def predict_lstm(len_series, timesteps, bs, alphabet_size, model_name, final_step=False): model = getattr(models, model_name)(bs, timesteps, alphabet_size) model.load_weights(args.model_weights_file) if not final_step: num_iters = int((len_series) / bs) series_2d = np.zeros((bs, num_iters), dtype=np.uint8) # open compressed files and decompress first few characters using # uniform distribution f = [ open(args.temp_file_prefix + '.' + str(i), 'rb') for i in range(bs) ] bitin = [arithmeticcoding_fast.BitInputStream(f[i]) for i in range(bs)] dec = [ arithmeticcoding_fast.ArithmeticDecoder(32, bitin[i]) for i in range(bs) ] prob = np.ones(alphabet_size) / alphabet_size cumul = np.zeros(alphabet_size + 1, dtype=np.uint64) cumul[1:] = np.cumsum(prob * 10000000 + 1) for i in range(bs): for j in range(min(num_iters, timesteps)): series_2d[i, j] = dec[i].read(cumul, alphabet_size) cumul = np.zeros((bs, alphabet_size + 1), dtype=np.uint64) for j in (range(num_iters - timesteps)): prob = model.predict(series_2d[:, j:j + timesteps], batch_size=bs) cumul[:, 1:] = np.cumsum(prob * 10000000 + 1, axis=1) for i in range(bs): series_2d[i, j + timesteps] = dec[i].read(cumul[i, :], alphabet_size) # close files for i in range(bs): bitin[i].close() f[i].close() return series_2d.reshape(-1) else: series = np.zeros(len_series, dtype=np.uint8) f = open(args.temp_file_prefix + '.last', 'rb') bitin = arithmeticcoding_fast.BitInputStream(f) dec = arithmeticcoding_fast.ArithmeticDecoder(32, bitin) prob = np.ones(alphabet_size) / alphabet_size cumul = np.zeros(alphabet_size + 1, dtype=np.uint64) cumul[1:] = np.cumsum(prob * 10000000 + 1) for j in range(min(timesteps, len_series)): series[j] =, alphabet_size) for i in (range(len_series - timesteps)): prob = model.predict(series[i:i + timesteps].reshape(1, -1), batch_size=1) cumul[1:] = np.cumsum(prob * 10000000 + 1) series[i + timesteps] =, alphabet_size) bitin.close() f.close() return series
def predict_lstm(length, timesteps, bs, alphabet_size, model_name): ARNN, PRNN = eval(model_name)(bs, timesteps, alphabet_size) PRNN.load_weights(args.model_weights_file) series = np.zeros((length), dtype=np.int64) data = strided_app(series, timesteps + 1, 1) X = data[:, :-1] y_original = data[:, -1:] l = int(len(X) / bs) * bs optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=5e-4) ARNN.compile(loss=loss_fn, optimizer=optim, metrics=['acc']) f = open(args.file_prefix + ".dzip", 'rb') bitin = arithmeticcoding_fast.BitInputStream(f) dec = arithmeticcoding_fast.ArithmeticDecoder(32, bitin) prob = np.ones(alphabet_size) / alphabet_size cumul = np.zeros(alphabet_size + 1, dtype=np.uint64) cumul[1:] = np.cumsum(prob * 10000000 + 1) for j in range(timesteps): series[j] =, alphabet_size) cumul = np.zeros((1, alphabet_size + 1), dtype=np.int64) index = timesteps for bx, by in iterate_minibatches(X[:l], y_original[:l], 1): prob = ARNN.predict(bx, batch_size=1) cumul[:, 1:] = np.cumsum(prob * 10000000 + 1, axis=1) series[index] =[0, :], alphabet_size) symbols_read = index - timesteps + 1 if symbols_read % bs == 0: # print(symbols_read-bs, symbols_read) train_x = X[symbols_read - bs:symbols_read] train_y = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_original[symbols_read - bs:symbols_read], num_classes=alphabet_size) ARNN.train_on_batch(train_x, train_y) index = index + 1 sys.stdout.flush() print("{}/{}".format(index, length), end="\r") if len(X[l:]) > 0: for bx, by in iterate_minibatches(X[l:], y_original[l:], 1): prob = ARNN.predict(bx, batch_size=1) cumul = np.zeros((1, alphabet_size + 1), dtype=np.uint64) cumul[:, 1:] = np.cumsum(prob * 10000000 + 1, axis=1) series[index] =[0, :], alphabet_size) index = index + 1 sys.stdout.flush() print("{}/{}".format(index, length), end="\r")'test', series) bitin.close() f.close() return series
def predict_lstm(length, timesteps, bs, alphabet_size, model_name): ARNN, PRNN = eval(model_name)(bs, timesteps, alphabet_size) PRNN.load_weights(args.model_weights_file) series = np.zeros((length), dtype=np.int64) data = strided_app(series, timesteps + 1, 1) X = data[:, :-1] y_original = data[:, -1:] l = int(len(X) / bs) * bs f = open(args.file_prefix + ".dzip", 'rb') bitin = arithmeticcoding_fast.BitInputStream(f) dec = arithmeticcoding_fast.ArithmeticDecoder(32, bitin) prob = np.ones(alphabet_size) / alphabet_size cumul = np.zeros(alphabet_size + 1, dtype=np.uint64) cumul[1:] = np.cumsum(prob * 10000000 + 1) for j in range(timesteps): series[j] =, alphabet_size) cumul = np.zeros((1, alphabet_size + 1), dtype=np.int64) index = timesteps for bx, by in iterate_minibatches(X[:l], y_original[:l], 1): prob = PRNN.predict(bx, batch_size=1) cumul[:, 1:] = np.cumsum(prob * 10000000 + 1, axis=1) series[index] =[0, :], alphabet_size) symbols_read = index - timesteps + 1 index = index + 1 sys.stdout.flush() print("{}/{}".format(index, length), end="\r") if len(X[l:]) > 0: for bx, by in iterate_minibatches(X[l:], y_original[l:], 1): prob = PRNN.predict(bx, batch_size=1) cumul = np.zeros((1, alphabet_size + 1), dtype=np.uint64) cumul[:, 1:] = np.cumsum(prob * 10000000 + 1, axis=1) series[index] =[0, :], alphabet_size) index = index + 1 sys.stdout.flush() print("{}/{}".format(index, length), end="\r")'test', series) bitin.close() f.close() return series
def decompress(model, len_series, bs, vocab_size, timesteps, device, optimizer, scheduler, final_step=False): if not final_step: num_iters = len_series // bs print(num_iters) series_2d = np.zeros((bs,num_iters), dtype = np.uint8).astype('int') ind = np.array(range(bs))*num_iters f = [open(FLAGS.temp_file_prefix+'.'+str(i),'rb') for i in range(bs)] bitin = [arithmeticcoding_fast.BitInputStream(f[i]) for i in range(bs)] dec = [arithmeticcoding_fast.ArithmeticDecoder(32, bitin[i]) for i in range(bs)] prob = np.ones(vocab_size)/vocab_size cumul = np.zeros(vocab_size+1, dtype = np.uint64) cumul[1:] = np.cumsum(prob*10000000 + 1) # Decode first K symbols in each stream with uniform probabilities for i in range(bs): for j in range(min(timesteps, num_iters)): series_2d[i,j] = dec[i].read(cumul, vocab_size) cumul = np.zeros((bs, vocab_size+1), dtype = np.uint64) block_len = 20 test_loss = 0 batch_loss = 0 start_time = time.time() for j in (range(num_iters - timesteps)): # Create Batch bx = Variable(torch.from_numpy(series_2d[:,j:j+timesteps])).to(device) with torch.no_grad(): model.eval() pred, _ = model(bx) prob = torch.exp(pred).detach().cpu().numpy() cumul[:,1:] = np.cumsum(prob*10000000 + 1, axis = 1) # Decode with Arithmetic Encoder for i in range(bs): series_2d[i,j+timesteps] = dec[i].read(cumul[i,:], vocab_size) by = Variable(torch.from_numpy(series_2d[:, j+timesteps])).to(device) loss = loss_function(pred, by) test_loss += loss.item() batch_loss += loss.item() if (j+1) % 100 == 0: print("Iter {} Loss {:.4f} Moving Loss {:.4f}".format(j+1, test_loss/(j+1), batch_loss/100), flush=True) print("{} secs".format(time.time() - start_time)) batch_loss = 0 start_time = time.time() # Update Parameters of Combined Model if (j+1) % block_len == 0: model.train() optimizer.zero_grad() data_x = np.concatenate([series_2d[:, j + np.arange(timesteps) - p] for p in range(block_len)], axis=0) data_y = np.concatenate([series_2d[:, j + timesteps - p] for p in range(block_len)], axis=0) bx = Variable(torch.from_numpy(data_x)).to(device) by = Variable(torch.from_numpy(data_y)).to(device) pred1, pred2 = model(bx) loss2 = loss_function(pred2, by) loss = loss_function(pred1, by) + loss2 loss.backward() nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 5) optimizer.step() # close files for i in range(bs): bitin[i].close() f[i].close() return series_2d.reshape(-1) else: series = np.zeros(len_series, dtype = np.uint8).astype('int') f = open(FLAGS.temp_file_prefix+'.last','rb') bitin = arithmeticcoding_fast.BitInputStream(f) dec = arithmeticcoding_fast.ArithmeticDecoder(32, bitin) prob = np.ones(vocab_size)/vocab_size cumul = np.zeros(vocab_size+1, dtype = np.uint64) cumul[1:] = np.cumsum(prob*10000000 + 1) for j in range(min(timesteps,len_series)): series[j] =, vocab_size) for i in range(len_series-timesteps): bx = Variable(torch.from_numpy(series[i:i+timesteps].reshape(1,-1))).to(device) with torch.no_grad(): model.eval() pred, _ = model(bx) prob = torch.exp(pred).detach().cpu().numpy() cumul[1:] = np.cumsum(prob*10000000 + 1) series[i+timesteps] =, vocab_size) bitin.close() f.close() return series
def main(): os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]=FLAGS.gpu use_cuda = True FLAGS.temp_dir = 'temp' if os.path.exists(FLAGS.temp_dir): shutil.rmtree('temp') FLAGS.temp_file_prefix = FLAGS.temp_dir + "/compressed" if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.temp_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.temp_dir) f = open(FLAGS.file_name+'.params','r') params = json.loads( f.close() batch_size = params['bs'] timesteps = params['timesteps'] len_series = params['len_series'] id2char_dict = params['id2char_dict'] vocab_size = len(id2char_dict) # Break into multiple streams f = open(FLAGS.file_name+'.combined','rb') for i in range(batch_size): f_out = open(FLAGS.temp_file_prefix+'.'+str(i),'wb') byte_str_len = var_int_decode(f) byte_str = f_out.write(byte_str) f_out.close() f_out = open(FLAGS.temp_file_prefix+'.last','wb') byte_str_len = var_int_decode(f) byte_str = f_out.write(byte_str) f_out.close() f.close() use_cuda = use_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu") print("Using device {}".format(device)) series = np.zeros(len_series,dtype=np.uint8) bsdic = {'vocab_size': vocab_size, 'emb_size': 8, 'length': timesteps, 'jump': 16, 'hdim1': 8, 'hdim2': 16, 'n_layers': 2, 'bidirectional': True} comdic = {'vocab_size': vocab_size, 'emb_size': 32, 'length': timesteps, 'hdim': 8} # Select Model Parameters based on Alphabet Size if vocab_size >= 1 and vocab_size <=3: bsdic['hdim1'] = 8 bsdic['hdim2'] = 16 comdic['emb_size'] = 16 comdic['hdim'] = 1024 if vocab_size >= 4 and vocab_size <=9: bsdic['hdim1'] = 32 bsdic['hdim2'] = 16 comdic['emb_size'] = 16 comdic['hdim'] = 2048 if vocab_size >= 10 and vocab_size < 128: bsdic['hdim1'] = 128 bsdic['hdim2'] = 128 bsdic['emb_size'] = 16 comdic['emb_size'] = 32 comdic['hdim'] = 2048 if vocab_size >= 128: bsdic['hdim1'] = 128 bsdic['hdim2'] = 256 bsdic['emb_size'] = 16 comdic['emb_size'] = 32 comdic['hdim'] = 2048 # Define Model and load bootstrap weights bsmodel = BootstrapNN(**bsdic).to(device) bsmodel.load_state_dict(torch.load(FLAGS.model_weights_path)) comdic['bsNN'] = bsmodel commodel = CombinedNN(**comdic).to(device) # Freeze Bootstrap Weights for name, p in commodel.named_parameters(): if "bs" in name: p.requires_grad = False # Optimizer optimizer = optim.Adam(commodel.parameters(), lr=5e-4, betas=(0.0, 0.999)) scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, 'min', factor=0.5, threshold=1e-2, patience=1000, cooldown=10000, min_lr=1e-4, verbose=True) l = int(len(series)/batch_size)*batch_size series[:l] = decompress(commodel, l, batch_size, vocab_size, timesteps, device, optimizer, scheduler) if l < len_series - timesteps: series[l:] = decompress(commodel, len_series-l, 1, vocab_size, timesteps, device, optimizer, scheduler, final_step = True) else: f = open(FLAGS.temp_file_prefix+'.last','rb') bitin = arithmeticcoding_fast.BitInputStream(f) dec = arithmeticcoding_fast.ArithmeticDecoder(32, bitin) prob = np.ones(vocab_size)/vocab_size cumul = np.zeros(vocab_size+1, dtype = np.uint64) cumul[1:] = np.cumsum(prob*10000000 + 1) for j in range(l, len_series): series[j] =, vocab_size) bitin.close() f.close() # Write to output f = open(FLAGS.output,'wb') f.write(bytearray([id2char_dict[str(s)] for s in series])) f.close() shutil.rmtree('temp') print("Done")
def decompress(model, len_series, bs, vocab_size, timesteps, device, final_step=False): if not final_step: num_iters = len_series // bs series_2d = np.zeros((bs, num_iters), dtype=np.uint8).astype('int') ind = np.array(range(bs)) * num_iters f = [ open(FLAGS.temp_file_prefix + '.' + str(i), 'rb') for i in range(bs) ] bitin = [arithmeticcoding_fast.BitInputStream(f[i]) for i in range(bs)] dec = [ arithmeticcoding_fast.ArithmeticDecoder(32, bitin[i]) for i in range(bs) ] prob = np.ones(vocab_size) / vocab_size cumul = np.zeros(vocab_size + 1, dtype=np.uint64) cumul[1:] = np.cumsum(prob * 10000000 + 1) # Decode first K symbols in each stream with uniform probabilities for i in range(bs): for j in range(min(timesteps, num_iters)): series_2d[i, j] = dec[i].read(cumul, vocab_size) cumul = np.zeros((bs, vocab_size + 1), dtype=np.uint64) for j in (range(num_iters - timesteps)): # Create Batch bx = Variable(torch.from_numpy(series_2d[:, j:j + timesteps])).to(device) with torch.no_grad(): model.eval() prob = torch.exp(model(bx)).detach().cpu().numpy() cumul[:, 1:] = np.cumsum(prob * 10000000 + 1, axis=1) # Decode with Arithmetic Encoder for i in range(bs): series_2d[i, j + timesteps] = dec[i].read(cumul[i, :], vocab_size) by = Variable(torch.from_numpy(series_2d[:, j + timesteps])).to(device) # close files for i in range(bs): bitin[i].close() f[i].close() return series_2d.reshape(-1) else: series = np.zeros(len_series, dtype=np.uint8).astype('int') f = open(FLAGS.temp_file_prefix + '.last', 'rb') bitin = arithmeticcoding_fast.BitInputStream(f) dec = arithmeticcoding_fast.ArithmeticDecoder(32, bitin) prob = np.ones(vocab_size) / vocab_size cumul = np.zeros(vocab_size + 1, dtype=np.uint64) cumul[1:] = np.cumsum(prob * 10000000 + 1) for j in range(min(timesteps, len_series)): series[j] =, vocab_size) for i in range(len_series - timesteps): bx = Variable( torch.from_numpy(series[i:i + timesteps].reshape( 1, -1))).to(device) with torch.no_grad(): model.eval() prob = torch.exp(model(bx)).detach().cpu().numpy() cumul[1:] = np.cumsum(prob * 10000000 + 1) series[i + timesteps] =, vocab_size) bitin.close() f.close() return series
def main(): os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = FLAGS.gpu use_cuda = True FLAGS.temp_dir = 'temp' if os.path.exists(FLAGS.temp_dir): os.system("rm -r {}".format(FLAGS.temp_dir)) FLAGS.temp_file_prefix = FLAGS.temp_dir + "/compressed" if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.temp_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.temp_dir) f = open(FLAGS.file_name + '.params', 'r') params = json.loads( f.close() batch_size = params['bs'] timesteps = params['timesteps'] len_series = params['len_series'] id2char_dict = params['id2char_dict'] vocab_size = len(id2char_dict) # Break into multiple streams f = open(FLAGS.file_name + '.combined', 'rb') for i in range(batch_size): f_out = open(FLAGS.temp_file_prefix + '.' + str(i), 'wb') byte_str_len = var_int_decode(f) byte_str = f_out.write(byte_str) f_out.close() f_out = open(FLAGS.temp_file_prefix + '.last', 'wb') byte_str_len = var_int_decode(f) byte_str = f_out.write(byte_str) f_out.close() f.close() use_cuda = use_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu") series = np.zeros(len_series, dtype=np.uint8) bsdic = { 'vocab_size': vocab_size, 'emb_size': 8, 'length': timesteps, 'jump': 16, 'hdim1': 8, 'hdim2': 16, 'n_layers': 2, 'bidirectional': True } # Select Model Parameters based on Alphabet Size if vocab_size >= 1 and vocab_size <= 3: bsdic['hdim1'] = 8 bsdic['hdim2'] = 16 if vocab_size >= 4 and vocab_size <= 9: bsdic['hdim1'] = 32 bsdic['hdim2'] = 16 if vocab_size >= 10 and vocab_size < 128: bsdic['hdim1'] = 128 bsdic['hdim2'] = 128 bsdic['emb_size'] = 16 if vocab_size >= 128: bsdic['hdim1'] = 128 bsdic['hdim2'] = 256 bsdic['emb_size'] = 16 model = BootstrapNN(**bsdic).to(device) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(FLAGS.model_weights_path)) l = int(len(series) / batch_size) * batch_size series[:l] = decompress(model, l, batch_size, vocab_size, timesteps, device) if l < len_series - timesteps: series[l:] = decompress(model, len_series - l, 1, vocab_size, timesteps, device, final_step=True) else: f = open(FLAGS.temp_file_prefix + '.last', 'rb') bitin = arithmeticcoding_fast.BitInputStream(f) dec = arithmeticcoding_fast.ArithmeticDecoder(32, bitin) prob = np.ones(vocab_size) / vocab_size cumul = np.zeros(vocab_size + 1, dtype=np.uint64) cumul[1:] = np.cumsum(prob * 10000000 + 1) for j in range(l, len_series): series[j] =, vocab_size) bitin.close() f.close() #, series) f = open(FLAGS.output, 'wb') f.write(bytearray([id2char_dict[str(s)] for s in series])) f.close() shutil.rmtree('temp')