def countCategoricalPointTypesWithinPolygons(fcPoint, pointFieldName,
                                             fcPolygon, workspace):
    if arcpy.Exists(workspace):  # check for valid workspace
        arcpy.env.workspace = workspace  # sets workspace

        # Use SummarizeWithin_analysis tool in order to create a new feature class containing information from point feature class and polygon feature class
        # This tool also creates a new table that includes summary fields for each group of summary features for each input polygon
        arcpy.SummarizeWithin_analysis(fcPolygon, fcPoint, "Point_Poly", "",
                                       "", "", "", pointFieldName, '', '',

        # Add field to polygon feature class for Point Count variable
        arcpy.AddField_management(fcPolygon, "Point_Count", "DOUBLE")

        # Use a set to get the unique names from the pointFieldName variable for use in later cursors
        uniqueNames = set([
            row[0] for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fcPoint, [pointFieldName])

        for Name in uniqueNames:  # Iterates through each name

            # Create a new dictionary that will store values for use in cursors
            dict = {}
            # Set count to 0 so that it can be incremented in cursor
            count = 0
            # Run cursor to search through the summarized table to fill dictionary and Point Count values with unique names
            with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(
                ["Join_ID", pointFieldName, "Point_Count"]) as search_cur:
                for search_row in search_cur:
                    if search_row[1] == Name:
                        dict[search_row[0]] = search_row[2]
                        count += 1

            # Run cursor to update new Point Count field with values from summary table, search cursor, dictionary
            with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fcPolygon,
                                       ["FIPS", "Point_Count"]) as upd_cur:
                for upd_row in upd_cur:
                    if upd_row[0] in dict.keys():
                        upd_row[1] = dict[upd_row[0]]

            del row
            del cursor

  , fcPolygon)

  , Count_Table)

        print("Invalid workspace")
def countPointsByTypeWithinPolygon(input_geodatabase, fcPoint, pointFieldName,
                                   pointFieldValue, fcPolygon):
    if arcpy.Exists(input_geodatabase):  # check for valid workspace
        arcpy.env.workspace = input_geodatabase  # sets workspace

        # Use SummarizeWithin_analysis tool in order to create a new feature class containing information from point feature class and polygon feature class
        # This tool also creates a new table that includes summary fields for each group of summary features for each input polygon
        arcpy.SummarizeWithin_analysis(fcPolygon, fcPoint, "Point_Poly", "",
                                       "", "", "", pointFieldName, '', '',

        # Add field to polygon feature class for Point Count variable
        arcpy.AddField_management(fcPolygon, "Point_Count", "DOUBLE")

        # Create a new dictionary that will store values for use in cursors
        dict = {}
        # Set count to 0 so that it can be incremented in cursor
        count = 0
        # Run cursor to search through the summarized table to fill dictionary and Point Count values
        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(
            ["Join_ID", pointFieldName, "Point_Count"]) as search_cur:
            for search_row in search_cur:
                if search_row[1] == pointFieldValue:
                    dict[search_row[0]] = search_row[2]
                    count += 1

        # Run cursor to update new Point Count field with values from summary table, search cursor, dictionary
        with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fcPolygon,
                                   ["FIPS", "Point_Count"]) as upd_cur:
            for upd_row in upd_cur:
                if upd_row[0] in dict.keys():
                    upd_row[1] = dict[upd_row[0]]

        print("Invalid workspace")
Example #3
summarize_within_args = {
    'in_polygons': pda_fc,
    'in_sum_features': in_sum_features,
    'out_feature_class': out_feature_class,
    'keep_all_polygons': True,
    'sum_fields': None,
    'sum_shape': True,
    'shape_unit': 'ACRES',
    'group_field': group_field,
    'add_min_maj': False,
    'add_group_percent': True,
    'out_group_table': out_group_table


# Rename fields in join table created based on PDA Eligible Areas Designation field

names_dict = {
    'Join_ID': 'Summary_ID',
    'SUM_area_ACRES': 'Acres_Intersect',
    'PercentArea': 'Percent_Intersect'
clear_alias = 'TRUE'

rename_fields(out_group_table, names_dict, clear_alias)

# Join to PDA summary feature class created as result of Sumarize Within step
in_layer = 'Draft_Regional_PDA_2019_Eligibility'
join_table = 'Draft_Regional_PDA_2019_Eligibility_Designation_Summary_Table'
Example #4
def countObservationsWithinDistance(fcPoint,
    arcpy.env.workspace = geodatabase

    #Quick exception handling for file type
    describePoint = arcpy.Describe(fcPoint)
    describeWork = arcpy.Describe(geodatabase)
    distance = float(distance)
    distanceUnit = distanceUnit.upper().replace(" ", "")
    Unit_List = ["METERS", "KILOMETERS", "FEET", "YARDS", "MILES"]

    #see if the distance value can be turned into a float
        distance = float(distance)
        print("The distance needs to be a number")

    if describePoint.shapetype != "Point" or describeWork.dataType != "Workspace":
        print("You did not give me the correct file types.")

    elif distanceUnit.upper() not in Unit_List:
        print("{0} is not a feasible distance unit".format(distanceUnit))


        #create a buffer around the cities
        fc_buffer = "fcPoint_buffer"

        #buffer distance
        buffer = str(distance) + " {0}".format(distanceUnit)

        # specify the type of buffer analysis based on the SR of fcPoint
        if describePoint.spatialReference.type == "Projection":
            method = "PLANER"
            method = "GEODESIC"

        #execute the buffer
        arcpy.Buffer_analysis(fcPoint, fc_buffer, buffer, "#", "#", "#", "#",

        #specify new feature class
        fc_counts = "fc_cities_count"

        # this counts the number of points inside each buffer, creates
        # new feature class with the counts. We calculate the counts, put them in a
        # dictionary, and then merge the counts with the original FC
        arcpy.SummarizeWithin_analysis(fc_buffer, fcPoint, fc_counts)

        #go through the new feature class, grab the ID and count of cities
        # and put into a dictionary
        d_count = {}

        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc_counts,
                                   ["FID_1", "Point_Count"]) as cursor:
            for row in cursor:
                d_count[row[0]] = row[1]
        del row
        del cursor

        #use this dictionary to update the original point feature class

        #create new field to hold our counts
        count_field = "Point_Count", count_field, "SHORT")

        with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fcPoint, ["FID_1", count_field]) as cursor:
            for row in cursor:
                #Check if the geoid is in the dictionary
                if row[0] in d_count.keys():
                    #if the id exists, update the field with the value given by the key in the dictionary
                    row[1] = d_count[row[0]]

                #if the geoid is not in the dictionary, make it equal to zero
                    row[1] = 0

        del row
        del cursor

        #delete created feature classes and tables[fc_counts, fc_buffer])
Example #5
def countPointsByTypeWithinPolygon(input_geodatabase, fcPoint, pointFieldName, pointFieldValue, fcPolygon):
    #  Set local variables
    arcpy.env.workspace = input_geodatabase
    #Quick exception handling for file type
    describePoint = arcpy.Describe(fcPoint)
    describePoly = arcpy.Describe(fcPolygon)
    field_list = []
    for field in arcpy.ListFields(fcPoint):
    if describePoint.shapetype != "Point" or describePoly.shapetype != "Polygon" or describeWork.dataType != "Workspace":
        print("You did not give me the correct file types.")
    elif pointFieldName not in field_list:
        print("{0} is not a field in {1}".format(pointFieldName, fcPoint))
        # create variables
        polys = fcPolygon
        points = fcPoint
        fcOut = "points_in_polygon"
        fcOutTable = "points_per_group"

        #count the number of points in each polygon
        arcpy.SummarizeWithin_analysis(polys, points, fcOut, '', 
                                       '', '', '', pointFieldName, 
                                       '', '', fcOutTable)

        #Create dictionary of pointFieldName values
        dict_pointFieldValue = {}

        #Put number of points (of specific type) in dictionary for each block group
        #In this case, we will use the join id in the table for the key, and then 
        #index the output feature class from summarize within
        #another exception handling: making sure pointValueName is in pointFieldname
        #at least once
        count = 0
        #create dictionary with keys = join ids and values = how many facilities 
        # of that type are in the block group
        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fcOutTable, ["Join_ID", pointFieldName, "Point_Count"]) as cursor: 
            for row in cursor:
                #check if the facility is the type we want
                if row[1] == pointFieldValue:
                    count += 1
                    dict_pointFieldValue[row[0]] = row[2]           
        del row
        del cursor
        #if the type we want does not show up at all, stop what we are doing
        if count == 0:
            return "{0} is not a value in {1}".format(pointValueName, pointFieldName)

        #now use update cursor to update the output feature class from summarize within
        # using the join_id value created as an index

        #create the field without white spaces that will hold the values
        fcOut_pointFieldValue = pointFieldValue.replace(" ", "_")
       , fcOut_pointFieldValue, "SHORT")

        #using the dictionary we created, check each join_id and if it is in the dictionary
        #update the field we just created with the count in that block group
        with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fcOut, ["Join_ID", fcOut_pointFieldValue]) as cursor:
            for row in cursor:
                #Check if the geoid is in the dictionary
                if row[0] in dict_pointFieldValue.keys():
                    #if the id exists, update the field with the value given by the key in the dictionary
                    row[1] = dict_pointFieldValue[row[0]]

                #if the geoid is not in the dictionary, make it equal to zero
                    row[1] = 0

        del row
        del cursor

        #set the new feature class equal to the original feature class, fcPolygon)

        #delete created feature classes and tables[fcOut, fcOutTable])

        #delete unnecessary fields that were created in the fcPolygon file, ["Point_Count", "Join_ID"])
Example #6
def countCategoricalPointTypesWithinPolygons(fcPoint, pointFieldName, fcPolygon, workspace):
    arcpy.env.workspace = workspace
    #Quick exception handling for file type
    describePoint = arcpy.Describe(fcPoint)
    describePoly = arcpy.Describe(fcPolygon)
    describeWork = arcpy.Describe(workspace)
    field_list = []
    for field in arcpy.ListFields(fcPoint):
    if describePoint.shapetype != "Point" or describePoly.shapetype != "Polygon" or describeWork.dataType != "Workspace":
        print("You did not give me the correct file types.")
    elif pointFieldName not in field_list:
        print("{0} is not a field in {1}".format(pointFieldName, fcPoint))
        #set up variables
        polys = fcPolygon
        points = fcPoint
        fcOut = "points_in_polygon"
        fcOutTable = "points_per_group"

        #count the number of points in each polygon, in specific groups of facilities
        arcpy.SummarizeWithin_analysis(polys, points, fcOut, '', 
                                       '', '', '', pointFieldName, 
                                       '', '', fcOutTable)

        #Similar to before, create a dictionary with counts
        #We will use a nested dictionary that will take {ID:{facility type:count, facility type:count}}
        #in case there are more than one type of facility in a block group
        #Also, create a list of the types of facilities during this loop 
        #so we do not have to loop again in the future

        d = {}
        fields = []
        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fcOutTable, ["Join_ID", pointFieldName, "Point_Count"]) as cursor:
            for row in cursor:
                #clean up field name so it has no whitespaces and <14 letters
                #otherwise, arcpy will make the alias different from the field name
                field = row[1].replace(" ", "").replace("-","").lower()[:13]

                #create list of type of facility
                if field in fields:

                #if the ID is in the output table (i.e. has at least one facility)
                #create a dictionary key for that ID so we can store the facility type and count
                if row[0] in d.keys():
                    d[row[0]] = {}
                # store the count of each specific facility type inside the dictionary 
                # for the given ID 
                d[row[0]][field] = row[2]

        del row
        del cursor

        #now use update cursor to update the output feature class from summarize within
        # using the join_id value created as an index

        #for each facility type we have, create a field that will hold 
        # the number of that type of facility in each block group
        for field in fields:
  , field, "SHORT")

        #append Join_ID to our fields list so we can use it in the update cursor 

        #use update cursor to use the dictionary to create the counts for each 
        # type of facility in each respective block group (ID)
        #importantly - updating the output feature class from summary analysis
        #, which has the Join_ID field added
        with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fcOut, fields) as cursor:
            for row in cursor:
                #Check if the ID is in the dictionary
                #Join_ID is the last value of our "fields" list
                # row seems to have a tough time with row[fields.index("insert field value")],
                # so instead we create variables in this loop to avoid using
                # any extra tools
                ID = row[-1]
                if ID in d.keys():
                    #if Join_ID is in the dictionary, go through each type of facility
                    for field in fields[:-1]:
                        index = fields.index(field)
                        #if that type of facility is a key in the nested dictionary 
                        # for that particular block group, update the 
                        # field for that type of facility in fcOut with the count
                        #otherwise, update the field for that type of facility as zero
                        if field in d[ID].keys():
                            row[index] = d[ID][field]
                            row[index] = 0

                    #if the join_id is not in the dictionary, then the block group did 
                    # not have any points. Go through each of the created fields 
                    # for each type of facility and enter zero. 
                    for field in fields[:-1]:
                        index = fields.index(field)
                        row[index] = 0

        del row
        del cursor

        #set the new feature class equal to the original feature class, fcPolygon)

        #delete created feature classes and tables[fcOut, fcOutTable])

        #delete unnecessary fields that were created in the fcPolygon file, ["Join_ID"])
Example #7
            if model_year == 2015:
                # current
                transit_features = ['trn_cur_cat5']
            elif model_year == 2050:
                # no plan and blueprint
                transit_features = ['trn_np_cat5', 'trn_fp_cat5']

            for transit_feature in transit_features:

      'Summarizing {} parcel data proximity to {}'.format(model_year, transit_feature))

          "feature classes no paths")
                    arcpy.SummarizeWithin_analysis(transit_feature, 'parcel_fc', 'prox', keep_all_polygons="KEEP_ALL", 
                                                    sum_fields=[['tothh','SUM'], ['hhq1','SUM'],['totemp','SUM'],['RETEMPN','SUM'],['MWTEMPN','SUM']])
                    # hasn't worked, see comments below
                    # Get the tool error messages 
                    msgs = arcpy.GetMessages(2)
                    logger.error("Exception occured; msgs: {}".format(msgs))

                    # Get the traceback object
                    tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
                    tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0]

                    # Concatenate information together concerning the error into a message string
                    logger.error("Traceback info:\n{}\nError Info:\n{}".format(tbinfo, str(sys.exc_info()[1])))
                    logger.error("It's ok though -- we'll do this another way, but still trying the easy way")