Example #1
def sweepImportedAddrs(masterWallet):
   recipValuePairs = []
   utxoList = []
   for importedAddr in masterWallet.getLinearAddrList():
      if importedAddr.chainIndex<0:
         addr160 = importedAddr.getAddr160()

   # get total value   
   totalAvailable = sum([u.getValue() for u in utxoList])
   fee = calcMinSuggestedFees(utxoList, totalAvailable, MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE, 1)[1]
   totalSpend = totalAvailable - fee
   if totalSpend<0:
      print '***ERROR: The fees are greater than the funds being swept!'
      raise NegativeValueError
   recipValuePairs.append((masterWallet.getNextUnusedAddress().getAddr160(), totalSpend ))

   # ACR:  To support P2SH in general, had to change createFromTxOutSelection
   #       to take full scripts, not just hash160 values.  Convert the list
   #       before passing it in
   scrPairs = [[hash160_to_p2pkhash_script(r), v] for r,v in recipValuePairs]
   txdp = PyTxDistProposal().createFromTxOutSelection(utxoList, scrPairs)
   masterWallet.unlock(securePassphrase = SecureBinaryData(getpass('Enter your secret string:')))
   # Sign and prepare the final transaction for broadcast
   pytx = txdp.prepareFinalTx()

   print '\nSigned transaction to be broadcast using Armory "offline transactions"...'
   print txdp.serializeAscii()
   return pytx
Example #2
def distributeBtc(masterWallet, amount, sendingAddrList):
   pytx = None
      recipValuePairs = []
      utxoList = []
      for sendingAddr in sendingAddrList:
         addr160 = sendingAddr.getAddr160()
         # Make sure the sending addresses are in the masterWallet
         if not masterWallet.hasAddr(addr160):
            raise WalletAddressError, 'Address is not in wallet! [%s]' % sendingAddr.getAddrStr()

      for importedAddr in masterWallet.getLinearAddrList():
         if importedAddr.chainIndex<0:
      totalSpend = len(recipValuePairs)*amount
      fee = calcMinSuggestedFees(utxoList, totalSpend, MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE, len(recipValuePairs))[1]
      # Get the necessary utxo list
      selectedUtxoList = PySelectCoins(utxoList, totalSpend, fee)
      # get total value   
      totalAvailable = sum([u.getValue() for u in selectedUtxoList])
      totalChange = totalAvailable - (totalSpend + fee)

      # Make sure there are funds to cover the transaction.
      if totalChange < 0:
         print '***ERROR: you are trying to spend more than your balance!'
         raise NegativeValueError
      recipValuePairs.append((masterWallet.getNextUnusedAddress().getAddr160(), totalChange ))

      # ACR:  To support P2SH in general, had to change createFromTxOutSelection
      #       to take full scripts, not just hash160 values.  Convert the list
      #       before passing it in
      scrPairs = [[hash160_to_p2pkhash_script(r), v] for r,v in recipValuePairs]
      txdp = PyTxDistProposal().createFromTxOutSelection(selectedUtxoList, scrPairs)
      masterWallet.unlock(securePassphrase = SecureBinaryData(getpass('Enter your secret string:')))
      # Sign and prepare the final transaction for broadcast
      pytx = txdp.prepareFinalTx()
      print '\nSigned transaction to be broadcast using Armory "offline transactions"...'
      print txdp.serializeAscii()
   return pytx