def set_clipboard(self, callback=None, obj_type=arena.Shape.sphere, scale=(0.05, 0.05, 0.05), position=(0, 0, -CLIP_RADIUS), color=(255, 255, 255), url=""): self.clipboard = arena.Object( # show item to be created objName=(self.camname + "_clipboard"), objType=obj_type, location=position, color=color, parent=self.camname, scale=scale, transparency=arena.Transparency(True, 0.4), url=url, clickable=True, callback=callback) self.cliptarget = arena.Object( # add helper target object to find true origin objName=(self.camname + "_cliptarget"),, location=position, parent=self.camname, scale=(0.005, 0.005, 0.005), transparency=arena.Transparency(True, 0.4), clickable=True, callback=callback)
def target3_handler(event=None): global target3 if event.event_type == arena.EventType.mouseenter: target3.update(color=(0, 255, 0), transparency=arena.Transparency(True, 0.5)) if event.event_type == arena.EventType.mouseleave: target3.update(transparency=arena.Transparency(True, 0.0)) if event.event_type == arena.EventType.mousedown: draw_ray(event.click_pos, event.position) target3.update(transparency=arena.Transparency(True, 0.0))
def dir_clickers(object_id, axis, direction, delim, location, color, cones, callback, parent=""): if parent: location = (location[0] * 10, location[1] * 10, location[2] * 10) loc = location npos = 0.1 if direction == "p": npos = -0.1 if axis == "x": loc = (location[0] + npos, location[1], location[2]) elif axis == "y": loc = (location[0], location[1] + npos, location[2]) elif axis == "z": loc = (location[0], location[1], location[2] + npos) name = (object_id + delim + axis + "p_" + direction) CONTROLS[object_id][name] = ( arena.Object( # click object positive objType=arena.Shape.cone, objName=name, color=color, clickable=True, location=location, rotation=cones[axis + direction][0], scale=(0.05, 0.09, 0.05), transparency=arena.Transparency(True, arblib.OPC_CLINE), ttl=arblib.TTL_TEMP, parent=parent, callback=callback)) name = (object_id + delim + axis + "n_" + direction) CONTROLS[object_id][name] = ( arena.Object( # click object negative objType=arena.Shape.cone, objName=name, color=color, clickable=True, location=loc, rotation=cones[axis + direction][1], scale=(0.05, 0.09, 0.05), transparency=arena.Transparency(True, arblib.OPC_CLINE), ttl=arblib.TTL_TEMP, parent=parent, callback=callback))
def __init__(self, objName="error", objType=arena.Shape.sphere, color=(200, 0, 0), scale=(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), opacity=0.7, pose_source=None, target_source=None): self.base_opacity = opacity self.target_source = target_source self.target_location = (0, 0, 0) = False self.service = rospy.Service(objName + "/toggle", Empty, self.toggle_viz) super().__init__(objName=objName, objType=objType, color=color, scale=scale, pose_source=pose_source) self.update(transparency=arena.Transparency(True, 0)) self.register_sources()
def agent_handler(event=None): global agent1 global agentParent print("agent handler callback!") if event.event_type == arena.EventType.mouseenter: # Make it transparent on hover over agent1.update(transparency=arena.Transparency(True, 0.1)) if event.event_type == arena.EventType.mouseleave: # Make it opaque, you can add color or other properties in the list agent1.update(transparency=arena.Transparency(True, 1.0)) if event.event_type == arena.EventType.mousedown: # On click, draw a ray draw_ray(event.click_pos, event.position) agent1.update(transparency=arena.Transparency(True, 1.0)) agentParent.update(location=(random.randrange(-10, 10), 0, random.randrange(-10, 1)))
def temp_loc_marker(location, color): return arena.Object(objType=arena.Shape.sphere, ttl=120, color=color, transparency=arena.Transparency(True, 0.5), location=location, scale=(0.02, 0.02, 0.02), clickable=True)
def projector_stop(event=None): global screens if event.event_type == arena.EventType.mouseup: local_screens = screens.copy() print("Start") for i in range(len(local_screens)): screen = local_screens.pop() print(screen) screen.update(transparency=arena.Transparency(True, 0.0))
def handle_clickline_event(event, mode): # naming order: objectname_clicktype_axis_direction click_id = event.object_id.split("_" + mode.value + "_") object_id = click_id[0] direction = (click_id[1])[0:2] move = (click_id[1])[1:4] if event.event_type == arena.EventType.mouseenter: CONTROLS[object_id][event.object_id].update( transparency=arena.Transparency(True, arblib.OPC_CLINE_HOVER)) elif event.event_type == arena.EventType.mouseleave: CONTROLS[object_id][event.object_id].update( transparency=arena.Transparency(True, arblib.OPC_CLINE)) # allow any user to change an object if event.event_type != arena.EventType.mousedown: return None, None, None if USERS[event.source].mode != mode: return None, None, None pobjs = arena.get_network_persisted_obj(object_id, BROKER, SCENE) if not pobjs: return None, None, None obj = arblib.ObjectPersistence(pobjs[0]) return (obj, direction, move)
def __init__(self, objName="cube", objType=arena.Shape.cube, location=(0, 0, 0), rotation=(0, 0, 0, 0), location_offset=(0, 0, 0), rotation_offset=(0, 0, 0, 1), scale=(1, 1, 1), color=(200, 200, 200), hoverColor=(0, 200, 0), activeColor=(200, 200, 0), opacity=1, url=None, pose_source=None, active_source=None, ros_callback=None, group_callback=None, clickable=False): self.location = location self.rotation = rotation self.location_offset = location_offset self.rotation_offset = rotation_offset self.baseColor = color self.hoverColor = hoverColor self.activeColor = activeColor self.opacity = opacity self.pose_source = pose_source self.active_source = active_source self.ros_callback = ros_callback self.group_callback = group_callback self.hover = False = False super().__init__(objName=objName, objType=objType, location=location, rotation=rotation, scale=scale, color=color, url=url, ttl=2, clickable=clickable, callback=self.arena_callback) self.update(transparency=arena.Transparency(True, self.opacity)) self.register_sources() self.register_services()
def create_obj(camname, clipboard, location): randstr = str(random.randrange(0, 1000000)) # make a copy of static object in place new_obj = arena.Object( persist=True, + "_" + randstr, objType=clipboard.objType, location=location, rotation=(0, 0, 0, 1), # undo clipboard rotation for visibility scale=clipboard.scale, color=clipboard.color, transparency=arena.Transparency(False), url=clipboard.url, clickable=True) USERS[camname].target_id = new_obj.objName print("Created " + new_obj.objName)
def initCube(x, y, color): name = "cube_" + str(x) + "_" + str(y) cubes[(x, y)] = childObject( objType=arena.Shape.cube, persist=True, objName=name, # messes up child-follow-parent pose # physics=arena.Physics.static, collision_listener=True, transparency=arena.Transparency(True,0.5), impulse=arena.Impulse("mouseup",(0,40,0),(10,1,1)), location=(x, y, -3), color=color, scale=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6), clickable=True, callback=guac_callback, )
def show_redpill_scene(enabled): # any scene changes must not persist # show gridlines glen = arblib.GRIDLEN y = arblib.FLOOR_Y hcolor = arblib.rgb2hex(arblib.CLR_GRID) for z in range(-glen, glen + 1): name = "grid_z" + str(z) if enabled: arena.Object(objName=name, objType=arena.Shape.line, line=arena.Line((-glen, y, z), (glen, y, z), 1, hcolor)) else: arblib.delete_obj(REALM, SCENE, name) for x in range(-glen, glen + 1): name = "grid_x" + str(x) if enabled: arena.Object(objName=name, objType=arena.Shape.line, line=arena.Line((x, y, -glen), (x, y, glen), 1, hcolor)) else: arblib.delete_obj(REALM, SCENE, name) pobjs = arena.get_network_persisted_scene(BROKER, SCENE) for pobj in pobjs: obj = arblib.ObjectPersistence(pobj) # show occluded objects if obj.transparent_occlude: name = "redpill_" + obj.object_id if enabled: arena.Object( objName=name, objType=obj.object_type, location=obj.position, rotation=obj.rotation, scale=obj.scale, color=obj.color, clickable=True, url=obj.url, transparency=arena.Transparency(True, 0.5), ) print("Wrapping occlusion " + name) else: arblib.delete_obj(REALM, SCENE, name)
def guac_callback(event=None): # gets a GenericEvent global counter # only mousedown messages if event.event_type == arena.EventType.mousedown: # draw a ray from clicker to cube draw_ray(event.click_pos, event.position) color = redblue[counter % 2] x = int(event.object_id.split("_")[1]) y = int(event.object_id.split("_")[2]) if grid[(x - 1)][(y - 1)] != -1: return counter = counter + 1 grid[(x - 1)][(y - 1)] = counter % 2 cubes[(x, y)].update( #physics=arena.Physics.static, color=color, impulse=arena.Impulse("mouseup", (0, 10, 0), (10, 1, 1)), transparency=arena.Transparency(False, 1), clickable=True, location=(x, y, -3), scale=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6), ) winColor = solved() if winColor != -1: draw_hud(winColor) print("solved") animate_win() draw_board() if stalemate(): draw_hud(-1) print("stalemate") animate_loss() draw_board() else: return
if stalemate(): draw_hud(-1) print("stalemate") animate_loss() draw_board() else: return # start the fun shall we? arena.init(HOST, REALM, SCENE) # make a parent scene object sceneParent = arena.Object(persist=False, objName="sceneParent", objType=arena.Shape.cube, location=ORIGIN, scale=(0.01, 0.01, 0.01), transparency=arena.Transparency(True, 0)) print("starting main loop") draw_board() for x in range(-10, 10): for z in range(-10, 10): draw_ray(ORIGIN, (x, 10, z)) sceneParent.update( data= '{"animation": {"property": "scale","to": "0.1 0.1 0.1","easing": "linear","dur": 1000}}' ) arena.handle_events()
def __init__(self, camname, panel_callback): self.camname = camname self.mode = Mode.NONE self.clipboard = self.cliptarget = None self.target_id = self.location = self.rotation = None self.target_style = self.typetext = "" self.locky = LOCK_YOFF self.lockx = LOCK_XOFF self.wloc_start = self.wloc_end = None self.wrot_start = self.wrot_end = None self.lamp = None init_origin() # set HUD to each user self.hudtext_left = self.make_hudtext("hudTextLeft", (-0.15, 0.15, -0.5), str(self.mode)) self.hudtext_right = self.make_hudtext("hudTextRight", (0.1, 0.15, -0.5), "") self.hudtext_status = self.make_hudtext("hudTextStatus", (0.02, -0.15, -0.5), "") # workaround x=0 bad? # AR Control Panel self.follow_lock = False self.follow = arena.Object( objName=("follow_" + camname), objType=arena.Shape.cube, parent=camname, transparency=arena.Transparency(True, 0), location=(0, 0, -PANEL_RADIUS * 0.1), scale=(0.1, 0.01, 0.1), rotation=(0.7, 0, 0, 0.7), ) self.redpill = False self.panel = {} # button dictionary followname = self.follow.objName self.dbuttons = {} buttons = [ # top row [Mode.ROTATE, -2, 1, True, ButtonType.ACTION], [Mode.NUDGE, -1, 1, True, ButtonType.ACTION], [Mode.SCALE, 0, 1, True, ButtonType.ACTION], [Mode.STRETCH, 1, 1, True, ButtonType.ACTION], [Mode.MODEL, 2, 1, True, ButtonType.ACTION], [Mode.CREATE, 3, 1, True, ButtonType.ACTION], # center row [Mode.REDPILL, -2, 0, True, ButtonType.TOGGLE], [Mode.MOVE, -1, 0, True, ButtonType.ACTION], [Mode.LOCK, 0, 0, True, ButtonType.TOGGLE], [Mode.DELETE, 1, 0, True, ButtonType.ACTION], [Mode.PARENT, 2, 0, True, ButtonType.ACTION], # bottom row [Mode.WALL, -2, -1, True, ButtonType.ACTION], [Mode.OCCLUDE, -1, -1, True, ButtonType.ACTION], [Mode.RENAME, 0, -1, True, ButtonType.ACTION], [Mode.COLOR, 1, -1, True, ButtonType.ACTION], [Mode.LAMP, 2, -1, True, ButtonType.TOGGLE], ] for but in buttons: pbutton = Button(camname, but[0], but[1], but[2], enable=but[3], btype=but[4], parent=followname, callback=panel_callback) self.panel[pbutton.button.objName] = pbutton
def deactivate(self): = False self.update(transparency=arena.Transparency(True, 0))
def activate(self): = True self.update(transparency=arena.Transparency(True, self.base_opacity))
def make_wall(camname): # Wall theory: capture two poses and use them to place a wall object. # Also assumes first corner easier to capture accurate rotation than last. # Click 1: Capture the position and rotation. # Click 2: Capture the position only. sloc = USERS[camname].wloc_start eloc = USERS[camname].wloc_end srot = USERS[camname].wrot_start erot = USERS[camname].wrot_end print("S POS " + str((sloc[0], sloc[1], sloc[2]))) print("E POS " + str((eloc[0], eloc[1], eloc[2]))) # center point (blue) locx = arena.agran(statistics.median([sloc[0], eloc[0]])) locy = arena.agran(statistics.median([sloc[1], eloc[1]])) locz = arena.agran(statistics.median([sloc[2], eloc[2]])) arblib.temp_loc_marker((locx, locy, locz), (0, 0, 255)) print("wall position " + str((locx, locy, locz))) # rotation print("S ROT " + str((srot[0], srot[1], srot[2], srot[3]))) print("E ROT " + str((erot[0], erot[1], erot[2], erot[3]))) rotx = arblib.probable_quat(srot[0]) roty = arblib.probable_quat(srot[1]) rotz = arblib.probable_quat(srot[2]) rotw = arblib.probable_quat(srot[3]) rot = (rotx, roty, rotz, rotw) arblib.temp_rot_marker((locx, locy, locz), rot) print("wall rotation " + str(rot)) # which axis to use for wall? use camera gaze # TODO: rotation still off if rot in arblib.GAZES[0]: height = abs(sloc[1] - eloc[1]) width = abs(sloc[0] - eloc[0]) elif rot in arblib.GAZES[1]: height = abs(sloc[1] - eloc[1]) width = abs(sloc[2] - eloc[2]) elif rot in arblib.GAZES[2]: height = abs(sloc[2] - eloc[2]) width = abs(sloc[0] - eloc[0]) else: # TODO: (placeholder) add direction and hypotenuse height = abs(sloc[1] - eloc[1]) width = abs(sloc[0] - eloc[0]) print("Non-axis parallel rotation: " + str(rot)) # scale scax = width scay = height scaz = arblib.WALL_WIDTH print("wall scale " + str((scax, scay, scaz))) # make wall randstr = str(random.randrange(0, 1000000)) new_wall = arena.Object( persist=True, clickable=True, objName="wall_" + randstr, objType=arena.Shape.cube, location=(locx, locy, locz), rotation=(rotx, roty, rotz, rotw), scale=(scax, scay, scaz), color=(200, 200, 200), transparency=arena.Transparency(True, 0.5), ) USERS[camname].target_id = new_wall.objName print("Created " + new_wall.objName + " r" + str((rotx, roty, rotz, rotw)) + " s" + str((scax, scay, scaz)))
def signal_handler(sig, frame): exit() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) cube = arena.Object( objName="cube_1", objType=arena.Shape.cube, location=(1, 1, -1), color=(255, 0, 0) ) input("") cube.update(color=(0, 255, 0)) input("") cube.update(transparency=arena.Transparency(True, 0.5)) input("") cube.update(location=(2, 2, -1)) input("") cube.update(rotation=(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4)) input("") cube.update( data='{"animation": {"property":"rotation", "to":"0 360 0", "loop":"true", "dur":10000}}' ) input("") cube.delete() input("")