Example #1
def process_stories(clusters):
    Takes clusters of node uuids and
    builds, modifies, and deletes stories out of them.

    `clusters` comes in as a list of lists, where sublists' members are article node ids.


    story_map = {}
    existing = {}

    # Yikes this might be too much
    # TODO Should probably preserve existing story node id composition separately.
    for s in Story.query.all():
        story_map[s.id] = s
        existing[s.id] = [e.id for e in s.events]

    # Figure out which stories to update, delete, and create.
    to_update, to_create, to_delete, unchanged = triage(existing, clusters)

    for e_ids in to_create:
        events = Event.query.filter(Event.id.in_(e_ids)).order_by(Event.created_at.desc()).all()
        story = Story(events)

        story.created_at = events[0].created_at
        story.updated_at = events[-1].created_at

        # TODO need a better way of coming up with a story title.
        # Perhaps the easiest way if stories just don't have titles and are just groupings of events.
        # For now, just using the latest event title and image.
        story.title = events[0].title
        story.image = events[0].image


    for s_id, e_ids in to_update.items():
        s = story_map[s_id]
        events = Event.query.filter(Event.id.in_(e_ids)).order_by(Event.created_at.desc()).all()
        s.members = events

        s.title = events[0].title
        s.image = events[0].image


    for s_id in to_delete:


    # Delete any stories that no longer have events.
    # http://stackoverflow.com/a/7954618/1097920
Example #2
    def _create_dated_story(self):
        datetime_A = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=1)
        datetime_B = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=5)

        article_a = fac.article(title='The Illiad', text='The Illiad has Argos in it.')
        event_a = Event([article_a])
        event_a.created_at = datetime_A

        article_b = fac.article(title='The Illiad', text='The Illiad has Argos in it.')
        event_b = Event([article_b])
        event_b.created_at = datetime_B

        article_c = fac.article(title='The Illiad', text='The Illiad has Argos in it.')
        event_c = Event([article_c])
        event_c.created_at = datetime_A

        story = Story([event_a, event_b, event_c])


        return story, datetime_A, datetime_B