def addSubtypes(schemasFolder, schema, featureClass, fieldName): # Sets the field used to determine the subtype of each feature # Populates the subtypes for the specified feature class try: arcpy.AddMessage("Starting: AddSubtypes") # Initialize a dict subTypes = {} # Set the subtype field arcpy.SetSubtypeField_management(featureClass, fieldName) # Populate the subtypes from the provided subtype schema file subtypesSchemaFile = os.path.join(schemasFolder, "Subtypes_" + schema + ".csv") if os.path.exists(subtypesSchemaFile): with open(subtypesSchemaFile, 'r') as csvFile: reader = csv.reader(csvFile, dialect='excel') # Skip the headers header = next(reader) defaultSubtype = 0 isFirst = True # Read the lines and add them as subtypes for line in reader: arcpy.AddSubtype_management(featureClass, int(line[0]), line[1]) subTypes[line[0]] = line[1] if isFirst == True: # Set the default subtype value arcpy.SetDefaultSubtype_management( featureClass, int(line[0])) isFirst = False except Exception as err: arcpy.AddError( traceback.format_exception_only(type(err), err)[0].rstrip()) else: arcpy.AddMessage("Success! - Completed: AddSubtypes") finally: arcpy.AddMessage("Exiting: AddSubtypes") return subTypes
def set_gsi_subtype(input_feature_class, field): arcpy.SetSubtypeField_management(input_feature_class, field) # Store all the subtype values in a dictionary with the subtype code as the "key" and the # subtype description as the "value" (subtypeDict[code]) gsi_subtype_dict = {"1": "TRENCH", "2": "BUMPOUT", "3": "RAIN GARDEN", "4": "WETLAND", \ "5": "BASIN", "6": "TREE TRENCH", "7": "PLANTER", "8": "PERVIOUS PLANTER", \ "9": "SWALE", "10": "GREEN ROOF", "11": "CISTERN"} for code in gsi_subtype_dict: arcpy.AddSubtype_management(input_feature_class, code, gsi_subtype_dict[code]) # Set Default Subtype... arcpy.SetDefaultSubtype_management(input_feature_class, "1")
def createUN(jsonFile, outGDB): cfgStr = open(jsonFile, 'r', encoding='gbk').read() unObj = json.loads(cfgStr) unName = unObj["unName"] # 创建un和结构网络 arcpy.env.preserveGlobalIds = True arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(os.path.dirname(outGDB), os.path.basename(outGDB)), unObj["territoryFeaCls"], unObj["feaDS"], unName) # Tips:尽量使用相对路径,如有工具不支持再改用绝对路径 arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.join(outGDB, unObj["feaDS"]) # 导入fieldDomains,domain是面向GDB级的物理设置 for domain in unObj["fieldDomains"]: dName = domain["name"] if domain.get("dtype") == "RANGE": arcpy.CreateDomain_management(outGDB, dName, domain.get("desc", dName), domain.get("ftype", "SHORT"), "RANGE") arcpy.SetValueForRangeDomain_management(outGDB, dName, domain['min'], domain['max']) continue table ='in_memory', dName)[0] # ?[0] arcpy.AddField_management(table, 'code', domain.get("ftype", "SHORT")) arcpy.AddField_management(table, 'name', 'TEXT', field_length=254) with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(table, ('code', 'name')) as cur: for v in domain["values"]: cur.insertRow((v["code"], v["name"])) arcpy.TableToDomain_management(table, 'code', 'name', outGDB, dName, domain.get("desc", dName), update_option='REPLACE') arcpy.Delete_management(table) # 创建除了structure以外的域网络 for dnObj in unObj["domainNetworks"]: if dnObj["name"].lower() != "structure": arcpy.AddDomainNetwork_un(unName, dnObj["name"], dnObj["tierDef"], dnObj["controllerType"], dnObj.get("alias")) # 添加TerminalConfiguration,categories,netAttributes,这些是面向整个UN级的逻辑设置 # Tips:需要先创建至少一个域网络,才能添加TerminalConfiguration terminalConfigs = unObj.get("terminalConfigs") if terminalConfigs: for terminalCfg in terminalConfigs: if terminalCfg["dir"] == "DIRECTIONAL": arcpy.AddTerminalConfiguration_un( unName, terminalCfg["name"], "DIRECTIONAL", terminals_directional=terminalCfg["terminals"], valid_paths=terminalCfg["paths"], default_path=terminalCfg.get("default")) else: arcpy.AddTerminalConfiguration_un( unName, terminalCfg["name"], "BIDIRECTIONAL", terminals_bidirectional=terminalCfg["terminals"], valid_paths=terminalCfg["paths"], default_path=terminalCfg.get("default")) # TODO: 网络分组与分层的区别? categories = unObj.get("categories") if categories: ## 为什么加这种判断 for category in categories: arcpy.AddNetworkCategory_un(unName, category) # TODO:网络属性的可选设置有什么作用? netAttributes = unObj.get("netAttributes") if netAttributes: for attrib in netAttributes: arcpy.AddNetworkAttribute_un(unName, attrib["name"], attrib["type"], attrib.get("inline"), attrib.get("apportionable"), attrib.get("domain"), attrib.get("overridable"), attrib.get("nullable"), attrib.get("substitution"), attrib.get("attrToSubstitution")) # 添加子类,创建新字段,指定属性域,指定网络属性,这些是面向Table级的物理设置 for dnObj in unObj["domainNetworks"]: # 子类已经自动设置为ASSETGROUP字段,添加自定义值 subtypes = dnObj.get("subtypes") if subtypes: for subtype in subtypes: for v in subtype["values"]: arcpy.AddSubtype_management(subtype["feaCls"], v["code"], v["name"]) if subtype.get("default"): arcpy.SetDefaultSubtype_management(subtype["feaCls"], subtype.get("default")) # 添加自定义字段 newFields = dnObj.get("newFields") if newFields: for field in newFields: length = field.get( "length") if field["type"].upper() == "TEXT" else None arcpy.AddField_management(field["feaCls"], field["name"], field["type"], field_length=length, field_alias=field.get("alias")) # 为字段指定属性域 fDomains = dnObj.get("fieldDomains") if fDomains: for fd in fDomains: arcpy.AssignDomainToField_management(fd["feaCls"], fd["fieldName"], fd["domainName"], fd.get("subtypeCodes")) if fd.get("default"): arcpy.AssignDefaultToField_management( fd["feaCls"], fd["fieldName"], fd["default"], fd.get("subtypeCodes")) # 为字段指定网络属性 netAttributes = dnObj.get("netAttributes") if netAttributes: for attribute in netAttributes: for field in attribute["fields"]: fc, fName = field.split("/") fObj = arcpy.ListFields(fc, fName) if fObj: arcpy.SetNetworkAttribute_un(unName, attribute["name"], dnObj["name"], fc, fName) # 为资产指定多项配置:端子配置、分组、边连通性、角色,这些是面向资产级的逻辑设置 with open(unObj.get("assetsCSV", "not exist"), 'r', encoding='gbk') as fp: reader = csv.reader(fp) # 读取列为列表 header = next( reader ) # ['domainNet', 'feaCls', 'assetName', 'categories', 'terminalCfg', 'edgeConnectivity', 'roleType', 'deletionType', 'viewScale', 'splitType'] assetCfg = namedtuple('assetCfg', header) for row in reader: row = assetCfg(*row) asset = row.assetName.split('/') if row.terminalCfg: arcpy.SetTerminalConfiguration_un(unName, row.domainNet, row.feaCls, *asset, row.terminalCfg) if row.categories: arcpy.SetNetworkCategory_un(unName, row.domainNet, row.feaCls, *asset, row.categories) if row.edgeConnectivity: # 边联通非空 arcpy.SetEdgeConnectivity_un(unName, row.domainNet, row.feaCls, *asset, row.edgeConnectivity) if row.roleType: arcpy.SetAssociationRole_un(unName, row.domainNet, row.feaCls, *asset, row.roleType, row.deletionType, row.viewScale, row.splitType) # 创建tier,并设置子网定义,这些是面向子网级的逻辑设置 # TODO: subnetwork_field_name有什么作用?subnetDef还有很多可选设置 for dnObj in unObj["domainNetworks"]: dnName = dnObj["name"] if dnName.lower() != "structure": # tierGroups tierGroups = dnObj.get("tierGroups") if tierGroups and dnObj["tierDef"] == "HIERARCHICAL": for groupName in tierGroups: arcpy.AddTierGroup_un(unName, dnName, groupName) tiers = dnObj.get("tiers") if tiers: for tier in tiers: if dnObj["tierDef"] == "HIERARCHICAL": arcpy.AddTier_un( unName, dnName, tier["name"], tier["rank"], topology_type="MESH", tier_group_name=tier.get("groupName"), subnetwork_field_name=tier["subnetField"]) else: arcpy.AddTier_un(unName, dnName, tier["name"], tier["rank"], topology_type=tier["topo"]) arcpy.SetSubnetworkDefinition_un( unName, dnName, tier["name"], tier["disjoint"], tier["devices"], tier["controllers"], tier.get("lines"), tier.get("aggregated"), tier.get("diagrams"), include_barriers=tier.get("barriers"), traversability_scope=tier.get("traverse")) # TODO: 导入rule arcpy.ImportRules_un(unName, "All", "E:/ArcGIS/unnet/rules.csv") # TODO: 导入数据 # 数据导入是基于子类的,把要素类路径写入到子类中,修改了demoUN域网络的子类型值 for dnObj in unObj["domainNetworks"]: subtypes = dnObj.get("subtypes") if subtypes: for subtype in subtypes: for v in subtype["values"]: arcpy.Append_management(subtype["path"], subtype["feaCls"], "NO_TEST", subtype=v["name"])
def creerSubtype(self, catalogue, workspace, classe, subtype='CODE_SPEC'): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Permet de créer les SubTypes dans les classes de la Géodatabase. Paramètres: ----------- catalogue : Numéro du catalogue. workspace : Nom de la géodatabase ou les domaines seront créés. classe : Liste des noms de classe contenus dans la géodatabase utilisés pour créer les domaines. subtype : Nom de l'attribut contenant les subtypes. """ #Envoyer un message arcpy.AddMessage(" ") arcpy.AddMessage("- Créer les SubTypes dans les classes de la Géodatabase") #Définir le workspace par défaut arcpy.env.workspace = workspace #Extraire la description de la Géodatabase for fc in classe.split(","): #Afficher le message arcpy.AddMessage(" SetSubtypeField_management('" + fc + "', '" + subtype + "')") #Définir l'attribut qui contient le Subtype arcpy.SetSubtypeField_management(fc, subtype) #Définir aucun propriétaire de la classe par défaut prop = "" #Vérifier si le propriétaire est présent dans le nom de la classe if "." in fc: #Définir le propriétaire de la classe prop = fc.split(".")[0] + "." #Créer la SQL pour extraire les subtypes sql = ("select distinct B.feat_type_code_bd, B.feat_type_name_fr" " from feat_catalogue A, feat_type B" " where A.feat_catal_type=" + catalogue.split(":")[0] + " and A.feat_catal_id=B.feat_catal_fk" " and B.feat_type_name_database='" + fc.replace(prop,"") + "'" " order by B.feat_type_code_bd") #arcpy.AddMessage(sql) #Exécuter la SQL resultat = self.BDG.query(sql) #Vérifier le résultat if resultat: #Traiter tous les résultats for valeur in resultat: #Afficher le message arcpy.AddMessage(" AddSubtype_management('" + fc + "', " + str(valeur[0]) + ", '" + str(valeur[0]) + ":" + valeur[1] + "')") #Ajouter un subtype à la classe arcpy.AddSubtype_management(fc, valeur[0], str(valeur[0]) + ":" + valeur[1]) #Afficher le message arcpy.AddMessage(" SetDefaultSubtype_management('" + fc + "', " + str(resultat[0][0]) + ")") #Définir le Subtype par défaut arcpy.SetDefaultSubtype_management(fc, resultat[0][0]) #Sortir return
def create_structures_fc(gdb): """ Create Historic Structures feature class """ arcpy.env.workspace = gdb fc = "HistoricStructures" spatref = arcpy.SpatialReference( "WGS 1984 Web Mercator (auxiliary sphere)") if arcpy.Exists(fc): arcpy.Delete_management(os.path.join(gdb, fc)) has_m = "DISABLED" has_z = "DISABLED" # Execute CreateFeatureclass arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(gdb, fc, "POINT", "", has_m, has_z, spatref) arcpy.AddField_management(fc, "ResourceID", "LONG", "", "", "", "Resource ID", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(fc, "PropName", "TEXT", "", "", 100, "Resource Name", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(fc, "StrucType", "LONG", "", "", "", "Structure Type", "NON_NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(fc, "BldType", "TEXT", "", "", 3, "Building Type", "NON_NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(fc, "StyleType", "TEXT", "", "", 3, "Architectural Style", "NON_NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(fc, "Eligibility", "TEXT", "", "", 3, "Eligibility Status", "NON_NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(fc, "ConstYr", "LONG", "", "", "", "Construction Year", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(fc, "Address", "TEXT", "", "", 200, "Address", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(fc, "Notes", "TEXT", "", "", 200, "Notes", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddGlobalIDs_management(fc) arcpy.AddField_management(fc, "EPProject", "TEXT", "", "", 20, "EPEI Project ID", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.SetSubtypeField_management(fc, "StrucType") for item in subtypes.items(): arcpy.AddSubtype_management(fc, item[0], item[1]) arcpy.SetDefaultSubtype_management(fc, 5) for item in subtypes.items(): arcpy.AssignDomainToField_management(fc, "BldType", item[1], item[0]) arcpy.AssignDomainToField_management( fc, "StyleType", "Styles", ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8']) arcpy.AssignDomainToField_management( fc, "Eligibility", "Eligibility", ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8']) arcpy.AssignDefaultToField_management( fc, "Eligibility", "U", ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8']) arcpy.AssignDefaultToField_management( fc, "StyleType", "NS", ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8']) arcpy.AssignDefaultToField_management( fc, "BldType", "OT", ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '6', '7', '8']) arcpy.AssignDefaultToField_management(fc, "BldType", "NAT", '5') return os.path.join(gdb, fc)