Example #1
def calibrate_pumps(pump_type, vials=None, dt=10):
    Routine that runs all pumps sequentially assuming the outlet is sitting on 
    on a balance. after running a pump for dt seconds, the user is prompted for the weight
    until all 15 pumps have been run
    if vials is None:
        vials = range(15)
    calibration_morb = morb.morbidostat()
    print("Upon pressing enter, each pump will be run for " + str(dt) +
          " seconds.")
        "Before each pump, you will be prompted for the weight of the current set-up."
    s = input("press enter to start, q to stop: ")
    if len(s) > 0:
        print("Aborting calibration")

    # loop over vials, prompt for weight
    weight = np.zeros(len(vials) + 1)
    for vi, vial in enumerate(vials):
        no_weight = True
        while no_weight:
            s = input('current weight: ')
                weight[vi] = float(s)
                no_weight = False
                print("invalid weight")
        calibration_morb.run_pump(pump_type, vial, run_time=dt)

    # get final weight
    no_weight = True
    while no_weight:
        s = input('final weight: ')
            weight[-1] = float(s)
            no_weight = False
            print("invalid weight")

    # calculate pump_rate and save to file
    pump_rate = np.diff(weight) / dt
    np.savetxt(morb.pump_calibration_file_base + '_' + pump_type + '.dat',
def calibrate_pumps(pump_type, vials = None, dt = 10):
    Routine that runs all pumps sequentially assuming the outlet is sitting on 
    on a balance. after running a pump for dt seconds, the user is prompted for the weight
    until all 15 pumps have been run
    if vials is None:
        vials = range(15)
    calibration_morb = morb.morbidostat()
    print("Upon pressing enter, each pump will be run for "+str(dt)+" seconds.")
    print("Before each pump, you will be prompted for the weight of the current set-up.")
    s = raw_input("press enter to start, q to stop: ")
    if len(s)>0:
        print("Aborting calibration")

    # loop over vials, prompt for weight
    weight  = np.zeros(len(vials)+1)   
    for vi,vial in enumerate(vials):
        no_weight = True
        while no_weight:
            s = raw_input('current weight: ')
                weight[vi] =float(s)
                no_weight = False
                print("invalid weight")
        calibration_morb.run_pump(pump_type, vial,run_time=dt)

    # get final weight
    no_weight = True
    while no_weight:
        s = raw_input('final weight: ')
            weight[-1] =float(s)
            no_weight = False
            print("invalid weight")

    # calculate pump_rate and save to file
    pump_rate = np.diff(weight)/dt
    np.savetxt(morb.pump_calibration_file_base+'_'+pump_type+'.dat', pump_rate)
Example #3
    def __init__(self,
                 experiment_duration=2 * 60 * 60,
        # the default experiment is a morbidostat measurement
        self.experiment_type = MORBIDOSTAT_EXPERIMENT

        # all times in seconds, define parameter second to speed up for testing
        self.second = 1.0

        # set up the morbidostat
        self.morb = morb.morbidostat()
        self.morbidostat_port = self.morb.connect()
        if not self.morb.morbidostat_OK:
            print("Trouble setting up morbidostat")
        # sync time units
        self.morb.second = self.second

        # experiment parameters
        self.OD_dt = OD_dt
        self.cycle_dt = cycle_dt
        self.experiment_duration = experiment_duration

        if (np.max(vials) < 15):
            self.vials = copy.copy(vials)
                "Morbidostat set-up: all vial numbers must be between 0 and 14"
            self.vials = []

        self.target_OD = target_OD
        self.culture_volume = 18  # target volume in milliliters
        self.dilution_factor = dilution_factor
        self.dilution_threshold = 0.03
        self.extra_suction = 2  # extra volume that is being sucked out of the vials [ml]
        self.drugA = drugA
        self.drugB = drugB
        self.experiment_name = 'tbd'
        self.bug = bug
        self.drugA_concentration = drugA_concentration
        self.drugB_concentration = drugB_concentration
        # data acqusition specifics
        self.n_reps = 8
        self.buffer_time = 10
        # counters
        self.OD_measurement_counter = 0
        self.cycle_counter = 0
        self.restart_from_file = None  # if a directory name, resume from there.
        #feedback parameters
        self.max_growth_fraction = 0.05  # increase antibiotics with 5% OD increase per cycle
        self.AB_switch_conc = 0.3  # use high concentration if culture conc is 30% of drug A
        self.feedback_time_scale = 12  # compare antibiotic concentration to that x cycles ago
        self.saturation_threshold = 0.22  # threshold beyond which OD can't be reliable measured
        self.anticipation_threshold = 0.7  # fraction of target_OD, at which increasing antibiotics is first considered
        # diagnostic variables
        self.max_AB_fold_increase = 1.1  # maximum amount by which the antibiotic concentration is allowed to increase within the feed back time scale
        self.mic_kd = 0.25  # fraction of the mic to which is added to low drug concentrations when calculating the AB_fold_increase
        self.stopped = True
        self.interrupted = False
        self.running = False
        self.override = False

        self.n_cycles = self.experiment_duration // self.cycle_dt
        self.n_vials = len(self.vials)
        self.ODs_per_cycle = int(self.cycle_dt - self.morb.mixing_time -
                                 self.pump_time -
                                 self.buffer_time) // self.OD_dt
Example #4
def calibrate_OD(vials=None):
    measure OD of OD standard, calculate regression coefficients
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    if vials is None:
        vials = range(15)
    calibration_morb = morb.morbidostat()
    no_valid_standard = True
    ODs = []
    voltages = []
    all_cycles_measured = False
    while all_cycles_measured == False:
        while no_valid_standard:
            s = input("Enter OD of standard [q to quit]: ")
            if s == 'q':
                print("Aborting calibration")
                all_cycles_measured = True
                cur_OD = float(s)
                no_valid_standard = False
                print("invalid entry")

        if not all_cycles_measured:  # prompt user for 15 measurements while q is not pressed
            for vi, vial in enumerate(vials):
                OKstr = input("Place OD standard in receptible " +
                              str(vial + 1) + ", press enter when done")
                )  #delay for 1 second to allow for heating of the diode
                voltages[-1][vi] = calibration_morb.measure_voltage(
                    vial, switch_light_off=True)[0]
                print(vial, "measurement ", voltages[-1][vi])
            no_valid_standard = True

    if len(ODs) > 1:
        print("Collected " + str(len(ODs)) +
              " OD voltage pairs, calculating voltage -> OD conversion")
        ODs = np.array(ODs)
        voltages = np.array(voltages).T
        fit_parameters = np.zeros((len(vials), 2))
        for vi, vial in enumerate(vials):
            good_measurements = voltages[vi, :] < 900
            if good_measurements.sum() > 1:
                slope, intercept, r, p, stderr = linregress(
                    ODs[good_measurements], voltages[vi, good_measurements])
                    "less than 2 good measurements, also using saturated measurements for vial"
                    + str(vial))
                slope, intercept, r, p, stderr = linregress(
                    ODs, voltages[vi, :])
            fit_parameters[vi, :] = [1.0 / slope, -intercept / slope]
        np.savetxt(morb.OD_calibration_file_name, fit_parameters)
        tmp_time = time.localtime()

        # make figure showing calibration
        plt.plot(ODs, voltages.T, 'o', ls='-')
        plt.xlabel('OD standard')
        plt.ylabel('measured signal (0-1023)')

        # save calibration measurements
        date_string = "".join([
            format(v, '02d')
            for v in [tmp_time.tm_year, tmp_time.tm_mon, tmp_time.tm_mday]
        with open(
                morb.morb_path + 'data/voltage_measurements_' + date_string +
                '.txt', 'w') as volt_file:
            for oi in range(len(ODs)):
                for vi in range(len(vials)):
                    volt_file.write('\t' + str(voltages[vi, oi]))

        print("need measurements for at least two OD standards")
    return fit_parameters, ODs, voltages
import arduino_interface as M
import time

# initialize an instance of the morbidostat.
morb = M.morbidostat()

# if it was found on the serial port, loop over all 
# pumps and switch them on for a few seconds
if morb.morbidostat_OK:
    m,v,c = morb.measure_voltage(1, 10, 10)
    for pump_type in ['medium','drug A', 'drug B']:        
        for pin in range(15):
            morb.run_pump(pump_type, pin, 1)

    print("Initializing morbidostat failed")

# run the waste pump for 4 seconds

# close the serial port
    def __init__(self, vials = range(15), experiment_duration = 2*60*60, 
                 target_OD = 0.1, dilution_factor = 0.9, bug = 'tbd', drugA ='tbd',drugB ='tbd',
                 drugA_concentration = 0.3, drugB_concentration = 2.0, OD_dt = 30, cycle_dt = 600):
        # the default experiment is a morbidostat measurement
        self.experiment_type = MORBIDOSTAT_EXPERIMENT

        # all times in seconds, define parameter second to speed up for testing
        self.second = 1.0

        # set up the morbidostat
        self.morb = morb.morbidostat()
        self.morbidostat_port = self.morb.connect()
        if not self.morb.morbidostat_OK:
            print("Trouble setting up morbidostat")
        # sync time units
        self.morb.second = self.second

        # experiment parameters
        self.OD_dt = OD_dt
        self.cycle_dt = cycle_dt
        self.experiment_duration = experiment_duration

        if (np.max(vials)<15):
            self.vials = copy.copy(vials)
            print("Morbidostat set-up: all vial numbers must be between 0 and 14")
            self.vials = []

        self.target_OD = target_OD
        self.culture_volume = 18 # target volume in milliliters
        self.dilution_factor = dilution_factor
        self.dilution_threshold = 0.03
        self.extra_suction  = 2 # extra volume that is being sucked out of the vials [ml]
        self.drugA = drugA
        self.drugB = drugB
        self.experiment_name = 'tbd'
        self.bug = bug
        self.drugA_concentration = drugA_concentration
        self.drugB_concentration = drugB_concentration
        # data acqusition specifics
        self.buffer_time = 10
        # counters
        self.OD_measurement_counter = 0
        self.cycle_counter = 0
        self.restart_from_file=None # if a directory name, resume from there. 
        #feedback parameters
        self.max_growth_fraction = 0.05     # increase antibiotics with 5% OD increase per cycle
        self.AB_switch_conc = 0.3          # use high concentration if culture conc is 30% of drug A
        self.feedback_time_scale =  12       # compare antibiotic concentration to that x cycles ago
        self.saturation_threshold = 0.22   # threshold beyond which OD can't be reliable measured 
        self.anticipation_threshold = 0.7  # fraction of target_OD, at which increasing antibiotics is first considered
        # diagnostic variables
        self.max_AB_fold_increase = 1.1    # maximum amount by which the antibiotic concentration is allowed to increase within the feed back time scale
        self.mic_kd = 0.25   # fraction of the mic to which is added to low drug concentrations when calculating the AB_fold_increase
        self.stopped = True
        self.interrupted = False
        self.running = False
        self.override = False

        self.n_cycles = self.experiment_duration//self.cycle_dt
        self.n_vials = len(self.vials)
        self.ODs_per_cycle = int(self.cycle_dt-self.morb.mixing_time-self.pump_time - self.buffer_time)//self.OD_dt
def calibrate_OD(vials = None):
    measure OD of OD standard, calculate regression coefficients
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    if vials is None:
        vials = range(15)
    calibration_morb = morb.morbidostat()
    ODs = []
    voltages = []
    all_cycles_measured = False
    while all_cycles_measured==False:
        while no_valid_standard:
            s = raw_input("Enter OD of standard [q to quit]: ")
            if s=='q':
                print("Aborting calibration")
		all_cycles_measured = True
                cur_OD = float(s)
                print("invalid entry")
        if not all_cycles_measured: # prompt user for 15 measurements while q is not pressed
            for vi,vial in enumerate(vials):
                OKstr = raw_input("Place OD standard in receptible "+str(vial+1)+
                                  ", press enter when done")
                time.sleep(0.001)  #delay for 1 second to allow for heating of the diode
                voltages[-1][vi] = calibration_morb.measure_voltage(vial, switch_light_off=True)[0]
                print vial, "measurement ", voltages[-1][vi]

    if len(ODs)>1:
        print("Collected "+str(len(ODs))+" OD voltage pairs, calculating voltage -> OD conversion")
        ODs = np.array(ODs)
        voltages = np.array(voltages).T
        fit_parameters = np.zeros((len(vials), 2))
        for vi,vial in enumerate(vials):
            good_measurements = voltages[vi,:]<900
            if good_measurements.sum()>1:
                slope, intercept, r,p,stderr = linregress(ODs[good_measurements], voltages[vi,good_measurements])
                print("less than 2 good measurements, also using saturated measurements for vial"+str(vial))
                slope, intercept, r,p,stderr = linregress(ODs, voltages[vi,:])                
            fit_parameters[vi,:] = [1.0/slope,  -intercept/slope]
        np.savetxt(morb.OD_calibration_file_name, fit_parameters)
        tmp_time = time.localtime()

        # make figure showing calibration
        plt.plot(ODs, voltages.T, 'o', ls='-')
        plt.xlabel('OD standard')
        plt.ylabel('measured signal (0-1023)')

        # save calibration measurements
        date_string = "".join([format(v,'02d') for v in
                               [tmp_time.tm_year, tmp_time.tm_mon, tmp_time.tm_mday]])                               
        with open(morb.morb_path+'data/voltage_measurements_'+date_string+'.txt', 'w') as volt_file:
            for oi in range(len(ODs)):
                for vi in range(len(vials)):

        print("need measurements for at least two OD standards") 
    return fit_parameters, ODs, voltages