def func_json_data(xule_context, *args):
    """Read a json file/url.
        file_url (string or url)

    Returns a dictionary/list of the json data.
    file_url = args[0]

    if file_url.type not in ('string', 'uri'):
        raise XuleProcessingError(_("The file url argument of the json-dta() function must be a string or uri, found '{}'.".format(file_url.value)), xule_context)

    from arelle import PackageManager
    mapped_file_url = PackageManager.mappedUrl(file_url.value)

    # Using the FileSource object in arelle. This will open the file and handle taxonomy package mappings.
    from arelle import FileSource
    file_source = FileSource.openFileSource(file_url.value, xule_context.global_context.cntlr)
    file = file_source.file(file_url.value, binary=True)
    # file is  tuple of one item as a BytesIO stream. Since this is in bytes, it needs to be converted to text via a decoder.
    # Assuming the file is in utf-8. 
    data_source = [x.decode('utf-8') for x in file[0].readlines()]
        json_source = json.loads(''.join(data_source))
    #except JSONDecodeError:
    except ValueError:
        raise XuleProcessingError(_("The file '{}' is not a valid JSON file.".format(file_url.value)), xule_context)
    x = xv.system_collection_to_xule(json_source, xule_context)
    return xv.system_collection_to_xule(json_source, xule_context)
Example #2
def openFileStream(cntlr, filepath, mode='r', encoding=None):

    if PackageManager.isMappedUrl(filepath):
        filepath = PackageManager.mappedUrl(filepath)
    elif isHttpUrl(filepath) and cntlr and hasattr(
            cntlr, "modelManager"
    ):  # may be called early in initialization for PluginManager
        filepath = cntlr.modelManager.disclosureSystem.mappedUrl(filepath)
    if archiveFilenameParts(filepath):  # file is in an archive
        return openFileSource(filepath, cntlr).file(filepath,
                                                    binary='b' in mode,
    if isHttpUrl(filepath) and cntlr:
        _cacheFilepath = cntlr.webCache.getfilename(
            filepath, normalize=True
        )  # normalize is separate step in ModelDocument retrieval, combined here
        if _cacheFilepath is None:
            raise IOError(_("Unable to open file: {0}.").format(filepath))
        filepath = _cacheFilepath
    # file path may be server (or memcache) or local file system
    if filepath.startswith(SERVER_WEB_CACHE) and cntlr:
        filestream = None
        cacheKey = filepath[len(SERVER_WEB_CACHE) + 1:].replace("\\", "/")
        if cntlr.isGAE:  # check if in memcache
            cachedBytes = gaeGet(cacheKey)
            if cachedBytes:
                filestream = io.BytesIO(cachedBytes)
        if filestream is None:
            filestream = io.BytesIO()
            if cntlr.isGAE:
                gaeSet(cacheKey, filestream.getvalue())
        if mode.endswith('t') or encoding:
            contents = filestream.getvalue()
            filestream = FileNamedStringIO(
                filepath, contents.decode(encoding or 'utf-8'))
        return filestream
    # local file system
    elif encoding is None and 'b' not in mode:
        openedFileStream =, mode='rb')
        hdrBytes =
        encoding = XmlUtil.encoding(hdrBytes, default=None)
        return, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)
        # local file system
        return, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)
Example #3
def openFileStream(cntlr, filepath, mode='r', encoding=None):
    if PackageManager.isMappedUrl(filepath):
        filepath = PackageManager.mappedUrl(filepath)
        filepath = cntlr.modelManager.disclosureSystem.mappedUrl(filepath)
    if archiveFilenameParts(filepath): # file is in an archive
        return openFileSource(filepath, cntlr).file(filepath, binary='b' in mode, encoding=encoding)[0]
    if isHttpUrl(filepath) and cntlr:
        _cacheFilepath = cntlr.webCache.getfilename(filepath)
        if _cacheFilepath is None:
            raise IOError(_("Unable to open file: {0}.").format(filepath))
        filepath = _cacheFilepath
    # file path may be server (or memcache) or local file system
    if filepath.startswith(SERVER_WEB_CACHE) and cntlr:
        filestream = None
        cacheKey = filepath[len(SERVER_WEB_CACHE) + 1:].replace("\\","/")
        if cntlr.isGAE: # check if in memcache
            cachedBytes = gaeGet(cacheKey)
            if cachedBytes:
                filestream = io.BytesIO(cachedBytes)
        if filestream is None:
            filestream = io.BytesIO()
            if cntlr.isGAE:
                gaeSet(cacheKey, filestream.getvalue())
        if mode.endswith('t') or encoding:
            contents = filestream.getvalue()
            filestream = FileNamedStringIO(filepath, contents.decode(encoding or 'utf-8'))
        return filestream
    # local file system
    elif encoding is None and 'b' not in mode:
        openedFileStream =, mode='rb')
        hdrBytes =
        encoding = XmlUtil.encoding(hdrBytes, default=None)
        return, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)
        # local file system
        return, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)
Example #4
def func_json_data(xule_context, *args):
    """Read a json file/url.
        file_url (string or url)

    Returns a dictionary/list of the json data.

    file_url = args[0]

    if file_url.type not in ('string', 'uri'):
        raise XuleProcessingError(
            _("The file url argument of the json-dta() function must be a string or uri, found '{}'."
              .format(file_url.value)), xule_context)

    from arelle import PackageManager
    mapped_file_url = PackageManager.mappedUrl(file_url.value)

    # Using the FileSource object in arelle. This will open the file and handle taxonomy package mappings.
    from arelle import FileSource
    file_source = FileSource.openFileSource(file_url.value,
    file = file_source.file(file_url.value, binary=True)
    # file is  tuple of one item as a BytesIO stream. Since this is in bytes, it needs to be converted to text via a decoder.
    # Assuming the file is in utf-8.
    data_source = [x.decode('utf-8') for x in file[0].readlines()]
        json_source = json.loads(''.join(data_source))
    #except JSONDecodeError:
    except ValueError:
        raise XuleProcessingError(
            _("The file '{}' is not a valid JSON file.".format(
                file_url.value)), xule_context)

    x = xv.system_collection_to_xule(json_source, xule_context)
    return xv.system_collection_to_xule(json_source, xule_context)
Example #5
def func_csv_data(xule_context, *args):
    """Read a csv file/url.
        file_url (string or url)
        has_header (boolean) - determines if the first line of the csv file has headers
        type list (list) - list of xule types in the order of the columns of the csv file. This is optional. If not provided, then all the data will be
                           treated as stirngs.
        as_dictionary (boolean) - return the row as a dictionary instead of a list. This is optional.
    if len(args) < 2:
        raise XuleProcessingError(
            _("The csv-data() function requires at least 2 arguments (file url, has headers), found {} arguments."
              .format(len(args))), xule_context)
    if len(args) > 4:
        raise XuleProcessingError(
            _("The csv-data() function takes no more than 3 arguments (file url, has headers, column types, as dictionary), found {} arguments."
              .format(len(args))), xule_context)

    file_url = args[0]
    has_headers = args[1]

    if file_url.type not in ('string', 'uri'):
        raise XuleProcessingError(
            _("The file url argument (1st argument) of the csv-dta() function must be a string or uri, found '{}'."
              .format(file_url.value)), xule_context)

    if has_headers.type != 'bool':
        raise XuleProcessingError(
            _("The has headers argument (2nd argument) of the csv-data() function muset be a boolean, found '{}'."
              .format(has_headers.type)), xule_context)

    if len(args) >= 3:
        column_types = args[2]
        if column_types.type == 'none':
            ordered_cols = None
        elif column_types.type == 'list':
            ordered_cols = list()
            for col in column_types.value:
                if col.type != 'string':
                    raise XuleProcessingError(
                        _("The type list argument (3rd argument) of the csv-data() function must be a list of strings, found '{}'."
                          .format(col.type)), xule_context)
            raise XuleProcessingError(
                _("The type list argument (3rd argument) of the csv-data() fucntion must be list, found '{}'."
                  .format(column_types.type)), xule_context)
        ordered_cols = None

    if len(args) == 4:
        if args[3].type != 'bool':
            raise XuleProcessingError(
                _("The as dictionary argument (4th argument) of the csv-data() function must be a boolean, found '{}'."
                  .format(args[3].type)), xule_context)
        if args[3].value:
            return_row_type = 'dictionary'
            return_row_type = 'list'
        return_row_type = 'list'

    if return_row_type == 'dictionary' and not has_headers.value:
        raise XuleProcessingError(
            _("When the csv-data() function is returning the rows as dictionaries (4th argument), the has headers argument (2nd argument) must be true."
              ), xule_context)

    result = list()
    result_shadow = list()

    from arelle import PackageManager
    mapped_file_url = PackageManager.mappedUrl(file_url.value)

    # Using the FileSource object in arelle. This will open the file and handle taxonomy package mappings.
    from arelle import FileSource
    file_source = FileSource.openFileSource(file_url.value,
    file = file_source.file(file_url.value, binary=True)
    # file is  tuple of one item as a BytesIO stream. Since this is in bytes, it needs to be converted to text via a decoder.
    # Assuming the file is in utf-8.
    data_source = [x.decode('utf-8') for x in file[0].readlines()]

    import csv
    reader = csv.reader(data_source)
    first_line = True
    row_num = 0
    for line in reader:
        row_num += 1
        if first_line and has_headers.value:
            first_line = False
            #skip the headers line
            if return_row_type == 'dictionary':
                # Need to get the names from the first row
                column_names = [x for x in line]
                if len(column_names) != len(set(column_names)):
                    raise XuleProcessingError(
                        _("There are duplicate column names in the csv file. This is not allowed when return rows as dictionaries. File: {}"
                          .format(file_url.value)), xule_context)


        if return_row_type == 'list':
            result_line = list()
            result_line_shadow = list()
        else:  #dictionary
            result_line = dict()
            result_line_shadow = dict()

        for col_num, item in enumerate(line):
            if ordered_cols is not None and col_num >= len(ordered_cols):
                raise XuleProcessingError(
                    _("The nubmer of columns on row {} is greater than the number of column types provided in the third argument of the csv-data() function. File: {}"
                      .format(row_num, file_url.value)), xule_context)

            item_value = convert_file_data_item(
                ordered_cols[col_num] if ordered_cols is not None else None,

            if return_row_type == 'list':
            else:  #dictonary
                if col_num >= len(column_names):
                    raise xule_context(
                        _("The number of columns on row {} is greater than the number of headers in the csv file. File: {}"
                              row_num, mappedUrl if mapped_file_url
                              == file_url.value else file_url.value + ' --> ' +
                              mapped_file_url)), xule_context)

                result_line[xv.XuleValue(xule_context, column_names[col_num],
                                         'string')] = item_value
                result_line_shadow[column_names[col_num]] = item_value.value

        if return_row_type == 'list':
        else:  #dictionary

    return xv.XuleValue(xule_context,
def func_csv_data(xule_context, *args):
    """Read a csv file/url.
        file_url (string or url)
        has_header (boolean) - determines if the first line of the csv file has headers
        type list (list) - list of xule types in the order of the columns of the csv file. This is optional. If not provided, then all the data will be
                           treated as stirngs.
        as_dictionary (boolean) - return the row as a dictionary instead of a list. This is optional.
    file_url = args[0]
    has_headers = args[1]

    if len(args) < 2:
        raise XuleProcessingError(_("The csv-data() function requires at least 2 arguments (file url, has headers), found {} arguments.".format(len(args))), xule_context)
    if len(args) > 4:
        raise XuleProcessingError(_("The csv-data() function takes no more than 3 arguments (file url, has headers, column types, as dictionary), found {} arguments.".format(len(args))), xule_context)

    if file_url.type not in ('string', 'uri'):
        raise XuleProcessingError(_("The file url argument (1st argument) of the csv-dta() function must be a string or uri, found '{}'.".format(file_url.value)), xule_contet)
    if has_headers.type != 'bool':
        raise XuleProcessingError(_("The has headers argument (2nd argument) of the csv-data() function muset be a boolean, found '{}'.".format(has_headers.type)), xule_context)
    if len(args) >= 3:    
        column_types = args[2]
        if column_types.type == 'none':
            ordered_cols = None
        elif column_types.type == 'list':
            ordered_cols = list()
            for col in column_types.value:
                if col.type != 'string':
                    raise XuleProcessingError(_("The type list argument (3rd argument) of the csv-data() function must be a list of strings, found '{}'.".format(col.type)), xule_context)
            raise XuleProcessingError(_("The type list argument (3rd argument) of the csv-data() fucntion must be list, found '{}'.".format(column_types.type)), xule_context)
        ordered_cols = None
    if len(args) == 4:
        if args[3].type != 'bool':
            raise XuleProcessingError(_("The as dictionary argument (4th argument) of the csv-data() function must be a boolean, found '{}'.".format(args[3].type)), xule_context)
        if args[3].value:
            return_row_type = 'dictionary'
            return_row_type = 'list'
        return_row_type = 'list'
    if return_row_type == 'dictionary' and not has_headers.value:
        raise XuleProcessingError(_("When the csv-data() function is returning the rows as dictionaries (4th argument), the has headers argument (2nd argument) must be true."), xule_context)
    result = list()
    result_shadow = list()
    from arelle import PackageManager
    mapped_file_url = PackageManager.mappedUrl(file_url.value)

    # Using the FileSource object in arelle. This will open the file and handle taxonomy package mappings.
    from arelle import FileSource
    file_source = FileSource.openFileSource(file_url.value, xule_context.global_context.cntlr)
    file = file_source.file(file_url.value, binary=True)
    # file is  tuple of one item as a BytesIO stream. Since this is in bytes, it needs to be converted to text via a decoder.
    # Assuming the file is in utf-8. 
    data_source = [x.decode('utf-8') for x in file[0].readlines()]

#     if mapped_file_url.startswith('http://') or mapped_file_url.startswith('https://'):
#         if mapped_file_url.startswith('https://') and getattr(xule_context.global_context.options, 'noCertificateCheck', False):
#             try:
#                 import ssl
#                 context = ssl.create_default_context()
#                 context.check_hostname = False
#                 context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
#             except ImportError:
#                 context=None
#         else:
#             context = None
#         try:
#             data_source = urllib.request.urlopen(mapped_file_url, context=context).read().decode('utf-8').splitlines()
#         except urllib.error.HTTPError as he:
#             raise XuleProcessingError(_("Trying to open url '{}', got HTTP {} - {}, error".format(mapped_file_url, he.code, he.reason)), xule_context)
#     else:
#         try:
#             with open(mapped_file_url, 'r', newline='') as data_file:
#                 data_source = data_file.readlines()
#         except FileNotFoundError:
#             raise XuleProcessingError(_("Trying to open file '{}', but file is not found.".format(mapped_file_url)), xule_context)
    import csv
    reader = csv.reader(data_source)
    first_line = True
    row_num = 0
    for line in reader:
        row_num += 1
        if first_line and has_headers.value:
            first_line = False
            #skip the headers line
            if return_row_type == 'dictionary':
                # Need to get the names from the first row
                column_names = [x for x in line]
                if len(column_names) != len(set(column_names)):
                    raise XuleProcessingError(_("There are duplicate column names in the csv file. This is not allowed when return rows as dictionaries. File: {}".format(file_url.value)), xule_context)
        if return_row_type == 'list':
            result_line = list()
            result_line_shadow = list()
        else: #dictionary
            result_line = dict()
            result_line_shadow = dict()
        for col_num, item in enumerate(line):
            if ordered_cols is not None and col_num >= len(ordered_cols):
                raise XuleProcessingError(_("The nubmer of columns on row {} is greater than the number of column types provided in the third argument of the csv-data() function. File: {}".format(row_num, file_url.value)), xule_context)
            item_value = convert_file_data_item(item, ordered_cols[col_num] if ordered_cols is not None else None, xule_context)

            if return_row_type == 'list':
            else: #dictonary
                if col_num >= len(column_names):
                    raise xule_context(_("The number of columns on row {} is greater than the number of headers in the csv file. File: {}".format(row_num, 
                                                                                                                                                  mappedUrl if mapped_file_url == file_url.value else file_url.value + ' --> ' + mapped_file_url)), xule_context)

                result_line[xv.XuleValue(xule_context, column_names[col_num], 'string')] = item_value
                result_line_shadow[column_names[col_num]] = item_value.value
        if return_row_type == 'list':
            result.append(xv.XuleValue(xule_context, tuple(result_line), 'list', shadow_collection=tuple(result_line_shadow)))
        else: #dictionary
            result.append(xv.XuleValue(xule_context, frozenset(result_line.items()), 'dictionary', shadow_collection=frozenset(result_line_shadow.items())))
    return xv.XuleValue(xule_context, tuple(result), 'list', shadow_collection=tuple(result_shadow))