def _demo(): """ Notes: ----- The xs and ys form pairs with the first and last points being identical The pairs are constructed using n-1 to ensure that you don't form a line from identical points. First split polygon as a sample of a multipart. I had to add 0,0 and 0, 80 back in xs = [0., 0., 80., 0, 0., 100., 100., 0.] ys = [0., 30., 30., 80., 100., 100., 0., 0.] a = np.array(list(zip(xs, ys))) * 1.0 # --- must be floats v = np.array([[50., 0], [50, 100.]]) ext = np.array([[0., 0], [0, 100.],[100, 100.], [100., 0.], [0., 0.]]) return a, v """ in_pth = script.split("/")[:-2] + ["Polygon_lineTools.gdb"] in_fc = "/".join(in_pth) + "/r_concave_k3_polygon" out_fc = "/".join(in_pth) + "/c0" split_type = 'extent' desc = arcpy.da.Describe(in_fc) x_tent = str(desc['extent']) split_fac = 4 split_per = 25. shp_fld, oid_fld, shp_type, SR = fc_info(in_fc) do_work(in_fc, out_fc, split_type, x_tent, split_fac, split_per) return None
def pnt_groups(in_fc): """Simple def to convert shapes to points from a featureclass """ shp_fld, oid_fld, shp_type, SR = fc_info(in_fc) flds = ['OID@', 'SHAPE@X', 'SHAPE@Y'] args = [in_fc, flds, None, None, True, (None, None)] cur = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(*args) a = cur._as_narray() a.dtype = [('IDs', '<i4'), ('Xs', '<f8'), ('Ys', '<f8')] del cur pts = [] keys = np.unique(a['IDs']) for k in keys: w = np.where(a['IDs'] == k)[0] z = a[['Xs', 'Ys']][w[0]:w[-1] + 1] z = np.copy(z.view(np.float64).reshape(z.shape[0], 2)) pts.append(z) return pts, a, SR
def to_pnts(in_fc, out_fc, keep_flds=None, to_file=False): """Convert a featureclass to a point file with unique point id values added to indicate the points within the poly* features. The output field names (keep_flds) can be specified or all will be used if '*' is used. Requires: --------- fc_array - from Notes: ------ - a Pnt_id field is added to indicate the order of the points making the poly* feature - the duplicate last point is removed for polygon features - potentially troublesome field names are changed. """ shp_fld, oid_fld, shp_type, SR = fc_info(in_fc) if keep_flds is None: keep_flds = "*" a, out_flds, SR = fc_array(in_fc, flds=keep_flds, allpnts=True) a_s = np.split(a, np.where(np.diff(a[oid_fld]))[0] + 1) out = [] for i in a_s: ids = np.arange(i.shape[0]) out.append(append_fld(i, name='Pnt_id', data=ids)) # ---- remove duplicate last point and stack the points if shp_type == "Polygon": for i in range(len(a_s)): out[i] = out[i][:-1] out = np.hstack(out) # ---- replace dodgy field names kv = { 'OBJECTID': 'Old_ID', 'SHAPE@X': 'X_', 'SHAPE@Y': 'Y_', 'Shape_Length': 'Leng_orig', 'Shape_Area': 'Area_orig' } change = [kv.get(i, i) for i in out.dtype.names] out.dtype.names = change if to_file: if arcpy.Exists(out_fc): arcpy.Delete_management(out_fc) arcpy.da.NumPyArrayToFeatureClass(out, out_fc, ['X_', 'Y_'], SR) return out
def do_work(in_fc, out_fc, split_type, x_tent, split_fac, split_per): """Do the actual work for either the demo or the tool Requires: -------- in_fc : feautureclass polygon or polyline featureclass out_fc : featureclass same as input split_type : choice of `extent` or `areas` `extent` uses the bounds with `split_fac` to subdivide the range into sub-polygons **extent option** x_tent : extent parameter LBRT L(eft), B(ottom), R(ight), T(op) in the featureclass units split_fac : integer Integer representing the divisions, for example, a factor of 2 is the same as half (1/2) or 50% **area option** split_per : double Percentage of the total area representing sub-area size. 25% would result in 4 sub-areas with approximately 25% of the total area. """ shp_fld, oid_fld, shp_type, SR = fc_info(in_fc) desc = arcpy.da.Describe(in_fc) x_tent = x_tent.split(" ")[:4] L, B, R, T = [float(i) for i in x_tent] split_fac = float(split_fac) # if split_type == 'extent': dx = (R - L) / split_fac lefts = np.arange(L + dx, R, step=dx) #[304000, 304500, 305000, 305500, 306000] splitters = np.array([[[l, B], [l, T]] for l in lefts]) cutters = [] for s in splitters: s = s.tolist() c = arcpy.Polyline(arcpy.Array([arcpy.Point(*xy) for xy in s]), SR) cutters.append(c) polygons = [] with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(in_fc, ["SHAPE@"]) as cursor: for row in cursor: poly = row[0] p_right = poly for i in cutters: pieces = p_right.cut(i) p_left = pieces[0] p_right = pieces[1] polygons.append(p_left) if p_right is not None or len(p_right) > 0: polygons.append(p_right) # elif split_type == 'area': # ar= e_area(xy) print("None") # # ---- create the output, overwite any existing versions if arcpy.Exists(out_fc): arcpy.Delete_management(out_fc) arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(polygons, out_fc)
# ---- demo and tool section ------------------------------------------------- # """ """ if len(sys.argv) == 1: testing = True in_pth = script.split("/")[:-2] + ["Polygon_lineTools.gdb"] in_fc = "/".join(in_pth) + "/shapes_mtm9" out_fc = "/".join(in_pth) + "/c0" s_type = 'extent' s_fac = 4 s_axis = 'X' shp_fld, oid_fld, shp_type, SR = fc_info(in_fc) out_polys, out_ids = get_polys(in_fc) else: in_fc = sys.argv[1] out_fc = sys.argv[2] s_type = sys.argv[3] # --- extent parameters s_fac = int(sys.argv[4]) s_axis = sys.argv[5] shp_fld, oid_fld, shp_type, SR = fc_info(in_fc) out_polys, out_ids = do_work(in_fc, out_fc, s_type, s_fac, s_axis) for p in out_polys: if not (p.area > 0.): out_polys.remove(p) if arcpy.Exists(out_fc):
if len(sys.argv) == 1: in_pth = script.split("/")[:-2] + ["Polygon_lineTools.gdb"] in_fc = "/".join(in_pth) + "/shapes_mtm9"# in_fc = r"C:\Git_Dan\a_Data\arcpytools_demo.gdb\xy1000_tree" out_fc = "/".join(in_pth) + '/x2' fact = 2 out_type = 'Polygon' # 'Polyline' or 'Points' testing = False else: in_fc = sys.argv[1] # out_fc = sys.argv[2] # fact = int(sys.argv[3]) # out_type = sys.argv[4] # Polygon, Polyline are options testing = False shp_fld, oid_fld, shp_type, SR = fc_info(in_fc) temp = out_fc + "tmp" if arcpy.Exists(temp): arcpy.Delete_management(temp) arcpy.MultipartToSinglepart_management(in_fc, temp) polys = _get_shapes(temp) a = densify(polys, fact=fact, sp_ref=SR) b, _, _ = fc_array(in_fc, flds="*", allpnts=False) #_get_attributes(temp) dt = b.dtype.descr dtn = [(i[0].replace("@", "_"), i[1]) for i in dt] b.dtype = np.dtype(dtn) out_shps = arcpnts_poly(a, out_type=out_type, SR=SR) # # ---- if not testing, save the geometry and extend (join) the attributes if not testing: if arcpy.Exists(out_fc):