def _values_unequal(val1, val2, dec_scale, margin_scale=2): """ Checks the values for equality based on their scaling. Returns False if the values are equal, otherwise True. :param val1: first value to round :type val1: :class:'~arelle.ModelXbrl.ModelXbrl' :param val2: second value to round :type val2: :class:'~arelle.ModelXbrl.ModelXbrl' :param dec_scale: precision on rounded value :type dec_scale: :class:'~decimal.Decimal' :param margin_scale: margin of scale for the margin of error :type margin_scale: float :return: True if the values are not equal :rtype: bool """ if not _min_dec_valid(dec_scale): return False round_val1 = roundValue(val1, decimals=dec_scale) round_val2 = roundValue(val2, decimals=dec_scale) margin_of_error = (Decimal(margin_scale) * (Decimal(10)**Decimal(-dec_scale))) return (round_val1 < round_val2 - margin_of_error or round_val1 > round_val2 + margin_of_error)
def _values_unequal(val1, val2, dec_scale, margin_scale=2): """ Checks the values for equality based on their scaling. Returns False if the values are equal, otherwise True. :param val1: first value to round :type val1: :class:'~arelle.ModelXbrl.ModelXbrl' :param val2: second value to round :type val2: :class:'~arelle.ModelXbrl.ModelXbrl' :param dec_scale: precision on rounded value :type dec_scale: :class:'~decimal.Decimal' :param margin_scale: margin of scale for the margin of error :type margin_scale: float :return: True if the values are not equal :rtype: bool """ if not _min_dec_valid(dec_scale): return False round_val1 = roundValue(val1, decimals=dec_scale) round_val2 = roundValue(val2, decimals=dec_scale) margin_of_error = ( Decimal(margin_scale) * (Decimal(10) ** Decimal(-dec_scale)) ) return ( round_val1 < round_val2 - margin_of_error or round_val1 > round_val2 + margin_of_error )
def _assets_eq_liability_equity(modelXbrl): assets_concept = modelXbrl.nameConcepts[_ASSETS_CONCEPT][ 0] if modelXbrl.nameConcepts[_ASSETS_CONCEPT] else None liability_equity_concept = modelXbrl.nameConcepts[_LIABILITIES_CONCEPT][ 0] if modelXbrl.nameConcepts[_LIABILITIES_CONCEPT] else None if assets_concept is not None and liability_equity_concept is not None: assets_facts = modelXbrl.factsByQname[assets_concept.qname] liability_equity_facts = modelXbrl.factsByQname[ liability_equity_concept.qname] fact_dict = {} fact_dict[_ASSETS_CONCEPT] = assets_facts fact_dict[_LIABILITIES_CONCEPT] = liability_equity_facts fact_groups = facts.prepare_facts_for_calculation(fact_dict) for fact_group in fact_groups: fact_assets = fact_group[_ASSETS_CONCEPT] fact_liabilities = fact_group[_LIABILITIES_CONCEPT] if fact_assets.context is not None and fact_assets.context.instantDatetime is not None: dec_assets = inferredDecimals(fact_assets) dec_liabilities = inferredDecimals(fact_liabilities) min_dec = min(dec_assets, dec_liabilities) if roundValue(fact_assets.xValue, decimals=min_dec) != roundValue( fact_liabilities.xValue, decimals=min_dec): yield fact_assets, fact_liabilities
def isVEqualTo(self, other, deemP0Equal=False): """(bool) -- v-equality of two facts Note that facts may be in different instances """ if self.isTuple or other.isTuple: return False if self.isNil: return other.isNil if other.isNil: return False if not self.context.isEqualTo(other.context): return False if self.concept.isNumeric: if other.concept.isNumeric: if not self.unit.isEqualTo(other.unit): return False if self.modelXbrl.modelManager.validateInferDecimals: d = min((inferredDecimals(self), inferredDecimals(other))); p = None if isnan(d) and deemP0Equal: return True else: d = None; p = min((inferredPrecision(self), inferredPrecision(other))) if p == 0 and deemP0Equal: return True return roundValue(self.value,precision=p,decimals=d) == roundValue(other.value,precision=p,decimals=d) else: return False selfValue = self.value otherValue = other.value if isinstance(selfValue,str) and isinstance(otherValue,str): return selfValue.strip() == otherValue.strip() else: return selfValue == otherValue
def isVEqualTo(self, other): if self.isTuple or other.isTuple: return False if self.isNil: return other.isNil if other.isNil: return False if not self.context.isEqualTo(other.context): return False if self.concept.isNumeric: if other.concept.isNumeric: if not self.unit.isEqualTo(other.unit): return False if self.modelXbrl.modelManager.validateInferDecimals: d = min((inferredDecimals(self), inferredDecimals(other))); p = None else: d = None; p = min((inferredPrecision(self), inferredPrecision(other))) return roundValue(float(self.value),precision=p,decimals=d) == roundValue(float(other.value),precision=p,decimals=d) else: return False selfValue = self.value otherValue = other.value if isinstance(selfValue,str) and isinstance(otherValue,str): return selfValue.strip() == otherValue.strip() else: return selfValue == otherValue
def _values_unequal(val1, val2, dec_scale, margin_scale=2): """ Checks the values for equality based on their scaling. Returns False if the values are equal, otherwise True. """ round_val1 = roundValue(val1, decimals=dec_scale) round_val2 = roundValue(val2, decimals=dec_scale) margin_of_error = Decimal(margin_scale) * (Decimal(10) ** Decimal(-dec_scale)) return round_val1 < round_val2 - margin_of_error or round_val1 > round_val2 + margin_of_error
def parsed_value(fact: ModelFact): if fact is None: return None concept = fact.concept # type: ModelConcept if concept is None or concept.isTuple or fact.isNil: return None if concept.isFraction: num, den = map(fractions.Fraction, fact.fractionValue) return num / den val = fact.value.strip() if concept.isInteger: return int(val) elif concept.isNumeric: dec = fact.decimals if dec is None or dec == "INF": # show using decimals or reported format dec = len(val.partition(".")[2]) else: # max decimals at 28 dec = max( min(int(dec), 28), -28 ) # 2.7 wants short int, 3.2 takes regular int, don't use _INT here num = roundValue(val, fact.precision, dec) # round using reported decimals return num elif concept.baseXbrliType == 'dateItemType': return dateTime(val) elif concept.baseXbrliType == 'booleanItemType': return val.lower() in ('1', 'true') elif concept.isTextBlock: return ' '.join(val.split()) return val
def insertFactSet(modelFacts, tupleFactId): table = self.getTable('fact', 'fact_id', ('accession_id', 'tuple_fact_id', 'context_id', 'unit_id', 'element_id', 'effective_value', 'fact_value', 'xml_id', 'precision_value', 'decimals_value', 'is_precision_infinity', 'is_decimals_infinity', ), ('accession_id', 'xml_id'), tuple((accsId, tupleFactId, self.cntxId.get((accsId,fact.contextID)), self.unitId.get((accsId,fact.unitID)), self.conceptElementId(fact.concept), roundValue(fact.value, fact.precision, fact.decimals) if fact.isNumeric and not fact.isNil else None, fact.value, elementFragmentIdentifier(fact), fact.xAttributes['precision'].xValue if ('precision' in fact.xAttributes and isinstance(fact.xAttributes['precision'].xValue,int)) else None, fact.xAttributes['decimals'].xValue if ('decimals' in fact.xAttributes and isinstance(fact.xAttributes['decimals'].xValue,int)) else None, 'precision' in fact.xAttributes and fact.xAttributes['precision'].xValue == 'INF', 'decimals' in fact.xAttributes and fact.xAttributes['decimals'].xValue == 'INF', ) for fact in modelFacts)) factId = dict((xmlId, id) for id, _accsId, xmlId in table) for fact in modelFacts: if fact.isTuple: insertFactSet(fact.modelTupleFacts, factId[elementFragmentIdentifier(fact)])
def _assets_eq_liability_equity(modelXbrl): assets_concept = modelXbrl.nameConcepts[_ASSETS_CONCEPT][0] if modelXbrl.nameConcepts[_ASSETS_CONCEPT] else None liability_equity_concept = modelXbrl.nameConcepts[_LIABILITIES_CONCEPT][0] if modelXbrl.nameConcepts[_LIABILITIES_CONCEPT] else None if assets_concept is not None and liability_equity_concept is not None: assets_facts = modelXbrl.factsByQname[assets_concept.qname] liability_equity_facts = modelXbrl.factsByQname[liability_equity_concept.qname] fact_dict = {} fact_dict[_ASSETS_CONCEPT] = assets_facts fact_dict[_LIABILITIES_CONCEPT] = liability_equity_facts fact_groups = facts.prepare_facts_for_calculation(fact_dict) for fact_group in fact_groups: fact_assets = fact_group[_ASSETS_CONCEPT] fact_liabilities = fact_group[_LIABILITIES_CONCEPT] if fact_assets.context is not None and fact_assets.context.instantDatetime is not None: dec_assets = inferredDecimals(fact_assets) dec_liabilities = inferredDecimals(fact_liabilities) min_dec = min(dec_assets, dec_liabilities) if roundValue(fact_assets.xValue, decimals=min_dec) != roundValue(fact_liabilities.xValue, decimals=min_dec): yield fact_assets, fact_liabilities
def isVEqualTo(self, other, deemP0Equal=False): # facts may be in different instances if self.isTuple or other.isTuple: return False if self.isNil: return other.isNil if other.isNil: return False if not self.context.isEqualTo(other.context): return False if self.concept.isNumeric: if other.concept.isNumeric: if not self.unit.isEqualTo(other.unit): return False if self.modelXbrl.modelManager.validateInferDecimals: d = min((inferredDecimals(self), inferredDecimals(other))) p = None else: d = None p = min( (inferredPrecision(self), inferredPrecision(other))) if p == 0 and deemP0Equal: return True return roundValue(self.value, precision=p, decimals=d) == roundValue(other.value, precision=p, decimals=d) else: return False selfValue = self.value otherValue = other.value if isinstance(selfValue, str) and isinstance(otherValue, str): return selfValue.strip() == otherValue.strip() else: return selfValue == otherValue
def insertFactSet(modelFacts, parentDatapointId): table = self.getTable('data_point', 'datapoint_id', ('report_id', 'document_id', 'xml_id', 'source_line', 'parent_datapoint_id', # tuple 'aspect_id', 'context_xml_id', 'entity_id', 'period_id', 'aspect_value_selections_id', 'unit_id', 'is_nil', 'precision_value', 'decimals_value', 'effective_value', 'value'), ('document_id', 'xml_id'), tuple((reportId, documentId, elementFragmentIdentifier(fact), fact.sourceline, parentDatapointId, # parent ID self.aspectQnameId.get(fact.qname), fact.contextID, self.entityId.get((reportId, cntx.entityIdentifier[0], cntx.entityIdentifier[1])) if cntx is not None else None, self.periodId.get((reportId, cntx.startDatetime if cntx.isStartEndPeriod else None, cntx.endDatetime if cntx.isStartEndPeriod else None, cntx.isInstantPeriod, cntx.isForeverPeriod)) if cntx is not None else None, cntxAspectValueSelectionSetId.get(cntx) if cntx is not None else None, self.unitId.get((reportId,fact.unit.md5hash)) if fact.unit is not None else None, fact.isNil, fact.precision, fact.decimals, roundValue(fact.value, fact.precision, fact.decimals) if fact.isNumeric and not fact.isNil else None, fact.value ) for fact in modelFacts for cntx in (fact.context,) for documentId in (self.documentIds[fact.modelDocument],))) xmlIdDataPointId = dict(((docId, xmlId), datapointId) for datapointId, docId, xmlId in table) self.factDataPointId.update(xmlIdDataPointId) for fact in modelFacts: if fact.isTuple: insertFactSet(fact.modelTupleFacts, xmlIdDataPointId[(self.documentIds[fact.modelDocument], elementFragmentIdentifier(fact))])
def _roundPrecision(node, sphinxContext, args): args = numericArgs(node, sphinxContext, args, 2) return roundValue(args[0], precision=args[1])
def _roundDecimals(node, sphinxContext, args): args = numericArgs(node, sphinxContext, args, 2) return roundValue(args[0], decmials=args[1])
def _roundItem(node, sphinxContext, args): fact = factArg(node, sphinxContext, args, 0) return roundValue(fact.xValue, decimals=fact.decimals, precision=fact.precision)
def loadEntityInformation(dts, rssItem): entityInformation = {} # identify tables disclosureSystem = dts.modelManager.disclosureSystem if disclosureSystem.EFM: reloadCache = False if rssItem is not None: accession = rssItem.url.split('/')[-2] fileUrl = os.path.dirname(rssItem.url) + '/' + accession[0:10] + '-' + accession[10:12] + '-' + accession[12:] + ".hdr.sgml" reloadCache = getattr(rssItem.modelXbrl, "reloadCache", False) elif dts.uri.startswith("") and dts.uri.endswith(".xml"): accession = dts.uri.split('/')[-2] dirPart = os.path.dirname(dts.uri) if accession.endswith(""): # might be an instance document inside a file accession = dts.uri.split('/')[-3] dirPart = os.path.dirname(dirPart) fileUrl = dirPart + '/' + accession[0:10] + '-' + accession[10:12] + '-' + accession[12:] + ".hdr.sgml" else: fileUrl = '' if fileUrl: # try to load and use it normalizedUrl = dts.modelManager.cntlr.webCache.normalizeUrl(fileUrl) hdrSgml = '' try: filePath = dts.modelManager.cntlr.webCache.getfilename(normalizedUrl, reload=reloadCache) if filePath: with open(filePath) as fh: hdrSgml = except (IOError, EnvironmentError) as err:"xpDB:headerSgmlDocumentLoadingError", _("Loading XBRL DB: header SGML document %(file)s loading error: %(error)s"), modelObject=dts, file=normalizedUrl, error=err) hdrSgml = '' record = '' formerCompanyNumber = 0 for match in re.finditer(r"[<]([^>]+)[>]([^<\n\r]*)", hdrSgml, re.MULTILINE): tag = v ="<","<").replace(">",">").replace("&","&") if tag in ('business-address','mail-address'): record = tag + '.' elif tag == 'former-company': formerCompanyNumber += 1 record = "{}-{}.".format(tag, formerCompanyNumber) elif tag.startswith('/'): record = '' elif v: if tag.endswith("-datetime"): try: v = datetime.datetime(_INT(v[0:4]),_INT(v[4:6]),_INT(v[6:8]),_INT(v[8:10]),_INT(v[10:12]),_INT(v[12:14])) except ValueError: pass elif tag.endswith("-date") or tag.startswith("date-of-"): try: v =[0:4]),_INT(v[4:6]),_INT(v[6:8])) except ValueError: pass elif tag.endswith("-year-end") and len(v) == 4: v = "{0}-{1}".format(v[0:2],v[2:4]) elif tag in ('assigned-sic',): try: v = _INT(v) except ValueError: v = None entityInformation[record + tag] = v # primary document if no rssItem if rssItem is None: # try to sgml txt file normalizedUrl = normalizedUrl.replace(".hdr.sgml", ".txt") httpDir = normalizedUrl.rpartition('/')[0] txtSgml = '' try: filePath = dts.modelManager.cntlr.webCache.getfilename(normalizedUrl, reload=reloadCache) if filePath: with open(filePath, encoding='utf-8') as fh: txtSgml = # remove from cache, very large file os.remove(filePath) except (IOError, EnvironmentError) as err:"xpDB:txtSgmlDocumentLoadingError", _("Loading XBRL DB: txt SGML document %(file)s loading error: %(error)s"), modelObject=dts, file=normalizedUrl, error=err) txtSgml = '' documentType = documentSequence = None itemsFound = 0 for match in re.finditer(r"[<]([^>]+)[>]([^<\n\r]*)", txtSgml, re.MULTILINE): tag = v ="<","<").replace(">",">").replace("&","&") if tag == 'sequence': documentSequence = v elif tag == 'type': documentType = v elif tag == 'filename': if documentType.endswith('.INS') and 'instance-url' not in entityInformation: entityInformation['instance-url'] = httpDir + '/' + v documentType = documentSequence = None itemsFound += 1 if documentSequence == '1': entityInformation['primary-document-url'] = httpDir + '/' + v documentType = documentSequence = None itemsFound += 1 if itemsFound >= 2: break del txtSgml # dereference big string # instance information for factName, entityField in (("EntityFilerCategory", "filer-category"), ("EntityPublicFloat", "public-float"), ("TradingSymbol", "trading-symbol"), ("DocumentFisalYearFocus", "fiscal-year-focus"), ("DocumentFisalPeriodFocus", "fiscal-period-focus")): try: concept = dts.nameConcepts[factName][0] # get qname irrespective of taxonomy year facts = dts.factsByQname[concept.qname] for fact in facts: if not fact.context.qnameDims: #default context if factName in ("EntityPublicFloat",): entityInformation[entityField] = roundValue(fact.value, fact.precision, fact.decimals) if fact.isNumeric and not fact.isNil else None else: entityInformation[entityField] = fact.value.strip() # may have white space break except IndexError: pass return entityInformation
def loadXbrlFromDB(self, loadDBsaveToFile): # load from database modelXbrl = self.modelXbrl # find instance in DB instanceURI = os.path.basename(loadDBsaveToFile) results = self.execute("SELECT InstanceID, ModuleID, EntityScheme, EntityIdentifier, PeriodEndDateOrInstant" " FROM dInstance WHERE FileName = '{}'" .format(instanceURI)) instanceId = moduleId = None for instanceId, moduleId, entScheme, entId, datePerEnd in results: break # find module in DB results = self.execute("SELECT XbrlSchemaRef FROM mModule WHERE ModuleID = {}".format(moduleId)) xbrlSchemaRef = None for result in results: xbrlSchemaRef = result[0] break if not instanceId or not xbrlSchemaRef: raise XPDBException("sqlDB:MissingDTS", _("The instance and module were not found for %(instanceURI)"), instanceURI = instanceURI) if modelXbrl.skipDTS: # find prefixes and namespaces in DB results = self.execute("SELECT * FROM [vwGetNamespacesPrefixes]") dpmPrefixedNamespaces = dict((prefix, namespace) for owner, prefix, namespace in results) # create the instance document and resulting filing modelXbrl.blockDpmDBrecursion = True modelXbrl.modelDocument = createModelDocument(modelXbrl, Type.INSTANCE, loadDBsaveToFile, schemaRefs=[xbrlSchemaRef], isEntry=True) ValidateXbrlDimensions.loadDimensionDefaults(modelXbrl) # needs dimension defaults addProcessingInstruction(modelXbrl.modelDocument.xmlRootElement, 'xbrl-streamable-instance', 'version="1.0" contextBuffer="1"') # add roleRef and arcroleRef (e.g. for footnotes, if any, see inlineXbrlDocue) # filing indicator code IDs # get filing indicators results = self.execute("SELECT mToT.TemplateOrTableCode " " FROM dFilingIndicator dFI, mTemplateOrTable mToT " " WHERE dFI.InstanceID = {} AND mTot.TemplateOrTableID = dFI.BusinessTemplateID" .format(instanceId)) filingIndicatorCodes = [code[0] for code in results] if filingIndicatorCodes: modelXbrl.createContext(entScheme, entId, 'instant', None, datePerEnd, None, # no dimensional validity checking (like formula does) {}, [], [], id='c') filingIndicatorsTuple = modelXbrl.createFact(qnFindFilingIndicators) for filingIndicatorCode in filingIndicatorCodes: modelXbrl.createFact(qnFindFilingIndicator, parent=filingIndicatorsTuple, attributes={"contextRef": "c"}, text=filingIndicatorCode) # facts in this instance factsTbl = self.execute("SELECT DataPointSignature, DataPointSignatureWithValuesForWildcards," " Unit, Decimals, NumericValue, DateTimeValue, BooleanValue, TextValue " "FROM dFact WHERE InstanceID = {} " "ORDER BY substr(CASE WHEN DataPointSignatureWithValuesForWildcards IS NULL " " THEN DataPointSignature" " ELSE DataPointSignatureWithValuesForWildcards" " END, instr(DataPointSignature,'|') + 1)" .format(instanceId)) # results tuple: factId, dec, varId, dpKey, entId, datePerEnd, unit, numVal, dateVal, boolVal, textVal # get typed dimension values prefixedNamespaces = modelXbrl.prefixedNamespaces prefixedNamespaces["iso4217"] = XbrlConst.iso4217 if modelXbrl.skipDTS: prefixedNamespaces.update(dpmPrefixedNamespaces) # for skipDTS this is always needed cntxTbl = {} # index by d unitTbl = {} def typedDimElt(s): # add xmlns into s for known qnames tag, angleBrkt, rest = s[1:].partition('>') text, angleBrkt, rest = rest.partition("<") qn = qname(tag, prefixedNamespaces) # a modelObject xml element is needed for all of the instance functions to manage the typed dim return addChild(modelXbrl.modelDocument, qn, text=text, appendChild=False) # contexts and facts for dpSig, dpSigTypedDims, unit, dec, numVal, dateVal, boolVal, textVal in factsTbl: metric, sep, dims = (dpSigTypedDims or dpSig).partition('|') conceptQn = qname(metric.partition('(')[2][:-1], prefixedNamespaces) concept = modelXbrl.qnameConcepts.get(conceptQn) isNumeric = isBool = isDateTime = isQName = isText = False if concept is not None: if concept.isNumeric: isNumeric = True else: baseXbrliType = concept.baseXbrliType if baseXbrliType == "booleanItemType": isBool = True elif baseXbrliType == "dateTimeItemType": # also is dateItemType? isDateTime = True elif baseXbrliType == "QNameItemType": isQName = True else: c = conceptQn.localName[0] if c == 'm': isNumeric = True elif c == 'd': isDateTime = True elif c == 'b': isBool = True elif c == 'e': isQName = True isText = not (isNumeric or isBool or isDateTime or isQName) if isinstance(datePerEnd, _STR_BASE): datePerEnd = datetimeValue(datePerEnd, addOneDay=True) cntxKey = (dims, entId, datePerEnd) if cntxKey in cntxTbl: cntxId = cntxTbl[cntxKey] else: cntxId = 'c-{:02}'.format(len(cntxTbl) + 1) cntxTbl[cntxKey] = cntxId qnameDims = {} if dims: for dim in dims.split('|'): dQn, sep, dVal = dim[:-1].partition('(') dimQname = qname(dQn, prefixedNamespaces) if dVal.startswith('<'): mem = typedDimElt(dVal) # typed dim else: mem = qname(dVal, prefixedNamespaces) # explicit dim (even if treat-as-typed) qnameDims[dimQname] = DimValuePrototype(modelXbrl, None, dimQname, mem, "scenario") modelXbrl.createContext(entScheme, entId, 'instant', None, datePerEnd, None, # no dimensional validity checking (like formula does) qnameDims, [], [], id=cntxId) if unit: if unit in unitTbl: unitId = unitTbl[unit] else: unitQn = qname(unit, prefixedNamespaces) unitId = 'u{}'.format(unitQn.localName) unitTbl[unit] = unitId modelXbrl.createUnit([unitQn], [], id=unitId) else: unitId = None attrs = {"contextRef": cntxId} if unitId: attrs["unitRef"] = unitId if dec is not None: if isinstance(dec, float): # must be an integer dec = int(dec) elif isinstance(dec, _STR_BASE) and '.' in dec: dec = dec.partition('.')[0] # drop .0 from any SQLite string attrs["decimals"] = str(dec) # somehow it is float from the database if False: # fact.isNil: attrs[XbrlConst.qnXsiNil] = "true" text = None elif numVal is not None: num = roundValue(numVal, None, dec) # round using reported decimals if dec is None or dec == "INF": # show using decimals or reported format dec = len(numVal.partition(".")[2]) else: # max decimals at 28 dec = max( min(int(float(dec)), 28), -28) # 2.7 wants short int, 3.2 takes regular int, don't use _INT here text = Locale.format(self.modelXbrl.locale, "%.*f", (dec, num)) elif dateVal is not None: text = dateVal elif boolVal is not None: text = 'true' if boolVal.lower() in ('t', 'true', '1') else 'false' else: if isQName: # declare namespace addQnameValue(modelXbrl.modelDocument, qname(textVal, prefixedNamespaces)) text = textVal modelXbrl.createFact(conceptQn, attributes=attrs, text=text) # add footnotes if any # save to file modelXbrl.saveInstance(overrideFilepath=loadDBsaveToFile) modelXbrl.modelManager.showStatus(_("Saved extracted instance"), 5000) return modelXbrl.modelDocument
def evaluate(xpCtx, varSet, derivedFact): # there may be multiple consis assertions parenting any formula for consisAsserRel in xpCtx.modelXbrl.relationshipSet( XbrlConst.consistencyAssertionFormula).toModelObject(varSet): consisAsser = consisAsserRel.fromModelObject hasProportionalAcceptanceRadius = consisAsser.hasProportionalAcceptanceRadius hasAbsoluteAcceptanceRadius = consisAsser.hasAbsoluteAcceptanceRadius if derivedFact is None: continue isNumeric = derivedFact.isNumeric if isNumeric and not derivedFact.isNil: derivedFactInferredPrecision = inferredPrecision(derivedFact) if derivedFactInferredPrecision == 0 and not hasProportionalAcceptanceRadius and not hasAbsoluteAcceptanceRadius: if xpCtx.formulaOptions.traceVariableSetExpressionResult: xpCtx.modelXbrl.error( _("Consistency assertion {0} formula {1} fact {2} has zero precision and no radius is defined, skipping consistency assertion" ).format(, varSet.xlinkLabel, derivedFact), "info", "formula:trace") continue # check xbrl validity of new fact # find source facts which match derived fact aspectMatchedInputFacts = [] isStrict = consisAsser.isStrict for inputFact in xpCtx.modelXbrl.facts: if (not inputFact.isNil and inputFact.qname == derivedFact.qname and inputFact.context.isEqualTo( derivedFact.context, dimensionalAspectModel=(varSet.aspectModel == "dimensional")) and (not isNumeric or inputFact.unit.isEqualTo(derivedFact.unit))): aspectMatchedInputFacts.append(inputFact) if len(aspectMatchedInputFacts) == 0: if isStrict: if derivedFact.isNil: isSatisfied = True else: isSatisfied = False else: if xpCtx.formulaOptions.traceVariableSetExpressionResult: xpCtx.modelXbrl.error( _("Consistency assertion {0} Formula {1} no input facts matched to {2}, skipping consistency assertion" ).format(, varSet.xlinkLabel, derivedFact), "info", "formula:trace") continue elif derivedFact.isNil: isSatisfied = False else: isSatisfied = True paramQnamesAdded = [] for paramRel in consisAsser.orderedVariableRelationships: paramQname = paramRel.variableQname paramVar = paramRel.toModelObject paramValue = xpCtx.inScopeVars.get(paramVar.qname) paramAlreadyInVars = paramQname in xpCtx.inScopeVars if not paramAlreadyInVars: paramQnamesAdded.append(paramQname) xpCtx.inScopeVars[paramQname] = paramValue for fact in aspectMatchedInputFacts: if isSatisfied != True: break if fact.isNil: if not derivedFact.isNil: isSatisfied = False elif isNumeric: factInferredPrecision = inferredPrecision(fact) if factInferredPrecision == 0 and not hasProportionalAcceptanceRadius and not hasAbsoluteAcceptanceRadius: if xpCtx.formulaOptions.traceVariableSetExpressionResult: xpCtx.modelXbrl.error( _("Consistency assertion {0} Formula {1} input fact matched to {2} has zero precision and no radius, skipping consistency assertion" ).format(, varSet.xlinkLabel, derivedFact), "info", "formula:trace") isSatisfied = None break if hasProportionalAcceptanceRadius or hasAbsoluteAcceptanceRadius: acceptance = consisAsser.evalRadius( xpCtx, derivedFact.vEqValue) if acceptance is not None: if hasProportionalAcceptanceRadius: acceptance *= derivedFact.vEqValue isSatisfied = fabs(derivedFact.vEqValue - fact.vEqValue) <= fabs(acceptance) else: isSatisfied = None # no radius else: p = min(derivedFactInferredPrecision, factInferredPrecision) if (p == 0 or roundValue(derivedFact.vEqValue, precision=p) != roundValue(fact.vEqValue, precision=p)): isSatisfied = False else: if not xEqual(fact.concept, fact.element, derivedFact.element, equalMode=S_EQUAL2): isSatisfied = False for paramQname in paramQnamesAdded: xpCtx.inScopeVars.pop(paramQname) if isSatisfied is None: continue # no evaluation if xpCtx.formulaOptions.traceVariableSetExpressionResult: xpCtx.modelXbrl.error( _("Consistency Assertion {0} result {1}").format(, isSatisfied), "info", "formula:trace") message = consisAsser.message(isSatisfied) if message: xpCtx.modelXbrl.error(message.evaluate(xpCtx), "info", "message:" + if isSatisfied: consisAsser.countSatisfied += 1 else: consisAsser.countNotSatisfied += 1
def evaluate(xpCtx, varSet, derivedFact): # there may be multiple consis assertions parenting any formula for consisAsserRel in xpCtx.modelXbrl.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.consistencyAssertionFormula).toModelObject(varSet): consisAsser = consisAsserRel.fromModelObject hasProportionalAcceptanceRadius = consisAsser.hasProportionalAcceptanceRadius hasAbsoluteAcceptanceRadius = consisAsser.hasAbsoluteAcceptanceRadius if derivedFact is None: continue isNumeric = derivedFact.isNumeric if isNumeric and not derivedFact.isNil: derivedFactInferredPrecision = inferredPrecision(derivedFact) if derivedFactInferredPrecision == 0 and not hasProportionalAcceptanceRadius and not hasAbsoluteAcceptanceRadius: if xpCtx.formulaOptions.traceVariableSetExpressionResult: xpCtx.modelXbrl.error( _("Consistency assertion {0} formula {1} fact {2} has zero precision and no radius is defined, skipping consistency assertion").format(, varSet.xlinkLabel, derivedFact), "info", "formula:trace") continue # check xbrl validity of new fact # find source facts which match derived fact aspectMatchedInputFacts = [] isStrict = consisAsser.isStrict for inputFact in xpCtx.modelXbrl.facts: if (not inputFact.isNil and inputFact.qname == derivedFact.qname and inputFact.context.isEqualTo(derivedFact.context, dimensionalAspectModel=(varSet.aspectModel == "dimensional")) and (not isNumeric or inputFact.unit.isEqualTo(derivedFact.unit))): aspectMatchedInputFacts.append( inputFact ) if len(aspectMatchedInputFacts) == 0: if isStrict: if derivedFact.isNil: isSatisfied = True else: isSatisfied = False else: if xpCtx.formulaOptions.traceVariableSetExpressionResult: xpCtx.modelXbrl.error( _("Consistency assertion {0} Formula {1} no input facts matched to {2}, skipping consistency assertion").format(, varSet.xlinkLabel, derivedFact), "info", "formula:trace") continue elif derivedFact.isNil: isSatisfied = False else: isSatisfied = True paramQnamesAdded = [] for paramRel in consisAsser.orderedVariableRelationships: paramQname = paramRel.variableQname paramVar = paramRel.toModelObject paramValue = xpCtx.inScopeVars.get(paramVar.qname) paramAlreadyInVars = paramQname in xpCtx.inScopeVars if not paramAlreadyInVars: paramQnamesAdded.append(paramQname) xpCtx.inScopeVars[paramQname] = paramValue for fact in aspectMatchedInputFacts: if isSatisfied != True: break if fact.isNil: if not derivedFact.isNil: isSatisfied = False elif isNumeric: factInferredPrecision = inferredPrecision(fact) if factInferredPrecision == 0 and not hasProportionalAcceptanceRadius and not hasAbsoluteAcceptanceRadius: if xpCtx.formulaOptions.traceVariableSetExpressionResult: xpCtx.modelXbrl.error( _("Consistency assertion {0} Formula {1} input fact matched to {2} has zero precision and no radius, skipping consistency assertion").format(, varSet.xlinkLabel, derivedFact), "info", "formula:trace") isSatisfied = None break if hasProportionalAcceptanceRadius or hasAbsoluteAcceptanceRadius: acceptance = consisAsser.evalRadius(xpCtx, derivedFact.vEqValue) if acceptance is not None: if hasProportionalAcceptanceRadius: acceptance *= derivedFact.vEqValue isSatisfied = fabs(derivedFact.vEqValue - fact.vEqValue) <= fabs(acceptance) else: isSatisfied = None # no radius else: p = min(derivedFactInferredPrecision, factInferredPrecision) if (p == 0 or roundValue(derivedFact.vEqValue, precision=p) != roundValue(fact.vEqValue, precision=p)): isSatisfied = False else: if not xEqual(fact.concept, fact.element, derivedFact.element, equalMode=S_EQUAL2): isSatisfied = False for paramQname in paramQnamesAdded: xpCtx.inScopeVars.pop(paramQname) if isSatisfied is None: continue # no evaluation if xpCtx.formulaOptions.traceVariableSetExpressionResult: xpCtx.modelXbrl.error( _("Consistency Assertion {0} result {1}").format(, isSatisfied), "info", "formula:trace") message = consisAsser.message(isSatisfied) if message: xpCtx.modelXbrl.error(message.evaluate(xpCtx), "info", "message:" + if isSatisfied: consisAsser.countSatisfied += 1 else: consisAsser.countNotSatisfied += 1
def loadXbrlFromDB(self, loadDBsaveToFile): # load from database modelXbrl = self.modelXbrl # find instance in DB instanceURI = os.path.basename(loadDBsaveToFile) results = self.execute("SELECT InstanceID, ModuleID, EntityScheme, EntityIdentifier, PeriodEndDateOrInstant" " FROM dInstance WHERE FileName = '{}'" .format(instanceURI)) instanceId = moduleId = None for instanceId, moduleId, entScheme, entId, datePerEnd in results: break # find module in DB results = self.execute("SELECT XbrlSchemaRef FROM mModule WHERE ModuleID = {}".format(moduleId)) xbrlSchemaRef = None for result in results: xbrlSchemaRef = result[0] break if not instanceId or not xbrlSchemaRef: raise XPDBException("sqlDB:MissingDTS", _("The instance and module were not found for %(instanceURI)"), instanceURI = instanceURI) if modelXbrl.skipDTS: # find prefixes and namespaces in DB results = self.execute("SELECT * FROM [vwGetNamespacesPrefixes]") dpmPrefixedNamespaces = dict((prefix, namespace) for owner, prefix, namespace in results) # create the instance document and resulting filing modelXbrl.blockDpmDBrecursion = True modelXbrl.modelDocument = createModelDocument(modelXbrl, Type.INSTANCE, loadDBsaveToFile, schemaRefs=[xbrlSchemaRef], isEntry=True) ValidateXbrlDimensions.loadDimensionDefaults(modelXbrl) # needs dimension defaults addProcessingInstruction(modelXbrl.modelDocument.xmlRootElement, 'xbrl-streamable-instance', 'version="1.0" contextBuffer="1"') # add roleRef and arcroleRef (e.g. for footnotes, if any, see inlineXbrlDocue) # filing indicator code IDs # get filing indicators results = self.execute("SELECT mToT.TemplateOrTableCode " " FROM dFilingIndicator dFI, mTemplateOrTable mToT " " WHERE dFI.InstanceID = {} AND mTot.TemplateOrTableID = dFI.BusinessTemplateID" .format(instanceId)) filingIndicatorCodes = [code[0] for code in results] if filingIndicatorCodes: modelXbrl.createContext(entScheme, entId, 'instant', None, datePerEnd, None, # no dimensional validity checking (like formula does) {}, [], [], id='c') filingIndicatorsTuple = modelXbrl.createFact(qnFindFilingIndicators) for filingIndicatorCode in filingIndicatorCodes: modelXbrl.createFact(qnFindFilingIndicator, parent=filingIndicatorsTuple, attributes={"contextRef": "c"}, text=filingIndicatorCode) # facts in this instance factsTbl = self.execute("SELECT DataPointSignature, DataPointSignatureWithValuesForWildcards," " Unit, Decimals, NumericValue, DateTimeValue, BooleanValue, TextValue " "FROM dFact WHERE InstanceID = {} " "ORDER BY substr(CASE WHEN DataPointSignatureWithValuesForWildcards IS NULL " " THEN DataPointSignature" " ELSE DataPointSignatureWithValuesForWildcards" " END, instr(DataPointSignature,'|') + 1)" .format(instanceId)) # results tuple: factId, dec, varId, dpKey, entId, datePerEnd, unit, numVal, dateVal, boolVal, textVal # get typed dimension values prefixedNamespaces = modelXbrl.prefixedNamespaces prefixedNamespaces["iso4217"] = XbrlConst.iso4217 if modelXbrl.skipDTS: prefixedNamespaces.update(dpmPrefixedNamespaces) # for skipDTS this is always needed cntxTbl = {} # index by d unitTbl = {} def typedDimElt(s): # add xmlns into s for known qnames tag, angleBrkt, rest = s[1:].partition('>') text, angleBrkt, rest = rest.partition("<") qn = qname(tag, prefixedNamespaces) # a modelObject xml element is needed for all of the instance functions to manage the typed dim return addChild(modelXbrl.modelDocument, qn, text=text, appendChild=False) # contexts and facts for dpSig, dpSigTypedDims, unit, dec, numVal, dateVal, boolVal, textVal in factsTbl: metric, sep, dims = (dpSigTypedDims or dpSig).partition('|') conceptQn = qname(metric.partition('(')[2][:-1], prefixedNamespaces) concept = modelXbrl.qnameConcepts.get(conceptQn) isNumeric = isBool = isDateTime = isQName = isText = False if concept is not None: if concept.isNumeric: isNumeric = True else: baseXbrliType = concept.baseXbrliType if baseXbrliType == "booleanItemType": isBool = True elif baseXbrliType == "dateTimeItemType": # also is dateItemType? isDateTime = True elif baseXbrliType == "QNameItemType": isQName = True else: c = conceptQn.localName[0] if c == 'm': isNumeric = True elif c == 'd': isDateTime = True elif c == 'b': isBool = True elif c == 'e': isQName = True isText = not (isNumeric or isBool or isDateTime or isQName) if isinstance(datePerEnd, _STR_BASE): datePerEnd = datetimeValue(datePerEnd, addOneDay=True) cntxKey = (dims, entId, datePerEnd) if cntxKey in cntxTbl: cntxId = cntxTbl[cntxKey] else: cntxId = 'c-{:02}'.format(len(cntxTbl) + 1) cntxTbl[cntxKey] = cntxId qnameDims = {} if dims: for dim in dims.split('|'): dQn, sep, dVal = dim[:-1].partition('(') dimQname = qname(dQn, prefixedNamespaces) if dVal.startswith('<'): # typed dim mem = typedDimElt(dVal) else: mem = qname(dVal, prefixedNamespaces) qnameDims[dimQname] = DimValuePrototype(modelXbrl, None, dimQname, mem, "scenario") modelXbrl.createContext(entScheme, entId, 'instant', None, datePerEnd, None, # no dimensional validity checking (like formula does) qnameDims, [], [], id=cntxId) if unit: if unit in unitTbl: unitId = unitTbl[unit] else: unitQn = qname(unit, prefixedNamespaces) unitId = 'u{}'.format(unitQn.localName) unitTbl[unit] = unitId modelXbrl.createUnit([unitQn], [], id=unitId) else: unitId = None attrs = {"contextRef": cntxId} if unitId: attrs["unitRef"] = unitId if dec is not None: if isinstance(dec, float): # must be an integer dec = int(dec) elif isinstance(dec, _STR_BASE) and '.' in dec: dec = dec.partition('.')[0] # drop .0 from any SQLite string attrs["decimals"] = str(dec) # somehow it is float from the database if False: # fact.isNil: attrs[XbrlConst.qnXsiNil] = "true" text = None elif numVal is not None: num = roundValue(numVal, None, dec) # round using reported decimals if dec is None or dec == "INF": # show using decimals or reported format dec = len(numVal.partition(".")[2]) else: # max decimals at 28 dec = max( min(int(float(dec)), 28), -28) # 2.7 wants short int, 3.2 takes regular int, don't use _INT here text = Locale.format(self.modelXbrl.locale, "%.*f", (dec, num)) elif dateVal is not None: text = dateVal elif boolVal is not None: text = 'true' if boolVal.lower() in ('t', 'true', '1') else 'false' else: if isQName: # declare namespace addQnameValue(modelXbrl.modelDocument, qname(textVal, prefixedNamespaces)) text = textVal modelXbrl.createFact(conceptQn, attributes=attrs, text=text) # add footnotes if any # save to file modelXbrl.saveInstance(overrideFilepath=loadDBsaveToFile) modelXbrl.modelManager.showStatus(_("Saved extracted instance"), 5000) return modelXbrl.modelDocument
def loadEntityInformation(dts, entrypoint, rssItem): entityInformation = {} # identify tables disclosureSystem = dts.modelManager.disclosureSystem if disclosureSystem.validationType == "EFM": reloadCache = False if rssItem is not None: accession = rssItem.url.split('/')[-2] fileUrl = os.path.dirname(rssItem.url) + '/' + accession[0:10] + '-' + accession[10:12] + '-' + accession[12:] + ".hdr.sgml" reloadCache = getattr(rssItem.modelXbrl, "reloadCache", False) elif dts.uri.startswith("") and dts.uri.endswith(".xml"): accession = dts.uri.split('/')[-2] dirPart = os.path.dirname(dts.uri) if accession.endswith(""): # might be an instance document inside a file accession = dts.uri.split('/')[-3] dirPart = os.path.dirname(dirPart) fileUrl = dirPart + '/' + accession[0:10] + '-' + accession[10:12] + '-' + accession[12:] + ".hdr.sgml" else: fileUrl = '' if fileUrl: # try to load and use it normalizedUrl = dts.modelManager.cntlr.webCache.normalizeUrl(fileUrl) hdrSgml = '' try: filePath = dts.modelManager.cntlr.webCache.getfilename(normalizedUrl, reload=reloadCache) if filePath: with open(filePath) as fh: hdrSgml = except (IOError, EnvironmentError) as err:"xpDB:headerSgmlDocumentLoadingError", _("Loading XBRL DB: header SGML document %(file)s loading error: %(error)s"), modelObject=dts, file=normalizedUrl, error=err) hdrSgml = '' record = '' formerCompanyNumber = 0 for match in re.finditer(r"[<]([^>]+)[>]([^<\n\r]*)", hdrSgml, re.MULTILINE): tag = v ="<","<").replace(">",">").replace("&","&") if tag in ('business-address','mail-address'): record = tag + '.' elif tag == 'former-company': formerCompanyNumber += 1 record = "{}-{}.".format(tag, formerCompanyNumber) elif tag.startswith('/'): record = '' elif v: if tag.endswith("-datetime"): try: v = datetime.datetime(_INT(v[0:4]),_INT(v[4:6]),_INT(v[6:8]),_INT(v[8:10]),_INT(v[10:12]),_INT(v[12:14])) except ValueError: pass elif tag.endswith("-date") or tag.startswith("date-of-"): try: v =[0:4]),_INT(v[4:6]),_INT(v[6:8])) except ValueError: pass elif tag.endswith("-year-end") and len(v) == 4: v = "{0}-{1}".format(v[0:2],v[2:4]) elif tag in ('assigned-sic',): try: v = _INT(v) except ValueError: v = None entityInformation[record + tag] = v # primary document if no rssItem if rssItem is None: # try to sgml txt file normalizedUrl = normalizedUrl.replace(".hdr.sgml", ".txt") httpDir = normalizedUrl.rpartition('/')[0] txtSgml = '' try: filePath = dts.modelManager.cntlr.webCache.getfilename(normalizedUrl, reload=reloadCache) if filePath: with open(filePath, encoding='utf-8') as fh: txtSgml = # remove from cache, very large file os.remove(filePath) except (IOError, EnvironmentError) as err:"xpDB:txtSgmlDocumentLoadingError", _("Loading XBRL DB: txt SGML document %(file)s loading error: %(error)s"), modelObject=dts, file=normalizedUrl, error=err) txtSgml = '' documentType = documentSequence = None itemsFound = 0 for match in re.finditer(r"[<]([^>]+)[>]([^<\n\r]*)", txtSgml, re.MULTILINE): tag = v ="<","<").replace(">",">").replace("&","&") if tag == 'sequence': documentSequence = v elif tag == 'type': documentType = v elif tag == 'filename': if documentType.endswith('.INS') and 'instance-url' not in entityInformation: entityInformation['instance-url'] = httpDir + '/' + v documentType = documentSequence = None itemsFound += 1 if documentSequence == '1': entityInformation['primary-document-url'] = httpDir + '/' + v documentType = documentSequence = None itemsFound += 1 if itemsFound >= 2: break del txtSgml # dereference big string # instance information for factName, entityField in (("EntityFilerCategory", "filer-category"), ("EntityPublicFloat", "public-float"), ("TradingSymbol", "trading-symbol"), ("DocumentFisalYearFocus", "fiscal-year-focus"), ("DocumentFisalPeriodFocus", "fiscal-period-focus"), ("DocumentType", "document-type")): try: concept = dts.nameConcepts[factName][0] # get qname irrespective of taxonomy year facts = dts.factsByQname[concept.qname] for fact in facts: if not fact.context.qnameDims: #default context if factName in ("EntityPublicFloat",): entityInformation[entityField] = roundValue(fact.value, fact.precision, fact.decimals) if fact.isNumeric and not fact.isNil else None else: entityInformation[entityField] = fact.value.strip() # may have white space break except IndexError: pass return entityInformation
def insertFacts(self): accsId = self.accessionId self.showStatus("insert facts") # units table = self.getTable('unit', 'unit_id', ('accession_id', 'unit_xml_id'), ('accession_id', 'unit_xml_id'), tuple((accsId, unitId) for unitId in self.modelXbrl.units.keys())) self.unitId = dict(((_accsId, xmlId), id) for id, _accsId, xmlId in table) # measures table = self.getTable('unit_measure', 'unit_measure_id', ('unit_id', 'qname_id', 'location_id'), ('qname_id', 'location_id'), tuple((self.unitId[(accsId,], self.qnameId[measure], 1 if (not unit.measures[1]) else (i + 1)) for unit in self.modelXbrl.units.values() for i in range(2) for measure in unit.measures[i])) #table = self.getTable('enumeration_measure_location', 'enumeration_measure_location_id', # ('description',), # ('description',), # (('measure',), ('numerator',), ('denominator',))) # context table = self.getTable('context', 'context_id', ('accession_id', 'period_start', 'period_end', 'period_instant', 'specifies_dimensions', 'context_xml_id', 'entity_scheme', 'entity_identifier'), ('accession_id', 'context_xml_id'), tuple((accsId, cntx.startDatetime if cntx.isStartEndPeriod else None, cntx.endDatetime if cntx.isStartEndPeriod else None, cntx.instantDatetime if cntx.isInstantPeriod else None, bool(cntx.qnameDims),, cntx.entityIdentifier[0], cntx.entityIdentifier[1]) for cntx in self.modelXbrl.contexts.values())) self.cntxId = dict(((_accsId, xmlId), id) for id, _accsId, xmlId in table) # context_dimension values = [] for cntx in self.modelXbrl.contexts.values(): for dim in cntx.qnameDims.values(): values.append((self.cntxId[(accsId,], self.qnameId[dim.dimensionQname], self.qnameId.get(dim.memberQname), # may be None self.qnameId.get(dim.typedMember.qname) if dim.isTyped else None, False, # not default dim.contextElement == "segment", dim.typedMember.innerText if dim.isTyped else None)) for dimQname, memQname in self.modelXbrl.qnameDimensionDefaults.items(): if dimQname not in cntx.qnameDims: values.append((self.cntxId[(accsId,], self.qnameId[dimQname], self.qnameId[memQname], None, True, # is default True, # ambiguous and irrelevant for the XDT model None)) table = self.getTable('context_dimension', 'context_dimension_id', ('context_id', 'dimension_qname_id', 'member_qname_id', 'typed_qname_id', 'is_default', 'is_segment', 'typed_text_content'), ('dimension_qname_id',), values) # facts table = self.getTable('fact', 'fact_id', ('accession_id', 'context_id', 'unit_id', 'element_id', 'effective_value', 'fact_value', 'xml_id', 'precision_value', 'decimals_value', 'is_precision_infinity', 'is_decimals_infinity', ), ('accession_id', 'context_id', 'unit_id', 'element_id', 'fact_value'), tuple((accsId, self.cntxId.get((accsId,fact.contextID)), self.unitId.get((accsId,fact.unitID)), self.elementId.get(self.qnameId.get(fact.qname)), roundValue(fact.value, fact.precision, fact.decimals) if fact.isNumeric else None, fact.value,, fact.xAttributes['precision'].xValue if ('precision' in fact.xAttributes and isinstance(fact.xAttributes['precision'].xValue,int)) else None, fact.xAttributes['decimals'].xValue if ('decimals' in fact.xAttributes and isinstance(fact.xAttributes['decimals'].xValue,int)) else None, 'precision' in fact.xAttributes and fact.xAttributes['precision'].xValue == 'INF', 'decimals' in fact.xAttributes and fact.xAttributes['decimals'].xValue == 'INF', ) for fact in self.modelXbrl.facts))
def insertFacts(self): accsId = self.accessionId self.showStatus("insert facts") # units table = self.getTable( 'unit', 'unit_id', ('accession_id', 'unit_xml_id'), ('accession_id', 'unit_xml_id'), tuple((accsId, unitId) for unitId in self.modelXbrl.units.keys())) self.unitId = dict( ((_accsId, xmlId), id) for id, _accsId, xmlId in table) # measures table = self.getTable( 'unit_measure', 'unit_measure_id', ('unit_id', 'qname_id', 'location_id'), ('qname_id', 'location_id'), tuple((self.unitId[(accsId,], self.qnameId[measure], 1 if (not unit.measures[1]) else (i + 1)) for unit in self.modelXbrl.units.values() for i in range(2) for measure in unit.measures[i])) #table = self.getTable('enumeration_measure_location', 'enumeration_measure_location_id', # ('description',), # ('description',), # (('measure',), ('numerator',), ('denominator',))) # context table = self.getTable( 'context', 'context_id', ('accession_id', 'period_start', 'period_end', 'period_instant', 'specifies_dimensions', 'context_xml_id', 'entity_scheme', 'entity_identifier'), ('accession_id', 'context_xml_id'), tuple( (accsId, cntx.startDatetime if cntx.isStartEndPeriod else None, cntx.endDatetime if cntx.isStartEndPeriod else None, cntx.instantDatetime if cntx.isInstantPeriod else None, bool(cntx.qnameDims),, cntx.entityIdentifier[0], cntx.entityIdentifier[1]) for cntx in self.modelXbrl.contexts.values())) self.cntxId = dict( ((_accsId, xmlId), id) for id, _accsId, xmlId in table) # context_dimension values = [] for cntx in self.modelXbrl.contexts.values(): for dim in cntx.qnameDims.values(): values.append(( self.cntxId[(accsId,], self.qnameId[dim.dimensionQname], self.qnameId.get(dim.memberQname), # may be None self.qnameId.get(dim.typedMember.qname) if dim.isTyped else None, False, # not default dim.contextElement == "segment", dim.typedMember.innerText if dim.isTyped else None)) for dimQname, memQname in self.modelXbrl.qnameDimensionDefaults.items( ): if dimQname not in cntx.qnameDims: values.append(( self.cntxId[(accsId,], self.qnameId[dimQname], self.qnameId[memQname], None, True, # is default True, # ambiguous and irrelevant for the XDT model None)) table = self.getTable( 'context_dimension', 'context_dimension_id', ('context_id', 'dimension_qname_id', 'member_qname_id', 'typed_qname_id', 'is_default', 'is_segment', 'typed_text_content'), ('dimension_qname_id', ), values) # facts table = self.getTable( 'fact', 'fact_id', ( 'accession_id', 'context_id', 'unit_id', 'element_id', 'effective_value', 'fact_value', 'xml_id', 'precision_value', 'decimals_value', 'is_precision_infinity', 'is_decimals_infinity', ), ('accession_id', 'context_id', 'unit_id', 'element_id', 'fact_value'), tuple(( accsId, self.cntxId.get((accsId, fact.contextID)), self.unitId.get((accsId, fact.unitID)), self.elementId.get(self.qnameId.get(fact.qname)), roundValue(fact.value, fact.precision, fact.decimals) if fact. isNumeric else None, fact.value,, fact.xAttributes['precision'].xValue if ( 'precision' in fact.xAttributes and isinstance( fact.xAttributes['precision'].xValue, int)) else None, fact.xAttributes['decimals'].xValue if ( 'decimals' in fact.xAttributes and isinstance( fact.xAttributes['decimals'].xValue, int)) else None, 'precision' in fact.xAttributes and fact.xAttributes['precision'].xValue == 'INF', 'decimals' in fact.xAttributes and fact.xAttributes['decimals'].xValue == 'INF', ) for fact in self.modelXbrl.facts))
def evaluate(xpCtx, varSet, derivedFact): # there may be multiple consis assertions parenting any formula for consisAsserRel in xpCtx.modelXbrl.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.consistencyAssertionFormula).toModelObject(varSet): consisAsser = consisAsserRel.fromModelObject hasProportionalAcceptanceRadius = consisAsser.hasProportionalAcceptanceRadius hasAbsoluteAcceptanceRadius = consisAsser.hasAbsoluteAcceptanceRadius if derivedFact is None: continue isNumeric = derivedFact.isNumeric if isNumeric and not derivedFact.isNil: derivedFactInferredPrecision = inferredPrecision(derivedFact) if derivedFactInferredPrecision == 0 and not hasProportionalAcceptanceRadius and not hasAbsoluteAcceptanceRadius: if xpCtx.formulaOptions.traceVariableSetExpressionResult:"formula:trace", _(u"Consistency assertion %(id)s formula %(xlinkLabel)s fact %(derivedFact)s has zero precision and no radius is defined, skipping consistency assertion"), modelObject=consisAsser,, xlinkLabel=varSet.xlinkLabel, derivedFact=derivedFact) continue # check xbrl validity of new fact # find source facts which match derived fact aspectMatchedInputFacts = [] isStrict = consisAsser.isStrict for inputFact in xpCtx.modelXbrl.facts: if (not inputFact.isNil and inputFact.qname == derivedFact.qname and inputFact.context.isEqualTo(derivedFact.context, dimensionalAspectModel=(varSet.aspectModel == u"dimensional")) and (not isNumeric or inputFact.unit.isEqualTo(derivedFact.unit))): aspectMatchedInputFacts.append( inputFact ) if len(aspectMatchedInputFacts) == 0: if isStrict: if derivedFact.isNil: isSatisfied = True else: isSatisfied = False else: if xpCtx.formulaOptions.traceVariableSetExpressionResult:"formula:trace", _(u"Consistency assertion %(id)s formula %(xlinkLabel)s no input facts matched to %(derivedFact)s, skipping consistency assertion"), modelObject=consisAsser,, xlinkLabel=varSet.xlinkLabel, derivedFact=derivedFact) continue elif derivedFact.isNil: isSatisfied = False else: isSatisfied = True paramQnamesAdded = [] for paramRel in consisAsser.orderedVariableRelationships: paramQname = paramRel.variableQname paramVar = paramRel.toModelObject paramValue = xpCtx.inScopeVars.get(paramVar.parameterQname) paramAlreadyInVars = paramQname in xpCtx.inScopeVars if not paramAlreadyInVars: paramQnamesAdded.append(paramQname) xpCtx.inScopeVars[paramQname] = paramValue acceptance = None for fact in aspectMatchedInputFacts: if isSatisfied != True: break if fact.isNil: if not derivedFact.isNil: isSatisfied = False elif isNumeric: factInferredPrecision = inferredPrecision(fact) if factInferredPrecision == 0 and not hasProportionalAcceptanceRadius and not hasAbsoluteAcceptanceRadius: if xpCtx.formulaOptions.traceVariableSetExpressionResult:"formula:trace", _(u"Consistency assertion %(id)s formula %(xlinkLabel)s input fact matched to %(derivedFact)s has zero precision and no radius, skipping consistency assertion"), modelObject=consisAsser,, xlinkLabel=varSet.xlinkLabel, derivedFact=derivedFact) isSatisfied = None break if hasProportionalAcceptanceRadius or hasAbsoluteAcceptanceRadius: acceptance = consisAsser.evalRadius(xpCtx, derivedFact.vEqValue) if acceptance is not None: if hasProportionalAcceptanceRadius: acceptance *= derivedFact.vEqValue isSatisfied = fabs(derivedFact.vEqValue - fact.vEqValue) <= fabs(acceptance) else: isSatisfied = None # no radius else: p = min(derivedFactInferredPrecision, factInferredPrecision) if (p == 0 or roundValue(derivedFact.value, precision=p) != roundValue(fact.value, precision=p)): isSatisfied = False else: if not xEqual(fact, derivedFact, equalMode=S_EQUAL2): isSatisfied = False if isSatisfied is not None: # None means no evaluation if xpCtx.formulaOptions.traceVariableSetExpressionResult:"formula:trace", _(u"Consistency assertion %(id)s result %(result)s"), modelObject=consisAsser,, result=isSatisfied) message = consisAsser.message(isSatisfied) if message is not None: xpCtx.inScopeVars[XbrlConst.qnCaAspectMatchedFacts] = aspectMatchedInputFacts xpCtx.inScopeVars[XbrlConst.qnCaAcceptanceRadius] = acceptance xpCtx.inScopeVars[XbrlConst.qnCaAbsoluteAcceptanceRadiusExpression] = consisAsser.get(u"absoluteAcceptanceRadius") xpCtx.inScopeVars[XbrlConst.qnCaProportionalAcceptanceRadiusExpression] = consisAsser.get(u"proportionalAcceptanceRadius")"message:" +, message.evaluate(xpCtx), modelObject=message, messageCodes=(u"message:{variableSetID|xlinkLabel}")) xpCtx.inScopeVars.pop(XbrlConst.qnCaAspectMatchedFacts) xpCtx.inScopeVars.pop(XbrlConst.qnCaAcceptanceRadius) xpCtx.inScopeVars.pop(XbrlConst.qnCaAbsoluteAcceptanceRadiusExpression) xpCtx.inScopeVars.pop(XbrlConst.qnCaProportionalAcceptanceRadiusExpression) if isSatisfied: consisAsser.countSatisfied += 1 else: consisAsser.countNotSatisfied += 1 for paramQname in paramQnamesAdded: xpCtx.inScopeVars.pop(paramQname)