def check_updates(): """Check for updates from arkOS repo server.""" updates = [] gpg = gnupg.GPG() server = config.get("general", "repo_server") current = config.get("updates", "current_update") # Fetch updates from registry server api_url = "https://{0}/api/v1/updates/{1}" data = api(api_url.format(server, str(current)), crit=True) for x in data["updates"]: ustr, u = str(x["tasks"]), json.loads(x["tasks"]) # Get the update signature and test it sig_url = "https://{0}/api/v1/signatures/{1}" sig = api(sig_url.format(server, x["id"]), returns="raw", crit=True) with open("/tmp/{0}.sig".format(x["id"]), "w") as f: f.write(sig) v = gpg.verify_data("/tmp/{0}.sig".format(x["id"]), ustr) if v.trust_level is None: err_str = "Update {0} signature verification failed" logger.error("Updates", err_str.format(x["id"])) break else: data = { "id": x["id"], "name": x["name"], "date": x["date"], "info": x["info"], "tasks": u } updates.append(data) storage.updates = { x for x in updates} return updates
def install(*mods, **kwargs): """ Install a set of NPM packages. Include ``as_global`` in kwargs to install package as global. :param *mods: Packages to install :param **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to pass to NPM """ as_global = "-g " if kwargs.get("as_global") else "" mods = " ".join(x for x in mods) opt_str = "" if kwargs.get("opts"): opt_str += " --" for k, v in kwargs.get("opts", {}): opt_str += " --".join(k + v if v[0] == '=' else k + " " + v) cwd = os.getcwd() if "install_path" in kwargs: os.chdir(kwargs["install_path"]) s = shell("npm install {0}{1}{2}".format( as_global, mods, )) os.chdir(cwd) if s["code"] != 0: errmsg = "NPM install of {0} failed.".format(mods) logmsg = "NPM install failure details:\n{0}" logger.error("NodeJS", logmsg.format(s["stderr"].decode())) raise errors.OperationFailedError(errmsg)
def post_install(self, extra_vars, dbpasswd=""): secret_key = random_string() dbengine = 'mysql' \ if == 'db-mariadb' \ else 'sqlite' # Write a standard Wallabag config file config_file = os.path.join(self.path, 'app/config/parameters.yml') with open(config_file + ".dist", 'r') as f: ic = f.readlines() with open(config_file, 'w') as f: for l in ic: if "database_driver: " in l: pdo = "pdo_mysql" if dbengine == "mysql" else "pdo_sqlite" l = " database_driver: {0}\n".format(pdo) elif "database_path: " in l and dbengine == 'sqlite': l = " database_path: {0}\n".format(self.db.path) elif "database_name: " in l and dbengine == 'mysql': l = " database_name: {0}\n".format( elif "database_user: "******" database_user: {0}\n".format( elif "database_password: "******"{0}"\n'.format(dbpasswd) elif "secret: " in l: l = " secret: {0}\n".format(secret_key) f.write(l) # Make sure that the correct PHP settings are enabled php.enable_mod('sqlite3', 'bcmath', 'pdo_mysql' if dbengine == 'mysql' else 'pdo_sqlite', 'zip', 'tidy') php.open_basedir('add', '/usr/bin/php') uid, gid = users.get_system("http").uid, groups.get_system("http").gid # Set up the database then delete the install folder if dbengine == 'sqlite3': php.open_basedir('add', '/var/lib/sqlite3') cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.path) s = shell("php bin/console wallabag:install --env=prod -n") if s["code"] != 0: logger.error("Websites", s["stderr"].decode()) raise errors.OperationFailedError( "Failed to populate database. See logs for more info") os.chdir(cwd) if dbengine == 'sqlite3': os.chown("/var/lib/sqlite3/{0}.db".format(, -1, gid) os.chmod("/var/lib/sqlite3/{0}.db".format(, 0o660) # Finally, make sure that permissions are set so that Wallabag # can make adjustments and save plugins when need be. for r, d, f in os.walk(self.path): for x in d: os.chown(os.path.join(r, x), uid, gid) for x in f: os.chown(os.path.join(r, x), uid, gid)
def post(self): data = request.get_json()["database"] manager = databases.get_managers(data["database_type"]) try: db = manager.add_db(data["id"]) except errors.InvalidConfigError as e: logger.error("Databases", str(e)) return jsonify(errors={"msg": str(e)}), 422 return jsonify(database=db.serialized)
def install_from_package(path, stat="production", opts={}): # Installs a set of NPM package dependencies from an NPM package.json. cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) s = shell("npm install %s%s" % (" --"+stat if stat else "", " --"+" --".join(x+"="+opts[x] for x in opts) if opts else "")) os.chdir(cwd) if s["code"] != 0: logger.error("NPM install of %s failed; log output follows:\n%s"%(path,s["stderr"])) raise Exception("NPM install failed, check logs for info")
def delete(self, id): mount = sharers.get_mounts(id) if not id or not mount: abort(404) try: mount.remove() except errors.InvalidConfigError as e: logger.error("Sharers", str(e)) return jsonify(errors={"msg": str(e)}), 422 return Response(status=204)
def update_gem(*gems, **kwargs): # Updates a set of presently-installed Ruby gems. verify_path() gemlist = shell("gem list")["stdout"].split("\n") for x in gems: if not any(x==s for s in gemlist) or force: d = shell("gem update -N --no-user-install %s" % x) if d["code"] != 0: logger.error("Gem update '%s' failed: %s"%(x,str(d["stderr"]))) raise Exception("Gem update '%s' failed. See logs for more info"%x)
def pre_backup(self): """Reimplement.""" s = shell("slapcat -n 1") if s["code"] != 0: emsg = ("Could not backup LDAP database. " "Please check logs for errors.") logger.error("Backup", s["stderr"].decode()) raise errors.OperationFailedError(emsg) with open("/tmp/ldap.ldif", "wb") as f: f.write(s["stdout"])
def install_gem(*gems, **kwargs): # Installs a set of Ruby gems to the system. verify_path() gemlist = shell("gem list")["stdout"].split("\n") for x in gems: if not any(x==s for s in gemlist) or force: d = shell("gem install -N --no-user-install %s" % x) if d["code"] != 0: logger.error("Gem install '%s' failed: %s"%(x,str(d["stderr"]))) raise Exception("Gem install '%s' failed. See logs for more info"%x)
def delete(self, id): db = databases.get(id) if not id or not db: abort(404) try: db.remove() except errors.InvalidConfigError as e: logger.error("Databases", str(e)) return jsonify(errors={"msg": str(e)}), 422 return Response(status=204)
def install(*mods, **kwargs): # Installs a set of NPM packages. as_global = kwargs.get("as_global", False) cwd = os.getcwd() if "install_path" in kwargs: os.chdir(kwargs["install_path"]) s = shell("npm install %s%s%s" % ("-g " if as_global else "", " ".join(x for x in mods), (" --"+" --".join(k+v if v[0]=='=' else k+" "+v for k,v in kwargs["opts"].items()) if kwargs.has_key("opts") else ""))) os.chdir(cwd) if s["code"] != 0: logger.error("NPM install of %s failed; log output follows:\n%s"%(" ".join(x for x in mods),s["stderr"])) raise Exception("NPM install failed, check logs for info")
def request(domain): """Request a free ACME certificate from Let's Encrypt.""" if not domain: logger.error( "ctl:info:generate", "Choose a fully-qualified domain name of the " "certificate. Must match a domain present on the system") domain = click.prompt("Domain name") try: certificates.request_acme_certificate(domain) except Exception as e: raise CLIException(str(e))
def post(self): data = request.get_json()["mount"] manager = sharers.get_sharers(data["share_type"]) try: mount = manager.add_mount(data["path"], data["network_path"], data.get("username"), data.get("password"), data["read_only"]) except errors.InvalidConfigError as e: logger.error("Sharers", str(e)) return jsonify(errors={"msg": str(e)}), 422 return jsonify(mount=mount.serialized)
def start(name): """Start a service""" try: service = services.get(name) service.start() if service.state == "running": logger.success('ctl:svc:start', 'Started {0}'.format(name)) else: logger.error('ctl:svc:start', 'Failed to start {0}'.format(name)) except Exception as e: raise CLIException(str(e))
def remove(*mods): """ Remove a set of Python packages from the system. :param *mods: packages to remove """ s = shell("pip uninstall {0}".format(mods)) if s["code"] != 0: errmsg = "PyPI uninstall of {0} failed.".format(mods) logmsg = "PyPI uninstall failure details:\n{0}" logger.error("Python", logmsg.format(s["stderr"].decode())) raise errors.OperationFailedError(errmsg)
def post(self): data = request.get_json()["share"] if not data.get("share_type"): abort(422) manager = sharers.get_sharers(data["share_type"]) try: share = manager.add_share(data["id"], data["path"], data.get("comment", ""), data["valid_users"], data["read_only"]) except errors.InvalidConfigError as e: logger.error("Sharers", str(e)) return jsonify(errors={"msg": str(e)}), 422 return jsonify(share=share.serialized)
def remove(*mods): """ Remove a set of NPM packages. :param *mods: Packages to remove """ mods = " ".join(x for x in mods) s = shell("npm uninstall {0}".format(mods), stderr=True) if s["code"] != 0: errmsg = "NPM removal of {0} failed.".format(mods) logmsg = "NPM remove failure details:\n{0}" logger.error("NodeJS", logmsg.format(s["stderr"].decode())) raise errors.OperationFailedError(errmsg)
def perform_action(id, action): w = websites.get(id) if not w: abort(404) if not hasattr(w, action): abort(422) actionfunc = getattr(w, action) try: actionfunc() except Exception as e: logger.error("Websites", str(e)) return jsonify(errors={"msg": str(e)}), 500 finally: return Response(status=200)
def update_site(self, pkg, ver): cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.path) s = shell("bin/gpm selfupgrade -f") if s["code"] != 0: logger.error( "Webs", "Grav failed to run selfupgrade. Error: {0}".format( s["stderr"].decode())) s = shell("bin/gpm update -f") if s["code"] != 0: logger.error( "Webs", "Grav failed to run plugin update. Error: {0}".format( s["stderr"].decode())) os.chdir(cwd)
def generate_dh_params(path, size=2048): """ Create and save Diffie-Hellman parameters. :param str path: File path to save to :param int size: Key size """ s = shell("openssl dhparam {0} -out {1}".format(size, path)) if s["code"] != 0: emsg = "Failed to generate Diffie-Hellman parameters" logger.error("Certificates", s["stderr"].decode()) raise errors.OperationFailedError(emsg) os.chown(path, -1, gid) os.chmod(path, 0o750)
def install(pkg, version=None, py2=False): """ Install a set of Python packages from PyPI. :param str pkg: package to install :param str version: If present, install this specific version :param bool py2: If True, install for Python 2.x instead """ if version: pkg = pkg + "==" + version s = shell("pip{0} install {1}".format("2" if py2 else "", pkg)) if s["code"] != 0: errmsg = "PyPI install of {0} failed.".format(pkg) logmsg = "PyPI install failure details:\n{0}" logger.error("Python", logmsg.format(s["stderr"].decode())) raise errors.OperationFailedError(errmsg)
def install_from_package(path, stat="production", opts={}): """ Install a set of NPM package dependencies from an NPM package.json. :param str path: path to directory with package.json :param str stat: Install to "production"? """ stat = (" --" + stat) if stat else "" opts = (" --" + " --".join(x + "=" + y for x, y in opts)) if opts else "" cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) s = shell("npm install {0}{1}".format(stat, opts)) os.chdir(cwd) if s["code"] != 0: errmsg = "NPM install of {0} failed.".format(path) logmsg = "NPM install failure details:\n{0}" logger.error("NodeJS", logmsg.format(s["stderr"].decode())) raise errors.OperationFailedError(errmsg)
def install_composer(): """Install Composer to the system.""" cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir("/root") os.environ["COMPOSER_HOME"] = "/root" enable_mod("phar") open_basedir("add", "/root") r = requests.get("") s = shell("php", stdin=r.text) os.chdir(cwd) if s["code"] != 0: errmsg = "Composer download/config failed." logmsg = "Composer install failure details:\n{0}" logger.error("PHP", logmsg.format(s["stderr"].decode())) raise errors.OperationFailedError(errmsg) os.rename("/root/composer.phar", "/usr/local/bin/composer") os.chmod("/usr/local/bin/composer", 0o755) open_basedir("add", "/usr/local/bin")
def install(gem, version=None, update=False): """ Install a Ruby gem to the system. :param str gem: Gem name :param str version: If present, install this specific version :param bool update: If true, force an update """ verify_path() if version: gem = gem + ":" + version s = shell("gem {0} -N --no-user-install {1}".format( "update" if update else "install", gem)) if s["code"] != 0: errmsg = "Gem install of {0} failed.".format(gem) logmsg = "Gem install failure details:\n{0}" logger.error("Ruby", logmsg.format(s["stderr"].decode())) raise errors.OperationFailedError(errmsg)
def post_restore(self): """Reimplement.""" if not os.path.exists("/tmp/ldap.ldif"): emsg = ("Could not backup LDAP database. " "Please check logs for errors.") logger.error("Backup", "/tmp/ldap.ldif not found") raise errors.OperationFailedError(emsg) with open("/tmp/ldap.ldif", "r") as f: ldif = s = shell('ldapadd -D "cn=admin,dc=arkos-servers,dc=org" -w {0}' .format(secrets.get("ldap")), stdin=ldif) if os.path.exists("/tmp/ldap.ldif"): os.unlink("/tmp/ldap.ldif") if s["code"] != 0: emsg = ("Could not restore LDAP database. " "Please check logs for errors.") logger.error("Backup", s["stderr"].decode()) raise errors.OperationFailedError(emsg)
def open_upnp(port): """ Open and forward a port with the local uPnP IGD. :param tuple port: Port protocol and number """ upnpc = _upnp_igd_connect() if not upnpc: return if upnpc.getspecificportmapping(int(port[1]), port[0].upper()): try: upnpc.deleteportmapping(int(port[1]), port[0].upper()) except: pass try: pf = 'arkOS Port Forwarding: {0}' upnpc.addportmapping(int(port[1]), port[0].upper(), upnpc.lanaddr, int(port[1]), pf.format(port[1]), '') except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to register {0} with uPnP IGD: {1}" logger.error("TrSv", msg.format(port, str(e)))
def open_all_upnp(ports): """ Open and forward multiple ports with the local uPnP IGD. :param list ports: List of port objects to open """ upnpc = _upnp_igd_connect() if not upnpc: return for port in [x for x in ports]: if upnpc.getspecificportmapping(port[1], port[0].upper()): try: upnpc.deleteportmapping(port[1], port[0].upper()) except: pass try: pf = 'arkOS Port Forwarding: {0}' upnpc.addportmapping(port[1], port[0].upper(), upnpc.lanaddr, port[1], pf.format(port[1]), '') except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to register {0} with uPnP IGD: {1}" logger.error("TrSv", msg.format(port, str(e)))
def generate(name, domain, country, state, locale, email, keytype, keylength): """Generate a self-signed SSL/TLS certificate.""" if not domain: logger.error( "ctl:info:generate", "Choose a fully-qualified domain name of the " "certificate. Must match a domain present on the system") domain = click.prompt("Domain name") if not country:"ctl:cert:generate", "Two-character country code (ex.: 'US' or 'CA')") country = click.prompt("Country code") if not state: state = click.prompt("State/Province") if not locale: locale = click.prompt("City/Town/Locale") if not email: email = click.prompt("Contact email [optional]") try: certificates.generate_certificate(name, domain, country, state, locale, email, keytype, keylength) except Exception as e: raise CLIException(str(e))
def composer_install(path, flags={}, env={}): """ Install a PHP application bundle via Composer. :param str path: path to app directory :param dict flags: command line flags to pass to Composer :param dict env: command line environment variables """ verify_composer() cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) shell("composer self-update") cmdflags = [] for x in flags: flg = "-{0}".format(x) if len(x) == 1 else "--{0}".format(x) cmdflags.append("{0}={1}".format(flg, flags[x]) if flags[x] else flg) s = shell("composer install {0}".format(" ".join(cmdflags)), env=env) os.chdir(cwd) if s["code"] != 0: errmsg = "Composer install of {0} failed.".format(path) logmsg = "Composer install failure details:\n{0}" logger.error("PHP", logmsg.format(s["stderr"].decode())) raise errors.OperationFailedError(errmsg)
def check_updates(): updates = [] gpg = gnupg.GPG() server = config.get("general", "repo_server") current = config.get("updates", "current_update", 0) # Fetch updates from registry server data = api("https://%s/api/v1/updates/%s" % (server, str(current)), crit=True) for x in data["updates"]: ustr, u = str(x["tasks"]), json.loads(x["tasks"]) # Get the update signature and test it sig = api("https://%s/api/v1/signatures/%s" % (server, x["id"]), returns="raw", crit=True) with open("/tmp/%s.sig" % x["id"], "w") as f: f.write(sig) v = gpg.verify_data("/tmp/%s.sig" % x["id"], ustr) if v.trust_level == None: logger.error("Update %s signature verification failed" % x["id"]) break else: updates.append({"id": x["id"], "name": x["name"], "date": x["date"], "info": x["info"], "tasks": u}) storage.updates.set("updates", updates) return updates
def put(self, id): data = request.get_json()["network"] net = network.get_connections(id) if not id or not net: abort(404) if data.get("operation"): try: if data["operation"] == "connect": net.connect() elif data["operation"] == "disconnect": net.disconnect() elif data["operation"] == "enable": net.enable() elif data["operation"] == "disable": net.disable() else: abort(422) except Exception as e: logger.error("Network", str(e)) return jsonify(errors={"msg": str(e)}), 500 else: net.config = data["config"] net.update() return jsonify(network=net.serialized)
def put(self, id): data = request.get_json()["filesystem"] disk = filesystems.get(id) if not id or not disk: abort(404) try: if data["operation"] == "mount": if disk.mountpoint: abort(400) elif disk.crypt and not data.get("passwd"): abort(403) elif data.get("mountpoint"): disk.mountpoint = data["mountpoint"] disk.mount(data.get("passwd")) elif data["operation"] == "umount": disk.umount() elif data["operation"] == "enable": disk.enable() elif data["operation"] == "disable": disk.disable() except Exception as e: logger.error("Filesystems", str(e)) return jsonify(errors={"msg": str(e)}), 500 return jsonify(filesystem=disk.serialized)
def remove(*mods): # Removes a set of Python packages from the system. s = shell("pip2 uninstall %s" % " ".join(x for x in mods)) if s["code"] != 0: logger.error("Failed to remove %s via PyPI; %s"%(" ".join(x for x in mods),s["stderr"])) raise Exception("Failed to remove %s via PyPI, check logs for info"%" ".join(x for x in mods))
def scan(verify=True, cry=True): """ Search app directory for applications, load them and store metadata. Also contacts arkOS repo servers to obtain current list of available apps, and merges in any updates as necessary. :param bool verify: Verify app dependencies as the apps are scanned :param bool cry: Raise exception on dependency install failure? :return: list of Application objects :rtype: list """ signals.emit("apps", "pre_scan") logger.debug("Apps", "Scanning for applications") app_dir = config.get("apps", "app_dir") if not os.path.exists(app_dir): os.makedirs(app_dir) pacman.refresh() logger.debug("Apps", "Getting system/python/ruby installed list") inst_list = { "sys": pacman.get_installed(), "py": python.get_installed(), "py2": python.get_installed(py2=True), "rb": ruby.get_installed() } # Get paths for installed apps, metadata for available ones installed_apps = [x for x in os.listdir(app_dir) if not x.startswith(".")] api_url = ("https://{0}/api/v1/apps" .format(config.get("general", "repo_server"))) logger.debug("Apps", "Fetching available apps: {0}".format(api_url)) try: available_apps = api(api_url) except Exception as e: available_apps = [] logger.error("Apps", "Could not get available apps from GRM.") logger.error("Apps", str(e)) if available_apps: available_apps = available_apps["applications"] else: available_apps = [] # Create objects for installed apps with appropriate metadata for x in installed_apps: try: with open(os.path.join(app_dir, x, "manifest.json"), "r") as f: data = json.loads( except ValueError: warn_str = "Failed to load {0} due to a JSON parsing error" logger.warning("Apps", warn_str.format(x)) continue except IOError: warn_str = "Failed to load {0}: manifest file inaccessible "\ "or not present" logger.warning("Apps", warn_str.format(x)) continue logger.debug("Apps", " *** Loading {0}".format(data["id"])) app = App(**data) app.installed = True for y in enumerate(available_apps): if == y[1]["id"] and app.version != y[1]["version"]: app.upgradable = y[1]["version"] if == y[1]["id"]: app.assets = y[1]["assets"] available_apps[y[0]]["installed"] = True app.load(verify=verify, cry=cry, installed=inst_list) storage.applications[] = app # Convert available apps payload to objects for x in available_apps: if not x.get("installed"): app = App(**x) app.installed = False storage.applications[] = app if verify: verify_app_dependencies() signals.emit("apps", "post_scan") return storage.applications
def remove(*mods): # Remove an installed NPM package. s = shell("npm uninstall %s" % " ".join(x for x in mods), stderr=True) if s["code"] != 0: logger.error("Failed to remove %s via npm; log output follows:\n%s"%(" ".join(x for x in mods),s["stderr"])) raise Exception("Failed to remove %s via npm, check logs for info"%" ".join(x for x in mods))
def install(*mods): # Install a set of Python packages from PyPI. s = shell("pip2 install %s" % " ".join(x for x in mods)) if s["code"] != 0: logger.error("Failed to install %s via PyPI; %s"%(" ".join(x for x in mods),s["stderr"])) raise Exception("Failed to install %s via PyPI, check logs for info"%" ".join(x for x in mods))
def show(self, file=None): """Reimplement.""" if self.message: logger.error("ctl:exc", self.format_message())