Example #1
    def check_inject(self):
        basic test case.
        schema = Schema({
            Foreign: "foregin",
            Local: "local",
            Local.ref: "foreignID",
        clerk = MockClerk(schema)
        obj = Local()
        assert obj.ref is None

        clerk.store(Foreign(data="Here I come to save the day!"))

        obj.ref = Foreign(ID=1)
        obj.ref.addInjector(LinkInjector(clerk, Foreign, 1).inject)
        assert len(obj.ref.private.injectors) == 1

        # should be able to fetch the ID without triggering load
        assert obj.ref.ID == 1
        assert obj.ref.private.data == ""
        assert len(obj.ref.private.injectors) == 1

        # but getting any other field triggers the load!
        assert obj.ref.data == "Here I come to save the day!"
        assert len(obj.ref.private.injectors) == 0
Example #2
    def test_validate(self):
        clerk = MockClerk(schema)
        clerk.store(Account(username="******", password="******"))

        auth = AccountAuth({}, clerk)
        assert not auth.validate({"username":"******",

        assert auth.validate({"username":"******",
Example #3
    def test_recursion_bug(self):
        p = Node(name="project")
        g = Node(name="goal")
        p.children << g

        m = MockClerk(DBMAP)

        n = m.fetch(Node, g.ID)
        assert len(n.crumbs) == 1, len(n.crumbs)
Example #4
class BankTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        our test bank has two accounts: wanda and rufus.
        self.clerk = MockClerk(schema)
        self.bank = Bank(self.clerk)

    def test_zerosum(self):
        LETS currency is a zero sum game.
        Every credit holding account is offset
        by another account holding debt.
        zeroSum = lambda: 0 == sum([self.bank.balanceFor(a.username) for a in self.clerk.match(Account)])
        assert zeroSum()
        self.bank.transfer("rufus", "wanda", 5, "test")
        self.assertEquals(self.bank.balanceFor("rufus"), -5)
        self.assertEquals(self.bank.balanceFor("wanda"), 5)
        assert zeroSum()

    def test_positive(self):
        you can't give someone a debt, or a 'nothing'
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.bank.transfer, "wanda", "rufus", -1, "whatever")
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.bank.transfer, "wanda", "rufus", 0, "whatever")

    def test_transfer_to_self(self):
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.bank.transfer, "wanda", "wanda", 1, "self transfer")

    def test_history(self):
        assert len(self.clerk.match(Transaction)) == 0
        self.bank.transfer("wanda", "rufus", 1, "history test")
        assert len(self.clerk.match(Transaction)) == 1
        t = self.clerk.fetch(Transaction, 1)
        assert t.src.username == "wanda"
        assert t.dst.username == "rufus"
        assert t.amount == 1
        assert self.bank.balanceFor("wanda") == -1

        assert len(self.bank.historyFor("wanda")) == 1
Example #5
    def check_with_linkset(self):
        what happens if the thing we're injecting
        has a linkset of its own (this used to fail)

        class Kid(Strongbox):
            ID = attr(long)
            parent = link(forward)
        class Parent(Strongbox):
            ID = attr(long)
            name = attr(str)
            kids = linkset(Kid, "parent")
        Kid.parent.type = Parent
        class Uncle(Strongbox):
            brother = link(Parent)

        schema = Schema({
            Kid: "kid",
            Kid.parent: "parentID",
            Parent: "parent",
            Uncle: "uncle",
            Uncle.brother: "brotherID",
        clerk = MockClerk(schema)

        kid = Kid()
        dad = Parent(name="Brother Dad")
        dad.kids << kid
        unc = Uncle()
        unc.brother = Parent(ID=1)
        unc.brother.addInjector(LinkInjector(clerk, Parent, 1).inject)

        ## this next line threw an AttributeError because the
        ## injector tried to include "kids" in the .update() call
        assert unc.brother.name=="Brother Dad"