi, out): i = 0 for j in aoi: #Mask out raster with Marine Reserve limits and save it mask =, j)"SST_" + out[i] + ".TIF") #Create point features from masked out raster Pts = arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(mask, "SST_Pts" + out[i] + ".shp",
def construct_graph(self, graph_vis=False): """ Convert matrices to weighted inverse digraph key = to_vertex values = list of tuples [(from_vertex, cost),...] with cost of getting from from_vertex to to_vertex """"Constructing graph...") for i, row in enumerate(self.h_mat): for j, val in enumerate(row): # check if val is nan if not np.isnan(val): key = str(i) + ',' + str(j) neighbors, octants = self.get_neighbors(i, j) for neighbor_i, octant in zip(neighbors, octants): neighbor_key = str(neighbor_i[0]) + ',' + str( neighbor_i[1]) # check if neighbor index is within array if (0 <= neighbor_i[0] < self.h_mat.shape[0]) and ( 0 <= neighbor_i[1] < self.h_mat.shape[1]): # check if neighbor is nan if not np.isnan(self.h_mat[neighbor_i]): # check if depth > threshold (at neighbor location) if self.h_mat[neighbor_i] > self.h_thresh: # check velocity condition if self.analyze_v: mag_u_w = self.u_mat[ i, j] # magnitude of water velocity dir_u_w = self.va_mat[ i, j] # angle from north else: mag_u_w = 0 dir_u_w = 0 if self.check_velocity_condition( mag_u_w, dir_u_w, octant): cost = self.get_cost(key, neighbor_key) try: self.graph[key] = self.graph[ key] + [neighbor_key] except KeyError: self.graph[key] = [neighbor_key] try: self.inv_graph[ neighbor_key] = self.inv_graph[ neighbor_key] + [ (key, cost) ] except KeyError: self.inv_graph[neighbor_key] = [ (key, cost) ] if graph_vis: # outputs for graph visualization"Making rasters for graph visualization...") for key, neighbor_keys in self.graph.items(): i1, j1 = list(map(int, key.split(","))) for n, neighbor_key in enumerate(neighbor_keys): i2, j2 = list(map(int, neighbor_key.split(","))) self.graph_mats[n, 1, i1, j1] = -(i2 - i1) # increasing row = down self.graph_mats[n, 0, i1, j1] = j2 - j1 q = os.path.basename(self.path2_h_ras).replace("h", "").split("_")[0] graph_vis_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(self.path2_target_ras), "graph_vis%s" % q) fGl.chk_dir(graph_vis_dir) for i, graph_mat in enumerate(self.graph_mats): ras_x = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(graph_mat[0], lower_left_corner=self.ref_pt, x_cell_size=self.cell_size, value_to_nodata=np.nan) ras_y = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(graph_mat[1], lower_left_corner=self.ref_pt, x_cell_size=self.cell_size, value_to_nodata=np.nan) ras = arcpy.CompositeBands_management( [ras_x, ras_y], os.path.join(graph_vis_dir, "graph_vis%i.tif" % (i + 1))) i_mat = np.zeros(self.h_mat.shape) j_mat = np.zeros(self.h_mat.shape) for i, row in enumerate(i_mat): for j in range(len(row)): i_mat[i, j] = i j_mat[i, j] = j ras_i = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(i_mat, lower_left_corner=self.ref_pt, x_cell_size=self.cell_size, value_to_nodata=np.nan) ras_j = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(j_mat, lower_left_corner=self.ref_pt, x_cell_size=self.cell_size, value_to_nodata=np.nan) os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.path2_target_ras), "i_mat%s.tif" % q)) os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.path2_target_ras), "j_mat%s.tif" % q))"Merging target vertices...") # make copy so we can delete keys of original graph during iteration (not containing "end" key) graph_copy = {k: v for k, v in self.inv_graph.items()} self.inv_graph["end"] = [] for v, neighbors in graph_copy.items(): # update values self.inv_graph[v] = list( map(lambda x: ("end", x[1]) if x[0] in self.end else x, neighbors)) # merge vertices if v in self.end: self.inv_graph["end"] += neighbors del self.inv_graph[v] del graph_copy # remove duplicate values for v, neighbors in self.inv_graph.items(): num_vs = [neighbor[0] for neighbor in neighbors].count("end") if num_vs > 1: # keep one with least cost, remove other duplicates least_cost = min([x[1] for x in neighbors if x[0] == "end"]) self.inv_graph[v] = [ x for x in self.inv_graph[v] if x[0] != "end" ] + [("end", least_cost)]
data = list(csv.reader(csvfile)) # set workspace for image output env.workspace = "O:\\PRIV\\NERL_ORD_CYAN\\Sentinel2\\Images\\composited\\0day\\composited" # perform composite for each image for row in range(1,len(data)): print("Processing #" + str(row) + " at " +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) # assign get granule dir and set workspace there folder = data[row][1] granule_id = data[row][2] granule_dir = "D:\\s2\\raw\\" + folder + ".SAFE\\GRANULE\\" + granule_id + "\\IMG_DATA" #arcpy.env.workspace = granule_dir # assign band names; convert to string for input b2 = ''.join(glob.glob(granule_dir + "\\*B02.jp2")) b3 = ''.join(glob.glob(granule_dir + "\\*B03.jp2")) b4 = ''.join(glob.glob(granule_dir + "\\*B04.jp2")) bands_str = [b2, b3, b4] in_rasts = '; '.join(bands_str) # composite print("Compositing image #" + str(row)) arcpy.CompositeBands_management(in_rasts, granule_id + "_" + str(row) + ".tif") print("Done with image #" + str(row)) print("All done!!!")
import arcpy from datetime import datetime start_timestamp = arcpy.env.compression = "LZ77" arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = arcpy.SpatialReference(3057) # path to folder that includes .SAFE folders workspace = r"C:\temp" RasterList = [] # look for folders and image bands and append to list of aquisitions for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in arcpy.da.Walk(workspace, datatype="RasterDataset"): for filename in filenames: if filename[-7:] == "B08.jp2": item = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) RasterList.append(item) # for each item in the list for raster in RasterList: band8 = raster band4 = raster[:-7] + "B04.jp2" band3 = raster[:-7] + "B03.jp2" BandCombination = band8 + ";" + band4 + ";" + band3 OutputRasterName = raster[:-7] + "NIR_B843.tif" arcpy.CompositeBands_management(BandCombination, OutputRasterName) print "Done with " + OutputRasterName print "done in: " + str( - start_timestamp)
double_image = numpy.float64(flipim) myRaster = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(double_image) #Giving raster the sky coordinates source_pnt = pixcrd_string target_pnt = coordinate_string arcpy.Warp_management(temp_file_and_path, source_pnt, target_pnt, output_file_and_path, "POLYORDER1", "BILINEAR") #Deleting the unreference image arcpy.Delete_management(temp_file_and_path) print(output_file_and_path) #Composite bands arcpy.env.workspace = output_image_path rasters = arcpy.ListRasters(galaxy + "*", "TIF") arcpy.CompositeBands_management(rasters, composite_path_and_name) #Create the mosaic and add images to it coordinate_sys = "PROJCS['WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere',GEOGCS['GCS_WGS_1984',DATUM['D_WGS_1984',SPHEROID['WGS_1984',6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION['Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere'],PARAMETER['False_Easting',0.0],PARAMETER['False_Northing',0.0],PARAMETER['Central_Meridian',0.0],PARAMETER['Standard_Parallel_1',0.0],PARAMETER['Auxiliary_Sphere_Type',0.0],UNIT['Meter',1.0]];-20037700 -30241100 10000;-100000 10000;-100000 10000;0.001;0.001;0.001;IsHighPrecision" imagery_spatial_ref = "GEOGCS['GCS_WGS_1984',DATUM['D_WGS_1984',SPHEROID['WGS_1984',6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]];-400 -400 1000000000;-100000 10000;-100000 10000;8.98315284119522E-09;0.001;0.001;IsHighPrecision" mosaic_gdb = r"C:\PROJECTS\R&D\ASTROARC\SINGS\Spitzer.gdb" mosaic_name = "SINGS" mosaic_dataset = os.path.join(mosaic_gdb, mosaic_name) arcpy.CreateMosaicDataset_management(mosaic_gdb, mosaic_name, coordinate_sys, num_bands="", pixel_type="", product_definition="NONE", product_band_definitions="") arcpy.AddRastersToMosaicDataset_management(