Example #1
 def test(self):
     user1 = self.create_user(username='******')
     user2 = self.create_user(username='******')
     cursor = connection.cursor()
     cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM auth_user ORDER BY username')
     results = dictfetchall(cursor)
     self.assertEqual(len(results), 2)
     self.assertIn('username', results[0])
     self.assertEqual(results[0]['username'], user1.username)
     self.assertIn('username', results[1])
     self.assertEqual(results[1]['username'], user2.username)
Example #2
from hotline.counties.models import County
from hotline.images.models import Image
from hotline.notifications.models import UserNotificationQuery
from hotline.reports.models import Report
from hotline.species.models import Species
from hotline.users.models import User

old = connections['old'].cursor()

# the severity ID and category IDs are assumed to be the same, so we aren't
# importing those

# import the species
old.execute("SELECT id, category_id, severity_id, name_sci, name_comm, remedy, resources FROM issues")
for row in dictfetchall(old):
    species = Species.objects.filter(pk=row['id']).first()
    if not species:
        species = Species(pk=row['id'])

    species.name = row['name_comm'] or ""
    species.scientific_name = row['name_sci'] or ""
    species.remedy = row['remedy'] or ""
    species.resources = row['resources'] or ""
    species.severity_id = row['severity_id']
    species.category_id = row['category_id']

with suspended_updates():
    # create users
    user_id_to_user_id = {}
Example #3
def _copy_records(settings):
    import pytz
    from arcutils.db import dictfetchall
    from django.apps import apps
    from django.db import connections
    from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model

    old = connections['old'].cursor()
    tz = pytz.timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE)
    User = get_user_model()

    Comment = apps.get_model('comments', 'Comment')
    County = apps.get_model('counties', 'County')
    Image = apps.get_model('images', 'Image')
    Report = apps.get_model('reports', 'Report')
    Species = apps.get_model('species', 'Species')
    UserNotificationQuery = apps.get_model('notifications', 'UserNotificationQuery')

    # Species
    print('Copying species...', end='', flush=True)
        SELECT id, category_id, severity_id, name_sci, name_comm, remedy, resources
        FROM issues
    for row in dictfetchall(old):
        pk = row['id']
        data = {
            'category_id': row['category_id'],
            'name': row['name_comm'] or '',
            'remedy': row['remedy'] or '',
            'resources': row['resources'] or '',
            'scientific_name': row['name_sci'] or '',
            'severity_id': row['severity_id'],
        Species.objects.update_or_create(pk=pk, defaults=data)

    # Users
    print('Copying users...', end='', flush=True)
    user_id_map = {}
    report_submitter_user_id = {}
    key_to_user_id = {}
        SELECT cardable_id, users.id AS user_id, affiliations, enabled, vcards.id, n_family,
        n_given, n_prefix, n_suffix, cardable_type, email, hashed_password
        FROM vcards
        LEFT JOIN users ON vcards.cardable_id = users.id AND cardable_type = 'User'
        ORDER BY cardable_type
    for row in dictfetchall(old):
        email = row['email']
        exists = User.objects.filter(email=email).exists()
        data = {
            'first_name': row['n_given'] or '',
            'last_name': row['n_family'] or '',
            'prefix': row['n_prefix'] or '',
            'suffix': row['n_suffix'] or '',
        if not exists:
            # Only update these fields if the user wasn't already imported
                'affiliations': row['affiliations'] or '',
                'is_active': bool(row['enabled']),
                'password': '******'.format(**row),
        user, created = User.objects.update_or_create(email=email, defaults=data)
        user_id_map[row['user_id']] = user.pk
        if row['cardable_type'] == 'Submitter':
            report_submitter_user_id[row['cardable_id']] = user.pk
        key_to_user_id[(row['cardable_type'], row['cardable_id'])] = user.pk

    # Reports
    print('Copying reports...', end='', flush=True)
    staff_user = User.objects.filter(is_staff=True).first()
    edrr_status_map = {2: 0, 3: 1, 4: 2, 5: 3, 6: 4, 7: 5}
    category_map = {
        5: 13,  # Aquatic Vertebrates => Reptiles and Amphibians
        SELECT reports.id, category_id, issue_id, reported_category, reported_issue, has_sample,
        issue_desc, private_note, location_desc, reports.created_at, reports.updated_at, closed,
        user_id, edrr_status, lat, lng
        FROM reports
        LEFT JOIN locations ON locations.locateable_id = reports.id AND locateable_type = 'Report'
    for row in dictfetchall(old):
        pk = row['id']
        point = 'POINT({lng} {lat})'.format(**row)
        actual_species_id = row['issue_id']
        if not Species.objects.filter(pk=actual_species_id).exists():
            actual_species_id = None
        reported_species_id = row['reported_issue']
        if not Species.objects.filter(pk=reported_species_id).exists():
            reported_species_id = None
        created_on = tz.localize(row['created_at'])
        reported_category_id = row['reported_category']
        reported_category_id = category_map.get(reported_category_id, reported_category_id)
        data = {
            'actual_species_id': actual_species_id,
            'claimed_by_id': user_id_map[row['user_id']],
            'county': County.objects.filter(the_geom__intersects=point).first(),
            'created_by_id': report_submitter_user_id[row['id']],
            'created_on': created_on,
            'description': row['issue_desc'] or '',
            'edrr_status': edrr_status_map.get(row['edrr_status'], None),
            'has_specimen': row['has_sample'],
            'is_archived': bool(row['closed'] and not row['issue_id']),
            'is_public': bool(row['closed'] and row['issue_id']),
            'location': row['location_desc'] or '',
            'point': point,
            'reported_category_id': reported_category_id,
            'reported_species_id': reported_species_id,
        report, created = Report.objects.update_or_create(pk=pk, defaults=data)
        if created:
            # Note: Setting created_on when creating Reports does
            # nothing; now is *always* used on creation when a field is
            # configured to use auto_now_add.
            report.created_on = created_on

        # Create a private comment for the private_note field; the PK
        # should be large to avoid colliding with the comments that are
        # imported later.
        if row['private_note']:
            pk = report.pk + 100000
            Comment.objects.update_or_create(pk=pk, defaults={
                'body': row['private_note'],
                'created_by': report.claimed_by or staff_user,
                'created_on': tz.localize(row['created_at']),
                'report_id': report.pk,
                'visibility': Comment.PRIVATE,

    # Comments
    print('Copying comments...', end='', flush=True)
        SELECT private, id, report_id, annotator_id, annotator_type, body, created_at
        FROM annotations
    for row in dictfetchall(old):
        pk = row['id']
        report_id = row['report_id']
        report = Report.objects.get(pk=report_id)
        if row['annotator_type'] == 'User':
            created_by_id = user_id_map[row['annotator_id']]
        elif row['annotator_type'] == 'Submitter':
            created_by_id = report.created_by_id
        elif row['annotator_type'] == 'Expert':
            created_by_id = key_to_user_id[(row['annotator_type'], row['annotator_id'])]
            created_by_id = report.created_by_id
        Comment.objects.update_or_create(pk=pk, defaults={
            'body': row['body'] or '',
            'created_by_id': created_by_id,
            'created_on': tz.localize(row['created_at']),
            'report_id': report_id,
            'visibility': Comment.PRIVATE if row['private'] else Comment.PUBLIC,

    # Images
    print('Copying images...', end='', flush=True)
        SELECT id, imageable_id, imageable_type, filename, created_at, label
        FROM images
        WHERE imageable_type = 'Report'
    for row in dictfetchall(old):
        pk = row['id']
        image = posixpath.join('images', '{pk:04d}-{filename}'.format(pk=pk, **row))
        report_id = row['imageable_id']
        report = Report.objects.get(pk=report_id)
        Image.objects.update_or_create(pk=pk, defaults={
            'created_by_id': report.created_by_id,
            'created_on': tz.localize(row['created_at']),
            'image': image,
            'name': row['label'],
            'report': report,
            'visibility': Image.PUBLIC,

    # User notification queries
    print('Creating user notification queries...', end='', flush=True)
        SELECT category_id, user_id
        FROM categories_users
        INNER JOIN categories ON categories.id = category_id
    user_to_query = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
    for row in dictfetchall(old):
        user_id = user_id_map[row['user_id']]
        category = 'category_id:{category_id}'.format(**row)
        SELECT user_id, label
        FROM regions_users
        INNER JOIN regions ON regions.id = region_id
    for row in dictfetchall(old):
        user_id = user_id_map[row['user_id']]
        if row['label'].lower() == 'hoodriver':
            row['label'] = 'Hood River'
        county = 'county:({label})'.format(**row)
    for user_id, info in user_to_query.items():
        categories_query = (' OR '.join(info['categories']))
        counties_query = (' OR '.join(info['counties']))
        if categories_query and counties_query:
            query = ('(%s) AND (%s)' % (categories_query, counties_query))
        elif categories_query:
            query = categories_query
        elif counties_query:
            query = counties_query
            query=urlencode({'querystring': query}),